Matt Slick Bible Study - Depress-chatology Part 2


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Matt Slick reviews the depressing side of eschatology - part 2


We're live, we're on. Let me jump in with prayer and we'll explain what's going on. I hope you all out there listening are gonna have a good time and it'll be interesting, it'll be entertaining.
All right, let's pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you for this time and I ask Lord that you would,
Lord that you would bless it, that you bless everyone here, that you'd open up our hearts and our minds to the truth of your word.
Lord, we ask that as we look into your scriptures that your word and your truth would be known.
We know that there are people who disagree with all kinds of things in eschatology, but we ask Lord that you'd grant grace to all of us, that we might disagree lovingly and patiently and kindly as we bring glory to you.
And we ask this, Jesus, in your precious name. Amen. All right, first of all,
I'd like to say I consider it a privilege to be able to teach you or try and teach you. We'll see if you learn anything or, because am
I right? Am I wrong? We're gonna find out, hopefully. I'm gonna make a bold statement. I believe in all millennialism and which is the teaching that we are in the millennial reign of Christ right now.
And that that reign is a, it's a real reign, but it's not a literal 1 ,000 year reign.
We'll go into some questions and stuff later, so save your questions until after the break. All right, we'll just do this. What I want to do is present an argument, and we hopefully, hopefully this will work.
Because what I did is, is I got my PowerPoint slides getting going here, and you have the sheet, the handout, if you can give me one of those,
I think I have one, and you'll see on the back, well I see in the front here, where the charts or the grids are, this is just the scriptures for you to take a look at.
And hopefully we'll end up with the bottom chart at the end of the study. That's the idea.
And you'll see on the back side is the, or I think I got all of the references, all the scriptures that we're going to be using.
And you'll notice it's kind of like, you know, got blocks, got underlines, got colors.
The idea is just so that you could get an understanding of where some of the themes occur in the various verses.
This is not exhaustive, but it's quite representative. Now, as I've said before,
I was raised in a household where we didn't really go to church. I got mixed up in the occult.
I've seen things, I can do a seminar on that sometime, and bad stuff happened. I got tricked into being saved, that's another story.
Ended up going to different churches, and went to Calvary Chapel a lot, and some other churches. Went to a
Lutheran college, a Presbyterian seminary. And so between those and after those,
I did a lot of different, I went to a lot of churches. And then for a few years in Southern California before I moved here,
I did what's called pulpit supply. And pulpit supply means that you just fill pulpits that are vacant for that Sunday.
Maybe the church pastor's out for a month, and they have four different guys for four different weeks.
And so I would drive a hundred miles sometimes, preach in a church, come back, and I wouldn't even be in my own church for three, four weeks at a time.
And did pulpit supply for several years. And that led me to learn some things and understand some stuff.
I'm not loyal to any denomination. I'm not loyal to any perspective. Now, I'm a five -point
Calvinist. If you're not, I don't care. It's all right. I do care, actually, but I want you to not look to that.
I want you to look to Jesus. So I believe that, but I'm not loyal to it.
I believe in amillennialism, but I'm not loyal to it. I am loyal to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And that's how it should be to all of us and with all of us and the whole thing. So what
I want to do is present to you this argument and see what you think about it. And last week we did
Deprescatology, where we went through the seven seals, the trumpets, and the seals, trumpets, and bowls.
And really, nobody was depressed. That's what got me. I failed. Nobody was depressed, right?
You walk out of here depressed. Dang it. I gotta work harder. My wife says
I'm depressing, but I think it's a different reason. So what we'll do is we'll go through, and you'll see pretty quickly what
I've done here. We're gonna go through a few basic slides. What I'm gonna do is get to the place where we see this chart, this grid, several times.
And we're gonna go through the grid and then see where the next point goes. Then go back to the grid, next point. Back to the grid, next point.
So you can follow. And you can do this on your own at home. You can do this on your own at home.
There's a lot more to study on these areas. I wish I could just study eschatology for a while.
Now we do have more chairs in there if we need them. Just let Cameron, you can check it out. All right, you guys ready?
We've got one person who saved. All right, you guys ready?
All right, all right, all right, all right. So this age and this age and the age to come. All right, so let's go.
I'll click that. And come on. So God's prophecy. I want to give you a little bit of information first.
Genesis 2, 15 through 17. Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
The Lord God commanded the man saying, from any tree of the Garden you may eat freely, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.
Did he die when he ate it? The answer is yes. God said you will die.
Did he die? Yes. So what does he mean? The death that separates us from God, that sin that separates us from God, Isaiah 59, 2, etc.
All right, and now remember, Adam represented us. He represented all of us. All right, a lot of people don't know that, but he did.
Romans 5, 18. So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men.
See? To all men. As his transgression, condemnation to all men. Look at 1 Corinthians 15, 22.
For as in Adam, that's a term of federal headship in Adam, all die.
In Adam, he represented all of us. We died in him. Now we can go into the theology of this stuff later on.
That's Romans 5, 18, 1 Corinthians 15, 22, not on your sheet. Sorry about that. Now, I believe that that was a prophecy that's going to have its fulfillment.
