Roasting the Social Justice Inquisitors at the #MLK50 Conference ERLC (Part 6)

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Some decent advice from our esteemed panel followed by some horrendous advice (seriously dont try this drinking game with anything harder than water) .This is getting spicy :). Enjoy. #ERLC, #MLK50 "How Not To Talk About Race"


Roasting the Social Justice Inquisitors at the #MLK50 Conference ERLC (Part 7)

Roasting the Social Justice Inquisitors at the #MLK50 Conference ERLC (Part 7)

Well, hey, welcome back. We are going to continue this Analysis of a very important panel discussion from the most important conference in Christian history
The MLK conference brought to you by ERLC and the gospel coalition The MLK 50 conference, which is a conference about a heretic
And that's fine. I guess you could have a conference about a heretic. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say you can't But anyway,
I'm gonna skip ahead probably about five minutes from where we were last It's just too boring And too serious, so I'm gonna skip ahead to the next more spicy topic
I haven't really listened to all this. I listened to about five seconds of it And I thought though this is this is gonna be good.
So we'll see where this takes us Oftentimes when something happens, that's
All over social media all over the news We really want to have lots of conversation about race in those moments when our emotions are just flaring and all over the place
Dean branch give us a little bit of insight about why it's valuable to have
Conversations about race beyond just those moments. We're more prone to have them
So I've been married 21 years and I know that And one of the things
I've learned in marriage is that We do not have the conversation that we're most angry about when we're most angry.
It's just common sense it's when That's good advice,
I think I mean III I'm not gonna say that's not good advice but if we waited
Until social justice warriors weren't angry to have this conversation
This conversation would never happen Social justice warriors are always angry about something
If there's nothing going on they will invent something to be angry about this is a hallmark of social justice warriors
I don't know if these if these folks, you know, really know about what social justice warriors are all about in the secular culture
I think they do because they use a lot of the same tactics and they identify a lot of the same imaginary issues
But you know social justice warriors will Will seek out things that aren't problems and pretend that they're problems like for example
One of the things I've been looking into recently is how social justice warriors are infiltrating You know like tabletop games and like collectible card games
And so the social justice warriors have completely taken over magic the gathering completely taken over the company that produces magic the gathering and so They'll say things like Oh magic
The gathering isn't welcoming towards women because and and what they'll do is exactly what these folks are doing.
They'll cite a disparity They'll say well, you know most most magic the gathering players are men And therefore it must be that it's not a safe space.
You see they like that word space It's not a safe space for women because obviously men and women are exactly the same and they like the same things
And so if there's not enough women playing magic, then we're doing something wrong. We got to change everything And so they're changing the artwork.
They're changing everything about the game to try to attract women But the reality is women don't want to play magic the gathering in general
Some women do and my hats off to you my my wife likes to play Star Wars destiny with me not a lot of not a lot of women want to do that and so Social justice warriors will always be angry about something.
So while this might be good advice and we'll see what she has to say You can't really wait until a social justice warrior is not angry because they are always furious.
I Very angry article as well Things are good when we have ears to hear when tensions aren't high those are the moments to have those conversations about those things that are hard to talk about and Yes in those moments we can address things
But to challenge people and to push people in those moments are not necessarily the best ones when people are reacting
Emotionally or people are grieving You know what's so interesting about what she's saying is she just got done saying a few minutes ago
How when she was weeping and crying over Michael Brown and a Trayvon Martin? Her friends were silent and they didn't want to talk to her about this and now she's saying well
Those are the exact moments. You don't want to talk to her about it. So this is white people are in tough situations
They really I feel bad for white people. I've said this many times on video and in my life in general I feel bad for white people because no matter what they do, it's wrong
So if you talk to this lady while she's crying, well, don't talk to me while I'm emotional if you don't talk to her
Well, you're the silence of my friends is gonna it's gonna stay with me forever Like it doesn't matter what you do.
You will be called a racist by a social justice warrior. That is their goal They are no matter what you do.
You will be called a racist. I Feel bad for white people and this this lady doesn't know she's doing it
I'm not saying she's doing it on purpose, but she just got done saying that when she's emotional She wants someone to say something but now she's saying when she's emotional.
She doesn't want to have this conversation. I mean What's a what's a white man supposed to do, right?
I People are afraid those are not necessarily the best moments to have those conversations But when you're in community with people because I'm we've been married so long
I I know when I can speak to him about something in particular when you're in community with people you can have
Conversations about things that seem strange or hard or awkward And it'd be safe One of the things we hope this is good advice
Coffee talks where we as women get together and we talk about all kinds of topics and we say purposely
This is a safe space for ignorance. So you're We should what we should do honestly is well,
I we can't do this because we're Christians, right? But We should play a drinking game where we can drink if we're
