Great Reset Pastors Know EXACTLY What They Are Doing

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Welcome back. All right. I went on a vacation.
I didn't say anything about it. And so I got a lot of messages. Am I okay?
Did I get kicked off YouTube, you know, stuff like that. And, and I'm okay. Yeah, I had a vacation.
I went to Florida spent some time in Florida with my family. And it was, it was great. It was relaxing.
It was fun. And, you know, just basically unplugged for a bit. I checked out gab a couple times and saw some things that were going on.
But for the most part, all of the insanity was out there. And I was over here.
Well, not over here. I was down in Florida. But anyway, but thank you so much for anyone who reached out with concern for my well being and stuff like that.
I'm fine. And things are going great. Now. I wanted to get back into the swing of things here.
But I since I've been out of the loop, I don't really even know what to talk about, to be honest. Oh, I did want to say this, though.
I went to a PCA church in Florida. And it was awesome.
And a few people kind of came up to me just to introduce themselves and all that kind of thing. And it was great to meet you guys.
I know one of you. I forget your name, but I'm going to check my email. You emailed me something I'm going to get back to you.
I just got to catch up with everything today. So looking forward to to checking out your stuff. But it was just very encouraging all around.
And, and all that is actually actually my vacation kind of started a little bit weird. I actually actually traveled without my wife with my kids, because we thought she might have had
COVID. So she stayed home, which was weird, but she didn't. So she came the next day.
And, and all that. But, but anyway, so I wanted to kind of just see what was going on. I did.
I did see this, this weird thing here. Let's, let's check this out.
You know, I have a hard time believing that that that that propaganda used to be this stupid. Maybe it was, maybe it always was.
But like, obviously, this is this is weird up here. This is supposedly a church. But then this is the
Tonight Show or whatever show. I don't ever watch these kinds of shows. But you got some gay guys dancing in vaccine costumes.
And then this person in here dancing as well. Like, it's obviously stupid.
I just can't imagine that propaganda used to be this stupid. I mean, did it? Maybe one of you knows a little bit about propaganda in the old days.
I mean, I mean, look at this. Why would anyone? Here's the question you need to ask yourself.
Why would anyone who hasn't gotten the vaccine yet? See this and be like, Oh, yeah, oh, totally.
I'm gonna get the vaccine. I mean, look at these gay guys. I mean, showing a little leg there, though. That was a weird comment.
I forgive me for that one. But anyway, I'm just I'm just getting back in the swing of things here. So anyway,
I what I figured I'd do is I'd check out protestia. Because you know, protestia is always on point with all the all the hot topics of the day.
I saw this one James Coates said that that Paul Carter, he's the guy that pretends like there's no persecution in Canada.
You know, no, no churches are being abused because they're opening for worship in Canada.
No, that's not happening. Paul Carter for I think he's one of the one of the leaders of the gospel coalition
Canada. What a loser, absolute loser. But anyway, he says that he sounds more like Judas than he does
Mary. Now I don't know what his whole point was. But he's dead. He definitely sounds like Judas. I mean, Judas, big time virtue signaler.
I think he says that in this in this article, virtue signaler. Yeah, he wants everyone to think that he's giving to God, but he really is just stealing for himself.
And Paul Carter is doing the same thing. He wants everyone to think like he's teaching biblically. But really, what he's doing is he's trying to preserve his own skin, right?
He wants to maintain his position. He wants the government to leave him alone and allow him the cultural capital to to worship and stuff like that.
He's an absolute train wreck. Paul Carter is a hireling. And he's a state sponsored hireling as well.
I mean, he again, James Coates clearly he's doing what what God has said regardless of what the state said
Paul Carter does what the state says, but pretends it's what God says. And I can't think of a bigger weasel than that.
Well, I can but but anyway, so yeah, that's that's a good one.
I did see also this one from Dwight McKissick. And, you know, he's pretending to be pro life again.
He was like, he's just unbelievable. I can't believe these Democrats are just they're just so pro abortion. I just can't believe it.
And it's like, you know, this, you know, we don't believe you, Dwight. Dwight, we know that you understood full well about the
Democrats and their pro abortion positions. We understand that. But we also know that, you know, you think that blacks are going to get benefits from the from the
Democrats. And so in favor of your own benefits, you're willing to sacrifice the lives of children.
We understand that exchange and you understand that exchange. And so we don't need the pretense.
We don't need you to pretend like you actually care. We know you don't. We know Dwight, we know you don't.
And, you know, do us all a favor and just leave the SBC already. We don't need the constant threats.
I mean, nobody cares if you're in or out anyway. So what's the difference? But here's Dwight McKissick.
It's heartbreaking. This is the Democrats. It's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking. The tremendous amount of betrayal and disrespect for all the minority evangelical believers who vote for Democrats because they are better at justice issues, safety net, police brutality, public school funding, anti prisons for profit and immigration issues.
