Surviving the Censors, Trip Cancellation, the Roman Papacy


First program after having our first episode taken down by Big Brother’s minions in Big Tech. Discussed how we will respond to that and then went into why I am even here (I was supposed to be on the road today, beginning a three week trip) and how we will be rescheduling things in January and February. Then we went into a fairly lengthy discussion about the Papacy in light of Francis and his obvious variation from those who have come before him.

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Well greetings and welcome to the dividing line not sure why we've got an accordance up there that fast I'll just put that oh that doesn't help either does it?
No, I've got actually nothing. Oh All right, we're having fun today
Because there is no one on the other side of that window now what we've done in the past is we've used zoom
I've been here in the studio and Rich has been at home and See there's my desktop, which we
I guess is going to be a permanent part of the picture there And We've just used zoom to do it.
And so I was using We have these two cameras we had for years. They're great cameras
But they're really large in comparison to how cameras are today. I'm not sure how to describe them
I think you could probably put it on your shoulder. It's maybe not that big Anyway, we've been using these things for ages and they they do a really good job for us and then what
I've done is I've stuck a 4k webcam Just on the top of the lens
It's a flat surface on top of the lens and that's what I use for doing all my zoom programs that you've seen me doing
Various webcasts and stuff like that. So that's what we've been doing. Well, there we go somehow
Rich though he is not here He is in other Locations that shall not be named
Somehow is is doing all of this Remotely and using all the stuff he normally uses
Which I think is really sort of strange and and and cool but a little weird and So that's how we're doing the program today because I just said hey, let's let's get one in I was supposed to be a hundred miles outside of Phoenix by now on a almost three week journey and I will confess that I am
Very unhappy that I am sitting here instead. I mean not that I don't mind being with you, but you're supposed to be heading to Amarillo and then across Texas and Oklahoma up into Missouri for my 21st year on the first weekend in December in St.
Charles We're gonna make it up I'll tell you about that in a moment but we're
Dealing with medical stuff that you know as you start heading into your 60s and I'm almost there.
I'll be 59 next month stuff happens and you got to get stuff checked out and it's
It just seemed much wiser To do that at home than on the road 1 ,500 miles away so I Feel fine right now.
I did a race this morning in Zwift and I challenge most of you folks that are my age or younger to do 30 minutes at 151 beats per minute average at 240 watts output.
I Did well and everything worked fine But there's stuff that we need to look at just to Make sure of stuff and things like that and it harkens back to something that happened five years ago that Sometimes just really annoying and painful and sometimes it can be dangerous
So you just got to got to deal with what you got to deal with. So anyways, here we are I'm sorry to folks in Amarillo and in Lubbock and of course st.
Charles We are going to do everything we can as long as I'm able to get this stuff resolved and have confidence
We do everything we can To move most of this stuff to January Yeah going back east
January, yeah weather we'll see but Move most of this stuff to January.
I have a block Committed to teaching and I won't mention where yet once that's announced then you'll all figure out how everything's been working behind the scenes, but First weekend in December first weekend in February and So the trip in January into February could be a month over a month
If you put a three -week trip together with three -week trip. Yeah, probably end up being five and a half six weeks
That's a long one. No two ways about it, but it's only way to catch up and I'll just be honest with you.
I I Feel a real strong compulsion
To do these trips right now. I don't know how Much longer we'll be able to do this kind of thing and I I want to be able to do it
I I'm really hoping that some folks that are working on some debates that Lord will open some doors and I miss in -person debating and It needs to be worthwhile.
It needs to be something that is you know, we deal with some pretty interesting issues and So it's one one thing
Hey doing Doing online debate. Okay, that's fine.
That's cool It's useful. I Don't think it's as enjoyable for anyone as the real thing in person
Where you can see the two people and they're looking at each other and they're in the same room and they're hearing the same audience
Responses. There's a dynamic to that. You just don't have online and I see some online debates
That just might not as well have happened as far as actually accomplishing anything I think to be honest with you.
There is a There is a level of restraint in person
That is not necessarily present In an online debate.
I've seen some really bad behavior. We've all seen really bad behavior online because you're
You're not there, you know You're not looking in someone's eyes And so Yeah, we've done a few of those debates in the past I'd like to Keep pushing that number up a little bit while I've still got my wits about me and can still think at least quickly enough
To function within the context of a debate. That is always something that I hope
I will realize When I get to that point where I can't do that anymore Some of you think I already have some of you thought
I think I was there when I started debating in 1990. So There you go.