Look at Matthew 24, 22. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved.
But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. Now it's in a, you know, a yellowish kind of a color.
I want red, but red doesn't go with the blue background, so I put it in this color. Those are the words of Christ. Now look what he says.
Unless those days be cut short, no life would be saved. Now I believe, my opinion is, that what
God prophesied in Genesis 2, 17 will come to fulfillment in that man is going to kill himself, or get on to the brink of killing himself.
And if those days be not short, cut short, no life would have been saved. Jesus is going to stop us from killing ourselves.
Nuclear war, whatever you want to call it, a gigantic celestial I told you so, is what's going on.
And that's why last week we talked about this. I mentioned this before. Last week we talked about it. We're going through the stuff.
And the rapture is post -trib. We are going to be here. We're not going to escape.
And I'm going to show it to you. All right. Now what's going to happen? What are the signs of those times?
We're going to be coming back to this stuff a little bit more. But I want you to know, false Christs are going to be around this time.
Wars, famine, earthquakes, martyrdom, apostasy. Hopefully we'll talk about that next week. We'll see.
I may or may not have time to prep it, because I got to go away this weekend. But false prophets, lawlessness will be increased.
Gospel will be preached to all the nations. That's good. And the abomination of desolation. So much to talk about.
Not enough time, too. We'll get to the study. Now, Matthew 24, 21 through 22, for then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will, unless those days have been cut short.
So the great tribulation, right there, the tribulation, those days be not cut short.
There would be no life saved. Right? So we're back to this.
It's parenthetic statements. Left parenthesis, right parenthesis. Genesis 2, 17,
Matthew 24, 22. This is what I believe. I'm a pessimistic amillennialist. All right.
Now, what we're going to do is get into this, and I could do this here simultaneously if you want on the chalkboard.
We can come back later if you want. Hopefully it'll work fine on that. Everybody can see it, I hope. So, the eschatology.
Eschatology means the study of end times. The eschatology of Jesus and of Paul the Apostle is broken up into two groups.
This age and the age to come. This age and the age to come. Now, how many of you have not heard that preached in your church?
Not heard it. Raise your hand. You've not heard it. Okay, how many have heard it preached in your church?
Okay, you guys don't raise your hands very much. I actually like to know and know what is going on out there in a church world.
I've never heard this preached in any church I've ever been in over years and years, and I've been saved since I was 17 and really started studying apologetics in 1980.
And so, I've never heard this taught. Never, ever. Why is it?
I believe it's because certain people are loyal to denominations and certain traditions.
But nevertheless, whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the
Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come. This age, the age to come, right?
There it is. Mark 10 .30 and Luke 11 .18 .30 basically say the exact same thing, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions, and in the age to come, eternal life.
Now, that's talking about the full resurrection, the full everything. Look at Ephesians 1 .21 that Paul says,
For a far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
You see? This age, the age to come. The present age, the one to come.
Two ages. Are you with me? We good? I'm not making this up.
I'm not inserting a slickism in here. This is what it says. All right. Now, the chart.
Now, I had to modify this a little bit because I've cut and pasted this so much lately that I think the chart last week had a couple of things out of category.
I think these are pretty much, this is perfect, you'll see. Perfect. So, what we're gonna do is this chart,
I'm gonna come back to this over and over and over in this slide presentation. Over and over and over, we're gonna come to this thing.
Come back to it. And you can mark on it. Of course, it's yours to take home. And we're gonna go through and hopefully we'll establish this.
There are two ages. This age and the age to come. Right? Now and then.
Now, can everybody see this and read it okay? Pretty good? You're bored way back there? You're really done?
You're not bored? You're not bored? No? Okay. Just checking. Because I look back over and you're yawning. But it's all right.
I'm not trying to draw you out or embarrass you or anything like that. It's okay. Oh, he's afraid now.
All right. So, what I'm gonna do is this. This age and the age to come.
Now, check this out. I hope you can read that little thing right here. At the end of this age. I should have made that bigger so you could read it.
That little yellowish dot thing, dash line, that's the end of the age.
Now, why am I putting it there? Because it's at the end of the age. That's what
I'm putting it there. And I didn't put exactly on that line and you'll see why later. But at the end of the age.
So, whatever the end of the age is, it's at the end of the age. Right? Yeah, you guys don't listen to me.
You're not saying anything. Yes? All right. Hence, the chart.
You're gonna see this chart a lot. All right. Here we go. Now, oops,
I forgot something. So, let's look at the first one. The wicked gathered at the end of this age. Matthew 13, 40 and 49 through 50.
Now, let's just do this really fast. Turn your sheet over. Go to Matthew 13, 40.
And you can see I got the verses there. And they're different arrangements. But 13 is the second paragraph down.
Verse 40. So, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.
See? Just as the tares are gathered and burned with fire. That sounds like judgment, doesn't it?
Judgment? Burned with fire. The tares are the wicked. The wicked are gathered at the end of the age.
Right? That's what it says. The tares, it's in verse 40. So, the tares are gathered up and burned with fire.
