Daniel 9:1-19 | Prayer For Deliverance


Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach through the book of Daniel. You can join live on Wednesdays at noon.


And I let you take a seat and open us in prayer Lord we do lift up Israel God that you would just be with those who have lost loved ones.
We pray that You would comfort them with your love Lord and especially in the gospel that somehow they would hear now the gospel of Jesus Christ Lord we pray for Christians in Palestine as well in the
Gaza Strip Lord We know that there are many there that were not part of this this horrible
Atrocity God and we we do also pray that Israel would be able to bring to justice those who perpetrated this
Lord guard the soldiers as They are going to be in harm's way
Lord we pray that you would just bring Ultimately after this this war
Lord peace to Jerusalem God so we we do pray for them Lord and our hearts are just aggrieved for what's happening
Lord we pray that other fronts would not open that Hezbollah would be restrained that Pakistan Iraq and Iran would would hold at bay
Lord and that Israel would not be attacked from multiple fronts We pray for that in Jesus name and now
Lord we pray for our brother John here as he opens the text of Daniel 9 To us today. We pray that you would lead him in your word in Jesus name.
Amen Prayer for deliverance, that's what we're going to be. We're in the first 19 verses of Daniel 9
And my opening banner Daniel's praying to God and that's what's happening here.
Daniel is praying to God And he's recognizing that God in his sovereignty has already promised to deliver his people
And so Daniel is going to open up his heart in prayer
In response to God's actual directions for deliverance for his people if Richard if you would give me the first two verses
Daniel 9 Okay in the first year of Darius the son of Asiris of the lineage of the
Medes Who has made who was made king over the realm of the
Chaldeans in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by the books
The number of the Years specified by the
Word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet That he would accomplish
Seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem Give me Daniel 5 30 to 31 ready
So they just to set ourselves where we are. We're in the last half of the book of Daniel.
We've shifted from Accounts of how the
Kings Nebuchadnezzar of Shazar Perceived what was going on and visions dreams troublesome and how
Daniel and Hananiah Azariah and No Thank you as those four
Presented with the opportunities to have perhaps an easier life perhaps to avoid difficulty by just compromising a little bit and they don't and How God's in his sovereignty
Delivers these four young men and how God and his sovereignty is going to predict what's going to happen
To the to the nation of Babylon and how God in his sovereignty makes all this stuff true
So God in his sovereignty is true second half now Shift out into a future
As Jeff mentioned last week as we shifted from seven into eight
We shifted in language The first seven chapters are in Aramaic and the last five chapters are in Hebrew Anybody remember why?
The first seven chapters are Gentile nation centric in what they have to teach the last five chapters
Are Israel centric in what they have to teach? Aramaic would have been the language that would have been used to speak to and about the
Gentile nations Hebrew The Israel so we're in chapter nine. We're in the Hebrew section of the section of future prophecy
But the nation of Israel is and remains in captivity at this point in time we know that the original sieges by the
By the Assyrians was unsuccessful Because the
Shekinah glory was still in the temple We know that things went very very bad Shekinah glory leaves the temple the doors open and now
God uses the Chaldeans the Babylonians and They lay siege and the nation goes into captivity.
It actually happens in various waves Daniel goes More like 605
BC and the final fall of Jerusalem is 586 BC But but the nation is in captivity and so Daniel is there
I mean Daniel 530 this is the end of the of the account of Belshazzar Good that very night
Belshazzar the Chaldean King was killed And Darius the Mede received the kingdom being about 62 years old.
There is no historical record of Emperor king over the
Medes the Medo -Persians by the name of Darius Not there
Is the Bible wrong I asked
I didn't say what's happening here is is Darius is not the ruler over the
Persian media. He is not But he has been appointed to be the set -trap to be the governor to be the ruler over the
Chaldean realm It's very possible
It's very possible because you're going to go eventually from from Darius to Cyrus and he shows up in Ezra chapter 1
God moves to him to to enact what's actually been his prophecy in the first place, but Darius the
Mede it says he received the kingdom. He didn't conquer the kingdom He he receives the kingdom, but again, remember why is he in charge?
Why is he in rule over? What was the Babylonian realm? Why is he there in the first place?
What's the average Sunday school answer to that question? God God God puts him there.