So anyway So here we are. And so that means for the next six weeks or so This is probably where we'll be and There might be some brief interruptions there may not be let's hope and pray.
My enemies are hoping there will be long long breaks and My friends are praying that we will be able to get issues taken care of and and find out that everything's okay
Fairly quickly, so So there you go. Also the reason that we're doing this today and doing it in the way that we're doing it is
Our last dividing line broadcast was taken down by YouTube now. It is available on sermon audio
I would encourage you to go listen to it. It is available. We have a I'm not sure.
It's called library or Odyssey. It's Odyssey as far as The website
URL and So if you go to the blog entry at a omen org and Look at the last entry for the last dividing line.
You will see something other than a YouTube video splash screen thing
And we all know why we all know what it was I was discussing I can I can pretty much guarantee you
That No one at Google deleted that particular episode because of the in -depth discussion of the truth value of subjunctive statements and their relationship to middle knowledge
I Suppose there might be some real rabid
William Lane Craig fans working at Google Nope, that's it.
We're taking that one out Suppose it's possible but Really don't think so.
I think it was that first half hour when we were talking about, you know Something's actually happening the world stuff that you you're not allowed to talk about anymore because big tech is working together with big government and and other forces to To limit what can be said they don't believe in free speech
They don't they don't believe in debate None of these censors would ever come out from behind their computers to actually defend what they're doing.
We all know that I mean, that's That's the ones very satisfying thing To know is that not one of those people could ever stand in my presence and defend their action on the facts that's that's a good that's a good thing at least to have that as as a consolation but so part of you wants to just stick your finger in their eye and go at it again and just be as bold and clear as possible in talking about those subjects and there is a part of me that really really really wants to do that and Then there's another part of me that Reminds me of how many times
Over oh the past 10 years or so. I have been all over the world when
I could still travel and people have come up to me and have told a very similar story and the story basically was, you know,
I had heard this about you or I Heard this negative thing and my church said
I shouldn't listen to you and you're an anti this or an anti that and blah blah blah blah blah and Then I was surfing
YouTube and Over on the right -hand side this video came up and We all know how that works
We've all lost hours of life Because oh, oh that looks really interesting.
You know, how did they know I would find that to be very interesting and They went over there and they clicked it and Their lives were changed.
They're now in a completely different church. They're they're rejoicing in the Lord. They've been saved they've been delivered from a cult of false religion, whatever and it's because there was because we were there and So part of me goes, all right, you can't talk about well the news today
Now I have taught Greek for years and years and years and so we could pretend that I was
Teaching a lesson today on the Greek alphabet and Discussing the letters that mu nu mmm, you know we could we could talk about the order of the
Greek alphabet and things like that and You know, I could tell you stories from back being department fellow anatomy and physiology at Grand Canyon University and We might be able to cobble something together
But not really sure that's that's worth it and it's been made very clear to us. You're not you know
I'll do that anymore. You can't you can't do that. That's you're you're a bad bad bad bad person and You know, the sad thing is these people actually some of them actually probably think they are doing good by silencing
Debate and any other viewpoints other than the one they're they're told to believe it's sort of a sad thing. But anyways, the point being
I Would like to have our stuff continue on YouTube in that way so that That Random video pops up and Someone clicks on it and What end up ends up happening they?
