Three Important Verses in Evangelism



These aren't the only verses to use, they are three that can help you focus.


Alright, you know, a lot of people, they want to know how to witness. They get a little intimidated about, well, what do
I say? How do I say it? Well, really, there's not a whole bunch to have to worry about. I mean, all you've got to do is really open your mouth, trust the
Lord, and He'll fill it. You'd be surprised. But it does help to have a few things in the back of your head that you can kind of draw on to help you share your faith.
Now, I'm going to give you three verses that I think are important that should kind of help you, well, kind of get a feel for witnessing and what to focus on.
Now, the first one I'd like to focus on here and tell you about is Isaiah 55 .11. That's a great verse.
Now, you don't have to have the whole thing memorized perfectly. What it says, though, basically,
Isaiah 55 .11, it says that the Word of God will not come back empty without accomplishing what
He desires it to. That's real simple. You know, God spoke. He said, let the universe be, let there be light, let there be this and that, and it occurs.
You see, that's one of the attributes of God. He speaks and things occur. So when you are speaking the very
Word of God, you're quoting scripture, you're actually doing something very, very powerful. And God says it will not come back empty without accomplishing what
He desires. So you need to memorize some scripture, and you need to, you know, quote it when you're witnessing occasionally here and there.
It's really good to do that. Now, here's another verse that's really helpful. It is John 12, 32.
And there, Jesus says, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.
Now, what He was literally talking about there was the cross. But I'm going to just stretch it a little bit and say, you know, we can kind of use it as an illustration of lifting
Christ up in our speech, in the focus of our evangelism, in the ultimate goal of why we were going to tell somebody about anything with evangelism is to tell them about Jesus.
So we're going to focus on Jesus, at least to some aspect. You really should. Okay, so He's talking about His death,
His burial, His resurrection, things like that. So John 12, 34, Jesus says that if He's lifted up,
He will draw men to Himself. He wanted to lift up Jesus and have Him draw them to Himself.
So remember, Isaiah 55, 11, God's Word will not come back empty without accomplishing what God wants it to, and focusing on Jesus, John 12, 34.
Now, the third verse that I want to bring to your attention is a great verse. It's Romans 1, 16.
In it, Paul says, I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who would believe, for the
Jew first and also for the Gentile. That gospel is the power of God for salvation.
It is what saves. It isn't great arguments. It isn't great looks. It isn't great clothes.
It isn't great oratory. It isn't great anything other than the power of the very Word of God in that gospel message.
Now, Paul further tells us in 1 Corinthians 15, 1 -4, he tells us what the gospel is.
It's the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our sins. Now, of course, you should know about the law and the gospel, that the law reveals our sin and the gospel is the cure for the problem that the law brings.
The law brings judgment, and we need to escape that judgment from a holy and righteous God, so we need that gospel message.
What is that gospel? The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. In other words, He's the one who fulfilled the law.
He's the one who took our place. He's the one who died on the cross, paying the penalty for our sins.
He's the one who rose from the dead, thereby demonstrating that His sacrifice was sufficient and good and acceptable to an infinitely holy
God, the Father. And so, as we focus on the Word of God, Isaiah 55 .11,
the person of Jesus, John 12 .34, and we focus on the aspect of what the gospel is, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, that's
Romans 1 .16, and then also those little verses on the side there, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 -4, that talks about what that really specifically is.
So if you were to use these verses, keep them in the back of your mind, and you think about the need of quoting
God's Word, focusing on Christ, and what that gospel is, you will do fine.
Just trust the Lord. Trust Him to fill your heart and your mind with the Word and with the truth.
Get that Word in you, study it, know it, and you'd be surprised, I'm serious, how great the words that you can speak will come forth, because the
Holy Spirit in you, as it says in 1 John 2 .27, will guide you and will teach you, and that's what you need.