Pornstar Conversions, Uri Brito's Anon Rule, and Advice for Anons

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All right, everybody. Let's get started for today this week. We are not doing any
Ligon Duncan content. That's right You know, there's always new people to the channel and they are they always express surprise that we do
You know seven part eight part videos on On one one hour podcast and hey, man, that's just how we do it here
You know what? I mean some people like it some people don't a lot of people get sick of it after a while But that's just how we do it.
You know, I've got a lot to say a lot to say Anyway, I used to I've been watching some old content recently of my own which is again totally normal That's totally normal behavior to watch your own content and I used to do like three or four part series
You know, that was kind of my thing, you know, I'd do three or four parts now. I'm up to like eight parts That's like my big thing.
So We will I guess I guess yeah The Ligon Duncan one was eight parts because I actually redid a whole section again because it was just that good
At least that's my that's what I tell myself In any case, you know, here's the thing
There's a there's white pills everywhere. If you just are ready to see them There's just white pills all over the place white pills for you white pills for me white pills for your friend
Everywhere and I got white pilled really hard yesterday and I can't the problem with this white pill
Oh, well, there's actually three white pills that I got yesterday The problem is I can't say anything about them, but they're very very good and they're gonna be public at some point
But man, I got so many white pills yesterday. I heard I heard some things I heard things that are happening things that are going on, you know, and they're gonna be
I think for the most part I'm pretty sure that at least two of the three will be public pretty soon
But we will see white pills all around man. We're all gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.
I'm gonna be okay Evangelicalism is pretty much everyone in Big Eva. We're all gonna be okay.
That's the bottom line, you know I got a lot of confidence in that kind of thing But you know with all the white pills that we have, you know, there's also there's also black pills
And for me in my life one of the big biggest black pills is the New York Mets man It's just I'm just way too black pills on them
You know on Monday we played the Braves which are one of the best teams in the league and we beat them You know, we beat them and actually we held on in the end even though our backup closer just was throwing meatball after meatball
They not a single ball was softly hit They were all sharply hit up to almost home runs and somehow we held on to win
So that was that was nice and then yesterday we're down in the ninth and we score two runs in the ninth almost tying it
I mean, they're trying to win me back. But yeah, I'm way too black pilled on the Mets You know what? I mean? We we signed
JD Martinez and he didn't you know, he didn't play in the first the first series and and the story was well
You do he hasn't really seen live pitching. We got to ease him in. I knew that was nonsense I knew it was complete nonsense a professional hitter doesn't need to be eased in to the lineup and it turns out today
He's got lower back tightness. Who knows when he's gonna come. So yeah, I'm on black pills. I've seen this story too many times
Anyway, you don't come here to talk about the Mets and my black pilledness you come here to talk about Christian stuff.
So we're gonna talk about Christian stuff. I wanted to say this There's this this lady here
Who I assume is a porn star or at least used to be and now she's saying she's a Christian And there's a lot of debate about whether you should accept her profession of faith or trust her or you know
You know things like that and I wanted to read this This post here by controlled neo.
I have no idea who controlled neo is You know, I I'm not sure that he didn't sound like he's a
Christian the way he wrote it But I'm gonna read it because I think there is some truth here. There definitely is some truth here now
You might think that that's weird based on what you know about me and how I take baptisms and professions of faith very seriously
But here's what controlled neo says he says Christians believe that this woman can truly be saved the naivete of Christian conservative
Christians is driving more people towards atheism and Islam the same naivete that is making your society crumble
Quote accept everything and fall for anything now
I Don't agree in principle that this woman because she used to be a porn star is
Can't be truly saved. That's obviously not correct That's not correct in Islam.