He is there for a reason but right now under the realm of Darius Daniel is motivated
It says here almost With emphasis to pursue the books of the word and to see what is there now
Daniel has already by the way at this point in time Daniel is in his 60s
Okay, probably if he was a young teenager at the time of being brought into the
Babylonian Empire Being in front of Nebuchadnezzar and the time that Nebuchadnezzar reigned there was some people in between We had
Belshazzar and now we have Darius the Mede He's in his 60s.
He's not young anymore But at this point in time he is motivated
To pursue the Word of God now some of the things that Daniel has seen and has perhaps been part of his
Motivation is one he has seen how the how God's hand has worked so specifically
What's that handwriting? Many many Thank you. Thank you
He's my He's my encyclopedia He's everybody's
Today your your life will come You're like you are going to die today and he died that very night and so Daniel has seen
At this point time in very recent in his life In very stark evidence the sovereignty of God when
God speaks it's going to happen And then in Daniel 8 give me
Daniel 8 if you would Joe right? Yeah, Daniel 8 18 and 19, please
Daniel 8 and 18 and 19. Oh my god Climb your ear and hear open your eyes and see our desolations and the city that is called by your name
For we do not present our pleas before you because of our rights. Is that 8? No 8 chapter 8
Yeah Tricky and when he had spoken to me I fell into a deep sleep
With my face to the ground, but he touched me and made me stand up He said behold
I will make known to you. What shall be at the latter end of the Indignation for it refers to the appointed time of the end
Daniel is given at this at this Discussion of what's going on now.
This was again in the reign of That one's in the reign of Belshazzar he is he's given an indication start looking ahead start looking ahead
And so he sees God's sovereignty and now there's a focus for the government covenant people that got to start speaking because there's an end
Of the time that you need to consider and so we we need to realize it says in the first year of Darius the son of Esra's by descending me who was made king over the realm of the
Chaldeans the first year of his reign I Daniel perceived in the books the number of years that According to the
Word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet must pass before the end of desolations of Jerusalem Maybe namely 70 years
There's a promise that God has made and it has it has the threat of this promise has gone
All the way from from the book of Exodus all the way up until up until this point in time
Exodus 23 John, I'm going to ask if you would get that out and then
Leviticus 26 Candy notice. I got that one right this time Leviticus 26 34 to 35 and then
I'll speak to the others. Give me Exodus If you would Exodus 23 10
For six years you shall sow your land and gather in its yield
But the seventh year you shall let it rest and my fathom That the poor of your people may eat and what they leave the beasts of the field may eat
You shall do likewise with your vineyards and your olive orchard This is a this is
Instruction as the people in the wilderness about to go into the promised land And when they're in the promised land a land flowing with milk and honey, they're going to be cared for quite well
And it's six years in six years there to do all that they need to do and so in the seventh year
They're gonna follow very very similar in a lot of ways to While they were in the wilderness, how did
God feed his people? Sixties Why not
It'll rot but it didn't rot on the seventh No, and and God's God's provision that the the
Sabbath was to be a day holy unto the Lord They weren't supposed to be having to do that and God's provision.
Well, he's singing for the land I want you to plant it for six years and Then let it go for seventh and he would provide for them during that seventh year.
If only they would listen. Yeah Yeah Deuteronomy 11 is if you obey that we've blessings and plenty
Deuteronomy 11 26 Blessings if you obey and it moves on but curses if you do not
And so this command to give the land rest every seven years Is part of his covenant promise and his command to the people and the people became very
Disobedient and falling against God and so the reality that is if you disobey there will be curses
Starts to become more and more evident as we look at Habakkuk Where he says I'm going to raise the
Chaldeans that hasty and terrible nation And and you are going to be under punishment
Oh, by the way, because you broke my land Leviticus 26, but I get that to you every death
Then the land shall enjoy its sacks as long as it lies desolate While you are in your enemies land, then the land shall rest and enjoy its sacks
As long as it lies desolate it shall have rest the rest that it did not have on your sacks
When you were going in it 490 years the people did not do what they were supposed to do and dividing that by seven
It comes out to 70 years God is going to give the land its rest that it should have been accumulating all along and he's going to give its 70 years of rest
It's going to enjoy it while you are in Captivity and so right coming back from Exodus now all the way as we're moving into Leviticus What is going to happen?
