Part 2 of Woke Church "Debate" - PhD Weights In

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"Good Faith" Debate on Woke Church in a Nutshell - Part 3

"Good Faith" Debate on Woke Church in a Nutshell - Part 3

Alright, let's get started today. I hope you had a good and productive week I definitely had a good week before we get into the video man.
I've been so lucky so Tuesday I went out fishing and early early early and Had horrible luck so I was like I want to go home
I was like you know what let me let me let me see I could find another spot so I kind of went to a place where I knew there was a little brook whatever and I found a spot and Since then
I've just been slaying trout like crazy I took the kids to the spot. I'm so proud of him my oldest son here
He caught the biggest trout any of us have ever caught this is about a pound just a little little bit a little bit
Under a pound and it's 13 inches is the biggest trout. We've ever caught. This is our first rainbow trout, too
So it's really good this week We've got got our first rainbow trout And then I'm proud of my my middle son here because he was we were having a hard time getting him one
I really wanted to get him one too So he says hey dad switch from the pink lure to the orange one
And so we did that and he got a brook trout on his first cast and he was just so excited it was a great time then
I took out my youngest son today and He needs one -on -one attention if you know what
I mean So I took just him out and he got two rainbow trout
And he was just so pumped here He is in his normal personality trying to block the camera with his hat, of course, he has to touch the fish, too
He's all about that kind of stuff, but he got two rainbow trout He reeled him in himself and everything and dad still gets the hooks out, you know that kind of thing
But it was a lot of fun. And so just a very very blessed time. So let's get into this debate
So we're gonna talk about Rebecca McLaughlin's section of the debate I'm gonna try not to cut and stop and comment as much this time around But there's actually two things
I want to mention about this my brother He doesn't watch all my videos But he did watch the one
I did about this this this debate and he agreed with most of it And one thing he said was that even the title of the debate tells you their whole scam, right?
It's it's just controlled opposition one way up up one side down the other and he said look is woke church a
Stepping stone to theological compromise it assumes that these woke church people are actually legitimate
You know conservative Bible believing Christians and they just want to do the right thing Love your neighbor and it's like but maybe like maybe one day
They'll it'll be a stepping stone to heresy and it's like see that's the scam though. No, no, they're there
They're believing heretical ideas right now. They're overturning the law of God right now. They're a danger to the church right now
It's not like maybe one day they get a few stepping stones and then they'll be they'll be they'll be a problem
No, no, they're a problem now, and it's just so it's just so funny how even the title telegraphs this play so ridiculously stupidly he also mentioned the fact that You know, they got this guy
Sean demurred just like I said in the video yesterday Because he's out there going about all these crazy, you know,
I'm really concerned about this and that these crazy things It could be a stepping stone to that and he's like, but they're doing all of this right now.
It's like that's the lie That's the lie that gospel coalition not demurred because I'm not saying demurs is lying
I'm saying gospel coalition is that that's stuff that they're not doing the crazy stuff and all of that now here that brings me to The disagreement my brother had with me because I said at the end of last video
I said I bet you Rebecca McLaughlin's gonna be really woke. I have not seen her section yet So, I don't know if this is the case
But once my brother said that he disagreed with me on that it made perfect sense He said I don't think she's gonna be that woke.
I think she's gonna probably be like, oh, yeah well that I'm concerned with the Zim Zayser or two and I'm I'm concerned with the dragon kin too and and and and and You know the segregated fellowship.
I'm concerned with the with the colleges segregating, too And so she's gonna come across very reasonable because that completes the scam, right?
So Demers is gonna say oh, yeah, you know, you know, we're all Christians here and then she's gonna be like, well, yeah
I'm totally concerned. So like we're totally in the same page, even though obviously She's woke, but she's not gonna present that way.
That's what my brother predicts He hasn't seen this either and so we'll see what happens here. That makes too much sense for it not to be the case
She's gonna come across very reasonable. She's not gonna she's not gonna really talk about the real issues here and all of that Let's see.
Maybe he's wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know but I thought she was gonna you know I'm gonna stick with my guns. She's gonna come across woke.
All right, let's do it. Thank you. You're welcome.
You're welcome Oh, by the way, somebody somebody in the comment section.
