Pastors of Apologia Address Riots


Watch the newest message from Apologia Church. The Pastors address the church body about the issues we are facing related to the riots and the looting. We pray that this blesses, encourages, and equips you in our current circumstances. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Hey everybody, I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin with Apologia Church. I want to thank you all so much for watching the content right here on Apologia Studios channel.
What you're about to watch is a sermon, a message from Apologia Church's worship service. And again, I want to thank you all so much for watching, for liking, for commenting, for sharing the sermon itself.
We truly believe that it's important for the Christian church to have an engagement in the public square with the word of God.
So we thank you so much for partnering with us to send this out across the world. I just wanted to say something before you actually watch this, and that is that I'm not your pastor.
Though I'd love to be, I am not your pastor. And it's very important as you're watching this, you know that it's
God's design for individual Christians to be part of a local Christian church under the care of qualified faithful biblical elders.
And so as much as we love all of you watching these sermons and we're thankful to God that God uses them to bless you, to encourage you,
I do want to encourage you as a minister of the gospel to get plugged into a local body of believers, particularly
I think important a reformed church would be best. But we want to encourage you to get plugged into a solid biblical church where you can fellowship, where you can worship, where you can serve, where you can be connected.
That is vitally important and actually a biblical command. And so as much as again as we love for your participation, your partnership, and we are so thankful to God that he's using these in your lives, we want to encourage you to get plugged into a local church.
You can though actually partner with Apologia Church as we proclaim the gospel and provide a defense of the biblical gospel all around the world.
You can do that by going to ApologiaStudios .com. You can partner with us by becoming All Access.
When you do, you help to make all of this possible and you get all of our TV shows, our after shows, and Apologia Academy, all of that.
And you're a part of all that God is doing with us in the world to proclaim, herald the gospel of the kingdom.
You can partner with us. And I want to say one last word about that. Do make sure that none of your giving and partnership towards Apologia Church interferes with your giving, your worship, your tithes, your offerings to a local body of believers in your area.
So thank you again so much for watching these and sharing them. God bless you. Each of the elders desires to share with you some words of encouragement at this difficult time in our society.
And as soon as that was mentioned, I could not help but thinking of Jesus's words to the disciples in the gospel of John chapter 14.
And even though I tried to think of other places to go, I couldn't.
So hopefully this is where the Lord would have us to be. And when
I began looking at John chapter 14, I opened the text on my phone in the ancient manuscript called
Codex Sinaiticus. Now, why would I do that? I I'll tell you honestly, it has nothing to do with textual readings or anything else.
I've seen Sinaiticus. I saw it in 2005 in the British Museum in London.
And as I looked at that Codex, which may have been written as early as the
Council of Nicaea, maybe a few decades later, I, of course, was amazed at the providence of God in the preservation of this manuscript for so many centuries.
But at the same time, what I thought about was a song we don't sing very often.
In fact, I'm not even sure we have sung it. Elliot, have we ever sung Ancient Words? Put that on the list, brother.
Elliot's getting his pen out. And there's a modern hymn, a song called
Ancient Words. And it reminds us that when you open your
Bible, when you read those English words on that page, or now we read in our phones, whatever it might be, we are reading ancient words, ancient words revealed by the power and wisdom of God and the purpose of God.
But they are not, as our society would say, ancient words and therefore no longer relevant to us.
They are ancient words that God has intended for every generation to honor and to believe and to count precious.
And I began thinking as I looked at these words in their ancient form of how many believers like you and I have faced incredibly difficult situations very, very different than what we are facing now.
And yet just as challenging, just as frightening as anything that we would face today.
And they found these words, these ancient words to be true in their experience.
We are not the first people to face the meltdown of a culture.
Many believers have been faithful to their confession of faith in Jesus Christ in nations that no longer exist on the face of this planet.
Christians have named as their national origin names of nations that some of us have never even heard of.
And they saw the end of those nations. I am not saying that is what is happening here, but they themselves remain faithful to the message because they heard
Jesus's words. What does he say? Remember before we look at these words, remember what the context here is.
Jesus is telling the disciples the hour has come. The hour has come.
I am going to be going away. I am going back to the Father. And you are going to be the ones to take my message of what
I am going to accomplish into a very hostile world.
Now they know what that means. This is the same group that has been so divided.
This is the same group that has been arguing about who is going to be the greatest. They are still arguing about it this night.
Who is going to be the greatest amongst them? And Jesus is saying, okay guys, the hour has come.
I am going to go back into the presence of the Father. And in the midst of that, what does he say?
Do not let your hearts be troubled, stirred up, moved out of its place.
Well, that is easy for you to say, Lord. You are going back into the presence of the
Father. Do not let your hearts be troubled. We had the blessing this past weekend, last night, to have our two oldest granddaughters stay with us.
