F4F | May Prophecy Bingo


Support Dan's Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/LongforTruth1 Prophecy Bing Cards Here: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo?rq=bingo Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. And we do this thing here from time to time, sometimes once a month, sometimes a little longer.
But you all have come to know it and to love it. It's Prophecy Bingo! And for this installment of Prophecy Bingo, we've got my son
Joshua Roseborough standing guest. And then right there in the middle, that is Dan Long from Long for Truth, the
YouTube channel. Dan, great to have you on board. Thank you so much for having me.
I was so excited when you called and I'm glad to be here. I'm looking forward to playing Prophecy Bingo. All right, well, while I'm getting the prophecies rolled up,
I wanted to make sure that you had taken care of like any gastrointestinal issues that you may have.
Last will and testament. Right. Have you assigned an executor for your estate yet?
I'm gonna make sure. My wife is the executor of my estate, so I think we're good to go there. Okay, so we've got all the normal stuff that needs to be taken care of.
Hang on one second here. I'm gonna switch something really quick on my board, because I think this might be coming in a little hot.
Hold for technical difficulties. Yeah, there we go. I think that might be a little bit better on the audio end of it.
But all of that being said, so your YouTube channel, Long for Truth, you've done a lot of research on like the origins of the charismatic movement and just how shady and shoddy and charlatan -y the folks are, like the luminaries that people look to historically.
Tell us a little bit about that. Yeah, so one of the things that I like to do is I kind of like to take people back in time a little bit and doing that through old newspaper articles and yeah, going back and looking at what was being said about these guys.
And you know what I found, Chris? Most of these guys were frauds. Most of these guys were frauds.
Can I give you a couple of examples? Please, absolutely, please do. So Charles Fox Parham, founder of Pentecostalism.
In 1902, he gets involved with a fraudulent alchemist, a guy who says that he can turn ordinary rocks into gold.
And I guess the guy visited one of his meetings or something like that and he said, oh
God told me that he's given me this gift and I can turn rocks into gold. So Parham was looking for some money for a school that he started and he got involved with this guy.
This guy was arrested for bamboozling a blind man and his wife. And just yeah, so that's just one incident.
In 1902 and in 1908, so the same year Parham was brought to court for that alchemist thing, same year he had concocted a scandal where he said he knew the exact location of the
Ark of the Covenant and of the Tabernacle. And he had a secret document that could prove it.
So the secret document that he had was he had this little passage that the newspaper reporter printed.
Come to find out it was out of 2nd Maccabees. So in 1908 he did the same exact thing.
He said he had this secret document that gave him the whereabouts of the
Ark of the Covenant and of the Tabernacle. And then he tried to raise money to take a trip there to the
Holy Land to do that. And when he was asked about the money, well the money was gone and his alibi was that he got mugged.
I mean so that's Parham. But then you have John G. Lake. Now John G. Lake is like the one of the most quoted early charismatic leaders that I've heard.
I mean you hear Bill Johnson quote this guy, Mike Bickle, Todd White. So John G.
Lake was actually arrested, him and his son Otto, in early 1920s for selling false securities to people in his congregation.
Prior to that he was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
And he was actually arrested right after his sermon. The police were waiting for him right there. They came in and they arrested him for impersonating a police officer in order to get keys back to his church.
He was in a fight with a guy in his church and so he's trying to get the keys to the church back. And so he ended up impersonating a police officer.
He also impersonated a a mystic, a Middle Eastern mystic faith healer.
He dressed up like a guy named Abdul Ben Shenandar. He engaged in cultural misappropriation?
Oh yeah, oh yeah. So he dresses up like this Middle Eastern mystic faith healer, puts it in the paper, come here
Abdul Ben Shenandar. I've got this, this is all on video.
You can go on newspapers .com, you can find all this stuff. So Abdul Ben Shenandar is actually, a couple of days later a newspaper reported,
Abdul Ben Shenandar is John G. Lake. So a reporter found out that he was dressed up. So I mean these guys were just frauds, they were scams, scam artists.
Nothing's changed. It's all the same. I've got a whole playlist on there called
Exposing the Early Pentecostal Movement. Listen, the early
Pentecostal leaders were, they were a mess. You think they're bad today, they were just as bad back then.
Bad tree can't bear good fruit, just saying. All that being said, sometimes people ask, why are we doing this?
What is this all about? This is to prove that these prophetic words are not prophetic words.
I mean, we worked out these bingo word terms years ago. We slightly edited them at the beginning of this year, and we'll note that it's pretty easy to get a bingo because these prophets are saying absolutely nothing.
These are not words from God, don't worry. No real prophetic words were hurt or wounded in the filming of this episode of Fighting for the
Faith. All of that being said, we're going to dive into it.
So this one's a little bit new. I always try to mix it up a little bit, although there's some standard people who continue to make appearances here on Prophecy Bingo.
And the name of this is The Waters Are About to Break. This is an audio prophetic word from Nate Johnson.
And I guess waters are about to break is some kind of a birthing metaphor. It sounds like, unless you live in Louisiana.
That's right. And by the way, we worked out ahead of time who's going to be having which Prophecy Bingo card.
I've got mine on my phone. I'm going to be doing bingo card number 25 today.
So let's get to it and let's see what happens here. This prophetic word comes from Nate Johnston, Redding, California.
The waters are about to break. Recently, the Lord began speaking to me about pioneers and pioneer families who have been facing impossible obstacles and giants that have been preventing them from advancing.
Were there giants on the Oregon Trail? Because I thought they just died of dysentery. Paul Bunyan. Oh yeah, there.
Hey, I didn't even think about that. Yeah. And that blue ox, babe. Okay. All right.
We'll keep going here. Pioneers and giants. Oh my. In a vision,
I saw waves and rushing river rapids from different streams, all beginning to collect like headwaters in a basin.
And they were swirling, but unable to move any further. As I looked closer, I saw that there was an obstruction in the flow, which looked like a damn wall.
Oh, did he just cuss? I got flow. Yeah, as did I. Ding, ding, ding.
What'd you say, Dan? Oh, nothing. I was just, I said, did he just cuss? But no. No, no, no, no.
Honestly, the vibe I get out of this guy is like, amateur audio book reader.
Oh yeah. That's a good point. Yeah. That's a really good point. He's working on his job as a voice actor.
Got it. Okay. Yes. Okay. But the waters were too much for the wall and it was beginning to crack.
Then I heard the Lord say, the waters are about to break. As soon as I heard the, the waters are about to break.
Sorry. Don't know what I was thinking there. I looked at the horizon and suddenly I could see the assignments that God had given.
All right. Suddenly for Dan Long. No, no, no, no. I was looking. I know, I know for a fact, suddenly is a word, but see,
I studied the last card I had. Here we go. Watch this. Watch this. Ding.
I got suddenly. Oh man. This is awesome. You're helping me out,
Dan. I appreciate this. Actually, like I said, no, I studied the last, I had the last card. All right.
I picked number three. I sat there for like 30 minutes looking at those words, man. And then so I could memorize them and we generated new cards.
Do you know how many words I've missed in all of our, I mean, every time
I do the same, I know. Oh man, I missed one. I missed another one. I could have triple bingo like a lot of times, but no, my wife and I were playing the other day.