Follow that they end up coming to a website They end up listening to videos on other subjects and they end up being blessed in the process and So I will
I will restrain Myself from using my thumb to poke certain people right in the eye and Obviously we are working on finding a way to livestream to other sources and So I think eventually there will be
Two editions of the divine not necessarily the same time but I just will need to be
Disciplined in What subjects I address in You know,
I suppose it could be we do half an hour on YouTube on What are
Well, well anything I mean it's it's a diminishing situation the once you start doing censorship
Censorship never becomes narrower. It always becomes broader Because what censorship is about is the recognition on the part of the ruling elite that they have no argument
That they cannot defeat The arguments against them and so they simply must silence
Those who are making those arguments because they have the truth and the elite do not
And eventually that just that goes from the the tip of the spear where it is right now
Into a broader and broader situation and obviously in a secular context anyone who is going to be presenting the full
Lord Lordship of Christ over all of human life is Going to be taken down eventually
We know we've already said all sorts of things in the past that we've never really understood how
We didn't get taken down for that and who knows maybe we will be and I mean in talking about biblical subjects
It seems to me that if the secular censors were consistent you could not speak from the
Bible You could not preach from Leviticus 18 or Leviticus 20 or really anywhere in the
Holiness Code for that matter You couldn't do Genesis 18 and 19. You couldn't do anything about the temple prostitutes and in Canaan you couldn't do anything about the
Asherah you couldn't do anything certainly, you could never exegete Romans 1 or demonstrate that in 1st
Timothy 1 Paul's drawing from the Decalogue and and the the
Ten Commandments as the foundation of moral law and you certainly couldn't doing 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and and Eventually, they don't care if it's in 1st
Corinthians 6 if it's in the Bible, then it needs to be silenced and so you you see the process as it as it develops over time and so You know eventually if there's going to be any consistency everything from every one except for good progressives
Because they know they're not threatened by good progressives because good progressives have already bowed the knee to Caesar they've already offered the pinch of incense and So there's nothing to fear from their
Preaching because there's no gospel power in it It's not based on the Lordship of Christ or the exclusivity of his work
It's just one way of feeling better about yourself and whatever it is. You've decided you're gonna be And as such is extremely empty so that's coming one way or the other but It just seems to me anyways wise to try to keep
I sort of feel like we're a light in a very dark place and I want to keep that light shining
For as long as we can and When they snuff it out in that place, that's the way it is and they will
One thing I know that I will make sure to inform people of in that day when
When they're taking your property from you You Know in Hebrews that had already happened to some of the believers there
But I think it is perfectly appropriate proper necessary For us to warn those who are
Taking our liberties or property those who are persecuting
Christ's people Causing them to lose their jobs and their futures and not their future futures, but they're here in this world
Their savings and everything else You take what
God has given to his people and Try to use it for yourself It'll be cursed
It'll be cursed that wasn't given to you So If you engage in theft, it's cursed
It's the last thing you want to you want to be so far away from it that you you know
And and I'm gonna tell every single one every single person. Oh, you're you're taking my vehicle, huh?
Okay, I Wouldn't want to be driving with you in the future Huh just warning you
And you're going oh, come on it would be better if what was tied around their neck and they're drown the sea what what was a
One of those little noodle things that you did you that you used during the Sun? No, it wasn't a little noodle thing little blob rubber duck
Oh Millstone Yeah, that's that big huge Hunk and that means you just you just go straight down and and you're you do you stay down you you become food for the fishies and That's it.
And that was who said that I must have been that nasty Paul. No, it wasn't a nasty Paul guy Luke visit no.
No. Oh, that was Jesus. Oh, okay. Yeah, that was yeah. Yeah, there needs to be a clear testimony
To those who will work evil that there's a day of judgment coming
There is a day of judgment coming and it will be a righteous judgment and that means if you stand before God Clothed in your your good woke gospel works
You're going to experience the wrath of God in its fullness that's all there is to that so anyways, that's why we're here and that's why
I'm not on the road and And But I will accept God's providence and we will work toward making up for it in in January and Getting out there and and getting back to those churches.
We're gonna be at and Doing what we can while we have time to do it and who knows what gas will cost then
Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go. All right. So what did
I I have here? I had a couple things.
I want to make sure that we got to yes. My daughter just sent me Some people got upset about this and I can't talk about this on the program anymore
But I did post something on Facebook That got me in trouble and it was so well done
But it speaks to a truth that again, I can't can't talk about right now I mean you can go online right now and find out about just look up The general health of footballers,
I remember footballers in Europe are soccer players in the United States, okay What what seems to be the the the problem amongst footballers in Europe and remember if You're gonna be traveling and playing in Europe There are certain things you have to do
Just you just have to do it There's there's no options left and So all these footballers
Have had to do what they've been told to do and just look up what's going on Let's just say they're dropping like flies
And there's a reason for that, but we can't talk about that because you know, there are certain people that just you know
Have a problem with those those particular things Anyway, okay
Hopefully you are all aware So weird see the cameras doing their thing and know that there's no one the rich cam is
Sitting there dead Staring into a dark room. There's nobody there the
Frenchman from Prescott is it's not I I Was gonna say a bunch of things about The French and Prescott today, but I figure
I'm even more dependent upon Rich right now, so I better not do that because then This will all end.
