Prayer For the End of Abortion


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About Three four four years ago. Well three and a half years ago now.
I I had The only opportunity I've had and probably will ever have now to go to the land of Israel and I Wasn't all that excited about it at first I Had I had seen a lot of people
Talking about how wonderful it was do this that and the other thing. I just I Don't know.
I I didn't want to be the tour. I didn't want to be the touristy thing It was life -changing and it was life -changing on a number of different levels not so much the oh
I Walked where Jesus walked part. It was amazing to be in the first century synagogue in Migdal Migdal They found it while building a hotel
And so now the hotel Goes to a certain point and then it goes up in the air and it goes over like this and then down beneath it is the first century
Synagogue in Migdal and of course Mary Magdalene that would have been her synagogue and Jesus taught in the synagogues all the synagogues in Galilee And so we know that the stones the mosaic on the floor
That it was from the first century that those stones would have heard Jesus speaking it was that was fairly fairly amazing
But what struck me so much was how small it all is tiny
I Stood on the seashore next to Capernaum where Jesus where where the where the boats would have come up after Jesus walked on the water and Wherever you were you could see the far shore of The Sea of Galilee.
I always figured see ocean big can't see no you can now it's just it's very big
When it's when you're going north -south, but east -west very clear. I mean, it's a big lake, but it's
It's just not all of Israel You can you can drive from one end to the other in just a very short period of time.
It's a small land it really really is and so One of the more memorable places that I visited was
The area where Elijah had his encounter with the prophets of Baal and so, you know, you know the story
You know the story in first Kings chapter 18, you know what happens
I have to I Have to admit that over and over and over again when you
Think about The mockery that Elijah poured upon the
Prophets of Baal and one of the things that was fascinating was to see One of the high places in Israel because we read about him all the time the
Ashrim the groves These were places of horrific pagan worship
Just Really vile pagan worship Sort of like some of the things around here
They're just much bigger than they were back then and you know what happens the fire falls and and and Elijah has the the prophets of Baal slain and Then you have the this amazing after chapter 18
The end of the drought Ahab Elijah running so on and so forth.
You have this amazing story that takes place in chapter 19 now Ahab Put my old man glasses on here
Now Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword now by the way,
I'm reading from my 1977 New American Standard Bible, I am
I am switching Jeffrey Rice who did this one beautiful job, you know
Jeffrey Rice and post -tenebrous Lux He has my new
Bible with him right now and We'll be binding it I've decided to go with the
LSB The Legacy Standard Bible, which is the New American Standard gone over by scholars at the
Master's Seminary and the reason simple for years and years and years when I would read the
Old Testament like look at the look down verse 7 and the this is how I would read it and the angel of Yahweh came again a second time and touched him and said arise eat
Because the journey is too great for you Now it says Lord in all caps But for a couple of decades
I have just made it a practice to Use the divine name because it's there.
It's there over 6 ,000 times in the Old Testament and it is simply a
Jewish tradition to not pronounce the divine name and So when
I would read the Old Testament I would not read Lord I would read Yahweh so like Psalm 110 1
Yahweh said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies footstool for your feet Well, that's what the
LSB reads it inserts the name Yahweh for all the places that Tetragrammaton appears and then there were certain texts that I would translate a little bit differently
John 118 Romans 9 5 and The LSB translates it the way that I translate it.
So it's sort of like Why fight it? I mean Why by be editing things as you're going along when here's a translation that does it just the way that so when
I use an English translation, I'll be using the LSB, of course mine will be bound in glorious orange goatskin
But hey, you can you can do the same thing. You can get hold of Jeffrey rice, too Anyways, so I'm reading from the
NASB But I will make those changes as I go along and I better read this before it gets too dark for me to see It anymore then
Jezebel sent messenger a messenger to Elijah saying so may the gods do to me and even more
If I don't make and not make your life as the life of one of them That is one of the prophets of Baal by tomorrow about this time
So he was afraid and arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba Which belongs to Judah and left his servant there
But he himself won a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and Said it is enough now.