I do not want anybody to be looking at them over there, but we dragged them out of bed this morning at 4 .30
in the morning to go for a run. I am not sure they are ever coming back to Nonny and Bunkle's again.
But at 4 .30 in the morning, I stood in the hallway of our home and I sang the song from Oklahoma.
Oh, what a beautiful morning. Can you imagine waking up to that? That is how they woke up this morning.
Actually, Clementine slept through it. That is what is frightening to me. I do not know how you do that. Later in the day,
I was talking with them and I talked to them about cardia. Cardia.
That is the word that is found right here. Let not your cardia be troubled. If you go to a cardiologist, it is a person who studies the heart.
That is what the Greek word for heart is. Let not your heart be troubled.
Now, the heart in the New Testament is the very center of our emotion as well as the definitional place of who we are.
We are to set aside Christ as Lord, as Yahweh, in our hearts. It is not just the physical beating organ.
But mankind has always known, when that stops, you stop. That is the center. That is the most important thing right there.
And for many people today, we have been taught that we really cannot control this.
What goes on in here is beyond our control. In fact, we are just the result of genetics and our upbringing and all this type of stuff.
It is beyond our ability to control. And right now, my goodness, think about it.
How many of our fellow citizens, they were already panicked because of a virus.
And now it looks like society is melting down around them. You want panic?
You want the most easily? You want to know who is most susceptible to being controlled?
People who are in a state of panic. People who are in a state of panic. People who are in panic do not think about the future.
They do not think about things down the road. And we have been told this heart thing, it is beyond our ability to control.
But Jesus says to believers, do not let your heart be troubled. What does that imply?
That means for believers indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, we do not have to be subject to the panic of the world.
Our hearts can, in fact, experience the peace of God that is promised to us in Scripture.
That is not what the world will tell you. Almost everything you are watching on television right now will tell you the opposite.
You are out of control. Everything is out of control. There is no control. God is not accomplishing anything in this.
That is what the world tells you. Jesus says to you, do not let your heart be troubled.
That means you and I need to make it a priority. That on the one hand, do we need to know what is going on?
Yes, we need to make wise decisions, don't we? We need to make wise decisions.
We need to act on principle. But it also means that we cannot be carried away in the way that this world would want to carry us away.
We are not to let our hearts be troubled. Now, as you probably know, in various translations, there are different ways of understanding the rest of this verse.
It could be you believe in God, that is being stated as a reality, you believe in God, believe also in me.
Or it could be believe in God, imperative command, believe also in me. In the
Greek language, those forms are synonymous with one another as far as the form is concerned.
So it could be taken either way. It could be you believe in God, believe also in me.
Or believe in God, believe also in me. The point is this, whichever way you take it,
I mean, these are Jewish men, so I suppose you could sort of as a default say they believe in God. But Jesus says believe also in me on the very same level.
On the very same level. Now, we could expand upon this and make applications to Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and all sorts of other people.
We're not doing that today. Here's the point. The world primarily hears about a
Jesus who was a moral teacher who died under the Romans 2 ,000 years ago.
Our role is to show them by living our lives under his lordship, that while he died on a
Roman cross 2 ,000 years ago, he rose from the dead.
He is building his church. He is living by his spirit in you and I.
He is reigning over his people. And he is coming again.
Are you out there? That's what we are called to do and to be.
So the reason, see, a reason is given to us, let not your hearts be troubled.
Because God entered his own creation. Let not your hearts be troubled.
You have not been left alone. These disciples are not going to be left alone.
The promises of John 14 and 16 in particular is, I will send my spirit and he will empower you.
You will not be left alone. We have not been left alone. The same spirit that was powerful enough to raise
Jesus from the dead is with us to this day. And so why should your heart not be troubled?
Because you believe in God and you are to believe also in Jesus who is
God incarnate, the son made flesh. That's what the message of the gospel of John has been.
John 1 -1 will be all the way through John 20 -28 when Thomas is going to say, my
Lord and my God. And he is the one we serve.
He has all power. He has all authority. And so why should my heart ever be troubled if my heart is focused in its faith upon Jesus Christ?
The temptation that is going to face us is to become so focused upon what's going on in our time to lose the reality that the only thing that can make sense of the insanity we see around us is if we look at it in the light of the empty tomb.
That puts everything in perspective. Everything in perspective. Nothing has changed for the
Christian. Nothing can ever change the reality that Jesus is
Lord of all and he is reigning and we are called to live in light of that reality.
That's how your heart cannot be troubled. Pastor Jeff.
I got to do the anti -James and move the mic up. I want to set a few things.
I've kind of been scrambling a little bit here this afternoon to write down my thoughts. So hopefully I can portray these in a in a cogent manner.