That's not correct in In in well, I guess it could be in atheism because nobody can be saved in atheism
But that's not correct in Christianity. Of course, of course this woman can truly be saved
We understand that God has turned our own hearts of stone into hearts of flesh regardless of our backgrounds regardless of our situations
So that's not correct. I can't agree with the tweet obviously because it's just not the case right that being said
Control neo here is actually on to something in my opinion the the naivete of Conservative Christians there is a problem with that that because here's the thing like like it's one thing to say
Oh, man, that's wonderful. God save this woman. You know, I was the other day. I was I was I was excited because God the the the the king of reggaeton decided to leave reggaeton to become a
Christian and daddy Yankee, yeah, daddy Yankee and That's exciting stuff, man
It's very awesome to see God save sinners and people, you know, you know recognize their sinful past and and turn from their sins that's exciting and you know
The reason why it's exciting to Christians is because you know Most of us were in that position and some of us sinned more some of us in less
But we all have turned from our sins at some point So that's exciting and you know
We know the angels in heaven rejoice and we can rejoice with them and all that kind of stuff Wonderful, but here's where the naivete comes in Because often and I think this happens too often
I don't know if it's happening in this case because I know nothing about this story. I don't know about this woman I didn't see her conversion
Episode whatever she did. I don't know obviously people know about it. So it's she's must have done some kind of podcast or something
I don't know anything about it. So I'm not making a opinion on this but Too often though We we get a new convert or someone, you know young who's young to the faith and then we put them in this spotlight and we kind of like we
We entrust them too much. I guess is what I'm trying to say, right? We entrust them too much and You know, you would never do that with a child, right?
You know a child learns how to play baseball You don't put him in the major leagues obviously, right you be because he's not ready for that, you know
And that's it makes sense with a kid But we also got to understand that there are some people that are young in the faith and that doesn't mean that there's no place
For for for that person who converted like let's just say you had a man and he converted from a life of porn, right?
he was a porn star and So he could be a pastor You don't put him in a position like that to be teaching and to be a role model for people immediately
You you you over time you let him earn it and things like that And so the thing about grace is that it doesn't erase like common sense, right?
This is the this is the point like like yes, God has grace on anyone he wants but there is of course, there's still a time of of Testing and learning and growing and discipleship and all of this kind of stuff
Not everyone needs to be put in a position like that. You know, you need to take some time This is very true, especially with with converts from other religions, right?
You get a convert from another religion and then instantly he's thrown into apologetics Against that religion.
Probably not such a good idea Probably not the greatest idea. And so so yeah,
I think that that controlled neo here. He's not right Of course, I can't agree with him, but he's on to something.
There is a naivete that we need to Understand and and you know, there's so many different examples that you could use right you get a
Convicted child molester or something like that No matter what never ever ever should you have him in the position of teaching
Sunday school the kids? never Never, you know what I mean?
You can't be that naive not to say that he's not saved not to say he's not doesn't have a changed heart But grace doesn't erase
Common sense it doesn't so anyway, that's my opinion on Controlled neo here talking about this person.
All right, so let's let's go to the main event here because Yuri, Brito, you know, he's the presiding minister of the
CREC all -around great Twitter feed I don't know him personally, but I I know of him from his
Twitter feed, which is fantastic. It's a great Twitter feed There's so much biblical wisdom to be had there's so many white pill if you're if you're starving for white pills follow
Yuri Brito because he's got white pills for days right just a great dude and Well great
Twitter feed because again, I don't know the dude I but I've heard a lot of good things about him I've heard he's a great dude So I'm gonna from people
I trust so I'm gonna go ahead and pass that along. I've heard this guy's wonderful and Read some of his writing and it's usually really good and again white pills for days
He even wears the collar which I personally very much appreciate. I love it. I love it
And so I just wanted to start there because you know, I want everyone to know that I think
Yuri is a good guy I think he's one of the good guys. He's on the right team. You know, he's a fighter the other thing about Yuri that's good is
He's not like a you know constant tone policer, you know what I mean, I don't know if he's ever tone policed
But that's yeah, that's beyond the scope of what I'm saying here, but he's not a consistent one
I know that for a fact So if he says something that kind of strikes you as tone policing in my opinion
You should take it a little more seriously, right? Because because he's not one of these guys that always is like, oh my goodness your tone
You know like those people you can just kind of reject their opinion immediately out of hand You know what? I mean?
Because anything beyond Ned Flanders is too much tone for them Anyway, but by the way before I get into Yuri, Ned Flanders is not as bad as I remembered him
I watched a few episodes of The Simpsons recently, you know over the course of the last few months I've maybe watched a couple seasons of it and Ned is a lot better than I thought he was.
I remember that I remember him being he's actually pretty cool I think he's got a he's got a rumpus room for goodness sake drinking beers with Homer.
