Deconstruction Among Pastors & Laypeople

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It used to be called apostacy but today its called "deconstructing your faith" and many pastors are adding to the problem. What should our response be? Watch and find out! #deconstruct #apostate


How many of you have heard the term Deconstruction This used to be called apostasy or falling away from the faith
But now people just say that I have deconstructed my faith every few weeks it seems in the news another pastor another contemporary
Christian music artist comes out in support of Gay marriage or they say
I no longer believe Jesus is the only way of salvation Or they have some story about how they're in the middle of deconstructing their faith
You know, they realize finally they say that God accepts everyone no matter what
So what happens when a person falls away from the faith when a person deconstructs?
They usually either deconstruct into atheism or If they want to continue to be called a spiritual person or they want to retain the label of Christian they deconstruct
Into a universalist and they start to believe that everyone's going to heaven no matter what
Well, the first thing is this is nothing new Maybe that's a new term for you
Deconstructing but this is nothing new at all. The book of Jude was really written about this subject
Jude wanted to write a positive epistle about our common faith, but he said well It's more needful that I write and he writes about apostates, you know
So this is nothing new the Apostle John also wrote about those who went out from us
He said they were never really of us and then Jesus Talked about how in latter times the love of many would grow cold so one
New Testament teaching is that as we approach the end of days as we approach the
Second advent of Christ there will be a great falling away From faith you just look at Europe Europe used to be
Christian Right just about everybody in Europe used to identify as a
Christian Today it's completely secular So I would argue it's my personal belief we are living in the falling away
So on the one hand, this has always been happening throughout history, but as we get closer and closer to the end
It's just gonna happen on a broader wider scale. So people are Falling away.
They are Deconstructing this is the Bible the Bible says this would happen You know I was driving through Turner's Falls the other day and it just kind of stuck out if you if you're going over the bridge
You look at the skyline of Turner's Falls One thing you notice the skyline is just filled with steeples right churches are
Everywhere. There's one spot in Turner. They're like five churches all within a stone's throw of each other churches are everywhere all throughout the city and Unfortunately, a lot of the churches are either closed or they're half empty and What's gone up?
What's risen up in its place? Rainbow flags Symbols of the revolution, you know the clenched fist raised up high
And it's sad to see but not surprising Because we all know people whether they're young people or older folks
Some in their 50s 60s and 70s who no longer are in the faith.
They have become apostate They have deconstructed
So, why does this happen? Well, it happens number one because the Bible says it would happen Yes, but on a more practical level number two, here's why it happens because people don't want
God telling them what to do Oftentimes someone will deconstruct
Usually because they want to pursue a sexual relationship and they know the church would not approve
My guess is seven times out of ten. That's that's the root issue But there's also the desire to fit in People see where the culture is headed or where the culture is and they know that being a
Christian these days might actually cost them Something so they don't want to pay the price they drop out one reason
I want to talk about is because you know, maybe there's someone listening and You've been plagued with doubts lately and maybe you feel in your heart.
You're you're starting to deconstruct You're really questioning the beliefs that you are brought up with now.
There's some beliefs that people hold that they should abandon But the Christian faith is not one of those, you know
Everything in this world is going to pass away Only that which is of God is going to endure so if there's somebody listening right now who is in the process you're beginning you're flirting with Deconstructing I Just want to remind you that this life is a vapor
James 4 14 says that life is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away
Do you really want to turn your back on God? Do you really want to turn your back on the gospel and eternal life?
To pursue the pleasures of sin for a season. I'm here to tell you it's not worth it and This life you may get 80 years if you're fortunate
Eternity lasts forever But also part of why people are turning away from the faith is because You know, it's not
I mean people are responsible for their own actions But I think we have to recognize that one reason people are turning away from the faith is because they're being led astray by bad shepherds in the
Old Testament Israel the Prophet Jeremiah Warned he said woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture says the
Lord The reason why Christians are deconstructing part of the reason is because pastors are deconstructing
Pastors are deconstructing. It's not just church members It's not just people who are attendees who come once in a while Pastors are doing it and when this happens, and by the way,
I've seen it and I'm currently seeing Christian ministries in in this process and when
I've tried to warn people in the past, nobody wants to believe me. So I'm just Okay, but here's how it typically goes
You know, you have to look at people's associations And look at not just what they're saying, but also what are they not saying here's how it often works
The pastor will separate himself from other evangelicals He'll start hanging around with people from the more progressive churches and because he doesn't want to lose his job
He can't come out on Sunday morning and announce that he has changed his beliefs So what does he do instead?
