Laziness | Season 4 Episode 8

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What is laziness? What does the Bible have to say about it?


So let's go ahead and do our game and let's go ahead and get me winning as normal and then we'll move on to scripture.
All right. So this game is called autocorrect. I was listening to a podcast last week and it just made me laugh and I was like, this would be really fun to do with everybody else.
So we took the last week to think of some words that we commonly misspell and we have to rely on autocorrect to determine the correct spelling.
Okay. Okay. So what we're going to do is each person will read a word off of their list and then the rest of us, and do you want to include the behind the scenes or do you just want it to be, cause
I'm sure word all bad spellers are not going to get it. Let's throw a couple of them in there. And so we'll each take a word, see which one of us can spell the word correctly and then tally up the points.
Seth, can you keep tally of the points for each person? Okay. Okay. So the first word on my list is restaurant.
Ding. How are we doing this? Just whoever wants to go first. R E S T A U R A N T.
Yes. I always mix up. I put the A U at the end and said, is that correct? Yes, that's correct.
Okay. So the person who can't spell it is verifying the correctness of the one who just got it. No, I haven't. Okay. Okay.
All right. Someone's going to have to look up my word cause my autocorrect didn't even know what I was trying to say. What is your word?
Croissant. Oh, I actually know how to spell it. Hold on. You had your hand first.
I wish I had a pen and paper because I have to write things down cause I buy these at Costco all the time.
Hey, stop. C R O I S S A I N T.
Nope. Me, me, me, me. C. I have to write it in my hand. C. No, wait a minute.
R O I S S A N T. That's what I said. Yes. No, you mean you added an
I. Did I really? Yes, you did. We have it on video. You said, crusaint. All right. Crusaint. Well, it's a holy croissant.
It's set apart. It's a saved one. I love croissants. That was one that I had to learn because I wrote it on my grocery list so often for Costco.
All right, one to one. Okay, which which one of your words? Oh, well, I have three definitely
Okay, who wants to take a crack at that? I'll let you go D E F F hold on I in Wait D A -T -L -Y
No, there's not two F's Yes There should be
Again, there's i'm just writing my verify this e f I n
I t e l y I always do I always do a t and I get it wrong every time.
All right So it's one to one to one. No, I got two. I got croissant.
Okay, definitely. Don't try to short me Okay. Okay, excuse me. Okay, so I have one. Yes. Okay.
Did you have another one? I had license Okay, that was one of mine. All right, I get this wrong every time go for it c's and s's and all right
License no one look at me. No one look at me l i c e n s e
Yes. Yes. Yes Oh, he has one oh good that was on my list so I was gonna let you spell it
Congratulations. Okay. Do you have another one? Um You said definitely in oh different Different.
I got it. Really? Okay. Go. Excuse me. I f f e r e n t. Yes Is that right?
Yeah, that's right I can spell it d i f f e r e n t. Yeah Because she just did it.
I'm just that's okay. Okay. Oh Vacuum. Oh, that was my next one. Oh, was it?
Yes. I'll try. Okay go vacuum. Yeah v a that's a strong C c
No, no, no, no, no, no, let me try you started over. Let me try again v don't look at C amy don't make eye contact
Stop cheating. Come on v a c You It's like a kid out of spelling
Looking to his parents, can you use it as u e m? No I got it.
I got it. I got it v a c c u u no v a c u u m. Yes I always do two c's one you
You were so close. I have two I didn't get a point there. I have two you have three you have two three,
I think Okay I only got one but I just said two and tried to say it fast so that I could get another point
Okay, I know how to spell this one Honest, no c it was v a c
Okay, so this one cheater. I know how to spell but I really it's kind of like wednesday Like we talked about I really have to think about it convenience ding, okay c o n v e n i e
N c e. Yes. I always like the the last part I have to get I need my mother to watch this because spelling was never
My strong suit tell her I need you to watch this one on. Um Because I won Not yet, but it's coming
Okay. Um, do you have another one? I was like I have more on my list
Okay, you go again because I honestly I don't I use this one a lot in like verbiage Like i'm a liaison between the patients and our doctors liaison
I had two there's an alternate spelling. I have two An alternate the first one is l i l i a z o n the second one.