We were, we were watching you guys on the big screen playing the other day and I beat her. She, and I had a bad card, but this we'll see.
We'll see what happens. All right. Well, you never know. You can come from behind and we're going to be throwing glory of Zion into the mix here.
Anything can happen. So I do got my free space click though. Good, good.
Yeah. That's, that's important. All right. Let's keep going here. Pioneers and why their assignments had been so heavily contested.
Then I heard these words. This is over territory, inheritance, and legacy. What? Now I know inheritance is a prophecy bingo.
Oh yes. In fact, I know it's mine. Check this out. I am off to the races.
I'm not even cheating yet. This is awesome. Yeah. I heard you do that.
Okay. Let's keep going here. This is why the fight at your doorstep has felt unrelenting and tiresome because what is at stake right now is the destiny of your family as well.
Destiny. Do you have that one, Josh? I do indeed have destiny. What's taking so long,
Dan? I don't know, man. You got to play somebody else. This guy's not doing any of my words here. We'll just do a little bit more.
I mean, I want to milk this guy first. I want to hear, I want to hear Chuck Smith. That's what
I'm waiting for. Yeah. That guy, uh, Chuck Pierce, that guy, uh, yeah, he throws them out there.
He's coming. Destiny of nations. This is why the red tape has only tightened its grip. The roadblocks seem to have multiplied and the delays have increased to stop your advancement advancement.
This is why the war on your home has an all time high.
You have been at war for peace and clarity on a daily basis because the enemy sees the breakthrough coming to your breakthrough.
Breakthrough is a word, but I don't know if I have it. Okay. Let's see here. Do I have it? No, I'm not seeing it.
Oh, I do have it. Check this out. Oh my gosh.
All right. Let's, let's, let's move forward. This, this is a new prophetess and I cannot pronounce her name.
So, uh, the, the prophetic word for me is, um, crowning after water's breaking and now we're crowning.
I think we're in labor guys. I think we're in labor. This is very uncomfortable for me.
I forgot to get my epidural prior to playing today. So, all right, let's, uh, let's just go for it here.
We're going to do natural prophetic childbirth here. So you received new revelation.
So this morning as I was just re I was actually listening to a word and it was, it was so amazing because, um, once again, the
Lord was confirming so much that he has already allowed me to release and release.
So then he began to, all right. So you got, you got released. Oh yeah.
I got released. I'm look, I'm, you know, okay.
Um, do you have release? I guess download or minister things to me that I knew he wanted me to come on here and share and I have them written down.
So we're just going to go through them and allow the Holy Spirit to just, Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I've got this one here. Spirit. Ding. Okay. We're doing good.
Let's keep at it. Move and say whatever he wants to say. So the first thing that I have written down here is crowning.
So how this came about, um, this is awkward.
This is, yeah, I'm really uncomfortable with this. Okay. I got this urge once again to pray for my womb.
I placed my hand and this is something I encourage you guys a lot to do. I don't have a womb.
How am I supposed to pray for my womb? Yeah. What if you're a guy watching this thing?
Huh? We are, we're all guys. Nowadays you don't even have to have a womb. All you have to do is self -identify as somebody who has one.
So there you go. I don't even know what muscle to flex. Okay.
Let's keep going here. I remember in one of the purity, or not one of, but the purity fast that we did last year, the
Lord just reminded me of all the times I had attacks on my reproductive system, whether it was through, um, what did she attacks on a reproductive system?
Wow. Where did you find her? All right. Okay. So that may not have been a good choice.
Let me, I'll repent. I'll repent. Dan, when we, when we go dumpster diving, we have to put on scuba gear.
We go deep. Okay. So here we go. This, this is from glory of Zion.
The name of this one is God is popping the cork on harvest. Harvest is a word.
Yeah. I'm going to go ahead and take it now. I've got harvest on my bingo card, but, uh, but let's, let's see what this prophecy is all about.
What is popping a cork in heaven out of a bottle of champagne. And I'm telling you right now,
I just see that this is the shift. This is the shift. Shift or shifting.
Man. Wow. This is really not have anything on your card yet. Yeah. I got free space.
Okay. Just, just, just verifying for my editing that I got it. Hey, your editing is pretty easy so far.
I'm watching and I'm listening. So that's why, let's see what Chuck does here.
Okay. This is what we've been waiting for. This is what we've been waiting for. I'm telling you, we're shifting a paradigm today.
We're shifting a paradigm. We're shifting to a harvest paradigm today. You're going to get new words and new language to speak new things.
You're not going to speak religious things. What'd you say? New thing is a word.
I don't have it on mine, but I don't have it. Of course I don't have it. Of course not.
And so powerful and so important that people are going to run. They're going to run.
You're going to, there's a new vulnerability that's coming. There's a new transparency that's coming. You don't have to be perfect.
We don't have to have it all together. We just have to be redeemed. We just have to be earnest. I don't know if I'm really comfortable with the new transparency coming.
I've just gotten used to the old transparency. I'm just listening for words here.
I'm honed in on every word she's saying. At the end of this,
I want more than free space. I'm pulling for you,
Dan. I'm in your corner, man. You know, all
I can say is Shabbat. It is.
We have to be following, seeking, asking, knocking. Those are the ones that God says we'll get the kingdom.
We'll knock and the door will be opened. We'll seek and we'll find. So as we're moving forward,
I'm telling you, this is a paradigm shift. This is a pivotal moment right here today.
And God is popping a court. There is a new joy coming because joy is in the harvest.
Yelling it doesn't make it true. I got yelling on my card. So yeah.
You got yelling? Yes. All right. I'm gonna hang.
I'm done with her. Oh, here we go. Now you'll get yelling. Yeah. Get ready for your prophetic scolding.
So, you know, just don't make eye contact and things will be okay. All right.
Here we go. Put down your sword,
Jesus. It is a time to. And I don't have
Jesus on my card. And I had, I had a last time on my last one. I had all a bunch of these words on my last one, but.
Yeah. Put down your sword though, Dan. Put it down. Yeah. All right.
Let's see where we go with this. Let go of striving. The simple is key. Now the walls will fall and the gates will open and you will see summer and a blossoming will take place.
The walls will fall in Jesus name. The walls will fall in Jesus name. The turmoil will cease and you will be free.
The turmoil will. I'm getting uncomfortable here.
I don't want to look. I mean, I feel like this should be like, put over like some sort of like B roll.
So are you making soup or something like cooking with Nash? You're like, yeah. Hmm. Okay.
Let's keep going on. Somebody needs to feel that strongly right now. It will cease. Many have been fighting demons in masses, many at night.
But today I say to you, put down your gloves and trust me, I am to deliver you.
The Israelites did not fight with Pharaoh, but a wave took him out. They trusted and went.
So should you trust me? I am bringing rest to your souls. I am hope for the weary, listen and obey and see the goodness of the
Lord in the land of the living. I am God. I will supply. I am rest for your souls and will provide
Jesus. Hmm. As I was praying to me, I really felt like this was a time of rest and a lack of striving in this time, a lack of pushing forward.
Part of the rain was to put down. Rayma Rayma. I know that's a word, but it's not.
All right. I got that one too. I, I, my words are like all over the map here.
I still need to get a, yeah. Yeah. But in two places there.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's come back to this. Rayma gloves.