So just a few things I've been thinking a lot. I mean even today with the curfew stuff
Pastor Jeff had a whole sermon prepared and we kind of scrapped at the last minute so that we could just encourage the flock today and there was a lot of confusion and probably fear and so we wanted to address that.
One thing I wanted to mention was just I'm sure a lot of you have noticed that God has really been blessing us our church body during this time and we're super as pastors we're super grateful and thankful for that.
We've actually I've mentioned this but we've had more people approach us offering help than we've had people that needed help which has been amazing.
I'll be honest with me going back next week. I don't we've had so many visitors I don't know how many people are sticking with us when we go back.
It's gonna be interesting to see so we've been having a lot of people come and visit. We've had people coming from out of state just to come to church here.
A lot of people from California that are just wanted a church to meet in so we're super grateful to God for blessing us during this time and I really truly believe
I've said this I believe that God's been that God's blessing us because we've we've tried to be faithful to him and to his word and to continue to meet and It's Just for some transparency it's been challenging for us as pastors at times just because You know, we've we've intentionally not tried to condemn other pastors for not meaning especially when this first started
But at what point do you say that okay enough is enough pastors we need to Get get to meeting, right?
And i'll just i'll just be honest. I've been very Discouraged if not angry at times to see comments from pastors around the nation that um have made comments like oh now
I have all this free time to write the discipleship material I always wanted and you know stuff like that and it's and to me, it's like that's laziness and cowardice and Um, and it's so I am so thankful to just our church body for having the courage and desire to keep meeting during this time and i've said this a lot to to other pastors and the people i've met with and I really truly believe and going off what pastor james said god's completely sovereign over this, right?
He knows none of this is happening without without him knowing it And I really truly believe that during this time, this is god pruning his church.
This is god um And we're seeing that I think we're seeing churches. There's probably churches that close their doors because of this um, and I really truly believe that god is just he's cleansing his church and he's building it up he's
And and now is the time for reformation, right? These are the sort of events that take place where you see reformation and cultures and I know it's
Been the thing we've talked about a lot is just it's it's uh Preaching the gospel and being a light to the world during this time and so I I truly believe that we're going to see reformation out of this and part of that is because God's smashing the idols of our culture uh money comfort jobs um, um
Medicare you name it like people's idols are being smashed and Through that process what you see is that?
People's identities They don't exist anymore what they had identity and it's gone that idolatry that they had has been smashed
And so there's there's a lack of logical response uh and a lack of making decisions based upon principle and objective truth and I Yesterday we were at the mill and Uh, if you watched the live stream, we did it all you may have seen this guy ride by on his bicycle
You know, it's 115 degrees out or whatever. He rides by in his bicycle with a crocheted
Mask think about that And he rode by again later
And I was just like what are you doing? And I know I know pastor james saw him because I was wearing a live feed
I'm, like trying not to laugh because I didn't see this guy riding by with a crochet I'm, like, what do you what is that? There's holes. What are you even trying to do?
So just the lack of logic you see in people's response. Um when you're not grounded in truth, you're going to make silly decisions like that And and again as a moment of transparency,
I told my wife every time I go to the store I literally have to sit in the car and pray before I go into the store because I get angry
It's just the craziness of people making decisions that don't make any sense And i'm literally walking through the store like just deep in prayer like lord give me strength
And but again when you when your idols are smashed when you're not grounded in truth When there's nothing objective in your life saying this is smart and this is not smart
You the result is that? And these are the people that need jesus and uh um
One thing I mentioned on the radio show this week if you guys happen to catch it uh, nobody thinks about the side effects of tyranny
And we're witnessing that right now, you know this the riots and the looting
Uh, we were saying pastor jeff and I were saying this it's just it's a powder keg just waiting to explode Because people have had enough of the injustice and of illogical decisions from the top down and again, when you're not grounded in truth, you're people are just angry and they're just looking for a reason to Release that anger and that's what we're seeing.
And so anarchy then is become a natural side effect of tyranny And so just the two things
I want to I want to leave before pastors that comes up Is I want to make sure that as a church body we're not taking granted that which god has blessed us with and um again, just I can't tell you how many messages
We've received from people people that have visited That have been so blessed to have one sunday of the live church service um, god has just blessed us tremendously and so I want us to not
Take that for granted and to rejoice in that And to and to be thankful for that And with that then what we what we need to make sure we're doing is being that that city on a hill
That's salt and that light to our culture um We need to be using this as an opportunity to preach the gospel
To lead people to christ to just to be a shining example Of what it means to be grounded in truth what it means to have uh be standing on an objective standard of morality and justice and logic and principles
Um what it means to not Have a life driven by idolatry and So as we leave here today,
I just want to encourage us to just to keep and I know our you guys are amazing Our church body is incredible. I know so many of us do this regularly as it is, but Just in everything whether it be on facebook social media at the store wherever you're at Uh, let's let's use this as an opportunity
To to grow christ's kingdom. Yeah, he stole everything
I was about to say Hey, um, you know when we want to encourage you, uh, it's not
Some people have a mixed or kind of a wrong understanding what encouragement is it's to put courage into And we need it right now.
