Midweek Review #19 (Acts 10:1-29)

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Peter's vision of a sheet descending from heaven was a pivotal revelation in the book of Acts. It means that the Dietary Laws of the Old Covenant have been fulfilled and no longer bind Christians. Moreover, it means that ethnic Jews must no longer regard Gentiles as unclean or common. The dividing wall between Jew and Gentile has been torn down.


This blows his mind, because this is a radical change.
This is a complete shift. This is Peter being made aware that everything changed at the cross.
Now I say everything, not everything, but many things. And wisdom and biblical understanding is to know what things changed and what things remain the same.
So the God of Israel is still the God of the Christian. And morality is still morality.
What we learn in the Old Testament is still morally true. God's attributes, the things about Him, the way that we should live and treat one another, the table of commandments of how we treat one another, those remain intact.
But dietary laws have come to an end. Certain ceremonial laws have come to an end.
The sacrificial system of killing animals is no more, because the
Lamb of God has died once and for all. Things have changed at the cross, but Peter now needs to understand that.
So this is a revelation that shows us that we're under a new dispensation. A change has happened.
It's huge, because it's not only about food. It also means that human beings, made in the image of God, Gentiles from Sheba and Syria and the farthest places, are acceptable to God.
Don't call them unclean. Don't call them dogs. They too can be saved by the same blood of Jesus that saved you.