Gospel Coalition's Many Mental Victims

AD Robles iconAD Robles




I said something on Twitter yesterday that got an interesting reaction. Here is what I said. I said, the gospel coalition would be much happier right now had
Kyle Rittenhouse been beaten to death by the mob. Let that sink in. Yeah.
So I want to do a little bit of a different tone, um, on my video today, because I had a chance last night to talk to Edwin Ramirez and one of the things
I love about Edwin, and I'll put the link to that conversation in this video, uh, he does the proverbial podcast.
It's a very good podcast. I highly recommend that you watch it and you listen to it. Um, one of the things
I appreciate about Edwin is that, you know, he has a good time with all this kind of stuff. He jokes around, he seems like the kind of guy you could have a beer with and you'd enjoy yourself, you know?
But, um, when you talk to him, there is no, you don't walk away from that conversation, not thinking that the issue is serious.
And I really hope that when you watch my content, you know, I do joke around. I do make, uh, uh, funny edits and things of that nature, but I really do hope that you don't walk away from my videos thinking that this issue isn't serious.
I mean, when you talk to Edwin, there's, there's gravitas there, you know, there's, you can tell that there's, there's a weight, um, to the things that he says, because he understands that souls are at stake.
He understands the eternal consequences. And so, you know, I hope that, excuse me,
I hope that you get that impression from me as well. But either way, I want to talk about sort of what's at stake here, because I think that there's, there's really two kinds of people that I really want to reach with these kinds of videos.
And so when I said this thing on Twitter about Gospel Coalition being much happier, had Kyle Rittenhouse been beaten to death by the mob, um, that he faced down, um,
I was dead serious. You know, I wasn't, I wasn't using hyperbole. I think that there is no question that Gospel Coalition would feel that way.
And the reality is there's two kinds of people right now that I'm trying to reach. And the first one are the
Gospel Coalition simps. Marcus Pittman has been, has been using this term simp.
And you might not be familiar with that term. I'm going to, I'm going to look it up on the Wiktionary here so that you can see that and what, what the definition here says, a simp is a man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal, a simple person, lacking common sense, a fool or a simpleton.
And the easiest way to describe this, you might not know this, but there are these girls called cam girls.
And what they do is they have, they have paid subscriptions. You can watch this girl on camera, you know, just do normal stuff.
You know, sometimes there'll be swimming in a bikini. Sometimes they'll just be in front of the camera talking. Um, and people will pay money to these women, um, and put these women on a pedestal, just like watching them do everyday things.
These are simps, right? They, they think they might have a chance with this woman if they give her 20 bucks or a hundred bucks or 50 bucks, whatever it is, and they're called simps.
And, and, and, and there's women that make tons of money. They have a career out of being a cam girl.
And I'm not, you listen, I'm not saying that, that this is the worst possible thing ever, but it's really sad.
It's really kind of pathetic when you think about what's going on with these simps. And, uh,
Marcus Pittman obviously doesn't think that Gospel Coalition is the same as a cam girl, but what he's saying is that the
Gospel Coalition sort of circuit, you know, author, conference speaker is given way too much, uh, attention, more attention than what they're worth by a lot of people.
So there's these Gospel Coalition simps that will defend anything that they say. And so, you know, when
I made this statement about Gospel Coalition being much happier, had Kyle Rittenhouse been beaten to death by the mob, a couple of simps came out and said that this was slanderous and this was,
I was, I was trying to interpret their, their motives. And I was trying to pretend like I could see their hearts and stuff like that.
And, and, and that's just so ridiculous. Uh, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Of course, I was referring to this article that called Kyle Rittenhouse a mass shooter, um, in the same way that Dylan Roof was a mass shooter.
Now, if you weren't a simp, you could easily see what I'm, what I'm doing here. This is not, I'm not trying to be sneaky or clever or anything like that.
That's not the case because the reality is that I would have been much happier had
Dylan Roof, if he went into that, that black church, trying to gun down black people, if someone had killed him before he had done that, before he could commit his atrocities, if he had died, listen, it's always sad when somebody dies, but if a mass shooter is going into a church to slaughter black people and he was gunned down, there's no question that I would be happy that that mass shooter was not able to do his dirty deeds.
No Christian should disagree with that. I would be much happier that a mass shooter dies before his victims die.
