The Rich Ruler Luke 18 Vs 18 30


May 26, 2024 - Morning Worship Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, California Message - "The Rich Ruller" Luke 18:18-30


Welcome to Faith Bible Church We're glad to have you all this week. I hope you all had a blessed week.
I'm just gonna go over some quick announcements Our missionary of the month is
Miss Penny Hardin She is out of Vallejo, California. She works with the BMW death ministry
So just pray for her as she you know works with the communities out there
We also have a baby shower on June 1st at 11 a .m.
Back in the fellowship hall That's gonna be for Miss Ramiah That's gonna be ladies only so men you can't go but you can pray
We have Bible study on Wednesday, June 5th at 5 30 p .m
And that's Ilgen's gonna be going over a book called praying with Paul by DA Carson.
So If you want to check out that book, he also live streams the Bible study on YouTube on the
Faith Bible Church YouTube page So any questions you can ask any one of us and we'll point you in the right direction
If you need a copy of the book as well We might be able to help with that and if you're interested on that series with praying with Paul All the previous live streams are on YouTube as well
Dear Lord, we thank you for getting us all here safely today Lord We pray for those that aren't here
Lord just pray Lord that you would bless them today and throughout the week Lord and we just pray that you know as we
Hear your word and worship you today Lord that you would keep our hearts open to your truth
Lord and that we can use what? we learned today Lord to Grow in our relationship with you and we love you in Jesus name.
Amen. Good morning This is also Memorial Day weekend. It's a good time to thank the
Lord for those that have gone before us that are good in their lives in Supportive sacrifice for their country the country that we live in.
It's not a perfect country No man -made Government is but we're thankful that we can express ourselves and Assemble the way we are to gather together as believers
There's much fruit that has come from those that have given To us in that manner.
So we just are thankful for God's common grace and Seeing us through to this point
This morning. We're gonna start first song is going to be Oh Lord my My rock and my Redeemer and it's really written around Psalm 18 that reads
I love you Oh Lord my strength the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer
My rock my my God in whom I take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold and May that be our prayer today as we sing this song
And just dwell upon the the words as as we sing that together. Let's stand
Next song is one. You're all very familiar with it was written 250 300 years ago a long time ago, but it still stands true today, and I think it's a
Testament testament to to the Lord and how even secular people in ceremonies still play this song
They don't really understand it possibly, but it's still present, especially at memorials.
So let's sing amazing grace Oh Today we're gonna read
Romans 4 1 through 4 it's Romans 4 1 through 4 and I'm reading in KJV What then shall we say was gained by Abraham our forefather according to the flesh
For if Abraham was justified by works. He has something to boast about but not before God For what does the scripture say
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness Now to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift but as as his due
Thank the Lord for his work Her next song is my worth is not in what
I own and some of you know this and some may not but I think it's Good to ask the question.
I'd ask I'd pose it to you a couple questions what do you boast in you know, we go through life and every day living and What are we boasting about as we go through our day?
What are we bragging about if we could use that? Secular term is it in Christ alone is it?
So let's think about that as we sing my worth is not in what I own let's stand together, please
My redeemer greatest treasure well spring up my soul
I will trust My soul is
Last song is
I surrender all To We do want to remember as Harold said all the
Soldiers who have sacrificed their lives So that the freedom that God has given us freedom to live freedom to worship
Are protected in this nation and they still are the fact that we can gather here
Is a testament to the faithfulness of the soldiers who laid down their lives
For our sake that we may worship Christ Freely and we do want to remember them
Tomorrow we want to remember them every day, but especially tomorrow Now let us turn to Luke chapter 18
Verses 18 through 30 Luke chapter 18 verses 18 through 30
Now a certain ruler asked him Saying good teacher, what shall
I do to inherit eternal life? So Jesus said to him. Why do you call me good?
No one is good, but one that is God You know the commandments do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness
Honor your father and mother And he said all these things I have kept from my youth
So when Jesus heard these things he said to him you still like one thing Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me but when he heard this he became very sorrowful for he was very rich and When Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful
He said how hard is it for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God?