Oh Yahweh take my life for I am NOT better than my father's He lay down and slept under a juniper tree and behold
There was an angel touching him and he was said to him arise eat And he looked and behold there was at his head a bread cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water
So he ate and drank and lay down again And the angel of Yahweh came again a second time and touched him and said arise eat because the journey is too great for you
So he arose and ate and drank and went in the strength of the food 40 days and 40 nights to horror of the mount the mountain of God Then he came there to a cave and lodged there and behold the word of Yahweh came to him and he said to him
What are you doing here Elijah? And he said I have been very zealous for Yahweh the God of hosts the sons of Israel have forsaken thy covenant torn down thine altars and killed thy prophets with the sword and I alone am left and they seek my life to take it away
He said go forth and stand in the mountain before Yahweh and behold Yahweh was passing by and a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before Yahweh, but Yahweh was on the wind and After the wind an earthquake, but Yahweh was not in the earthquake
Now for the earthquake of fire, but Yahweh was not in the fire And after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing
It came about when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and he went out and stood in the entrance The cave and behold a voice came to him and said what are you doing here
Elijah? And he said I have been very zealous for Yahweh the God of hosts the sons of Israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword and I alone am left and they seek my life to take it away
And Yahweh said to him go return your way to the wilderness of Damascus When you have arrived you shall anoint
Haziel king over Aram and Jehu the son of Nimshi You shall anoint king over Israel and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel my hola.
You shall anoint as prophet in your place It should come about the one who escapes in the sword of Haziel Jehu shall put to death the one who escapes in the sword of Jehu Elisha shall put to death
Yet, I will leave 7 ,000 in Israel All the knees that have not vowed to bail and every mouth that has not kissed him now
I want you to think with me First a little bit about what has taken place here
Now that I've been to Israel, I realized how he could run from one end of it to the other you'd have to be in pretty good shape and he obviously was but Still needed his rest as you as you noted the angel providing him with supernatural sustenance
But it does strike me that you could have such a massive victory as he had just had over the prophets of we say bail it's
Baal but No one didn't know what in the world you're saying if you say Baal Have such a major victory and then within a very very short period of time
Be quite as depressed as Elijah was and It says a little bit something about Jezebel That Elijah is not afraid of Ahab But all
Jezebel has to do is send a messenger it says I'm gonna kill you by this time tomorrow and he's running That tells you a little something about who
Jezebel was and what she was all about but Think for a moment
What it was like in this day remember there had been a drought going on and We We struggle
As modern Americans to conceive of How Fragile human life really is down to the history of mankind most of us
I Mean I was I was raised in a very poor family. I mean now as an adult
I look back and I Realized how poor we were didn't really realize it at the time but we lived in a hundred and five year old farmhouse that my dad patched back together again, so we could rent it and Thinking back on it now we were
We were sort of subsistence level but still you turned you turn the faucet and water came out and I don't ever remember really going hungry the idea of What they were going through in this time period?
the difficulty and the challenge of what a drought would mean to crops and food and Livestock and your children
There are still places on earth that experience these things, but we
Don't know much about those things unless you've lived in those places and have Gotten out of those places and are now in a blessed place like this at least for now
But these were difficult in dark times what we learn in this text is that during this time
There were only 7 ,000 throughout the land of Israel that had not bowed the knee and kissed
The Baal idols which means of course that there had been tremendous pressure placed upon everyone to compromise and To get with the program
What do I mean? Well if you understand the nature of idolatry at this time?
The idea in this day was that the various gods had power over a particular aspects of human existence and so there were fertility gods and there were gods of the weather and there were gods of you know you get a fertility amongst your animals or fertility amongst your crops and there would be gods that the gods of war that you know sort of only had authority out to the borders of your country and and so the idea was if there were difficulties if there was a drought then what you're supposed to do is you were supposed to try to appease any and all deities that might be able to help and The idea of having an exclusive God Just one
God To where you would not Join with the community and seek the
The good of the community and Seek the face of these deities You'd be hated
You'd be looked upon as a person who was who was fundamentally hateful
You weren't loving your fellow citizen your fellow Israelite Who do you think you were and so the vast majority of people in the land?
Had compromised and it doesn't mean that they didn't still go to the temple
Or go to at least a place of worship of Yahweh, but they had become compromised in Joining the worship of the one true
God with the worship of other gods and the pressure would have been great to do so It wouldn't have just been well our
God's really cool, and you're just going to be nerdy if you don't know in this situation The pressure that would have been put upon you is you need to do this
To save our country or save the world oh
That would never happen again It's happening right now and so very often
Idolatry and unfaithfulness to God Comes with a pressure from those around you including those around you
Who themselves now have become compromised and are saying you're just being you're being too harsh
You're being too harsh You're being too narrow You need to broaden your perspective and be more loving
You see and so here's Elijah and Elijah says to God I I have been zealous for you
Yahweh the God of hosts The sons of Israel forsaken your covenant. They've torn down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword.
