Dead Men Walking Podcast: Rod Martin Post Election Edition


Greg & Jason took a call from Rod Martin to discuss the post election situation. Rod is the founder and CEO of The Martin Organization, a technology entrepreneur, futurist, hedge fund manager, and an advisor to President Trump. We talked about the election results, fraud, the possible path to victory for President Trump, and the Christian response to this election. As a successful tech investor, Rod also gave us his opinion on how this election will effect the market. Enjoy!


Exploring theology, doctrine, and all of the fascinating subjects in between, broadcasting from an undisclosed location,
Dead Men Walking starts now. Well, hello, everyone.
Welcome back to another episode of Dead Men Walking, coming to you live from the Four Seasons Landscaping Building.
No, just kidding. I'm your host, Greg Moore. To my left in the newly redesigned studio is...
Jason Hamlin. Jason, how you doing, brother? I'm doing awesome, man. This is a great setup. Yeah.
Thank you so much. And we have a very special guest on. It's his second appearance on Dead Men Walking podcast.
We're extremely excited to have him back on the line. He is a technology entrepreneur, a venture capitalist, a head fund manager, author, conservative activist, and CEO of the
Martin Organization. That's a mouthful. Mr. Rod Martin. How you doing, Rod? Hey, doing great.
Yeah. And the crowd goes wild. Well, we wanted to do a kind of an election based episode just because it's crazy right now.
Oh, is there something going on with the election? Did you sleep through it? But we had met
Rod down in Nashville. We talked to him a little bit about some other subjects. I've been following you, Rod, on Facebook for the last few months.
And some of your posts on Facebook really give me more information than I'm getting from any mainstream news media and definitely some of the secondary ones.
So we wanted to have you on. And if it's okay with you, we'll just jump right into some election questions. Sound good? No problem at all.
Yeah. So can you give us like a little bit of an update on the election? Let's start there. Obviously, we know we had something on November 3rd.
We're still kind of in between state. We know that the AP and USA Today and kind of the mainstream media has declared
Biden the victor. But according to a lot of sources, it looks like there might be some fraud or some shenanigans going on.
So how do you see it right now? Where do we stand in the election? Well, just to be clear, we're at the end of day five of a 34 -day war, and this is not vaguely over.
This is not vaguely settled. The level of fraud we have seen in the swing states is simply unfathomable.
It is comparable only to a third -world country, and you can understand why they might attempt it.
First of all, they have absolute cover from the mainstream media. They have not been so aided and abetted as they might have been in Soviet Russia.
There is no questioning of what's going on. Even when barricades are built to prevent
Republican poll watchers from being able to see the count, even when court orders are defied requiring them to follow the black letter law that says plainly they have to have poll watchers.
And honestly, if you're having an honest election, why on God's earth would you not want the vote counting to be observed?
And yet, this has been their ongoing theme again and again and again.
And we're seeing, if you have an honest count, if you have all of the votes, the legitimate legal votes counted, if you don't count things that just look off the chart fraudulent, like stacks of ballots that show up in the middle of the night where the alleged voters have only marked the presidential race, you know, by, of course, the number of ballots needed for Joe Biden to make up his deficit, you know, and no other race has been marked, which is just inconceivable.
And no one does that. Then, yeah, Donald Trump looks to have won
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia.
And not only that, but as you've seen, the staggering turnout, not just of the normal Trump coalition, but of non -white voters, has just been amazing.
Of course, they knew that they needed to do something extra about it when you're winning
Miami -Dade County by this insane margin, historically.
I think Hillary won non -white voters in Miami -Dade, I think
I heard, 30 points. This time, Joe Biden won by nine. I mean, this is a staggering turnaround.
We had overwhelmingly Mexican counties in the Rio Grande Valley and Texas actually carried by Donald Trump.
One county in particular that I think Hillary won by 50 points and Trump won it by five.
So there's this historical movement toward the president, toward conservative policy, particularly just toward the incredible Trump record, you know, lowest
Black unemployment in American history, lowest Hispanic unemployment in American history, lowest female unemployment in American history.
Hope, growth, opportunity, school choice, that was certainly the margin of victory two years ago for Ron DeSantis running for governor in Florida.
And they obviously felt a need to, as I said, do something extra.
And they seem to have done that. So what you're going to see in the morning, there have already been some lawsuits filed.
You're going to see a ton of litigation get filed in the morning. The evidence has been gathered.
It is, of course, going to continue to be gathered as we enter the discovery phase of that litigation, which
I expect to be heavily, heavily, not only escalated, but expedited.
