Major League Baseball - A League of They/Them/Their Own

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All right. All right. Well, today seems like a good day to get kicked off YouTube. I went to Walmart the other day.
I'm going fishing with my kids this weekend. And so I bought some official Walmart fishing glasses.
They got the camouflage and the polarized lenses. It's all looking good. I like the style of those pit vipers, all the white boys summer, all those lunatics they're wearing.
But I can't do that. I'm not white. So I did the least white thing I could do. I went to Walmart to get some fishing glasses.
And I'm here. And today seems like a good day to get kicked off. Because this morning, my brother on our encoded messages, we exchange a few messages here and there.
We get it encrypted and all that so nobody can see what we're saying. But he sent me an article.
And I read it. I just couldn't even believe it. This is from majorleaguebaseball .com.
They can't leave well enough alone, right? They can't leave well enough alone. Major League Baseball has gone completely gay.
I just can't even fathom it. And it's not even just that it's Fernando Tatis Jr. Like, Fernando Tatis Jr.,
he's pretty gay. We get that. You ever see that amazing play? You know how they used to do those web gems where a baseball player would dive and catch the ball?
It was just awesome. The Met player did an awesome catch at the wall at Nimmo.
Man, Brendan Nimmo robbed a home run. Epic. Well, I saw one with Fernando Tatis where he did, it was a pretty impressive play, but he did like this gay little split.
And he was like, oh, and he caught the ball. He kind of, he reminds me of like Prince. Like, Fernando Tatis is the
Prince of baseball. But anyway, so it's not even just him in his pink suit. I mean, he's wearing a pink suit in this picture.
But that's not what's gay here. Let me take that back. That is gay. But you know, you expect it from Fernando Tatis Jr.
But no, it's the whole thing. Listen to this headline. Tatis' pink suit won the all -star game
Purple Carpet. He's a movie star. What is the
Purple Carpet? Why is there a purple, what? First of all, isn't it red carpet? I thought it was red carpet, right?
You do the red carpet before the award show and all that stuff. And that's ridiculous. But Major League Baseball, they just,
I guess they just wanted to gay it up a little bit more. They decided to make it a purple carpet. So now, in the all -star game, you've got to show up looking your best on the purple carpet.
Let me just read this article written by Matt Monegan. I'm sorry, but this is creepy, man.
Let me just read this to you. I'm not going to read the whole thing, because I'm not a lunatic. These glasses are polarized. I can't even read anything.
Hold on. The American and National League all -stars hit up the Purple Carpet on Denver on Tuesday afternoon for interviews and photo shoots.
Yeah, and nothing says baseball like interviews and photo shoots. Yeah, they all look good.
They all look good, Matt Monegan says, dressed in their mid -summer best. But one of them was just a step above all the others.
We won't explain it. Just watch this video below. And it's just like a guy, this is
Fernando Tatis here with his little pink little dandy little outfit. And this is like a, look at this tweet.
Tatis Jr.'s got real main character energy in this suit. Why, why are they making
MLB gay? I just don't understand it. MLB is not supposed to be gay. It's not supposed, why are you gaying it up?
Like, OK, somebody wants to wear a pink suit on their own time, that's totally fine. But why is there a purple carpet at the all -star game?
And he even says it in this article. He said, this could be an Oscars pregame show, and we'd have no idea.
That's not good, guys. It's not good that I'm watching a baseball game, but it could be the Oscars.
Like, wasn't it enough to gay up the Oscars? Like, look, no men really watch the Oscars. So let them have their thing.
If they want to have a homosexual event, let them have a homosexual event. But does anybody think that this is a good idea?
Now, the thing is, like, baseball's not the first sport to go gay. Now, the NFL went gay a long time ago.
And I think I know why that is, because the NFL is very popular in the black community. And for some reason, the powers that be, they love pushing homosexuality on black people.
They love it. They push homosexuality on blacks and Latinos like crazy. I mean, obviously, they push it on everybody, but for some reason, the powers that be really want blacks to be gay.
They really want blacks to be gay. So NFL went gay a long time ago. But, and maybe NBA was gay first.
I don't know. I don't watch the NBA. I don't even consider that an American sport, even though it obviously is. Who cares about the
NBA? I don't even know. Apparently, the finals are going on right. I didn't even know that. Anyway, but hockey's definitely not an
American sport. So I don't know. I know a little bit more about hockey. I don't think that's gay yet. I'm sure it's gonna be gay soon, but why baseball, guys?
Baseball is traditional. Nobody likes this. The only people that like this kind of coverage are homosexuals, and they don't like baseball.
They just watch the Oscars. So why are you trying to make baseball like the Oscars? Like, look, Fernando Tatis Jr.,
he's a good player, but you know, his, oh, hold on. Hey, look at me.
Oh, I'm a dandy boy. Oh, yay. You know, I'm good. My father was in baseball too, but you know, look at me.
Look at me. I'm pretty. Look at me. Love me. Love me. Wasn't that from Seinfeld? That was a little weird.
That was a weird one. But I guess, I mean, I guess MLB is just gay now. That's how it is.
They've got the purple carpet. The only thing more gay could have been the rainbow carpet. Maybe MLB, listen, MLB next year should step it up.
In the All -Star game, they should do the rainbow carpet. So that way you can strut your stuff in your midsummer's best and make the last bastion of traditional sports in the
United States homosexual as well. That's what you wanna do. I'm not gonna participate in it. I'm not gonna condone sodomy.
I'm not going to applaud it. I'm not doing it. I'm just not gonna do it. So if the MLB is gonna go gay,
I guess I gotta say see you later. It's sad, but hey, you know, I'll watch my kids play tee ball. That's what
I'll do. Anyway, I just thought you'd find that helpful. I guess helpful.