For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God and Those who heard it said who then can be saved
But he said the things which are impossible with men are possible with God Then Peter said see we have left all and followed you and he said to them
Assuredly, I say to you There is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children for the sake of the kingdom of God Who shall not receive many times more in this present time and in the age to come eternal life
Let us pray Father we are grateful for all that you have done in our lives
We're especially grateful for your son Jesus who gave his life
To die for our sin on the cross Facing the wrath that we deserved so that we may live in him
Help us to surrender all to him Who deserves all things and help us to give him praise this morning?
Throughout this week. We pray that you would give us the strength to Give to him what does not even belong to us and help us to rely on him with everything we have in Jesus name
Amen this passage
Is Often mangled and misused That I want to start with what it's not saying
This passage cannot be used to argue that wealth is sinful or that the rich cannot be saved
In fact the Bible shows a variety of wealthy people Yes, some are exploitative and sinful often like many kings of Israel Yet some are faithful like Joseph and Job In fact in Judaism The widely held view was that the wealthy
Were especially blessed by God Consider all the heroes of the
Old Testament Abraham Jacob they were large landowners.
And why did they prosper because God's hand was upon them They knew it and others saw that Abraham was so wealthy that he had a private army that could defeat
Kings Joseph Although a slave through God's salvific plan
Became the prime minister of Egypt the strongest nation in that world
David and Solomon were blessed by God to rule over God's kingdom at Their prowess and then furthermore we get
Daniel who was Taken as an exile to Babylon and it ended up serving as the top official of not just one
Empire, but two And that was all God's doing They were wealthy
Now the problem is we try to read the ancient text with our cultural lens and What this cultural culture tries to do is that assume that the wealthy earned their wealth through unjust means
Exploiting the poor or cheating others According to the Bible Wealth and power are not inherently sinful.
They're not evil things our inherently negative view of wealth in this society is actually the result of Marxism driven by critical theory to clash social classes against each other to divide and to conquer and You all see that in the media
Academia and schools even public education It's the wealthy that it's the the wealth gap or or the billionaires and millionaires that are ruining this country
That's that's trying to divide the country that there's that's trying to divide the church even Now, what is this text about?
This text picks up right after the two positive examples of the true disciples
Remember two weeks ago. We witnessed a humble text collector who just falls down cannot even lift his head up asking for mercy from God He completely relies on God's mercy for the forgiveness of his sin
Not on himself only on God and last week we covered the significance of having a childlike faith a faith that solely depends on God as an infant would just depend on his mama and papa and This text starts with a rich man who wants to enter the kingdom of God It is about salvation it is about inheriting eternal life and What makes the followers of Jesus distinct
After all you cannot enter the kingdom of God without trusting its King Who made it possible?
for the entrance through his precious blood Hence this passage uses the kingdom of God eternal life salvation
Interchangeable you'll see all three concepts, but they're talking about the same thing
What does it mean to be under King Jesus? And what does it mean to live eternally?
So I will use them interchangeably as well The question for today is one of the most important questions to consider.
How does a person enter the kingdom of God? How does a person enter the kingdom of God?
And the main point of this text is that only the true disciples who are completely committed to Christ Can enter the kingdom of God?
Only the true disciples who are completed completely committed to Christ can enter the kingdom of God the first question to consider is
Who will not inherit the kingdom of God who will not inherit the kingdom of God first?
It is not possible possible for those who trust in themselves to inherit the kingdom of God it is not possible
For those who trust in themselves to enter the kingdom of God following the discussion regarding the children and the kingdom of God, we actually see a negative example of Someone who does not depend on God fully
Verse 18 now a certain ruler asked him saying good teacher. What shall I do to inherit eternal life?
While the children and the text collector showed how the disciples must rely on God completely
This interaction shows what not to do. It's the negative example a Certain ruler probably signify signifies a religious figure
Most likely an influential lay Pharisee remember
Pharisees they were Very well educated in the whole of Old Testament Not just the law and they had a lot of influence because the popular the crowd
Gave them the popular support They were by no means chief priests or priestly class, but because of the popular support they were very powerful in Judea now this ruler an influential lay
Pharisee Asked Jesus a question that we have seen before Actually in chapter 10 verse 25 when a lawyer came to ask
Jesus What shall I do to inherit eternal life? It's almost verbatim because in this case, however, he
He uses the term good teacher flattery This question what shall
I do to inherit eternal life is a rather Chris curious question What shall
I do to inherit eternal life? For one you normally can't do anything to inherit something
If you want to inherit you have to be born in the right family And as many of you know, that is not something you can't do anything about So in this case if you want to inherit eternal life
The question is you have to be born in The family of God or belong to God in one way or another
Because he is the one who gives eternal life However, the question is odd because what can you do?