Part of the prophetic anointing is knowing when to fight and knowing when to be in peace. There's a time to war and there's a time to be still.
And you have to know how to do that by listening to the Holy ghost. We are not in the same season over and over and over again.
I think seasons of prophecy, bingo word. If you have the same season every day, that's probably religion.
You know, God is always moving. God is always changing. God works in seasons. Okay. This is a time to put down your gloves and stop.
Wait, you said time. Now I have timing. Can I please have that word, sir?
Yeah. All right. Mercy points. That's right. They call me pirate
Roseboro, the merciful. So, and it's right next to free space. So that's a sign.
That's a sign. Okay. All right. The rest is here.
You've done the work. If you have done the work, it's time to put down your gloves. Jesus. Let's go into some verses.
I felt like the Lord was highlighting for this month, Matthew 11, 28 and 29. Come to me.
All you who are weary and burdened. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon. Why would Christ just highlight these two verses?
It doesn't make any sense. All right. Okay. I'm going to move along because she annoys me.
Okay. Who is this? All right. So this is Troy Black. A little bit of a note here.
Last time we used him in a prophecy bingo, he tried to copyright strike us and it didn't hold.
So this guy. So he watches prophecy bingo. Oh, he got alerted when he used the segment of his false prophecies.
And so this is apparently there's something terrible about to happen in the month of May. God told him.
And so he didn't want to give this word, but he, you know, he's being obedient. Okay.
Okay. All right. Something other than portrait mode. Yeah. Well, I mean, when
God says to film, you just got to be ready to go at the moment's notice, you know? Yep. Yep. Absolutely.
All right. So here we go. Hey, y 'all, this is Troy Black. So I have a word from the Lord to share with you today about a storm in the month of May.
And I honestly wasn't planning on filming this video today, or especially right now. I mean, my hair's not even fixed.
I look crazy. I was actually a few minutes ago. I was in the living room playing a video game of all things.
See, this proves that this is from God. I mean, he was playing video games and who would want to end that? Yeah. Man, out of the blue.
Yeah. Taking one for the team, you know, so. All right. And I just felt the presence of the
Holy Spirit show up while I was sitting there playing this game, you know, like this old school
Nintendo game and felt like the Lord told me I needed to film this video right now. So that's what
I'm trying to do, trying to be obedient. Before I jump into this word, I do want to say,
I don't claim to get everything perfect, you know, in hearing from the Lord. Well, he better get something perfect if he's hearing from the
Lord. This is a guy who believes in the God who gives errant prophecies.
So, you know, you know, we we need a name for the God of the errant prophecies.
You know, we have Vincent, the really, really, really holy ghost.
Even though he's not necessarily wrong all the time, it's just that he's he's really wimpy and he can't get the word out.
No, we need that, like, you know, the man upstairs that, you know, the father, whoever this, you know, of the triune, the errant deity, the errant deity, like what would we name him?
I don't know. Let's let's put it in the errant deity. Yeah. We call him
Dagon. Yeah. He Dagon wrong. You know, there you go.
That Dagon deity over there. Yeah, Dagon. He wrong. Oh, man.
OK, let's let's let's. Hey, we got a prophecy here. He stopped video games to film this. We got to, you know,
OK, this this is really important. So we should continue. We should. We should. I'm going to say, Lord, I tried my best.
Like I made mistakes and your grace is going to have to fix the rest is going to have to fill in the gaps. So I'm submitting this word to y 'all.
I'm not making a declaration necessarily, but I'm trying to be obedient. And if you have declare or, you know, their declaration, that'll count.
He's submitting it. What is this? I got declare. There you go. I got declare.
Let's see if I got declaration. Not that I can say no, but I do have declare.
All right. All right. So you declare that you do it, man.
Kingdom authority and stuff. So, you know, all right. I've gotten several confirmations about this. I personally didn't want to share this one, but I feel like the
Holy Spirit's telling me I need to. And so this was on March 8th when he told me this.
He said Anchorage, Alaska area, that area is going to have a severe storm in May of this year that's going to destroy many things.
And he said transportation systems. And then I heard fail. So I'm guessing something's going to happen with some transportation systems.
And then the next day, March 9th, the next night I was praying, waiting upon the Lord. I started to see a vision of polar bears.
I saw a mother bear and a baby bear. It was a Coca -Cola commercial. You were high at 2 a .m.
What? So those of you in Anchorage, we apologize.
Did he have a Coke in his hand? Did he have a Coca -Cola in his hand? You know, you've been warned if you live in Anchorage, your whole transportation system's going to fail probably because of a polar bear storm.
I have no idea. I've never been there. Okay. And they were at this deserted camp.
So he's not really getting this clear message from the Lord. It must've been his video game signal or something that he wasn't actually getting this clear message.
So he's just got these little hints. Yeah, but we're doing the people in Anchorage a public service announcement by taking this word and getting it out to as many people as possible.
I noticed that Troy Black didn't actually travel to Anchorage, Alaska to yell in the street with a sign like, the end is nigh.
Beware of the storm of the polar bears. Yeah, exactly. He filmed the video in portrait mode and put it on YouTube with only,
I can't even tell how many views. How many views does it have? Almost 200 ,000.
Are you kidding? No. Yeah. All right. Let's see. Like, uh, just a snowy, you know, flatland all covered in snow and ice.
And the campsite was like destroyed, decimated, spread around, and they were just rummaging through.
You do know that people in Anchorage are used to snow storms, right? I mean, up in North Dakota here, that's like nothing.
And I'm in upstate New York. I know a little bit about snow storms. Yeah. Yeah. That's like a normal thing, you know?
So, um, I got the, uh, I got a slight impression that it could, that could mean that there's going to be, um, a larger and then a smaller, you know, storm perhaps, or it could just be a slight impression.
I mean, said none of the prophets of the Bible ever, you know, I kind of feel like there could sort of kind of be a slight as Jeremiah is talking to the people about Babylon coming into attack.
I've got this slight impression that God is going to send this guy.
I think his name's, um, Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar. His name is Nebuchadnezzar.
Oh man.
Captain Asma is coming down to kick our butts. Right. Exactly. Okay. Okay. Let's just move along here.
My sound is putting your ruins into a new order. Why do
I not want to press this button? Okay. I had dancing on my last card and I don't have it on this one on this card.
Oh man. I don't have dancing. Hang on. Oh, we got tons.
We got tons. Oh, I'm getting a download.
Beep. Okay. I, I'm feeling a generational curse here.
Uh, for sure. And Oh wait. Oh, I'm getting another one coming in. And, um, it's, um, definitely an unlock.
Okay. So let's do this generational curse and, uh, and an unlock.
There we go. Not me at all. Hey, I've got unlock curse.
Hey, I helped Dan long out. I've got unlock. So we're good. You have generational curse.
What about the word curse? No generation, generational curse. It's generational, but that's all right.
I was helping up. I've got X's. I got some X's on here now. I got a pirate download.
That's the official thing, man. So, ah, that's right. I wish I could get those.
Me too. We have to be in the black zone. All right.
Let's, let's see where this goes. And I say to you,
I'm developing a new house. I am resetting the pub line over my people.
I say my house now is starting to be raised up and that was trying to be ruined in you.