So shall it be at the end of the age. So, we actually can see there that's both judgment and the gathering.
Now, look at Matthew 13, 49 through 50. So, it will be at the end of the age.
The angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous.
Isn't that the opposite of what you've heard? It's always the righteous who get taken out from among the wicked.
Jesus says the exact opposite right here. It blows me away. And people are like, uh, what do
I do with this? Oh, my brain's hurting. Because last time I did this, I saw some people's, their heads were like this.
I saw several of those people. They walked into the wall on the way out a couple of times.
They weren't okay. All right.
Make movies about hitting the wall? Oh, the end times.
Yeah. Well, you'd think that they would do this thing. Do you think they go like this with the Bible? That's what you think they would do.
But to me, it's right there. It's right there. The wicked are taken out from among the righteous.
And we're gonna get to some other stuff about that too. All right. Nevertheless. So, the wicked are taken out and they are, look what it says right here, the wicked are gathered at the end of the age.
Is that fair? Anybody have any problems with what it says? Let's go to the next chart.
Now, let's look judgment of the wicked. Matthew 13 40 through 42. So, now just go look
Matthew 13 40 through 42. It's the same stuff.
So, just as the terrors are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send forth his angels.
They will gather out of his kingdom all stumbling blocks. That's gonna happen. The wicked are the ones taken out.
And those who commit lawlessness and will throw them into the furnace of fire. In that place, there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
All right. So, the judgment of a wicked is happening at the end of the age. Okay. Let's get that going right in there.
There it is. The judgment of the wicked happens at the end of the age. Now, let's go to the next issue.
Back to that chart again. Or that grid. The elect are gathered. Matthew 24 1 through 31.
Now, of course, it didn't put the whole thing here. It wouldn't have enough room. But Matthew 24, you have 1 through 3.
And you can look. And it says, go down to verse 3. As he was sitting at the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us, when will these things happen?
The destruction of the temple and all that stuff. And what will be the sign of your coming? And the end of the age.
Now, go down to Matthew 24 29 to 31. But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.
The powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky.
And then all of the tribes of the earth will mourn. And they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet. And they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other.
So the elect are gathered at the end of the age. Right? That's what it says.
Anybody have any problems yet? That's what it says, right? So what we do, here we go.
The wicked are gathered at the end of the age. The judgment of the wicked occurs at the end of the age. And the elect are gathered at the end of the age.
It's just going with what the scripture says. All right. Now let's look at the harvest.
Matthew 13 39. So if you go to Matthew 13 39, it's up there.
And the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels.
This is the parable of the wheat and the tares. So he says in verse 39 and we go to 49.
And the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age. That's what it says.
The harvest is the end of the age. And in verse 49, so shall it be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth and take out the wicked from among the righteous at the end of the age.
So when is the harvest? The end of the age.
In the fall? Probably. Time of the harvest for them.
Yeah. At the time of the harvest. We'll see. So let's go back now. So there's nothing for resurrection here.
Jesus' return. Let's go to Matthew 24 1 through 3. We've already seen it.
We're going to go over these over and over again. Matthew 24, because he says in verse 3 again to Matthew 24, as he was sitting in the
Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us when will these happen? These things happen. Destruction of the temple.
What will be the sign of your coming? Your return. That's the issue. What will be the sign of your return?
In the end of the age, right? They're asking about his return at the end of the age.
And then he gives us the information in 29 and 30. But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give us light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heavens will be shaken.
And then the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the
Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. So when is he returning?
The end of the age. You guys with me so far? That's what it says.
As Nathan mocks me, that's what he says. That's what he says.
How do I say that? That's right. So now let's go to the rapture.
The rapture. Now trust me, we'll get into this as a rapture goes across the grid there. Matthew 24, going back to these verses again.
We've already done Matthew 24 3, which is what will be the sign of your coming, your return, and the end of the age.
Go to verse 31. And he says, and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other.
So that's the rapture, when the elect are gathered. Now some of you may say,
I don't like the word elect because it's Calvinistic. I guess Jesus was a Calvinist then. All right.
But no, it's, you know, I quote verses like this, oh you're a Calvinist. Why? Because he used the word elect.
But that, that was, that was scripture. I was just, it was scripture. I don't, I don't agree with that. What? I get this, you know.
So the rapture, the gathering of the elect, happens when? At the end of the age.
Oh wait, there's more. All right. Now, so now what we'll do is go to the last day.
And the last day, notice this, these little green line.
Can you see that green line in there? That's the last day. I could make it red and bloody and drips.
Green's good. So the last day, now what we're gonna do is go to our chart.
John 12 48. Hope I got all these on here. We'll find out. John, down there,
John 12 48. He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has one who judges him. The word
I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. The words that I spoke will judge him.
Last day. Right? Now notice what it says. He who rejects me does not receive my saying.
Those are the wicked people. Okay, that's what's going on. He has one who judges him.
The word that I spoke will judge him at the last day. So the judgment of the wicked happens when? Last day.
So what we're doing now, judgment of the wicked is in the last day. Okay, no problem.
Now John 6 39 40 44 54 and 11 24. So John 6 39.
