Woke Priestess Lectures Trump on "Trans rights" / Illegal Immigration


Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 122 -The Right Reverend Marianne Budde of the National Cathedral, Bishop of the Episcopal Church made some unbiblical statements in the recent Interfaith "prayer service" in Washington DC. -You can also listen to my podcast on Spotify, would you be willing to leave a positive review? Thanks for all the support, it means a lot! A few people asked, so if you would be willing to leave a positive review on Spotify or donate to the ministry to help cover podcasting equipment it would be greatly appreciated - If you would like to donate you can give using Venmo (@Michael-Grant-468) or PayPal https://paypal.me/MichaelGrant78?coun... - you can also click on the thanks button located on the bottom of the video or to give to our church send checks to PO Box 42 Leverett MA 01054 Link to Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2cMa0Ft... Thank you for checking out my videos. Please consider subscribing and remember when you click thumbs up, that helps the video to get out to more people! Along with the sermons & Bible studies we also cover stories in Christian news as well as examining the teachings and practice of people like John MacArthur, John Piper, Alistair Begg, Steve Lawson, Paul Washer, Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Amy Grant NIV Baptist Churches Christian Music ESV Newsboys TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Michael Tait CCM Exposed Daystar Television Network, Joni Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Marcus Rodgers, Jimmy Evans, Hillsong, Maverick City Music Elevation Worship Bethel Bill Johnson Kris Vallotton Brandon Lake Semler Relient K Switchfoot Lauren Daigle TobyMac DC Talk Kevin Max deconstruction United Methodist Roman Catholic Discernment T.D. Jakes Lakewood Church Truth Error liberal conservative Pope Francis Taylor Marshall Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Krick, Joyce Meyer Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, false teachers Apologetics Mike Winger, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Reformation Charlotte, Protestia, Andy Stanley, Ray Comfort of Living Waters United Church of Christ Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Charles Stanley, The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, The Shack, Heresy, KLove, Christian Science, 7th Day Adventists, Jews, Israel, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist Church, dispensationalism, covenant theology, Calvinism, Arminianism, Replacement theology, rapture, pre-trib, pretribulation, post-trib, post tribulation premillennial, postmillennial, end times, tribulation prophecy Book of Revelation, King James Version, KJV. The most important thing! Salvation is available for anyone who would repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness! The true gospel is Christ crucified and risen for the remission of sin. A person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6). The Scripture says if you would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved! Romans 10:9. The next step after salvation is to get baptized and start learning & serving in a good local Bible believing church.


Hello and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast today We're going to be talking about Donald Trump how he was rebuked by a priestess from the
Episcopal Church. This happened at the National Cathedral the day after he was sworn in.
So this is the headline from Protestia They fear for their lives woke
Bishop confronts Trump on trans rights and Illegal immigrants, so basically now that Trump is in office
According to this Episcopal priestess. This is really what she was implying from the pulpit that LGBT people are now fearing for their lives because I guess
Trump supporters are gonna go on a killing rampage Yeah, I mean that's the implication
Made from the pulpit. Like I said at the National Cathedral for this interfaith
Service I guess it's a tradition they do After I don't remember this happening before but apparently this is what they do
Hold this service at the National Cathedral. I thought they were against this, you know separation of church and state
But I guess when the church is woke, you know, it doesn't count. So the president was sitting right there during this service and this woman this
Episcopal priestess She pretty much Admonished Trump as he sat right there and she was talking about her, you know
It wasn't from the Bible. This wasn't a sermon from the Bible. She was just Going off on her left -wing agenda.
Now. I don't know why Donald Trump went to this interfaith event. I Guess it's just what you're expected to do
But this is what the article says Trump was confronted from the pulpit by the woke
Bishop of the Episcopalian Church During a service at the National Cathedral on Tuesday where she begged him to quote have mercy on illegal immigrants and transgender quote -unquote
Children who are now fearing for their lives as the result of Trump's victory during the service which took place at the
National Cathedral in DC and Featured readings from multiple religions including a
Muslim call to prayer. Okay, that's why we're calling it an interfaith service
But the Reverend, okay, the right Reverend not just a Reverend. She's not just a bishop.
She's the right Reverend doctor Mary Ann booty the the
Bishop of Budde Bud I don't know. I mean, I'm just gonna say booty but the
Bishop of the Episcopalian Diocese of Washington she took Trump to task for his plans to fulfill upcoming election promises including lawfully removing illegal immigrants, so Basically, she's shaming
Donald Trump and telling him don't keep your promises do what I tell you because what?