I've already I've already interrupted She hasn't even spoken yet someone in the comment section got pretty mad He was like what so so women can't debate either like what a stretch and it's like well
No, I'm not saying women can't debate. Of course, they can debate their intelligent enough to debate I'm just saying they shouldn't debate.
It's dirty work. It's not it's not it's not the proper place for a woman It's like boxing right?
Can a woman box? Yeah a woman can box but she obviously shouldn't box because that goes against femininity to be a boxer or an
MMA fighter or a Politician or any this is this is dirty work. It's men's work.
I don't want a woman, you know In the in the in the sewers, you know cleaning the septics you know the sewers any more than I want a woman, you know being a
Hard -hitting politician or you know or debater or boxer? I just it's just not the proper
Role station. It's just it just goes against their nature to be doing this kind of stuff and that's
Simple as that our question today is is wokeness a stepping stone to theological compromise
No But before I address that question, I want to ask another one Are drugs bad for you?
I could spend the next 10 minutes presenting a very compelling case that drugs are killing people in America every day
They are breaking down families. They are ravaging mental health Drugs are extremely bad for you.
But at the end of that 10 minutes, my guess is that somebody stand up and say Right now
I'm taking drugs for my heart condition And my doctors say that if I stop taking them
I'll be dead within a week we cannot address this question if We do not carefully define what we mean by the word woke and in many of our conversations today
The definition of woke is being as confused as that definition of drugs where we are not distinguishing between life -saving medication and Cocaine I want to but okay, so I've already broken my promise.
Whatever. I was I just I just promised I would try but in any case Right, but but so she of course she's right if we're gonna be scientifically defining these things
We need to be careful blah blah blah blah blah But if you're in a debate and it's a debate about criminal justice and stuff like that and you say, you know
Are drugs illegal and it's like, you know, the context that we're in kind of determines what drugs mean
So obviously I'm not talking about aspirin if I'm at a criminal justice, you know, you know
Symposium or something like that. And so so let's just stop the pretense of this nonsense
Like how we don't know what we're talking about when we're talking about woke We we got to define it because nobody knows everybody knows exactly what we're talking about and it's like Obviously some people will define it a little bit different and stuff like that It's like when it's like when when someone says hey be a man, you know grow, you know be a man
You know find your big boy pants and it's time to act like a man and people are like well
What is a man after how does a man act hmm, I mean David sang song so what what how do you define man?
it's like Are you insane? Who interacts like I'll tell you who interacts like this is people that are trying to pull the wool over your eyes interact like that Oppose that we do three things as we step into this conversation
First we must define second, we must repent and Third we must believe so first we must define now
Sean offered us one definition of wokeness Or perhaps various definitions of wakeness that exist on one side of a conversation
I Want to start With a more original definition of wakeness as that word was originally used that word woke was originally used to mean being awake aware of alive to the history of racial injustice in this country and I want to say when it comes to that definition
God have mercy on us if we are not woke God have mercy on us if we are not aware of alive to the history of Racial oppression in this country when
I was in seminary one of my professors said that as we look back over the last 2 ,000 years of Christian history and As we look at every potential heresy that has come to the church
What we'll notice is that theologians have had to carefully distinguish between two things that have been
Quite similar or are spoken of in similar ways and as we enter these conversations We must define what we mean and almost more importantly we must ask other people what they mean
We must stop using our definitions of woke or definitions of woke that we have imported from other places
To define what our brothers and sisters in Christ might be meaning when they use that language No BCB because the thing is like this is this is this is this is the whole scam here like She's now are she's now taking the the argument out of what it's about, right?
So who cares about if you call yourself woke or not? What we're talking about is what you say about race, right?
So being aware of racial oppression is you know, okay? I'm aware of racial oppression as well
But being aware of it in such a way that it's like well Racism never goes away. It just it just changes form and and even if there's no evidence of it, you know, you has like kovat
There's no way. Yeah, there's no symptoms, but you definitely have it. It's like it's like the same kind of nonsense It's like so so she's taking that so what what you gotta you gotta carefully, you know, someone's you know
Says they're woke. You got a carefully discern decipher if they're really woken that way. Maybe this way we're woken that way
It's like no. No, I'm talking about the people that you know, the minute they see the next but you know Police shooting a black guy are like, oh, it's a racist.