Christians, but if we played this game we would be sauced Every time they say the word spaces take a drink if you did that in this in this panel discussion
You would be dead at the end of the panel discussion. There's no question about it. So don't do it. Don't do it
Christians can enjoy alcohol, but we can't get drunk and you would definitely be drunk if you took a drink every time
They said the word spaces. I Hate that word We're not knowing how to address this you're not being comfortable asking me about my hair
Things like that are okay in this space And when you set that up in the moment when the new cycle happens and it's something dramatic
People do feel like they have the ability to a approach you. I I'm laughing and not laughing because what with what she's saying because it's actually pretty decent advice what she's saying
But that thing about the hair, right? I've I've heard that it's a microaggression if you if you say to a black woman that you really like her hair
That's a microaggression because what you're saying is it's like it's oh, this is like weird hair, you know so you can't even compliment a black woman on her hair anymore.
Otherwise, that's a microaggression. Can you imagine if If every compliment was actually really a microaggression in disguise.
I mean some compliments probably are But in the safe space you can do it in the space you can do it
It's just water and they feel like it's safe to talk to you about those
Yeah, so in those moments where there's not a lot of tension going on great time to talk about it But Cortland, I know that you guys you inside a in your own home have opened your home up when these instances have happened
Tell us what that has been like tell us what you guys have done in those moments and what and how it just sort of All panned out.
Yeah, so Last couple summers ago, I think after the Philando Castile shooting me my wife
Yeah, I'll say this. I you know, I'm not I don't know everything that happened in the Philando Castile situation, but to me that one
Felt like it was probably not justified at all And probably just a scared cop kind of thing.
I don't I still don't think it was racist but because you actually you can't just assume just because the the shooters white and the
The victim is black that it's automatically racism It could be that it was an unjustified police shooting and it had nothing to do with race
Because there are unjustified police shootings when the victim is white so Yeah, I don't think
I had anything to do with race, but I do tend to side with Philando's family on that one
Just saw that there was so much silence Around us and I started to peep that it wasn't that people didn't have anything to say they didn't have a space where they felt like they could
Safe to say the things they really wanted to say So we opened up our home in order for us to have those conversations
And what I saw in that was people just you know, a lot of times we talk about white silence But I think it often comes from fear of saying the wrong things
That we need to be able to push into our white brothers and sisters and have those conversations amongst yourselves
Don't just wait for us to come around but also as Say say white silence.
Is that what he said? That's a new one for me white silence The thing about that term is that it assumes that there's something to say, right?
There assumes that there's some kind of injustice without proving it So if a white person is not speaking about an unproven injustice, then they're just being white silent
And that's kind of a way to frame the conversation. I would say take a step back We have to prove this first.
We have to prove that the Philando killing was a racially motivated killing I think you'd have a very hard time proving that But it could be done if it was and so let's not pretend like it's impossible to prove that you could prove that all you
Have to do is find the cops, you know Klan uniform in the closet But I don't think there is one.
I don't think he was a racist As the opportunities come where there's a mixed crowd
With that opportunity for us was the chance to really have hard things be said But there'll be love and the gospel at the center of it
That this is one conversation isn't going to be the silver bullet to solve all racial reconciliation issues
That this is a journey So I think one thing that we saw was that in having those conversations in our home
It provided a platform for further relationships and more conversations to come So just seeing that your house your home and hospitality is a great tool in racial reconciliation conversations and Using that utilizing that and I was able to see that Yeah, that's good
I Like that guy. That's the student. I don't think he's actually a professor or Work for the school.
Maybe he does. I don't know but but this that guy's that guy is the best one on this panel The student he has a lot of really good things to say now
I would imagine I don't agree with him on these issues But it seems like I could actually talk to that guy, you know And so and I think we often want to maybe that was a microaggression.
I don't know. There's a compliment I meant it as a compliment You run to social media when something happens like this
We all want to comment and be that social media sage or prophet, but really
I think Like that, huh But what I think we should do is really run to those who we know
Who we have relationships with who we can wrap our minds around things with and so those spaces that court
When inside a created I think our spaces that we would all All do well to create
It wasn't that he was the president of an institution and he then created this massive space for that which that's
Good we should have those spaces but It was his living room
It was you know, a couple of square feet like this that you know, people just coming together drinking up all your coffee late at night
Talking and so I think I think that's extremely important. And so Someone's to say it's a little time but it's okay so Sounds like he's about to say something really good.
So we'll save that for next time Thank you for joining me. And again, remember I was joking about that drinking game
Don't do a drinking game like that for this this panel because you will be drunk and that will be a sin and I don't
Want to recommend anyone sin? If and if you decide to do play that drinking game, just take a little sip a little sip and you'll be fine probably