God says so let's take a short listen. Mr. President Millions have put their trust in you
And as you told the nation yesterday you have felt the providential hand of a loving
God in the name of our God I ask you
To have mercy upon the people in our country We're scared now there are
Gay lesbian and transgender children in Democratic Republican and independent families
Some who fear for their lives And the people the people who pick our crops and Clean our office buildings who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants
Who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals. They They may not be citizens
Or have the proper documentation But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals
Okay, so several things here that are just absurd. First of all, I listened to the entire
Homily, which was a hodgepodge of blasphemy just like the rest of the service as we
Talked about it before, you know Interfaith services are an abomination to God this included other religions
So it's just like the Methodist Church that I talked about yesterday. It's Universalism all religions have a path to God The National Cathedral.
It's a pro -gay Church. It's a pro -gay denomination so pro -lgbt
Universalism the same same old story So they brought in the Muslims, I don't know if there were
Hindus there, but yeah, it's it's one of those events I'll talk more about this woman's heresy in a moment
But as for her admonishing Donald Trump, listen, I'm not because she took sides politically and I'm not here
Just to take the opposite side I mean, I think it really could be legitimate for a minister to admonish the president but in this case
She starts out with all this stuff about unity and basically
Not reading from the Bible. She's just making it up as she goes along and the message was
Unity, but really the only way we can have unity is if you conservatives cave into our agenda so That's what it was.
And then she called on the president and she says to him, you know Gay people and lgbt trans, but these people are fearing for their now that you're president
They are fearing for their lives Well, I don't think there's any reason for that if they do fear for their lives
It's only because they've bought into the false Propaganda that airs on a regular basis on CNN or in the
MSNBC But I promise you listen if a person walks down the street Certainly, this is true where I live if a person walks down the street with a rainbow flag and another person walks down the street with a
Red make America great again hat which which person is more likely to be assaulted
It's the guy with the red MAGA hat. I promise you so this idea that you know
Gay people are now fearing for their lives. This is ridiculous. It's a false narrative
Just like she says that most this really got me she says most Illegal immigrants are not criminals.
She says well if they came here illegally, wouldn't they all be criminals? So basically and listen,
I'm all for treating immigrants. Well But if you're an illegal immigrant and you get deported it's because you broke the law
Like if I broke the law, I'd be held accountable so this woman is So many unbiblical things unequal weights and measures, you know pro -lgbt we know what the
Bible says about that just again and again contradicting the Bible and it's
It's shameful what went on? So basically she's telling Donald Trump Won't you show mercy to these people now?
Did she tell? The people who are persecuting Trump and you know bringing him to court and even if you think
Donald Trump broke the law Did she tell those people to show mercy on him? No, no. No see mercy for her
Only goes one way so but she's basically telling Donald Trump now that you got elected
Don't keep your campaign promises. Don't deport illegals and you need to fight for Transgender rights because my god says so and of course her god is
Herself, I mean, she's just making all this stuff up. So one thing that jumped out of me about this
Sermon if you can call it that Marianne booty is not she was not preaching from the
Bible She's just repeating left -wing talking points
So the right reverend and she really is called the right reverend I'm not just saying that to poke fun at her the right reverend doctor
I don't know if she's a doctor, but the right reverend Marianne booty She didn't get her pro trans beliefs from Scripture, obviously
Because the true God we know what God has said about these things So if it were a matter of only let's just address what she said to the president for a moment if it was a matter of treating immigrants, well, yeah, of course, but again, if they're illegal immigrants, then they broke the law and if you break the law and come here illegally like if I snuck in to Canada they might deport me at some point if I snuck in to Saudi Arabia.
I mean God knows what they would Do to me but somehow None of this counts because they know that when these illegal immigrants when they come here if you can get them the right to vote
They're gonna vote for their candidate and it's all a big scam, but Yeah, she wants a double standard.
So if we break the law, we should be punished. But if they break the law, that's different So she's shaming
Trump basically shaming Trump to not do what he said he would do So she wants him to uphold a a progressive
Platform. So are these Christian beliefs that she's advocating for? Let's just stick with the pro
LGBT stuff Obviously not right all of her propaganda that she said throughout the entire sermon almost everything contradicted the
Bible Not only does her pro -gay stance contradict Moses and the
Apostle Paul in Romans 1 it directly goes against what Jesus said in Matthew 19 verses 4 through 6
Jesus quoting Moses says have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female and Said for this reason man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh
So then they are no longer two but one flesh so Jesus Teaches not only the obvious fact that there are only two genders
So when Trump made that statement in his speech, he was being more biblical than the right reverend
But not only does Jesus state the obvious about two genders because Marianne booty thinks there's all these other
You know 52 genders or whatever But Jesus the point being Jesus teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman
For life, but Marianne booty Supports just about every perversion in the book and then she has the audacity to Proclaim it from the pulpit as though it's straight out of the
Bible or something. So Her sermon was basically if you listen to the whole thing
Like I said, I did but the general message was everyone is a child of God LGBT is the greatest thing since sliced bread
Trump is bad And then the rest of it was one big guilt trip that if if we want unity in the
United States Then Trump and his supporters need to cave in to our progressive agenda.
