Matt Slick Bible Study - Catholicism - Eucharist - 6/21/17




Nobody's here. All right. Hi. How you doing?
This is my shirt. I got in Hawaii and So we don't have a big crowd here anymore because the radio show is not here in the area as I said before Different issue we're gonna go over to the
Catholic Roman Catholic Mass and expose its flaming heresy And expose it for what it is a false teaching and then we'll take questions and answers after the break
So that's what what I'm gonna do and I'm just gonna say before I'll pray But no Protestants should get involved with working with the
Roman Catholic Church in any doctrinal way period It is an apostate church.
It's not a true church and I will stand by that till the day I die And the reason
I will is because of things like this and things we've been doing lately It's a false church.
I believe the Word of God and not Traditions of men, so let's pray. We'll just jump right in.
Hope everything works fine. Hope everything's good Lord Jesus we thank you for this time
And I ask Jesus that you would bless it today all who would hear it now and later will be blessed by the teaching of These words
Lord. I believe we need to be strong. I believe we need to be Firm and stand upon the truth of your word and not compromise
And Lord, we need that truth. We need the truth that you have given us. I ask Lord that you would bless it you bless this time bless this effort and that you would bring
Roman Catholics out of Catholicism and Into a relationship with you that they might find salvation in you.
We ask this Jesus in your precious name. Amen All right so what we're gonna do is just jump right in to the issue of the
Mass do a lot of reading and We'll go through stuff. This is from a manual.
I've got a Roman Catholicism. I shortened it a little bit and We're doing this it's nice because people ask me to do that after we do this
We're basically done and then we're gonna decide what we're gonna do if you want to continue or take the summer off or whatever We can figure things out
So here we go. According to Roman Catholicism. The Mass is an act of worship that centers around the
Eucharist which is the communion of bread and wine Where faithful Catholics go to to participate to receive the
Lord's body and blood they call it the actual body and blood of Christ It's called transubstantiation so check this out, you can see the picture of the priest there and the the the
Eucharist during the liturgy of the Mass at the point of Consecration the priest is supposed to repeat the words that Christ gave in the last supper and by the authority given him by the church
He transforms the bread and the wine into Christ's actual body and blood This transformation is called
Transubstantiation and the Roman Catholic Church has a lot to say about it So when the
Roman Catholic Church lifts the wafer up and says his thing Then what happens is it is transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ But if you were to take it and look under a microscope, it's still bread and wine
So the essence of the nature is supposed to be there But that doesn't make any sense because if something has an essence then it's gonna have an essence of nature.
It's gonna have property so this Podium for example, it has the nature being a podium and You can hear it's hard and has certain angulation things like this
And if we were to do a microscopic examination and we found out that it was water and cotton
You'd be like what this makes no sense And it wouldn't make any sense and the same kind of thing with the the
Eucharist. It's elevated it's spoken over and I call it a chant that once certain things are said and done then there is a automatic resultant physical
Change and we call this sorcery when you when people what they do in sorcery is they want a spiritual manifestation and or a physical manifestation so they'll say certain words and do a certain thing a certain way and Each time it's done a certain spiritual result occurs
We call that sorcery This is what's going on here by the so -called authority of the
Roman Catholic Church in most In the most blessed in paragraph a cat the CCC is Catechism of the
Catholic Church paragraph 1374 and the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our
Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the whole Christ is truly really and Substantially contained.
I mean to me, you know, I'm a Bible student you read that and you go what? Where's that in Scripture?
Now I'm going to show you this can't work from the Bible paragraph 1378 in the liturgy of the mass
We express our faith in the real presence of Christ and under the species of the bread and wine now check this out
This is a Council of Trent session 13 Canon 2 if anyone says that in the sacred and most holy and holy sacrament of the
Eucharist there remains the substance of bread and wine together with the body and blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ and Denies that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body and of the entire
Substance of the wine into the blood the species of the bread and wine only remaining a change
Which the Catholic Church most fittingly calls transubstantiation. Let them be anathema in other words if you deny that the elements actually become the body and blood of Christ if you deny that the actual body the
Actual body and blood of Christ if you deny that you're cursed. I deny it
I guess I'm cursed by the Roman Catholic. I think this is in Council of Trent session 13 chapter 5 wherefore
There is no room left for doubt that all the faithful of Christ may according to the custom ever received in the
Catholic Church render in veneration the worship of Latria Which is due to the true
God to this most holy sacrament. This is a critical statement You've got to understand something.