I alone am left now Given it's possible that Elijah was
Somewhat Oh Exaggerating But it's clear he doesn't realize how many
There were in Israel That had not compromised. He is surprised.
I would imagine that there are going to be 7 ,000 in Israel all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him 7 ,000 notice it says
I will leave God's in charge of this. It's not well, whoo.
Well, I just I was wondering if there's going to be anybody left either I boy it was all those people with their free will down there
I I didn't I didn't know how that was all going to work out. But but somehow amazingly there are still 7 ,000 that's uh, that's have not bowed the knee.
I'm very very thankful for that now This was the remnant
This was those that God had reserved for himself But notice they're not the elite
Elijah would have known who they were if They were of the elite These were what's called the
Amha adats the people of the land Regular folks and they had somehow managed to maintain fidelity and faithfulness
But it could not have been easy not just because of the pressure around them to compromise
But just think what it was like You are being faithful to Yahweh, but you know, it's
Yahweh who's punishing Your covenant people you've been faithful but you look around and you realize
The people haven't been faithful and you know That the hardships you're going through the suffering the deaths of friends the the weight loss the loss of your
You've lost crops. You've lost livestock your 401k is going down fast and you know why it is and You know, it's just you you look around your land and and you go you remember
Deuteronomy 28 and 29 Did y 'all I mentioned this on the dividing line a couple couple episodes ago.
Did y 'all hear about the they just found a What may be the most ancient
Hebrew inscription that there have been found and it was found found on Mount Nebo and if you remember the blessings and the cursings they were they were pronounced across this valley and It was right there that this thing was found and it's a inscription of curses and so it's directly connected to what happened there and it uses
Yahweh's name over and over again and It's very very ancient. It's from around the time when
Israel would have come into the land depending it there they're saying about 1200 BC I put the
Exodus of 1400 BC, but that general time period and So it's fascinating that it's there but but the righteous would know
That what they were going through that their suffering was a part of the just punishment of God Upon a people in light of the fact that his word said if you abandon me if you worship
These are the gods. These are the things are going to happen I'm going to shut up the heavens. I Therefore I can withhold it and so We don't have any books written by the 7 ,000
No blog articles tweets Facebook articles anything like that, but what would they have said?
What would their attitude have been? Given the fact that they did not compromise given the fact that they remain faithful.
I Can't imagine that there they would have been filled with complaint
They remain faithful they did not bow they did not kiss the idol Despite all the pressure now why in the world have
I spent all this time talking about this situation? Well, you've probably already been drawing the parallels At least
I hope you have we Have lived in a land that has been blessed beyond measure beyond measure when you think of the advancements
That have been made in Just simply the quality of life my mother
Told me about when she was a child. She remembered hearing the clip -clop of the horse
Pulling the wagon With the dairy products
Being delivered to the home That's how far back they went and My parents saw amazing things they're born in the
Depression and They saw men walking on the moon and Has seen they saw before they died they saw pictures of faraway planets
Amazing things and They themselves got to have air -conditioned homes and hot and cold running water well in Phoenix It's hot and hot running water, but the fact first We moved in We came from Pennsylvania.
We didn't know We moved we arrived July 31st in Phoenix That wasn't wise and we had a brand new house we were moving into just built and We go to the sink and you turn the sea and it's
H No matter how long you let the sea run it stays
H so you turn the H and it just stays H and And we literally
I remember I remember my dad getting on the phone now, this was a phone, okay you younger folks
It was on the wall. Okay, and you you picked this thing up and you pressed buttons and you could only go so far before that ring and it pulled you back and We we called the the homemaker the home manufacturer and we're like It's messed up.
What do you mean? It's messed up there's only hot water and They said
You're not from around here. Are you? No, if you want cold water, it'll come out of your refrigerator and My dad hangs up the phone and we just all sort of look at each other.
