Thanks to the police, from CARM


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Thanks to the men and women of law enforcement who risk their lives in the service of our nation.


Hi, I'm Matt Slick from Karm .org. I wanted to give a shout out to the cops, to you policemen, you policewomen.
I wanted to say thank you for doing your job. The reason I'm saying this is because I appreciate you.
When I see policemen, I see them at a restaurant, eating, I don't want to bug them, but a lot of times
I'll just tell them thank you for doing their job. I appreciate the police. Even when I get stopped, if I get a ticket or I don't get a ticket,
I appreciate what they're doing and I tell them thank you for doing their job. I believe you cops risk your life on a regular basis and I believe that you don't get the due respect and appreciation due, the difficult calling that is your job.
You put on that uniform and you're supposed to act perfectly and when you don't, it gets just broadcast all across the media as though one bad incident or a bad cop represents the whole.
Well, it doesn't and a lot of people like myself know that it doesn't. We just want to let you know that we appreciate you.
See, when I get stopped by a cop, which isn't very often, but when I do, I turn my car off,
I put my hands where they can be seen, my keys are on the dash, I even turn the overhead light on inside if it's night so they can see me.
It's not because I'm afraid, it's because I have respect for them. They don't know if I'm a good guy, they don't know if I'm a bad guy, they don't know if I'm out just to get something for the wife or if I'm on drugs or anything.
They walk up to the door to a stranger in a difficult situation and they do this on a regular basis and as far as I'm concerned, they're risking their lives.
I appreciate you for what you do. I know many of us do. I want to say thank you, keep up the good work and just know that we're praying for you and that we value your great effort out there.