Well, now come together in a new way, saying the Lord, I say, get ready.
Watch me put your ruins into a new order. Oh man.
Yeah. You know, these guys have no fear of God. Do they?
And the God they worship has lost his mind. Is this prophetic spaghetti?
I was like taking like the lettered suit, throwing it against the wall and just seeing what words form.
Yeah. Yeah, I think so. But, but note the smoke there in the background. That's prophetic. Anyway, let's keep going here.
Yes, he will come. Don't be afraid of a new house that's arriving.
Are they making this stuff up as they go along? Are the songs, do they make it up as they go along?
Your guess is as good as mine. Prophetic stream of consciousness.
It sounds like that's what they're doing. It sounds like they're making stuff up from whatever prophetic word was just said.
And it's kind of weird. Yeah, I think they call this a prophetic flow.
Ah, that makes sense now. All right, let's see here. In the last one that was erected, and I say this one won't have everything in place.
I say, because I'm putting things in place you know not of. So find your new place in the new house, sayeth the
Lord. Every nation, every territory, every people.
You know what? He's wearing a red shirt. He's definitely a Santa Claus this time. He said every people. I have my people on my car and he said every people.
That doesn't count. That doesn't count. That doesn't know. That doesn't work. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let's see.
I'm going to close. And he didn't give me any words that time. My apologies. You gave me unlock.
That's fine. So let me explain.
We're heading over to triple grace 555 and the tiny little German guy in the lower corner, he's going to be giving the prophetic word.
And apparently God is really taken with the Aladdin movie and in the song
A Whole New World. So let's find out what the whole new world thing is for the month of May.
Here we go. Welcome brothers and sisters. Welcome to a new video of Triple Grace.
My name is Michael. I'm the founder of Triple Grace and the Righteous Foundation. And the topic of this video is the prophetic word for me, 2021, a whole new world.
A whole new world. He does. He really sounds like he's one of those
Disney guys talking. Oh, I know. I just can't make this stuff up.
I play. How many subscribers does that guy have?
6 ,350. So too many. Okay, let's get going here.
This month of May, brothers and sisters, is a month when we will reach our destiny.
Destiny is a prophecy. Bingo word. It will be now very soon, in the beginning of May, that we will have entered in our new timeframe and a whole new world will be there.
And there's no coincidence that I have selected the image from Aladdin.
No coincidence. God chose the image from Aladdin. God did that. I think that's like fan art.
I don't think that's actually officially from Disney. But God chose this.
Okay. Whole new world. I will make a video about the impressive scheme of Aladdin, how it's fitting perfectly with our destiny, either today or tomorrow, most likely tomorrow.
Most likely tomorrow. I don't know. I'm prophetic. I got to get it.
It'll be out tomorrow. Yeah. But as for now, in the prophetic word, get the understanding that this month of May 2021 is a month when we will enter our new timeline, when we enter our new timeframe, when the
Lord will be on earth for 40 days. God's coming to earth for 40 days.
God's coming to earth for 40 days, apparently starting anytime in a whole new world, man.
It's a sabbatical. He does it every summer, you know, he needs a little time off.
Oh, man. The time has come. This is the month when we will see the hand of God, the power and the glory that will open up the heavens.
This is a time when everything will begin. We are prepared well. We have finished with all the revelations the
Lord has given us. We had understanding of time looping to time merging and all.
Time looping and time merging. What is that? OK, I've.
I'm going to lost for words on this one. Most people are. Today, when
I make this video on the 30th of April. It's a beginning of the end.
Oh, Dan, it was nice to meet you. I'm sorry. Hey, at least we got to have some fun before we.
This is our last Prophecy Bingo, apparently. I'm glad to be a part of the last
Prophecy Bingo. So this is the apocalypse edition of Prophecy Bingo.
It's the beginning of the end. A whole new world is upon us. Insane. This is absolutely insane, man.
Yeah, I am with you. This is now the start of another of the last seven days.
And then Rachel will swing into full power. Rachel will swing into full power.
Has she been at, you know, like what? Impulse engines?
I mean, which was she at before? She's. Yeah. Wow.
OK. Of course, it can be any time now, even tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But I'm telling you that we.
We may not even be able to finish recording this. It could be any time now. If you see my screen.
Well, hopefully we'll get it finished. Well, OK. Beginning of May, we are in a whole new world.
The month of May is our month. The month of new beginning as everything in nature also spring forth.
So now we also come forth as a new flower for the kingdom of God. The true ambassadors here on Earth.
Our destiny. So I'm not getting any any words here.
I'm really loving that little circle thing. He's he's he's got his little head. I may have missed a bingo word here.
I just don't care. As somebody as a joke, the German word salad is the worst.
Yeah, the worst. What are you thinking about? All right.
So Jolynn Whittaker, last time we had her on Prophecy Bingo, she was drinking and slurring and not.
I don't think she was sober. So I hopefully she's. You know, sobered up and.
Sobered up for this segment. Yeah. So she looks kind of upset. Let's see where we go.
Yeah. Am I blatantly excited? Because I know that I know beyond a shadow. By the way,
I sped her up just a little bit because she takes a long time. OK, that that's what I thought was her natural voice.
I'm like, wait a minute. Yeah, no, I kept her on like one point five. Doubt that God is raising up real kingdom powerhouses through this ministry and other ministries like it.
Absolutely. I know I'm talking to people of destiny. I know I'm talking to world world changers. I know I'm talking to planet shakers.
I know that I'm talking to people shaking. I got shaking. I'm listening. I'm looking. She's throwing out some good words, too.
Yeah, she is. She's got a machine gun. So to do mighty things in your life and through your life. Amen.
You are here to be prepared. You are here to be to to to to be weaponized. You are here to be ignited. Amen. I don't want to be ignited.
I think ignite is a word. Ignite is a proxy bingo. Yeah, but I don't want to be ignited.
Our sons and daughters under this ministry that where you are in your little corner of the world, you're gonna be a real fire starter. You're gonna be a terrorist for hell.
Oh, fire, fire, fire. Hang on a second here. Ding. You got one more to go, man.
Yeah. Oh, wait, I got to close that one. Don't want to come back to him. OK, let's keep going. The blessing on your life and the favor on your life is going to speak volumes because when you have
God's favor is a prophecy. Bingo, baby, you stand out. You stand out. Amen. So I know that many of you are here.
And if you know that that's you put put, you know, say me in the comments again. Glory to God. This is eagle season. We are going into eagle territory.
This is eagle season. I think that's illegal. You can't you can't hunt those. You know, I know.
No, you can't go to jail for that. That's right. Rabbit season, duck season, eagle season is illegal.
There's no such thing as an eagle season. There is no eagle. So if you go into eagle territory because Jolin Whittaker told you just know you're going to jail.
Unless you're talking about the Philadelphia Eagles. And if you're talking about the Philadelphia Eagles, maybe she's talking about them prophesying them winning the
Super Bowl next year or something like that. Well, I mean, come win or lose Philadelphia, the
Eagles fans will set the place ablaze. So, you know, yeah, yeah.
I want you to notice these beautiful petals that are all around me. And the reason for that is because God is doing a new thing in the earth.
Now, the reason for that is because you use Photoshop, lady. I mean, that's clearly that has nothing to do with God doing a new thing in the earth.