To be born into the right family in this case the family of God This question shows the rulers self -reliant mindset
There's got to be something I can do to achieve eternal life I can achieve eternal life on my own effort
God will have to give it to me When I have done right and compared to the humble text collector, we've seen a couple weeks ago who falls before God and cannot even look up and completely depends on God for mercy
Or even the children who completely have to depend on their parents to survive
This certain ruler is self -dependent and self -focused This ruler believes that he can reach
God's standard on his own strength. He will be able to be good enough
After all he's not like the others Instead of dismissing such a ridiculous question
Jesus rather interacts with this ruler first Jesus addresses how he is addressed
Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone Now this may sound troubling at first, but we do need to consider the context of this conversation
The context determines the meaning of the verse First Jesus is not denying his deity here, but rather correcting the rulers flippant use of the word good remember in the
Jewish culture only God was good a
Rabbi would never call himself good a rabbi a Jewish teacher A student would not call his teacher good
Such title was reserved for God alone now because this man obviously does not know of Jesus divinity
This rich man has no business of calling Jesus good unless he truly understood that Jesus is
God Here Jesus wants the man to consider the implication of the title good teacher
Second Jesus wants the ruler to actually focus on the right response to God In order to receive eternal life rather than flattering his way into eternal life
The ruler needs to focus on God rather than his ability to flatter
Then Jesus starts with the law. You know the commandments Do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness honor your father and your spirit
Father in your mother the Jewish tradition believe that if you obeyed
God, well That you would live that's how you would live Now this does not mean you can earn your salvation
After all the whole gospel of Luke that we've been following would show otherwise in fact the
Context of this chapter would show otherwise the previous two passages show that you had to be
Humbly completely Trusting in God alone for salvation not anything they've done
Now what Jesus is doing is actually rhetorically brilliant He is letting the ruler see with his own eyes the folly of his
Belief and this is a masterful strategy instead of just straightforwardly telling him you heretic
How dare you believe that after all the Jews had the notion that you are saved by faith after all the the
Romans passage that Brendan read to us was exactly that the father of the
Jews Abraham the great father What was his righteousness based upon not through his works but his faith
Instead of just straightforwardly saying you're wrong Sometimes it is more effective to let them see their folly by going along with their point
Follow them in their own wrong path Let them see the implications
Let them see the result of their false belief. Okay, so it yes you believe that and then what?
Can you do it? Is that possible? Guide them along the path of their desire and let them see for themselves the flawed result
That's what Jesus is doing here So Jesus goes along with the rulers premise
You know the commandments do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness honor your father and mother
If you study The Old Testament law the Ten Commandments you would notice that they're not the full
Ten Commandments and If you can count you would notice that they're not the full Ten Commandments Rather they are the second half of the
Ten Commandments the seventh the sixth eighth ninth and fifth I Cannot command comment on the order of these commandments.
I tried I what is the reason why is it seven six eight nine five?
The only thing I could notice was that they're all negative until the last one. That's positive honor
But one thing is clear they all have to do with what God wants his people to do
In order to love one another and I think the reason why
Jesus points These commandments out rather than the first half is because these acts done to each other are
Concrete You can tell when they have been obeyed or not Right, you know if you you know, if you commit adultery, it's obvious.
You can't accidentally commit adultery, right? Oh, no, you're not my wife Right, it's it's you can't do that.
You can't accidentally murder. There's a malice of forethought and you have to commit the act and When you do commit these acts, it's not only you who know but everyone else around you would know
Hence this young man claims all these things I have kept from my youth
The man Confidently responds that he has done all of them The ruler according to his eyes has passed the test
He is in And of course the begs the question then what's your problem
Why are you standing before Jesus asking how to get into there's something wrong. There's there's something that's bothering him
Now, how does Jesus respond to this So when Jesus heard these things he said to him you still like one thing
Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me
Jesus Gets to the heart of the problem You may have obeyed the law on your own strength
Now, can you trust God? with your life Sure, you know, they're there.