Um, I hope you're all aware of the fact that there are a few people in Finland now
Finland when you when you think about Finland I mean you
What does what is even saying Finland the only thing I think of when I think of Finland is like lutefisk
And strange fish dishes and snow, you know,
I mean The only time you hear about Finland is during the Winter Olympics Pretty much and they're doing the weird stuff.
They did. I think they do curling and I and they do the stuff where they you know
Ski and then stop and shoot as really hard to do by the way that Gotta give those those gals and guys credit.
That's all I ever hear about Finland Finland is Is Putting the
Christian faith on trial fundamentally And it is basically, the
Finnish authorities are as woke as can be and They are
Prosecuting two Christians Who wrote a 24 page booklet in 2004
That explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage Which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage which can only consist of one man and woman one woman for life the
Finnish prosecutor claims centuries -old Christian teachings about sex quote incite hatred end quote and Violate legal preferences for government privileged identity groups, so you've got some
Finnish prosecutor who obviously hates God and loves sin and loves rebellion and is going after Raazanen and Poyola and The only thing that bothers one thing that bothers me about this one is at least according to this story
Raazanen and Poyola both have adamantly affirmed quote the divinely given dignity value and human rights of all including all who identify with the
LGBTQ community If what you mean by that is that even those in the
LGBTQ community are creating the image of God well, duh, but Obviously the the issue is if you're creating the image of God then
God gets to determine What is and what is not appropriate behavior and orientation for human beings if you're made in the image of God that makes him the potter you're the pot and so I Again as I have said over and over and over there is no such thing as an
LGBTQ community and everybody knows it today because Put some some L's in a room with some
T's and you're gonna have to call the cops to stop the fight Error if you ever heard of a
TERF Transphobic feminist radical feminist something
I don't know It's it's the the lesbians who will not affirm the
Transgender orientation and stuff None none of the
Letters work with the other letters. That's that's why calling it a community is like How does that work since they're all contradicted to each other?
But anyway But Finland and Of course, this will have huge implications for not only
Finnish Christians, but all the Nordic states up there.
They're all going the same direction. And this is this is just more of Europe doing what
Europe has to do to try to basically Get away from its own history it's the depth of Christian influence that that determined their law now they've decided that If they detest that law, they're going to they're gonna get rid of it and they're going to abandon it and that's exactly what they're doing
Okay. Um, I want to take some time today. I may I may get back looking at the time
I'm not sure but it may get back to a little bit more with Middle knowledge and Eventually, I want to get some other folks though.
I'll be honest with you Wayland Craig is much more I'm discovering
Is much more willing to make Extended logical application of Middle knowledge than some others who promote middle knowledge, but seem rather hesitant to make application
Especially when it comes to soteriological issues and Really grand sweeping.
Why did God do things the way God did things and It just seems that a lot of a lot of Molinus don't want to Get down to the the central affirmations of what their system is really all about But we'll look at some of that stuff, but we'll see if we get some of that a little later on I I don't know if any of the rest of you
I do follow The Pope on Twitter Think about You know someone had told me that First debate
I did on the papacy. I would have gone. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna follow the
Pope on Twitter. Oh, okay and When you do follow the
Pope on Twitter You end up with sort of vanilla
Leftist progressivist shallow I Mean How do you know how to describe it?
I mean Most of you know I did my first master's degree at a Seminary that even then was way to my left, and it it's so far farther to the left now than it was then it's not even funny and so I got my fill of Progressive leftism and and I know why the
Lord had me do that and I'm thankful for the preparation that it was and how useful it's been and my doing apologetics and I had no idea that's where I was going at the time as far as what the application was gonna be and so I'm thankful for all that but I I've never really fully come to understand why
Progressive leftists even bother It would seem to me that just honest atheism would make more sense than you know that woman we've reviewed twice with the
Rainbow stole that she wears some leftist Lutheran loon that we've
Demonstrated has no earthy idea what in the world. She's talking about I don't know. I don't know what motivates folks like that.
I really really don't just Just dump it and go on would seem to be and a lot of them do
I mean we've seen over the years The left swing and eventually you get so far out
It's sort of like why am I even I'm even bothering any longer with with this religious stuff.
