F4F | Becky Heinrichs and The Odd Life


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. So let me quickly ask you this question.
The question is, when the world sees Christians, what is it that we
Christians are to be shining before the world so that they scratch their heads in wonder about those
Christians? You know, what is it with them? Is it that you got promoted at a job when you weren't qualified for the promotion?
Is that a sign that you're a Christian? Yeah, if you've ever heard anything like that, go ahead and subscribe down below, ring the bell, don't forget to like the video, because the
Scripture is actually quite clear that what we are to be shining before the world, and it's not odd things in our life, it's something actually quite mundane but quite important and reiterated, taught by Christ, reiterated in the
Epistles like all over the place, and I'll demonstrate that for you. Today we're gonna be heading down to C3 Church San Diego, C3 San Diego, and we're gonna be listening to Becky Heindricks, and she's listed here as Pastor Becky Heindricks, and I would note that female
Pastrixes, they don't exist. No, Christ does not call women into the pastoral office.
This is explicitly stated in Scripture, and so already we've got a problem, but we won't really focus on that one any farther than what we've done here.
And they're doing a sermon series there at C3 Church in San Diego called
God in Hollywood, God in Hollywood, and this particular sermon is supposedly based upon, or you know, it makes allusions to a
Disney movie called, let me see if I, because I haven't seen it, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
So if you would like to kind of get at least a feel for where she's coming from, if you look up Odd Life of Timothy Green trailer on YouTube, in fact why don't we do this,
I'll have my editor magically apply a link over, well, no, there, there, there, there's a link there right now that you can go and you can watch the trailer for this movie,
The Odd Life of Timothy Green, and so you get a feel for where she's coming from, but we're gonna note that what she's teaching here is not a biblical doctrine, and The Odd Life of Timothy Green doesn't somehow miraculously convey to the world via Disney storytelling a biblical truth.
Yeah, far from it. So grab some popcorn, let's check in with Becky Heindricks as she supposedly is picking up the biblical themes from this
Disney movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, and her sermon is entitled, The Odd Life.
Here we go. Watch it now. I know. You can watch with your kids too, so it's really great. So I want to, they opened up the movie trailer by saying this, we want to tell you our story, but you're gonna find it hard to believe.
So I want to ask us all this morning, do we live lives that people find it hard to believe? Okay, do we live lives that people find it hard to believe?
Now, we'll note that Scripture teaches that false teachers are waterless rainclouds, but the other thing that they do is they have a tendency to,
I mean, you bind up heavy burdens and put them on people. And so immediately
I'm sitting here going, well, is it up to me? Is it my responsibility to operate in the miraculous and stuff like that?
Because where she's gonna go next, I've actually previewed the sermon, where she's gonna go next is along those lines.
And so with that, let's let her spin this out just a little bit, and note the heavy burden here that is placed on you to be operating in the miraculous and the signs and wonders and somehow the visible favor of God.
When they look at our lives, like, it seems odd. Like, how are they living with the level of peace they're living in despite the storms that they're facing?
Or how are they living in the level of blessing that they're living in despite their income? Living in the level of blessing.
That's a little vague. Or how are they living in a way with such joy despite what's going on in the world?
Now, granted, the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control—those are all the fruit of the
Holy Spirit, that God the Holy Spirit works in us through the process of sanctification as the
Holy Spirit, through the means of grace, mortifies our sinful flesh, and begins to bear the fruit of the
Spirit in our lives. And we'll note that the fruit of the Spirit is for other people, not for ourselves.
But we continue. ...worlds around them. Do people find it odd that you are literally a shell of who you used to be because you've allowed your life to be transformed by the love of Jesus?
I've allowed, okay. ...and you're no longer recognizable. Do people find it odd? You know,
I believe that the supernatural, the fairytale ending, is not just for the big screen and for Hollywood.
Okay, so the supernatural fairytale ending, and they lived happily ever after, is not just for the big screen.
This note, she says, I believe. This is not material for a sermon.
By the way, a little bit of a note here, I'll go on a slight tangent. The job of a pastor, according to Scripture, is not to inform people what your opinions are, you know, to pontificate and things like that.
Second Timothy chapters 3 and 4 tell us something very important, and I like to remind people of this on a regular basis here.
And you'll note that these are instructions given by the Apostle Paul to young Pastor Timothy, and so he starts in 2nd
Timothy 3, 14, As for you, young Pastor Timothy, continue in what you have learned, and I firmly believe, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you've been acquainted with the sacred writings, grammata, these are physical writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
All Scripture is breathed out by God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
So I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom, preach the
Word. Not your opinions, not your speculations, you're to open up the
Word of God, the written Word of God, which is able to make you wise for salvation. All Scripture is theanoustas,
God -breathed. So preach the Word. So I would argue that preaching the
Disney movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green is in direct defiance to the command of Scripture that pastors are to obey.