He is predicting that the land is going to get 70 years of rest And it comes back down to the
Deuteronomy 11 if curses if you don't obey Jeremiah 25 Joe I'm going to ask if you would get that and then
Jeremiah 29 Carol if you would get that Jeremiah 25 11 and 12 This is direct reference back to in the first year of his reign
I Daniel perceived in the books the number of years Accointed to the Word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet go ahead
This entire land will become a desolate wasteland Israel and the neighboring land will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years
You want to call Keep going then after the 70 years of captivity are over I will punish the king of Babylon and his people for their sin this
Okay This goes back to the teachings that Jeff has that God Raises kings and he uses them for his purpose even wicked kings are being used for his purpose
But those wicked kings are going to be judged for what they do I have to believe
That in the sovereignty of God Hamas and Hezbollah Palestine They're not they're not doing this completely on their own.
This is still God's sovereignty Now why he's choosing to punish
Israel in this way I am NOT going to go down and I don't have an answer to that But I still have a sovereign
God But I do believe along with the promise in Jeremiah 2512 that his
Hezbollah Hamas Palestine, they are going to be judged for their wicked deeds.
There is no denying of that Jeremiah 29 10 This is what the
Lord says you will be in Babylon for 70 years But then I will come and do for you all the good things
I have promised and I will bring you home again. Wouldn't that be amazing? Here's Daniel now who has gone through Maybe 62 he was maybe 15.
That's what 40 47 years he's been under the domain of Babylon and now the
Medes And he's he's motivated to go to the scrolls go to the
Word of God and see Isn't this supposed and for to read these words when 70 years are complete?
I will visit and fulfill all of my good words The excitement that there had to have been in Daniel at that point in time recognizing that now he's going to actually
There are there are instructions in 2nd Chronicles and he's going to follow these instructions
For For what he should be doing with this new information I'm going to ask if you would read 2nd
Chronicles 7 11 to 22, please Thus Solomon finished the house of the
Lord and the king's house All that Solomon had planned to do in the house of the
Lord and in his own house. He successfully accomplished Then the
Lord appeared to Solomon and said to him I've heard your prayer and have chosen this place for my place for myself as a house of sacrifice
When I step to heaven so that there is no rain or command the locusts to devour lambs
Or send pestilence among my people if my people all by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then
I will hear from heaven and Forgive their sin and I will heal the heal their land
Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place
For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever my eyes and my heart will be there for all time and It's for you if you will walk before me as David your father walked doing according with all
I have commanded you and keeping my statutes and my rules then I will establish your world from as I Covenant with David your father saying you should not lack a man to run to rule
Israel but if you turn aside to forsake my statutes and My commandments that I have set before you and go and serve other gods and worship them
Then I will plug you up from my land that I have given you and take this house.
I've consecrated for my name I will cast out of my sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among the people and This house which was exalted
Everyone passing by will be astonished to say why has the Lord done thus to the land and this house?
Then it will say because they have abandoned the Lord The God their fathers who brought them out of land of Egypt and laid hold of other gods and worship them and serve them
Therefore he has brought all this disaster on them Now I recognize this has a prophecy it's
To a large extent going to be mirrored in the book of Jeremiah the book of Jeremiah An interesting thing to do when you read through the book of Jeremiah is to note the but gods therefore gods
But the people and it really tells a strong strong story the promise of the people
Staying true to God turning back to God staying the inevitable. This is is what this is all about But then there's also
I think Jeff talks a lot about multiple mountain peaks The people are in captivity, where's the temple at this point in time?
It's not there But the people are still able to go to the presence of God, although there isn't a temple.
Where's the Shekinah glory right now? It's not there but the glory of God is there and I love the way you're emphasizing that 66 books is a story of the glory of God so the people knowing that there is but God But the people
There has to be a mandate to Restore yourself to God. And so give me verse 14 one more time if you would if my people
Were called by my name Humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways
Then I will hear from heaven will forgive their sin and will hear of their land What passage is that?
14, 2nd Chronicles 7 14 2nd
Chronicles 7 verse 14 I Know that it's tough to take verses out of context and apply them.