It's a racist That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about that kind of thing In any case and again, like the whole idea being presented here is that nobody's careful about this
Nobody's actually, you know saying the right, you know, the right version of wokeness and that's just that's all a smokescreen, you know
Yes, we know that the beauty on your wheelies woke. Yes. We know that matt chandler is woke Yes, we know that tim keller's woke.
Yes, we know and they're actually woke but these guys want to say whoa Whoa, well, well, we're not woke like that.
And so therefore That's just it's just crazy. I think a lot of this is pretending to be obtuse too
It's like they're pretending like they're pretending to be stupid. Like I just saw a jared wilson tweet um, and it was uh saying how like hey,
I didn't I didn't have uh, um, you know, warning churches about abusers is liberalism on my bingo card like, you know trying to say that like like the the reason people oppose some of the stuff that's going on in the sbc right now is because They think that warning the church about abusers that's liberalism and bad like he's actually not that stupid
Jared wilson's conniving. That's why he said that he said he said that because He'll get a lot of attaboys and pats on the back and he'll be in the cool kids club
But he doesn't actually think that tom askell thinks that warning churches about abusers in a legitimate way is actually liberalism
That's not he he's just pretending to be stupid. That's the thing. He's pretending to be stupid. He's actually not stupid
Or might be meaning when they themselves are talking about the history of racial injustice in this country Instead we must do each other the courtesy of allowing brothers and sisters to define what they mean
And not to swing a club at them um, sadly often the club of critical race theory to silence or discredit any legitimate critique
That we might be hearing so again this is the scam right because because this is the scam that people will often say about me that And the way they speak about me is that I just woke up one day
And I just started hating on gospel coalition. I was like, you know today i'm gonna i'm gonna I'm gonna go from being a gospel coalition supporter to being a gospel coalition hater today
I'm gonna go from liking tim keller to hating tim keller like and that's just I woke up one day and I started swinging
The clamor. Ah, no, no for months and years We've heard you out
And that's the problem for months and years and and and all of this we've heard you out again and again and again and again and you guys are saying stupid stuff like Wow, you know that you know how we know that racism is still a problem
It's because white households have an average income of sixty thousand dollars and black households have an average income of thirty thousand dollars
That's racist and we and that's stupid that's actually not racist That's actually socialist and marxist and all this kind of stuff
And so we've heard you say this and we've heard you explain your stupidity And we've heard you explain your stupidity again and again and again and again and again
And again, and we've been long suffering with it and we've been patient with it and we've been you know
We've asked questions. In fact, rebecca, you know, i'm sure you know this because you're in these circles But very regularly people will start asking questions to their own pastor or you know, maybe their favorite, you know
Public theologian or whatever and they get stonewalled and shut down and say essentially touch not the lord's anointed
Who are you to criticize what I say? This is what happened to me. This is what happened to me. I started saying, you know
That matt chandler thing. I used to bend watch watch my old matt chandler content I used to bend over backwards to be respectful.
I was like, you know matt chandler, you know, he's been so impactful to me He's been so helpful to me and I just get so much value out of his stuff
I'm, just not so sure about this white privilege talk that doesn't really seem to come from the scripture
That seems to come from robin to angelo, you know, for example, and the minute I said something like that It's like how dare you ad like who are you?
I I lost friends in real life for daring to criticize matt chandler and russell moore and to and to ask questions about this stuff people have been disowned from their friends people have been
Uh excommunicated from their churches effectively because nobody does real excommunication anymore. People are too cowardly for that.
Um We this presentation. It's like all of us just one day started saying critical race theory
You woke and we're just like we're just maniacs just slopping people's heads off. No, no That's not the way it is
We've we've been long suffering when it comes to this and we're still long suffering when it comes to this I've had it with the leadership like I I don't
I don't I don't There's no quarter for the leadership in my opinion anymore I don't pull any punches if you're a leader and you're leading people astray.
I I I get after it, right? But i've got i'm so long suffering with people that I know in real life
You know regular people online that are just you know, they've been led astray and I can tell where they're confused.