Do you understand? Like, this is not a very complicated concept, right? And so if you take gospel coalition's new position, which some people say,
Oh, gospel coalition's not a monolith. Okay, fine. So someone has to refute this. If you take gospel coalition's new position that, that Kyle Rittenhouse was a mass shooter, like, like Dylan Roof, the, the mass shooter who killed a bunch of black people in a church, right?
Then you would have to agree that had he been beaten to death by the mob, instead of him doing his mass shooting, you would be much happier.
This is not complicated, right? It just takes a little bit of honesty. And so people were saying, Oh, that's slander. Oh, how could you say that?
How could you say that? That's an unrighteous judgment. No, it isn't. No, it isn't. Because we have so many receipts at this point, as far as the narratives and the delusions that gospel coalition spreads versus what the truth that they do not spread, that this is, this has been proven many, many times over.
But even if you only had this one article, you would see exactly what I'm saying. Of course, you're happier if a mass shooter dies before he does his mass shooting than if he doesn't die after he's done his mass shooting.
This is not controversial in any way. And so I hope with my, with my videos, you know, there's a little bit of shock and awe in my videos.
No question about it. I'll say inflammatory things. I'll say in a matter of fact way, I will not apologize for offending people.
If I didn't say anything incorrect, or if I didn't say anything hateful, I just won't do it because what
I want to do is I want to wake up the simps, right? These simps who are coming new, that's a slander.
I want to wake these people up because if I can show them, look, it's stupid to say you wouldn't be happier had
Dylan roof died before he did his mass shooting. It's stupid to say that a Christian shouldn't say that.
Of course we should be pleased when an evil man dies before he can do more evil. That's, that's absolutely, it's common sense that you would be that way.
In fact, the Bible talks about this kind of thing. When evil men perish before they can do their evil, that's a good thing.
So they can do no more evil. That's a good thing. And I'm not saying you're like, you're full of joy. Like I'm not full of joy when somebody dies, but what
I'm saying is relatively speaking, I'm much happier that one evil man dies versus nine church going innocent victims that he was planning on killing.
Right. And so it, we're going to be consistent. I'm going to hold gospel coalition to a level of consistency that I know they're incapable of, but they should be capable of because it's
Christian and it's moral. If we're going to be consistent, then gospel coalition would have to agree. If they're going to agree with that, that I, I, Hey, August article, if they're going to agree with that and amen that and promote that, then they would have to agree that had
Kyle Rittenhouse been beaten to a pulp and either stopped or killed, they would be much happier right now.
They probably wouldn't have written any articles about it. And if they did, they probably would have lamented white supremacy even more for making it necessary that a, that a white mass shooter was killed before he could perpetrate mass shootings on the poor, innocent victims, that kind of thing.
And so that's the first group of people that I'm really speaking to. I want to wake up the simps.
I want to stop them. I want them to stop simping over gospel coalition, right?
This is, this is, these people are not worthy of your trust. They're not worthy of your respect.
When they consistently lie over and over and over again. And I feel for,
I feel for the simps. I really, I really do. I feel for the gospel coalition simps. And I actually feel for the cam girl simps because I, you know, that, that kind of guy used to be me.
I used to put women on a pedestal like that. I used to be this pathetic kind of loser type guy that used to be me.
So I feel for those people. And, and, and, and in some ways I, I don't blame them because, you know, the way you look at, if you look at how
Jesus Christ treated people he held the leaders, the people that set themselves up as teachers to a very high standard.
And he was quite aggressive with those leaders, with the Pharisees and the Sadducees and all that kind of stuff. Jesus was very aggressive with those people.
But if you look at how he treated the masses, you know, the people that were being deceived, I'm calling them simps right here.
He had compassion on them. He had compassion on him. He didn't pull punches necessarily.
But he spoke to the two groups very differently. And so I have compassion on the Gospel Coalition simps.
I don't want them to be deceived anymore. And so that's one group that I'm referring to when
I, when I do my videos. The second group, um, I just got a long letter from a woman who is kind of like just at a loss for what to do.
And, you know, she, I'm not going to give you details here, but she's Chinese. And she's lamenting in a good way, not the, not the fake
Gospel Coalition way, but she's lamenting some of her friendships. She, she, she messaged me because somebody shared the why
I hate August article on Facebook. And this person apparently is very into the
Black Lives Matter thing. And, and it seems to be going all the way, you know, the whole thing where, you know, the family structures of Western innovation and, you know, the whole nine yards for Black Lives Matter.