That's called doing an eisegesis if you would But I don't think it's improper
To even tell that to modern -day Israel From from what
I think I know The nation has been re -established in 1948, but the heart of the people has not been re -established that being said coming out of 2nd
Chronicles 7 They talk about the temple as the presence of the Lord, but the people have never
Been told they can't go into God's very very presence Daniel Clearly throughout this book of Daniel goes into the presence of God seeking
God desiring from God Honoring God being obedient to God But then there is judgment that's in 2nd
Chronicles That's in Daniel And then if my people will humble themselves and pray and I and I have to believe that as I look in now starting in verse 3 and beyond That says 3 through 111 that's a mistype 3 through 11, that's a long chapter
Starts out in verse 3 Then I turned my face to the Lord Okay, coming to him
Seeking him by prayer or pleas of mercy with fasting sackcloth and ashes and I made
Confession isn't this isn't this the pattern That he would have been able to see in these scrolls
From 2nd Chronicles before they were ever put into captivity that they might be
Sustained in the land, but now they're there now God's punishment has happened and the obligation is the same turn to him
Humble yourself Pray turn from your wicked ways. That's that's the desire.
That's what he's going to be going to be doing here Then I will hear and heal and what happens in the beginning of the book of Ezra in the time of Silas He writes a decree
He writes a decree that you get to go back to the land And rebuild the temple.
Mm -hmm. This is this is hard. This is our Sovereign God, I will hear good, but don't forget the warning in verse 19
But if you turn away and forsake my statutes my commands, okay there is judgment to come and so we have now in verse 3 and I was going to come up with a cute name
Debbie No, give me 3 through 111 3 through 11
Thank you 3 through 11 So I turn to the
Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition in fasting and in sackcloth and ashes
I pray to the Lord my God and confessed Oh Lord the great and awesome
God Who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands?
We have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled We Have turned away from his commands and laws
We have not listened to your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our
Kings our princes and our fathers And to all people of the land Lord you are righteous
But this day we are covered with shame the men of Judah and the people of Jerusalem And all
Israel both near and far in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you
Oh Lord, we are kings and our princes. Our fathers are covered with shame because we have sinned against you
The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving Even though you have rebelled against him
We have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants and the prophets
All Israel has transgressed your law and turned away refusing to obey
Therefore the curses and sworn judgment written in the law of Moses the
Sermon of God Have been poured out on us because we have sinned against you He starts out by surrendering to God It says
I turned my face to the Lord our God he is not being
Discouraged by the circumstances he's not being Compromised to to find an easier way of life if he having now
I think becoming aware of the sovereignty of God and Perceiving that that God has already spoken of an end to this
Captivity Specifically to the end of this captivity. He goes directly to the
Lord and seeks to the Lord surrenders to him He goes to him in prayer. He pleads for his mercy
And the picture of sackcloth and ashes and fasting is one of totally
Subserving yourself to God taking away of all of your pride, you know all of your stature everything else
It's just laying yourself bare in front of the Lord God To have the opportunity to to have
God instruct you to give you to help you through this does start with an attitude of surrender to God It could be family situations it could be work situations
Just submitting yourself and seeking going and going to the God who has the answer in the first place
But not only does he surrender to God then he does something very important when it comes to restoring a relationship
Restoring your status in front of God and that has to do with confessing sin What are the benefits of confessing sin?
Yes, go ahead if we confess our sins He's faithful and just he forgives our sins and to cleanse us from all righteousness
You're quoting scripture, aren't you? Yeah, you should What is the dangers of not confessing sin?
We just need to pursue that you're that's that's the right answer we need to pursue that for a minute
How is the fellowship with God broken? He's not going to hear your prayers for one, right, because we're so lenient Okay, so I'm going to ask you a question now if a prayer of confession and Repentance is given
Does God hear that prayer Right Emphasis is on It's his faithfulness he is faithful and just to forgive our sins what prayers are not heard
I Go into the beginning of Isaiah and it says even when you pray
I will not listen That's it that's the answer
If a heart is being clouded with sin
Knowing what it actually means to pray to God is clouded over and the prayers become self -centric not
God -honoring Matthew 5 8 blessed are the pure in heart for they will see
God Flip that one on the other side. Oh First are those who are not pure of heart because they can't even approach
God Psalm 66 18 if I regard iniquity in my heart, the
Lord will not hear There it is There there's the impact of sin is you're you're now
Not opening up to who God is you're not surrendering to who God is you're placing yourself in the throne
You're you have placed bricks between you and God God has not placed any bricks there
But you've placed bricks there so that your prayers aren't even reflective of God's will they're not even reflective of a heart
That is that is confessing sin He's going to start out here turning to God because that's where he needs to turn
Seeking after God because that where he is where he needs to go and then in verses 4 to 6.