That's just Photoshop. So there is something new that is coming to the earth. I prophesy that in the name of Jesus.
There is a fresh fire that is coming to the church. Now, fresh is a prophecy bingo word. Not every ministry, but there is a fresh fire that is coming to the church, to the body of Christ that we have never seen or truly encountered before.
There is a brand new anointing that is coming to your anointing is a prophecy bingo word. Let's see. Do I have it?
I don't. Life, there is a level that God is giving you access to.
There is a brand new level. Palmer, she's really just whipping them out here.
Rapid fire that you are going to go into. And surely you will take the land. Oh, I praise the Lord. Hallelujah. There is a level of glory.
Glory is a prophecy bingo word. The glory of God level. I got level. Oh, wow.
I finally got one. I got level. All right. She's delivering, man. It comes upon you and it is a weighty thing and it shifts everything.
And it shift is a prophecy bingo word culture. And now because you are in that city and you and you are the glory carrier.
Now things begin to happen in that city. Now things begin to shift. Amen. And so my super glory spreader, is that how that works?
Yeah, that's got to be how that works. Glory spreader event. Right. There we go. You know, I know that there are realms of glory and there are level realm is a prophecy.
Glory that are coming. Amen. God is pouring. He's already been pouring out a spirit, but now the glory is getting ready to come.
Amen. So many people have given up on the world. They think, oh, that's it. No, God is just getting started. God is just getting started.
It blows my mind that there are very few people that are standing and still declaring that. But you know what? You know, that's between them and the Lord. Glory to God.
She said people here like two times in a row. And I've got my people, but I guess that doesn't count, does it?
No, no, no. It's got, that's a very specific people. It's not just people. Eagle territory.
And that is where you are going. Now, recently, the Lord pulled me into three prophetic dreams.
I'm going to share all of them with you today. They all have scriptural anchors to, to, to, to confirm that we are hearing from God.
And I believe it's going to blow many of your minds. I believe it's just going to, it's going to be confirmation for many of you. What you already sense in your spirit as well.
But the Lord is also revealing what is to come. Amen. Glory to God. Okay. I think I'm going to be done with Joel in here.
I'm going to, that one made me tired. All right. My presence can explode your gift.
All right. Now I feel, feel good. I feel like I'm going to get some words here. Okay. All right. There's a, there's a chance here.
But many think my presence is sweet and angelic, but my presence can blast through mountains.
And my presence. My presence can blast through mountains.
Okay. Are you lactose intolerant? When he was talking there, when he, when he was first talking,
I'm saying, is he talking about himself? But now, now, yeah, now he's, he's prophesying as he's going.
That's right. He's, he's channeling the Holy Spirit. Can uncover minefields.
I say to you, this is a day of knowing my presence. So your gift that you are nurturing can be exploded into what
I intended it to be. Sayeth the Lord. Man. I'm getting serious.
Candy Graham from Mongo vibes, right? I mean, don't, aren't explosions, a bad thing.
They're kind of destruction. So if God exploded my gift, wouldn't I have to go to Walmart and get another one? You know, something like that.
You know, I'm just saying exploded. Okay. All right.
So that was that one. All right. That was a shorter one. We've already done. Okay. Now I don't think
I can prepare you for what it is that you're about to see here. So all I can say is hang on.
This is princess Ebola. How are you doing there, dad?
You'll have to catch it on the replay. Oh, man.
Yeah. Was she a prophet? That was her pre -prophecy dance that she gave recently for one of her prophecies.
And I don't have dancing on, but you could have, man, you could have really just taken that word right there. Did anybody already get dancing?
I already got dancing. I already got dancing. Josh has got it. All right. So here we go.
She used to be princess. Now she's been promoted. She's been promoted to queen. So the real, and she's the real,
I wonder if she has a blue check on her Twitter account. You know? Anyway, let's go to a biblical authority in Genesis chapter 41.
Okay. And we have unleashed three legacy blessings so far.
I'm not going to repeat them. They're the playlist I will link in the description section. But one of the things we noticed in chapter 41 in verse 42 to 47, okay, or 46, okay, was that Joseph shifted literally,
I would say like it was a triple promotion. I mean, like, I don't know, quadruple promotion literally from like a prisoner.
I don't know how much they get. He was a guard in the prison. He was at one time like the supervisor of the domestic staff for Potiphar and literally went to the position of like prime minister, the second in command.
I mean, come on, talk about sea level. Talk about multiple promotion.
People are God. Talk about multiple promotion. Who is ready for multiple promotion?
I am ready for multiple promotion. I need a promotion. If I'm the captain of Pirate Christian Media, does that mean
I can become admiral? Well, we'll need multiple vessels for that. But couldn't
God just promote me anyway and make me admiral? God could promote you, yes. Yeah. But can you promote yourself?
I am now the super captain. You got to think this out here.
I mean, I got to work. I'm like getting an upgrade on my business cards, you know, so. Yeah. And I'm ready for promotions.
Okay, good. Yeah. Ready to go from like, you know, I don't know how to put it into words.
I can't even speak. Who's ready for new income bracket? You're going from like three figures, barely five figures to six, seven, eight, ten figures.
Ten figures. Wow. I'll take that. Yeah. Are we talking about like the collectible figures?
So here's a question for you. So she's talking about all of these figures and all this promotions.
And I have prosperity. Now, technically, technically, this is prosperity, correct?
I see what you're doing here. You know, oh,
I have a check in my spirit. Yeah. Sorry. All right.
Listen, I got to do whatever I can to get some words here. Yeah, I know. I know that feeling. I really do.
Let's keep going. Who knows what I'm talking about? Kingdom millionaires are here. Kingdom billionaires are rising.
My God. My God. My God. Hey, Macarena. Yep. Let me try and break it down as much as possible for you.
OK, for you. So she's prophesying kingdom billionaires. I just need her to say prosperity or wealth.
If she says one of those two words and she's dancing all around those words. Yeah, I just need a curse.
And then I've got the entire game is a curse to understand what happens here.
So basically, Pharaoh, you know, like we looked at earlier, he put him on his chariot.
His visibility shifted. He came into the limelight. He became this household name, you know, and so on and so forth.
But part of it was he walked over. He got authority over the land, over the real estate of Egypt, of his time.
My God. My God. My God. Who's ready to go? Hey, Macarena.
I'm sensing that she wants to stop renting wherever she's at and wants to. I get that same vibe,
Josh. I get that same vibe. I'm going to go with you on that. OK, I'm wobbling your old order over the next 10 days.
Oh, this guy yells so much. Oh, yeah, he does. OK, here we go.
And the Lord spoke to me and he said, be watchful the next 10 days because I am coming to wobble your ox cart.
I don't own an ox cart. I don't either. I was going to say the same thing. I don't own one.
I mean, for the people playing, you know, Oregon Trail, this could be very problematic.
Yeah. OK. Yeah. You don't want the ox carts wobbled while you're on the Oregon Trail. You could die of dysentery.
When I wobble it, are you going to try to touch it with familiarity to upright something that I'm pouring out?
Because this next 10 days, I will shake it. I will shake it.
Shaking is a prophecy bingo. And I will shake it again. And then when you're not going to stir it, you're going to be shaken and not stirred.