And this is far from over. I think there is a very meaningful chance that Donald Trump still wins this election and with him, possibly as many as three
U .S. House seats in Pennsylvania, flipping control of the House, plus Senator John James in Michigan, plus at least
David Perdue not going to run off in Georgia. All of those things are still possible. And just as it would have been horribly wrong to call the election on day five in 2000 when the nation was treated to that fiasco with Bush and Gore in Florida, it is absolutely unconscionable that the media would have thrown in the towel on Trump's behalf for their fair haired boy,
Joe Biden. Yeah, and what you said was so true. If you want a fair and honest election, then why not count the votes then?
Why not do it correctly? Jason and I, we live here in Michigan. So we are in one of those states that's being contested.
We had some irregularities as well. I have some friends at the state house and at the federal level and an attorney that worked for a couple governors here in Michigan, go up to Coba Hall in Detroit, where they were actually excluded from being able to watch when the order was handed down that Republican and Democrat both had to be able, poll watchers both had to be able to watch.
They said, OK, and then they just moved the ballots to a secret location and didn't tell them. So if you want a fair and honest election, then why all this secrecy and moving of ballots and things of that nature?
Not to mention 11 o 'clock that night on the election night, we were up,
I think, 54 to 46 % in Michigan. I mean, it was an insane gap. And Atrium County here in Michigan made national news as well.
30 ,000 ballots not counted or there was a computer glitch. We have 17 counties in Michigan that are using the software that is actually dumping votes for Trump and glitching them to Biden votes, which
I always find hilarious that the glitch always works in the favor of the Democrat. Yeah. Why didn't it go to Jorgensen?
You know, why didn't it go to Jorgensen or Kanye West for that matter? Well, that's the thing.
It always goes one way. Yeah. And it's never, and I stress, find me an example, anyone, and you know it will be all day, every day on the mainstream media.
But finding one example of a Republican trying to prevent a Democrat poll watcher from observing a count, that does not happen.
Moreover, you're only seeing that happen in swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and Nevada and Arizona and North Carolina and Georgia.
Oh, how interesting, because they're not doing it in California, where obviously the election is not in doubt.
They're not doing it in Broward County, Florida, which has been under Democrat control for as long as anybody can remember.
They're not doing it in New Jersey. They're not doing it in New York. So if they're not doing it in those places, irregular doesn't begin to cover it.
These things are only happening where the outcome is in doubt and where they thought that they were behind.
And that tells you everything you need to know. But wait, there's more, because as you said, you've got these election glitches in the software.
I was told today by one of the lawyers for the campaign, they have evidence that late on the evening before the election, an update went out to all of those voting machines.
OK, well, that's highly irregular. No one ever does an update on the software in the election machine the night before.
That's obviously rife with potential for fraud. But it went out this time.
Don't know what was in that. Maybe it was fine. But it's certainly a question mark. You would think that investigative journalists would be highly interested in that regardless of their political leanings.
They seem to have no interest. Yeah, no interest whatsoever. And as you know, there's the one voting machine that has already been shown in Michigan to flip 6 ,000 votes from Trump to Biden.
That affected a down -ballot race that has already been rectified. But there are more.
And again, going back to Philadelphia, you had a court order requiring the
Democrats to allow Republican poll watchers. Now, wait, guys, why would you need that?
If this is all on the up and up, why would you need a court order to get these people to follow the law?
They were actually refusing the Republican poll watchers' entry into the building.
The court order comes down, and they refuse to follow the court order. Who the heck ever heard of anybody refusing to follow the court order?
Pam Bondi and Corey Lewandowski had to go back to court, get a second court order.
They, OK, we'll let you in the building. So they let them walk into the building to the point designated for poll watchers.
And I'm not kidding. They moved the tables on which they were counting the ballots to the back of the room, back behind things, left the poll watchers in the designated spot, and just moved the ballots away from their view.
Why would you do this if you're not doing something wrong? That would never happen.
This is a lot of work to do nothing wrong. In another polling location, they kept the
Republican poll watchers at a distance and moved a forklift between them and the counting, and just anything to obstruct their view.
In another location, they actually erected a barrier with boards. Now, again, this is not happening for no reason.
I've never seen anything like this happen in the United States. This stuff happens in third world dictatorships.
This stuff happens in Venezuela, where obviously the left is completely in love with the late
Hugo Chavez and now with Maduro. They love those guys. They think those elections are wonderful.
Jimmy Carter went down there and certified one. But we all know the reality.
And the truth is, you're getting ballots overnight in data dumps, where you'll have 100 ,000 plus ballots, and they're all for Joe Biden.
I mean, even Joseph Stalin let 1 % be against him. I mean, this is just crazy.