Let me tell you what this is. This is this is the proof of idolatry In the
Roman Catholic Church, this is proof now What's going on here is this
Latria is worship given in Roman Catholic theology Latria is worship given only
To God Hyperdulia is worship that's given to Mary Veneration is to the
Saints Mary is given hyperdulia, but Latria is only to God now
Then they render in veneration the worship of Latria That's to God which is due to the true
God right there to this most holy sacrament in other words Because it becomes the actual body and blood of Christ you're to worship it as God That's what it says now
They get into what's called the monstrance Let's check this out According to Roman Catholicism the bread and wine contain the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus This is ridiculous.
Now. The wafer is actually Jesus the whole of Jesus and you'd think what are they gonna do are they gonna worship it
Anyway that Jesus is present under the bread and wine that if they say there remains bread and wine in the elements
Then you are to be cursed. That's what they say Now check this out the last statement about worshiping the host
The host elements has given rise to the monstrance an exceedingly ornate container
Which has at its center the Eucharistic wafer the monstrance is often elevated and worshipped
During a procession I could take that word and out my bad typo So that monstrance if you can see what that is that monstrance right there is
Inside of it is a wafer that has been Transformed into the body and the blood of Christ So the soul the divinity the body and the blood are there in that wafer
So therefore what they'll do is they take it They put it in this monstrance very ornate gold all this and they will parade it around and Roman Catholics pray to it worship
It and bow to it There's a word for that in theology we call that idolatry
But you know the fact is one error leads to another error This is what they do.
This is there's no way we Protestants could work with the Catholics.
This is idolatry And this isn't all of it there's more
Now the mass is also a means of grace since it's a sacrament Council of Trent session 7
Canon 6 if anyone sayeth that the sacraments of the new law do not contain
The grace which they signify let him be anathema contain the grace now notice what this means remember talked about this before in Catholicism the sacraments contain grace when you participate in the sacraments what happens is the grace itself is
Infused into you and the more grace you have the more righteous you are before God God That's something
I would have thought that Mormonism would have come up with I mean seriously That could have been something
Joseph Smith could have invented and everybody would have said that's false But because the Roman Catholic Church says it.
Oh Anyway catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 20 92
Sunday is to be observed as the foremost Holy Day of Obligation in the
Universal Church on Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the mass
This ceremony where they have the Eucharist and the elevation of it by the priest
It's changing it into blood and wine the soul and divinity of Jesus actually becomes this wafer
So what happens you take it you put your pocket Jesus in my pocket now I mean seriously what happens if a crumb falls on the ground and a rat comes and eats it because that used to happen and Then they weren't sure what to do about that There was big discussions of the
Roman Catholic Church now the rat has eaten the body and blood and divinity of Christ. What do we do? seriously
I'm not making fun of that. These are real problems that they had to deal with And then there's something about it
Some arguments about when you eat it it's dissolved into your body and then it stops being divine and Because you know, you have to go to the bathroom then what happens?
Well, there's some place where it's kind of diffused and you know, I'd be interested in reading upon that Oh just to see what they had to say there, but this is just To me this is just tragically bad
According to the New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism volume 2 page 357 quote The mass is the sacrifice of the new law in which
Christ through the ministry of the priests offers himself to God in an unbloody manner under the appearance of bread and wine
The mass is the sacrifice of Christ offered in a sacramental manner
The reality is the same but the appearances differ. So each time the mass occurs, there's a sacrifice of Christ Each time the mass occurs.
There's a sacrifice of Christ. So each time they have a mess It's a sacrifice of Christ all over again.
I mean this kind of stuff just makes me mad Because it's a lie
But wait, there's more in a Roman Catholic Church also states regarding the Eucharist Presented in the mass that quote from paragraph 1068 of the
Catechism It is a divine sacrifice for it is in the liturgy Especially in the divine sacrifice of the
Eucharist that the work of our redemption is accomplished Paragraph 1367 the sack, excuse me
The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice The victim is one in the same the same now offers through the ministry of priests who then offered himself on the cross
Only the manner of offering is different and since in this divine sacrifice Which is celebrated in the mass the same
Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is Contained and is offered in an unbloody manner.