OK, all right. You read it when you read the prophets, the
Old Testament prophets, or they do not sound like this. This stuff is so lame. It's crazy.
Yeah. As somebody who's actually done translation work of the Old Testament prophets from Hebrew into English, I would note that the prophets actually had pretty good grammar and they would use like, you know, subjects and predicates and there would be agreements.
And yeah, they were really very eloquent. People like this in those times would probably just get instantly stoned.
Yeah. No, guys like this did show up at the time of Jeremiah. That's the problem. You know, that's part of the issue.
All right, let's keep going. Coming to a realization that your order is not going into the fullness of the order that I have in store for you.
Pull aside, pull aside and let me reveal to you the new order that when
I reveal it to you in your spirit and you rise up outside of your mind, it will usher in my presence, not only in your life.
Chuck's really getting into it, ain't he? He looks like he's like meditating. Yeah, he's getting into it.
I let out the loud noises, receive inner peace and calm so I don't want to strangle him and shake him about it.
But in your neighborhood, in your church and in your office and when
I usher it in and judgment rises up for many who would not let go of their order, let them stand in the judgment of barrenness, but go on in with me because truly
I am calling the city to rejoice. And when I call the new order, the city will rejoice in a way that it is not rejoiced in the last two years.
So isn't the new order the bad guys in the current trilogy in Star Wars? Yeah, yeah,
I think so, aren't they? The horrible, horrible Disney fanfic? Yeah, that thing. And if they're bad guys, if the new order is coming in and people are rejoicing,
I would assume that's a bad thing, you know? So, okay. So watch the next 10 days, watch the next 90 days, and then you will see a breaking that your heart has truly longed for in my holy name.
I have no idea what any of that meant. There was absolutely no substance to that whatsoever. Okay, I feel like he kind of ripped off the whole thing where he's saying, like, watch out for the next 10 days.
Like, there's a movie, it's a horror movie that says if you watch a tape, then the demon girl will call you and say, seven days and die in seven days.
Like, watch, watch your butt for 10 days. Yeah, you better watch it. By the way, the end is here.
I mean, we're not gonna even make it through May, remember? What did you call this?
This is the prophecy bingo of the apocalypse, man. So, you know, it's all over for us.
All right, let's check in with Dr. Patricia Cho. Nights ago on April 13th, and I want to share with you the dream and also what
Holy Spirit revealed to me regarding the dream. So I had a dream and I woke up around four o 'clock in the morning and I recorded it so that I made sure that I remembered it.
So in my dream, there was a bus full of people who supported President Donald Trump.
And I was also on this bus, but I was sitting more towards the back of the bus. A pastor who
I recognized in the dream came onto the bus and he stood in the aisle. He was angry and red in the face.
And he said to the people, Trump did not win the election. And this pastor also had a trophy in his hand that was gold and shiny.
What this pastor did not know was that Donald Trump was sitting three rows behind the pastor who was standing there and spewing out his anger and telling the people that Trump did not win the election.
So in the dream, I saw Donald Trump get out of his seat and walk up the aisle of the bus.
And he took the trophy from the pastor and he walked towards the front.
Now, as Donald Trump walked up the aisle, because remember, I'm sitting in the back, as he walked up the aisle,
I could see him from behind that he had a noticeable limp in his right leg.
I also saw that Donald Trump was wearing his customary suit that he normally wears, but he also had a beautiful pair of cowboy boots on.
And my eyes were drawn to the cowboy boots because this is not something that Donald Trump would normally wear, cowboy boots.
What I noticed as I looked at the cowboy boots is that he was dragging his right foot because he had that limp in his right leg.
So Donald Trump then continued to walk to the front of the bus with this trophy in his hand in victory.
And then that was the end of the dream. Really? He limped to victory.
Really? So I have to believe this is
God, the Holy Spirit, because this woman had a weird dream, probably from a bad burrito or something.
OK, I'm moving. Oh, oh, man, the mullet guy.
All right. Elvira called and she wants her. She wants her wig back. Yeah.
OK, here we go. Prophetic talents.
Now, I heard this, these prophetic words. Lord, thank you for these words.
Thank you. Let's see if we got them. I need a curse or a reversal.
Let's see, I need I need a reversal, powerful strategy, assignment, prosperity, battle, mind, my people's outpouring decree, wealth, deep when
I can keep going. I think I've got I've got five X's. OK, I need breath.
I heard that lady playing the.
She's falling asleep. She's in a trance. OK, now the dust bowl.
And it's so dramatic. Now, the dust bowl, the dust bowl.
Dust bowl, dust bowl. Come extremely wet. Yeah, I heard that.
Now the dust bowl will become extremely wet. That was a day or so ago.
That's all you got. And the Lord said this. Oh, good, there's more. This morning he told me he said there's a silence coming in the world.
A silence of critics. I don't think so.
You are in big trouble. If this prophecy comes true, Chris, you're the main guy.
No, I just want. No, I'm talking about a silence is coming, man.
Oh, man. Oh, what am I going to do? He said there's a silence coming in the world.
A silence of critics. And then I heard this soon now one will leave.
Probably Biden. It's coming. Make no mistake. All right. Make no mistake, he said again.
And then he said this. Where are you? North Dakota, New York.
OK, he said soon now one will fade away. Oh, soon from this day, sir.
Then he said enough. Enough. Enough, he said.
Then I heard this phrase. Isn't that Basta translated into Basta? Wasn't that?
Oh, oh, yeah, no, I know. Wasn't it not?
Maybe it wasn't enough, but there was. What was it? Stop. It kind of means stop or something like, OK, all right.
The way of Harry Reid will go the way of Harry Reid.
Do you notice his prophetic notebook is sitting on top of the Bible? Of the Bible. Yeah. Yeah. He actually reading the
Bible. He's reading that thing. It's that's just pure blasphemy.
I mean, the whole thing is blasphemy. Well, you think about he's got the word of God, the living word of God wide open right there.
He's got that crazy little notebook that he's full of fever dreams.
Yeah. On top of that Bible. Yeah. I mean, that's that's like somebody, you know, driving up to where there's ocean on one side, a little piece of land, and then there's fresh water on the other.
And he goes right and drinks right out of the ocean. Yep. That's a good point. Absolutely. Yeah, I'm going to go with you on that one.
Yeah, that works. And then I heard this one will double over in the
Senate, Congress. Prophetic politics to the absolute worst.
And then the Lord said this to me. Why do you think there is so much oil in the earth?
He said it represents the anointing. They didn't get it right.
They didn't get it. They proved that they were false prophets and they didn't get it right with Donald Trump.
And now who's going to believe that any of this this politics?
This video has 60 ,000 views. And this guy shows up every week on the
Elijah list doing an intelligence briefing. OK, that's what they call it.
Oh, man. Yeah. And he showed me that it represented when he created it.
There's so much oil because he handled it all. He said it represents the anointing.
OK, he's he's irritating me. OK, OK, this is
Pastor Dr. Baysmore. Prophetic message.
Holy season of heavenly portals. Have you got heavenly portals on your card? That is the thing.
That's a. Friday. We know that Friday is
Inspiration Friday. I want to encourage you with this prophetic message about what we're moving into.
