FBC Daily Devotional – June 2, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, a good Wednesday to you. Here we are middle of the week already and Into the month of June second day of June Summer is coming upon us.
I know the calendar Officially summer doesn't begin for a few weeks yet But you know how it is
Memorial Day the official start of summer and all that kind of stuff well, I hope you're enjoying the beginning days of Artificial summer if you will
Well today we read in Luke chapter 2 and some rather interesting Observations in Luke 2, you know,
I have four grandchildren now the oldest is seven and a half and The youngest is let's see
March to April May June About almost three months old almost three months old and it's of course
It's a delight to watch them grow and to develop We can remember our seven -year -old grandson.
We can remember when he was three months old and Just to watch him grow and develop through the years our six -year -old grandson and his
Throughout three -year -old grand or daughter a sister, you know watching them grow as well
All of this is just is just fascinating to see them learn to speak and Learn to do different things with their with their coordination and so forth watch them go from One of those little cart thing, you know car things that just sit on and you push with your feet to pedaling a tricycle to riding a bike with with Training wheels on it and then
Taking the training wheels off watch them wobble to get their balance and then then finally they do it and they're off and running and All of that's very fascinating.
But here's here's the thing about Luke 2 Jesus would be Jesus went through all of those same stages
And that's what's fascinating to us it's hard for us to wrap our heads around this isn't it that God became flesh and dwelt among us.
Okay, we can get that the adult Jesus, you know, we see, you know, okay but God became flesh in a little baby in the form of man going through all the normal processes of Inner uterine development childbirth and growth from there
Jesus cried as a baby. That's how babies talk Jesus learned how to utter his first words.
He learned Physically how to be coordinated with his hands Didn't have bicycles to ride back then and training wheels and all of that kind of thing.
But that's the same kind of development of motor skills and speaking ability
All of that he had to go through as he grew up in the home of Mary and Joseph and we know that because verses 39 and 40 tell us that after Joseph and Mary performed all the things that they needed to perform for Jesus.
It says they Returned to their own city to Nazareth. So this would have been after the exile to Egypt and they came back
And ended up landing in Nazareth going back to their homes hometown in Nazareth So at that point
Jesus is probably maybe two years old but but then the next verse says the child grew and Became strong in spirit filled with wisdom.
The grace of God was upon the child Grew and the end of this chapter
Verse 52 Says that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men he went through all of the normal stages of childhood and Even adolescence that any other child goes through how astonishing it is to think that God in the flesh grew and became strong Just as any child would
Just as any child would how very common and ordinary with those years have been of Jesus growing up in the home of Joseph and Mary very very common normal ordinary just as Might have been in your home
The only thing that would have been missing is the backtalk and maybe some lying and you know The sins of youth the sins of childhood, but as far as the stages of life and development
Jesus went through them all and The only glimpse that we have of Jesus youth is this incident as a 12 year old?
Youth going to the you know being in Jerusalem Family went for the feast time and when it was time to go home typically, what would take place is that the
The travelers the pilgrims would would journey in caravans people from the same hometown would caravan together down to Jerusalem certainly the case in Nazareth and The men and the women would often travel in separate groups during the day while they're traveling
The men would would travel together and they'd talk and have their conversation. The women would have their talk and conversation and normally
Children young children would be with their moms Once the child reached age of 13 if there were a boy
They would go with their dad with the men and Jesus is right on the bubble here.
He's 12 years old So when it was time for them to set out in the caravan to go home
Joseph thought that Jesus was with Mary and the other women and the children Mary thought
Jesus is almost 13. So he's certainly with with Joseph The problem is he wasn't with either of them.
He was back in Jerusalem He was talking with the with the doctors of law back in the temple so I scurried to find him and You know get they get to camp at the end of the day.
Jesus isn't there. They run back to Jerusalem that's looking all over the place finding him and finally, he's
He's he's discovered in the temple and They they confront
Jesus. Why don't you know how worried we were and he's sort of befuddled
He said well, didn't you know I needed to be about my father's business This wasn't rebellion on his part.
He was simply expressing His understanding of his mission.
I need to be about my father's business Well, he went with him he didn't stay there he went with him they took him back home and and He went with him and went with him willingly
Submitted to them. There's no teenage rebellion here on the part of Jesus and it is after that incident that Luke tells us
That he went down with them came to Nazareth and was subject to them His mom she kept all these things in her heart and then verse 52 and Jesus Continued to increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men so this is a fascinating glimpse of the very real humanity of Jesus God who became flesh how grateful we can be how grateful we can be that he
God in the flesh was willing to go through all of those processes of life for us
Thank you father for sending your only begotten Son into this world to be a son of the
Virgin Mary and to go through all of the Processes of life and growth and development all of the challenges and difficulties that that brings with it
But yet he would willingly Gladly did it subjected himself God in the flesh subjected himself to these human parents
Thank you for his submission for his humility That he could be our
Savior We praise you for it in Jesus name Amen. All right.
Well, I hope you have a good rest of your let's see Wednesday middle of the week And if you can join us tonight the midweek service time we meet at seven o 'clock at church in the auditorium