This sacrifice is truly propitiatory Propitiation is the sacrifice that turns away wrath so this mass that they go through which is a
Roman Catholic ceremony where they Reenact in a sense the sacrifice of Christ and it's a real sacrifice a real propitiatory sacrifice
That's offered over and over and over and over and over again Every Sunday all over the world
Roman Catholic Church heresy fest This is out of paragraph 1369
The sacrifice of Christ the only mediator which in the Eucharist is offered through the priests hands
It's paragraph 1414 as sacrifice. The Eucharist is also offered in reparation for the sins of the living and the dead if anyone says that the sacrifice of the mass is only a sacrifice of praise and Thanksgiving or That it is a bare commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the cross, but not a propitiatory sacrifice let him be anathema
Trent on the sacrifice of the mass canon 3 and This is Catholic Encyclopedia top and topic map sacrifice of the mass
It says this the church intends the mass to be regarded as a true and proper sacrifice Now, is it a sacrifice according to the
Roman Catholic Church? It's a sacrifice It's just there's a re -sacrificing Christ over and over and over again
Look at this verse here at the bottom here by this But by this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all he was 1010
Once for all it was offered Once for all the sacrifice was offered once for all
Once the Roman Catholic Church and it's blasphemy of the mass Resacrifices Christ, even though it doesn't really happen, but they believe it happens
They lift the monstrance up and it's prayed to and adored and worshipped. This is flat -out idolatry
It is idolatrous You know, you can if you've been following me through these, you know that I get a little bit agitated about these things and rightly so I Get agitated about Joseph Smith from Mormonism saying
God came from their planet. He has a goddess wife and they have sex and make spirit babies That's false false
Or the Muslims who say there is no Trinity and that Jesus didn't die on the cross, but someone was made to look like Jesus Stupidity idiocy
This is no different than those kind of lies and it's even worse because it's inside the guise inside the guise of what appears to be
Christianity what's interesting is since I have been studying Catholicism now for a few years and writing about it here and there
I've seen old movies from the 30s 40s 50s Where Roman Catholic priests are actually portrayed as being decent people, you know
Hollywood does now they're pedophile rapist murderer serial killer bank robbers who are into drugs and porno
You know as all ministers basically are that's what Hollywood is doing and It's gonna pay for that before God, but nevertheless back in the day the priests were regarded the
Catholic Church was regarded as halfway decent and I was watched these things and as I learned
I know what you I know what you really teach and I would think and you Heretics and and it reminds me
Apollo 13 Tom Hank movie Apollo 13 is watching it a few weeks ago
Rerun of course and you know, the things go bad. And so the reporters are outside Tom Hanks characters
The house wife is there and there's a priest on the couch with With them he has a collar.
I'm assuming he's a priest, you know Catholic priest. Yeah, I was just thinking I was just My son is out on the moon and something happens and they come over and a priest comes over.
I go You get out of here You're out You know, I don't want you near me.
I don't want your blasphemy near me And rather have an atheist in than a Roman Catholic priest
Gosh, at least an atheist, you know, they're an atheist or not. They're not deceiving the way the
Catholic Church is. Oh Yeah, I'm really hard -nosed about this kind of stuff and I see
I I Do not like the
Roman Catholic Church. I do not Because I know what it is and I know that people here.
I've seen it in Europe. I've seen it in Europe I've seen that the
What's it called man? Indulgences I've been to churches there and I've seen in France for example
Where I could read enough French Spanish Greek or kind of you know intermix I could read what's going on I don't speak
French and it was like souls you put money in this one little area and souls to get out of purgatory
This is present -day. Actually was 20 years ago when I was when I went there and You know when
I was on a cruise a couple three years ago doing a Apologetist cruise spoke nine times in eight days.
Yes, I'm cruise and I went to And I was a different one.
Anyway, I wouldn't whatever I was in Mexico and I went to a Catholic Church and the same thing
Is going on the same idolatry the same misrepresentation of the truth is going on the Roman Catholic Church If it's not the great whore of Babylon sure good candidate in response
Roman Catholicism says the mass is a re Presentation of the sacrifice we may ask how is it possible for the mass?
For the mass not to be a re -sacrifice of Christ when it'll typo in there when the mass is called a divine
Sacrifice that is done over and over again. It's a re -sacrifice Well, they call it a representation, but it's actually a re -sacrifice
But they'll say well it's not a real sacrifice what it is is a Representation.
Yeah, we're not really worshiping Mary. We just pray to her believe she can hear all her prayers Just like God does, you know, she crushed the head of the serpent.
