Desmond in a Tutu


Desmond Tutu recently said "I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place." The Bible is clear that those who practice homosexuality will not go to Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9). If that describes you, please know that God can forgive any sin. You must repent of your sin and place your faith in Christ alone to save you.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name is
Mike Abendroth, and I had to make this announcement the last two days as well. This is the last
Friday on WVNE. I'm gonna kinda miss that. I'm gonna miss WVNE. Been a good partnership, at least from our perspective.
I hope it's been a good partnership from the staff and management at VNE as well. Nothing but good things to say.
Maybe we'll be back on one day, WVNE, but just because of expenses and budgets and all those kind of things.
Monday will be the last show. This coming Monday, just in a few days, and today is the last
Friday show. If you'd like to listen to No Compromise Radio, we still will be recording new shows every day.
There'll be a show. I'll throw in a rerun once in a while, but you can listen a variety of ways.
Nocompromiseradio .com. You could pull up our latest. You could go to Facebook. Even if you don't have a
Facebook account, go to facebook .com, type in No Compromise Radio. You could play the shows actually from Facebook.
You could go to iTunes and go to No Compromise Radio. Type that in the search bar and then hit subscribe, and every show would be downloaded for you when you log into your iTunes, when you open iTunes.
You go to TuneIn Radio. That's an app. You just type in TuneIn Radio, download the app, and you can pull up No Compromise Radio from that.
Worldview Weekend. Brandon House is now running No Compromise Radio shows, and he carries a variety of different broadcasters,
Erwin Lutzer, Jimmy DeYoung, those kind of guys, and he asked this summer if No Compromise could be on his show.
Has kind of a worldwide reach, national reach for sure, and we have a good relationship with Brandon and Worldview Weekend, and so you could pull us up there through an app,
Worldview Weekend app, listen to a variety of shows, and some of the money that we'll save not being on VNE, we'll probably get our own app.
Maybe there'll be some promotions and social media stuff. Anyway, I guess if you wanna give to No Compromise Radio, you can, but it's probably too late to keep us on WVNE.
But you know what you should do? You should write to them and say, good job carrying No Compromise Radio, thank you, have them back on, special guests, give them their own station, give them their own call letters, something like that.
I remember when I took over the 330 slot with No Compromise Radio, I think the people that were on three, four years ago rather, that is about 1 ,200 shows ago,
I think it was a financial deal, and it wasn't too Christian. Maybe they quote a verse here, there, or the other, but it was financial stuff, and of course,
Christians need financial help. And people would call in. I know Reno would tell me, oh, they're calling in, and they want the old people back.
And of course, I think four years ago, I was probably more aggressive than I am now. I'm sure I wasn't joking around as much then because it was serious to me, and of course, there's a lot of serious stuff to talk about, but we're trying to have a little bit of fun.
I sit here by myself most days. Steve's here once in a while, and so I might as well have fun, talk.
I know life is more than fun, but at least you should have some joy. To quote a very famous wise man,
I commend joy. How about that? Solomon said that, I commend joy.
I commend joy. So thank you for your support. Thank you for your listening.
I've gotten so many emails over the years. I would say 5 % negative, and when they're negative, whoo, they're really negative, but most are very positive.
Let's see, I'm trying to think of a funny one. Probably a couple of months ago, somebody called the church and left a message and said,
I've only listened to a few of your shows, but don't joke around so much. Airtime's expensive, so get to the point.
I've listened to your three out of 1 ,200 shows. So you can go back to the old shows. I forgot the guy's name, and you can probably do it that way.
Speaking of names, I checked a book out of the library the other day about a boy going to heaven, forgot the name.
This isn't the Burpa one. This is Malarkey is the last name of this boy.
Tragic story about a car accident, but the tragedy is compounded because I think the boy is still paralyzed, and I feel sorry for the family, and the dad, and the brothers, and the mom, but all this heaven talk, and seeing
Jesus, and oh, man. Desmond Tutu, today, just kind of clearing my desk day.
It wouldn't be a Friday if I didn't tell you that there's a cross that you could get for free by the
Matthew people, the St. Matthew people, that helps your spiritual, physical, financial needs and your future.
You'll love yours. One of those special blessed church crosses has your name and your future on it. Well, if you want to follow
Christ Jesus, there is a cross that has your name on it. That's true. That's about all I'll give them.
Huffington Post, August 8th, Religion by Yasmin Hafez.