Um, just we're going to read you this verse that he just That he just cited says you're the light of the hill city.
I sat on a hill Cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket But on a stand and it gives light to all the house
In the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father
Who is in heaven? so I don't think we don't get like a pass as a church in light of adversity or Circumstances to not be a city on a hill and I think if you track church history when adversity
Comes upon the church, of course all in line with god's will this is god's sovereign choosing of us all to go through this time
But you're going to see the church being neutralized because of fear or you'll see the church be emboldened
Through faith right having their eyes fixed on christ Of course having their perspective being continually washed with a with a biblical worldview
So we do like pastor luke just said we want to take this opportunity and make the most out of it
What does that mean for us? That means we're out sharing the gospel that we have jesus on our mouth like pastor
Jeff just posted last night. Jesus is the answer. What does that mean? Well, it means that if we are to have an answer to the situation
The answer is the gospel upon our mouths and in our hearts and in our minds
Because folks it's not going to come through any other people group It's only going to come for through people who have the abiding holy spirit
Who are equipped to know the true gospel and all of its Indispensable essential components and we're out there in the field
Not putting or not allowing the situation to put a cover over our lives and it's so it's so tempting
And I and I get it we have to respond correctly. And of course, this is this is not a guilt trip at all
What i'm saying is that there is no other person. There's no other people group that can That can elucidate and give this message to this world that so absolutely needs it
So just a couple how -tos, how do we do that? Of course we go out and we're out at the mill saving babies and we're out preaching the gospel constantly in and through the heat um
But how can you do I think we have to have it in the home You know, my my kids were talking to me last night and they said hey
Are these guys going to start coming in the house and I said it'd be a real bad day for these guys
They enter my house Uh, but they're they're nervous and so we want to be as parents
Stabilized in the word of god and really want to challenge you to not To not read the news
Or not watch the news as much as you're focused on the things that are certain in the word
And allow the words that are coming out of your mouth as parents to be words of truth and words of light
Because we can get so wrapped up in our fear in the unknown And that can be what we're preaching throughout the house
And of course, it's going to have an effect on our kids So let's just be preaching the gospel to our children having god's word upon our hearts and also
Use social media. Well, I How many thousands of conspiracy theories are out there you just scroll down you're like what in the world?
And it's like you read one conspiracy theory and then you scroll down and there's something totally contradictory to it So it's not conspiracy theory.
It's it's not even again news that it's going to give you the peace That passes all understanding, of course, it's going to be the word of god so don't get wrapped up in that stuff
On the on facebook and have that be the light that you're shining out because that's only going to instill fear
It's not going to have any power to it because it's devoid of god's word. So again Let's focus on the word.
Let's get the word in and through our homes Let's be out and we got to understand effective evangelism
It's not just a couple guys doing I talked to a guy at our church a couple weeks ago and he said you know what I'm, just making the most out of this opportunity to talk to my sphere of influence the guys that I or His employees i'm using this to share the gospel with him
And so that's what I want to challenge you with tonight your sphere of influence and maybe it's just your kids Just be about talking about jesus be about getting jesus into the hearts and minds of the people that you rub shoulders with All right
Sweet am I still on there you go.
Okay good Uh philippians chapter 4 is where we were. Don't worry. I'm not starting the sermon you guys like wait, wait, wait
There's a curfew Which means nothing to me, you know Uh philippians chapter 4 we were in uh, i'll just read it to you.
I just want to thank god for his providence and bring us In his way to this particular letter from the apostle paul
Written in the midst of great difficulty, which we can't even begin to understand fully
But I want to thank god for him bringing us to this as a church body in the midst of the circumstances that we didn't even
See coming It's tremendous in philippians 4 4 The apostle paul says rejoice in the lord always
Again, I will say rejoice Let your reasonableness gentleness
Be known to everyone the lord is at hand Do not be anxious about anything
But in everything my prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god
And the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ.
Jesus Couldn't be anything better than that Right now in this little moment of time that all of us are in that god has granted to us
Truly gifted to us because he's doing something in the midst of it Remember scripture says in this very same book philippians 1 29
It's been gifted to you not only to believe in jesus, but also to suffer for his sake. So any suffering you're
Enduring right now as a child of god Is a gift from god
Did you hear that? Any suffering you're enduring right now as a child of god is a gift from god how
Because of what god is doing this is his world he's in control He's the one who declares the end from the beginning.
Nobody thwarts his Purposes all things work together for good for those who love god and are the called according to his purpose another part of this passage just i'll read the rest of it here right after this it says
Finally brothers, whatever is true. Whatever is honorable. Whatever is just whatever is pure. Whatever is lovely.
