- 00:41
- 9 7 3 4 6 0 2 or toll -free across the United States it's 1 8 7 7 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 my name is indeed
- 01:00
- James White we're here an hour early and there's a reason for that but I'm not really sure exactly how to explain it we're not sure exactly what the schedule is going to be in the future back up just a little bit and I thought maybe we could just switch days because now there's an issue on Thursday night and we haven't figured all that out yet so just keep an eye on the website and maybe we'll be able to figure out exactly how this is all going to work sometime in the future as to rescheduling things and making everything function today is
- 01:42
- September 11th 2003 and just a few minutes ago
- 01:47
- I was listening to the dividing line from September 15 2001 and that was
- 01:59
- I was interesting to listen to I had forgotten some of the things that I mentioned that time for example the hearing of aircraft going over the first time after a few days of the eerie silence of no aircraft going over I had sort of forgotten about that and I think most
- 02:17
- Americans have forgotten about a lot of little things like that we may sit around talk about it and those memories come back but given that we had dedicated an entire program to 9 -11 when it took place
- 02:31
- I thought we'd at least begin our time today with the somewhat of a shall we say a two -year checkup some of you who heard that program will recall that I wasn't overly excited about the religiosity that I saw in our nation in the days after 9 -11 in fact
- 02:57
- I pretty well directly identified as hypocrisy I saw no attendant evidence that the religiosity that we saw was relevant at all to Christianity it seems that many in the church today think that if someone says
- 03:15
- God bless you God bless America let us pray mentions the man upstairs
- 03:22
- I mean we have so dumbed down the faith that as long as there's something semi religious about we get all excited and the problem is the scriptures give us specific very clear indications of what real true godliness is all about and none of that attended the religiosity that sort of popped up for a while you'll notice the flags are gone you know everybody had a flag on their car and God bless
- 03:59
- America and these colors don't run those have been scratched off or faded off and the flags are gone and we all knew that was going to happen not like that really you know surprised anybody but the religiosity that we heard the prayer meetings the fact that there were individuals you know the
- 04:19
- ACLU was laying low even though they're all sorts of religious activities going on and people in religious office were asking for people to do religious things well they were laying low for a while they didn't want to be seen as mean nasty terrible horrible people they sort of kept quiet well they're back they're back with a vengeance their minds weren't changed when we look at what has happened since 9 -1 -1 it definitely seems to indicate to us that the religiosity that was seen was very similar to the religiosity seen in Israel when there would be judgment that would come upon the nation there would be this surface renewal you know when you have an enemy frightening you standing at your your doorway it's easy to call out to God but then when the enemy's gone deliverance has been given or simply time passes well then sin is a whole lot more interesting to engage in it seems think about what has happened
- 05:35
- I mean if there truly was there was all this increase in in church attendance as far as I understand it's pretty much back to where it was before now and there was all this discussion of God and and I kept saying at the time well if that does not include repentance from sin and repentance is not just simply a well you know
- 06:00
- I'll stop doing this for a while we will will sort of back off on promoting our sin agenda for a couple of weeks here you know because the religious folks in our nation that's not repentance repentance involves a a change of mind a turning from something to something and that to something wasn't there there wasn't a turn there was just instead of the headlong rush we skipped a few steps you know we slowed down just just for a couple weeks that's not repentance as most of you who are biblically literate are fully aware that's not repentance there wasn't a turning from the turning to and at the time
- 06:49
- I mentioned the fact that even in that at that period of time if you said something about repentance is a judgment people threw their hands up and they were just angry that you would actually believe that God would bring judgment upon a nation for their sin and has anything changed just a few weeks ago the president
- 07:13
- United States made a statement said we're all sinners I was a mistake wasn't it what do you mean we're all sinners who are you to say who are you to judge it was an amazing thing it truly was and folks on the intercom there nothing's really changed has a think about just a few things in this past number of months and weeks did the
