Pastor Turns Church Service into Dance Club w/vile Rap Song (Swag Surfing) "Bishop" William Murphy

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Article Link: ‘Bishop’ William Murphy is an international gospel recording artist, the “presiding Bishop of Worship in the FGBCF (Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship) International Ministries, and pastor of The


Hello, and thank you for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. In this episode, we're going to be looking at something that took place on New Year's Eve.
I'll just read the headline from Protestia. It says, Pastor turns Sunday church service into midnight dance club, and you'll want to watch.
So I'm going to play a video in just a moment to show you really the scandalous behavior and the things that were going on in this church.
They played a secular rap song, and a lot of people are upset.
They basically turned God's house into a dance club. And before that, the pastor went on stage, and he claimed to be a true prophet of God.
And he was talking about how the new year, if you want it to be your best life now, if you want this to be the best year yet, you need to keep your eyes on me.
And I'm going to prophesy, and yeah, he just made it about himself. And of course, he's not a prophet, but let's read from the article.
And we're not going to be able to play the whole song, and I can't read the lyrics, because the lyrics are so perverse.
I couldn't even repeat it in a Christian podcast, but this is what happened in church.
The article says, Bishop William Murphy is an international gospel recording artist and the presiding bishop of worship in the
FGBCF, Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship, International Ministries, and the pastor of Dream Center Church of Atlanta.
According to his church bio, he is truly an anointed man of God who walks with a trifecta anointing of bishop, intercessor, and worshiper.
Okay, so in his own bio on the website, it really puffs him up.
And like I said, he claims to be a true prophet who hears directly from God.
In the full sermon, if you can call it a sermon, he said that God spoke directly to him.
And God told me to tell you, you know, keep your eyes on me, but he said, don't get into my business.
What I'm doing is none of your business. So who knows what he's doing, you know, but yeah, he claims to be a true prophet.
And the article says he is, just as far as where he stands doctrinally and on moral issues, it says he is pro -choice.
He recently ripped into people who are suggesting that the famed heretic
Carlton Pearson was anything less than a stellar man of God. Of course, Carlton Pearson was a
Pentecostal who was basically excommunicated from his church because he denied hell and was teaching universalism.
Well, this pastor thinks that Carlton Pearson is wonderful. But on New Year's Eve, this man's church at 10 p .m.,
they held a service to ring in the new year, dressing up the stage and decorating it as a big party.
During his message, Murphy, the bishop here, he engaged in some power tripping narcissism.
That's according to the article. Like I said, he was talking about how he's a prophet and God told me that you need to keep your eyes, keep your eyes on me.
I'm God's prophet. And he told folks if they wanted to have a leap year, quote unquote, full of blessing, they need to keep an eye on him and his prophecy.
So let's just watch the video. A viral church video is causing controversy around Metro. The bishop played a popular rap song at a
New Year's Eve service, and some people are not happy with this. Channel 2's Audrey Washington live at the
Dream Center Church of Atlanta in South DeKalb County. Audrey, the bishop told you the music was part of his sermon.
He did. And Linda, that sermon was delivered right there behind me inside the
Dream Center Church of Atlanta. Now, Bishop William Murphy told me he has heard the criticisms and believes those criticizing him took the video out of context.
This is not what you normally hear or see inside of a church.
People dancing and swag surfing between the pews. It happened during a
New Year's Eve service here at the Dream Center Church of Atlanta. And Bishop William Murphy is explaining why.
There's a church who gets me, Audrey, which was the whole point of the ministry.
Bishop Murphy says he wants church to be relatable. He was preaching out of the Book of Acts, Chapter 3.
That's the story of the lame man who needed help to get up and walk. We were talking about 2024 being the best year of your life so far.
But there was a responsibility to watch the prophet and then to work the prophecy.
And so the working of the prophecy was to walk it out. But not everyone believes secular music should be played inside of a house of worship.
On social media, people wasted no time weighing in. One woman wrote, quote,
I might as well stay in my car, the club, et cetera, if there's no difference in the church. Another wrote, there's no way to justify it.
But some support the bishop's decision and wrote, quote, this man is an awesome bishop and the younger generation gravitates to his church.
When people walk in our sanctuaries, there ought to be something that they can relate to.
And Bishop Murphy told me he played the clean version of the songs and that if he is moved by God again, he will do it again.
And we are live here in South Dekalb County, Audrey Washington, Channel 2 Action News. Okay. So does that look like a worship service to you?
Obviously not. You know, I just did a study on the church at Sardis and Revelation chapter three, that's known as the dead church.
Someone could look at that, you know, church slash nightclub and say that, well, they're not dead.
They're very lively. No, like a dead church is where the people don't know Christ, where the people aren't saved.
