Wednesday, April 6, PM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Michael Dirrim


Folks we're gonna go and get started Open our
Bibles and turn to Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 Let's begin with a word of prayer
Father I thank you so much for this day Thank you for the change in the weather the change in the season and beautiful day that we've enjoyed today
Pray that you would help us as we study your word tonight That you would give us a right understanding of the text and that we would rejoice
And the person in work of your son Jesus Christ The one with whom you are well pleased is in his name that we pray.
Amen All right,
Luke chapter 18 Beginning verse 1 will read through verse 17
They spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart
Saying there was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man
Now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying get justice for me from my adversary
And he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself Though I do not fear
God nor regard man Yet because his widow troubles me I would avenge her
Lest by her continual coming she weary me Then the
Lord said hear what the unjust judge said and Shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to him
Though he bears long with them. I Tell you that he will avenge them speedily
Nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he really find faith on the earth? Also, he spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others
Two men went up to the temple to pray One a Pharisee and the other a tax collector
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank you that I am
NOT like other men extortioners unjust adulterers or Even as this tax collector.
I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all I possess and the tax collectors standing afar off would not so much as Raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast saying
God be merciful to me a sinner I Tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted
Then they also brought infants to him that he might touch them But when the disciples saw it they rebuked them
But Jesus called them to him and said Let the little children come to me and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God Surely I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means
Enter it. So what we have in these 17 verses is righteousness in question righteousness in question
The first is God's own righteousness is God just does
God do the right thing Will God avenge the wrong?
That is done to his elect the wrong done to his chosen ones
God Just that was the first question. So is he righteous righteousness in question the second question the second part of this passage
It's not about God's righteousness, but about man's righteousness
How is man righteous how is man right in the sight of God There's the way the
Pharisee thinks And there's the way that the tax collector thinks there's the way that the disciples of Little children and there's the way that Jesus talks about little children in the kingdom
So there's righteousness in question The first portion of the text is connected to the ending of Luke 17 there is a
There is a distinct Application that Jesus is making after telling his disciples what he told them in Luke 17 about The day of the
Lord on the horizon one of the days of the Son of Man when the Son of Man comes to judge
And we've talked about Luke chapter 17 Verses 22 through 37 how this same content is repeated in Mark 13
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 So we know what he's talking about here.
He's talking about the judgment to come upon that generation With the fall of Jerusalem, so when we get to chapter 18
Jesus tells a parable tells a story Because he does not want his disciples to lose heart.
He wants them to pray and to not lose heart They would have several opportunities to lose heart in the coming days
If you want to see where those opportunities abound just read the book of Acts How did things go?
For the disciples after Jesus ascended back to heaven. How many times are they in prison?
How many times are they on the run? How many times is there a big fight going on in the church?
How often are they facing tough questions without clear answers? Over and over again, there's opportunity for Jesus's followers to lose heart
But Jesus says don't lose heart Keep praying. Let me tell you a story
Once upon a time there was an unjust judge He was unjust he was in his position not because he was doing the right thing, but because he was doing his own thing
So he was just a normal politician and He had a widow who was nagging him.
I don't know if he reflected on some of the Wisdom of Solomon in regard to this matter
But we see that he did not fear man. I don't care what anybody thinks
And he did not fear God I don't care what God thinks He did not think of God first and most
He did not think of man first and most but do you see what motivated him?
Not the fear of man not the fear of God, but the fear of death She's she's wearying me.
She's sucking the life out of me Right. I don't want to keep on living like this.
And so in the fear of losing out on life He just gives in now what an unjust judge
And what a poor motivation Now Jesus says in this case
The widow pleading constantly and even this unjust judge will in the end give in Now how much better is it when you pray to your
Heavenly Father? He is just He does care
And will he not take vengeance will he not avenge the
Wickedness being done to his own people to his elect to his chosen to his beloved Will he not do the right thing and avenge their sufferings?
Avenge even their deaths will he not do the right thing? And of course the answer is yes, and so in this way we have a very common
Teaching form of moving from the lesser to the greater If it's true in this lesser scenario, how much the more in the greater?
It's a very common way for Jesus to teach Now notice the way in which
Jesus assures His followers that their prayers to God for him to act in his righteousness and to avenge the wrongs
Done to them done to the people of God How does Jesus put it in verses seven and eight and Shall God not avenge his own elect to cry out day and night to him though?
He bears long with them the first of all note that when God's people cry out day and night to him
He hears them. He hears us when we pray
Now it says he bears long with them. We don't like that part All right, it seems as if God is not answering our prayers
He's hearing our prayers He's bearing long with us, and he will answer in his own way in his own time
And it'll be the right thing Be the right thing so look at verse 8.