- 07:51
- Supreme Court choose to interpret the Constitution light of its original intention and in light of their duty as judges to render verdicts that are just in the sight of God no no in fact they overturned sodomy laws
- 08:12
- Texas and then not happy to do that decided to join the culture wars firmly on the side of homosexuality as a result we now have an explosion of homosexuals militantly seeking
- 08:27
- Uber rights they don't want equal rights they want superior rights they want superior rights to everyone else based upon how they engage in sex and with whom sounds like sodom and more to me
- 08:45
- I just saw a video was horrible just up credible put out by Soulforce Mel White's organization and it was just it was about a alleged trial and they they put this
- 09:11
- Presbyterian minister up there and you know having written a book on this subject and having debated
- 09:16
- Barry Lennon the subject listening this guy crowing about how he had never lost debate on the subject and listening to the absolutely hilarious argumentation
- 09:27
- I mean argumentation that would not last three seconds in cross -examination it was it was it was the the arrogance of those promoting this lifestyle this in when we look around at the media and we seem to change what's on TV well let's see we've got what is this a paradise hotel thing
- 10:03
- I've never seen that one but can tell from the the promos that I'm sure it promotes a a very healthy monogamous family valued type of perspective
- 10:17
- I'm sure we've got a queer eye for the straight guy we've got coupling coming that looks like it's going to reach new lows that's what so people want to watch this week makes money in our nation we've got at least one of the two major political parties engaging in every known tactic to allow for the continued murder of unborn children there's one of the two parties has made it very very clear that you must interpret the
- 10:49
- Constitution as they interpret the Constitution so as to protect the murder of unborn children even though that's lousy constitutional law to anyone who would even be honest enough to address the issue but you're not allowed to honestly address that issue that that has become an absolute dogma dogma of one of the two political parties you can't you cannot be in that party and expect to get anywhere if you do not that you're a heretic a dogmatic heretic if you do not hold to abortion rights murder of unborn children and then just a few weeks ago
- 11:36
- I mentioned the irony and don't don't get me wrong the other political parties not much better certainly there's more folks in it that will at least oppose abortion but still what's really being said what's really being done and then just a few weeks ago just so we can make sure that attorneys do not have to be reminded of the source of all moral law we had to remove the
- 12:10
- Ten Commandments from the Alabama state that's courthouse building there can't can't be reminded folks about that now they can they can drive by bulletin boards all along the all along the way that are downright pornographic and content and all sorts of stuff like that but we can't be reminded historically this is the foundation of the law we don't we don't want to don't want to do that I was mentioning
- 12:38
- I saw that soul force video today and it started off with Mel White just I couldn't help that it was it was the worst form of of grossly inaccurate rhetoric that you hear in from politicians get the exact same thing and it talked all about how how
- 13:03
- Christian the real problem in the homosexual it's the fault of religious conservatives it's all our fault all the problems that homosexuals have is actually our fault it was it was incredible and these folks are supported and they get money and they get the opportunity of promoting their agenda was from a willing media you know if there had been a change a change in the thinking of this nation don't you think it would you know where would it reflect itself if there was a concern about what
- 13:48
- God says and right is right and wrong then wouldn't there somewhere along the line be some evidence someplace some evidence of of godliness some evidence that that people are taking seriously the commandments of God in regards to holiness of life and thoughts and honoring
- 14:18
- God would there be some evidence somewhere I don't see anything has gotten better seems we're on the exact same path and that takes us back to what we were saying initially all the prayer meetings and the ecumenical stuff where you get all the
- 14:42
