AD on Election Night - Stop Believing Nonsense

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So, I've got to take care of a few things first thing this morning, so I just wanted to post a video that, there was a couple videos that I did last week, so there was one
I did on election night, just kind of stream of consciousness type of thing, and then I did one on Saturday, or was it yesterday?
Yeah, it was Saturday. I think it was Saturday. Anyway, I did one kind of clarifying some of that stuff, another kind of stream of consciousness, type thing, so hopefully you find it interesting and helpful, maybe you won't,
I don't know. But before I get into that, I wanted to just say how hilarious it has been to watch social media from Big Eva, man.
People are so predictable, we got Danny Akin and Dwight McKissick, they're already pivoting to try to get back some of their conservative bona fides.
They're reading Joe Biden's transition documents, his tranny documents, they're reading his tranny documents, and they're like, they're just shocked, they can't believe it!
Like Joe Biden's going to make sure that LGBT have bathrooms, and they can go into women's sports, they're just totally shocked!
And they can't believe how pro -abortion he is! It's so funny to watch this, these people are so predictable.
It's unreal. But anyway, that Big Eva pivot is coming, man. Be ready for it, they're going to be pivoting so hard to pretend like they're these conservative lions, that they actually have any scruples or any morality whatsoever.
And they're like, well I'm going to do everything in my power to stand against this evil! Well, you probably could have done a little bit more before the election,
I don't know, just one man's opinion, but good luck convincing all the people that support you, all the simps out there about that, because it doesn't take too much to convince a simp that you're right, because they'll say you're right no matter what.
But yeah, man, it's just too funny, man, it's just too funny. Their time is pretty much over as far as credibility or any kind of ability to maintain their leadership status.
It's done, man. Big Eva is done. It is a zombie, dead men walking, no question about it.
Their time of influence is setting, no question. But I thought this one was funny too, so I'll play those videos in just a second.
But this is Dr. Eric Mason, trust me, this is
Dr. Eric Mason talking about how he can beat up all the people that talk badly about him.
He can beat them up, you know what I mean? So I got my rugby shirt on, I used to play rugby in college, so just to appear a little bit tougher, you know what
I mean? Let me read it in my Dr. Eric Mason voice. I'm not pugnacious, but some of y 'all run your mouth on social media like you got them hands or something.
You got them hands or something. Now don't let them internet fingers take you where your hands can't keep you.
What he's saying is, you talk tough online, but I can beat you up.
Trust me, Eric. Trust me,
Eric, I don't want to get in a fist fight with you. I'm not, listen, you got me on that one.
I don't want to get in a fist fight with you, but the problem is, Eric, you got to catch me first. I got asthma, man, but I'm pretty sure
I can outrun you, buddy. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. People think
I'm looking for fights and itching for, I'm not itching for a fight, man. I don't want to fight anybody. I'll fight you, but I don't want to, man.
Can you imagine if Christians actually ended up in jail? I don't buy that for a second.
All this gulag talk, man. Get rid of that despair, man. You're not going to the gulag. They're going to send you to the gulag for not wearing a mask?
I mean, get real. But all this gulag talk, can you imagine if I ended up in a cell with Eric Mason? Trust me,
Eric, man, none of us want to get in a fight with you, man. I know you've got these fantasies, like, you out here, we out here.
You know what I mean? I know you like to put that persona on and stuff like that, and no one wants to get into a fight with you.
That's just how it is, man. It's just how it is. Now, we just want to destroy your stupidity with reason and logic.
That's it. That's all we want to do. We want to just expose your stupidity for exactly how stupid it is.
That's all we want to do. Nobody wants to fist fight you. We just want everyone to understand how childish you think.
That's all we want, man. We'll laugh at you all day. Thank you, Edwin, for showing me this, man, because I'm blocked by Eric Mason.
I can't see these gems of wisdom from Dr. Eric Mason.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these videos. Again, they're a little bit stream of consciousness, so you might not understand, but I thought you'd like it because one of them is like my fresh take right during the election when all the craziness started to happen.