Desmond Tutu would prefer hell over a homophobic heaven. Desmond Tutu denounced religions that discriminate against LGTB, gotta add
Q -R -S -T -U -V as well at the end of that, by making some very strong statements during the
United Nations launch of its gay rights program in Cape Town this Friday, reports the AFP.
I would not worship a God who is homophobic, and that is how deeply I feel about this.
I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say, sorry,
I mean, I would much rather go to the other place. I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid.
For me, it is at the same level. Well, I don't want anybody to go to hell, but if this is the sentiment on his dying breath, with his dying breath,
I think Desmond Tutu's going to get his wish, because first of all,
God is the one who owns heaven. What right does anybody have to go to heaven?
No right at all, because they, every creature, fallen, reprobate, depraved, right, until God would interrupt.
God would interrupt by granting salvation. Salvation is of the
Lord. Salvation is from the Lord. I don't care how you want to parse your genitives, subjective or objective.
God owns heaven, and he determines who is allowed into his holy heaven. No one deserves heaven, and so you need to have your sins forgiven, and you need to be cloaked with the righteous robes of Christ Jesus, so that your sins are credited to Christ's account, and they're no more.
They're behind God's back. They're as far as the east is from the west, cast in the deepest sea, borne by another.
Every sin must be punished, either by Jesus or by you in hell forever, and so we need a savior.
We need a righteous substitute and a righteous representative, someone to bear our sins and someone to give us his righteousness so that we can get into a thrice holy
God's holy heaven, and so I read Desmond Tutu, and I say to myself, of course,
I don't want to be mean to people because they are homosexual. I have homosexual friends.
I guess that's the easy way out. People are like, well, I have some homosexual friends. Well, I actually do, and I wanna be kind to them and loving to them, but it is very, very clear in Revelation chapter 21, but as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.
I'm not homophobic. I think people have homophobic phobia, and it's an easy way to just slam people by saying, well, you know what?
You don't think my behavior's righteous. Therefore, I'll attack you. I mean, really, that's the best you've got?
That's the best argument you have? Well, try a gay gene or something like that, but saying you're homophobic because I disagree with the lifestyle as being righteous?
That is just asinine. That is lowbrow, especially from those in the
Ivy League area like here in Massachusetts. I don't like adultery.
I don't like fornication. I don't like lying. I don't like homosexuality in terms of homosexual sin, adultery, sin, fornication, sin, bestiality, sin.
There's all kinds of immoral sex, and I'll tell you, short of a husband and a wife, man and a woman, in the marriage bed,
Hebrews chapter 13, where it's undefiled, everything is sin in the sexual realm.
So people need to have a savior. People need to be forgiven. I don't do anyone any good if I see them dying and I don't try to help them.
If I see them in a bad situation and I don't try to alleviate the situation, alleviate and give them a remedy.
And so we are told to preach the gospel. No wonder it's a foolish gospel. These days we see it as foolish more and more.
People want signs, people want philosophies. And there's a reason why Jesus died. If you could get to heaven by being good, if you could get to heaven by being monogamous, if you could get to heaven by being pro -life, then
Jesus died needlessly. Well, that was sure masochistic of God the
Father to kill the Son if you could get in another way. I know this is a foolish gospel to people.
I get that, I understand that. You watch what happened to the preachers, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the
Baptist. People will kill you, often. John the
Baptist, beheaded, Jesus, crucified. And so we tell people, of course, what they don't want to hear.
And Desmond Tutu, the shame is he's a religious leader. And I go back to my
Rosario Butterfield story, the surprising conversion or unlikely conversion, the lady who was a lesbian women's studies teacher at Syracuse and then gets saved.
When she wanted to talk about Christianity, she read the Bible and she wasn't so foolish to just throw out, well, yeah, the
Bible taught slavery too. Really? Why does 1
Timothy 1 say kidnapping's a sin? What was slavery in the
Roman era compared to slavery in the cotton fields in the US South?
Was there a difference? See, people just throw things out. Well, it's okay to eat shellfish now too.
Yeah, I know that, but even an unbeliever should be able to read the Old Testament and figure out this is what Israel was supposed to do.
And when Jesus declares all foods clean, guess what he does? He declares all foods clean. And he didn't declare all forms of sexual sin clean.
We are unrighteous people. How that unrighteousness manifests itself, I have no idea how in each and every person's life it does that, but it's either through temptation with money, greed, sex, power, fame, unthankfulness.