Hopefully I got it in there. Yes I do. This is the will of him who sent me that all that he has given me I lose nothing but raise it up on the last day.
So that's called the resurrection on the last day. For this is the will of my father who sent me that everyone beholds the
Son and believes in him will have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. In verse 44.
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up on the last day. Verse 54.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day. John 11 24.
Martha said to him I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day. When's the resurrection?
The last day. Now I'm not reading into the text anywhere am I? It's what it says.
Now look at this so far. The wicked are gathered at the end of the age. The judgment of the wicked at the end of the age.
The elect are gathered at the end of the age. The harvest is at the end of the age. Jesus return is at the end of the age.
The rapture is at the end of the age. The judgment of the wicked is on the last day and the resurrection is on the last day.
Let's keep going. Now we'll go to the day of the
Lord. All right. Day of the Lord. So I'm gonna do here a day of the
Lord is just gonna be in blue. Okay. Bluish up there.
All right. So the day of the Lord. Let's go to resurrection which is at 1st
Thessalonians 4 16 through chapter 5 verse 2. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the
Archangel and with a trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first. Now the dead in Christ will rise first.
That means preceding those who are alive on the earth. Okay. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. So we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. Now as to the times and the epics brethren you have no need of anything to be written to you.
For yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. The day of the
Lord come like a thief in the night. The day of the Lord is what? The rapture. Now the chapter break is unfortunate.
There is no chapter breaks in the Greek. So we just keep reading just so you can know. He says you don't have any need to anything be written to you.
For the day of the Lord come like a thief in the night. He's talking. The day of the Lord come like a thief in the night.
Right? That's what it says. Now, oh
I went ahead didn't I? I went to resurrection. I didn't do the judgment of the good. Oh I skipped it.
We'll have to go up there. Sorry about that. Let's go up to a 1st Corinthians 1 .8 my bad. Who will also confirm you to the end blameless in the day of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Blameless in the day of our Lord. That's the day of judgment. We'll be blameless.
That means the good are judged on the day of the Lord. The day of the
Lord. Judgment of the good occurs. Look at 1st Corinthians 5 .5. I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord Jesus. There's a judgment that happens on the day of the Lord. And the Bible talks about that day.
It'll use a phrase that day. That's a whole other study. It's a lot of fun. So the day of the
Lord is a judgment of the good. So judgment of the good.
The day of the Lord. And we're going to get to where the day of the Lord is. You'll see in a minute.
It's right there. You'll see. Okay. Now we already did resurrection.
My bad. I went ahead mess it up. 1st Thessalonians 4 16 through 5 verse 2.
This is the rapture and the resurrection there. Which comes like a thief of the night which is a day of the
Lord. Okay. We already went over those.
So now you can see the rapture. Now I had the colors different for a reason.
Because the rapture here is in green which is the last day.
See how the colors in the grid here. And I could have done that on the chart up here.
But that's all right. And so what I want you to see in this chart that's going on. The various colors represent the various issues of the day.
The judgment. The end of the year. The end of the age. Things like that. All right.
So now let's Jesus returned and the resurrection and the rapture all happened on 1st
Thessalonians 4 16 through 18 through 5 verse 2. We read that.
Okay. Go over that again if you want. The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout.
With the voice of the Archangel. With the trumpet of God. The dead in Christ will rise first.
Okay. That means those who died first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. That's the rapture. Therefore comfort one another with the words. With these words. Now as to the times and the epics brethren you have no need of anything to be written to you.
For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. Now in here we have the rapture, return of Christ, the resurrection.
Now I don't have this in here but I talked about it on the radio either. I think it was today. In Acts 1 9 through 11 it talks about the prophecy the two angels gave about the return of Christ.
And they watched, the disciples watched him go up into the heaven. And the angel said don't you know that he will return.
Why are you looking up into the sky? Don't you know that he will return the same way you have seen him ascend into the heavens.
So there's one return the prophecy is. And he's gonna return from the clouds. That's what it says.
Now notice what it says in 1 Thessalonians 4 16. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout. That's the fulfillment of that prophecy.
That's the fulfillment of the prophecy. How many returns are there of Jesus? Just one.
Is there a seven -year kind of return before thing and then he comes back? That's what most people say.
They go well he kind of comes back a little. That's his real return. He's just mostly returned but not really returned.
All right. You've seen you know Princess Bride just mostly dead. All right. Just mostly came back but not really.
All right. So that's what they're saying and it's not there. They have to say this in order to hold to the pre -tribulation rapture view.
Sorry I don't approve of the pre -trib view. I mean okay I don't. I have other reasons why too.
But in order to hold to that view now they have to say he comes back basically twice.
In the sky that you saw him go up. That's what they're saying. Into those clouds.
And he says right here into the clouds. Right? Descend from heaven with a shout. The voice of the
Archangel. Meet the Lord in the air. Caught together in the clouds. Verse 17.
Caught up together with them in the clouds. If Jesus is in the clouds do you think he's returned?
He's mostly returned. He hasn't touched the ground yet. Right? People are gonna do this. We don't find two returns.
And we got more coming. I'll show you. So we did the rapture. All right.