Whatever is commendable If there is any excellence if there's anything worthy of praise think about these things think about these things
This little section is ours right now, right? Let's let's as believers Embrace this let it impact us challenge us on a number of levels
So I just want to say this In terms of where we've been and how we can apply this to where we're at today in these circumstances that god has gifted to us number one rejoice in the lord
Always remember last week I talked about that kind of doesn't make a lot of human sense
How do you rejoice in the lord always I talked about what it doesn't mean is the plastic smile
It doesn't mean the external it doesn't mean that while everything is going to hell in a handbasket the sink
That the ship is sinking that you just put a fake smile on and you say oh praise god, right?
For the city burning praise god for the beatings and the trauma and all of the evil praise god.
No The answer is rejoice in the lord Always and I illustrated what that meant for us as a church body the midst of the in the midst of the tragedy of death
The rejoicing is in the lord not in the circumstance We're supposed to grieve as believers and cry and even weep over death and difficulty and trauma and all those things
It makes sense as a believer. We have a worldview that comports with grief and making sense of meaningful grief in those moments where it actually is
Applicable it matters you ought to grieve at times. But Paul says they always is rejoicing
In the lord it's him that our rejoicing is in in the midst of a circumstance like this right now
I'm going to talk about what it means to rejoice in the lord Even now in the midst of cities burning and curfews and lockdowns and economic disaster and all the difficulty all around us
We should be rejoicing Not in the tragedies not in the trial and the affliction, but we should be rejoicing
In god and in who he actually is he hasn't changed That's the glory of the true god.
He does not change and he is in full control and wielding listen
Wielding even a moment like this as children of god We experience a moment like this and it's difficult because we know the goodness and the justice and the love of our god
And yet we see a fallen world around us Collapsing and that's difficult for us to grapple with because we know how good and loving god is and how perfect he is and how?
Just he is and so it's hard to manage like how is god so good? And yet this is so tragic and evil and difficult.
The answer is it's a fallen world This is the world that we've chosen for ourselves and the particular
Nation that we live in and the state that we live in and the cities that we live in We've been so impacted by god's truth and his gospel and the biblical worldview and yet our culture has said for so long
Not your way my way And now we're eating the fruit of it and we wonder how the cities can burn down and people can collapse and Drag women out of businesses and beat them in front of their husbands and all the rest that's going on And the answer is this this is what you asked for You said no to god
No to his king No to the savior no to his ways no to his righteous statutes
And you said suppress that truth and go to something else and this is the something else
This is what we've asked for And so even in a moment like this we could rejoice
That god is sovereign and he is doing something for his glory and for the kingdom of his son
Even right now we can rejoice that god is actually in this moment being glorified in his just Punishment and wrath that he's pouring out upon people who would say no to his ways and yes to theirs
We can rejoice in god in his grace that he pours out in his undeserving mercy Constantly new every morning and we can rejoice in the lord over his justice
This is a moment where I think you can see or just get a taste of what it means For the kings of the earth to revolt against the true king of the earth and the god of heaven laughs laughs
God Is being displayed even now in these moments we can rejoice in the lord and we don't need to be anxious or worried because of One the character of our god.
We know who he is We have certainty about who god is and as pastor james said our hearts don't have to be troubled because the god of all creation
Stepped into this world and took on flesh and walked among us. You don't have to be troubled god
Became one of us To redeem a people for himself to give him glory to save them
We don't have to be anxious because we know god's promises his character. We know his promises We know what god is like and I wanted to give you this this is very important This is a very very hot time great time for books on end times eschatology
Right end of the world tribulations near what the sky is falling sort of a thing Right.
It's a great time to be a dispensationalist. It really is If you want to make some money write a book now on the end of the world, you will make some bank right now
Here's a deal We as christians oftentimes are like the world
And what I mean Is it's it's a little different but the world Has a hard time seeing 10 feet in front of themselves in terms of the consequences of their decisions and their actions
Do you ever think about that in light of the last two months the circumstances that we're living in People don't understand that the decisions you're making the things that you're yielding on and all that you're deciding to do
Is it going to affect your children your grandchildren it's going to affect your job your livelihood
It's going to affect the amount of food you can put into your mouth or your kids mouths Unbelievers because they don't know god live in a world of chaos and they can't think 10 feet in front of themselves
But in the same way christians seem to have a hard time thinking 10 years In front of ourselves why because we've bought into a perspective of the future that we just want to escape
We want to leave we want to get out of here And so what does that do when we live like we want to be out of the world? We remove our light from the world and where there is no light of the church
Darkness falls on everything light scatters darkness Pastor zach stole my verse
That was the verse I was going to talk about right the light the church is the light light is supposed to actually scatter
Darkness, we're the salt of the earth. We're supposed to preserve the world from decay So while unbelievers can't see 10 feet in front of themselves in terms of their decision making and the consequences that they're going to bring on Themselves the church can't see 10 years in front of ourselves to understand that we have a responsibility to be light to the world
And to preserve the world from spoil and decay that is a command of god. Jesus told you to pray for it
Told you and I to pray for god's kingdom to come and his will be done Here on this earth as it is in heaven.