They are to preach the Word. Preach the Word. Be ready in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience in teaching, for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching.
But having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to soothe their own passions, and they will turn away from listening the truth, and they will wander off into myths.
And I'm going to argue that what we're going to be hearing from Becky, Mrs. Heindricks, is mythology.
It's not even remotely akin to the truth. She's pontificating here, but again
I'm going to ask, which biblical text is she exegeting here? Yeah, I haven't seen a
Bible passage yet. They opened with the movie trailer for The Odd Life of Timothy Green, so no
Bible has made an appearance, and now she's just, you know, giving us her opinions. Yeah, the job of a pastor doesn't include giving opinions.
The job of the pastor is to preach and to proclaim the Word. We continue. I actually believe that it should be a testament of every believer, because our
Heavenly Father is the King of Kings, and the... So I believe. So no, I'm gonna back this up. I want you to hear it again.
This is not a biblical text. This is not a biblical truth. This is her opinion.
Speculations based upon an extrapolation of something that is true about Christians, but let's listen again.
...transformed by the love of Jesus, and you're no longer recognizable. Do people find it odd?
You know, I believe that the supernatural, the fairytale ending, is not just for the big screen and for Hollywood.
I actually believe that it should be a testament of every believer, because our Heavenly Father is the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, so that we can live an extraordinary life, an extra...
He has blessed us so that we can live an extraordinary life? Where does it say that He has blessed us so that we can live an extraordinary life, talking about in the supernatural?
Notice, she's not opening a biblical text to show you that this is what
God's Word says. This is her opinion, and she was quite open about the fact that this is her opinion.
Extraordinary life. So I think as God's kids, we should be able to dream bigger, believe for more, step out in faith.
Dream bigger, believe for more, step out, because we're God's kids. Believe for the impossible, the supernatural, the fairytale ending, because God is our
Heavenly Father. The title of my message this morning is, The Odd Life. The Odd Life.
So when people look at our lives, do they find it odd? Like, how are they...
How did they... Now listen to what comes next. How did they get that job with that level of education?
How did they get that? So how did you get that job when you're not qualified to have it? ...house with that?
Didn't they just get diagnosed with cancer? How are they... How is it that I think people should look at our lives and find it odd that we are living under such supernatural blessing and favor?
Now is that what Scripture teaches? That people are gonna look at us and go, whoa man, supernatural blessing and favor, man.
I gotta become a Christian too. No, not at all. And so this is where we're gonna spend a little bit of time just doing a survey here.
Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, in the opening portion of the
Sermon on the Mount, says this, in the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father who is in heaven. Good works are what we are called to as Christians.
This is the light that we shine. Our love for neighbor, our love for God, manifested not in the supernatural, but in our good works.
So you'll note then that that's really what shines forth.
Acts chapter 9 says, now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which translated means
Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.
Her light in good works was shining before people.
In fact, let me see if I can add a little bit of a little bit more in the context.
So in those days she became ill and she died, and when they had washed her they laid her in the upper room, and since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him, please come to us without delay.
So Peter rose and went with them, and when he arrived they took him to the upper room, and all the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing the tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them.
So she made clothing for people. Not demonstrated her life in the supernatural, but like Christ said, let her good works shine before men, the people would give glory to God.
Let's take a look at some other passages. Second Corinthians chapter 9, and note here that this is written to Christians, and it says this, each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not with reluctancy under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
As it is written, he is distributed freely, he is given to the poor, his righteousness endures forever.
And then you'll note that Ephesians chapter 2, you know, we are all familiar with verses 8, 9, and 10, for by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.
It's not the result of works, so that no one may boast, for we are God's workmanship. And listen to what we are created for as Christians.
Created in Christ Jesus, not for the supernatural, but for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
And then you'll note then Philippians, okay, that, well actually,
Philippians here doesn't have what I'm looking for, so we'll continue on. Colossians chapter 1,
Colossians chapter 1, and so, from the day we heard that you had not ceased, verse 9, to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will and all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner that is worthy of the
Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.
And so you'll note then that over and again, you know, that the light that we are to shine, as Christ said, are our good works.
2 Thessalonians 2, 16. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our
Father who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.
And you'll note this is a recurring theme in Scripture, we are admonished to what? Good works.
And so you'll note then that women then are to not adorn themselves, you know, with braidery and things like that, so listen to what it says here in 1st
Timothy 2, so I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or quarreling, likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectful apparel with modesty and self -control, not with braided hair or in gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness, with good works.