Betrayal. Dwight, do me a favor. How is it betrayal if they do exactly what they say they're going to do and sacrifice as many children's to Mullick as possible?
Like if the priests of Mullick say, hey, we're going to go sacrifice some children and everything's going to be great.
And then they do it. Dwight, can you explain? I mean, maybe you have I don't know. I mean, he doesn't appear to be that bright of a guy, but maybe he's this big brain that I just can't understand.
But Dwight, do me a favor. Explain to me how that's a betrayal. They said, hey, we're going to kill babies.
And then they do it. And then you're acting like that's a betrayal. That's actually doing exactly what you voted him in to do, because they said they were going to do it.
They made no bones about it. They didn't hide it. They didn't tell you. Well, you know, we this time we won't do it. No, no.
They said we're definitely going to do it. And we're definitely going to make sure it happens more. And we're definitely going to make sure we shout how great it is.
We're definitely going to do all those things. How is it a betrayal, Dwight? You know, I wasn't
I'm not the smartest man in the world myself. So I often will mispronounce words or get the wrong word in my mind.
And so betrayal. I mean, I don't really want to look it up because that's boring video. But I don't think that's what betrayal means,
Dwight. But maybe your big brain can tell me what it means. Dwight. I mean, I don't know. You know, you don't strike me as the brightest tool in the shed, but brightest tool in the shed.
That doesn't make any sense. But you don't strike me as the brightest, you know, crayon in the crayon box.
But maybe you're just smarter than me. And maybe maybe betrayal means something besides doing something that you said you wouldn't do.
Maybe it actually means maybe I'm confused. Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe betrayal means doing exactly what you said you're gonna do.
See, this is the thing like Dwight, we get it. We get it. You don't want it to seem like you're getting stuff in exchange for the lives of babies.
Even though you're really not getting stuff. You're not they're not better at justice issues. They're not better at any of this stuff.
This is the same stuff. It's unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Actually, it is believable.
I mean, because you know, these people are tools of the state. All right, well, there's other stuff about Ed Litton and some various things that that kind of stuff is pretty boring.
This is this is the best one that I saw though, when I was looking at you know, what to talk about. There's a letter that came out.
This is from capstone report. So shout out to capstone report. Thank you for publishing this. There's a letter that an
ERLC trustee and these are the fiduciaries that kind of they make sure that you know, you know, everything's on the up and up and all that kind of stuff for the for the
ERLC. And he writes to the executive committee of the SPC about how you remember that leaked letter where as soon as it came out,
I knew it wasn't a leaked letter. I knew it was just a political game. Well, this guy has evidence that I mean, again, you don't really need evidence for that.
We all knew it. I mean, the way it was written was so ridiculous. It was like remember that time when I was like this and you were like that.
Nobody writes a letter like that. But so this guy says he has proof that that this is all just a scam.
And the letter you know, I read through it. It talks about how Russell Moore was saying that everything was great for a long time.
And then he wrote this letter at the same time where everything was not great. So he was lying one way or the other. He was lying.
And then when he released it, it was because he wanted to use the the issue of sex abuse for his political advantage and stuff like that.
Everything that we all assumed actually really was the case, according to this guy, allegedly, and he wrote a letter to that effect.
There's lawyers involved and all kinds of stuff. So I would definitely check, check out this letter, go to capstone report.
It's called whistle ERLC whistleblower. It really just kind of reveals to you what a slime ball
Russell Moore is. I mean, you know, we all know he's a slime ball, we get it. But this kind of outlines it in black and white and detail and all of that.
And so you know, it's just I definitely recommend you talking about you looking into this because we've been talking about this on this channel for a long time, how they're slime balls.
I mean, these these big evil leaders, total slime balls. And, you know, we've always kind of like, kind of thought about when
I say we I mean, the royal we, we've always kind of been kicking around, do they know what they're doing?
Or are they just doing it without thinking? Like, are they intentional slime balls? And they're doing all these tactics and whatever?
Or are they just they're just not thinking and they're just they're trying to do the right thing.
But they're still carrying water for you know, the great reset and all that kind of stuff. And, and that's actually been something
I've been thinking a lot about. This letter seems to indicate that at least Russell Moore, he knows exactly what he's doing.
Now. Now I actually have been on the sidelines. I haven't said anything about this. And I'm not going to name the person on the sidelines.
I've had an email exchange with one of the big Eva goons. That's been doing all kinds of shenanigans this past year with the
COVID shutdowns, and the Black Lives Matter stuff, all the woke stuff and things like that.
I've been having a little bit of a back and forth with this guy. And you know, he admonished me for my tone and things like that.
And I told him I didn't care what he said about my tone, which I don't. And then, you know, he kind of revealed something to me that, that, that really made me you know, it gave me a lot more resolve than I used to.