So yes, there's real evidence. I'm giving you anecdotes, but there is a mountain of evidence.
And the Trump campaign's lawyers will be taking that to court in the morning in a very big
It's unbelievable that the media jumped out there. Well, it's not unbelievable, really, because of who the media is here lately.
Anyway, I can't watch Fox. I can't watch CNN. I'm literally just on Rod D.
Martin's Facebook page getting my news. And for any listeners out there, it's still a personal page.
Do you have a actual Facebook page where you can have more than 5 ,000 friends? Well, I do.
And actually, we've got a pretty big following on there. But I used to write a weekly newsletter.
And I was actually in the 2016 cycle, writing between 4 ,000 and 10 ,000 words a week.
And then this cycle, honestly, I just couldn't do it. We've got a bunch of business stuff that we're in the middle of.
We've got a couple of startups we're standing up. And so I haven't been doing that.
And we haven't been updating the Facebook page. I think there's something like 25 ,000 followers over there. On your personal page, your posts are public, though.
Someone wanted to just cruise in there and put Rod D. Martin in the Facebook. And we're just saying that for listeners.
Go check it out, because you do a very thorough and accurate job of really describing what's going on, which is, like I said, more than I can get from mainstream media, even some secondary sources.
I did have this question for you, Rod, because I have a lot of people. I hear a lot of, well, they are doing this.
They are doing that. In your opinion, who are the they? Are these a few bad actors? Is this deep state?
Is this a few bureaucrats at the upper levels that know how the system works and sends it down to locals?
Are the locals also compliant with it? I mean, in your best guesstimation, we know fraud is going on. I mean, that's just a fact.
It's not a conspiracy theory. I don't care what anyone wants to tell you. Russian collusion. So when we say they, who are we singling out there?
Are we thinking it's a few people? It's many people. It's a party. I mean, what's your best guess on that?
Well, whatever I say here is obviously my opinion. Yeah, I don't.
I do not have enough factual information to point a finger conclusively.
So I don't care to get sued for defamation here. But in my opinion, allegedly, everyone appears to be.
It appears to be very much election officials,
Democratic Party apparatus. I mean, the Biden campaign. I mean, this is a pretty widespread thing for you to have this kind of effort across this many states.
And of course, you know, a lot of this is happening in a handful of urban areas, to be fair.
So it's not like every election official in the entire state of Pennsylvania did fill in the blanks.
Well, yeah, but you don't have to have that many, but they do have to be coordinated in some way.
So you have, this is a pretty widespread operation, and it seems to be coordinated.
And that implies you would have to have officials involved. You would have to have party officials involved.
And no, Democrats aren't having any trouble having elections, or Democrats aren't having any trouble with any of these things.
And so, so again, you can draw your own conclusions, but the they seems to be pretty obvious.
And it's just a matter of connecting the dots and putting the evidence together on specific individuals.
Well, in 2016, here in Michigan, we had a county clerk in the largest county, well, second largest county in Michigan, in Oakland County.
She's currently serving three years in prison for election fraud as the clerk. She was a Democrat, and she just dumped 30 ,000 votes.
And she was working with a state party. So it's not unheard of. I have a person serving time in prison in Michigan who was a clerk two years ago in Michigan who dumped 30 ,000 votes.
That's not conspiracy theory. That's a fact. You can go right to the Michigan page where you can see felonies, felons, and you can see her picture, and right there it is.
So when you say it's, you know, people working in tandem, that's not unheard of. You know, the pushback
I get from people. Oh, go ahead. Yeah. No, I'm just saying, yeah, that person didn't do that alone.
Yeah. That person may have gotten convicted alone, but it is impossible to do something like that without help.
Absolutely. And the fact of the matter is you have people who are motivated by a certain set of things, and they go work together spontaneously.
You care about the Great Commission. So you personally just spontaneously work with other people who care about the
Great Commission and go witness to people and tell them about Jesus or, you know, pass the hat to take up an offering to send missionaries somewhere.
In a sense, I guess that's a conspiracy, but no, that's really just people operating consistent with their worldview.
Well, the Democrats have been telling us who they are now, and that's certainly not all Democrats. I mean, we had that tape leak of the phone call with the
House leadership where the one congressman is going on about how we better never use the word socialist again because it nearly cost me my seat and so on and so forth.
Excuse me. Okay. But they did, and they are. They are actually socialists, and they are proud of it.
And socialist means a number of things. It certainly means an economic system.
But the last century has taught us it also means a political system, a political system in which dissent is suppressed, a political system in which one party rules, a political system in which power is the goal, 100%.
And that's what we've seen everywhere this has been tried, anywhere in the world.