And the Lord has been speaking to me about portals. And you're familiar, I'm sure, with the book of Genesis, the 28th chapter.
How many portals are in Genesis 28? There's no portal in the
Bible at all. What is this? Jacob and his experience with the open heavens, the portal, the staircase.
Oh, really? Really? I'll leave scripture references in the description box.
Please read the description box. And so if you're sensitive, those of us who are sensitive to the things of the spirit, we are all sensitive.
Are you a psychic? That spiritual portal activity has begun.
We know that the Lord is always moving and that there's always activity. But during this season, this most holy season, there's just more of an intensity as it relates to the activity of the
Lord God's heavenly portals. So there's a sensing that goes on when you understand that God speaks to us through numbers and colors.
And he speaks to us, of course, through his word and the Holy Spirit. Of course, through his word. Yeah, yeah, of course.
Of course, you know. Just tacked on at the end there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My wife got a coloring book the other day, and then
God's talking through that thing, man. You see what he's saying? It's so profound.
But God is able to speak through and use whatever he needs to get us the revelation that we need so that we are blessed to be a blessing and that we receive that knowledge that we need.
The knowledge is what activates power. Activate is a prophecy bingo word. And once our power is activated, then we are able to sense more what is happening in the spiritual realm.
And as we sense that, we can share it with others and be God's instruments of love and of health and of healing in the earth realm.
So we know that this season, this biblical month of Nisan, if you haven't already listened to our messages before this one, please do so.
We introduced you to the month of Nisan, which is the first month. Yeah, I'm a
Toyota guy. Okay. Hang on a second here. All right. No, no, I've got to say something about this.
Okay. So the whole thing of like, oh, you have to be activated in the spirit. Why are we treating God like some sort of product where you have, oh yes,
I've bought the laptop. Now I need to install the software, but I need the activation code in order to be able to use it. Yes, I have to call tech support.
Hello, tech support. Can I help you, please? Yes, I'd like to activate the Holy Spirit. Hold on one second.
I need to transfer you to my manager. What is this?
All right. So this is, oh, wait, here we go. Inez. All right. So hang on a second here.
Yeah, yeah. Inez. Are you guys ready for? A really thick
Irish prophecy here. Here we go. Hello, everybody. My name is Inez. So today
I want to bring you a word that the Lord has ministered to me this past weekend and it's time to share it with you.
She seems upset. Okay. As the Lord leads and guides.
So this is what I'll do this day. So let's pray first. So heavenly father, God, we thank you for the stay.
We give you glory. We give you praise. We thank you, Lord, God, that you speak to us, that you show us mysteries, that you reveal things to come.
God, give us ears to hear hearts to receive at this time. What you're saying to the church in Jesus name.
Amen. Let's get to it. So yeah, she, she literally, it seems kind of upset.
Like she's, she's annoyed at somebody or something. Okay. Prayer time.
The weekend just gone. The Lord ministered to me. Now I've heard this through my own church already, but the
Lord ministered to me personally. And when he does that, then I pray into it and then
God reveals more and he shows what to do. So it's always best when you hear
God for yourself as well, and then you get into the word and he will show you.
So true dreams, true visions, make sure at this time that you are very prayerful because it's not a time to be lazy.
It's not a time in the body of Christ to be procrastinating. And we need to.
Dan, have you been prophetically procrastinating lately? You know,
I think I, I think I have, and that might be my problem. That's probably why
I'm, uh, why I've gained so much weight here, uh, recently because I've been prophetically procrastinating.
Right. You see, it's time to stop being lazy, Dan. I know,
I know. And, and, um, I'm, I'm still waiting for the Lord to convict me on that one. Once he does, um, the prophet
Inez has spoken. What are you waiting for? Yeah, that's, I guess you're right.
I guess. She's in a different time zone. It doesn't count. Okay. Yeah. I'll take that one. Thanks, Josh.
I appreciate that. All right. Guarding our heart at this time. We need to be walking with the
Lord and doing what he says. It's also a time for our faith to rise.
It's also a time for great wisdom. Now we know this is a time this month, the month of May is a time of season of rewards of greatness of favor of honor.
Favor is a prophecy being a word. God is moving. We serve a big, mighty God. You need to understand that you need to know
God for yourself, especially in these times. So this is what I want to share with you.
So in the spirit, what God revealed to me was he was showing me the charge in bull, the bull in wall street, polar bears and bull.
Yeah. Yeah. So we got, we got, and wasn't there another animal that was mentioned by one of these prophets?
Eagles. Eagles. Eagles. And I thought there was one more thing. Yeah, I usually try to forget these things.
So, okay. So it was going really, really super fast, just charging along.
Yeah. And then I seen the weighing scales, the money scales like this, and they began to go absolutely just really fast.
And then the sea just rose up like a tsunami and the bull skidded and just stopped.
The bull skidded and stopped because of the sea, the tsunami thing. And then the sea just crashed on top of it all.
And then the Lord begins to reveal what that means. And it's the very same thing that you probably realize yourself, if you've been paying attention and what's going on in the world, there will be a collapse.
There will be finances, things that are just going to crash. Things are going to just come.
Sell, sell, sell. If you have GameStop, dump it, man.
Dump it. Okay. Cancel, cancel. Oh my goodness. Okay. So, so we've got to, we've, we've got to fill in some, some, some prophecy here because, well, we're,
I don't know who this is. We're getting skunked. Yeah. It's been a while since I've seen anything like this.
Hello, my loves. Coach Kavya here. I hope that you're having a blessed and highly favored day. I have a powerful.
She doesn't have a face on here. We're just hearing a voice. Okay. A prophetic word to release to you.
I declare and I decree May 2021. Got one. Okay. Decree. All right.
Okay. I chose wisely. Yeah. Now check this out. Now I start off really slow.
I just need wealth and I'm a bingo. You just need wealth. I just need wealth.
And I am now a bingo. I've got, we do have, we do have bonus bingo words to give out. And don't worry.
I cheat. So, you know, I know, let's keep going with this non -video prophecy word here.
As I was meditating on a word for you for this month, I prayed and I asked God to tell me what his people will experience this month.
And I heard loud and clear reinvent. They're going to reinvent themselves. Amen. The definition of reinvent is to remake or make over as in a different form to bring back and to revive.
Amen. I prophesy in this next season of your evolution, you are becoming who you are destined to become.
According to Psalm 139, 13 through 16, you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is a marvelous.
How well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. And every moment was laid out before a single day.
What translation is she reading in this Psalm 139? I, I, yeah, I, well, the first problem is that she was reading the dictionary.
Like it was some sort of inspired text. Yeah. She did that. And, and, and boy, she really seems to like that passage about how amazing she is.
That's, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You are called, you are chosen, you are anointed and appointed.
You are blessed and highly favored and you've been raised first. All right. I'm taking a word here. She said appointed.
So I'm taking an appointment right there. Ding. Yeah, sorry.
I got to get rid of Inez. Hang on a second. Here we go. A time is this. I prophesy this month, you will see your reality mirroring what you've been dreaming about.
Amen. You're going to see what you've been praying for literally play out in your life.
Amen. I prophesy you are stepping into your most authentic. Step into is a prophecy bingo word.
