Trump's Fast Food Feast Is Genius

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The elites don't get it....but it is.


All right, a couple of topics this morning. Actually both of them have to do with marketing and advertisements.
First one's obviously the Gillette thing, as you might be ... I saw a lot of people that were making fun of the
Gillette ad, and they said, hey, just a protest, I'm not going to shave anymore. These are people that have no need to shave at all, but as you can probably assume, razors are a big part of my life.
I mean, the fact that Gillette is not something I can use anymore is really ...
Anyway, no, I thought the Gillette ad wasn't actually that terrible in and of itself, but I'm starting to learn how to apply some of this speech act theory.
It's not really what the words say. It's really more about what the words do.
No, but here's the thing. I think a lot of people were offended by this. I was not offended by this ad. I thought it was a stupid ad.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think it's a good business move to make an ad like this, but it wasn't terrible.
What it actually said was that men can behave well. This is not shocking.
This is not something that we've learned recently or things like that. You hear people on Twitter and stuff, we need to teach our boys not to rape.
Do you honestly think most men are just telling their sons, hey, guess what, son?
If you just want it, you just take it. Nobody's doing that. My goodness gracious, people don't rape because they weren't taught not to rape.
People rape because they don't have any fear of God. That's why they rape. They have no fear of God and they just do whatever the heck they want to do.
That's why they do this kind of stuff. By the way, that's the same reason that women do bad stuff as well. It's not because of toxic femininity.
It's not because of anything like that. It's because they don't care about what God says and they just want to do whatever they want to do. I thought it was a stupid advertisement.
If you don't understand why people are upset about it, by the way, you should really do a little bit more self -reflection. Even if I'm not offended, but I clearly understand why people are offended, it kind of buys into this idea that there's something in the way that we teach men that that's really the problem.
We just learned recently that raping and pillaging is wrong and things like that.
The reality is that men have been doing this kind of stuff all along. By the way, when you fight with your brother when you're a toddler, that's actually not toxic masculinity.
That's something that sinners do and men have been teaching their sons that maybe you shouldn't do that ever since the dawn of freaking time.
Anyway, so that was a stupid advertisement. They had to know it was going to make people upset and look,
I don't even know what kind of razors I buy. I don't look at the brand.
I just buy the cheapest razors that have enough of the little soft stuff that it won't cut my head. That's all
I do. By the way, that's what most men do. Again, I don't know.
Here's the thing. There's that Gillette advertisement. Really stupid. Again, if you don't know why people are upset about this, if you really don't ...
I think a lot of people are pretending they don't know, but they really do know, then I really suggest talking to someone about it instead of just ranting and raving on Twitter.
Anyway, the other advertisement that I thought was excellent was from Donald J.
Trump. President Donald J. Trump, I should say. This man, I'll tell you right now, like I said yesterday,
I didn't vote for him and I probably never would, but man, is he making it tough. He's making it tough. He's doing all the right things, hitting all the right notes.
Yesterday, you may have seen people raging about the fact that he bought the
Clemson football team a bunch of fast food, McDonald's, Wendy's, all that kind of stuff, and saying how that ...
I don't know really what the complaints were. Who cares? Clemson Tigers, and they had a fantastic game against Alabama, and they're all here.
They're right outside the room, and I think we're going to let you see them, but I'll bet you as much food as we have, we have pizzas.
We have 300 hamburgers, many, many French fries, all of our favorite foods.
I want to see what's here when we leave, because I don't think it's going to be much. The reason we did this is because of the shutdown.
We want to make sure that everything is right. We sent out, we got this, and we have some wonderful people working at the
White House. They helped us out with this. I will say the Republicans are really, really sticking together.
It's great to see, because we need border security. We have to have it. We have to have it. No doubt about it.
So I had a choice. Do we have no food for you? Because we have a shutdown. Or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady will make, along with the second lady?
They'll make some salads. And I said, you guys aren't into salads. Or do I go out,
Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, do I go out and send out for about 1 ,000 hamburgers,
Big Macs? So we actually, we bought 1 ,000 Burger King, all American companies,
Burger King, Wendy's, and McDonald's. We have Big Macs. We have quarter pounders with cheese.
We have everything that I like that you like. And I know no matter what we did, there's nothing you can have that's better than that.
Right? I got to tell you right now, that makes me want to vote for him.
I'm serious. I'm not even really joking, at least not all the way joking. This man is, he's a genius.
In many ways, he's a genius. So that move was fantastic. And I think a lot of liberals don't get it.
Why do people like this move? Why is buying $3 ,000 worth of McDonald's for a football team, why is that something that people like?
Why did he do it? People don't understand. And I think this is why liberals are completely out of touch with reality.
Because Barack Obama, he ate arugula salads. You know what I mean? And Trump is over here eating french fries and Big Macs, and they don't understand that.
So here's the thing. When you're on high, and you're in your hoity -toity little fantasy universe, like a lot of liberals are, they're in their fantasy universe, you don't get this move.
Now, he could not have done anything more American than what he did, more pro -capitalism than what he did.
Because when you think about it, the Big Mac is a miracle of capitalism. And I'm serious.
