Eric Mason and the Extremely Violent SJW Heart on Display

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Okay, so before we begin, there's another thing that I think the social justice warriors are getting right in this situation.
Now again, they're getting it right accidentally, you know, social justice warriors live in a fantasy land, so obviously they're not getting it right for the right reasons.
But I think it's worth commending them where they're right. Before I begin though, I did want to make sure to let you know that there's profanity in the tweet that I'm going to read.
And so if you have kids in the room or something like that, maybe pause it and wait for them to not be in the room or put the volume down or put it in your headphones or something like that.
But I think it's important for you to hear the heart of the social justice advocate. Like I want you to hear their hearts, you understand?
That's very important to me. And so I'm going to read it as it's written. And then
I want to talk about it because I think there's actually a nugget of truth here that we need to recognize and acknowledge even if the social justice warrior is completely out to lunch.
Now this was actually retweeted by Dante Stewart. He's one of the biggest whiners out there when it comes to social justice warriors.
He used to write for Gospel Coalition. This used to be a main guy, but they've kind of pushed him to the side because he's a little bit too much of a whiner and a little too crazy,
I think. But anyway, here it is. I'm going to give you one last warning. There's going to be profanity in the next few seconds.
So that's your warning. Here's what the tweet says by Andre Henry. It says,
In all these six years, I've managed not to tweet, fuck Donald Trump, but fuck Donald Trump.
I'm livid. I criticize America so much because deep down I love this country and wish it were better.
I'm mad at the constant reminders that it was never the place it claimed to be. That's the tweet.
And the idea here is that, you know, I've seen a lot of people say this, I don't want to hear you say that this is not who we are because this is who we are.
You know what I mean? And a lot of social justice warriors are saying that. Now they're saying that for the wrong reasons. Again, I know that they're in a fantasy land, but I think that there's a negative truth there.
There's no reason to deny that this is what America's like, you know what I mean? Why would you deny that?
It's 100 % true. There's no reason to expect better. America in general is run by pagans, and so of course you would expect things to be pagan.
I saw Joffrey from Moscow, Idaho say, what did you expect? I mean, they literally dedicated this session of Congress to demons, literal demons.
And that's true. They did. We were all talking about the a woman thing, you know, a man and a woman. But actually before that was the real offense.
I mean, that was stupid to say a women. That was pretty dumb. But the real offense was that they were praying to demons.
You know what I mean? They were dedicating this session of Congress to demonic entities. So it's like, of course, pagans are going to pay.
We should all understand that. We don't have to deny that. Now I want you to understand though, like, like Andre Henry and Dante Stewart, by retweeting this, their, their hearts are completely exposed here.
I mean, they, they've made, I don't like, I don't, I would never describe myself as managing to not say some offensive word to someone
I don't like, like, that's just not how I think. I'm not like struggling to with, with strain my anger towards Joe Biden.
I laugh at Joe Biden because I think he's comically ridiculous, but I don't have like this hatred of all things that so controls me that every day
I'm struggling to not curse at him. Like, I can't even imagine living that way. That's really weird.
But in any case, um, I do think that there's something valuable here because this is really what
America is like, like we get a nonstop diet of propaganda all day, every day.
And some people are really affected by the propaganda so much so that they just get blinded with fury.
And I don't think that that's something that we should strive for. We need to be able to control ourselves. And so like,
I just tweeted out a second ago, when you know, for a fact, you're being gaslit, don't get gaslit.
Like, we know we're being fed propaganda. So you have to act accordingly. Don't follow and act according to the way that the propaganda wants you to act.
And the thing, let, let Black Lives Matter do that. Let people like Dante Stewart do that. And, and, and Andre Henry, Andre Henry really literally believes that there was a coup attempt yesterday by a guy that looks like a minotaur.
Like, he really thinks that like that. That's, that's a really strange place to be like a couple of gamer bros.
And then a minotaur attempted a coup d 'etat that Trump actually incited, even though he said many times just not be violent and to go home and to calm down.
He got banned from Twitter for violent rhetoric after saying calm down like that tweet where he said, calm down.
That was inciting violence. Like, can you imagine living with yourself? If you took those words, go home, calm down.