And we'll note then that in the list of good works, then here in 1st
Timothy 2, so then let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, rather she is to remain quiet.
So we'll note that, you know, in the list, you know, in reiterating that we as Christians are called to good works, that our good works shine before people, that in that list of good works then a woman is not to exercise authority in church over a man.
Becky Heindricks is in defiance of the good works that she is called to in Christ, just by the mere fact that she's preaching.
So then 1st Timothy 5, then, so if anyone does not provide for his relatives, verse 8, and especially for the members of his household, he's denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
So you'll note that providing for your family is a good work, so let a widow be enrolled if she is not less than 60 years of age, having been the wife of one husband, and having a reputation for good works, right?
If she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, washed the feet of the saints, and cared for the afflicted, has devoted herself to every good work.
No mention here of going and demonstrating the supernatural and having people sit there and go, how is it that they got that promotion when they haven't even been to business school, right?
Yeah, you get the idea. And the list goes on and on and on.
Paul says that good works are to be conspicuous, even those that are not cannot remain hidden.
So talking then about more other people, you'll note that in 1st
Timothy 6, let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so the name of God and teaching may not be reviled.
Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers, rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved.
Yeah, and so note then that he continues that as for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
They are to do good, to be rich in good works.
Yeah, this is a recurring theme in Scripture. So, you know,
Paul writes to Titus, show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity and dignity.
Titus 2 .14, you know, is an admonishment for us, but I'm gonna back it up just a little bit,
I'm gonna add a little bit more context. Training us, so, you know, the gospel trains us for the grace of God, here we go, 2 .11,
the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self -controlled, upright, godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness, and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.
Yeah, you'll note that this just simple survey here, I haven't even exhausted what the
New Testament says, but all of this agrees, that we are not called to a life of the supernatural, we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, and as Christ says, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father who is in heaven. Yeah, so that's not what we're hearing from Becky, and the fact that she's preaching is not a good work, this is a bad work, because she's going against one of the clear instructions as to how women are to do good works, and by exercising authority over a man, she's in defiance of God himself.
So this is not a good work that she is doing, and then now preaching her own opinions and what she thinks is reasonable, she continues with this bad work that she's doing.
We continue. And that supernatural blessing and favor is the mark of heaven on our lives. People should be...
No, the mark of heaven are our good works. Be in awe of how God's kids get to live, amen?
So I want to pull some thoughts together from this movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Job of a pastor is to preach the
Word. And see what keys that can lead us to a life that people... Really, we're gonna use a
Disney movie to give us keys to lead to a life of the supernatural, really? People find it hard to put their finger on.
How is that possible? Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but The Odd Life of Timothy Green is not scripture, nor is it even a historical narrative.
It's a fictional screenplay. And in this movie, I'm gonna show another clip in a moment, but so the beginning of the movie starts with this beautiful couple sitting across from the doctor, and they say these things.
They say, you've been trying for years, and you couldn't have tried harder or done more, but they're coming to a point you have to accept.
And then the doctor pauses, and she says, I'm so sorry. And then they find this couple at that night at home deciding if they should dream again for one more night.
You can go ahead and play the second clip. Yeah, well, they're not able to play it. The point of my message is to dream again.
Let me back this up just a little bit. So for one more night, the first point of my message is to dream again.
Can we just dream again for one more night? Dream for what? Where in Scripture are we told to dream again?
You know, and I do, I really felt this morning that God is asking. She felt that God is asking.
Now no, she's claiming direct revelation from God. So if you challenge or do not believe what she's saying, it's not her that you're challenging, it's
God. She's claiming that she's got it, she's got it so tight with God that God is communicating directly to her heart, and that God is the one who wants us to believe that we need to dream again.
And note the heavy burden on us that now we've got to be a light to the world through the supernatural blessings that apparently we need to be operating in, rather than good works, which is what the
Scripture says. His kids today, will you dream again? Will you dream again?
And I want to ask a question. What dreams have we buried and killed that should be alive within our hearts?
What kind of question is that? And so you'll note then that you can see what's coming next.
You know, well, so you took a dream and you buried it. Oh don't worry, God's into resurrection. Yeah, that's where this is gonna go.
So she's going to completely obliterate the biblical motif of death and resurrection by applying it to your dreams, rather than to the crucified and risen
Savior, who, when he returns in glory, will take us, even though we are in the grave, and he will raise us from the dead.
Not our dreams, by the way. Whether it's big or small, you know, honestly,
I do think some dreams should be buried and die to be honest. Again, her opinion. Some dreams need to be buried and die.
Honest. The kind of dreams that aren't good for us. Which text are you preaching from again? The kind of dreams that don't align with the will of God, the kind of dreams that are fueled by unhealthy desires, competition, comparison, and pride.