Right. And this is someone that used to be a Christian, used to be a Christian. There used to be a friend. There used to be friendships there. And one of the things that she said is that, you know, number one, she sees so many parallels between this, what's going on in America right now and China's cultural revolution, because she's, you know, a
Taiwanese American. And so she's like, how, how is it that churches are, are supporting a self proclaim, a self admitted
Marxist organization? She felt like she was going crazy. And she said, she, she found my channel and she realized that she's not going crazy.
And she's just kind of at a loss of what to do with some of these friends. Like to her, she said, leaving
Gospel Coalition behind, that's not a big deal because she doesn't really care so much about that kind of stuff, but she does care about her friendships.
And I get that, man. I get that. Gospel Coalition is a parachurch organization.
Most people don't really have a serious relationship with it. So disassociating from, from Gospel Coalition, it's not that big a deal.
Right. But with friends, with people that are in your personal life that are being influenced, that are simping to Gospel Coalition, this can be very painful.
And so this is the other group of people that I'm speaking to, because I don't want this woman to feel like she's insane because she realizes how horrible that why
I hate August article was, how, how evil it was, the language in it, just even the language. And if, if you haven't watched
John Harris's video on this article, it is really good. You should definitely give it a watch. Conversations that matter.
He notices a bunch of different stuff about this article. One of the things that he points out is this worldview issue that people from this perspective often have.
And in this article, this man calls the people that are involved. He calls them bodies.
Black bodies were shot. Bullets were put into the bodies. The white bodies are treated differently than black bodies.
And it's like, it's just so carnal. Is it not? It's just so carnal. This worldview, this perspective, and this is, this is straight out of the literature, right?
Like this is straight out of critical race literature and all this kind of stuff. And it's just, it's a small thing, but it's actually not a small thing.
It portrays a worldview issue, a serious worldview issue that you're thinking in such a carnal way.
And so, so this woman, I'm going to respond to her email, but I need to think about it a little bit more how I respond.
But this is the reality, right? Because there's a lot of people out there that are unsure.
Can I call these people brothers anymore? Can I, can I, what do I have to do? Do I have to distance myself from them and all this kind of stuff?
And I would just encourage everyone here that has friends that are going down this woke hole to really just, when it's a personal, you know, relationship, it's a friend, it's someone you went to college with.
One of the things this woman said is that she's never been more aware of her ethnicity, never in her life, except for now, like all of a sudden now, the fact that she's
Chinese and her friends are white or whatever, she really notices it now. Whereas before all this insanity, it was like, we're just friends here.
We're, we're Christians. We're friends. We're brothers, we're sisters. And that's, that was enough. And now all of a sudden you hyper -focus on this ethnicity stuff and this skin color stuff.
And, and, and, and even like one of the things that she mentions is, you know, people were talking about when
Donald Trump called the coronavirus Kung flu, this Chinese woman thought it was funny, but she was made to feel like a, like other, like a different person when her white friends were like, no, this is unacceptable for Asian Americans.
Like, like the white people were taking offense for her and forcing her to feel different or trying to get her to feel different anyway.
So anyway, here's my advice in general. And I'm going to respond to this email. If you're, if you're watching this video I'll respond to this, this email a little bit more carefully.
But what I would say is that this kind of thing is it's, it's the kind of thing that you just need to, to pray like you've never prayed before when your personal relationships are starting to get affected by this stuff.
I would, I would, I would encourage you to pray, you know, to God, to show you what to do. I would encourage you to pray with your friends and be honest and don't have one of these prayer sessions where it's just like, you know, everyone's just kind of going through the motions and saying the things that they're supposed to say and stuff like that.
Like pray with your friends that are getting woke and pray for, for, for unity, pray for, for God to, to, to, to, to supernaturally knit you together.
But the reality is that we have a word from the Lord about some of this stuff. Like I can handle someone arguing with me, a friend, you know, saying that they don't like what
I'm saying and arguing with things. But, but, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that person's being divisive in my context, but, but we have a word from the
Lord. That's, that's the thing that kind of we need to take seriously, right? We need to take that serious.