I have Patience for days for people like that. I have no patience for gospel coalition because they're the ones
That have pulled the wool over so many people's eyes, they're the wolves in sheep's clothing They're the ones who know what they're saying and they're pretending to be obtuse
They're pretending to be stupid to be up stupid to be stupid But they're really just conniving wolves and to be honest the way this presentation has
I don't really know much about rebecca mclaughlin and I i'm not gonna ever learn much About her because who cares?
But the way this presentation has started is extremely conniving Extremely, so that's my first point we must define
My second point is that we must repent and when I say we here I'm speaking as a white evangelical
The very premise of our question is woke church a stepping stone to theological compromise Presumes that we are not already theologically compromised
Sean and I both agree that we are I'm not woke at all, but i'm speaking as a white woman
And I'm speaking as a beautiful brown latino male
I forgive you white people. I do I absolve you all of your racial sins against me and my people
But I believe that if we look at the history of our forebears in the church We will find a history of profound theological compromise we must repent of the sins of our white
Evangelicals of the past. It's like yeah, you're not woke at all because yeah, you're repenting of sins You didn't do as if you did do them, uh, because you're definitely not woke at all
When it comes to questions of race, I don't even know which woke is We will find a history of slavery a history of segregation a history of explicit racial prejudice and discrimination built into our legal systems
Oh the systemic racism the systemic racism is in every it's it's indiscernible but it's there and you can tell it's there because of the the the discrepancies and the the the irregularities and it's like dude like Everybody knows what woke is we all get it
And and most tragically We will find a history of white christians who look and sound like me
Being no not not you they don't sound like you they sound more like me probably not you though You sound like a brit deeply complicit in this
Now you might say well, I I wasn't there
I wasn't I wasn't there when people from my country the united kingdom were transporting millions of Enslaved people from africa to america.
I wasn't there. They didn't sound like you though. They sounded like yankees or southerners You might say
I wasn't there. You look like me. Maybe they look like you but they didn't sound like you So that's enough of that.
Maybe she didn't say that. I don't know during the period of jim crow laws and segregation You might say
I I wasn't there when thousands of black americans were being lynched While white folk who may have been in church that morning were bringing their kids to watch black people being strung up on trees and tortured and mutilators
See this is this is a part of the woke scam, right? They get your emotions going and stuff like this and you know
I've i've come to terms with this kind of stuff a long time ago, you know As a beautiful brown man, I had to uh,
I I did experience some racism Uh when I was a younger boy and I I knew about this kind of stuff and things like that but you know eventually you got to get over it right eventually you do got to get over it because if you allow yourself to be um
Perpetually depressed about our the racial injustice of the past and stuff like that.
Um I gotta be honest with you. I I don't think we're meant to to stew in that and live in that forever
Uh, I don't think that we are and so you continuing to bring it up I know you're trying to do the right thing.
You think you're you think you're doing good Um, you're not you're not doing good You're not doing anyone any good to to constantly remind them how much of a victim they are and stuff like that You see this is why this is why you know, honestly, we we shouldn't have women in leadership in this way because women
Uh, this is natural for a woman to want to coddle and to want to make everything Okay, i've said this many times but you know when my kids get hurt and they've got the choice
Between coming to me or their mother. They know they're going to get more comfort. They're going to get more um
My mom their mom's gonna make everything okay, right? And of course if mom's not around they'll come to me, you know, because I also can do that But it's just much it's much better coming from a woman you see this is the reality like like like it's not helpful and and I tell my wife this uh, uh, uh regularly like It's not helpful to to always be there to solve our kids problems
They need to figure out how to solve it themselves Sometimes they need to figure out how to how to grit their teeth sometimes when they fall and skin their knees
And move on right they they do need to figure out how to do that They need to know how to walk it off or shake it off or whatever it is.
Um, that's necessary, right? But to a woman it doesn't come naturally and so, you know, that's something we work through and all that kind of thing um
And so it's not helpful. It's not helpful to be constantly reminding, you know black people about how they're victims and how they're just They're treated awful in the past and they're still being treated.
Awful. They're it's just not true either So they're it's not true anymore. Um, and so for you to do this, it's just uh, it's disrespectful
It's condescending. Um, you're not our mother. So stop trying to act like it Um, and it's it doesn't do us any favors.