A Big Mac is a miracle of capitalism. To have all these different sources of foods and things like that come together into this delicious sandwich, which let's just be honest, most normal people find this delicious.
They enjoy eating fast food. I enjoy eating fast food. I haven't had real fast food in many months.
But I gotta tell you, every now and then I get a hankering for something like a Big Mac. And it all comes together, and it's in an affordable price.
I mean, for a long time, you could get a double cheeseburger for $1. For $1. That is a miracle of capitalism.
If you ever wanted to know why capitalism is good, you can get a pretty balanced meal, meat, vegetables, bread, all that stuff, for $1.
Now here's the thing, though. Because common people are the people who eat McDonald's and Wendy's and Burger King and things like that.
Everyday people like you and me. Common people don't even know what arugula is, much less have had an arugula salad.
You see what I'm saying? And so if you don't understand why people would consider a fast food feast a little bit of a treat, then you don't understand why
Trump is popular. And look, I don't care if you understand why Trump is popular. In fact, I would prefer you not find out so you don't emulate it.
But the reality is that he's 100 % right. People like eating this kind of food. Normal people.
Everyday folks like you and me. This is a treat for them. And you know what? Poor people like eating this kind of food.
This is a treat for poor people sometimes. Even if you don't have a lot of money, you can afford a double cheeseburger, a side of fries, and things like that.
And to be honest, when he set it all up there, he had mountains of Big Macs and Wendy's and things like that.
French fries. Tons of fries. That was a classic line. Tons of fries. When you do that kind of stuff, that appeals to people.
That actually looks like a good time to a lot of people. And you might think that's sad. You might have pity on them.
The reality is if that's you who's thinking, oh, that's really pathetic that a bunch of poor people want to eat
Big Mac. You know what? That's why you're going to lose in 2020 as well.
Because you're just completely out of touch with what common folk like to do. And here's the reality.
It wasn't just the Big Mac. Did you notice that the Big Macs were being served in the
White House on probably very expensive dinnerware? Plates and trays and things like that.
Could there be a better symbol of American capitalism? Because on the one hand, it's a miracle of capitalism that you can get a
Big Mac for so cheap. A double cheeseburger or a McChicken for so cheap. And you can eat pretty well for very cheap.
And even the poor in the United States, in a capitalistic, freedom -based country.
Even the poor people have a standard of living that just 50 years ago would have been unheard of. That's an amazing feature of capitalism.
You look to communistic and socialistic countries, and they don't have that same situation.
Many of the people that we might consider lower class or poor or middle class actually have higher standards of living than many of the people that would be higher class in some of those areas.
But at the same time, capitalism also leads for, if you're successful, to have the kind of luxuries like that.
Like those plates and things like that. If you don't think that that was an intentional image that Donald Trump and his team was trying to put forward, then you don't understand what this is all about.
You do not get the genius of Donald Trump. And again, he's exactly right.
We all love to eat this food. When he said that, what he meant was common people, Americans, like to eat this food.
This is an American thing. And he's 100 % right. Americans love to eat fast food.
Whether or not that's a smart decision, whether or not that's healthy or not, that's not the point. The point is he's tapping into something that Americans love, common people love, and people like that kind of thing.
I like that kind of thing. Because I'll tell you right now, I couldn't imagine in a million years some of these hoity -toity analysts and things like that doing something like that for people.
Spending $3 ,000 on fast food for a team that he knew was going to enjoy it, and they did enjoy it.
All while, and this is why I call it an advertisement, all while insisting that we have to have border security.
That was an advertisement. And I've got to be honest with you, it was an effective advertisement. Look, this is just a normal guy doing normal guy things, and he's a rich guy as well.
I mean, not many of us could spend $3 ,000 of our own money trying to feed a football team.
All while he's saying, look, this isn't that crazy. All we need is border security. We have to have it. We have to have it.
It just sounds so normal when he says it. Whether or not you agree with his border security, that was an effective advertisement yesterday.
Oh yeah, you're going to shut down the government? Well, guess what? I don't take a salary from the government. I will pay my own way.
And by the way, let's have border security and we can end this shutdown right now. Anyway, I hope this is helpful.
God bless. Oh, one more bonus thing.
By the way, I feel bad for people who are not making money right now and they're not getting their paychecks and things like that.
But the reality is people in the private sector, we miss paychecks all the time. I mean, look, talk to a friend who owns a business or who provides a service to companies.
I mean, we get our invoices paid late or not at all, all the time.
This happens. This is part of doing business. And so people in the private sector, this happens to us.
We lose business and we have a harder time gaining business when tax rates are increased and things like that.
So I've got to be honest with you. I do feel bad for these people who are not used to missing paychecks.
But the reality is most Americans miss paychecks and their business suffers and their salaries suffer because of what the government does constantly.
And so I feel sorry for you. But the reality is it's welcome to reality. This is reality.
I would suggest probably finding a better job, a different job where you're not relying on the government, which is going to be.
Look, the government cannot pay its own way for very much longer. So I would suggest making plans now because this kind of thing is going to happen more and more and more.