And you say, see, he's inciting violence, like, like, and it's not just psychopaths, like in Andre Henny and Dante Stewart.
It's like Jason Allen, he, Jason Allen's bite. Everyone's buying it. Look, he's inciting violence.
Show me where he incited violence. Well, you know what? That's where he said, calm down that you see was dog whistle. Like it's just insane.
Can you imagine living with yourself, seeing, you know, seeing something pointing up and saying it's pointing down, thinking that two plus two could actually equal five like Jason Allen when he said that the president's words were shameful when he said, yes,
I believe that this election was defrauded as well, but you got to go home and calm down that he thinks that's actually shameful.
Like that's my he might as well believe two plus two equals five. That's the opposite of shameful. He acknowledged what his grievances are, but he said it's time to go home.
Like I just can you imagine being in that fantasy land? But but again, there's no reason to deny that many people are in that fantasy land.
And I think that the prop we have to have some sympathy for people like Dante Stewart and Andre Henry and Jason Allen and Russell Moore and some sympathy because their minds have been so warped by pagan propaganda that's been fed to them over decades.
And let's just be honest, like it's been fed to you and me over decades. And so we have to have some level of sympathy for people that have had their minds so warped that all day, every day, they're just like struggling to not type
Donald Trump like that's that's a really weird place to be, in my opinion.
Now before you think I'm getting all high and mighty, I recognize that propaganda has been deployed on me as well.
And I've said this on the channel many times that I believe that there are ways that the propaganda even affects me even when
I know I'm being fed the propaganda again, when they when you know they're gaslighting you don't get gaslit.
It's very hard though. The propaganda wears you down. That's the intention. It just wears you down all
I'm seeing all day every day right now is insurrection this and coup d 'etat that and then and it's like the minotaur and the gamer bros and then the old lady, the little old lady, they were attempting a coup d 'etat
Joe Joe Carter described them as marauders. Now that one minotaur guy seemed like a marauder, but everybody else like there's old guys there old women and Joe Carter is is seeing that old lady and saying that's a marauder.
And he expects that propaganda to work on you and it does work on many people
Leatherwoods coming out of the woodwork all that stuff and so we have sympathy for people that their minds have been so perverted by propaganda all day, but there's no sense in denying the reality.
I think the social justice warriors get this right accidentally is that this is what America is like right now.
People have been propagandized so much that they don't know what way is up. They can hear you saying
I do not condone violence go home and calm down. They hear that and when it gets to their brains, it's like wow
Donald Trump is a hate monger that's calling for blood and then when you have got other guys like Eric Mason saying that he wishes that there was more bloodshed yesterday.
He thinks that all of those people should have been shot to like like killed like like shot to kill kill shots is what he called for.
You see Eric Mason calling for kill shots on the on the crowd there and you see that by the time it gets to your brain, you're so twisted and warped by propaganda.
You're like that poor man that poor black men are so are so lovely and beautiful and they've got beautiful opinions because their black skin is just so beautiful and so their opinions are obviously beautiful too.
And you mean while it's like dude that Christian pastor just called for kill shots for granny. I mean,
I don't know maybe that minotaur guy deserve to die but but that's a joke but you understand what I'm trying to say like like that's how warped their minds are one man.
That's the right target calls for peace. You see him calling for bloodshed another pastor down the street calls for bloodshed and you see him calling for peace that is twisted and so we can have sympathy for that but at the end of the day that must be confronted and it must be resisted.
Lots of people are in that predicament and we need to figure out how to reach them. Obviously the gospel of Jesus Christ must be deployed at every possible opportunity to all of these people.
But I think as well we we just have to keep pointing it out pointing out the contradictions because even though they don't give you an inch on line they don't admit that they've been hypocrites they don't admit that you they've been this or that it kills them a little more inside every time and I think the defenses wear down eventually.
I think the propaganda can be reversed. I really do believe that I have to believe that I mean and so we need to love people like Dante Stewart as psychotic as he is we need to love
Andre Henney as as as insane as he is. We need to love Eric Mason as violent as his heart is.
He showed you his heart. He wishes all of those Trump supporters were kill shots deployed is what he called for.
We have to have sympathy for him enough so that we love him and treat him according to God's law according to God's commands and we have to tell him the truth.
just that simple. Anyway I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.