Mike Todd And The Trinity…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Mike Todd, the so -called pastor of Transformation Church.
He's one of the most popular evangelical leaders in America today, and his audience grows constantly.
With that said, Mike Todd has made waves with his comments about the Trinity, and many people are deeply concerned that his teaching is unorthodox on the topic.
In this video, we're going to watch a clip of Mike Todd's teaching on this subject, and compare it to Scripture.
Check this out. Why wouldn't you accept the upgrade? I have a burden to help you experience
God 3 .0. See, a lot of people don't realize that there's three versions of God, and when you talk about an operating system, it just makes sense to me in my mind.
Most of us recognize God, but most of us have loaded up the operating system of God.
We say, you know what? I recognize Him, but it is my goal at Transformation Church, we represent
God to the lost and found for one reason. That's transformation in Christ. What we want you to do is not just recognize that there is a big man upstairs.
We want you to recognize there's a God, but we want you to receive God 2 .0, which is
Jesus. And through this series, my prayer is that you would release
God 3 .0. You would release the
Holy Spirit. Now on the surface, it seems at first that Mike Todd is just giving a helpful example.
He's just talking about a doctrine that's deep, like the Trinity, and very heady, difficult to understand, and he's boiling it down in a way that the younger, more digital generation can understand.
So the question then becomes, who could have a problem with Mike Todd just helping young people get to know
Jesus? Is that so bad? This is how many people will present it to you, but don't be fooled.
The reason we should all have a problem with this is because, quite simply, Mike Todd's teaching here is not biblically accurate.
Let me give you a few reasons why. The first reason Mike Todd's teaching here is unorthodox and unbiblical is that he presents the persons of the
Trinity as versions of God. What Mike actually said was, quote, a lot of people don't realize there's three versions of God, end quote.
By the way, the reason a lot of people don't realize this is because it's not true, A, and B, it's not something the
Church has historically taught. That's part of the issue here. And to use the word version with reference to God is very, very wrong.
The definition in the dictionary of the word is, quote, a type of the original. So is
Jesus one type of the Christian God? No. And the problem with this view is that it takes away the idea of three persons of the
Trinity and instead replaces it with three versions of one person. Completely different.
And at a practical level, it looks something like this. Was the Father in heaven during Jesus's earthly ministry?
How do we answer that question? Well, in Matthew 23, verse 9, Jesus says this, quote, and call no man your
Father on earth, for you have one Father who is in heaven, end quote. So we know that we're supposed to view
God as our Father in heaven. The problem is that if Jesus is one version of the single person who is
God, then how can that single person be in heaven as the Father and also on earth as the
Son at the exact same time? Is the person of God bouncing between heaven and earth constantly?
And if so, where do we find that in Scripture? And if the Father is not in heaven during Jesus's earthly ministry, then wouldn't that remove the authority of the
Father, at least temporarily? And how can Jesus submit to the Father if he's not there? Here's another practical issue.
First Corinthians 619, quote, do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, end quote.
So we know that the Spirit dwells within us as Christians. Yet Romans 834 says, quote,
Christ Jesus is the one who died, more than that, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us, end quote.
So Paul the apostle wrote both of these statements. The Spirit currently lives inside every
Christian, yet at the very same time, Jesus actively intercedes for every Christian in heaven.
So if there is one person of God in multiple versions, so to speak, and he's manifesting at separate times in these three different versions or types of himself, this one singular
God that is, how does this work? If God manifests as the Spirit inside of us at a given moment, then does that mean that at least for that moment,
Jesus is not interceding for us? Or on the other hand, if God manifests himself as Jesus in heaven interceding for us, does that now mean that for that period of time, we've lost the
Spirit of God within us? Do you see the issue here? Using Mike Todd's language, how can
God 2 .0 be in heaven while God 3 .0 is in me? If these are two versions of one single original, which is the definition of a version, then where exactly is the single original while this is happening?
3 .0 is a form of 2 .0, so the two cannot exist at the same time.
You see, the doctrines of modalism presented by Mike Todd are only slightly concerning on the surface, but their implications are staggering.
The teaching from Mike Todd here is seriously concerning because if you work it out to its conclusion, there's a long list of very, very important Christian doctrines that will be directly threatened by what he's saying.
This is why Orthodox teachers of God's Word teach about the Trinity. This is the idea that God is one essential being, yet three distinct persons.