- Muslims and the Jews and the Hindus and the Buddhists and the United Methodist together they seem to fit in there well for some reason and you sit there and you talk to Father God and Mother God and Mother Earth and all the rest is garbage it's idolatry it's not going to result in godliness so here we are the second anniversary of 9 -11 and is it any more popular today to talk about judgment is any more popular today to recognize the holiness of God than it was on 9 -11 maybe even less given the things that have taken place in the
- 15:31
- Supreme Court the laws are being promoted by senators in the
- 15:37
- Senate and representatives in the house now we just took a little pause just a little break didn't change our thinking we're just sort of shocked amazed that something like that would happen but you know we've we've moved on if something like that happens again and all the experts say it probably will
- 16:03
- I expect there will be another outpouring of emotion another outpouring of patriotism but it probably won't be quite as intense it probably won't last quite as long we're starting to get used to it maybe the time after that maybe not as quite as intense not quite as long
- 16:32
- I mean look at Israel they face this stuff every day it's become second nature to them
- 16:40
- I'm not saying that they are used to it no one could ever get used to it completely but the point is it doesn't have quite the same impact the second time the third time the tenth time the hundredth time and so what was all that religiosity did it really have anything to do with Christianity no it doesn't touch the heart doesn't change the heart if it doesn't bring someone shattered to the cross that it didn't have anything to do with Christianity in the first place so we look around and we say well we still got a still got a lot of work to do we still have to remain faithful despite the fact that what we saw in those first few days what seemingly encouraged so many folks and I just I guess some some folks just easily encouraged
- 17:42
- I looked at and said this this doesn't encourage me so some folks are using
- 17:49
- God's name so what the Philistines used various names that refer to God where does a person who derives their worldview from the
- 18:00
- Bible come up with the idea that as long as someone uses the name of God somehow that's a positive thing oh well
- 18:12
- I know the answer to my own question at that point so I hate to start off on a low note but let's just be realistic with ourselves nothing changed there was no turning to God not seriously now
- 18:31
- I would hope I would hope Christians certainly think more about their nation now they did before I would hope that that there is more prayer concerning one's nation more thinking about the issues of judgment at least in the part of God's people but as things have quote -unquote returned normal what we really have to conclude is that man may go running after his idol of God when he is faced with adversity and danger but that's not what changes the heart that's not what changes the heart and that's what we see going on in our land eight seven seven seven five three three three four one and I know we have listeners from outside of the
- 19:30
- United States we have listeners from Canada we have listeners even in that portion of Canada around Nova Scotia and those folks are really strange it surely truly are very different and I was in Canada week for last and I I refer
- 20:04
- I refer to my take off at the Vancouver Airport that's my escape
- 20:10
- I tell ya it's it's different you know they have no food the
- 20:18
- Vancouver Airport is the weirdest thing it's just the weirdest thing you know you go to a airport in the
- 20:26
- United States and you can eat there's gonna be pizza and and and cheeseburgers and yeah it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg but it's there not in Vancouver no and then you know
- 20:43
- I got ripped off and I I'm gonna lodge a complaint here with our Canadian dude because because I got a hot dog and a bag of chips and a coke at the
- 20:56
- Vancouver Airport you said there wasn't food yeah you have to look around for it and it's just there's not much and so they said seven dollars and so I got out my seven dollars
- 21:08
- American they saw it and they said oh that's five I think it was 540 540
- 21:14
- American okay so I gave her six but she gave me the change in Canadian money
- 21:25
- I tried to use it the car wash spit it out every time I tried to put the stupid thing in there it doesn't weigh enough it's cheap oh well anyway yes
- 21:40
- I know Vancouver's on the other side of the continent still in Canada that's the point anyway 877 -753 -3341 877 -753 -3341 you don't have to talk about that you can talk about other things you want to but why don't you give us call it
- 22:00
- I know that a lot of folks who normally be listening right now will be coming in you know as the theme music is entering ending going what happened and it's because we're early and I like I said
- 22:12
- I don't know how we're gonna fix that in the future but we'll for now anyways figure it's going to be 11 a .m.