Yeah, like the unhealthy desire to be a female pastor. The kind of dreams that God knows won't end up like dreams, but more like nightmares.
I do believe that, like the sermon, there are some dreams that do need to be buried once and for all. She thinks.
That's her opinion, by the way. But the Bible says in Psalm 37 4, delight yourself also in the
Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Okay, so delight yourself in the
Lord. So if you are truly delighting yourself in the Lord, that means you are devoted to his
Word, to really understanding it, to repenting where God's Word causes you to realize that you are wrong in your thoughts, your words, your deeds, by the things you've done, the things you haven't done, and the false doctrines that you've believed, and the false practices that you've engaged in.
Oh, delight yourself in the Lord, and what's going to happen is that the Lord is going to drive you to repentance, and he's going to renew your mind.
And in renewing your mind, then, that the Lord desires to give you the desires of your heart. The desires of a sanctified
Christian who has been broken by God's Word, their desires are really different than the desires of a new
Christian or even a pagan. And so you'll note here that, you know, taken out of context, this is not some challenge for us to dream big.
This is a challenge for us to truly, wholeheartedly, devote ourselves to the
Word of God, and God, through his Word, mortifying our sinful flesh and its desires and passions, and bringing forth within us, then, the new man and the desires that our new man has in obeying
God, and in being zealous for good works.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. So God wants to give you the desires of your heart, but I think sometimes we can focus more on the latter part of that verse than the beginning part of that verse, because when we delight ourselves in the
Lord, which means to incline, to lean in, to...
To incline and lean in. Where'd you get that? Take pleasure in, to get close to.
I think when we get close to the Lord, I think for a moment, when we actually are delighting ourselves in him, we kind of forget for a moment all the things we're wishing for and wanting, and we actually can put ourselves aside for a moment, and say,
God, but what do you want for my life? But I think because we... We don't even need to ask the question.
God has clearly told us what he wants for our life. You find it in the Word. You know,
Christians are created in Christ Jesus for good works.
Those are laid out in Scripture, in the Epistles, very clearly. We spend a lot of our time just dreaming and believing and asking for things we want, and we've never stopped to ask what
God wants for us, which would be good and perfect, like the Bible says. We end up getting things or asking for things that aren't necessarily going to be good for us.
We need to delight ourselves in the Lord first, and remember, I've said this before, but if it is not good, if your dream is not going to end up being good,
God cannot give it to you because the Bible says only good and perfect gifts come from above,
James 1 17. And I think, I was just even thinking this morning, what if we would have had every dream we ever had come to pass?
Like the dreams we dreamed and prayed for when we were like young or dating that first boyfriend or girlfriend.
I think the prophet Garth Brooks had it right when he says, Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers.
Right? I thank God for unanswered prayers, because I was actually praying to marry someone that I dated for five years before I met
Pastor John. So you can imagine, John is the best result of unanswered prayers I have ever had in my whole life.
So sometimes we need to thank God for answered prayers. What biblical texts are you preaching from again?
I've only seen one verse out of context and a whole lot of your opinions. Trust that we don't always know what's to come and trust that He is good and that He is for us.
You know, I give this advice to a lot of people, so it's not uningenuous. So here we go. Now we're going to get advice from Becky.
Anyone, it's just, I think it's good advice. If people are kind of on the fence, like, is this a
God dream? It's not. Nothing seems to be happening. Is it a God dream? Good. The good works we are called to are clearly and unambiguously laid out and spelled out and defined in Scripture.
Or is it a me dream that's going to end up more like being like a nightmare and they don't know whether they should bury it?
I usually tell them this. You cannot lose. You cannot lose if you bury it, kill it, and move forward.
You can't lose. Because if it is a God dream, God has the power to resurrect that dream.
And then He will be orchestrating. Told you. Told you. Yeah. You know, God's going to resurrect your dead dreams.
The details. So you can't lose. And let's. So just bury it just in case. Because if it's from God, don't worry.
He'll raise it from the dead. No biblical text teaches this.
These are just her opinions and her speculations and wrong extrapolations from biblical texts taken out of context.
I think you get the idea. So one small verse so far in that sermon, and a lot of The Odd Life of Timothy Green, job of a pastor is to preach the
Word. Becky certainly is not doing that in this sermon.
Yeah, and that's the danger of it. Unfortunately, what Becky is doing here, and shouldn't be doing at all, is all too common in places that call themselves
Christian churches today. And that's the problem. So pray for her repentance and pray that she would actually repent and show forth in good works that Christ has called her to through his
Word by stepping down as a pastor and no longer preaching and teaching, because she's not qualified, and she's not called to do so.
That would be a good work. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, please share the video.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.