She made it tell the person we're not worshiping her We have walks like a duck quacks like a duck
Then shoot it they eat it, right That's my redneck buddy
All right So when Jesus instituted the Last Supper did he intend for people to believe that the bread and wine he held in his hands were literally his body and blood
We find this difficult to accept when you look at the scriptures check this out at Matthew 26 26 to 28
While they were eating Jesus took some bread and after a blessing He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat
This is my body and when he had taken a cup and given thanks He gave it to them saying drink from it all of you for this is my blood of the
Covenant Which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins All right. So let's review the
Roman Catholic to tell me is they'll say you don't believe Jesus on words. Yes, I do You don't believe what he said.
This is his body. It's his body. I Go well, he said he's a door. So he's a door, you know
Come on, think so to review the
Roman Catholic Church clearly teaches that the Eucharist the bread and the wine are the body and Blood of Christ, but it isn't just any body and blood.
It is the crucified Body and blood of Christ now. This is important paragraph 1367 the sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the
Eucharist are one single sacrifice Okay, the victim is one in the same the same now offers through the ministry of priests who then offered himself on the cross
Only the manner of offering is different already went over this earlier And since the in this divine sacrifice such as celebrated in the mass
The same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody
Manner, this sacrifice is truly propitiatory All right. Now, does that not say that what it what's really going on?
Is that this is the Actual body and blood of Christ. It is an actual sacrifice
It is It's recrucified body and blood. You know, I'm blown away that I shouldn't be
After studying for almost 40 years this stuff What people can do as far as believe lies.
I shouldn't be surprised but nevertheless So For how is it possible that Jesus offered up his crucified body and blood at the last supper when he hadn't yet been crucified.
I Think it's a fair question It is It is his crucified body and blood he offered but he hadn't yet been crucified
It doesn't make sense, especially at the Roman Catholic Church says that the elements are one single sacrifice
Okay Second there is no indication at all that the disciples thought
Jesus was being literal Not a single indication. None of the gospel accounts that cover Jesus instituting the
Lord's Supper show the disciples Suspecting a literal meaning to Christ's words. It's not there
Okay, but to be thorough there is a set of verses we need to look at at which which are often
Used by the Roman Catholics to support their view. It's found in John 6 where Jesus says this I Am the living bread that came down from out of heaven if anyone eats this bread
He shall live forever and the bread also which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh
The Jews therefore began to argue with one another saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat?
Jesus therefore said to them truly truly I say to you Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in yourselves
Many therefore of his disciples when they heard this said this is a difficult statement who can listen to it but Jesus Conscious that the disciples grumbled at this said to them does this cause you to stumble?
What then if you should behold the Son of Man ascending where he was before it is the spirit who gives life
This flesh profits nothing the words that I've spoken to you are spirit and life.
Are they literal words? He's speaking of the literal thing or the spirit and life. That's the issue
John 6 63 I've quoted this too many times to Roman Catholics Jesus himself said they're spiritual words
Third Jesus is speaking figuratively when he says that he's living the living bread and the bread is his flesh
Jesus then tells his disciples that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood verse 53 The disciples have a problem with this in verse 60 and there's a reason they would
I'll take we'll get to that and Jesus speaks Of how his words cause him to stumble verse 61. He then says the words he's speaking are spiritual words
That is they're meant to be understood Spiritually we don't see Jesus saying they were literally here or went
When he is to do at the supper, but let's continue that his body and blood was literally there in the elements.
Check this out If Jesus was teaching the bread and wine where his literal body and blood it would violate the biblical warning against drinking blood
Leviticus 17 14 for as for the life of all the flesh its blood is identified with this life
Life of all flesh Because what they like to do is like to say this is only in reference to the animal sacrifices.
It says all flesh Its blood is identified with his life Therefore I said to the sons of Israel you are not to eat the blood of any flesh
For the life of all flesh is its blood. Whoever eats it shall be cut off Now, that's the
Leviticus 17 14. Do you think the disciples knew about this? Yes Yeah, they knew about it and Jesus is saying
Drink my blood a lot of them left Because it can't be that he was meaning literal blood.
It can't be that Because it would be Jesus would have been asking them to violate
Levitical law check this out in Acts 15 28 29 This is after the New Covenant sin
For it seemed because a lot of times what the Catholics will do is they'll say that's old covenant Jesus instituted a supper now.