I don't know why anyone would think it would be different here. In fact, that's exactly what they're imitating.
They're telling you that all day long when they go down and, again, love on the dictators in Venezuela, or Michael Moore makes a movie about the glories of the
Cuban healthcare system, which, by the way, was completely a lie. They led him around by the nose to show him propaganda, and he made a propaganda film for them no different from Lenny Riefenstahl.
So this is what they're in love with, and these are the kinds of people that they're exalting as examples.
Why would we expect people whose worldview is entirely material and entirely in this light to do any different than Nietzsche taught us when he said that when you give up the
Christian God, you give up any right to Christian morality? Mind you, he was lauding that. He thought that was a good thing, that might makes right, that if you have the most power, you get to define right and wrong.
Well, they're not just defining right and wrong. They're defining biology. They're saying that a boy can be a girl.
They're saying that... Yeah, the party of science. Right. Yeah. Whatever the state dictates is true, literally.
Two plus two equals five, like at the end of 1984. So why would we think they would have a problem with asserting power on this scale?
And if you wonder, well, if they're doing that this year, that's crazy because we've never seen them doing anything like that before.
Well, they weren't an outright socialist party before. They hadn't booed
God on national television, the entire Democratic National Convention before, as they did in 2012.
They have been going off this left -wing cliff now for about a decade or decade and a half at rapid pace, and now you're seeing the result.
They are acting like people who think a coup d 'etat is a good idea. And that's exactly what you're seeing.
That's what Russia was, and that's what this is now. Have you seen much about liberal people being, you know, just on Twitter, just silenced, or Facebook?
Or is that mainly Republicans that you're seeing that are being taken... Conservatives, yeah. Yeah, conservatives being taken off of social media, or their posts being taken off of seven days, you know?
Have you seen much of that, Rod? Oh, it's entirely conservative. You know, the left can post things lauding actual assassinations of cops, rioting, looting, hurting people, terrible things.
That is not censored at all. If we post something questioning what happened, you know, at a polling place, that is censored or at least suppressed.
And I know a bunch of my stuff has been being suppressed. I am in the somewhat enviable position of being a close friend of a founding investor and board member of Facebook.
So I get treated perhaps a little bit better than some, but... Just like a true socialist country.
The elitists get treated a little better. I'm just kidding, Rod. Exactly. And by the way, the friend in question is to the right of Attila the
Hun. He's a great guy, but you know, the point is, there's a reason that Parler is crashing.
Somebody was on Parler 10 minutes ago, and then the election happened. And now you can't even see your feed because so many people are moving over.
And I know some of the other alternate sides are experiencing things like that.
We are in immediate danger of just being driven underground.
And you've seen that from their own lips. I mean, AOC and others are, for that matter,
I don't remember who it was now, but a major Democrat commentator shortly before the election was actually advocating re -education camps and a truth and reconciliation commission for us to confess our public and civic sins and be allowed back into the new order.
And AOC is compiling an enemy's list of anyone who ever hated or abetted the regime, people who will have to be driven from public company boards and driven from academic positions and driven from any gainful employment.
Do these sound like the measured statements of people who believe in freedom and democracy, or do they sound like totalitarian dictators?
I'm saying the latter. And this is what we're dealing with.
If you say, well, OK, well, that's probably extreme, and maybe they don't mean that. How long do you listen to people say things and just call them liars?
When they're telling you who they are, you should listen. On the way over here, I'm thinking about Adam Schiff and how he was just getting away with so much stuff during that impeachment process.
Yeah. And man, was that hard to watch. Well, going back to what you said,
Rod, they told us through this entire election what they were going to do. I mean, you had Schiff, you had
Pelosi, you had Harris. They're saying, look, we're fighting it. We're not accepting it. We'll do whatever means possible.
And even if we win, even if we win, we're still going to burn it down. And so when people push back on me and say, oh, you're just part of that right winger or that conspiracy or this or that.
First of all, I get really, you know, I get saddened that we that we have generations of people who have lost the ability to critically think, whether it's for or against your candidate, just in general, to actually assess and analyze and critically think.
I think part of that is media. Part of that is our education system. Part of that is just because, you know, people want to believe what they want to believe.
But this is this is real and in front of you. And they're saying it to our faces.
Yet you have half of the country saying, oh, no, that's not that's not what's going on.
It just blows my mind that you can have 150 million people or about 50 or 60 million people who voted and say, oh, no,
I don't see the fraud. I don't see the dishonesty. I don't see the statement saying that they're going to fight it, burn it down, riot, do whatever they have to do to win.
But yet those are statements, you know, in public on record. And, you know, I guess my next question would be, how do you deal with that?