I tell you that he will avenge them No, what is this?
speedily Speedily Now in the original language this word means speedily yeah fast
And This is not going to be something. He's going to allow to drag on And you remember?
Do you remember how Jesus dealt with one notable persecutor of the church?
Do you remember how he dealt with him Saul of Tarsus was a premier persecutor of the church
Even as Jesus said what happened in the gospel of John that Saul of Tarsus thought he was doing God so God's will pleasing the
Lord in his persecution of the followers of the way stamping out what he saw to be a heretical cult and Jesus said
Saul Saul. Why are you persecuting me? right, so acts of persecution against the body of Christ Christ takes personally to himself
Says it's it's not my people that you're dealing with you're dealing with me even with me
There's a great chapter in the book of Acts Chapter 12 It begins on a sad note with James being killed, but then ends with what a
Famous verse he was eaten by worms and died Who was eaten by worms and died?
Herod the guy who was persecuting the church at the beginning of the chapter
Died by the end of it. We see that God avenges his people speedily now notice in connection to this word of vengeance and speedy vengeance
Jesus talks about the Son of Man coming Now if we've just read chapter 17
He's been talking about the Son of Man coming to do judgment
And he says here it's going to be speedily again
These same verses the same Context is in Matthew 24 with 21 mark 13.
It's all dated within that generation So it's speedily Now he asks a very important question
Here's the question nevertheless When the Son of Man comes will he really find faith in the
Son of Man? on the earth And the word earth there is earth meaning earth or land not
Cosmos global world, but is he going to find faith on the earth in his day of judgment?
This is a good question because at the very beginning of the chapter Jesus tells a story because he doesn't want them to lose heart.
He wants them to trust. He wants them to believe right then
He tells another story and isn't it interesting that after he asks the question will the
Son of Man find faith on the earth when he Comes he immediately then talks about a story that has to do with faith
Isn't that convenient? All right, the very next story. What does he say? He also spoke this parable to some who trusted
Where's the verb form of the noun faith? Okay, the question is will the
Son of Man find faith on the earth? And then he gives a story in which two examples of faith are shown
What kind of faith is he going to find when he comes in judgment? All right, that's the question and then there's two versions two examples of faith given in the very next story
He also spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves That they were righteous and despised others
So having settled the matter of righteousness in question that God is righteous Now he begins to deal with the question of righteousness in men.
What makes a man or woman righteous? How is it that that we can be right in the sight of God and this is a matter of faith.
What do you trust? He's dealing with those who trust in themselves and they ought not trust in themselves.
They ought to trust in God. So here's the story About two men Who are the two men?
There's a what and a what? Pharisee and tax collector
First question and guys ask each other when they meet. So what do you do? Well, I'm a
Pharisee, I'm a tax collector and these two guys are in the temple at the same time
What a great story. What a great contrast The Pharisee seen as one who was greatly favored by God Probably wealthy
Knows the code and how to do everything just right and make sure everybody else knows that he's doing it just right and that they're not
Then we have the tax collector and the King James the publican Not the Republican.
It's just the publican. A tax collector Seen as a traitor somebody who's aiding and abetting the oppressing
Occupying force of the Romans either collecting taxes for the Romans Or collecting taxes for Herod's mercenaries who help him keep order usually drawn from Various Various Gentiles in the area a
Pharisee and a tax collector. I just like the unjust judge who said within himself
We have the Pharisee who prays thus with himself You see how
Jesus ties the two men together The Pharisee prays thus with himself
God. I thank you that I am NOT like other men Extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this tax collector
By the way, our extortioners good people are bad Bad people
How about adulterers? Not something you want to be so He's saying thank you
God that I'm not like one of those There for the grace of God go
I Verse 12 I fast twice a week Mondays and Thursdays By the way, those were the market days
So they could go drag themselves in front of everybody at market and everybody would know that they were fasting. I Give tithes of all that I possess even their herbs even the herbs they tithe and The tax collector is standing far off prayed differently, didn't he?
But consider this Pharisee What kind of understanding about salvation do you think he has?
workspace, okay Now how committed is he to the works based?
I mean, is he a consistent Pelagian or is he not? I mean is he is consistent as Charles Finney perhaps he said it's impossible for God to justify a man while one particle of sin still remains in him and The reason why
God is just is because he keeps the law like we should too now Charles Finney was the perfect Pelagian an abject heretic
But what about this man? Is he as polite as Finney? I Don't think so Notice how he prays
God I thank you. Oh, he's giving credit to God, isn't he? His hand is still lifted upward.