What have we done? Where have we gone? And by the end of August we pretty well knew we were
In for it anyway, so but we had those You know, eventually we had a solar water heater that was pretty cool until a dust storm came along and blew it about three houses houses down the down the block, but Had a lot of Tremendous modern conveniences and I am maybe
I'm just saying this for myself, but man, I'm gonna tell you something I'm pretty spoiled and I have a feeling there would be a whole lot of Of People basically saying to God what have
I done to you? I thought I'd been so faithful Why have you taken my ease of life from me
I'm having trouble finding food and I can only take a shower once a week
Now that will wake us all up on it. It was a difficult difficult time in those days and yet they remained faithful and they were surrounded by false religion and Those high places those altars that Elijah makes reference to Those are places of sacrifice.
You even have the prophets Saying that the people of Israel got so low in their idolatry
That they began to worship Moloch and Moloch Required child sacrifice as Part of his worship and you read
Jeremiah you read the prophets and they specifically make reference to this kind of horrific
Behavior we live in a day where I don't know about the rest of you.
I'm I'm having to Limit how much exposure or how early in the day
I have exposure To what's going on the world within the past week
The leader of this nation or at least whoever writes the words the leader of this nation repeats
Without knowing what he's saying. I'll be perfectly honest with you on that level stood before us and Talked about the goodness
The moral proper goodness of the utter overthrow of God's design in creating mankind male and female and Said that it is a high priority of the government of this nation to seek to provide
Surgery Early as early as possible including puberty blockers
And this is going to be a moral good These are powerful drugs that destroy the body
They stop mental development They they they they leave a person
The number of testimony is already available if you even want to look them up of What happens to people who go through these things these?
Childhood situations surgeries Quote -unquote transitioning. It is horrific the destruction of the body and of the person and Yet our government
Says this is a moral good and hence if you repeat
What scripture says? About how God is to design man and how man can have fulfillment
You are now viewed as being hateful You are now being viewed as a person needs to be watched or maybe
Maybe in the not -too -distant future unless God Does something amongst our people?
imprisoned Because that's hateful. This is not the first time this has happened but it's certainly it's in our experience a period of time where we sit back and We look at what's happening now
Many of you may know or may not know That really
The person who could do a much better job in speaking to you on the subject of Praying about abortion and About the murder of unborn children
From apology at church is not me It's my fellow pastor
Jeff Durbin Jeff is the primary person behind founding and abortion now and I don't know if any of you saw but just a few weeks ago if you want to see the fissure
The divide the Grand Canyon that has developed in our society. I was so proud to watch
Jeff testifying before the Colorado House of Representatives He had gotten there at noon and he began testifying at midnight and the testimony went on till three o 'clock in the morning and At the very same time that they are introducing that kind of legislation to protect all people
The other side is introducing as you know both in Maryland and in Colorado the exact opposite A type of legislation that would literally decriminalize infanticide, and I'm not just simply saying well up to the point of birth the language actually allows
Literally says there will be no investigations of a child's death During the natal period which it can go as much as weeks after live birth
So we know where this is going It's all happening at the same time and We see around and those two issues
The transgender issue the abortion issue. They are not separate issues. They are both very much
Flowing from the exact same culture of death you want to be able to kill the child if it happens to be conceived
But the best way to avoid having to do that is To destroy the person's body so they can never conceive anyway, that's why the focus is upon young women
Oh, yes, there are young men that are being destroyed. They'll never have children But the focus the amazing focus
Is on the destruction of young women these are all a part of the culture of death
These are all acts of rebellion against everything that Jesus taught
Was good and righteous. I have come that they might have life and so the culture of death says we will embrace death in all of its forms and We will promote it and we will call it good
We will call it good So as I said,
I Almost hesitate to raise the topic because I know who can address it so well and One of the reasons
I think that my dear brother can do so I don't know if any of you saw the video that Jeff recorded about Think about 18 months ago 16 18 months ago now,
I think About his adopted son Augustine Augustine Augustine we still have arguments about that too
Apologia Apologia, whatever I'll never forget it.
I'll never forget the events that led up to it We're gonna be doing something again in October I believe we do something called reform con once in a while and The last one that we did back before I think it was what's a 2020
I don't remember Anyways, Kovat has messed everything up. I can't remember what years are anymore
Anything like that At the one of the last ones we had had
Jeff had tried to deliver a sermon and He had hardly been able to speak he was under such conviction and I didn't realize at the time
I found out later that What was going on was, you know, we would we
Every pretty much every day Someone from Apologia is outside of abortion mills all around Phoenix and now up in Salt Lake City and things like that And We would stand out there and say we will adopt your baby.