I thank god for my father because my father Never allowed me to stew in this kind of thing and my father experienced real racism
I remember i've told this story as well. My father ran for congress as a republican in uh in connecticut
And he ran against this democrat and there was a white man at our church that wrote him this horrific horrifically racist letter, um
Who do you think you are you go back to the island? You know, how dare you run against this this, you know woman and his name this one was named barbara cannelli
Who look a lot like you she looked a lot like you. Is that is that is that british? I don't know um
Anyway, so and and I never I never knew about this letter Until I was an adult my father refused to let me play this victim
He refused to let me be this person. That's just always the world's out to get me and stuff like that I thank god.
I had that father because I could easily be woke. I know I could I know I could Um in any case by the way that that that issue got resolved in the church, right?
Yeah, it was a it was a pretty bad thing But then you know a few days later this man reached out to my dad and he said, you know
I don't know where that came from. I'm, so sorry. I said that letter I mean, obviously i've got hatred in my heart and you know all that and it was squashed it was over My dad could have could have could have played the victim and he could have rode that to to some kind of you know
Sympathy vote or something and you know what? My dad did he didn't tell a freaking soul except for my mother
He didn't tell a soul except for my mother I just I it it does burn me up to be perfectly honest
We were having a good time here, but but I just I hate that. I really do hate that this
This mentality of you think you're helping you're actually just making things worse for us. Just just leave us alone.
How about that? Wasn't there you might say I wasn't there when a six -year -old black girl named ruby bridges walked into an all -white elementary school
While hundreds of white parents shouted racial slurs at her Issued death threats against her
And while she god bless her heart prayed for their forgiveness because that's what she'd been raised by her christian parents to do
You might say I wasn't there, but you know what? our parents were Our grandparents were our great -grandparents were if you like me are a white evangelical.
This is our tribe And god have mercy on us if we do not repent third
We must believe Now sean very helpfully pointed out to us
That for many people today this idea of wokeness Is is not just a conversation about racial justice
It is a conversation in which questions of same -sex sexuality and gender identity have been all mixed together
And when it comes to these conversations one of the most powerful arguments that our progressive friends might make
Run something like this Just like you white christians used your bibles to defend segregation in schools in the 60s
So now you're using your bibles To oppose gay marriage and transgender identities for believers until we realize that the the first part of that claim is correct
We're going to have no moral legs to stand on as we address the second But the the problem with the white 60s segregationist was not that they were too christian
This is amazing. So this is this is something actually that ligand duncan said as well in a different way um, but it's like well, you know if we're gonna if we're gonna stand against the lgbt and you know, the
Transgender, you know Transvestites and stuff like that. Well, we have to acknowledge this We have to get we have to get a little woke because otherwise our kids are going to become gay
That's what ligand said He was worried that his kids were gonna become gay or get influenced by the gay movement or something like that And it's like pragmatically we gotta you know, be a little woke
It's like because the thing is they must be talking about getting woke because every person on the planet
Acknowledges the racial injustices of the past every person i'm the least woke person you could find probably, you know this side of the mississippi maybe not but but uh
Obviously I acknowledge racial injustice of the past bc what she's saying is and this is the this is the scam too
Like they want to import All the rest of it too. It's like not only acknowledge it but also fix it the way we tell you to So you got to correct these just racial disparities economic disparities you got to position people into power
You got to you know, add blackness to your your qualifications for elder and stuff like that It's like that's really what's being said here.
You got to import everything. You can't just Understand the past you've actually got to accept our woke solutions as well.
And this is a huge scam I'm gonna have to end it here because i've got I forgot about a call that I have to do. Um, but in any case um
This is this is a this is a this is a tactic right because I don't think that these kinds of folks are going to stand against the
Gay movement and the transvestite movement and all this kind of stuff, you know They're going to be the ones that are like, oh, yeah, you know tranny pronouns use them and stuff like that Um, they're going to be the ones and they're already doing that So this is just a tactic to get conservatives to be like, well, you see you're scared of gay people, right?
So you're scared of gay people taking over so you got to get a little woke and it's all that kind of thing So, uh,
I guess i'll i'll i'll come back to this. I don't I don't really know if I will or not because I don't know.
I just don't like it We'll see we'll see um But anyway, uh, hope you had a great week again and hope you have a good lord's day tomorrow