And then the next one is after I've had time to think about it a little bit. So hopefully you like it.
And if you don't, hey man, that's okay too. Let me know in the comment section below. I hope you find this video helpful.
God bless. I'm in my backyard here in New Hampshire, and it's one of those nights where it's just freezing cold.
Freezing cold and dead silent. You can't hear anything. My chickens are moving around a little bit, but it's just pitch black here.
It's great. What I'm thinking about, my grandfather on my father's side, big
Republican. Big Republican. He's a freedom loving man, no question about it. Loves the
Lord. Loves the Lord. But most Puerto Ricans, man, most
Puerto Ricans want to try the Cuban experiment here in the United States as well, man.
Most Puerto Ricans are commies, no question about it. And I think one of the things that I'm missing with my content, and you can tell me if you think that's the case in the comments here, is thinking about the future, right?
The future generations. Because my content's not really for kids, right? But I think if we're going to have, if we're going to go take this no despair thing and we're going to ride with it, we're going to have to start thinking about the kids, man.
How to train kids to love freedom and to reject nonsense. Because there's so much nonsense out there.
I mean, you can even look at how they're treating the polls, right? Like, you know, they call California when no precincts are reporting for Biden to give him a big lead.
The optics of it look good for them. They're trying. They're trying to will a victory here. Maybe they'll get it.
Maybe they won't. But they won't call Florida, right? So you can see it's just nonsense.
So the media is just, it's just all nonsense all the time. And we got to figure out a way to make sure that our kids don't grow up believing nonsense and going along with nonsense.
What I'm thinking is that I believe a little bit too much nonsense too. I go along with the, with the political games as well, and I got to stop that because I know better.
That's the thing. I know better. I know it's nonsense and I still go, go along with it and that's the thing.
So I've got a whole new focus here, baby, whole new focus going on after this election, one way or the other, after this election, one way or the other, whoever wins,
I need to reject that nonsense as much as possible. And I don't know, that's just what I'm thinking about right now.
Because life isn't nonsense. Life is, life is good, man. The world is wonderful. Life isn't nonsense.
There's a lot of nonsense on TV. There's a lot of nonsense in the media. They try to make you believe nonsense, but, but life isn't like that.
Life is real. Life is great. And we just got to be that kid who always calls out the emperor that has no clothes.
You know what I'm saying? I'm sitting out here tonight. It's a beautiful night and there's nonsense going on all day and I'm just a little bit disappointed in myself for buying into too much of it.
Anyway, I don't really have any answers here right now. I'm just thinking out loud. So I'm going to finish my cigar and hopefully go to bed soon.
Hope you found this video helpful. God bless. So I'm out here doing some yard work.
Beautiful day in New Hampshire and just thinking about a few things. I've been talking a lot about living in reality instead of the fantasy world that, that people are really invested in getting you to believe, right?
The fantasy world, the, well, you know, we're, they're stealing our elections from us. They're stealing, they're stealing our, our freedom and our religious liberties are at stake and all this kind of stuff.
And I'm not the kind of guy that thinks everything's like a, like an illusion or anything like that. But I have to say that, that the despair is palpable, man.
There's despair amongst post -millennials, there's, there's all kinds of despair right now and you just need to reject it, man.
You just need to reject it. Like the next, this is the thing, like, like the Biden presidency, if it, if it actually comes to fruition, which
I actually doubt, I'm starting to think that we're going to have the fascists take over the government in a fascist way and everyone's going to get all angry and scared and they're going to, we're going to have
Russell Moore talk about how dangerous this is to the democracy and all, all kinds of stuff. It's just, it's just a fantasy world because, you know, we've got people that are, that are saying, you know, they're insisting, well, this is fair and square, you know, and this kind of thing.
And it's just so obviously not. So what, when, when, when something is so obviously the opposite of what you're being told by everybody, then you can be sure that they're trying to get you to believe the fantasy like they do.