That's the prayer of every believer according to jesus pray this prayer do you think that jesus is asking us to pray that prayer because he
He thinks somehow the father's not going to fulfill it No, the father is going to fulfill that prayer.
And so I'm going to tell you about the no anxiousness No worry, no fear about the circumstances around us Jesus is the king now listen that Can become so easily become just this pithy
Silly christian slogan And I want to just be i'm going to say this. I I believe this I believe that for many of us when we say jesus is the king.
It is just a slogan. It means nothing It means nothing to the world around us
It means nothing in terms of our actions and our lives and how we lay our lives down The bible says that he's the ruler of the kings of the earth today.
Do you believe that? He's the ruler of the kings of the earth today Jesus says matthew 28 18 through 20 all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
So the message of the church is supposed to go out into the world that jesus is the king You better repent and believe in a hurry salvation and forgiveness is only in jesus
You better repent because jesus is the king Don't forget the father warns the kings of the earth in psalm chapter 2.
He says this obey the son Or you'll perish That's a warning from the god of heaven to the kings of the earth
Jesus is the king He's ruling today on his throne seated at the right hand of the father in first corinthians 15
The apostle paul gives a timeline of history. He says that he's reigning now He's ruling now and he must reign until all of his enemies are made a footstool for his feet
And then the last enemy is death. So here we are in this timeline of history with jesus raised ascended
Seated with the father and what's what's god tell us every enemy's being put into the feet of jesus and then finally death
Brothers and sisters. I look around my world today our world today and I see a heck of a lot of enemies
A lot of enemies. So how do those enemies get subdued? It's not through physical fighting
It's not through physical exertion the enemies of god get subdued the same way you
Were subdued by jesus through his gospel The bible says the gospel is the power of god for salvation.
It's the power of god for salvation You want to see light come into these dark cities? You want to see light come into the dark hearts of those going around and abusing neighbors and making more and more victims
You want to see light? break out proclaim the gospel Call people to repentance and faith in jesus christ.
Remember the promise of the kingdom Why no anxiousness? Why no fear? Why no worry? Remember the vision that daniel has in daniel 7 13 through 14
He's looking in the night visions and he sees one like a son of man coming on the clouds of heaven And he came up to the ancient of days and was presented before him and to him was given what kingdom dominion?
What that every people all tribes tongue peoples and nations should serve him? That's the point of history that we're in now
And if you look at the world today and you're like man, we had so much light before and now we're getting surrounded by darkness
I would say a lot of that has to do with the witness of the church The witness of the church and the culture around about us
Now to give you some encouragement in terms of where we're at in history Jesus is winning the nations putting all of his enemies under his feet and you might say dang
We're not doing so well right now. We've got evil in the streets. We've got injustices. We've got all this Powerlessness happening around us.
How could we say that jesus is victorious? I want to remind you that the messiah jesus
When he died and he rose again, he was crucified as a common criminal and when he conquered death
He had a handful of very confused palestinian jews
Surrounding him And now here we are 2 000 years later
With people all over the world of every color tribe nation
Bowing the knee to jesus christ as savior and as god here. We are in a room right now filled with people of different backgrounds
Different tribes different colors. We all love the same god the same savior and we are unified under his rule
Jesus, listen, he's winning The world he's winning the world through his gospel.
Yeah, that's worthy of applause for jesus and I want to say this there is nothing In scripture nothing in scripture that says that any one particular nation that you're in bringing in the gospel
Is going to make it? That's not the perspective of the future
That america is the kingdom of jesus and that this nation's going to make it all the way to the end as the beacon of Light to all the world.
Maybe it's china Right I don't know. Listen history has gone and fits and starts with the kingdom of god
But you know what? It's always been it's always been mustard seed to large tree It's always been what daniel talked about as a rock a little stone that becomes a mountain and fills the entire earth
Jesus says it's like leaven and a lump of dough the kingdom of god doesn't drop like an army out of the sky
It permeates the culture it moves its way through and it grows And it grows and it grows from a handful of very confused disciples to where we're at today with believers here
In many ways even defying the government itself to say we will worship jesus christ We will gather together to honor him and to glorify him in the desert in arizona.
Jesus is winning What you see out there is the result of the revolt of man against the king
So, how do you get them to see the light to understand? Number one.