I mean solid dude solid dude Ned Flanders man. Good guy. I'm sorry. No more
Ned Flanders slander. Ned Flanders slander Yeah, yeah, no more fun. No more slandering
Ned Flandering. All right, let's get into it So here's the tweet that I want to I want to I want to provide a counterpoint, too
So Yuri posts something about I don't know anti -semitism or Nick Fuentes or something.
I don't know I didn't read it, but that's okay And so then we got an
Anon army member a key member of the Anon army He goes by Dark Lord Riven lone bulwark member
He says hello pastor Brito. I wrote this thread in response to you your post about Nick Fuentes yesterday
I'm hoping to advance the dialogue around this issue so we can start identifying where to fight our battles.
Please. Give it a read that's what he said and he retweets his his thread about Nick Fuentes and Yuri responds and he says thanks
I'd love to interact as I mentioned in my other threads my only requirement for engaging anonymous accounts is that you private message me with your
Identity and give me the name of your church slash pastor. I will keep your identity confidential from the public that's what
Yuri says and the Anon army took Big issue with this and also the non -anon army has taken a big issue with this
They say that this is a ridiculous requirement This is insane and I saw a lot of people going way too far with the criticism of Yuri Brito But you know, whatever.
I mean, this is Twitter, right? Who cares? But but but overall this was not received very positively which of course it wasn't but but I wanted to interact with this requirement because I I Actually agree to some degree with what
Yuri is doing here But I don't agree entirely because I'm very pro Anon army
So here's a couple things that I thought of when when I read this. So number one
It is totally fine and totally acceptable for you to have certain Guidelines that you kind of abide by when you're engaging on Twitter You know and it seems like one of Yuri's is that if you're an anonymous account and you want to talk about a very contentious issue
Because he says in another tweet like, you know, I engage sometimes with smaller issues, but with bigger ones, you know
This is my requirement You need to private message me your pastors name and your your name and stuff like that And so You know, that's one of his rules, right?
That's one of his rules and there's nothing wrong with having a rule like that for yourself I have a rule like that. It's not about a non accounts, but it's really about any account, right?
Like my rule is I don't typically respond to literally anyone that's antagonistic
More than once on Twitter It's just a rule that I abide by I don't make a big deal of it
I've never posted about this rule But it's just a general guideline that I do you might be able to go back and find examples where maybe
I respond twice Or maybe I respond three times when it's when it suits me But as a rule if someone's, you know gonna respond in a non
In an antagonistic way. I don't typically respond at all. And if I do it's usually never more than once And the reason
I have that rule by the way is I don't think that rule should apply to everybody I don't think it's like a moral thing or a very serious thing for me.
It's just because I respect my own time You know what? I mean? I don't have time for that. I don't have time to go back and forth on text
I personally would rather devote that time to to a phone call or a video call and I've even told some people
Hey, look, you know, I'm not gonna talk about this on Twitter But I'd be glad to take a few minutes and chat with you over the phone
It's easier to chat over the phone and nine times out of ten, you know No, they don't really want to devote that kind of time to it.
And so that's totally fine. I'm okay with that I don't want to devote time to writing out tweets. So there you go
So it's good to have these kind of rules and I think in the anonymous case I can I can certainly understand why
Yuri would Would want the other person to have some skin in the game in order to talk
I can understand that to a certain degree So I don't think this is like a terrible Policy for an individual to have you know, one of the things
Yuri says is that he respects his own time He's busy the presiding minister of the CREC.
And so, you know, this is kind of part of why he has this rule in place, right? So I have a problem with that Yuri is completely off the hook in my opinion when it comes to a personal rule on how you engage in Twitter I've got my own rules
That being said I do think that this is a bad policy in general I think that if everyone takes this policy, that is a big mistake a big mistake
Because here's the thing. It's bad out there It's really bad out there and I'm really white -pilled on everything in the church for the most part
But but in this case, this is a this is not it's it's it's not a small issue that we have out there because here
Here's the problem that we have Yuri Brito is the presiding minister of the
CREC which in my opinion is better as an institution than many churches out there
But many churches out there are not as good as the CREC, right? And so you could get
Excommunicated from your church for very minor Offenses that aren't even really offenses, right?