I Prayed to the Lord my God and made confession And the beginning of that confession is you are great and awesome
That's that's the beginning of the confession. You are great and awesome again If I flip that on the opposite side,
I'm not great and awesome Even though in my sin I might think that I am and I don't need you
You are great and awesome you keep the covenants You are the one with steadfast love to those who love you
And now comes the confession, but we have sinned This Section here has got a couple of uses of the words
We've said that what are the two of the most beautiful words in Scripture are what? but God Ephesians 2 but God Two of the
Most frightening words in Scripture are but we But we
Because in the context of what's going on here you have a God who keeps his covenant a
God who is love We have not listened and then later it says but to us open shame
And then to us the Lord belongs open shame The the reality is that if God has a covenant promise and the willingness to love and a prayer can be made to him
The danger is that sin blocks us from actually going there.
That's it has to be confessed That's it has to be acknowledged The confession of sin has to be made to God because it's against God that we sin
Now we do hurt our brother and our sister and things like that in sin But the real danger of sin is that it's against against God What he does here is he just starts to open up the book on the extent
The vastness of the sin and he does not hold it back We have sinned we have done wrong.
We have acted wickedly. We have rebelled To us open shame at this day to the men of Judah to those who are near and far
We have done all these things and he's opening it up. He's not hiding it and he is actually committing it to God In profession and he does so by first of all as I said putting honor and sovereignty where it belongs at the throne of God To us
O Lord belongs to you O Lord I turned my face to the
Lord God in verse 3 The phrase the turn of the phrase
O Lord God in the Hebrew if you if you go into how it's constructed
My God to God my God Not God and this is important to to put
God in a position of respect But then to profess that he is he's my
God Is what it is what he's calling out and he's he's begging for this relationship
Yeah, you know it can't be when we're talking about this But if you don't mind if I could read it's
David please in Psalm 51. He says have mercy on me of God according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy
While at my transgressions and watch me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I know my
Transgressions that my sin is ever before me Against you and you only if I sin and then was evil in your sight
So you may be justified your words and blameless in your judgment because I was brought forth iniquity and his sin to my mother to see me behold your you delight in truth and in we're being and teach me wisdom in the secret heart hurting with hissing and Cleanse and wash me that may be whiter than snow
Let me hear the chewing glands and the burns that you have broken in me Create me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me and we were saying that my mom went back to David and What he did adultery and to a murder, but he said against you and you only if I sent sound we're gonna say
Know my heart and judge me what a scary thing to say if you haven't done what when you just read there
He's got here in verse 7 to you Lord belongs righteousness
And confession is involved with knowing that righteousness is defined by God It's there's no relative
Position of righteousness. I am more righteous than than my next door There's none of that There's no balance.
I've done more good deeds than I have bad. There's none of that Righteousness is pure righteousness
And he says to you Oh Lord Belongs righteousness and to know
Again, we move fast forward into continuing on to the to the glory story
I'm gonna start calling it the glory story. I used to call it the love letter but that works, too
Every sin that Daniel is going to confess that the people have committed was on the cross with Jesus.
Amen Jesus said my God my God, why have you forsaken me and then he said he said to tell us but to us
It says here open shame The confession that says you are
God you are ultimately God you are righteous and I am NOT And what I am is shameful and deserving he's going to talk about The universe of guilt in verses 7 and 8.
He's going to say to the inhabitants of Jerusalem to the men of Judah to all
Israel who are near to those are far And then in verse 8 to the kings to the princes to our fathers
This is all -inclusive that the sin of the nation of Israel Includes all people in all realms and includes the princes includes everybody.
We are guilty in your sight I am guilty in your sight the universality of sin to being a
Profession and verses 11 he talks. It's very specific That we've transgressed we've turned aside.
We've refused to obey We have sinned against him
The impact and the specificity of sin must be confessed and then
I want to reread verse 9 to the Lord our God belongs mercy and forgiveness
And he is taking this time at the beginning as he has now read the books and he has perceived
That God has fulfilled the promise that you must keep the land
Every seventh year you must keep it fallow and then for 490 years they didn't and then the promise of Curses that will come and then the promise to Habakkuk and then the reality in Jeremiah That the land is going to land lay fallow.
