Jemar Tisby Complains About White People (Again) - WaPo Eats It Up

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We have got to do better than this, Christians. Thankfully, many believers know a hustle when they see one.


I had a YouTube subscriber point this article out to me, and I thought I'd respond to it briefly. This YouTube subscriber's named
Carmen. Carmen responds and comments on almost all of my videos, and there's always an interesting insight or a sermon or an article or a quote that Carmen has to add to the conversation.
So I recommend reading Carmen's comments. Thank you so much for subscribing and for watching and for adding to this conversation.
You've actually helped me understand some things a lot better through your comments, and so I appreciate it very much.
Anyway, this article, I wanted to respond to it because this is an attitude that I see a lot of, and I found it so interesting.
It's an article that Jamar Tisby wrote for the Washington Post, and it says, and the title is,
After Charlottesville, Will White Pastors Finally Take Racism Seriously? That's a ridiculous title, first of all.
It acts as if white pastors have not even ever said that white racism is a sin or things like that.
That's just preposterous. I've heard lots of pastors denounce racism, and so this article just kind of assumes the worst at the get -go, but the reality is what
Jamar means is that a lot of pastors don't see racism in as many places as he does, and they don't think it's as rampant as he does, which
I find interesting that he talks about this Unite the Right rally because the Unite the Right rally was not gigantic.
I mean, white supremacists are a fraction of a percentage of people that exist in the whole world.
Well, not the whole world. I'll say the United States, and typically they don't really deserve to be taken very seriously.
Even if you look at this picture, look at these goofballs. I mean, honestly, can you honestly take these people seriously?
These are LARPers. They're LARPing. They've got shields, for goodness sake. They're wearing helmets and goggles.
This is not to be taken seriously. This is to be mocked and ridiculed. These people are not serious people.
I mean, honestly, I don't understand why Jamar thinks that these people are such a threat. Look at this guy. This guy's a goofball.
I don't take him seriously. Jamar, I'm not sure why you do, but anyway, here's how the article starts. He says, last night, white supremacists assembled in Charlottesville for a public demonstration of hate, and listen to what
Jamar says the hate is. They held torches, okay, pretty hateful, and chanted phrases such as white lives matter.
The horror! The absolute horror. White lives matter. How could you be so hateful?
I just don't get it. I honestly don't get it. They did do hateful things. Don't get me wrong.
These goofballs here have a lot of hateful things to say. White lives matter is not one of them.
But anyway, this is not really what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to talk about was here.
He talks about how evangelicals voted for Trump, which I guess proves what Nazis, what racists, they voted for Donald Trump.
I can't believe it. But anyway, here is what I wanted to talk about here. He says, white
Christians will inevitably ask, but what do we do? This question perpetuates the problem.
People of color did not create white supremacy. White people did. To ask a racial minority how to solve a problem they didn't create and one under which they suffer only adds to their burdens.
You know, you guys need to grow up. I'm talking about every social justice warrior Christian. You need to grow up.
If somebody asks, what do I do about this? And you say, well, you're just adding to my burdens.
This is a hustle. This is a hustle. This is how we know it's a hustle because you have no solutions. You can't even really identify the problem.
You can point to these goofballs here. But none of the people you're talking about are these goofballs.
Look at this. Look at these guys. I don't take these people seriously. Do you really think these are the people in the pews that you're talking about?
Get real. Absolutely get real. But anyway, he does actually offer some, some solutions here.
And I think this is, this is just so telling when you say this, okay, admit that the American church was built on white supremacy.
No, no, the, the, the American church wasn't built on white supremacy.
It was built on the scriptures. Now, were there white supremacists in the American church? Yes. Yes. But that's a very different claim.
So, so this first, you know, solution is not a solution. It would be actually a lie to say that the church was built on white supremacy.
Absolutely not. That's not scriptural. That's not, that's a theological problem. I think confess and repent of past sins.
This is a great idea. If you're a white supremacist, you should confess that sin and repent of it.
Now, the problem is that you're telling a lot of people that they are white supremacists because in this article, you'd say that you don't have to be this kind of a goofball to be a white supremacist.
That's technically true, but there's lots of people out there that you're saying are white supremacists that aren't. Lots of people call me white supremacists.
I'm not even white. Well, of course, Adam, you don't need to be white to be a white supremacist. Right. Give me some proof that I'm a white supremacist and I'll confess and repent of it.
But that's the problem. So this article says, well, you haven't repented of past sins. I've seen white people flog themselves repenting of past sins, but it's never enough.
And so this, this, this, you know, you might think this is a solution. Actually, it isn't because people do this all the time.
And yet you're here. We are still talking about this. Here's the third solution. Commit to responding to white supremacy with the vigor that the problem requires.
White supremacy is this. These are white supremacists. These are goofballs. You know what? The vigor that they require to oppose nothing because they're idiots.
These people are idiots. Look at these. Look at these guys. I laugh at them. That's the vigor. I laugh at them.
You know who else laughs at them? God. God laughs at them. He sits in the heaven and he laughs and I'm going to laugh too.
Look at these LARPers. You know what? The vigor that they need to require. We can put on some of our night costumes too and say,
Hey, look, we are the, we are from the land of Gungdor. That's the kind of vigor required because these people are goofballs.
Okay. The last thing, listen to black people. I think this is a good idea. Listen to black people. Everyone does this.
Everyone on the non -SGW side already does listen. We take you very seriously. We read your articles.
We look at your blogs. We watch your videos. We all do this, but we still don't agree with your perspectives here.
We don't agree that white supremacy is rampant because you've never proven it. We don't agree that Donald Trump is this rampant racist because you've never proven it.
This is the thing. This article makes it seem like, like, like there's a hidden, like white supremacist majority out there and there just isn't, there's no proof of it.
And so we'll listen to black people. Of course, we'll listen to minorities. Of course, we'll listen to Puerto Ricans, Latinos, Asians, everybody.
We'll listen to everybody. But doesn't it mean we have to agree? That's what, that's what he means. Jamar means listen, but also agree and then do everything that we do and do what we say.
But the problem is when we ask you, what do we do? You say, well, you're adding to my burdens.
That's even more white supremacy. We didn't create this problem. That's not how it works scripturally. That's not how it works scripturally.
You know, I know you're scared to worship with your white brothers after Trump's election and you probably will be again after his next election.
But here's the problem. You're gonna have to get over that because in Christ, whiteness and blackness has no bearing with your unity with your brothers.
You have unity. It's been accomplished by Christ. Now, we do need to manifest that in our everyday lives better than we do currently, but it has to be based on the scripture, on the word.
I know this is an article for Washington Post. You probably can't quote too much scripture, but scripture is sorely lacking in this entire movement.