So like if you ask the question man, why does a rabbi own Pornhub?
Well, how does that comport with his worldview? How does that what does the Talmud say about this if you even say that kind of stuff, right?
And you have opinions on that of course But you're asking those questions publicly because you're looking for people to give that you their takes as well
That's enough in most cases to be excommunicated, right? You didn't even say anything wrong.
You just said This is why people do that where they're just asking questions I think I find that so annoying and I find it very a very weird way to argue in my opinion although I've done it before at times and So you can say hey, you're a hypocrite, but you know a lot of times when
I do it I'm really I'm literally asking I really don't know. You know what I mean? I'm trying to kick something around I've got some opinions, but I really am an ignorant.
I'm ignorant in some of those areas So the thing is like this this this presenting this as a personal rule
I got no problem with that but what ends up happening with a guy in Yuri's position is people take this as like a
Moral claim right or an ethical standard that everyone should follow And I think it's a it's a mistake if people take it that way, you know what
I mean? I don't know that Yuri's presenting it that way but because of his standing and because he's decided to go public with this rule a lot of people do take it that way and If everyone takes it this way that's gonna be a disaster a complete disaster because if there's one area where I think we need the wisdom of an of an of an elder in the church a
Respected elder someone that we respect his opinions and we respect his takes and we respect his reasoning
If there's any area that needs some of that it's this area It's really this area and they need some interaction.
They need some pushback. They need some Conversations like that that that that episode of Doug Wilson with with oh my goodness,
Andrew Andrew Isker That was that was so helpful because you could see sort of you know
The pushback from someone who's also thoughtful on this Who's out there asking the right questions in some people's mind?
And then the responses to it. It's very easy to see. Hmm Yeah, you know maybe
Andrew's on to something or maybe he isn't or whatever it is like it's so helpful Right.
So so I I think that there are completely legitimate reasons why someone would
Be a non and have these kinds of things to say That that should not require you to be like, well, you got to reveal yourself
You have to really yourself and give me your pastors an email address and all this kind of stuff Like that's I think that's completely
Wrong if you did it in aggregate, right totally fine for an individual to have a rule like that but if everyone takes that as the standard that's gonna be a disaster because then you're gonna have a
Situation where these important big issues and URI I think says this in another tweet like this is a big one, right and smaller ones
Yeah, sure. I'll interact with the nons, but in bigger ones, here's my requirement. Send me your pastor's name These are the big issues, right?
And so if if we don't have you know wise, you know people with with you know
With with with with with a little bit of a temperate nature That's gonna be what's gonna happen is those conversations are still gonna happen
They're still gonna be kicked around but they're gonna be kicked around without the influence of a wise elder or counterpoint
That's a big problem. That's a big problem in my opinion And again, I'm not saying that URI is not addressing this because obviously he wrote tweets about this
But but the interaction is really the key. That's where people can really understand things and kind of you know
Form their opinions because they see the interaction and the weaknesses and the strengths and all that kind of stuff
That's the real key and so that's that's that I totally understand why some people are anonymous because the the infractions that you
Can allegedly engage in that can get you X communicated are are there's so many of them
It's a minefield out there And so I think these conversations need to be have should be had and they should be had with people that maybe oppose the
Anon army from a position of Wisdom and reasonableness and all that so that that the conversation starved for that right now.
It's starved in my opinion I for one would love to see more of it. So that's that's that One thing
I will say though is that and my position on this has not changed I've changed certain positions, but this one has not changed if you're in a non -person
In you and it's at all possible at all possible for you to be Public and have your name on your stuff do it
Absolutely do it if you can and and there's always a little risk involved So I'm not saying if you know, wait until there's no risk involved to put your name on something
There's always a little bit of risk at least But if it's possible in your situation only, you know your circumstances
I recommend putting your name on it That's that's we need more of that as much of that as possible
And don't wait until there's no risk because that's never gonna happen. But you've got to do your own calculations
Here's something else. I will say here's something else. I will say I do think that your pastor
Should know about your your positions should know about your your interactions or public interactions
I think you should have a pastor looking over your shoulder and You know, I think that you know
I'm not gonna tell you what to do But but you should your pastor should know what you're saying and what you're doing and what you're thinking and what you're that's a that's
That should be the case. It's not so much so that URI can like reach out to them or whatever But it's it's for your own good.