Let's just let's just dump it but when it comes to Pope Francis You know
I grew up primarily with John Paul the second and at least there was a consistency in that pontificate and Ratzinger the
German Shepherd At least you you have to recognize his scholarship
Even though you could see the influence of German liberalism Now German liberalism and South American Liberation theology progressivism are not the same thing
Neither one of them is overly good for Roman Catholic orthodoxy and If you go back and you read for example look up the the papal syllabus of errors
Look up the papal syllabus of errors that 1850s or 80s. I don't have it up here right now, but anyway look it up and read it and Read it in its context like where it identifies religious freedom as an error and stuff like that I understand what it was talking about at that time and when you do you just realize just how completely different even
John Paul a second was Than those Popes were only a hundred years earlier and a hundred years in church history is not a long period of time so now with Ratzinger still alive and maybe that Does in some way add to the contrast?
But you just look at Francis and If you know what liberation theology is in South America then you know what his terminology means and you know what he means by the phrases he uses and the emphases that he's putting in his statements and all the rest that kind of stuff and You're just left going man has
How can how can Rome hold this together because This guy is about Theologically and worldview wise is about as far out of the mainstream of the history of the
Roman Pontiffs as you can get So sure you had the period called the pornocracy you had period where you had just wildly worldly Hypocritical shallow nominal
Guys who were the Bishop of Rome? Okay, you know the
Vatican was a brothel during periods of Rome's history, but that was a moral thing
Leo his predecessors riding through the city of Rome and armor and leading armies and they're
Rich and got huge families. They're supposed to supposedly not married and A lot of that's very worldly power oriented stuff
But Francis when it comes to worldview is way out there and Given given that talking with most people today
They've literally forgotten what it was like in 2019 I mean in so many areas
I Literally have conversations with people and I know that they would have answered my questions differently in 2019
They do today and they don't seem to realize it. That's fast That that is
That's blindingly quick And so It seems quite possible then in light of that that there would already be people who have entered into adulthood and That's delayed greatly these days who
Don't recognize just how out of the Historical mainstream
Francis is and so I start thinking well this is what the papacy is all about and no preceding
Pope would ever have even recognized so much of the stuff that this guy is saying or doing and So I want to remind everybody that there is a historical
Dogmatic Definable Understanding of What the papacy is supposed to be within Roman Catholicism That's true of most of its major Dogma, well, certainly it's dogmas and most of its major doctrines and yet We know that there are so many
Roman Catholics today who Not only do not know what the history of their church is but they don't hold
To even the minimal expression of dogma and doctrine that Rome has said is required to be a faithful Roman Catholic and there are a lot of Roman Catholics that recognize this
So when it comes to the papacy Let me remind you of let me just give you some quotes.
Okay from official sources so for example
The first Vatican Council of 1870 said we therefore for the preservation safekeeping increase the
Catholic flock with the approval of the Sacred Council do judge it to be necessary to propose the belief and acceptance of all the faithful in accordance with the ancient and constant faith of the
Universal Church the doctrine touching the institution perpetuity and nature of the sacred apostolic primacy now
I just stopped there to emphasize The fact that and this was really clear when when
John Paul II died Fox News had Pretty much every
Christian apologist I had ever debated Got their 15 seconds of fame on Fox News for a few days
During the election of the next Pope and the emphasis was always upon the antiquity of the
Roman Church the church that has stood for 2 ,000 years and so Notice the words in accordance with the ancient and constant faith the
Universal Church now In our debates, I think we have demonstrated that that is fundamentally a lie
Especially in regards to the papacy the idea that the papacy is
The ancient and constant faith Universal Church is simply not true. I just It's it's self -evidently not true
The only reason anyone believes that is because they're told to believe it and therefore told to look back into Those earliest periods with certain eyes that will see
They're told what they will see and they're told not to see what they should see which would tell them there was no primacy of the
Bishop of Rome But you're not supposed to see the things would demonstrate that and so there is a historical blindness that sets in But That issue aside.
The point is the Roman claim has always been There is an ancient and constant faith
Universal Church and so I sit back to be honest with you and I I hear modern
Roman Catholics trying to Legitimize Francis's progressivism and his clear de -emphasis of Dogma and I go
Y 'all realize that you're fundamentally abandoning the central tenet of the claim you've used all along and and that is you're the only game in town because the ancient and constant faith
Universal Church and if I could sit here and in my short lifetime
Go I remember that Pope and I remember that Pope if they had walked into a bar together
They would have gotten into a fight. I Know the difference I can tell the difference between the two of them and so can you that's the point so can you?
There's been a lot of discussion about people getting red -pilled ever since Francis became
Pope There are people who are no longer associated with certain Catholic apologetics ministries who have been red -pilled about Pope Francis They've come to recognize.