- 22:21
- on Tuesday and four o 'clock on Thursday that's about the only we can do right now we'll see watching our
- 22:29
- Canadian participants telling me of course you got ripped off you're an American what do you expect really okay anyhow at least
- 22:43
- I live Vancouver u .s. Oh Vancouver USA what's that that's a pretty area up there it was in Seattle so anyways 877 -753 -3341 is the phone number and let's go ahead and let folks get on the line and while we're doing that we we haven't yet fixed our our computer that does those wonderful spots that we we normally do and so we still have to do them live and so I'm just gonna do a brief one just to remind you in light of fact that I watched that Soulforce video the book the same -sex controversy you really need to get hold of it
- 23:40
- I listened in fact you know I've got it right here this is the users guide to the video and it's called homosexuality the debate is over the verdict is in not a sickness not a sin you know that rhymes and Mel White comes up there and he's just listen this is fair this is sentient times religious leaders have persecuted homosexuals by stoning them to death bring them to stake and hang them alongside witches and heretics the past 35 years or so Protestant Catholic churches have continued this history of persecution of sexual and gender minorities like that sexual sexual and gender minorities terms did not even exist 35 years ago by studying and debating our humanity by calling us sick and sinful by refusing us the rights to ordination to marriage into unqualified membership in the church think just think about the entire spectrum of false argumentation that just got snuck in there and then later they bring in this this reverend dr.
- 25:03
- Jim Rigby senior pastor st. Andrews Presbyterian Church Austin Texas and here's what he says ladies and gentlemen the jury
- 25:13
- I'm a heterosexual Presbyterian minister I have no vested interest in coming here today
- 25:18
- I'm here because people I love respect of being falsely accused over the last 10 years I've gone around the country debating this issue
- 25:24
- I've never lost a debate not because I'm so good because the fundamentalist argument is so laughably weak now you ready for refutation here check this out they appeal to Levitical code because 1822 in 2013 of the
- 25:41
- Old Testament even though the New Testament clearly says that we are free from that code in fact it's a sin to use that code against other person the book of Acts says call no one unclean
- 25:52
- Peter in Acts 1028 yep that's that's what
- 25:59
- Peter meant to say Peter having been told that he should eat with Gentiles do not call what
- 26:08
- I have called clean unclean that meant that the entire
- 26:14
- Levitical code and all of its moral precepts including prohibitions against incest and bestiality and homosexuality all that's gone in Acts chapter 10 now there is the exegesis of a
- 26:30
- Presbyterian minister from Austin Texas well how do you respond that kind of stuff well that's what
- 26:42
- Jeff Neal and I addressed in the same -sex controversy and that very issue is addressed
- 26:48
- Leviticus 18 Leviticus 20 fully taken apart dealt with all these arguments what that's all gone because you know all that stuff already already taken care of in the book you need to get it we have available okay let's um that's that's only one very live commercial that's what's going on there now
- 27:12
- I believe that this is this first time we've ever had a call like this and so we'll do the best we can let's let's go up to I think this is
- 27:24
- Kansas and talk with Stephen hello Stephen Stephen hi hi
- 27:31
- Stephen how are you I'm fine Stephen how did you know to call this program my dad told me your dad yeah before oh and Kansas hmm
- 27:46
- I bet you I have some idea maybe his first name starts with an
- 27:52
- H yep uh -huh hmm tricky fella that daddy ears huh yeah uh -huh well what's your question my question is can
- 28:05
- I have eternal life now before I like get to heaven well you know
- 28:11
- I've got a real neat answer for you Jesus said that that's really the only way that you can have eternal life
- 28:21
- Jesus said in in the Gospel of John the fifth chapter the 24th verse he says he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life not will have eternal life someday way down the road but right now has eternal life and does not come into judgment but has passed out of death into life and so a
- 28:47
- Christian who believes in Jesus and believes that he is our
- 28:52
- Lord that he died upon the cross he rose from the dead a person who believes in Jesus right now the kind of life they live is different than the life of the people around us that don't believe that because it's already a different kind of life it is eternal life and so yes you can have eternal life now and yeah that does mean it'll always last but it means more than just it'll always last it also means that it's it's a different kind of life you have different you know when you're a
- 29:25
- Christian you want to do things differently than other people and you have you have different things that are important to you then then other folks that don't believe in Jesus so the answer your question is yes you can definitely have eternal life now and know for certain on the basis of the