And you just have to reject that stuff, man. Reject the whole thing, not just the fantasy from the liberal perspective, but also the fantasy from the conservative perspective, man.
Like, like our religious, we, we, we take our liberties. Our liberties come from God. Nobody can take that from us.
Nobody can take that from you. So when they tell you to shut down your church for whatever reason, or they tell you that you have to send your kid to the school for whatever reason, just, just refuse consent, man.
And I know, look, that's scary. That's scary to some people. What are we going to do? Where are we going to go? You don't, you don't have to go anywhere.
Stay where you're at, man. Stay where you're at. Look, there might come a time to flee. I'm not saying that there's no time to flee, but now is not that time, man.
They're trying to get you scared. They're trying to get you to believe the fantasy that they're all powerful and that they're everywhere. They're not.
I'm staying right here in New Hampshire, man. This is a big blue state and I'm staying right here. And here's the thing, man.
I'm going to start to build real stuff. Real stuff. Look, I've got two small little gardens plots right here, two.
I built two this spring and I'm planning on building a lot more here. We're going to, we're going to stay here. We're going to plant roots, man.
We're going to plant trees and stuff like that because that's what God's people do, man. They build. They don't, they don't, they don't buy into the fantasy, right?
We don't have to be all uppity and all full of anxiety. In fact, that's a sin, man. You don't buy into the fantasy, man.
Things are, things are going to happen, man. Things are going to be, things are going to be easier and simpler because your, your, your commands to follow
Christ, man, they're simple. He doesn't confuse you with a million laws. He doesn't confuse you with things that you don't understand what he's saying.
You know, you understand exactly what he's saying. God's commands are simple and you have to obey them.
That's all you have to do. You don't have to overturn the election. You don't have to take the, the, the thrones of power and stuff like that.
You don't have to do that. Look, I'm not saying you can't do that, but you don't have to do that. You just have to obey God in the station that you're in.
And so enough of the despair, man, enough of the despair, man, you can obey Christ where you're at, regardless of who the president is.
You can start building your family and, and, uh, and building your, your financial situation and building your, your home situation.
And you can, you can claim, you know, you can claim things for Christ right now, man. All you got to do is work at it and take it, man.
You can't manifest wealth or anything like, I'm not talking about magic spells. That's what, that's for the other tubule. That's for the other people.
That's not how it is. I'm not going to say everything's going to be a -okay and everything's going to be just fine. But when you're with Christ, man, life is always good.
It's rarely easy, but it's always good. That's what Rush Dinney said. So regardless of who the president is, man, obey
Christ where you're at with your family. Don't consent to the nonsense. The minute you find yourself full of anxiety, that's the time when you need to get on your knees and start praying and say,
God, I'm sinfully anxious right now. I'm sinfully anxious right now. Help me to not consent to this.
Help me to, help me to grow a backbone and to go about my business, man. You can have a great year. You can have a great year despite the fact that Joe Biden's going to be the president allegedly.
Despite the fact that Big Eva is bending over backwards to do everything they can to empower evil people.
There's a lot of evil out there, man. There's a lot of upside -down stuff. You just have to reject it. By the way,
Kirk Kennedy tried the same thing. I know a lot of you guys think he's like this reasonable guy and stuff like that, man. In a private message, he was talking about, he was doing the same thing.
He was trying to say, well, I'm much bigger than you. Basically saying I can beat you up or telling me that because I live in Vermont, that I guess
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not out here. We out here. Like he's trying to say he can beat me up.
It was pretty sad, man. I'm not going to show you it because it's just so, listen, man, it's just so pathetic.
This whole idea about how I guess I'm not street enough, so that way, so I guess that means that he wins the argument.
I'm just, I don't know how this works, man. You got to catch me first though. I don't want to fight you,
Kirk. Let me just say that out right, man. I don't want to fight Eric Mason and I don't want to fight Kirk Kennedy.
I mean, what could, what can we do about this? You got me on that one. You got to catch me first though, dawg.