And is that what this church is? Is this a dead church? Well, they're not preaching the gospel there.
That's for sure. Although the pastor came back, his whole defense is that, hey, we got 150 people saved that night.
And that was his defense. Corey from, I think that's his name, from the
Smart Christians Channel. He basically exposed all that, that that's totally not true.
The people did not get saved. They just responded to a text. You know, the church said, hey, if you, if you want to be part of this church, text this number or the people that came forward and said they wanted to be part of that church.
That was his, you know, evidence that these people just got saved.
Well, nobody's getting saved at this church. You say, well, you don't know that. Well, I can show you the lyrics of this song and what's going on during a worship service.
And this is not salvation. If you're singing and dancing to a rap song, that's perverse.
And one woman in the church just kind of summarized this, the attitude. I think she was a church member and she was interviewed, basically defending all this.
And she said, honey, I have done some things in the pews. You wouldn't believe, she said.
So this dance club, she's like, people are just being too sensitive. In other words, she implied that she has committed fornication in the pews.
So it's like she was saying, I've done some things in church that way worse than this.
This is no big deal. And it's like, that's your defense really? But this is how bad things have got.
So here is a quote from what the Bishop said. There's two things
God told me that you have to do to claim this leap year.
So this is a year of blessing your best life now. The first thing God said, tell them, that's the people, they got to watch the prophet.
So keep your eyes on the man of God. And of course he's talking about himself. He's saying, I'm not saying you need to be all up in my business because my business ain't your business.
Do me a favor, tap your neighbor and tell them my pastor's business ain't your business.
So in other words, the pastor's doing stuff that, you know, don't say anything about it.
Mind your own business because, you know, like based on what we're seeing, who knows what he's doing and he doesn't want anyone commenting about it, but you got to keep your eyes on him.
Just don't criticize him because he's a prophet and you're going to be blessed based on whether or not you follow him.
That is a total scam. Okay. God is not going to bless people for following a false teacher.
All right. The second thing that he said, if you want to be blessed, you need to work the prophecies by quote, walking them out.
And to make his point, the DJ on stage played unks. Okay. This is, I guess whoever sang the song,
U N K apostrophe S 2007 hit walk it out, which contains the lyrics, which
I'm not even going to read the lyrics. Like I said, they're perverse. So later when questioned about his swag surfing, turning the church into a nightclub in the crude lyrics of the song,
Bishop Murphy explained that their church's goal is to be creative and how they engage culture while also insisting our church is spontaneous like that.
It's a prophetic house where the spirit of God has freedom to do what he wants to do. And this is just, of course, you know, and I don't want to smear someone who's a
Pentecostal or charismatic, but obviously this man is a charismatic or a Pentecostal.
And there's a lot of, like I said, I don't want to smear anyone because a lot of Pentecostals would be totally offended what this man did.
But this is the problem that sometimes you will find in the charismatic Pentecostal movement when they say,
God told me to do this, or the Holy spirit led us to have this dance club turn church into a nightclub.
See, here's the problem. And when they say that God told me to do it, or the Holy spirit led us to do it, that shields them from any sort of criticism.
Because if you rebuke them, if you say that's not right, they'll say, well, the Holy spirit led us to do it.
You can't, what are you disagreeing with God? So they use God, they use the Holy spirit to sort of insulate themselves from criticism.
Because if you criticize them, hey, we said that God, God told us to do it. The Holy spirit led us to do it.
You're criticizing God. And that's what this man who's calling himself a prophet, quote unquote, anything you say against him, well, he's declared himself a prophet and God speaks to me.
So if you speak against him in that system where people are taught to believe that God is continuing to give people new, fresh revelation, and God is just speaking to the pastor, just as a direct pipeline to God, see in that system, you can't say anything.
You can't test what they're doing against scripture. You can't criticize them because they're getting all this straight from God.
My friends, that is not the case. One thing about the church, it's supposed to be holy.
Read the Bible is supposed to be holy. Holy means one of the meanings is to be set apart.
This church is totally of the world. And yet there's a lot of churches this
Sunday and next Sunday, there'll be a pastor who's faith, faithfully preaching the word of God. And he's getting, you know, hard enough getting people to show up.
And then a church like this has got what thousands of people. Why?
Because he's telling people what they want to hear. You can have your best life now. You just got to do what
I say and let's turn church into a party and, oh, by the way, give me your money.
And that was a whole other part that didn't get included, you know, so your seat, everyone was told to give, you know, $52 or something on top of their offering, right?
Everyone give me money and God will bless you. My friends, this is not Christianity. This is not a church.
This man's not a Bishop. He's not a prophet. And we need to show people what's going on.
Call a spade a spade. This is corruption all in the name of Christ. And it happens a lot more often than you would think.