- 29:42
- Lord's own honesty and integrity that you'll have eternal life when you go to be with him as well okay okay all right say hi to your dad for me all right all right thanks for calling and God bless bye -bye all right eight seven seven seven five three three three four one and let's talk with Evans from Cedar Rapids Iowa how you doing
- 30:07
- Evan I'm fine what's your yes sir um
- 30:13
- I had a conversation at work this morning and kind of blew on the guy said that Spurgeon believed that all infants are saved and he said
- 30:25
- John Piper actually taught the same thing so I was I was calling to find out if he knew the basis for what they were claiming well
- 30:34
- I have read that Spurgeon did believe pretty much the same as Zwingli did that all infants who die in infancy and all who are mentally incapable of cognitive thought in essence were numbered among the elect
- 30:54
- I do not know what John Piper's view of that subject is I believe that would probably be as well the the view of John MacArthur but I really don't go around finding out what folks view on that is
- 31:05
- I would assume that the foundation certainly at least in the few sermons that I've seen
- 31:12
- Spurgeon make reference to it the foundation was was based upon his view that the judge of all the earth would do right these individuals would be joined to Christ and and hence would would be saved
- 31:28
- I have never spent much time looking into anything beyond that that level of it
- 31:35
- I know there's folks that take that view there are folks that take the other side and then there's those in the middle who say well
- 31:44
- I'm uncomfortable with taking the extreme on either end that is if you say that all infants who die in infancy are thereby lost then you limit
- 31:57
- God's ability to express mercy in that situation on the other hand if you say that every infant who dies in infancy is automatically saved then in essence you've just turned abortion into the greatest heaven -filling device ever devised by man and you also have problems with the whole issue of original sin and union with the atom and the origins of death and so on so forth there are answers that both sides will give on the extremes
- 32:28
- I think there's a middle ground which says the judge of all the earth will do right and you can leave that in his hand that he is not under compulsion one way or the other and that he can exercise his freedom in the granting of his grace as well as in the righteous judgment based upon one's union with Adam so unfortunately
- 32:51
- I don't hear a lot of really good discussion of that particular issue but there's probably a reason for that it's not something that is you know you can't go to a particular passage of scripture and say there it is you know you can go to David and David talks about his son but is that a universal thing you know
- 33:09
- I know where the arguments are but I tend to fall in that middle group on the conversation came up work today
- 33:18
- I went to the judgment of Canaan and I went to the judgment of Sodom and I thought those were definitive but I was
- 33:25
- I was interested in what it what how do you mean definitive well in the judgment of Sodom the only people who are spared from Sodom would be lot in his family and they would be the only people in Sodom I would argue that are positionally righteous therefore all the children in Sodom were guilty well
- 33:52
- I I don't think that too many folks are arguing well okay I'll take that back yes there are there are people who argue the children not guilty
- 33:59
- I wasn't really even addressing that perspective because I believe that everybody at least both
- 34:05
- Spurgeon and Piper would believe in original sin and they would be talking about those children being saved through redemptive the redemptive work of Christ not not that's exactly what was said at work today that there was no conflict because the idea is that every infant that dies is of the elect right and you know the point is you can't
- 34:29
- I don't know that you can prove that from for example looking at David's son because David's son could be could be while others are not at the same time
- 34:38
- I don't know that all the children Sodom and Gomorrah necessarily becomes a universal picture for everybody else
- 34:45
- I mean let's face it Sodom and Gomorrah had very little light as far as God's truth presented to it there are worse cities mentioned in Scripture crazing and Bethsaida are considered to be worse as far as that goes because they had more light you know given to them so that's why
- 35:02
- I sort of stay in the middle I I see arguments on both sides and I don't see that any of these particular examples presented by the extremes necessarily establish the sort of universal conclusions are being drawn from them so I would definitely agree with you though in Sodom and Gomorrah the only people that were delivered and they were not delivered on the basis their own personal righteous
- 35:28
- I can guarantee you that look at lots wife and what happens to her as evidence thereof was lot in his family and and everyone in those cities was most definitely destroyed and righteously so all righty yeah