It's a new covenant different rules So now you can drink the blood Acts 15 28 to 29 for it seemed good to the
Holy Spirit and to us to lay again lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and From things strangled and from fornication if you keep yourselves free from these things, you'll do well farewell
So the disciples still said keep yourself away from the blood if it's okay, then why they say that fifth
After Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper He quickly referred to the wine as the fruit of the vine not his blood check this out in Mark 14 23 to 25
And when he had taken a cup and given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank from it
And he said to them this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many
So it's a covenant signs what it is truly I say to you I shall never again drink of the fruit of the vine
Until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God. He called it the vine.
He called it wine He called it the fruit of the vine didn't call it his blood. He said one ever drink again of this fruit of the vine
That's what he's saying Jesus is saying To me this is so simple.
This is easy stuff Sixth in Mark 13 25 Jesus said he would not again
Drink the fruit of the vine. I think I already went over that This would mean that if the Lord's Supper was literally his body and blood and Jesus would have been drinking his own blood
And that'd be ridiculous Seventh it denies a true incarnation. This is important.
See Jesus is God in flesh That is in the one person of Christ are two distinct natures divine and human.
I Go over this a lot Jesus the Word Was made flesh Okay One of the attributes of being a man is being in one place at a time
Jesus physical body was only at one place at a time when he instituted the supper The Roman Catholic view would have us believe that Jesus physical body could be in more than one place at a time
In the element given and broken distributed this violates the very nature of the incarnation and what it means to be a man now
We went over this basically quickly this refutes the Roman Catholic idea of the mass
Not only is it idolatrous But it's against Scripture Idolatrous is against Scripture, but it's really against Scripture.
So let me just summarize this stuff. This is a shorter section First we can see that it could not be
Jesus crucified body and blood when he said this is my body and this is my Blood because he had not yet been crucified
Now I'm gonna give you a response that Roman Catholics will tell me They'll say well, he's
God he could do whatever he wants. That's what they say. He can make it his body sacrifice body.
He's God And I'll say do you really want to go there and they go yeah, that's that's the answer
He could do whatever he wants. I've had Roman Catholics. Tell me this more than one on several occasions Which really demonstrates how weak their arguments are and I'll say so That's what you got.
Can you show me that in Scripture? Well, he's God isn't he? Yeah. Okay. He could do whatever he wants, right? Yeah, that's right, except he doesn't
What do you mean he doesn't he just doesn't do what he wants You go to John 5 19 and John 14 10
He only does what he sees the father do and he only speaks what the father gives him to speak That's a whole nother thing so The point
I want to make here to focus on however, is that what Jesus is doing is literally walking From one place to another place.
He literally is spending, you know time at his mother's breast He's spending time in his father's car carpenter shop.
He's spending time Becoming, you know, he gets baptized and going about Israel for three and a half years doing his work one day after another
If at the breaking of the bread it becomes his body and because Jesus can do anything he wants
Then why could he done anything else he wants why is it this entire life is Sequenced from our perspective one day at a time one sequenced event after time, but suddenly it's changed here
We're now the crucified body and blood of Christ, which would occur later becomes that now
But we don't see that any place else in Scripture So their argument doesn't work second at the institution of the supper
There is no indication that the disciples thought Jesus was to get literally I'm gonna actually work on that one because it looks like in John 6
Some of them left that it may have been the case that they were thinking that and he had to correct him So we'll see third
Jesus spoke figuratively about his body and blood in John 6 when he taught the disciples about partaking of his body and blood and the
Fourth it is a violation of the biblical warning against drinking blood Leviticus 17 14 Fifth after Jesus instituted the
Lord's Supper. He quickly referred to the wine as the fruit of the vine Not his blood Sixth Jesus would
Jesus said he would not again that drink of the fruit of the vine Which would mean that Jesus would not have been drinking his own blood and eating his own body
Seventh it denies a true incarnation. These are the reasons
Can't be true but according to Roman Catholicism The Mass is where the faithful Catholics gather to receive the actual body and blood of Christ in the form of the bread and wine in The communion supper at the point of consecration the priest transforms the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ The Eucharist the bread and the wine are said to contain the soul and divinity of Jesus Roman Catholicism pronounces a curse upon anyone who would say the
Eucharist retains any substance of bread and wine after it's consecrated So check this out. So you take the wafer and They take the wafer dip it in the wine.