Well a situation had arisen Where we had a pregnant mom and It looked like the child was going to have what was to be very special needs
Specifically spinal bifida. Now we have a we had a family in apology it had a little little girl and I guess you'd call it a
Milder case because she can walk now, you know, she has braces stuff, but she can walk and things like that But the ultrasounds didn't look good in this situation and I won't go into all the details of all the
Amazingly supernatural things that happened, but Jeff and his wife and just a very young grandfather
He has a yes grandkids. So He and his wife struggling with this situation they've this mother has come to us and and Jeff's like I think
I'm the one that needs to do this and on every any human level You just go you're you're a grandfather
Really is is this, you know, given all the people in our church is this really but He really felt that he needed to do so Despite the fact that the doctors had told him from what we're seeing
You may have to catheterize this boy For the next 18 years every day.
That's a That's putting your money where your mouth is in essence and so the last ultrasound before The birth was scheduled
Very clearly showed the spine outside the body And So they
Jeff and his wife were at the hospital and they So they had the delivery in one room and then they had the surgery surgical suite set up next door and the doctor standing there
Because as soon as the baby's born there needs to be major surgery done if the baby's going to survive and so I get a call and it's on one of these things where all all of us elders are all together and It's Jeff and he says to us he's perfect and we're like what
He says he's perfect What would What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with him.
He we were in the room and and he's born and The nurses are like turning him over They're checking they're checking her little thingy on her wrist, you know that I yeah, that's the right mom
Is this the right baby and the doctors are coming in because the doctors are waiting to do surgery next door and they
They're looking at that baby every rich direction he probably saw the whole world gun, you know going around There's nothing wrong
They've got the ultrasounds. There's the spine outside the body and when he's born, he's perfect he's completely healed nothing wrong and last night at church we have the
Lord's Supper each Sunday and so I I'm normally
Luke and I Handle the supper at our church you come forward and so someone needs to take the empty tray and put over there and And so I get to see everybody.
I love that. That's pretty cool. And here comes Jeff's wife candy and There's there's
Augustin. And like I say skip out a year and a half now. He's good. He's a chunk and He's a
I think they know that his his parentage his father's like from Guatemala or something
So you can sort of you can sort of see that In him, but he's just got a bright old smile and he's like hi, you know, and he's
Perfect. I think that may be one of the reasons that Jeff can stand before legislators and Say no
No, you don't know what you're talking about you are you're murdering little children and let me tell you why is
Because he put his money where his mouth was in the sense that Even even to this day
I've always I've told him look no matter what happens As long as I've got five minutes before the service starts
I can I can preach if I need to Because he for some reason gets more sickness than he used to You know when you're a grandfather and all of a sudden you're doing the baby thing all over again
I'm like always like well, just let me know. Of course when I'm on the road that doesn't help much but he was
He lived it now I personally Back in the 1980s 1989
January 1989 I was arrested outside of Brian Finkel's abortion clinic in Phoenix This is the same weekend in which my daughter was born and So I had the opportunity in the lead -up to that to go on local radio stations take on Pro abortion leaders things like that.
And so I've had that opportunity and I'm very thankful that I that I have But that was long before what we are now experiencing today where there is a there is a a
Stupor it's a stupor. How else can you describe it?
Has there ever been a day in? the history of mankind
Where we have known more about the humanity of the preborn child than we do today never
Never and yet the large majority of the people in These casinos and these hotels and going by on the street
Don't even give a second thought to the fact that they know in the back of their minds
That our nation is standing in blood
I Mean don't think about it Because we don't think of ourselves as part of a people
Any longer? It's all just me It's all my 401k and my retirement plan.
And as long as I get out of this life in comfort I'm good
Whatever comes after me who cares? I mean how many honestly say I was raised differently.
I Don't know how my parents did it But I was raised to believe that when
I was 18 years old. I needed to take care of myself my parents didn't have to pay for me to Get an education.
I knew they didn't couldn't afford it. Anyways, that was up to me So I earned my education.
I never got to be in high school and got a full -ride scholarship to college But I I I was married at 19.