- 35:41
- I have another little question if you got time sure that's fine sure I have a teacher who was a graduate of Dallas and he is adamantly convinced that Paul is not the author of Hebrews okay because he says when he translates
- 35:57
- Paul the Greek in Hebrews is so different there's no more epistles of Paul that that it can't possibly be the same person he's convinced it's
- 36:06
- Barnabas I was just curious as to your judgment on that argument well he is exactly correct that the the grammar and syntax of Hebrews is substantially different than Paul's epistles to repeat to the church at Ephesus or to the churches in Galatia or something like that there's no question about that the various theories of those who would defend
- 36:31
- Pauline authorship and all I can say that I'm certain of is that the author of the book of Hebrews was very well versed in Paul's teaching and theology and some people look at Luke some people look at Apollo's I think
- 36:50
- Luther even suggested Apollo's as a as a possibility there there are many places where the the argumentation and even the phraseology at times is is very definitely very close to Paul's at that point however the language is very different a person who is very comfortable in the
- 37:09
- Pauline epistles will encounter very different syntax much more Lucan much more like Luke and Luke and acts than anything that Paul would write now one of the theories that has been used by defenders of Pauline authorship of Hebrews was that Paul originally wrote it in Hebrew and that Luke translated into Greek and that that was what was distributed was
- 37:32
- Luke's translation of Paul's original letter to Hebrew Christians that's again one of the many theories that's thrown out there that certainly would explain the two issues that is that the theology has many parallels directly with Paul's teaching on Christ and things like that and then the
- 37:53
- Greek is very much like Luke that would explain both of them but again we will get to find out
- 38:00
- I'm sort of wondering if you know 10 days into eternity the Lord's going to announce that he's going to reveal to us the author of Hebrews and you know someone's gonna walk out from behind a curtain and hey it was him and we're all gonna sit around going yeah we argued about that and I don't you know
- 38:15
- I don't know I was being just there at the end okay thanks Evan thanks for calling us eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is the phone number we have open lines right now you can get in if you have questions today we're sort of allowing for you know whatever you'd like we just we just went from eternal life to authorship of Hebrews and infant salvation there you go there's a there's a fairly wide view of subjects that we covered all in one particular shot and we'll take your phone calls eight seven seven seven five three three three four one just received oh yeah okay fine just received in the from UPS today a book
- 39:14
- I ordered quite some quite some time ago now Richard Muller's second volume post -reformation reform dogmatics rise and development form orthodoxy volume two holy scripture the cognitive foundation of theology and I have had this highly recommended to me and looking through it already
- 39:36
- I see that it's going to be a very good resource no two ways about it and it was recommended to me by David King who wrote volume one of holy scripture that being the three volume set of holy scripture which we have available by Bill Webster and David King and some of you know that I'm currently working on a book trying to work on a book on the subject of scriptural sufficiency and one of the one of the issues that I'm discussing with the publisher in regards to the format of the book is that I do not want to rewrite what other people have already written
- 40:20
- David King's first volume in the three volume set on the sufficient sufficiency of scripture biblical argumentation is simply wonderful obviously the book that I just received today tremendous information tremendous documentation the problem is for a lot of folks in the church you'd have to almost pay them to read those books there are hundreds of footnotes in each and the authors of each one would probably not tell you that they were attempting to write a book that would be equally accessible to all folks that basically they were writing it for people who really want an in -depth discussion of that particular subject what
- 41:15
- I want to do in the book that I'm writing on the sufficiency of scripture right now is I want to basically do the same type of thing that I did with the doctrine the
- 41:25
- Trinity and that I did with King James only controversy justification
- 41:32
- I want to inflame passion in the part of believers about a foundational and fundamental belief
- 41:41
- I just don't believe that people are going to remain faithful these things that they're not passionate about them you will not remain faithful to a particular doctrinal stance and position if you are not passionate about its truthfulness and the impact it has on your life and the fact that you were dealing here with God's truth and so that's what
- 42:03