So one of the things he would he took he took issue with was the fact that I was impugning his motives, because how could
I know his motives, right? Like, even if I didn't agree with the things that he said, or the things that he did, you know,
I count how can I how can I say he has impure motives. And people say this a lot, like, how could you see into the heart?
I even my friends have sometimes said this, how can you see someone's motives? And actually, I don't think that that's actually off the table for us.
I mean, we can see his motives based on his actions, I think, you know, you, you can see what is in the heart based on what the person's doing, what they're saying, all that kind of stuff.
I don't think that that's out of the realm of possibility. Oftentimes, motives are very easy to discern. But one of the things he revealed to me this guy, as he's kind of trying to defend himself a little bit is that he says that, you know,
I'm not the only one who's confronted him about his actions and his words and things like that a lot of people have.
And he just doesn't think he's done anything wrong. This is one of the people that that was was marching with Black Lives Matter.
And you know, he was at the same time he's marching with Black Lives Matter, you know, not meeting for church.
I mean, there was tons of guys doing that. I mean, this is the thing, like, he wasn't alone in this. This wasn't, this wasn't like an isolated incident where there's just, oh, you know, it was just, it was just so and so doing that, like, he's just crazy.
No, no, lots of this was like the basically the official Big Eva position was to shut down your church.
And at the same time, go to the Black Lives Matter rallies, you know what I mean? So, you know, he was trying to defend himself.
He said he's thought about it, he's prayed about it, and he doesn't see anything wrong with that. He just doesn't think it was wrong.
And so, you know, what that what that told me was that, you know, behind the scenes, there are people that are doing what needs to be done.
You know, they're confronting their friends, they're saying, look, dude, this is ridiculous. You shouldn't have done this. You shouldn't have said this, you should freaking open up your church and stuff like that.
And that gives me a lot of confidence. But at the same time, though, it shows me how how lost our leadership is, how lost our leadership is.
If you can't even muster enough strength to go to church, to open up your church, because the state told you not to open up your church, like, and that's your official position is to not open up church when the state tells you not to open up church for months.
I mean, we're not talking like the first few weeks. Look, a lot of people did the first few weeks, and then they came to their senses, like God was merciful to many people.
And he said, guys, what have you done? But those that continue to do it and continue to say it was the right thing and stuff like that, they're lost.
I mean, we ought to stop following people like that. Their judgment is so twisted and corrupt.
They've been confronted. Like a lot of people that have talked to me said, you know, why won't anyone call them out?
And the reality is that they have been called out consistently. And sometimes they're called out by people like me who just have the wrong tone, which by the way, that's a microaggression because that's a
Hispanic thing. But anyway, you know, sometimes they're called out by people like me.
Sometimes they're called out by their friends with people who are very winsome and stuff like that. And they're just simply not repentant.
They don't think it was wrong. They don't think it was wrong to forsake the assembly while they're at the same time going to the assembly of demons.
And so if you've got a leader who's done that, there's no reason to follow that leader and let him lead the unbelievers and you follow the
Lord. You find yourself a leader who's going to say what God wants him to say rather than what the social justice warriors want them to say, what the woke church wants them to say.
That's demonic stuff, guys. That's demonic stuff. There's been so many conversations, side conversations that I've had, you know, just over the last week or so and just messages and also in -person conversations.
And most people don't buy this stuff, right? This woke church demon stuff, the great reset, the vaccine, you know, the coronavirus insanity.
Most people see right through it, but everybody acts like they don't. That's the thing. We just need a little bit of courage because the first person who acts like they don't, that always encourages so many other people.
I've just noticed that. And so a lot of these leaders right now get a lot of cover because, you know, their friends will confront them privately, right, and all that kind of stuff.
But you got to follow Matthew 18 through to the end, right? You got to confront your friend privately and you say, look, dude, you can't cancel church and go to the
Black Lives Matter rally. You can't cancel church anyway. I mean, even if you didn't go to the Black Lives Matter rally, but you confront them privately.
And then if they refuse to repent like so many of these guys have, and the same thing with the Coates situation, and Paul Carter, you're lying.
You confront them privately, you confront them with others, you take it public. It's got to get public at some point.
It has to, because we need to draw lines here. Look, there needs to be divisions amongst us so we can see who's true and who isn't.
We need to have these divisions. We need to fight more. It's just that simple.
We need more fighting, not less, especially in these evil times. We need more fighting, more lines to be drawn, not less, because there are a lot of confused people out there that can't figure out why this is happening, what's happening, all this kind of stuff.
And we need people that will call it out for what it is. These guys are the ones, these ones.
Guys, we can do this. We can do this, and we can do this in a way that is biblical, that honors
God. Christ did not come to bring peace. He came with a sword.
That's the reality. See, people treat division like it's the worst possible thing. Division over insanity and stupid stuff, that's bad.
Division over doctrine, division over the Word of God, that's good. In any case,