Hey, they're Hmm This doesn't work. Nope doesn't It doesn't fit with this.
There is there is no ancient and constant faith Universal Church if the
Bishop of Rome Can have this why that that office can express this wide a variety of opinions and perspectives but the first Vatican Council continued
We therefore teach to declare that according to testimony of the gospel the primacy of Jurisdiction of the
Universal Church of God was immediately and directly promised and given to blessed Peter the Apostle by Christ the
Lord Okay, might as well just explain this it's been a long time. So we've discussed any of this
Probably I Don't know 80 % of our audience Was not with us back in the 90s 95 % of our audience was not with us back in the 90s when every single year we were doing debates on these subjects and Please note then that the claim is that the primacy of jurisdiction over the
Universal Church of God Was immediately and directly promised and given to blessed
Peter the Apostle by Christ the Lord So there is there is no room for development
You cannot have a position that says that the papacy developed over time because the assertion is that the primacy of Jurisdiction over the
Universal Church of God was immediately and directly promised and given to blessed Peter the Apostle by Christ the
Lord So this is a New Testament office Given to Peter and he knew he had it for it was to Simon alone
To whom he had already said thou shalt be called Cephas the Lord after the confession made by him saying Thou art the
Christ the Son of living God address these solemn words Blessed art thou Simon by Jonah because flesh and blood has not revealed to thee
But my father who is in heaven I say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
And I will give to thee the keys the kingdom of heaven And whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be loosed also in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth
It shall be loosed also in heaven. So notice The Interpretation being placed upon the text which it's being done by a
Allegedly ecumenical Universal Council. So it must be an infallible interpretation, right? Well, that means there were a bunch of people in the early church didn't interpret it that way just look at the differences in the versions of Cyprian's on the unity of the church after his split with Stephen to see the difference to see the facts for example at Cyprian viewed all bishops as Seated upon the
Cathedra Petri all bishops. Not just Peter all bishops sit upon the seat of Peter so but the point being
I've had many a Roman Catholic tell me over the years, well, we don't have a Necessarily infallible interpretation of Matthew chapter 16, but what we have is we have one
Necessary interpretation while there may be others just you know it
Has always made me shake my head When Roman Catholics would say you Catholics are you a
Protestants? all you have a soul scripture is a bunch of confusion and then when you do when you ask for them from them a
Infallible interpretation of their key text you end up with wishy -washy stuff instead of an something real
So Goes on to say and it was upon Simon alone.
Oh, by the way, and so the question you always ask So when did
Peter receive the keys because it's in the future tense in Matthew 16. I will give you the keys Because it is it is a singular so it is being addressed to Peter.
So when did Peter receive the keys? I've when
I started asking this question probably about 1993 ish around there
When I started asking this question, it was fascinating to see Roman Catholic responses It's sort of like they'd never even thought about it
Well at some point but but when is it you're telling us the
Vatican one says it's in Scripture Because it was given directly to Blessed Peter the
Apostle by Christ the Lord Okay, so it's in Scripture Well, maybe not in Scripture.
Okay, you're telling me that something that important was not recorded in Scripture Well, you got
Matthew 16. Yeah, but but Matthew 16 says I will future tense. When did it happen? And they have to either say
Wasn't considered important enough to record that I mean that's that's the safest way
Because there is another obvious place Where Peter did receive the keys but it's
Matthew chapter 18 and He does so there with all the rest of the Apostles and the
Vatican Council is saying Simon alone That was not the view of the early church
That means this is not the ancient and constant faith the Universal Church, that's why it's a lie And it's just you know,
I've been in the Vatican and I've looked up there at the cupola and these words in Latin are
Etched into the ceiling in solid gold not gold paint gold the real stuff and She's abused that text
It's it's an abuse of the text It was Matthew 18. It was with the other
Apostles not alone. Not a primacy That's why he calls himself a fellow elder when he writes in his epistles
And it was upon Simon alone that Jesus after his resurrection bestowed the jurisdiction of chief pastor and ruler
Over all his fold in these words feed my lambs feed my sheep now
Again If I recall correctly, I'm going off top my head I could look it up fairly quickly
I think The first time that text was interpreted in the way the
Vatican Council interprets it in 1870 Was about 700 years after Christ if I recall correctly at least outside of Rome There were some imperious
Roman leaders that may have done that before then but Jesus says to Simon feed my sheep feed my lambs and according to this that makes him
Chief pastor and Ruler over all his fold, you know, you'd think if if these things were so clear and so compelling
That there'd be a little bit more clarity to them No, no at open variance this clear doctrine of Holy Scripture.