She was 18 And man, I am glad I did that by the way We have our 40th wedding anniversary coming up in June and We get to have a grand old time with our grandkids and If I remain feisty enough,
I might get to see my great -grandkids That's wonderful. I think that's awesome but the culture of death does not celebrate that and that's what's all around us and so When we think about what is happening around us, we think about the attitude of people around us and we ask the question well, what can we do and when we say well we pray a
Lot of us ago. We've been praying for a long time Well something tells me that those 7 ,000 had been praying all through the drought as well and yet they remain faithful and it didn't mean that the
Drought was lifted for them It's not like well here. Well, there's one of the 7 ,000 you'll notice it's raining over that person
It's not raining or anybody else, but that one person's getting a nice little shower. No, it didn't work that way So you have to ask yourself the question
What did their prayers do and that really takes us back to what is prayer in the first place?
And when you pray for something we pray That God would end the scourge of abortion.
Well, what? What does that mean I Mean God could simply do that supernaturally in some fantastic fashion,
I suppose but on a Practical level.
What's the only way that this is going to end is if there is a fundamental change in the hearts of The people in this nation and every nation in the world
That's the only way that this is going to gonna happen. And so If I'm praying for an end to abortion, then
I am praying that God would use me To in some way be what brings that about well, here's
Here's the tough part. Here's here's the part that challenges me
Because I look around this world right now and if I didn't believe
That Christ is on his throne. I can understand why people are tripping out on every form of fentanyl and LSD and everything else because this world looks like it's careening out of control and There's a crazy guy over in Russia with 6 ,000 nuclear weapons.
It really seems upset Really angry about stuff right now, and I don't know about you, but the people run in our country.
Don't scare anybody I'm sorry when you've got when you've got admirals Wearing dresses there.
They're going don't have to worry about them anymore so if I didn't if I didn't think that there was an
Empty tomb. I don't know what I would be like, but I would probably be using all sorts of substances
I shouldn't be using so As I look to the future
I look now as a grandpa as a grandfather nothing
Has changed me more than being a grandfather Marriage is first thing kids the second thing, but when your kids have kids all of a sudden
You start thinking about the Lion King the circle of life
You know you start seeing yourself In the whole long line of things and so as I have been
Watching evil men and women very plainly plotting to Enslave us all basically and Many of them complaining that there should only be no there should be no more than three billion people on earth, and I'm going
There's seven and a half billion right now, so If you want to get down to three billion, there's only a few ways to do that Thermonuclear war works
Pandemics work starvation really works well, and I look at all these things
And I'm not thinking about myself Okay, I suppose in one sense you always think about yourself
I'll be honest with you the way. I've been thinking about myself is when I do get to have Creature comforts,
I'm more thankful now than I've ever been because I know I may not have this for much longer
But I think about my grandkids. What can I do to? Sew into them an understanding of how to Once it all once it all falls down, and I'm going to tell you something no
Society that cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman will long endure
It's going to collapse It's going to fall in on it's good, and the destruction is going to be incredible So someone's got to know how to put it back together again there could be a
Deep period of darkness ahead of us because I cannot imagine a
Greater enemy of the claims of Christ than modern secularism
Think about everything Jesus stands for and means what's its negation?
It's found in secularism Even the Caesars even the pagan
Romans thought there was a God and Yeah, they had guys dressing up like girls, but they all knew it was made up.
They actually weren't Insane enough to think oh, that's really a woman. No they knew that was a guy dressing as a woman and So we're at a point where secularism
Destroys all meaning all meaning meaning of language meaning of history
Art music beauty it's all gone Do you know who you will know a
Harari is if you don't you need to? Okay, let me ask it this way
Do you know who Joseph Mengele was thank you very much heard about him on my show?
Yeah, Joseph Mengele This is where history if we still taught history
Joseph Mengele was the worst of the Nazi death camp doctors
He was the one doing the experiments on people He was the one responsible for so many horrific deaths and he escaped
Germany to South America and He died a natural death
We never got him He got away with it he lived to 70 some odd years of age and Mengele is just that just the name
Should be enough to tell you This is satanic evil. There is a man named
Yuval Noah Harari He's Jewish. He's an atheist.
He's a homosexual and He is the chief Science history advisor
Probably the most powerful man in the world. His name is Klaus Schwab the head of the World Economic Forum and Harari has written a number of books
His last one is called deus homo See there was a day when every single person in this in this group would have known exactly what that meant because everyone studied
Latin deus homo man as God and his entire worldview, which is now
Being inculcated in the public schools Right here right now
The whole worldview is There is no God There is no purpose.