It's for your own soul So again, you know, you have to you have to know your own situation, right? And again,
I understand there a lot of churches out there They they will they will kick you out for very minor things, right?
But but I think you need to figure that one out You know what? I mean you need to find a situation where that would not be the case and you'd have a pastor who you trust
Because what that reveals if yet if that's your situation your pastor can't know about your online activity
I'm not so really so concerned about you know Your your your your personal online activity because I'm assuming you go to God with that stuff but the thing is if your pastor can't know that then you don't trust your pastor and So if you don't trust your pastor
Who's watching out for for your soul? Who's taking care of your soul? You got it to be able to trust your pastor.
And so I'm not saying Go and tell your pastor immediately about your your
Dark Lord Raven account so he can watch it If you don't trust him, I'm not saying, you know, don't
Don't put your name on there immediately without considering for the consequences if you don't trust him But what
I am saying is you need to figure yourself out here. You need to find a pastor you trust and whether that means you have to you know move or Change churches or whatever it is.
Like you've got to find someone that you trust that will call you out That's the thing. It can't just be a pastor that is going to affirm you and everything can't be like that It does have to be someone that's willing to call you out because if you don't have that and you have no one in your
Life that can that's an authority spiritual authority over you that you can trust. That's a big problem
That's a big problem. I'll say for my piece, you know I do have pastors who at least occasionally monitor my social media account and I have had
Confrontations and when I say confrontations that sounds so negative But I have had them reach out to me with Concerns about something that I said or position that I hold and things like that.
And so that is a very big blessing That I don't enjoy those conversations necessarily
But they're so necessary and they help me to trust my pastors more because they care enough about my soul
To say hey, man, what about this? You know what I mean? Look at this.
I'm not understanding this. I'm not understanding this tone. I'm not understanding this or that like that's so Beneficial man, it is so Beneficial and that doesn't mean
I have to agree with them But what it does mean is that they care and that they want to work
They want me to you know to watch over myself, but they want to watch over me as well
They want to work towards a situation where we're all kind of marching towards Holiness and marching towards righteousness and all of these things.
It's such a benefit. And so if you don't have that You need to go you need to get that You need to get that because we can't just go
I saw a really good tweet Let me see if I can find it real quick. Hold on. Here it is. It's from Anthony Deal, he's coach
Anthony. He's in the hospital. I think right now or at least he was recently pray for him Anyway, he says a weak man blames his circumstances a man of character takes personal responsibility
This is this is very important. I think and it applies to this situation with the non accounts, right?
Who you know, they feel like they're kind of in a situation where they're trapped their pastors is is is, you know
Doesn't understand they don't trust him. You know, he can't know about this account things like that, right? I'm not saying you're weak, right?
But what you need to do though is Consider your circumstances and find a better situation
Because here's the thing like, you know If you don't trust your pastor that is a problem in way more areas than just your anon account
The anon account in my opinion is probably the least of your worries if you don't trust your pastor
That's the you've got to consider your whole life, right? You got to consider your children as well.
If you don't trust your pastor, that is a problem for your whole family If you don't trust your pastor within an anon account
That is a problem for your whole family and I'm not saying you have to go public either that again I'm trying
I'm trying to be as Generous as possible. You may never have to go public, but you do need people watching out for your soul
That that is you need that. I don't care who you are. You need it and So understand your circumstances.
That's what I said here. You know, it's very important to understand your circumstances but the trap is that you blame your circumstances for your situation and You got it.
You got to take some action as my it's my point. So all that to say Yuri, Brito, I I mean
I agree in general with his Ability to kind of regulate his own social social media
Interaction I don't think it's a good standard in general I think someone is going to have to engage these anon people about these kinds of issues
And someone should do it from a position of a you know Trust and and reasonableness someone with basically the character of Yuri someone with Yuri's Attributes needs to address this kind of thing
It doesn't have to be Yuri, but it has to be someone because the conversations are going to be had regardless they're always going to be had and I think personally in my opinion we could really use some of the elder statesmen types to to engage it seriously without Just throwing pejoratives out there.
You know to me without just saying oh, it's just envy that it's just all envy Like honestly, I don't think that's helpful at all.
