FBC Daily Devotional – May 31, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, a good Monday to you, Memorial Day, and it's a day for us to reflect on those who have given their lives to purchase our freedom and protect us as citizens of this great land.
What a cost our freedoms come. This, by the way, should remind us of our true citizenship in heaven, and the cost of that citizenship for us, the freedom that we have as believers in Christ.
At what cost did we obtain that freedom? At the cost of the very life of our
Savior, the lifeblood of our Savior. So there's a lot for us to think about on Memorial Day, even beyond that which the culture reflects upon.
Well, speaking of Jesus and his coming into this world, we read today in Luke 2, the birth account, the birth narrative of Jesus as recorded by Luke.
This passage just reminds us of the oftentimes amazing work of providence.
It is profound many times. Many times we don't, I would say probably most of the time, we don't stop to think about how
God providentially orders things in our lives. We just go through life day after day and don't really think about the
Lord's providential working in our lives. But when we read what we read today, we can look back on this account and look at what happened at the birth of Jesus, and we can see divine providence in action.
So think about how amazing this providence is. We know from the prophecy of Micah that Jesus had to be born in Bethlehem.
But Joseph and Mary, they live in Nazareth. That's their hometown, and they have no reason to leave their hometown.
In fact, that's a great hardship to leave their town and to make a journey of that nature.
As we think of it, it isn't all that far to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem, but it would be more than a day's journey.
And of course, Mary is several months pregnant now due to give birth any day.
So this certainly was not a trip that they would just make on a whim, and they wouldn't make it and say, well, let's go back and visit the hometown of our ancient relatives,
Bethlehem. No, they're not going to do that. So they had to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
How in the world is that going to happen, and why should they go? Well, step onto the scene, the announcement of the
Caesar, the emperor of Rome, saying that everybody has to be registered in a census. So you got this decree of the
Roman emperor. Does he have a clue? Does he have a clue what he's doing, that he's setting up the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and ensuring that Jesus, the
Messiah, is born in Bethlehem and not in Nazareth? Absolutely not. But the
Lord does. God knows. And he arranged this. He arranged this.
And then as you continue in our reading, we see further providential work as Joseph and Mary take
Jesus to the temple to be named and circumcised, and just at the right time that they show up in the temple.
This man, Simeon, comes to the temple as well. He comes to the temple complex, and he just so happens to run into Joseph and Mary as they're coming to perform this rite on Jesus.
And actually, it's not the eight -day circumcision rite. It's the 30 days of purification sacrifice that Mary needed to offer, and they need to offer for their newborn son.
But nevertheless, at just that time, month after the birth, Joseph and Mary show up in the temple, just so happen to show up at the same time
Simeon does. And then Simeon offers this incredible messianic proclamation.
And it is so astonishing that verse 33 says, this proclamation, that Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him.
They were astonished at this. They were astonished of this. And we're going to see in a couple days in our reading, as our passage is going to pick up in verse 36, the coming of Anna.
And here again, just a providential timing that Anna shows up when
Jesus is there, and she too makes a pronouncement regarding the birth of Messiah, that he has finally come, the one for whom we've waited so long.
So yes, the work of divine providence most of the time, we're not even tuned into it.
But sometimes that providential work is a marvel. It is just a marvel to behold.
Let's thank the Lord for the way he providentially arranges circumstances for his own glory and for our own good.
So Father, we do thank you today. We thank you that in your providence, you direct our steps.
And we think on this Memorial Day of those who in your providence ended up giving their lives for the sake of our country, to purchase our freedoms and to sustain and protect our freedoms because of their work and your providential arrangement of life in this fallen world.
Your people in this land have unprecedented freedoms and we enjoy them so greatly.
And Father, we also thank you today for the day -to -day providential work where you provide, you provide what is good for us, what is best for your glory.
May we trust you for that. And we pray it in Jesus' name. Amen. All right.
Well, have a good rest of your Monday, your Memorial Day. And I hope the