It's called intinction. So there's like a blending there And If you were to take this and put it under a microscope it has the elements of bread and wine and You say well it looks like bread and wine you're cursed
What it is you're cursed for that It doesn't make any sense the
Mass is The sacrifice of the new law in which Christ through the ministry of the priest offers himself to God in an unbloody manner
So their sacrifice is continuing in violation of Hebrews 1010 The Eucharist in the
Mass is called a divine sacrifice the same sacrifice of Christ who offered himself on the cross is capable of making reparation of sins and is to be considered a true and proper sacrifice the
Roman Catholic view of the Mass would mean That since Jesus ate of the supper after he consecrated it he was eating his own body and blood
Ridiculous and the Eucharist violates the Old and New Testament law against consuming blood
Spoken of in Leviticus and Acts So it should be clear. I should be clear that this is unbiblical.
It's ungodly. The Roman Catholic Church is false Now Before we get to the next slide
What I want to do is is I'm gonna talk about something and and then we'll get to some witnessing tips very basic witnessing tips to to Catholics Because we're basically done with a series people ask me to do this and been doing this
I just want to say that the Roman Catholic Church is a false church. It adds works to salvation
It teaches you keep your salvation by your goodness and participation of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church It teaches that through the sacramental system
Grace is like a substance infused into you and the more you have the more righteous you are
Which means that the Roman Catholic Church dispenses that the Roman Catholic Church is in charge of your salvation not
Christ Whenever anybody or any organization is in charge of your salvation, you're an occult
You to leave it Elevates Mary to such a high degree
That it's actually Fascinating to talk to Roman Catholics who believe what the
Catholic Church says about Mary It's fascinating in that they can't see they won't see not able to see the idolatry
That they're committing They elevate her pray to her Seek her will ask her to intercede instead of going straight to Christ Mary said to even atone for our sins
No better way than to look to Mary She's the one who crushed the serpents head all this stuff which belongs to God Said to be of her the apparitions of Mary are demonic as They progress through history.
They become more and more centered on themselves with the statements that the apparitions themselves can bring salvation and That they need to be exalted those apparitions have to have temples built
Matt medallions for them He will come in worship and do things Obviously, it's demonic.
If you're a Christian, you'll recognize this if you're not you don't And we get to the issue of the mass and there's a lot more to cover but this will do we haven't got we did tradition stuff and they misapply their tradition verses but The mass is obviously a blasphemous
The violation of Scripture and In in Toto The Roman Catholic Church cannot be considered a true church true
Christian Church. It's apostate. I Don't know when it went apostate, but it did
I think by the 500s anywhere from the four to six seven hundreds. That's my opinion.
I'm not a historian. I Think they were apostate by then but We Protestants have no business
Getting in bed with the Roman Catholic Church, we can't have any union and fellowship with the whore We cannot do that Roman Catholic Church is leading people to eternal damnation and We can know that because we know what the scripture says this is a serious issue
And Protestants need to stand up and say no will have nothing to do with that false harlot
Of a church and his priests need to repent they're hirelings and The Pope I Believe each
Pope just goes to hell I'm not judging them But if they hold to official
Roman Catholic theology, they can't be Christian. I Don't want them to go there But we have got to stand on the word of truth and what official
Roman Catholic theology teaches is blasphemy Someone's got to say it
I'm saying it and it's blasphemy and it needs to be
Proclaimed as such from Protestant pulpits as a blasphemous apostate false church
And needs to be done properly with documentation To teach the people of God what the truth is so they will not fall victim to That false church now having said all those hard stern
Words, which are making Roman Catholics mad at me Am I breaking my own advice to come?
When we talk about Witnessing to Roman Catholics, let's go through a few
Speak of the Bible as the authority by which we judge spiritual truth now, they won't necessarily agree Do it anyway
I think I got a new someone taught me a new verse Psalm 12 6 through 7 8
I got it Today about God preserving his word and 1st Timothy 6 16 about the authority and sufficiency of the word but Quote, so that's why you should quote scripture whenever possible.