It's only through the sovereignty of god. Only he opens eyes and changes hearts and number two He does it through the proclamation of the gospel
Share this with you just briefly. This is really amazing. John barrows is here. By the way, my hero. You see him. Yep He doesn't he doesn't like that because he gives all glory to god
Um, but I don't care because he's still my hero Uh, he's been used by god to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of children
The impact of this man's ministry in life serving. Jesus has literally changed the world. Jesus is winning
See that in just one man's faithfulness. Jesus is winning But what's really interesting yesterday we're at the abortion mill and john was there and it was a really powerful moment where We were letting everyone know live stream what this ministry is about how they can be involved
This is who john is he encouraged us to do this. You should do this too. Praise god for that And then this this beautiful black girl comes walking out of the abortion mill right up to us, right?
Like that doesn't usually happen. It's usually much more hostile. They're trying to avoid you. You got to sort of like chase them down Uh in a loving jesus kind of way, um, but she comes walking right up to us and um
You know, we get a chance to start talking to her and she says she's just there for birth control Everyone starts saying well, you know, they also do abortions there.
And then I think john asked her. Are you a christian? She said yeah, i'm a christian. She's wearing lacrosse On her neck and so as we continue to talk to her, it's all you can watch this on a live stream
You can see the conversation conversation when something like, you know, oh, oh wow, really they do that there Well, i'm just here for birth control and then john, this is the courage of this man now again john
I know you don't want me to highlight you but in terms of faithfulness to the truth a seasoned gospel proclaimer
I missed it because I was hot And I was thinking about the abortion issue
But I I missed it. She you know says oh i'm a christian. I'm just here for birth control And so clay like tells her, you know, that's also an abortifacient
Here's the thing but john hears it and he says you're a christian And she's like, yeah, he says
What are you on birth control for? She's not married
And then he just starts to sort of challenge her on the fact that she is proclaiming to be a christian and taking birth control not married
And really pointing to her sin And her need for jesus and I went for a second. Oh, yeah
That's right And that turned into an opportunity right there on the spot to discover she's not really a christian obviously and um
We get to preach the gospel to her call her to faith in jesus But see here's the deal. It's it's it's it's that kind of courage to simply say what needs to be said
Jesus is lord. He's the king repent and believe the gospel. You might say that might challenge my friendships
It's going to challenge my family. It's going to challenge my place in my community It's going to make me look strange and all the rest. Yeah, and when you don't darkness surrounds everything you're the light of the world
You preach the message that saves it's the message of the gospel that god uses to bring people to life
People don't come to life Unless you tell them that message of the truth The apostles went throughout the book of acts going into places proclaiming christ in a much
Much I think in many ways more difficult context than us. I believe that much harder And when they went in to preach the gospel their lives were in danger
He was lowered out of windows people beat them. They they went to jail and prison
They were hit with rods all the rest and they started riots for jesus. And you know what? It says that acts chapter 9 the church was built up it experienced peace and they were multiplying
Because they were preaching the truth So my challenge to you as brothers and sisters is in the midst of all that we see around us
Be faithful while telling the truth tell the truth Call people to faith in jesus christ not in a low -key way
Tell them about the holiness of god their sin and their need for jesus the answer to the riots and the looting out
There is sin That's the answer. They need redemption forgiveness new hearts new minds.
How come you see it as it is because you have the mind of christ They need it and they don't get it without the gospel so tell it to them and another aspect listen
Of the kingdom of the messiah. This must be understood is that jesus Is concerned with his government and peace expanding and growing through his rule
Isaiah 42 promises that the messiah is going to bring forth the justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law
How do you think they get that through his bride? Through his bride, you're the means you preach the gospel hearts are changed people love god's law
They want his just standards in society, you know, we ought to be doing Calling people to faith in jesus and then telling everybody about the goodness of his law
People I this is what I hate about evangelical leaders today so -called evangelical leaders today They talk about issues like social justice and and all this is happening in justice and justice and justice and you ask him
So what's the solution and there's no answers that are meaningful, you know where the answer is it's right here
It's in god's word. God tells societies how to uphold just standards righteousness
We have the answer to the injustice of the murder of an innocent victim on the street in minnesota.
We've got the answer. It's right here And we need to not hide it under a bushel
No Let it shine
Let it shine tell the truth brothers and sisters to the world around you and if it means you lose your life goods and kindred Your mortal life also then so Be it christians.
Talk a good game We do we talk a good game But this is the moment where believers have to actually live according to their profession
That jesus is enough And that this life Is just a momentary thing eternity is what
I have to look forward to So i'm challenging you as my brothers and sisters in the lord live in light of eternity
Tell the world the truth And lay your life down at all costs
Make sure you live a life and leave a legacy for the glory of jesus christ. Amen so We are going to pray
I think we're going to come up each of us here. We're going to pray um And we're going to pray specifically, uh for our body, of course and our witness in the world we're going to pray for our community around us
And we would be grateful if you joined with us Focus your hearts together with us and what god is doing
And specifically for us our body. How can we be used? By the lord to bring glory to jesus here where we're at here's our here's our little sphere right around us our state arizona this city
How can we be used by god? To bring this place under the feet of jesus Right, of course.