God is essentially one. Deuteronomy 6 .4 says, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our
God, the Lord is one. Pretty simple. Yet, without any lack of oneness,
God is three persons. John 6 .27 says, For on him God the Father has set his seal.
The Father is God. Titus 2 .13 talks about, The glory of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ. So we know that the Son is God.
And as we've already covered in 1 Corinthians 6 .19, it says, Your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you. The one who may be worshiped in the temple is God.
We are not told to worship anyone but God. So to present the Holy Spirit as being honored and glorified as the one who dwells in our temple of our body, that makes the deity of the
Spirit really clear. There are many, many other passages that support all of these conclusions.
We're just scratching the surface here. The fact is, the Orthodox view of the Trinity is the best biblical way to understand
God without violating his revealed nature. As we've mentioned before, doctrines like the indwelling of the
Spirit, the intercession of Christ, and the authority of the depend on us having a consistent and solid biblical understanding of the
Trinity. Mike Todd's statements here demonstrate that his conception of God's nature is at best confusing, and at worst, it's seriously dangerous.
But perhaps even worse than all of this is Mike Todd's suggestion that the Father, Son, and Spirit are
God 1 .0, 2 .0, and 3 .0 respectively. This is where the simple confusion about the
Trinity borders on actual blasphemy. Let me explain why. When you say that a particular computer program is 1 .0
versus 2 .0, you are effectively saying that there is some point at which the 2 .0 software is better or superior in essence to the 1 .0
software. That's literally by definition what that means, and we all know that because we get the notifications on our phones, don't we?
Have you ever seen a 2 .0 or a software upgrade that claims to be worse than the 1 .0? Of course not.
So in effect, Mike Todd is saying that the Holy Spirit is a better, higher quality upgrade.
Yes, he actually uses that word upgrade compared to God the Father. And I pray that this is not what he means to say, but nonetheless, it is certainly the direct implication of what he's
Another issue is that usually a 3 .0 software replaces or nullifies or comes in the place of a 1 .0
software. So this statement from Mike Todd indirectly implies that we should in some way dispense with God the
Father and upgrade, as he puts it, instead to God the Spirit. So here's the issue.
If the Holy Spirit is the better God, God 3 .0 in some way, then the Holy Spirit is of a higher essential quality than the other two
Persons of the Trinity, as the name 3 .0 would suggest. And that implies something.
It implies specifically that we ought to have a higher level of worship and of honor for the
Spirit. He's God 3 .0, after all, as compared to 2 .0 or 1 .0. I mean, think about it.
If I say that a particular player on a team is 2 .0 and the other is 1 .0, I'm saying that the one is more excellent than the other in some perceivable way.
But this would certainly be an unbiblical way to talk about the Trinity. You see, each Person of the
Trinity is equally God. And while we know that the Son does voluntarily submit to the
Father, 1 Corinthians 11 .13, this does not in any way imply that one is better or of a higher quality than the other in essence.
The Bible does say that Jesus submits to the Father, but it doesn't say that Jesus is the upgraded version of the
Father or vice versa. That is not present in the text at all, yet it is at the very heart of Mike Todd's teaching about the nature of God.
In other words, human beings as lowly creatures made by God have no right of any kind to make a suggestion that one
Person of the Trinity is 3 .0 and the other 1 .0. We don't get to ascribe levels of quality to God, we just humbly worship and serve
Him. Period. We ought to humble ourselves and exalt God ultimately and joyfully as Father, Son, and Spirit.
It can be just that simple. Ironically, the clever and trendy analogies of Mike Todd and teachers like him, they're actually much more complicated than the actual doctrine of the
Trinity itself. So in conclusion, Mike Todd's teaching on the Trinity is just as unorthodox, just as dangerous as all of his other teaching.
His suggestion that God has three different versions is a violation of biblical teaching on the
Trinity and the historical doctrine of the Trinity in the Church. And more than this, it directly threatens and calls into question doctrines as important as the indwelling of the
Spirit, the intercession of Christ, and the authority of the Father. And there's many more issues when you work this out in practice.
His suggestion that God can be referred to as 1 .0, 2 .0, and 3 .0 is absolutely unbiblical, it's extremely irreverent, and at the very best, it borders on blasphemy.
Mike Todd is absolutely a false teacher who you should avoid. Jesus himself says in Matthew 7, 15,
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
End quote. Flee from Mike Todd and Transformation Church, then. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this,
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Mike Todd and for Transformation Church, that they would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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