There are people who are not saved and and who may not even believe in God They can live an outwardly obedient life
Not committing adultery not stealing not murdering But what Jesus gets to is
Can you trust God? Can you depend on God? Can you just rely on God?
because at the core of eternal life is Your dependence on God your faith in God so everything that you have give it all away and then follow me and This is a command that is specifically tailored toward the rich ruler
Because his ultimate allegiance that we will see Is his wealth?
Remember Jesus never commands This to other wealthy disciples in the
New Testament Think about Nicodemus John 3. He is a Pharisee ruler to Jesus never tells
Nicodemus when he asked How do we enter the kingdom? Not sell everything you have
Nicodemus rather you must be born again Nothing about his wealth or Joseph of Arimathea who donated his
Personal family tomb that's never been used to Jesus Who bought hundred pounds of spices to anoint
Jesus Jesus never commanded him to give anything away and Later in a couple of weeks, we'll see even
Zacchaeus the chief tax collector chief tax collector would have been really wealthy Whom we will meet in a couple of weeks and Jesus never tells them tells him to sell everything and give it away
He himself does desires. I want to make it right So the wealth is not the problem here, but the rulers passionate devotion to wealth
Hence Jesus prescribes this man to get rid of what he is most dependent and committed to And it's not just to give away the wealth positively follow
Jesus Get rid of the thing that you are totally committed to But have a new allegiance
Right, it's not just put off it's put off and put on half the right commitment and it or in order to have the right commitment you must not be committed to something else that you're committed to and The question is will he?
be humble enough to follow the path of the tax collector and the children that we've seen and The key to this command is not surrendering wealth, but completely committing to God.
That's the key This will show the ruler that deep inside his heart his priority is not
God Deep inside his heart. His ultimate trust is not God.
Hence. We see the result in verse 23 But when he heard this he became very sorrowful for he was very rich The irony of this result is palpable first The fellow
Jews would have normally considered someone like him a rich ruler the very recipient of God's blessing man, if anyone is saved it's him if anyone's blessed by God, that's him, but it was the very sign of God's blessing that precisely prevented the rich ruler from Entering into eternal life
God's ultimate blessing Second Although the ruler may have avoided breaking the second half of the
Ten Commandments with his own strength His very devotion to his wealth made him break the very first one
You shall not have any other God before me Although the command to liquidate all you own may not apply to us directly the principle of not having any security other than Jesus Applies to all of us
We cannot inherit eternal life when our security is something or someone else oftentimes people trust their obedience to God over Christ's obedience on the cross and This comes in various forms
For example, if your security is in your church attendance Then it is precisely the church attendance that will prevent you from entering eternal life
Now don't get me wrong. We are commanded to fellowship in person We are commanded to hear the teaching and preaching of the word
And we're commanded to worship God together even through music We that's what that's the psalm that we went over sing to the
Lord sing to the Lord sing to the Lord In fact the fact that we can gather to worship
God together is a tremendous blessing Yet if that is what you are relying on How involved you are in the church how long you've been part of the church?
That very blessing will prevent you from being with the blesser himself if you believe
That your church involvement is what saves you then you have the wrong
Savior You have the wrong God There is a way
There is a way to focus on the gift so much that you miss the giver
On the other side of the same coin is the perpetual guilt that you may experience when you sin against God It may look so different the one that seems so boastful and that this one seems
So lowly, but I will tell you it's not lowly at all When when sin that you've committed haunts you at night
How could I have done it again? I Promise I would stop
How can God ever forgive me? And you've heard of Jesus mercy on the cross yet it is still hard to believe
This is actually another sign that you're relying on your own strength Rather than the ultimate source of security
God himself You're relying on your own record rather than Christ's perfect record.
And this is why it keeps you at night It would be scary to look at your own record to think that that's what saves you
The way out of this vortex is that you need to stop trusting yourself and trusting start trusting in Jesus When you sin, don't just sit on it as if you have to make yourself miserable enough at a certain level
When you sin, don't just hold on to it in your heart as if you're punishing yourself Because you're not the judge
You must immediately go to Jesus you must race to Jesus Because he is the one who died to forgive your sin and he's not calling you to die for your own sin
Don't listen to the lies in your head Because Jesus will always take you in don't listen to the lies.