What what do you do? We'll get to what the Christian worldview is, but maybe that's a good question. What do Christians do in that situation or what do you do as a citizen who just self -analyzes, critically thinks, uses logic and says, no, this is reality.
And you have your neighbors and friends and family living in a totally different reality. Well, I would start with just respecting the other side enough to take it seriously.
I don't know where Christians get the idea that you're somehow being nice by, in effect, calling the other side liars.
When they say they believe X, believe that they mean it.
I mean, that's what I would expect someone to do for me. When I say I believe in Jesus, I wouldn't want them to say, oh, he doesn't really mean that.
He's really a good Muslim or, you know, something else. I would think that was insulting. When Hitler says, hey,
I want to go conquer Poland, you should probably believe him. When the Soviets said they wanted to make a communist world, you should probably believe them.
When the Chinese Communist Party says that they want to assert world dominance and create a post -American era, you should probably believe them.
And when the Democrats say they're going to resist and they're going to do everything they possibly can to undermine a duly elected president of the
United States by any means necessary, and they're going to go riot in the streets and burn down cities and assassinate cops and defund the police and all the things they do.
Well, look, they're doing it in front of your eyes. Why don't you believe them? When they say they want to fundamentally transform
America, you should believe them. Why do we think we're being respectful by disrespecting them?
They mean it. We should take them seriously. So second, this is closing the barn door after the horse is already out,
I will admit. But you've got to start somewhere. Why are we handing our children over to these people to educate?
By which I mean indoctrinate. Why on God's earth have we been doing that for the last three generations?
This is insane. When you hand your enemies your children, and then they come out, you know, believing the things your enemies believe, why are you surprised about that?
And how is anybody going to be able to stand before Jesus and explain those decisions? That's just dumb.
It's also bad stewardship. And, you know, we aren't gaining any points with our
God by being stupid. That's just dumb. We need to be homeschooling or creating
Christian schools or doing whatever we can for the people who aren't able to do that to at least agitate for some measure of school choice.
And I can tell you, the minute they decided they absolutely had to take Donald Trump out is when he started saying things like, school choice is the civil rights issue of our era.
And in my second term, I'm going to guarantee that every child in America has a voucher.
Well, that's the point at which they knew the world was ending for them. So, you know,
I don't understand why we, the Church, are having to be catechized by people like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson, because our leaders are so busy either sticking their heads in the sand or actively courting the other team that they will not do what needs to be done.
Christianity is the most revolutionary force in the history of the world, and we act like we're some kind of garden party.
It is just frustrating. Yeah, so, I mean, those are some good real -world examples.
Homeschool. Outside of education with children, I'm a 20 -something or 30 -something.
Maybe I have a wife, maybe I don't. Don't have a family. I'm looking at what's on the news. I'm a believer.
I go, you know, I've always told people, look, get involved in the political process. That's what
I did at a young age. And, you know, my little part of the kingdom over here in Michigan, I at least have some say in it, and I've had
Second Amendment issues come before my board, and some socialist issues with money come before the board, and we were able to wrangle enough votes to suppress those and keep us what
I thought was in a more individual liberty and conservative vein here in the county.
So, I've always said to them, you know, get involved in the political process, but not everyone wants to be involved in the political process.
So, outside of going in your prayer closet or sticking your head in the sand or acquiescing to the, you know, to the culture, secular culture, what would you tell, you know, a young lady or a young man that goes, well, what can
I do? What's my response to this? Do I just sit here and watch the news? Do I post stuff on social media?
Or how do I get involved to help change this? Well, you know,
I'd double down on what you said. There's always some idiot Christian who will come along and say, if you involve yourself politically in any way, shape, or form, that you're trying to find a political
Jesus, and you're trying to find a political salvation, and preach a political gospel.
Bunk! That's absolutely ridiculous. The Bible does not present a picture of people living on a mountaintop, just meditating and praying all day long.
They are active in the world, and even Paul, I mean, by far, you know, by any reasonable measure, the greatest of the apostles, is a tentmaker.
He's got a wife that is separate from ministry, and he doesn't see it as compartmentalized and separate in that sense, but he's a whole person.
He has a personal life. He has a business life. He's a minister of the gospel. He's a writer.
He's all these different things, and we see the part that he focuses on in his writing, but he gives a tent to the rest of it.
So, okay, we have the unique blessing in America, and it really is unique historically, of getting to rule ourselves.
God is sovereign, and he delegates a little bit of his sovereignty to the people in this country, and we delegate a little bit of that to a government, and government is always trying to invert that, of course, because what would a bunch of sinners do except that?