It doesn't matter, we're fallen creatures and we begin to worship the creature instead of the creator. And we fall short of God's righteous standard.
I was born an adulterer. I was born a fornicator. Because of the fall, my own sinful nature as a consequence of the fall and Adam's sin imputed to my account.
And so now I say to God, well, listen, I'm born a fornicator, therefore fornication is okay.
I'm born a liar, therefore lying's okay. Let's just bring all this back to the cross.
That's a good way to solve theological conundrums and problems and even social issues. Let's bring it back to the cross.
Okay, why was the cross needed? There must have been a reason. Was this plan
B? Was this flow chart gone wrong? How and why, when was the cross planned?
And of course, Jesus, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, this was planned in eternity past.
No angels, no creation, no globe, no planet, no universe, no one, no where, no thing,
God alone existing, the triune God in perfect fellowship, Father with the Son, with the Spirit.
One God, three persons. One God subsisting of three persons.
And so God decided to go rescue the elect. He knew he was gonna make them, and so go rescue the elect.
God the Son goes and does that, sent by God the Father, empowered by on earth
God the Holy Spirit. Why? Because Matthew 1 says Jesus went to save sinners.
What does Jesus say? He came to save the sinners, not the righteous. If you think you're righteous, you don't think you need a
Savior. And so it's like you have 11 holes in your torso, and you've only got 10 digits, 10 fingers, and you're trying to plug all those holes up, but you can't plug every one.
You're one short. And so whether that shows itself in greed, lust, sexual sins, right?
Married men and women are sinners as well. They have their own issues that they deal with. It doesn't matter.
And so this kind of rhetoric from Desmond Tutu, it shows that he's the faker he is.
It shows that he's the false teacher that he is. You can wear cloth if you want. You can wear a reversed collar if you'd like, but that doesn't make you a
Christian teacher because Christian teachers throughout church history, throughout the
Old Testament, taught the Bible. That's what they taught. They taught what do the scriptures say?
And they weren't liked. They were called all kinds of things. I know people call me homophobic, but I'm not afraid of homosexuals.
I don't like their irrational, unthinking, slanderous rhetoric, but you know what?
I've done that before too. So I am a sinner saved by grace wanting to tell other sinners you can be saved by grace too, but that means that you aren't good.
You aren't righteous. You don't do good things. And without faith in God, it's impossible to please him.
You have to believe that he is and a rewarder of those who seek him, as we looked at last time in Hebrews chapter 11.
So what we're trying to do is we're trying to say for every right reason,
God should be against us. But for those who would look to Jesus Christ with faith and repentance, looking at the cross as a display of the wrath of God, the holiness of God, the mercy of God, and the love of God altogether, believing in this risen savior, it's
Romans chapter eight. If God is for us, who can be against us? God should be against us, but he's for us.
And if he gives us the greatest gift, he gives us every other gift. Oh, how does God give us gifts? He didn't spare his own son, did he?
That's Romans 8 .32. He didn't spare his own son. So I don't do my friends any favor saying to them, well, yeah,
I know you've got cancer. And I say that in my mind, but I don't tell them. The doctors give the diagnosis and the diagnosis is,
I'm sorry to tell you, maybe your conscience is seared. Maybe the intellectual bastions won't tell you this anymore.
Maybe you ignore the revelation from God with the stars and the moon and the sun about his power and his wisdom.
But for me in my house, we'll tell you the truth. This is what the Bible says. You need a savior.
You need a savior to save you from such foolish thinking, from such ad hominem arguments, but mainly to save you from your own sin, your own sin.
Can homosexual people be forgiven? Yes. Can heterosexual people be forgiven?
Yes. Show me a society that's off the deep end in homosexual rights and homosexuality, and I'll show you the showcase sin of Romans 1.
Don't give me stuff about polyester, shrimp, and slavery from the Old Testament because that just tells me you don't even know what the
Bible says. You're trying to just throw out something because you're too lazy or intellectually dishonest to actually read the text and find out what does
Christianity teach. If I wasn't forgiven, I would be on a lifelong quest to figure out forgiveness, whether I started with Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Muhammadism, whatever it is,
I'd have to find out. And I'm telling you what the Scriptures say. The reason
Jesus had to come is because mankind had fallen and they were sinful and they could not rescue themselves.
Heaven's not homophobic. Heaven's holy. Holy, holy, holy.
Worthy is the lamb who was slain. God's holy. God's heaven is holy.
The abode of God is holy. And you're not. I'm not holy either,
I know. But because of what God has done, I look to the one who grants holiness freely.