It's the Word of God its power Focus on their works and ask if they're being good enough to merit their place with God now this has to do with a section earlier about soteriology
Number four focus on the works of Jesus on the cross as the answer to their inability to do enough good works
Be respectful of Mary but still focus on Christ now When I'm teaching like this,
I will say the truth Because I'm speaking to a large group of people and I'm going to tell it as it is
Authoritatively from the Word of God their documentation and say what it is. They've exalted
Mary to a place. She should not be in now a Lot of Roman Catholics consider
Mary similarly the way they would consider their mothers you speak bad about their mothers. They don't listen anymore
When you talk about Mary you got to be careful Because they will just close close off because they're so entrenched in their idolatry
So do it respectfully with Mary and it's true. You know, she's a great woman and she's blessed and that's true
But She can't hear all her prayers and stuff like that. Also listen to what they're saying, you know, nothing wrong with that Just listen listen to what the
Roman Catholics offer And ask questions to clarify and make sure you are understanding and I always like to tell people ask questions
More detailed questions. Don't assume anything ask clarifying questions
And if you don't know something admit it, that's all right It's on the radio show yesterday and someone called me up and said what about such -and -such and I said,
I don't know Kind of got a chuckle out of that people, you know, you don't know Lots of stuff you don't know if you don't know just so you don't know go find out if you can
Pray for the direction from the Holy Spirit according to God's Word. That's very important You want to be guided by what
Christ has done and the Holy Spirit's work in you and of course pray for their salvation Pray for their salvation
It's a spiritual issue the Roman Catholics need Christ They are like the
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. They're lost They need Jesus he's a real gospel. He's a true gospel
Definitely need I'm not ashamed of the gospel For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the
Jew first and also to the Greek The gospel is that Jesus died for our sins on the cross rose from the dead three days later
First Corinthians 15 1 through 4 now We do not have to keep the law in order to be saved from our sins
Romans 3 28 Romans 4 5 Romans 4 1 through 5 Romans 5 1
Galatians 2 16 2 21 We do not have to keep the law.
Jesus did it 1st Peter 2 22 and He bore our sin in his body all of it not part of it.
That's 1st Peter 2 24 And because of this we can put our trust in our faith in Christ if you're a
Roman Catholic, I got a suggestion for you Ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins.
He's God Has all authority and he said to pray to him Why don't you just ask
Jesus to forgive you of everything? Turn to Christ And if you can't do it
You're probably not a Christian because a Christian has a Holy Spirit in him and According to Jesus on words
John 14 26 John 15 26. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Christ If the
Holy Spirit's truly in you and you're regenerate you're born again John 3 3 through 8 if that's the case
Then the Holy Spirit will bear witness of Jesus Not of a church Not of a priest
Not anything but of Jesus. That's his job and so if you don't want to pray to Christ Maybe the
Holy Spirit's not in you maybe what's in you is tradition and Loyalty to a church and Submission to authority and all the other things that sound and appear spiritual but are not just as Jesus condemned the
Pharisees as whitewashed sepulchres Whose father was a devil who looked good on the outside, but inside were rotting bones
If you can't go to Christ And you can't ask him to forgive you of your sins.
You don't have him and to do that means you don't need Mary You don't need the priest.
You don't need the authority of the church. You don't need the sacraments and That's what it comes down to It's either
Jesus or your church. You can't have both Because Jesus said come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest
Matthew 28 Matthew 11 28 He said in John 14 14 to ask him anything and he'll do it
He forgives sins Luke 5 20 7 48 He has all authority in heaven and earth
Matthew 28 18 So if he has all authority and he's asked you to pray to him and seek him and he forgives sins
Then shouldn't you obey him and go to the one? Who has the authority to forgive you of all of your sins and ask him to do so?
If you ask him anything in my name, I will do it. John 14 14 Jesus said Asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins
Trust in him alone But to do that you have to in your heart not rely on a
Roman Catholic Church Can you do that? If you can't you're not a
Christian If you can the Holy Spirit is in you But if you can't because you're loyal to Christ Excuse me, because you're loyal to the
Roman Catholic Church. It's authority. It's rituals. It's tradition It's Apparitions, it's everything and that's what you identify with then.
You're not identifying with Jesus himself That would mean you're lost So I'm gonna pray in closing and then we'll take a break and do some
Q &A. I'm gonna pray to Christ Lord Jesus, I come before you and I thank you
Lord for your great mercy and your grace And I ask Lord that you Would forgive me of my sins
I come to you My sins are many and varied and they seem unending
Though I struggle against them And I fail so frequently The only thing
I can do is look to you And so I put all my hope and all my trust
But everything I have and that I am In you and your sacrifice that you have done everything
I need And Lord, so I just come before you and ask for you to cleanse me and Others who be praying this also
That we would look to you and you alone for our salvation nothing man -made nothing tradition
Just you So Jesus I come before you lay myself there and ask that you would forgive me and cleanse me and use me as well as all
Who would pray the same thing? That they would appeal to you and nothing else and no one else for the forgiveness of their sins