- I want to try to do in the format of the book is as I hope that it'll end up being as we're in the writing right now is such to hopefully help with help with that by the way just a quick sort of reminder or not really reminder of update
- 42:22
- I just saw the I've seen the front now I've seen the back of debating
- 42:29
- Calvinism the book with Dave Hunt sola scriptura for dummies yeah okay that is not the point
- 42:43
- I was attempting to communicate thank you very much some folks have to kick that person later anyway
- 42:54
- I've seen the front the back of the book now I saw the graphic of the front I've seen the text for the back and I will be sending that'll be being sent out to folks for endorsements that could be really interesting sort of really be very interested in seeing what kind of kind of endorsement
- 43:14
- I would try to put myself in the in the in the shoes of you know think about some of the folks who endorse the potter's freedom for example okay
- 43:25
- Bob Raymond okay I think Bob Raymond said that I took Norman Geist for the theological woodshed okay well what's he gonna do with with a debate book like this you know
- 43:42
- I mean I know what many of them would like to say but what small
- 43:49
- Noma could be willing to actually put in print I feel like asking for I want to hear what every single reviewer actually says
- 43:58
- I want to see every letter it would be I think it's gonna be very humorous actually so anyway we'll see you let's see what comes it's still scheduled for February the the book the five views
- 44:11
- I think five years book that I contributed to on church governance all
- 44:17
- I've been given is spring spring 2004 I you know don't know what that means but they're all all that works done just hasn't you know just hasn't appeared yet and please don't be frustrated with me about that I have no control of that sort of like the situation we have right now with straightgate you know
- 44:41
- I mean people are all you know calling contacting us and saying you know come on what's uh why can't you fix this and and all the rest of we have no control over and believe me
- 44:54
- Stephanos is doing everything he can Stephen Luke is doing everything he can to you know to get things fixed and you know
- 45:01
- I said to I said to Rich I think this morning I said okay what we'll do is everyone who calls and complains concerning straightgate not being not working right now just ask them okay and how much have you donated to straightgate of late and that'll pretty much take care because I think there'd be like two people left who could actually have a basis for complaining about straightgate anyways let's go back to the let's that was dumb let's go back to the phone lines and let's go ahead and go over to the wacky wild Republic of California with the min pin in the background barking and talk with Johnny hello
- 45:57
- Johnny all right it sounds like a miniature pincher that's a rat with fur yes a miniature fox yeah okay my questions about Exodus chapter 6 verse 3 now
- 46:28
- I remember when I was studying Mormonism a few years ago and I guess
- 46:33
- I might pick pick up the subject a little bit more and but anyway one of the things that I read in a book is that there's a problem with the the revelations of Joseph Smith because Joseph Smith spoke
- 46:47
- I think it was in the book of Abraham in the pearl of great price and spoke of Abraham using the name of God Jehovah Yahweh and the said that that's impossible for Abraham to have known
- 46:59
- God by that name since in the Exodus chapter 6 verse 3 reading the ESV here he says
- 47:05
- I appeared to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty but my name the
- 47:10
- Lord in capital letters the only I did not make myself known to them but my basic confusion here is that when
- 47:19
- I look at the book of Genesis I see Abraham calling God Yahweh and Genesis 18 or and other places as well so I wonder if you could clear of that confusion
- 47:31
- I've been having for years yeah well there is much discussion if you check any of the it got back in if you check any of the critical commentaries on the subject of the exodus 6 you'll find a number of discussions that will break down basically into two types the first type is well here is an obvious indication of the liberal perspective will be we're gonna turn you down here for a second that's meant that metaphorically anyway the the liberal perspective in answering that question will be that the writer of Exodus and writer of Genesis are two different writers and therefore there is a inconsistency between the two the conservative understanding of the text will basically focus upon the idea that making known to them by my name is an issue that is in relationship to the covenant name of Jehovah and that it was a form of revelation and if you take that perspective then yeah the criticism of Joseph Smith on that particular level would not be a consistent means of of pointing out
- 49:07
- I mean it's so many errors in Joseph Smith's writings that it would there really isn't a need to be focusing upon something like this so I don't have a commentary sitting in front of me on Exodus 6 3 but that's my recollection of the discussion was that it had more to do with the mode of revelation than the actual use the name others
- 49:33