Of course, that's not going to happen nor should it now to that point the article
Is pretty good. It mentions some of the other heresies of the Episcopal Church They're pro -abortion they're
Just go down go down the line. They support obviously female pastors. They deny the deity of Christ The article talks about how the
Reverend booty in 2020 raked Trump over the coals Remember when the
BLM Black Lives Matter protesters set fire to that church Right next door to the
White House. Remember that in 2020 how the police cleared out the area then Trump went over there and held the
Bible in front of the church Yeah well when that happened if you remember it was the Reverend booty who had oversight over that church that almost burned down and when she saw that Trump had stood in front of Her church that she had oversight of and he stood there with the
Bible. She was I mean she freaked out And she went online she went on Twitter and ripped into Trump and basically said how dare he stand in front of my church with the
Bible Now what was funny about that? It's not funny, obviously, but she she didn't have a problem with the
BLM protesters who tried to burn that church down No, she was angry that Trump stood there holding a
Bible because the BLM protesters trying to burn down the church I mean, they're just fighting for justice, right?
So she said nothing About that and then in 2020 she accused Trump of using tear gas on the protesters or the rioters
And of course that was a lie. He never used tear gas So this woman is not a pastor.
Let's just state the obvious. She is not a pastor. She is not a bishop She is a left -wing
Activist and unfortunately, these are the people who have taken over The not just Episcopal Church, but the mainline
Denomination, so it's it's a bunch of feminist political activists who are using religion as a way of gaining some sort of credibility
Because of this radical activism the article says that according to the denomination itself the
Episcopal Church is dying their own projections predict that attendance will decline by 98 % by 2041 and with sermons like these no one's surprised
Protestia lists a few other beliefs of the Episcopal Church again. They deny the deity of Christ They actually kicked out a bishop.
They did condemn a Bishop for apostasy. Can you believe that now?
What was the apostasy that they kicked out this bishop? They called him an apostate because he wouldn't perform a so -called gay wedding
Yeah, the exact opposite of what the Bible says if you don't perform gay weddings you're a heretic according to them so Then the denomination also came out and declared that Polyamory they said was a beautiful god -given shade of the rainbow.
So this is what one Episcopal bishop Stated polyamory is a wonderful gift from God.
You say well, what's polyamory? Well It's basically polygamy
Except that you're not married. So instead of a man having six wives, that would be polygamy polyamory is if a man had
Three male partners and four female partners. So according to the
Episcopal Church God gave that polyamory as a wonderful gift to mankind
Are you getting the idea yet? Yeah, when these people talk about God and that was the most offensive thing during this
Homily, that's what the liberals call it a homily Not a sermon The most offensive thing is how she would refer to God to support her
But our God tells us that our God informs us of this Well when Marianne booty talks about God when these
Episcopal priestesses, you know talk about God They're not talking about Jesus or the God of the
Bible at best. They're talking about a god lowercase g that they have concocted in their own vain imagination an
Idol who thinks the exact same way they do, you know That's why Marianne booty if you if you listen to her again all of all just about everything
She said was the exact opposite of what the Bible says She's just making it up as she goes along so they are worshiping
She is worshiping a false God at this Cathedral interfaith service. They are worshiping a false
God an idol at best But I proposed to you. They're actually worshiping the devil, okay, why because Without question.
These are doctrines of demons the doctor. She is teaching doctrine, but they are doctrines of devils
Whatever Jesus said she's saying the opposite whatever the Bible says on this subject that subject she says the opposite and even when she
Uses biblical language. She interprets it again to mean the opposite When you teach the opposite of Jesus that is
The definition of satanic there's no other word for it So in conclusion this whole charade
Needs to come to an end the idea of having a national Cathedral which acts as a church used by the federal government
Again, I thought these progressives were all against, you know, the separation of church and state. I Mean if you pray anywhere near a public building, they cry foul yet.
They're okay with this Why because the National Cathedral is ultra progressive
So when it's their satanic religion that's being blended in to politics, that's totally fine
We just can't have anything to do with the true Church of Jesus Christ I mean
God forbid they actually preached the gospel of Christ crucified and risen No, you can't have that because if you preach the true gospel people might actually get saved and go to heaven but instead what
Satan wants to do because Satan knows his fate Satan knows that he is headed towards the lake of fire and His goal is to bring as many people with him as possible so if you've never repented of your sin and Believe the gospel
Do it now before it's too late The Bible says in Romans 10 9 if you confess with your mouth the
Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him From the dead you will be saved and if you are a believer
Pray for the new president. We are called to pray for our leaders and I get it
Some people don't like him some do some don't But I think it's safe to say that Trump being elected over Kamala Harris is a step in the right direction.
So pray for the man and pray That this time around he has good religious counselors not
Paula White and people from the NAR So pray that some sound leaders would surround the president and that the
United States would begin to turn away from all of this woke Nonsense.