It's it's Dawkins But with a sick twist, you know
Richard Dawkins. Yes blind watchmaker. I'm dating myself again Richard Dawkins one of those famous atheists of when
I was younger Wrote the blind watchmaker and nature is just pitiless and merciless and Has no purpose in it whatsoever and you have no purpose.
There is no transcendent purpose It's all tooth and claw if you die you die the universe does not care
We are just an accident on a piece of dust Around a slightly smaller than normal medium star
In one part of one galaxy amongst a hundred billion galaxies, that's it and If you pretend that there's something more important than that.
You're just deceiving yourself. That's where Dawkins is that's where Harari is and that is a worldview that will allow you to do anything to anybody and Feel good about doing it as long as it promotes what you consider to be an
Improvement of life, which means you got more than somebody else does and when you when you think of you of Literally this
Harari is the one talking about hacking human beings changing our genetic structure continuing the process of evolution
Unnaturally Think of every single sci -fi movie you've ever seen where everything went wrong.
That's the guy That's the guy this is
I am legend on steroids Same thing same thing, but it's real
Here's what I'm thinking. I wish
I wish I had it arrived today after I left. It's always how it works I have hopefully my wife's gonna send them up.
So I'll have them in Utah, but I've had a new shirt made this is a good shirt, but I've made my own shirt and It says in fact, let me
I'm not pulling the shirt up. I'm pulling the text up. I don't need the LSB.
I need the Greek New Testament Where did the
Greek New Testament go I Don't need Codex Vaticanus. I need the NSL in 28th edition.
Why don't you put them in alphabetical order? It's 1st
Corinthians chapter 15 and you would think that they would put the ones that I use most often up to top
But they're not Anyways, it's first reading that 15 and the it's it's in Greek and it says
It's a digar out on Basel you on I think digar out on Basel you on it is
Necessary for him to reign For he must reign
Talking about Christ he must reign and do what what must
Christ do Put every enemy
Under his feet. He must defeat them all and what's the last enemy to be defeated death?
Death that's what scripture says Jesus must do I've never seen a greater enemy to Jesus Than secularism we thought that 70 years of communism a 120 million dead people was enough
You go to the local state college and university and Most of the kids and the professors are spouting the same idiocy that resulted in those 120 million dead
Evidently it wasn't enough Evidently the fall has to be greater. The collapse has to be greater and so know what
I'm praying for I'm praying for the wisdom to know how to Sow into those next generations so into my kids and then my kids kids and Give them what they're going to need
When it all comes falling down Because if we are made in the image of God Then the only people are going to have any answers when it all comes falling down are the people that know
The guy who wrote the owner's manual in the first place and that's us
And that's us so if I want to see abortion ended then
I need to see people Recognizing that we are made in the image of God.
I was listening and I know I'm going along here. Let me wrap up but Started preaching so that's what happens.
Um, I'm I'm hoping to arrange a debate
For mid -june in Phoenix that is not really wise But it just simply that's the only way it's going to work out as far as timing goes on the subject of homosexuality and I was listening to a
Panel discussion that took place in 2015 at the National Ridges religious broadcasters convention.
I remember hearing it when it first happened and as I listened to One guy
I have debated. The other guy is the guy I may debate who are Gay Christians, I was struck over and over and over again
By the fact that the conversation wasn't getting where it needed to go because it was completely based upon starting with man and man's feelings man and man's emotions and There was no
Fundamental recognition that we can't start with the creature We have to recognize the creature has a creator and because it didn't get to that level
You couldn't come up with any meaningful answers It's always a matter of opinion. Well, that's your opinion.
That's your view. And the fact is
If there's an empty tomb Then the one that came out of that tomb Told us what we need to know about these subjects and it's up to us to believe it and to put it into action
And that's the only hope that anybody has That's the only hope For any person trapped in homosexuality
Transgenderism, that's the only hope for the person who wants forgiveness in life who's experienced abortion
That's the only hope It's not opinion. It's reality if that tomb is empty
That's all there is to it. Did anybody see? It's right around that same time period 2015 2016
I was teaching a apologetics class at Phoenix Seminary I Was on the dr.
Drew show and anybody see that Good. Oh Great one person.
