The Secular Version of History

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The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. 1 John 5:19b


Now just one more thing about this event the massacre of the innocents How many of you have watched these
TV specials about? Jesus or usually it's around Christmastime and Easter.
Do they still do this? I don't know I canceled cable, so I don't know if they still do this or not Do they still have these?
Well, usually it's something like the the hidden Jesus, you know, the the real
Jesus Who's seen some of these programs? Yeah, they'll be on NBC or you know
One of the major networks will run and it's always around Christmas and Easter and they bring in the
X the experts Right and they tell you Their whole purpose is to tell you what really happened that the you know
The Bible's wrong. None of this ever took place and here we're gonna tell you what really is going on Well, this is one of the things that they love to say they say that Herod killing all these children that that never happened
You know why they say that I say well, there's no record of it. There are no ancient
Documents, there are no historical records That point to this event. What's the obvious problem with that?
Yeah, we're reading an ancient historical document that references it I Mean, it's it's really unbelievable.
But yeah, that's what they'll say. Well, there are no Historical documents that will attest to this and what they mean by that is that there are no secular
Historical documents because you have the Bible, right? So this is the way these historians operate now, so I was preaching before now.
This is more apologetics This is maybe to equip you and how to respond when a friend or family member says well
No, I saw on TV this show and they said that that never really took place or you know We want to have an answer for this.
So here's what they do the historians the secular historians Here's how they operate. They will base a whole theory
If they found a small fragment of a document just a little piece or two
That would be enough for them to have a whole a whole theory They've actually they based theories on a whole lot less evidence.
It's called Evolution, but that's a that's another story But when there's a religious document that Says something they they just dismiss it out of hand.
Oh, these people were Christians So you can't believe that Matthew or whoever wrote
Matthew. Well, they were followers of Christ You can't you can't listen to that. That's what they do
Their whole version of history is based on people that agree with them
Anyone who is a Christian needs to be canceled, you know, you shouldn't even listen to them what they're saying is of no significance
Why is that? But because the Satan that's
Yeah, they don't want to be accountable for their sin and that's all true But the basic response is they're totally biased.
They only accept things that are in line with their Religion now, they'll say that about us.
You know, you Christians you only believe things that are in line with the Bible If somebody said that about me
Okay, guilty as charged. I mean, that's true But they do the same thing
They only Accept things that are in line with their beliefs. So they are just as religious as we are
We have our worldview our belief system they have their worldview their belief system
They are religion Why don't they call it a religion? Because they want to teach it in the public schools.
You can't you know, you know separation of church and state You can't teach religion in the public school, so they don't call it a religion on purpose
That's how they get away with teaching it in the schools while banning. That's what they're doing
They're suppressing they're banning the truth. They're they're banning Christian teaching so don't let them try to act like they're impartial and again, what does this have to do with Matthew?
Well the Massacre of the Innocents. This is a historical event There are historical ancient historical documents the
Gospel of Matthew that tell us this happened But it doesn't fit their narrative.
So they say well, it's not true. You can't listen to that So I'm I know
I've been repeating this a couple times the past month, but I really want you to get this They have a religion
What they are pushing and promoting is a religion It's just a religion that's diametrically opposed to Christianity So all of that just wrap it up with this statement
You know if you watch something on the the news networks or networked Television they are promoting a secular worldview at Morse Corner Church.
We're promoting Christianity on TV Hollywood they're promoting the secular
Religion and if I've learned one thing over the past several years one thing that I know for a fact the secular media is not a trustworthy source of information and We know that's true
I'll stick with the Bible any day and Talking about Christmas.