So the rapture is there. Now notice this chart. Notice that the rapture is also at the end of the age.
That's why I put an asterisk there. I mean no an at sign.
Sorry. So the rapture is at the which is the last day or the day of the Lord. But notice in the yellowish up there that the rapture is at the end of the age.
Also notice the judgment of the wicked at the end of the age. But the judgment of the wicked's on the last day or on the last day.
You see how the Bible starts saying that these things are the same time.
The end of the age and the last day are the same. Aren't they? That's what it says.
All right. All right.
So let's do this. Okay. We've already gone over 1 Thessalonians 4 16 through chapter 5 verse 2 many times.
Look at verse 2 of chapter 5. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the
Lord will come just like a thief in the night. Look at 2 Peter 3 10. The day of the
Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up.
So the only difference here is in the night. Why the difference?
I'm not exactly sure. I think the phrase he comes like a thief in the night but comes like a thief.
I think they're similar enough that we could say it's the same thing and certainly seems to be the same thing. But I suspect that why one says night and one does not might be that the earth is an oblate spheroid.
Basically it means round and it'll be night on one side and daylight on the other.
I don't know. Maybe that could be it could not be. I'll just leave it for you to have fun with that or kick it out the door if you don't like it.
So but nevertheless the day of the Lord come like a thief the day of the Lord come like a thief in the night.
I think it's similar enough to say the same thing. So there's no thousand -year reign.
No literal 1 ,000 year period because according to standard eschatological views of comfortable
America who wants the name and claim it blab it and grab it and I'm gonna get raptured out because that's what
I like view then what happens is we're gonna get get out there but no wait a minute no rapture they say then seven years they'll say and then thousand -year reign of Christ and then a new heavens and new earth but this certainly seems to say the new heavens and new earth occur at the same time as the rapture now why would that be this is my theory here you ready this is the eight and a half dollar tour
I suspect that because the earth is gonna get so bad when
I get destroyed that what God's gonna do is come back the last minute and he's gonna stop the world from destroying itself 1924 22 22 24 and that he's gonna take the wicked out they're gonna be judged may be taken to Armageddon that's a whole nother thing because the
Bible says in Luke 17 at the end where they taken with the body as the vultures gather we get into that a little bit later and they're taken to a place of judgment the wicked gathered out there to be bound there be burned judged and I lost my train of thought darn it and so oh yeah
I think I got it and so he's gonna come back take us out the new heavens and new earth are gonna be made they're gonna be destroyed with intense heat and we can't be here for that and the universe is gonna be remade so to speak by God's incredible power maybe we'll get this watch it
I don't know but that'll be something talking about fireworks whoa yeah that's gonna be big and the dead and the unbelievers are gonna be judged
I kind of have a feeling or I wonder if the it says three and clean spirits like frogs go out to gather them together in Revelation 14 or 16 gathered them together for Armageddon as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the
Son of Man for they were eating they were drinking they were giving in marriage till the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came in took them all away
Matthew 24 I think it's verse 37 I don't remember Matthew 24 and in Luke 17 as it was in days of Noah so shall it be the days of the coming of the
Son of Man for they were eating they were drinking in marriage they were they were beginning marriage to the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all that's on this and I'm not gonna give it to you now and that's what it says right here and then they ask him well where they may be taken to in verse 37 of Luke 17 he says where the body is there also the vultures will be gathered they're taken to a place of death so the people in the fields were taken the ones who are taken are the wicked they're taken to a place of destruction could it be that the unclean spirits like frogs got it to go out to gather them together for Armageddon don't know just throwing that one out there too for fun so back to the grid and the chart and everything the new heavens and new earth are made at the end of the age or in the last day because as it comes like a thief in the night right the last day which is the blue is when the resurrection happens the judgment of the good happens
Jesus return happens to rapture happens new heavens and new earth are made on the last day where's them thousand -year future thousand -year reign it can't exist can it it's just not there it doesn't work it doesn't work sorry it's not there a guy named
Bob yeah he was like going down the road and he ran into the rear end of a
I won't say anything I don't want to insult people but I it's just right there sheesh all right so now let's keep going let's go to the chart again and that will do last trumpet try and get those in yellow all right so first Corinthians 1552 is when the resurrection happens in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed so the last trumpet is the resurrection now remember in first Thessalonians 4 look just down there the next one down the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God that's the last trumpet that trumpets the last one because that's when the resurrection occurs first Corinthians 1552 says at the last trumpet the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable that's the resurrection the last trumpet is the trumpet of first Thessalonians 4 16 the rapture and yeah you can see it there we go okay so last trumpet is when the resurrection occurs the last trumpet you can see it in yellow there is when the rapture occurs and down here at the rapture see how
I have it last trumpet the rapture at the end of the age the last trumpet also the resurrection at the last day and the last trumpet and the rapture on the last day this is just what we're just going by what the scriptures say we're not doing anything to them where's it go last day last day where's that the end of it end of the age that's all we're doing the last trumpet happens were last day end of the age that's all we're doing look there's no denominational bias