You're going to be in Babylon for 70 years But then in Jeremiah 29 10 when those 70 years are complete
I will visit and fulfill my good work and so to prepare for that time Daniel goes back into the
Commands coming out of 2nd Chronicles and he turns his heart and he professes confession before God we as a people must acknowledge our sins
I Think that as we pray for each other. This is good to pray for the needs of each other
But it would be exciting if we loved each other enough We don't have to know the specifics of it
But if we loved each other enough to say I pray that my brother my sister is in good relationship with God That's not a bad prayer
We can have all of the Bible studies we can have all of the outreach programs
VBS's whatever else I pray that my brother and sister are walking in the
Lord That if they need to they've confessed sin and they're clean and walking blessed are the pure at heart
For the same they will see God. I pray Joe sees God every day Though that that's that's kind of a cool prayer
This is where he's going in the beginning of this is he's confessing sins And so the so that things will be ready when the time
Comes Janet if you would give me verses 12 to 15, please and Daniel 8 And he was he has confirmed his words which spoke against us and against our judges
He judged us by bringing upon us a great disaster Remember the whole of it under the whole heaven
Such has never been done as what has been done to do As is written in the law of Moses all this disaster to come upon us
Yet we have not made a prayer before the Lord our God that we might turn from our iniquities and understand your truth
Therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind and brought it upon us for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works
Which he does though. We have not obeyed his voice and now our Lord Oh Lord our
God Who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and made yourself a name as it is this day
We have sinned we have done wickedly There is no a woe is us. We did not deserve this
What have we done to deserve all of this time Here now he is saying that you confirmed the word that you actually spoke
That will be having as it will be written as it was written in the law of Moses All of this calamity has came upon us because we didn't turn to you and therefore
God has kept his word So here we are But God kept his word and he placed us here and now we're actually going to call on the
Sovereignty and in the consistency of God who has promised to bring us back out again
And so he's calling for that The judgment was foretold of what would happen
There is a reality the nations are going to be judged for what they did How they do it and what they do that's illegal evil
But but God is using them to confirm the words that he spoke all through the prophecies leading up to this point in time
And then verse 15 and now Lord our God You bought your people.
It says who? But let's read that our Lord your God you bought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand
You have made a name for yourself as this day We have sinned
We have done wickedly So now he's pleading to the Lord the
Unconfession the word that you have given us that would be would be fulfilled that your your your mighty hand
So read 16 through 19, please I Want us to read 17 again
Because this is the plea But this the the the substance of this plea
While he is seeking for the restoration of the nation's while he is seeking for relief
From the oppression. What is his primary desire in that verse?
For your namesake Read that verse 17 again, please
Supplications and for your sake But just a shine Keep on oh my god incline your ear in here
Open your eyes and see our desolations in the city, which is called by your name
But we are not presenting our supplications before you on account of any merits of our own
But on account of your great compassion and we have to rest on that phrase again the the
Presentation that Daniel is giving to God as he's seen that God has already promised it's going to be 70 years and then and then and he has already promised in in Jeremiah that the nations are going to be judged for what they've done and on all that but his
Approach to God has nothing to do with the merits of the people or or him or anything else
For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy
It's the glory story It's it's just right there go on continue
Oh Your sake
Having this presentation of prayer and plea but then having it Basically founded by the desire for the glory of God and makes it makes it so genuine
If you would get Ezra 1 and if you would get Revelation 21 Now in his sovereign promise we've read it
Jeremiah God has promised to deliver his people after 70 years
And he will he will punish the kingdoms for what they've done in Jeremiah 25 and Ezra 1 verses 1 to 3
In The first year of Cyrus king of Persia that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled
The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia So that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia The Lord the God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth
And he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah Whoever is among you of all his people may his
God be with him. That's that's probably good We know at the time of Daniel he did not yet know
Specifically how this was going to happen God did And we know that sometime after Darius was going to come
Cyrus and The God would move the heart of Cyrus to write a proclamation
That the people would be set free and this is God's sovereign promise being held true today
Israel is Being attacked on many fronts Today the church is being attacked on many fronts
But I am holding to a sovereign God and I'm going to say that he will remain
Faithful and he will restore his people in the kingdom to come revelation 21 1 to 3
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no
More and I saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying behold
The dwelling place of God is with man He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their
God Yeah, father God teach us to pray like Daniel Lord that we would truly confess our sins and not plead our own righteousness not make excuses but take
Responsibility and come to the gracious fountain of forgiveness through the blood of Christ Lord thank you so much for this model prayer and God again, we do pray for Israel at this time in Jesus name.