I don't think it's helpful at all It's just it's too easy to say and you don't really even need to have any evidence and you just throw it out there
Right. I think it needs to be engaged much more seriously than that And I'm personally, you know pretty much every online, you know pastor who puts out content puts out that content
You know, obviously primarily for their own local church, but also for the church at large the church at large man
Desperately needs this they're starving for this kind of interaction like like like the
Christian nationalism stuff is one thing You know you get Stephen to write a book and that's helpful in certain ways
But what would be most helpful is to get serious interaction and there has been some
Most of it has been complete clown shoes and that's not helpful at all Except for you know, we get a good laugh out of it and everyone enjoys a good laugh but serious interaction where they're actually seriously taking these arguments and seriously responding and Disagreeing and things like that.
That's the most helpful thing so That's my take here.
That's my my counterpoint Hope you found this video helpful All right, all right,
I know this I know I had finished the episode but right when I finished I saw this tweet from Joe Zaza and he's
Joe the Joe Zaza on on Twitter and Yeah, this is this is essentially the point it puts a very fine and easy and concise point on what
I was trying to say So I wanted to read it because I give Joe Zaza all the credit here for saying this in one sentence
Here's uh, here's what he says. He says There is plenty of historical precedent for when in certain speech climate situations
Pseudonymous writing is appropriate even necessary for the author Rito and anyone else are free to set their own parameters for engagement, but they are in effect self -limiting
This is exactly right Exactly, right. This is the whole point, right?
Because you know in history you read all all throughout history people write
Books or pamphlets or articles without putting their name on it because of certain circumstances
So they say here's what I'm gonna do My circumstances are not such that I'm gonna put my name on this
But this needs to be engaged with right that happens throughout history and and a lot of our Favorite works were written in that way and so we can all understand why so again
I think people should be public if they can be if they can't be they should try to find a way so they could be
Public but if they don't want to do that, or if they can't do that for some reason I don't know your circumstances. Everybody's circumstances are different Then don't and put it out there, right?
And again Yuri he can do whatever he wants personally, no problem But this is the this is the problem for everyone else, right?
Everyone does this it's a problem for everybody because you're and What we need right now are serious thoughtful people like Yuri to engage this and if Yuri doesn't want to do it
He's limiting himself and he's limiting his own impact in this particular area And that's a judgment call that he has to make
But eventually someone is going to have to deal with some of this stuff Someone is going to have to you can't just say oh, that's that's that's that's fringe
And I just want to ignore it forever because eventually it's gonna go away. That's typically not how it works and Without the wisdom of people like this.
It's going to get even more Crazy, if that's what you think it is, it's gonna get you know, worse and worse and worse from your perspective
The conversations are going to be had but they're going to be had without you And I personally think guys like Yuri have a lot to offer for this conversation guys like Doug Have a lot more to offer on this situation than you know
What I saw with the with the end risk or conversation in my opinion in my opinion Some people might have really liked what he had to say
I thought there were certain parts that were okay in certain parts that just were not helpful in any way so This is the point right you can do whatever you want and no one's gonna be upset with you
But you're just limiting your your own impact which for my money is very valuable
Very valuable every single person who writes a stupid brain -dead article about Stephen Wolfe's book saying he's a racist kinnest
You know evil Nazi, whatever every single person who does that all they do is
Is hurt their own cause because all we do is laugh at that. We laugh at it.
We think it's so funny We make memes about it and you should see our private conversations because the memes are even better But in there, it's just a joke.
It's a joke Everyone when you do stupid stuff like that like Owen Strawn Has done nothing but hurt the conversation in the church, right?
He doesn't hurt us because I don't we laugh at him We don't even take him seriously anymore And that's a problem too because I'm sure
Owen has some good things to say at this point I don't even take him seriously at all in any context no matter what
I Dismiss him out of hand and he did that to himself So that's the thing like if you think you have something important to say then take it seriously
Take it seriously be as reasonable as you can do the do the cross -politic thing where they you know, they're generous
That's what that's that's what would be helpful. I think And look again, you don't have to do anything
But as a rule the the Anons will be responded to It's as simple as that and it'll be responded to either without your wisdom
Or with it, I Think I know what the better choice is, but it's that's that's for me to just that's me.