I could entertain you by trying to make these fit into a preconceived eschatological view and you could watch me squirm and try and make it fit oh you know what there's the second coming but there's really a one and a half coming of Christ as a secret one and people disappear beforehand because we're not supposed to suffer the wrath of God we get to escape it where's that in the book of Deuterectomy not there
I have a reason let me tell you something
I'm somebody who loves theology and I love the truth of God's Word I believe in the truth of God's Word I want the truth of God's Word when
I do marriage counseling I teach the doctrine of the Trinity when I do various forms of counseling
I do scripture when I'm on the radio I give the references constantly constantly doing that I want you to look at the
Word of God I want you to look at the Word of God I want you to check the Word of God that's it now if something is not according to the
Word of God there's a problem a little bit of error can lead to a lot of error later on when that error is defended let me give you an example of something so two nights ago no
Sunday night I was talking on a show and I was talking to a pastor in the
Midwest and we got talking about the nature of the atonement now I'm going to give you an example of this you don't agree with me but I believe
Jesus only bore the sins of the elect that's my position we talked about another time whatever
I was talking to this guy about this and I made a point I said look in Colossians 2 14 it says that he canceled the certificate of debt consisting of decrees which is hostile to us he took it out of the way having nailed it to the cross so the certificate of debt is the
Greek hierographon explain this to him it means a handwritten IOU of legal indebtedness the certificate of debt the sin that is canceled at the cross he goes yeah can you go to hell for a sin debt that's been canceled he says oh yeah
I said wait a minute so the sin that does not exist and you can go to hell for that yeah how well by not believing not believing is a sin was that canceled yes all sin or most of the sins most of his sins right so I got this guy going okay wait a minute so what you're telling me then is your sin debt can be forgiven completely wiped out doesn't even exist and you can go to hell
God will judge you yep you see the problem this is a pastor telling me this they call it cognitive dissonance he's not able to make rational sense of what he's saying but he's affirming it why because he was loyal to a specific traditional view not to what the scriptures were actually saying in this case and I was in this room for 15 minutes doing this with this guy in different ways and he was saying things like this saying a debt forgiven can be given back to you and he said
Jesus actually he actually said Jesus justified everybody justification means a legal declaration of righteousness everybody's justified but you have to believe it in order to be for it to work so it makes no sense now let me tell you when things don't make sense like that and you believe this and you're reading the scriptures you're gonna come in up against things and you won't be able to make sense of them because it doesn't make sense but you believe a certain something it's okay all right so what do you do you don't solve the problem you don't solve the issue you leave it where it's at and you go on to something else and another problem comes up and you develop this little barrier system of false ideas and when you come up to the the scriptures that confront that you ignore those scriptures or you you just whatever ignore them misinterpret them whatever it might be offer something illogical and then you continue on in more error loyalty should only be to Jesus Christ and to his word and if something in here contradicts what you believe you better change what you believe and that's how it has to be let me tell you
I've been doing this for 37 years and I have had my beliefs challenged so many different ways from within the church without the church
I've had to learn it doesn't mean I got all the answers and doesn't I'm not saying I'm right about everything I'm not it's just that I'm not loyal to Lutheranism or Calvinism or Presbyterianism I'm not loyal to the church down the streets or Calvary Chapel or the
Baptist Church or the AG or the you know ABC or NBD that's the no big deal church
I'm not loyal to any of them I just I don't care and when
I got to preach in all those different churches it really was valuable when I was doing pulpit supply and I learned different denominations and different churches
I was just preaching all over the place sometimes three different churches in one day and I loved it be able to preach and teach and I'd go in I'd say what issues are a hotbed issue that don't need to be addressed because I'm there once I can really cause a problem and then they got a big mess that's not why
I'm there they're to preach on a Sunday okay and elevate the Lord and do what's going to be done in the thing okay and they said well this issue that issue that issue and I had no problem in those contexts just working around certain limitations and requirements of people in various things not a problem
I wouldn't compromise the word but okay and so I learned to understand what people needed and what people wanted but still be able to tell the truth of God's Word that was a real help for me in a lot of areas and like I said
I went to a Presbyterian seminary and I was not a five -pointer when I graduated I was not
I resisted until I was talking to two Mormon missionaries and I adopted limited atonement while talking to two
Mormons it's the truth another story I remember going dang now
I believe it oh gosh and they didn't know
I was true you know anyway whatever all right so back to the chart we can see if you go to first minute 1552 the last trumpets mentioned there and first Thessalonians 416 that's the last trumpet also in Matthew 24 1 through 3 and let's go to Matthew 20
I mean Matthew 24 starting at verse 29 and you'll see but immediately after the tribulation of those days after the tribulation of those days the
Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light this is the great tribulation period for the people who go this gate the stars will fall from the sky the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then the sign of the
Son of Man will appear in the sky then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky remember
Acts 1 9 to 11 powers of the sky and great glory verse 31 and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and it will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other so the rapture last trumpet that's what it says we can see already from the charts that we're developing that the rapture happens at the last day which is also at the end of the age