- I think if I recall correctly theorized that the appearances in Genesis those who took the idea that yes it's the first time that Yahweh was used specifically in revelation from God then they explain the appearances in Genesis as Moses writing and using the name that had been revealed to him as he is as he is recording the history that it was
- 50:01
- Yahweh that was doing these things but in other words it's due to the perspective of the writer that was another of the theories that was presented and if you took that perspective then you could still criticize
- 50:12
- Joseph Smith in a way but I don't think that's a real strong criticism of Joseph Smith in the first place that particular point
- 50:19
- I couldn't because we had to turn you down the dog was quiet now she's eating now actually
- 50:31
- I wasn't so much because of Mormonism it's just it was in in reading books about Mormons that I came across that point and I was like wait a minute but you know there are these places and I just heard your explanation it was just something that has confused me for years
- 50:46
- I just never I figured it wasn't that important then you know since you were taking open lines
- 50:51
- I figured I should call you and just stay clear of the confusion there yeah well
- 50:57
- I you know I I don't really have a personal you know it's not like that's something I've done a study on a written article on or something like that but those are the my recollection of the various explanations that have been offered for it and and two of them seem fairly fairly logical but that phone picks up very well
- 51:21
- I mean that that that is a that is a you know universal feed phone microphone there it works works real well ah yes and I appear to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty but by my name
- 51:37
- I did not make myself known to them just sort of looking at it yeah da you know that's that's your da that's used there you know that can have a real
- 51:46
- I think part of our problem is we don't use the term name in the same way that it's used in the
- 51:54
- Hebrew language and culture and we don't use the term make known you know make known to us is a dry intellectual thing you compare this with Exodus 33 and when when
- 52:09
- Jehovah says Yahweh says to Moses I have known you by name there's there's obviously a whole lot more to it that's why
- 52:18
- I sort of lean toward the the kind of revelation the covenantal revelation rather than Moses just looking back and using that name
- 52:27
- Yahweh inserting it in the text so that's at least how I sort of look look at it maybe
- 52:34
- CDS and channel can enlighten us you know he's British and things like that and by the way someone is private messaging me and I really can't respond to private messages while I'm on the air
- 52:46
- I can only do so much multitasking can't listen right kick wonky out of channel all the same time it's sort of difficult to do if you all could wait until we're done with the program and then private message me that would that would be that would be helpful 877 -753 -3341
- 53:03
- I assume that we do not have other callers because they'll all be coming online in about eight minutes and going hey what happened and I'm not sure how we're going to handle yeah that's that's what's going to happen we're going to have to put something like really permanent up there on the website this week to let folks know if there's going to be and all the time change and how long that's going to be and that kind of stuff that that'll that'll help out a lot so keep your eyes on the website we actually did announce at this time and I know for most of our regular listeners you're going you you actually put something on the web page yeah believe it or not even the calendar has been updated okay we just lost the entire audience because everybody just passed out those of you who know our website know that the last thing that has ever been done has been the updating of the calendar but there is actually an updated calendar on the website right now
- 54:05
- I don't know how accurate it is and I don't know how complete it is but it's there so we'll let everybody know hopefully
- 54:15
- Lord willing before Tuesday morning obviously right now we need to we need to go for doing a
- 54:21
- Tuesday morning program as we normally do but who knows maybe we'll have to a Tuesday morning in a
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- Tuesday evening and then a Thursday morning or something but I don't know
- 54:32
- I just I will see how it works out all right well by the way
- 54:46
- I want to thank the Lord for the fact that it's becoming beautiful in Phoenix and drying out and it's cooling down and I will now start mentioning to folks exactly how beautiful it is the next four months while you all start freezing to death
- 55:06
- I'm thankful that thanks for listening today keep keep us in your prayers we have a lot of projects coming up including debates and things like that a lot of work to be done and we need your support and your prayers we will see you
- 55:20
- Tuesday morning here on the dividing line god bless that's a o m i n dot o r g where you'll find a complete listing of James White's books tapes debates and tracks join us again next