Jesus is winning the world. But this this is the place of our influence How can we be using it by god for that?
So i'll if you guys would actually let's Let's stand together. Let's stand together and pray
Lord again, we're just so incredibly grateful to Stand here today before your throne freely without the threat of The government coming and knocking on our doors and trying to make a stop where we're blessed.
We're grateful lord and we rejoice in this opportunity to do so and well, there's a lot of craziness going on right now in our culture in this world and And we know that you are sovereign over every detail and that this is for your glory lord and Even though we don't necessarily understand why we trust you.
We know that you are working all things out To your glory and we thank you for that um, or we ask that you would give us wisdom to navigate these crazy waters right now lord and just Even in day -to -day lives are you going to the store or leaving church even with the curfews lord that you would
Just guide us and direct us or that you would Use us for your glory that you use us
For your kingdom and to expand it to proclaim the gospel We ask for boldness
And we ask that you would allow us to be a witness to this world lord that you would allow us to Make decisions based upon principle
Which are based upon Your objective truth that's found in your word and um, we ask that you would allow us to not live in fear that you would allow us to be
Directed again by your word lord that we would find our joy In our contentment and you and you alone and not in our circumstances not in the world around us
Not whether or not we'll get pulled over on the way home from church but in you and We thank you
For salvation. We thank you for christ And we ask lord that you would use this church body here
In arizona and in the world lord for your glory and we ask this in christ's name Father we thank you for your trustworthiness and you've shown us through your word in our own lives time and time again
How trust trustworthy you are? And so we trust in you all through this all things and work in conformity with the purpose of your will
So we know that you're behind all this lord. So we pray that you'd give those who are Give those who are not at rest give those who don't have peace who are full full of anxiety give them the ability
To trust in you in this moment going to you father So that you through that intimacy would gift them and give them the peace that they need we pray for our flock
We pray for their lives. We pray for your hand of protection over them We pray for their financial situations for their children for marriages
We pray that you would continue to bless and we thank you for their blessings But we we pray that you'd be with them all through their comings and their goings lord
And we do ask you lord that you'd forgive us for our sins That as a nation we would ask that you would remember your mercy in in your wrath
Lord that you would be so gracious and good to grant mercy to this nation Of course that just does not deserve it lord.
It doesn't so we come in humility before you understanding lord that That we only live by your goodness and grace and we so desperately need it
And I pray god that you give us again courage to be these lights to be these to be the city on a hill to go out to our friends and our loved ones lord with the
Not a mouth not a mouth filled with doubt but a mouth filled with truth lord your truth lord
Give us the capacity. Give us the ability. We pray that through all of this. We would see a harvest We know we will what we pray lord that you would save souls through The dissemination of your good gospel, we love you jesus and we ask these things in your name
Father, we now pray that in accordance with your word You would restrain the madness of evil men and women
That you would grant peace Lord these are things that you say in your word are appropriate and proper things to pray for that We are to pray for those in authority over us.
And so we pray for president trump. We pray for governor. Ducey Lord that you would grant wisdom
That you would protect them from false information
And worldviews that would cause them to make decisions That would be damaging We know that you're accomplishing your purpose.
We understand these things But you have told us to pray in accordance with what we know and so we pray
For righteousness we pray for justice and we pray for restraint Upon those
Who in our land? In our state and in this very valley Right now as the sun is setting
Are planning evil for this evening. We ask that you would restrain Their hearts you would restrain evil that you would protect our families our homes
Lord that you give us wisdom at this time. May we trust in you and your word we pray in christ's name
Am I still on there you go. Okay father. We come before you as your people And we trust in your promises for forgiveness and we confess our sin as a church
As for cleansing we know what you've promised us if we confess our sins You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
You are our hope lord. Jesus. We rest solely solely in you and your righteousness and your work on our behalf
And so lord we look to you and ask for you to especially empower us as a church body
To glorify your name in the midst of the difficulty all around us. God. Would you grant us that?
Privilege and honor and blessing To be a light in the midst of this difficult moment.
Please guard us from evil Protect us from our own sin and ourselves and I pray that you'd even fill us now with strength and courage
To preach the gospel of the kingdom Please give us your words on our lips
I pray that you give us minds That are consistent with yours and the way that you think and I pray for opportunity to be light to the world around us
Please lord grant us that The ability to even in the midst of this difficult moment
Wherever we're at in the history of the church Let us be a part of that growth of your kingdom
And I pray that lord you'd be glorified not for our sake not for our name's sake But for jesus sake father, please give us that We ask you to bless us get us home safely guard us protect us