And so my sins, paid for by Jesus on the cross, holy wrath of God poured out on Jesus.
He intercepted my wrath, even though I earned it, I deserved it. I regularly say
God isn't like us when it comes to forgiveness. Somebody sins against me, I just say, I forgive you.
But that's, God can't do that. He's the just judge of the universe. For him to say, well, the law's been broken, but I'll just ignore it.
When I was younger, my mother and father, I was born out of wedlock.
They decided to get married once they found out my mother was pregnant. And then dad worked for the phone company, mom worked for Mutual of Omaha.
Not Wild Kingdom, but Mutual of Omaha. And I went to grandma and grandpa's house on 64th
Street. They lived up the hill, Carl and Nona Anderson. And then the other days of the week, every other day
I'd go to 65th Street to go to grandma and grandpa Avendroth's, Henry and Erna.
Hedvig was her name, but she went by Erna. And so I'd go there. And of course, kids know who's gonna spank and who's not.
My dad spanked and I was afraid of him. Not because he spanked, but I was afraid of punishment.
And so grandma would say all the time, Grandma Nona, because Carl, my grandfather up the hill,
Anderson, he was too drunk to care. So he just let me do whatever I wanted. But grandma would always say, if you don't obey,
I'm gonna take that yardstick, that yellow yardstick that I keep up against the wall over there, and I'm gonna spank you.
And so she said it so many times. Finally, I went over and broke it over my knee and gave it to her and she still didn't spank me.
That's pretty amazing. Still didn't spank me. I earned her displeasure, of course. And I can't remember, but dad probably spanked me when he heard about it.
Friends, Mike Abendroth here, No Compromise Radio, WVNE, last
Friday. Don't fall prey to this thinking that the cross isn't enough, that Jesus isn't the only way.
Don't fall for the exclusive cross preached by Desmond Tutu.
Did I say exclusive? I meant inclusive. The cross is exclusive. See, I was trying to do the opposites.
The cross is the only way. And it may sound foolish to you that what you believe about a
Jewish man who was crucified 2 ,000 years ago determines your eternal destiny, but that's the way of the world.
That's the way God has ordained it. I think in your own conscience, you know that you're sinful and you'd like to be forgiven.
I think you know that there's a God who creates everything. Whenever I think about childbirth, for instance,
I just think how amazing God is to do all these things, to have a child, to be born, and then everything else.
How does a baby breathe inside a womb? How long did evolution figure that out before it instituted itself?
I think the entire human race would have died out first before it was even figured out.
It takes too long. But anyway, we come up with convenient things, don't we, to just mask sin.
We want to kill babies because we want sexual freedom. That just shows you how warped a mind will be.
I want to have so much sexual freedom that I'll even kill a baby for it. That tells you the warped mind that we have, perverse, twisted, to use the
Hebrew language, of iniquity. It's twisted. So is there any help?
Is there anyone who cares? Is there anyone who does the right thing? See, that's why Jesus cloaked himself with humanity.
He was fully man. The incarnation of Jesus Christ solves, along with the cross, so many problems.
The just man, the good man, the holy man, the tempted man but never succumbing to the temptations.
And he perfectly lived according to God's righteous laws. And since he was
God, since he is God, he has an infinite amount of righteousness to give to people, to all those who would ever look to him, whether your sins are sexual, your sins are regarding jealousy, envy, slander, or anything else.
So my name's Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio, talking today a little bit about Desmond Tutu. I pray,
Lord, that you would save Desmond Tutu, save him from this kind of thinking and ultimately from himself and ultimately from his sin and your wrath.
He needs that. I don't want him to go to hell. I think this whole homophobic thing is just completely ridiculous because if I disagree with someone and their lifestyle, now, therefore,
I'm afraid of them, now, therefore, I hate them, now, therefore, they have to hate me. You wanna know if there's spiritual warfare going on, you can see the underlying warfare going on with this very issue.
Mike Abendroth here, WVNE 760, last Friday show. You can listen to us, NoCompromiseRadio .com,
Facebook, iTunes, TuneIn, Worldview Weekend, and who knows what else you could do. You can go to NoCo90 .com
to listen to the YouTube ones as well. If you'd like to write us, it's info at NoCompromiseRadio .com. If you wanna write the staff and management at WVNE, I guess you gotta look it up.
Mike Abendroth, good to be with you. Thanks again for VNE and their faithful ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ here in Worcester.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.