I was on the dr. Drew show and Once I was on by Skype bad idea bad
Bad idea do not go on with live audience when you're on Skype You can't talk over anybody.
They can all talk over you. You might as well just be a picture just frozen No good, but after I was on frustrating experience that it was
I Get a call from CNN because it's on CNN and they want to have me back on and I'm like, um
Well, I'd love to but I Would want to be in studio. Well, we can't fly you in said my wife works for an airline
I can fly over for free. Well, we can't put you up. My ministry will put me up well, if you can get here and Doesn't cost us anything
Basically fine great so I flew over and Entered into the halls of Beelzebub himself called
CNN and Learned an amazing truth sitting in the what's called the green room
The producer comes in Wow, it's this is it and I found out what's wrong with our society from a
CNN producer Yeah, here's what he said He said we want to keep this conversation moving.
He said Because our studies have told us that if any one person
Speaks for more than 15 seconds The audience will tune out how deep a truth.
Can you enunciate in? Less than 15 seconds. I mean the sermon on the Mount was a little longer than 15 seconds.
It really really was That's what they wanted if you watched it there was an exchange that took place
Dr. Drew had his sidekicks and There is this guy Now I was on with some transgender guys.
In fact, I was on with the big transgender dude Who Threatened Ben Shapiro like two weeks later.
I don't know if you all saw that but Ben Shapiro Misgendered him and this guy with a hand that's like four feet longer than Ben Shapiro's Puts it on his shoulder and threatens in a nice deep masculine voice to beat him to death
And that's because the guy was a former army Helicopter pilot. Okay, who now pretends to be a chick?
And so I was on the same guy and At one point
At one point I had to correct the guy on the subject of the Trinity, but I quoted
Matthew chapter 19 where Jesus said from the beginning God made them male and female and He's like well, you know, there's lots of religious texts out there and This is what we need to be saying to our entire society and not just me
It's everybody and we can't just sit back and go well in my opinion.
No What I said to him was Well, sir The man who spoke those words
Prophesied his own death Died on a cross was buried and rose again the third day and ascended into heaven and when you can do the same thing
Then your opinion will be equal to his and he sat there staring at me like you're not supposed to talk to me like that Well, somebody needs to our entire society needs to be talked to like that That is a meet doesn't make me.
I wasn't saying I'm a great person But the gospel message is not just one opinion amongst many opinions
The empty tomb means that's the truth The one who said
I am the way the truth and the life. He still is He still is and that's what we've got to be saying to the world around us.
We've got to be saying the world around us So, I Don't know if any of that makes any sense to you.
I hope it makes you think About where you fit into all this
Because most of you here you like you like you're about my age maybe a little older But you and I I'm afraid well, we got some
Older geezers in the back. Okay But most most most everybody here is looking about the age of my daughter.
Okay, so we're Not long for this planet, but a lot of you young folks
You you better get a deep seat in the saddle Because you're not going to have the ease of life.
I had you're not gonna It's going to cost you if it's going to cost you then stand up and make it worthwhile
My goodness do not find yourself being persecuted for being a wimpy Christian You're going to be persecuted at least tell them the truth
When they come to arrest you you look them in the eye and you say you need to know Jesus said if you offend one of the least of these it's better if a millstone was hung around your neck and you were buried in the depths of the sea and That's what you're doing
Let them know what they're doing Let the Holy Spirit bring conviction who knows what it'll bring about I'm not talking about being jerks.
I'm not talking about Being the type of people that run around insulting everybody for the fun of it But we now live in a day where it is considered good to blaspheme everything
That actually is good and someone needs to stand up and say no
This this is this no not only bring God's judgment. It is
God's judgment We're already seeing it all around us. We're already seeing it all around us so With that I better stop before I come up with another story to tell
I'd appreciate your prayers as I press on from here Like I said,
I'm hoping that some of the things we're going to be doing especially recording up in Idaho You all get to see a lot of that kind of stuff and it'll be useful to you
But We all need wisdom at this time. I don't know how long
I'm gonna be able to do this. I Don't know. I don't know how long it'll be until we can't have it open over there
And I can't speak so loudly. You know what I mean? Or we'd be worried about the helicopters going overhead because I don't know all
I know is you're called to be faithful in whatever circumstance God places you and We could see some real challenges ahead of us
You know what? the sufferings of this present brief life
Are not to be compared With the glories that we will experience in the presence of Christ.