It says that when it comes to a divisive person who's actively trying to divide the body, right?
That's the thing like, like, okay, someone argues with me about something. That's not divisiveness, right?
Someone doesn't agree with what I said about gospel coalition, how they would be, they'd prefer if Kyle Rittenhouse had been beaten to death.
That's not divisive if it's, if someone disagrees with me, right? But if someone is trying to divide you and your church and the people in the church and stuff like that, along racial lines,
God forbid, along racial lines, we have a word from God on this. We have to warn them, warn them again, and then have nothing more to do with them.
We have to go through the steps of church discipline. And if this person goes to your specific church, then you, you talk to the elders about it after you go to them personally, you talk to somebody else about it, that kind of thing.
You have the steps of Matthew 18. And then if a person doesn't go to your church, yeah, we just warn them about this.
Like, look, don't bring this, don't put that voodoo on me. You know what I mean? Don't put this division on me. Like that's,
I don't want to hear about it. But if they keep doing it, eventually you do have to cut ties with them.
And the thing is, one of the strategies that social justice warriors use very effectively is they like to claim that you're holding your political views above spiritual unity.
Your political views above spiritual unity. That's something that they say all the time.
Conservative view, you're a Republican first and a Christian second. That's something that they're very effective at doing and saying.
And people are held in bondage over that line for so long, right? But the reality is that that doesn't change whether or not you're doing that.
See, this is the thing. Social justice warriors are always looking for an excuse. It's always somebody else's fault.
All of it. Whether or not you're, I'm not saying that it's okay to do that, to hold Republican views over biblical views.
It's not okay to do that. But whether or not that's you, it's not an excuse for being a divisive person, for dividing the body of Christ along ethnic lines, for saying things about other people that are demonstrably untrue.
So it doesn't matter if the guy who wrote the Why I Hate August article claims that I'm Republican first and then
Christian second. It doesn't matter because none of that excuses lying about Kyle Rittenhouse.
None of that excuses lying about what happened there and pretending he's a mass shooter and all of that stuff.
This is not how it works. You can't say in response to like, hey, you've sinned. You can't say, no, no, you're sinning.
It's like, no, this is still demonstrably false. Forget about me for a second. I'll deal with myself.
This is what Christ is talking about. Get the log out of your own eye first, right? And so you still have, regardless of the accusations, right?
Regardless of how people are trying to make you feel, you still have a responsibility to go to the person, talk to them, pray with them, warn them once, warn them twice, and then have nothing more to do with them.
And so I'll respond to this woman in a little bit more depth, I think. But at the end of the day, this is the second kind of person that I'm trying to speak to because I don't want you to be made to feel like you're crazy.
Gaslighting is like a second language to so many people that are in this movement.
They try to make it seem like you're nuts and nothing that you know is true is actually true.
One example of this, I just tweeted about this today. You remember a few months ago, Thabiti Anya Willey tried to claim that there was no social justice movement in the church.
None. This is like a couple months ago or maybe a year ago. He said there was no social justice movement in the church. That's crazy.
And then that day that article came out, I found five examples of people that he's associated with and himself talking about the social justice movement in the church.
So he's trying to make you sound crazy all while there's receipts through the roof.
There's just so many examples. And then I found another one today where Eric Mason says, join the movement. And it's like, this is not a big deal.
You can have a movement if you want. Nobody's saying you can't have a movement. But why lie about that stuff?
Look, you're not crazy. You know, there's probably so many other people that feel exactly like this woman does.
They're made to feel crazy and they don't know what to do about their personal relationships. I think that the only safe thing to do, this is my basic advice, is to follow whatever steps the
Bible says that you should do when there's some kind of a controversy between you and another member of the body of Christ.
Just follow the biblical steps, whether that's Matthew 18 or whether that's something else, you know, warn them once, warn them twice, that kind of thing.
Because then you're safe if you're following the scripture. Forget what they say. They're going to say all kinds of stuff about you.
But if you're following the scripture, you're safe. And so those are the people that I'm trying to reach.
I'm trying to reach the simps or maybe wake them up from their stupor if possible. And I'm trying to reach people that are just, you know, it's painful.
It's painful to lose friends over this nonsense. It's painful to lose friends over stupid, idiotic comments like Kung Flu.
Right? Like, get real. Honestly. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.