So, the whole idea of limited government in the American framework, which, by the way, was designed almost entirely by a bunch of very serious
Christians, was the belief in the doctrine of original sin, the idea that people will naturally, naturally, without the slightest effort, take any power they get and turn it into a club to beat their neighbor over the head with.
And the bigger the amount of power they have, the bigger the club they'll turn it into, and the more people they'll beat up.
So, you know, you don't really want Facebook and Amazon running the world, because they will use their money, which equals power, to club all of their competitors into submission, for starters.
That's what conservatives do, right? Yeah. That's what they always want to say, but now it's like the top five companies in the world are obviously liberal.
Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And it stands to reason that they would be. We equate business with capitalism?
No, no, no, no, no, no. Capitalism is a philosophy, and it is specifically the philosophy of the little guy trying to get ahead.
The little guy wants a level playing field. The little guy wants the equality of opportunity, so that there's a better future for his kids and grandkids, so he can get ahead in the world.
What we call the American dream. I know David Platt tried to demonize the idea of the American dream, and I know it's really evil to want your kids to do better than you, you know, you own your own home, and these are really terrible and uncivil things,
I know. But, you know, the idea of capitalism is that everybody has a chance to come up with an idea that helps other people, and they get paid for that, which is a really neat way to apply the golden rule.
If you think about it, everybody is economically incentivized to solve other people's problems. That's awesome.
I mean, that is so cool. I can't begin to discuss it in the time that you have, but I'll just say this.
God has actually come up with a system of economics that incentivizes lost people to act in accordance with the golden rule.
I mean, how cool is that? Versus socialism, where all power is concentrated in a tiny handful of people who are by definition incentivized to exploit everybody, and nobody has the power to do anything about it, or to make anything better, because they don't have the resources to solve anybody's problems, including their own.
So when you kind of understand the world that way, of course
Amazon and Facebook are busily accumulating power to themselves and using it to their own end.
That's not capitalism. It's almost feudalism, in fact.
It's certainly not what we're advocating. And what we're advocating is something that they actively want to suppress, whether they've thought about that or not, because what
I'm advocating would always result in them facing competition they don't want to have to face.
So when you get that kind of corporatist mindset in mind, first of all, you're 180 degrees from capitalism, even if you're benefiting from a capitalist system.
And second, you're a half step from socialism anyway. And there are a lot of different kinds of socialism.
You know, there's obviously the extreme communist version where you nationalize everything and you kill everybody who gets in your way.
But, you know, the fascists actually had a more workable system, which is why the fascist countries lasted longer.
In many cases, they left you the illusion of private ownership and just dictated everything you could and couldn't do.
But because you had that illusion, you thought you had something left to lose, and you obeyed better.
And those countries, by and large, whether you're talking about fascist Spain or any of the third world countries that went fascist, and of course,
Hitler is a bit of an exceptional case because he really wanted to kill the Jews.
But, you know, in the main, all these other fascist countries didn't kill a lot of people.
Their body count is in the thousands. The communist country's body count collectively is 100 million.
And the fascists had the same amount of control. So what's the difference?
By leaving you the idea that you owned stuff when you didn't really, they were able to keep everybody in line.
And I think that's exactly what you're looking at in coastal China today.
They have moved away from a true Maoism toward a more fascist operational methodology.
And I think that's exactly what you're seeing the Democrats move toward here. They probably won't nationalize human health care, but they'll just strangle it with so many regulations that it might as well be an arm of the
Department of Health and Human Services. Yeah, and Rod, I mean, I would say that you've seen that move in a sort of fascism over the last 50 years in this country.
I mean, you have so many over -regulations, the fact that from birth to death, you're paying property taxes and income taxes and all the secondary and hidden taxes.
I mean, we've already been moving towards that. I have some of my liberal friends that say, well, this doesn't work or that doesn't work.
Down with capitalism and all the examples they give me, health care and crony capitalism.
I go, well, that's socialized. That's why it's not working. It's not pure capitalism.
And biblically, it's one of the reasons why one of my favorite parables is the workers in the vineyard.
I think that's a great example of, and of course, parables can have multiple meanings and I'm not saying Christ was advocating for capitalism, but he gives a very good example of the owner saying, what did
I do wrong? Can't I do with my money with what I want? We had an agreement. We had an equal exchange of goods and services.
You were satisfied when I offered you the money for the work and I was satisfied in paying that money. It doesn't matter what
I get to do with my money. And now we have a secular culture that is not only mad at someone who has money, but is mad that they can't tell that person what to do with their labor or goods or how to spend it.