You're stepping into the person. God created you to be according to Jeremiah 29, 11 for any of the plans
I have for you, say the Lord to prosper you or not. You ain't no prophet lady. You're twisting scripture.
And a future. Amen. And amen. Now there's something in your past.
There is something that got you out of alignment and. Alignment is a prophecy bingo word.
No, it's assignment. Okay. Some abuse, trauma, laws, betrayal.
Something has been blocking you from leveling up. Who are you talking to? Level up is a prophecy.
And why doesn't she have a video? Is it, what's up with that? I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. It's Lee. There's something that happened in your past. Something bad. Like. It may have been a trauma or a drama.
Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh. She's talking about me. My boyfriend two weeks ago.
This is for me. Oh boy. Blocking your blessings from being released.
You have been dealing with heavy resistance. Fierce position and intense spiritual warfare.
And for some of you, this has been going on for years on end. And because it's so painful and so draining, you haven't been able to access your highest self because of these.
Access my highest self. Your highest self. How does one do that?
That's how it's so new agey, man. You know? Access your highest self. I gotta access my highest self, dude.
If I got a ladder, could I like, you know, reach it and access my. This is weird.
All right. So, you know, let's see here. Let's taste and see the new flavors
I'm creating. Just the title.
All right. Let's see what we get. There's a rumbling under our feet.
The fire is coming up from our feet to our knees, to our hips, to our spirit.
That's called being burned in the skin. A new fire igniting inside of each one of us.
God's been staring and staring and now it's ignited. It's ignited like an inferno.
And God says. Oh, the interpretive dancers.
Is that what that is? Yeah, this is where high school tall flag girls go to die.
That's when they retire. Yeah. What are you gonna do with this new fire? Where are you gonna go with this new fire?
I'm trying to ignite these nations through you.
I want to ignite and shi - Now they're showing fire on their screen.
It's to get them used to it. I'm telling you, these guys make this stuff up as they go along. Oh, I know.
And they have no fear of God. None. None. And even the songs they're making up as they, you know, like I said, it's just random stuff.
Yep. And I say to you, many of you have chosen to like vanilla and others have chosen to -
Are you kidding me? Some of you have chosen to like vanilla. Oh man, that is insane.
This stuff is craziness, man. Is that what he's calling himself now? Okay. But I say
I'm sending a fire to melt them together. And then I'm adding my own flavors that you know not of.
For I am a creative God filled with flavor and creativity.
And - Somebody stopped over at Baskin Robbins before he headed off to church.
I'm just saying, you know. Yeah, he's talking about mixing chocolate and vanilla. We got a soft serve little shop down the street from us that does that, you know?
Exactly. I mean, this is ridiculous. Your choice will be to taste and see that new taste that I'm producing.
And none of us have got a bingo yet. No. Well, I've got one word. Well, if it is somewhere in there.
I know it's in there somewhere. All right, so there's a brand new channel here.
Be Like Jesus Movement. Prophetic word for me. Never tried him before. This was a live stream.
We serve. Hallelujah. Domino's is now delivering prophecies.
Okay, I'm going to put the play head like randomly down somewhere. See if this guy can help us out here.
And he's got 78 ,000 subscribers. Are you kidding me?
No, no. There is a dimension in which man crosses into my
God, where they are now under the umbrella, where they are now under the power, where they are now under the presence of the living
God. There is a dimension glory to God that empowers the individual to transcend the elements of time.
Glory to God. And they shift into a heavenly dimension where God now begins to supplement, where God now begins to supply strength, where God now begins to supply wisdom, where God now begins to supply that which is heavenly glory to God.
And now a man or a woman is empowered to do that which they could not do.
My God, because there is a dimension. So that. Thank you.
Thank you. All right. Oh, wait, I'm getting a download here. Pirate download coming in. Ahoy there.
Okay. I think I think it's wealth. I think that I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure it's wealth,
Chris. No, no, that's not. Another check in my spirit, man. Check, check.
I'm feeling it too, though. I mean, but you see, you see how this works.
Oh, there it is. I feel a curse. Ding. It is.
It's a double bingo in one. I really thought I was going to be the comeback kid here.
I got to do a muffin dance here. I really thought
I was going to be the comeback kid. I just needed wealth, man. Just wow. So a double bingo means
I have to give a double bingo prophecy. So, I mean, I got a channel and I can't do the strong bird thing.
Can you sing it? Can you sing the prophecy, Chris? Do I look like I can sing?
Just try it. Does anyone in any of these videos look like they can? I have no tools for pulling off an impromptu sing along.
Maybe I can create some music. No, no, no.
And I can't even rap. Okay, so hang on a second. I got to channel my inner prophetic pirate bingo guy.
Okay, so I feel the fire. It's burning me down in my generational curse and curse you for doing that.
Oh, man, I feel my inheritance is withering away. But wait,
I feel a breakthrough in my free space, and it's unlocking my spirit of harvest. Oh, man, he threw free space in there.
There we go. Ta -da! Oh, man.
I get a head of five truck pierces. This is... All right. So we've run out of prophecies to burn through today, but we don't normally give two words.
Two words. One of them could be breath, and the other one could be wealth. It could happen.
It could happen. So as it goes, if you are a subscriber to our YouTube channel, you can hit the subscribe button now if you're not, then you get the word wealth.
Bingo for Dan. All right. So now, Dan, now that means you have a bingo, but let's get that last one in.
I'm feeling, I'm feeling, oh, if you ring the bell, then you can definitely have the breath.
Yes. So that means you guys get to prophesy now.
Well, Dan, you want to go first? You want to start, Josh, or you want me to go first? No, no, no, you go for it.
All right. All right, here we go. I'm feeling a decree coming as I decree about wealth and the free space.
And my timing is here to declare this decree for the free space.
I like how you, like, like we're yelling. I love it because it's true if you yell it.
So that's very good. And that's, that's how I know this is going to come true. Did it make sense?
That's the question. Of course not. As much sense as any of the other prophecies.
You made as much sense as Kay Nash. Okay. Oh, gosh. All right. So I'm going to apologize ahead of time because my bingo actually has yelling as part of it.
So I'm probably going to try to sit back. Okay, I'm getting my headset that way.
Hello. Strong word here to give you a prophecy for Bob's bingo. May 2021. Oh, yes, there is.
It gives me the ability to release. Oh, man, this was great.
This is the best, man. This is the best. This is the best time I've had a long time.
There are so many people who email me goes, please let me be on Prophecy Bingo.
Oh, man, this is a blast. Please stop doing Prophecy Bingo. It's so mean. Yeah, I bet. Yeah, man.
Thank you for coming on. It was a lot of fun having you, man. It was great. I loved it.
Thank you so much, guys. This was the best time I've had in so long. Well, great. Now, again, remind people your
YouTube channel is long for truth. Long for truth. One long.
And I won't tell you what, man, I won't tell you why I put a why I put a one there. But actually, I will tell you,
I lost my password to my original channel. Okay.
And we'll put a link down to his channel down below in our description so that you can visit his good research that he does on the historical wing nuts and charlatans and scam artists of the early
Pentecostal movement. It's just it's absolutely fantastic. So all right, I'm going to sign off here.
Hopefully you enjoyed Prophecy Bingo. If you'd like to share this with other people can enjoy the experience. All the information on how you can share the video is down below.
Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.