You've told yourself The lie that Jesus is tired of forgiving you
Now he lives he's risen to know that you are forgiven He lives to intercede for us
Scripture says he didn't stay in the grave.
He lives Why to intercede for you? Why do you need intercession because we keep on sinning you don't need
Mary You don't need other saints who died You just need one intercessor and it is
Jesus himself and Because Jesus keeps on interceding for you.
That's the reason why we're not falling into hell this moment We have an intercessor right next to God and he's
God himself and He alone is the one you trust
There's nothing more you can add to him
He has already suffered the full wrath of God for your sake What makes you think that he will turn you away this time?
It's been paid for his blood purifies the filthiest sin
His death on the cross completely covers all of your sins as I've said before there is no
Leftover wrath for you because it's been done He cried out it is finished
When you are reminded of your past sin the only person you can rely on is
Jesus Christ alone You don't rely on your record.
You don't rely on Future promises of good deeds that you will commit to You hold dearly to Christ atoning death on the cross and that alone now, how is it possible for anyone?
To enter the kingdom of God Right, we just got to see the negative example what not to do, but how is it possible?
Although it is impossible for the self -dependent to be saved without God Those who totally rely on Christ will receive present and eschatological blessings of his kingdom
Although it is impossible for the self -dependent to be saved without God Those who totally rely on Christ will receive present and eschatological blessings of his kingdom after the interaction with the rich ruler
Jesus unpacks what happens with his disciples and When Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful.
He said How hard is it for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God?
This statement itself would have been shocking to the early disciples
To emphasize Jesus lesson. He illustrates it for it is easier
For a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the enter the kingdom of God consider a camel
Most of us probably haven't seen them really except when you go to the zoo They are the largest domesticated animal in that area middle east
What about the eye of a needle It would have been one of the smallest holes that of An ancient person would have to deal with in their ordinary life
Now I know there is some um commentator who says well I have the needles. It's actually um
A gate it's a name of a gate And and you know a camel can't enter it unless he you know bows down to enter it
There's no evidence of that gate ever existing I think it's a way of smoothing out like Because it sounds so crazy like how
How can a rich man be saved then? Right Well, we'll get to that What this means is clearly it would be impossible for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God Now why is this significant?
Unlike the modern age as i've said the ancient jews Viewed wealth as a blessing from God for their faithfulness
For example psalm 128 verses 1 through 2 says blessed are all who fear the lord who walk in obedience to him
You will eat the fruit of your labor blessings and prosperity will be yours
Hence many great and wealthy figures like joe abraham. David were all made wealthy by god alone
So if anyone had it all together it was the wealthy The wealthy were the varsity team
Right. Hence the next question that the disciples ask in shock makes sense.
Then who can be saved? If not the blessed blessed ones of god
What chance do we have right this this was not a discussion on are the poor?
They're they're the good ones. No, no, no by saying even the wealthy It's impossible for them to be saved
Was actually a testament against even everyone else That's why they're asking who then can be saved
Right if the varsity gets the cut Who makes the team? Right hence the disciples
Are shocked And before we go over jesus answer we it's important to note that wealth is not inherently evil
Jesus is not saying it is more impossible for the rich to be saved than the poor that is not what he said
Rather jesus is using the physical representation Of the wealthy to describe the spiritual reality of his kingdom because in real life
Take a look the rich do not need Anything materially because they can rely on Themselves their wealth they're self -sufficient
They do not need others for provision This attitude when it is applied spiritually, however becomes quite deadly
If you do not see that you need god to enter the kingdom of god It is as difficult as a camel trying to go through the eye of a needle
In fact whether you're wealthy or not And if you're depending on yourself to inherit the eternal life
It will be impossible Hence, how does jesus respond?
The things which are impossible with men are possible with god Right. Jesus doesn't say.
Yep You don't want to be wealthy Just give it up, right? That's that's that's what all these catholic monks
That's what they're following Right Just get rid of all the pleasures of life
What jesus is saying although the self -sufficient cannot save themselves It's not impossible with god
God can soften the hearts of the self -focused self -reliant people to totally trust him god can still work
God can still save No one is ever too far from christ's redemptive reach
And no heart is too hard for jesus tender touch of salvation That's what jesus is saying.