I got a one set of orange dots is missing oh man whole thing shot now all right so we can see the rapture is at the end of the age the judgment of the wicked the last trumpet which is the resurrection the last trumpet which is the rapture the last trumpet which occurs after the tribulation see right there in the white after tribulations when the last trumpet occurs now folks where's a pre tribulation rapture there's no room for it where's the thousand -year reign of Christ the literal 1 ,000 years it's not there the new heavens and new earth are made look down here the last trumpet was a rapture comes like a thief and new heavens and new earth like a thief the last day it happens at the end of the age the last day all of this happens at the end of the age all of it okay now
I had to move the vertical bar over running out of room and here what
I did was I put the verses next to the various topics I didn't do that on this chart just don't have time
I want I mean didn't have enough room I could have made it fit but then you need a microscope to do all this and maybe next time
I'll do two pages and stuff well I wanted to show you when I did this I actually went through just a few days ago and I said okay look here put this here this
I wouldn't check every one of them there we go this all happens on this age at the end of this age the last day the last trumpet the judgment everything new heavens new earth everything that's the conclusion this is it here we go now you know
I would really like it if someone would buy me some tickets to Hawaii for my wife and I I'd like it if we had first -class tickets and they took care of us and then
I'd like it if a limo picked us up and took us to the beachfront where the hammocks are in the backyard overlooking the ocean
I'd also like it if a butler was assigned to bring us whatever we want all
I do is go bring me the head of a pig and they go get it that's from a comedian okay
Brian Regan he's funny all right and now I'd like it why because well
I like comfort do you know why I don't like pain it hurts that's right
I want comfort I also like the idea of Jesus coming here and taking me out of it because everybody else is so bad the world is getting wicked and I don't have to really worry about them on their way to eternal damnation and they're gonna rot in hell forever but I get to get out of here
I get to go to heaven I get to get raptured out while they rot in eternal damnation and fire
I have a problem with that now do I like that idea on one sense yes on the other sense what about those people what about them you know
I've suffered the loss of a child and I'll tell you I wouldn't wish that pain and suffering on my worst enemy
I really wouldn't once June 19th 1976 I was in a very bad automobile accident if you get close to me look for the scars and you'll see stuff okay you'll see stuff all right if you get really close you're looking at me
I'll understand all right yeah he tried it once it went yeah no one gets that close so my wife doesn't either so I woke up you know the brain is weird
I woke up two ish three ish in the morning having driven off a cliff awake by myself standing by myself not knowing my name not knowing where I was not knowing what had happened in severe pain and blood everywhere just woke up standing like that weird huh but I remember that I still remember it the moon was there and I crafted
God and I said help me and some guys found me later crawling on the side of a road that took me to ER okay took two years to fully recover now
I woke up in a place for real I remember it
I woke up in a place without hope not knowing what had happened not knowing where I was listening to the wild coyotes get closer the smell of blood being an intense fear and intense pain and blood everywhere how is it to wake up like that I did add to that flame and you've got a pretty good idea of the agony of aloneness the agony of the terror of what it means to be completely helpless in great danger you add flame to that and that's eternal destruction and I find that most of the
Christian Church wants to escape the judgment to come here on this earth so they can go to heaven and they're not that concerned with the people who are dying
Romans 1 16 says the power of God the gospel is the power of God is salvation for everyone who would believe and Isaiah 55 11 says clearly the
Word of God will not come back empty without accomplishing what he desires now some people gonna say but Matt you're a Calvinist God predestines what's what makes you think you know it's all important James 5 16
I think it is the prayers of a righteous man avail much with God we can get into all kinds of things the truth is this that God calls us to go preach that gospel the
God that God calls us to go preach the word of truth God calls us to go out and make disciples of every nation I'm giving you what the scripture says doesn't excuse us from doing anything and it certainly doesn't excuse us to get into the idea of I get to get out of here now
I know somebody here who decided to use his talents their talents for the
Lord instead of burying them in the dirt decided to be used and the Lord said good and being used in some different ways instead of getting out they're staying in the mentality in too many churches is my wisdom in my sinfulness will give me the ability to choose
God look how good I am I chose God but you didn't and you know what God loves me so much
I get to get out of here in the pre -tribulation rapture what if you were going to go through it and you knew you're gonna go through it and you knew that the people around you most of them are gonna participate in the great deception to come 2nd
Thessalonians chapter 2 and that they're going to rot in eternal damnation forever and you're gonna have to go through a lot of what they're gonna have to go through what then do you go to church and say please can
I have a theological breast to nurse on can you just pat me on the back and then you don't get some diapers can you change those as well
I believe that we Christians have the ability to change the world with the power of that gospel in Matthew 16 18
Jesus says the gates of hell will not prevail against the church what did Gates do nothing they sit there they don't attack us
I guess you may Christians walking the gates run they don't understand 2nd
Corinthians 5 or 10 5 we are able and capable of holding every thought captive for the glory of the
Lord Jesus Christ I will go on national TV I'll debate anybody within reason I can debate you know chemical biology with somebody you know what do
I know I pick my nose and throw something at him it's like I can do but I will debate people because I know the truth of God's Word is