And I would say that you're seeing a form of fascism here in the United States and a push for it over the last 50, 60, heck, even the last 100 years when we saw an income tax instituted fraudulently,
I might add, that was told the middle class that they were gonna levy it upon the rich and then turn right around the next year and levy it upon the middle class and the poor.
But yeah, I would say there's been a push, especially in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to get that.
I don't think they'll ever come out full fascist. I think they're gonna do exactly what you just said. I would echo that and say they will strangle every part of capitalism to where it's a limp capitalism.
It's not even an effective capitalism. And I think that's really where we're heading because let's not forget about Trump removing 27 ,000 regulations.
That was one of the things I was the most excited about. Yeah, and you're a business guy. I mean, you're an investor and an entrepreneur and all those things.
You know how important it is to get government out of the way and let innovation and creation take place, which would probably lead me into my next question of, since you are in the tech space and the entrepreneurial and business space, how do you see this election affecting all that?
I mean, do you have any opinions on that? Well, you get what you incentivize, obviously.
If you're incentivizing through foolishness, like a $15 minimum wage, and okay, in 30 years, $15 minimum wage would be perfectly reasonable, but just because of inflation.
But today, what that means is a 30 ,000 a year salary for a job where you spend your day asking, do you want fries with that?
And that's just insane, because what it means is nobody can afford to hire a teenager to do anything.
And so they use technology to automate things that otherwise would not be automated.
McDonald's has kiosks now everywhere, and you say, well, they aren't using them everywhere. Well, they're using them more heavily where labor costs are needlessly high.
And that means that you have a lot of people out of work for no good reason. And the statistics on that are perfectly clear and not really deniable.
And then also, McDonald's has tested a completely automated kitchen. Because, hey, why bother to have a fry cook?
Japan has a functional McDonald's in Tokyo, all robots. Sushi, robots, the whole thing.
And it's completely autonomous. So the left approach to all of these problems incentivizes the worst of all possible outcomes.
And automation is a wonderful thing. It's certainly not something that we should be concerned about normally.
I'm sitting here talking to you on an iPhone, and that's automated many things for me. I can't count them.
That just makes me more productive and able to hire more people. But the fact of the matter is that they are incentivizing things that cause you to use technology in bad ways.
And the most obvious one that we're seemingly on the brink of contending with is the importation of China's social credit score system into the
United States. Not in a formal, official, legal way, but in a de facto way through the social media giant.
They have more data on you than you have on you. And they're increasingly controlling you with that in the way that the
Chinese are doing explicitly and governmentally. So yes, freedom matters and political involvement matters.
And back to the point you were just making a minute ago in response to the prior question.
It's, you know, I would actually contend that the only thing you said that was really wrong is that, yeah,
Jesus was advocating for capitalism. And I don't have to go any further to prove that than the
Ten Commandments, where the second half of the thing is all, really, thou shalt not steal.
You shouldn't steal lives, shouldn't steal honor and duties toward parents, shouldn't steal reputation.
You shouldn't steal stuff. And oh, by the way, you shouldn't even think about stealing. I mean, half of the
Ten Commandments is about don't steal. Well, how can you steal if there isn't the necessity and legal requirement of private property?
The entirety of the law not only assumes, but facilitate private enterprise.
And we see God's own commentary on that, not just in something like the parable of the talents.
Yeah, I've heard people complain that, oh, well, that's not really about money. Well, that's kind of like breathing isn't about air, but okay, whatever.
But no, go back to the Old Testament again. In 1 Samuel 8, where God is sort of plucking disapprovingly at them for wanting a human king, he gives
Samuel a laundry list of tyrannical acts that the king will engage him if they have one.
And on the list is, well, you know, he'll tax you as much as the pie. Yeah, he'll tax you up to 10%.
Be careful. 10 % tax rate God considers tyrannical.
Let's be clear about that. Then, just for good measure, we have one involuntary nationalization in Scripture.
You know, if I say just nationalization, somebody will bring up Joseph and Pharaoh. Okay, that's fine.
But they did that voluntarily. There's one forced nationalization, of which
I'm aware off the top of my head in Scripture, and it's Ahab stealing
Naboth's vineyard. And we've seen how God deals with that. Oh, wait, you could say there's another forced nationalization in Jeremiah's day, where, you know, the siege is lifted,
Nebuchadnezzar goes after the Egyptians, in part in consequence to their having freed the
Hebrew slaves that they were holding, you know, the other Hebrews. You know, the Israelites are holding all the
Israelite slaves unjustly, and they liberate them. And then when the crisis passes, they re -enslave them.
Well, okay, if your point of view, as theirs was, was that humans are property, well,
I guess that's a nationalization, and God promises to destroy Jerusalem in part because of that.