He enacts something like a five -year plan to slowly make changes to lead people along into his way of thinking
Andy Stanley basically a month or two ago. I saw the clip online Andy Stanley basically came out and admitted that he was doing this
Which is rare that people admit it But usually when someone deconstructs for them, it's a process.
So if they want to lead others Astray they realize it's not gonna happen in a day
So there are pastors out there right now they've deconstructed and they're trying to lead their church and That through that same process and usually it's done in the name of love
Usually it's done in the name of love almost never will a man come up and say I don't believe the Bible I hate
God join me and will rebel against God like that's not gonna happen. That's not gonna work So instead they try to put a happy face on it that we're gonna deconstruct all in the name of love
That's the play If you're discerning you can spot it from a mile away. But again people sometimes they don't want to admit it some
I think prefer to be willfully ignorant and Nobody these days wants to fight about it.
So they just kind of let it happen If you are willing to fight the good fight of faith, you feel like nobody's gonna back you up So people really don't do anything about it.
And by the time people wake up to what's happened by then. It's usually too late So deconstruction it's happening with pastors.
It's happening with lay people It often starts when a child goes astray maybe a close
Relative a loved one comes out of the closet Maybe a daughter goes off to college and comes home indoctrinated and Marxist ideology and instead of holding fast the faithful word in Trying to convert them and listen don't fall back on well
Hey, they said the sinner's prayer when they were four years old. So I know that okay today. They're a Marxist Lesbian so it's it's it's not a big deal.
No the come on But instead of holding fast to the faithful word, what do people do?
They compromise their beliefs in order to accommodate their loved one
Scripture talks about those who love the praises of men over the praises of God So this is what's happening.
I think most people Recognize it again prefer Sort of turn a blind eye.
Let's not talk about it. Don't don't let's pretend. It's not as bad as it really is
But I think you know this is going on so what can we do? Okay, that's the problem. What about the solution?
Well, one thing is we need to be blunt about what's on the line Okay, this is a life -or -death issue
Heaven and hell that's what's at stake And we can't be afraid to tell people that also
If because it's happening more and more Let's say is this would be really hard and we have to be sympathetic to people that are going through this
But let's say there is a pastor or a church member somebody, you know, who is a devout believer in Christ But their child goes astray
Or their their son or daughter comes home From college or the doesn't matter how old they are 20 30 they become a universalist
They become an atheist they come out of the closet. Whatever it is. We as God's people we need to tell
We need to tell others and church leaders need to tell people in the congregation
You do not have to choose between God and your child You do not have to choose between God and your loved one
You can love God and still love Your daughter your son you can love
God still love your brother or sister you can love God and still love your friend You don't have to choose
You can still be faithful to God and at the same time love that person
Who is an atheist or who's gay or whatever? Here's here's the thing you can still love them
But you don't affirm them in their sin, it's really that simple You can still love them
But that doesn't mean you affirm them and whatever they're doing you don't compromise your faith
You don't deconstruct your faith in order to accommodate others
Who have walked away from their faith, but admittedly this is a difficult thing and it's happening everywhere
Which is why you need now more than ever to be in a good
Bible believing church the scripture talks about how iron sharpens iron
We need each other. We need to be around other Like -minded Christians who can support us we can support them these are
Perilous times that we're living in Whatever you do Keep the faith remain faithful and to that loved one
Who has deconstructed don't deconstruct with them You're not doing them any favors if you want them to be saved if you want to be in heaven
With them for all eternity, which is what we want You need to remain faithful Who knows if you will convert them, but they need someone
To be a testimony and that's up to you But if you deconstruct with them if the blind leadeth the blind then both will fall into the ditch