He is not Isolating the rich as the especially hard people to save or especially impossible people to save What he's saying is the self -dependent they they can't save themselves but God can still save God can still transform their hearts
God can transform their lives From self -dependent to god -dependent
Now after jesus shocking teaching peter jumps up to put his two cents in And peter said see we we we have left all
And followed you Uh instead of rebuking peter for his uh
Rather self -centered remark. Jesus makes an overarching statement regarding what it means to be his true disciples
So he said to them assuredly I say to you There is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children
For the sake of the kingdom of god who shall not receive many times more in this present time and in the age to come eternal life
The mark of the true disciple is those who are willing to commit jesus first and foremost
Their allegiance to christ is above their house or land material security
And any family member relational security?
The latter points to uh, and especially Shocking claim because family was very important in the ancient jewish culture
Remember parents did not have 401k retirement for retirement back then
Instead they had children Children were expected to take care of their aging parents
That's even part of the 10 commandments to honor them Children were commanded by god to honor their parents
Or even be put to death in very specific rebellious cases Familial ties were so much more important to them than to us
But jesus tells them His disciples will have to choose him and the gospel over any of the material or familial ties
Now does that mean? Christians have nothing going for them if jesus ended there.
It's just Christians are supposed to just suffer. That's there. That's the point However, jesus doesn't end there in fact
Jesus promises a greater blessing for those who leave everything behind in order to Come fully follow him
They will receive manifold of the things they have given up now in eternal life later
Now how can that be first When you follow jesus, you're not
Only saved from your sin, but you are saved into a new family of believers
And when you look around yourselves Even though you may not know the very people around you
They are your brothers sisters mothers in christ They may not be related to you by blood but Are spiritually tied to you by christ's blood
A much stronger connection And some of you may have experienced that reality for quite some time
Your siblings may not like you to talk about jesus
And they might be annoyed by your biblical worldview Maybe your parents disowned you because of your faith in christ
Or your children are no longer walking with jesus and living the exact opposite way that you've raised them to This is heartbreaking
And you have been praying for these people daily yet jesus
Never leaves you by yourself But he provides a deeper community in him
Jesus is not only promising the future rewards of eternal life that that was the very thing that the rich ruler came for But he is promising a reward now if you commit to him
And that is a new family in christ People you see today you meet today if they're truly christians
They're the very people you're going to enjoy all eternity with you may not see them again after this week.
That's that's a possibility But you're going to have all eternity to know each other
You're going to have all eternity to spend together And without the effects of sin and without the presence of sin
They're going to be some of the most interesting Enjoyable pleasant people that you'll ever meet and that's the reward
You get Numerous brothers and sisters in christ And some of them may willingly die for you
And that's what they got For giving up all the things to follow jesus
And that's what we get The promise of the reward for the kingdom is now through his people
And also later when all things will be restored When you will live eternally
When the remnants of sin are gone when you That tiredness that that frustration of fighting against temptation will be just history
When even back pain is no longer there That's been nagging at you for years
That no medicine can really get rid of That's the future reward
And you commit your life to jesus by believing In him that he died for your sin
And that he rose from the dead You get both Not just eternal life, but your present life will be blessed
Through his people And as true disciples of christ our primary and most important commitment is to jesus thus the true mark of Christian living is a complete commitment and dependence on christ despite Any circumstances here
And I I will end with a verse From an old hymn that depicts our dependence on christ
My faith has found a resting place not in device nor creed
I trust the ever living one his wounds for me shall plead I need no other argument.
I need no other plea. It is enough that jesus died and he died for me That's the picture of our dependent.
Let us pray father. We are grateful that we cannot depend on ourselves
And we need not to depend on ourselves But rather we depend on jesus christ alone
We don't depend on any other people. We don't depend on any other institutions
We depend on the person of jesus because he is fully dependable and reliable in all circumstances
Help us to trust him this morning but forever Knowing the rewards that we have now and we will receive
When he comes back in jesus name amen I love the gospel message.
There's lots of conviction but there's Lots of hope as well and reward and only the lord can do that The world can't give it to us can't provide that but but god can let's stand together.
We're going to sing The doxology as our as our parting uh song
Is Please go forward may christ be preeminent
May he be at the forefront at the center of our lives and everything else will just fall into place.