It's not exactly this He's thanking God that he is not an abject sinner
And surely the the Thanksgiving extends to the fact that he's able to fast twice a week that He gives tithes of all that he possesses and so on you see
As much as we wish that the Pharisee was the perfect Pelagian that we could just pummel You know the straw man that we could
Duke it out with He's actually something less than a Pelagian. It's not even semi
Pelagian this man Is a covenantal nomist isn't that great?
Here's how it works to a
Jewish mommy and a Jewish daddy Eighth day they circumcised the young lad and they took him and they offered a sacrifice at the temple and They rejoiced that yet another
Jew was born into the Covenant Born into the Covenant.
How did he get in? Did that little baby work to get in? He didn't get in by works.
He got in by what? Grace he didn't do nothing. God gave him life.
God gave him believing parents They did all the work. They offered the sacrifices on his behalf he got in by grace, but You got to stay in by works
That is covenantal nomism They can quite a comeback on our day, by the way You get in by grace, but you got to stay in by keeping up with things
All right, and Occasionally things will be announced to you and declared to you that unless you have unless you fill out all of these requirements
Oh when these new ones that we've discovered you don't have a full gospel You're not measuring up you get in by grace, but you have to keep it up by works and that Concept is what
Jesus is condemning here Pelagians are Even further out of bounds than this
And Jesus says this is not this is trusting in themselves that they were righteous Okay The tax collector standing afar off would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven
But beat his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner. Now does anybody have a different Article It's not a sinner
The sinner be merciful to me the sinner and what is his prayer?
He does not Use the word normal normally translated mercy
He uses the word for a propitiation. He says be propitious to me a sinner meaning
God Satisfy your justice concerning my sins and my guilt
This is what I need and look he's in the temple what a great place to pray this Recognizing that he is in need of the mediator.
He's in need of sacrifice He is in need of the shedding of blood for the remission of his sins See he is laid hold by faith of the shadows of Christ Therefore therefore laying hold of the substance of Christ and he goes home justified
He goes home right in the sight of God Because he is the sinner who humbled himself before the
Lord and said be propitious to me be be merciful to me satisfy your justice concerning my sins in a gracious and merciful way a
Substitute sacrifice is what I need and this man went down to his house. He had to go down from the temple temples the highest point
Justified rather than the other why look you can't exalt yourself You can't exalt yourself and be saved you have to humble yourself
But sort of the poor in spirit to humble yourself to be saved point in case what about these little children?
Verses 15 through 17 then they also brought infants to him that he might touch them, but when the disciples sought they rebuked them
Why did the disciples rebuke these parents bringing their infants to Jesus for a blessing
We got we don't have time for this We have more important things to do But Jesus called them to him and said let the little children come to me
And do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God Assuredly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it
All right So what's going on here
Did Jesus just say Did Jesus just say the only way into the kingdom of God is that you have to be an infant
Yes, kind of Nicodemus got confused to Say what
I have to be born again How do I do that? How do
I enter my mother's womb a second time and be born? So Jesus is not
Affirming a continuance of the old covenant you get into the covenant by being an infant
He is using that as an analogy and an illustration as he says to the disciples
Whom he called to follow him if you'll remember when they were grown men Okay, telling them
This as a little child What is a little child? What does an infant bring to to a family by the way?
What kind of resume do they have What can you do for us? cause extra work
How about sleepless nights, how about that how about a financial burden a
Child an infant can do nothing to help a family it Is completely the child is completely dependent on the family for everything
Jesus is saying that's how you come into the kingdom. You don't come in with your qualifications You don't come in with your resume.
You don't come in with saying here's what I can offer You come in like a little child. I've got nothing.
I'm in total need just like the Tax collector who said be merciful to me the sinner
So that's how you come in to The kingdom so there's two fundamental falsehoods that Jesus deals with in this passage
Distrusting that God is righteous and Then trusting that I myself am righteous two fundamental falsehoods
So reverse it two fundamental truths God is righteous.
I Am NOT of my own self righteous That's what's being emphasized in this passage when the righteousness is in question
Jesus began By saying pray always do not lose heart
He says don't trust yourself. Don't exalt yourself And it's clear that the
Joy of kingdom life the joyful communion of kingdom life is for those who humble themselves as children
So the upshot of it is this we must trust in God's righteousness rather than our own
Okay, any questions or thoughts before we close? I am losing my voice
Dwight would you run the prayer meeting? Sorry, I didn't ask you before but I Want to try some water?