I love how that works You hear it from Roman Catholics all the time. Oh, it's clear
What what I'm sorry. I missed the clarity the section where where Jesus is talking about Peter's denials is
Where he makes him he gives him the the jurisdiction of chief pastor and ruler, huh?
Hmm. Oh, okay At open variance this clear doctrine of Holy Scripture as it has been ever
Understood by the Catholic Church. Let me I repeat that as It has been ever understood by the
Catholic Church Well, you only have two ways of understanding that the only truthful way of understanding it is that we're now talking about the
Roman Catholic Church from say The 12th century onward but that's not what they mean because they mean the
Catholic Church back to the days of Jesus and That means as soon as you find all sorts of early church writers including
Augustine and all sorts of others Who did not interpret it that way? That that makes this a lot that makes this a lot.
Anyone who reads church history knows that Rome was a vitally important church not because of Its bishop but because of the city it was in the grandeur of the bishop
Arose over time because for the up until 140 AD there wasn't a singular bishop in Rome It was a plurality of elders.
So Rome has reversed the historical reality And turned it upside down Has and had to use a bunch of faked documents to do it
Look up the Pseudo -Isidorean decretals and a donation of Constantine sometime All recognized as pure forgeries today, but vitally important the establishment of the papacy
They've been washed away by history, but the papacy still stands Well floats in midair more like So at open variance with this clear doctrine of Holy Scripture as it has been ever understood by the
Catholic Church are the perverse opinions of Those who while they distort the form of government established by Christ the
Lord in his church I just I just stopped the form of government
Established in the New Testament knows nothing of a papacy nothing of a papacy
The highest position is bishop slash elder. That's the highest position in the church
So but to say that is to distort the form of government established by Christ Lord in his church
They deny that Peter in his single person Preferably to all the other
Apostles whether taken separately or together Was endowed by Christ a true and proper primacy of Jurisdiction or of those who assert that the same primacy was not bestowed immediately and directly upon blessed
Peter himself But upon the church and through the church upon Peter as her minister now why does she why does why does
Rome even have to dress these things because they know that's what people have believed in the past and They know that you can point to early church writers who held those views but they are anathematizing them identifying them as a distortion as a perversion instead of the truth of papal primacy if Anyone therefore shall say that blessed
Peter the Apostle was not appointed the prince of all the Apostles and the visible head of the whole church militant or That the same directly and immediately received from the same our
Lord Jesus Christ a primacy of honor only And not of true and proper jurisdiction. Let him be anathema now if you listen to if You listen to modern
Roman Catholic apologists They have ways of dealing with the anathema well, just simply cut off from fellowship of the church and you know, it's it's it's spiritually important, but they don't want to have to admit that the anathema was centrally important to the physical persecution of tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people down through history by The Roman Catholic Church once the spiritual anathema had been proclaimed then the
Secular arm could come to bear and You'd have torture and you'd have burnings and you'd have all sorts of neat and nasty stuff as a result
But the anathema is the strongest condemnation that can be made So if you are a
Roman Catholic you have to believe this well, what if you What if you read
Ignatius and Discover that when he wrote to the church at Rome, he didn't even address the bishop Even though he addressed the bishops of the
Eastern churches because they already had a monarchical Episcopate he doesn't when he writes the church at Rome because he knows there is no single bishop there and you realize well
But is Ignatius not a part of the ancient and constant faith the church? Yeah, he is and Then you read
Clement, Clement was supposed to be a Pope and you realize he's never named and There's no exercise of quote -unquote apostolic authority.
There is instead a argumentation from Scripture Against the
Church of Corinth for what they had done and kicking out their elders You don't have a single Pope saying
I as the Pope tell you to reinstate these Individuals there weren't any priests yet, by the way
That's a later development I Don't have that either you have all this evidence.
You see what happens with Irenaeus and Victor and All these things that demonstrate the later concept of the papacy grew slowly over time
It was not the ancient and universal faith of the church What if you read church history and discover this?