I will do the very best I can to bring glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and if we Christians had the same attitude instead of in my opinion the damaging potential of the pre -tribulation rapture we're gonna get out of this it's not for us in my opinion really bad theology if you believe you're gonna go through it then you're gonna do something about it if you know if storms coming into your neighborhood what do you do
I'm gonna get in the hammock I don't have to worry about it I'm getting out of here miraculously
I mean I'll be batting down the hatches I'll be locking this down I be making sure that's there I'd be going like this make sure
I got that I make sure I got this I would be getting ready because I'm gonna go through it and I've been through a tornado too 1964
Wichita Falls Texas they use it on TV all the time and I saw that thing coming at our house about five years old and the
Lord just moved it I mean I know what it means to be in this stuff it's bad and people think we're gonna get out of stuff we're not gonna get out of stuff but you know what we
Christians need to do what we need to do is get our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ what we need to do is look to him what we need to do is say
Lord the words that you want me to say those are the words
I want to say where you want me to go that's where I want to go what you want me to do that's what
I want to do Lord do with me as you desire Lord do with me whatever you want
I suggest you take a piece of paper I did this take a piece of paper blank no lines nothing sign it at the bottom
I put my date at the top that's your contract with God Lord you fill it in doesn't matter only matters what you want
I have it in a frame I've had for years decades boys he filled it in are you gonna bury your talents in the ground you're gonna bury him and say
Lord I'll just not worry about it I hope not of that what you want to do is serve
God now how can you serve him well
I have the ability to memorize scripture I'm quick on my feet I'm completely slick and I'm able to have discussions and I I can speak in public okay
I know people who fix things I know people who know how to bake people who can knit people who can open their home up and change a room into a video studio in order to do things for the
Lord Jesus it doesn't matter what you can do it matters that you do it matters that you give yourself to the
Lord doesn't mean that right now you have to be doing something every second it means to say Lord when you're ready what are you gonna do with me what do you want to do with me what what do you want please use me please
I used to have this image in my mind of Jesus sitting right there and I'm like this
I'm like this and and he goes oh and I'm on him right and I'm wrestling him and I'm not gonna and I say
I'm not letting you go until you do something with me till you send me till you use me why because on the day of judgment
I'm gonna stand before him and I'm not trying to please him for the sake look what I get to do that's not it
I want to build a kneel before him and say thank you for condescending to use me thank you for condescending to bless me through trials and tribulations sorry
I messed up so much along the way but I had to speak for you I had to live for you that's what we need to be as Christians Jesus says in Luke 9 23 pick up your cross daily and follow after me
Matthew 10 48 he says if you don't pick up your cross you're not worthy of me and too many
Christians are getting this idea all you gotta do is just send this five dollars in you get the miracle spring water you drink it and your life will be better your best life now the power of the great
I am Lord loves you just as you are and he has a wonderful plan for your life and you can enjoy all of it it's gonna be a little bit tough sometimes but you'll be really great this is the ear -tickling crap that's taught from the pulpits all across America along with the false doctrine that you're good enough in your sinfulness to be able to pick
God out of the wisdom of your own sin which is taught in most churches and that's a heresy why because it satisfies our soul it satisfies our ears it comforts us in ways that it exalts us and if we're exalted because in my wisdom
I was able to choose God when unfortunately others weren't God loves me so much
I get to get out of here kind of mentality that's not what everybody believes but it's too close to the truth we're going through it the church has gone through it people have gone through it as I had dr.
Peter Hammond on my radio show a week or so ago he said as he's traveled all over the world the only place preacher raptures
Todd is here in America they don't believe it anywhere else they go are you kidding where'd you get that where's that in Scripture it's not
Scripture so what I want to say is take this sheet go home do your own study map it out on your own see if what it says is correct
I don't have all the answers to all the eschatological questions but I do know this he's coming back
I do know this I'm gonna face him and I do know this but I want him to say to me well done that's what
I want there's no rewards I mean I'm not interested in the rewards I only want to serve him
I only wanted to live for him that's it what if we had people all over America like that what can we do to this country
I want to push back the return of Christ as long as possible he's coming
I want to push it back push it back it's coming but push it back because more people need to hear that gospel more people need to get saved so I would ask that what you do is just pray and ask
God to use you but I think warn you if you do he'll take you he'll change you he'll shape you he'll do stuff with you the hardest thing you're gonna have to face is yourself issues of pride and selfishness and covetousness and whatever else is there it's a deal with those things as he shapes you to make you usable in his mighty hand it's good not always fun but it's good all right amen all right
I'm gonna pray we'll close we'll get off the air and then we'll do Q &A after about 10 minutes all right Lord Jesus I thank you again for this time and I asked
Lord that you would bless everything that was said that is from you that it would just minister the hearts and minds of your people wherever they might be
Lord the foolishness that I've spoken may it just fall in deaf ears and not be remembered but I asked
Jesus that you empower your church that you call your church to repentance that you call your church to the dedication of your word to believing in your great majesty and that we
Lord are saved by your incredible grace and that our response ought to be to love you back with everything we've got
Lord I ask that you be glorified in our lives and in this evening in particular we ask this