So, okay, every time we see the state act in an unjust way with regard to property rights,
God smacks them every single time. So, no, private property is assumed by the law, and by the prophets, and by the
New Testament. It is a good thing because it actually gives you the ability to act upon your unique gift in a way that carries out the actual real -world conduct of the creation mandate, and also the
Great Commission, as we saw with Paul and his tent -making. And so, no, every time you concentrate economic power in the hands of the state, what you end up with is the apostate
Pharaoh who comes along who do not judge them, and the oppression of the church, and the destruction of the nation.
And that's exactly what we're gonna see here if we let this progress. So we all need to be
Post Mill. He's always on that Post Mill, Rod. Y 'all watch him. Well, let's wrap up here.
Rod, you've given us a lot of time. We really appreciate you jumping on and clearing up some of those things, and some of the things that you did say, geez, wow,
I would love you to write a book on this and just get it down in a book, and let's sell it to a couple million people because they need to hear it.
We'll do our little part, making sure we promote it, but you're such a pleasure to have on. Oh, yeah.
But as we finish up here, do we have any parting words, Jason? Did you have anything that you needed to...
Man, you guys started dipping into Kuyperianism, and I was like, oh man, here we go. Let's do this.
And yeah, this is awesome. I really think a lot of people aren't thinking about the ins and the outs of what's actually happening right now.
There's either fear, anxiety, and then there's people that are just like, oh man,
Joe Biden's my president, and I love it. And yeah, you see a lot of mixed emotions here.
Well, I'm just saying very quickly, as we finish up here, I look at it in a Christian worldview.
I don't care if it's Trump or Biden or whoever, when we have dishonesty, fraud, and we have elected officials and bureaucrats and appointed officials that are doing dishonest, unrighteous, unholy things, we're called to call that out as Christians.
Now, the Bible speaks about things, they don't know what they're doing, and we don't hold them to a biblical standard in the sense of if they're saved, but we absolutely are supposed to call that out and stand for righteousness.
The remnant of the righteous is what can save the city, Proverbs says. So, you know, guys like Rod, you know, us and what we do in our little part, we're just trying to do what's righteous and holy before a sovereign
God. Rod, why don't you take us home and give us a final thought if you have one. Well, you said earlier that people ought to be politically involved and maybe not all of them want to do that, but I'm sorry, you can either get engaged in the political system or the political system is going to come engage you.
That's where we are now. One of the characteristics of Marxism is that it politicizes absolutely everything.
So if you would like a future for your children or your grandchildren, where everything isn't politicized, you're going to have to get a little more political right now.
And it's not an either or. Christ is king of everything, not just singing some chorus on Sunday morning.
Every single area of life belongs to him. And that's why the state is hating him.
That's exactly why they hate the church. That and the fact that we get together and hear a lecture once a week, and that's very subversive to them.
You know, they want to stop anything that does not bow its knee to the party or the state, depending.
So get involved. If you can make a little bit of a difference at your city council or your school board, or if you're a lawyer and you're listening to this, and you can go to Michigan or Pennsylvania and help in the recount effort, or if you can just resist just by being subversive with Christian thought that all of these things are wrong and that there is a better way that reconciles people to one another and to God and does not keep them constantly divided so some human can run all of us, this all matters.
And it is time to do it. If we don't do it now, I'd like to know when we're gonna. We're going to find ourselves
China if we're not careful. And the time is not. So yes, more political involvement, more political engagement, talk online on social media if they'll let you continue until they won't, then go do some other way.
But the brilliance of America lies in part in a system that is very hard to subvert because there are so many checks and balances.
They're trying to eliminate them all. Don't let them. But in the meantime, use those checks and balances to obstruct their efforts for full total power.
Only God is entitled to full total power, and we exalt
Him. Oh, what a great word to end on. Rod, thank you so much for jumping on a short notice, giving us that update, sharing your thoughts with us.
And always for any of you, those listening, be sure to reach out to us. You can follow us on Facebook, YouTube, heck,
Parler. If it's not down, I know we just had about 200 new users at us there today. And make sure you reach out to us, follow there, engage with us so we can bring glory.
Rodmartin .org Make sure you, if you want to hear more about Rod or even get on with the
Rod Martin report, you can go to Rodmartin .org. And Rod, do you have anything you want to shamelessly self -promote there besides the website?
Not really so much, but I would love to have anybody here hunt me down on Facebook and Twitter, Rod D.
Martin, and love to engage with anybody. We're in a trying time, but I assure you, our
God is greater than all of it, and we can prevail. Awesome. Thank you guys for listening. We'll see you again next week.