Well, then you are anathema You are cut off and Rome was serious about that Now this you know second the first Vatican Council is where papal infallibility is defined
But papal infallibility has to be based upon a preceding
Doctrine of papal primacy and that's what you have here and you must believe it now
How many Roman Catholics today especially teaching at Boston College Actually believe it
I would say At Boston College in the Faculty 2 % maybe maybe
I Can guarantee you Joe Biden doesn't believe it. I Can guarantee you Nancy Pelosi doesn't believe it
No No way You and so it's really hard for me to take this these claims seriously today because Rome doesn't take them seriously
Can you see Francis? In fact, I don't think Francis believes it
Not the way they meant it. No way Mm -hmm He doesn't believe the way they meant it and the real question is gonna be when he either dies or resigns
And I still think he's gonna resign When he does and he has stacked the
College of Cardinals with a bunch of progressive liberals What happens when you get the next guy and He's even more radical than Francis.
What do you do now? You take that if you take that red pill, where do you go?
That's that's the question really it is so There was a document
Came out in See 1896
I've quoted a number of times for almost out of time Called sadis cognitum look it up and I've always found this quote to be interesting
Wherefore in the decree of the Vatican Council is to the nature and authority the primacy of their own pontiff No Newly conceived opinion is set forth, but the venerable and constant belief of every age
So all you got to do is find Faithful Sound men of the past Honestly look at what they believed and you can see
Rome's doctrine of the primacy of the Pope is a historical fiction
It's a lie when they say that it is a venerable and constant belief of every age one other quote
Back when I first started saying when we Catholicism A lot of the Roman Catholics directed me to the book called the faith of the of our fathers by Cardinal Gibbons Here's a quote the
Catholic Church teaches that our Lord conferred on st Peter the first place of honor and jurisdiction in the government of his whole church and That same spiritual authority has always resided in the
Popes or bishops of Rome as being the successors of st. Peter Consequently to be true followers of Christ all
Christians both among the clergy and laity Must be in communion with the sea of Rome where Peter rules in the person of his successor
I'm sure father
Feeney like that but The vast majority Roman Catholics don't really believe that they would say they'd look at something like this say well, yeah
Yeah, you you you need to be To really be right with God, but you you know, there's still lots of Christians outside of of us so You know you go back to Cyprian Cyprian had a doctrine extra
Ecclesium Noah's Solace outside the church there is no salvation and There is an
Orthodox Expression of that statement because if by the church, I mean the body of Christ. Well, then that's sort of a duh statement really
But once you have Rome's definition of the church as herself You can now understand what
Pope Boniface meant in unum sanctum in November of 1302 Consequently we declare state define and pronounce that it is altogether necessary to salvation
For every human creature to be subject to the Roman pontiff. Now.
I know Francis doesn't believe that and I know Francis could not make a statement even similar to that that would have the same contextual meaning is what
Pope Boniface meant and any pot any honest person does know that so What does that mean?
things to think about for our Roman Catholic friends at this time where The Pope is so far out there
Oh I have a feeling that I am intended at this point in time to take on the function of a
Promoter of a Black Friday deal now, I don't know about you But I already have carpal thumb syndrome from deleting
Black Friday emails I'm not sure how many I deleted today. I wasn't sure.
I only have three gigabytes of space open on My mail account. I wasn't sure I was gonna gonna make it today with With all the stuff that was coming in But a little bird
Just didn't tweet me But sent me a message That says
Black Friday This is doctrine in life on Twitter Black Friday sale 50 % all 15 % all weekend
Use code Black Friday 1689 for the new merchandise Showcase one of your favorite ministries on your laptop laptop water bottle or forehead
So There is a Well, there's actually a this is actually a tweet and so I will
I will read read retweet to tweet and try to get it out there for you and You can do some of your
Black Friday shopping With the doctrine life guys that have our shirts and other people's shirts and hats and all that kind of fun stuff, too
So they can thank rich for sneaking me that that little thing there.
So well, I Think this is the first time I'm it's Great. I think it's first time we've done it this way we've we've done it other ways, but that's that's what
I normally see up there on the screen and that's that's my normal microphone and Rich has been replaced by AI And soon
I will be too I would imagine if certain people get their get their wishes so so we'll see if this program stays up I I Suppose there might be some good set a vacancy
Roman Catholics working at Google that might nail this one, too Who knows we'll find out if you watched you won't get you won't get censored, but Be watching for new ways
We're gonna be doing things in the future obviously because we need to be able to talk about everything
And to do so freely as long as we can. Thanks for watching the program today Pray for Monday not for the medical issue.
That would be later on but I'm doing a very important discussion on Monday, and I hope that you'll find it useful