No Is l e a s i o n. No the third one Liaison l
Yeah e Either it's either An a or an i
I L i A Anyone here seen billy madison
What did you say Especially a um, anyone else want to take l i a i
S special s. Oh my goodness.
Oh N. Yes. Yes We're not counting that You totally did the billy
Is This is exactly why I didn't want the volume turned up in our mics because I was like i'm not gonna be able to Okay next one
And this is the one that I couldn't like if I think about it too hard I can't pronounce conscientious Oh gosh, go ahead.
Elena conscientious We're not even pronouncing it right?
Yeah You know what i'm saying, it's gonna be one of those words like the more you say it the more you're like Conscientious conscientious con c o n c i o n
C o n No You need a liaison here
I got you conscientious c o n s c i e n s c i o u s
You got like the first time anyone else want to take a crack at conscientious? She looked it up. Okay.
It's c o n s c I e n t. I o u wasn't close.
I wasn't close. There's a t in there. Yes Okay, um, oh seth's got one too by the way seth what's your word
Apparently I don't know apparently I spell that one all the time. Apparently. Um, we have a situation
A p p a r e n t l y.
That's it. Yes Apparently apparently apparently
I didn't have that one. I'm just gonna tell the truth. Okay, my next one Maintenance ding
He's like I spell this one on a weekly basis if it's m a i t a i n or if it's m a n t a n
So let me try just try best guess. It's not maintained main
The state is m a i n e but maintenance is m a
In case you were wondering there is an eye there No I n t e n.
Nope. Elena maintenance, right? Yep. M a i n
T e n a n c e. Yes My last one I did say t. Well you you just you got too many too many
Okay, we're tied at four and she has like six you do not have four I have like three Seth The camera done before you walked in you guys at home keep track of the score
We're re -watching this you lose by the way, you lose it's not over. Elena's winning. Okay last word tiebreaker
Oh got it t i e Oh, I really did. I really did think connoisseur
I'm gonna go ahead and pass you want to try to spell it for the win? Yes I t
Seth no, I said it. Hold on. Give him give him his mic. I want to see I'll go first You said spell it for the win.
I t Spell it You're so funny. Okay, so you get one chance.
Okay, set this set this going. All right you first in me, okay c o n n e s
O u i r Dang All right, yeah, uh, not pastor he used it last week c o n
I'm not giving you any hints. Are you trying to make poor amy cheat? No. All right c o n
Oh My goodness, what is next? I give up c o n n o i s s e u r
It's like i'm sure it's french or something. Yeah, I wouldn't even get close But this is the one that I tried to do the talk to text and it spelled it c or no.
It was k a n n a Space s e w e r. So what's the fun? score
Um elena won You had like two I had three No I thought you meant
I had that private school education one I'm gonna give you at least two.
Okay, but one of them he I like the phrase I like the phrase at least how did I cheat?
He has my phone. Okay, but you did spell it Multiple times before you could actually get it, right?
like multiple times I was thinking through she was writing And Hey, that's what
I do to help me. You see that in spelling bees the little whiz kids. They'll just uh, oh
Do you guys know that meme iridocyclitis? No, there's a little little kid.
He's like very nerdy and he's doing a spelling bee and they're like, okay Your word is iridocyclitis
And he goes iridocyclitis Start spelling it and then they made like a whole meme with it like katie perry's
I kissed a girl and I liked it It goes I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of your and the little kids get subbed and he goes the taste of your iridocyclitis
It's funnier on the meme. Oh, yeah It's so funny. What are we gonna do with her? Oh Y 'all suck
My husband would appreciate that very much. You got it. Amy. Okay. Thank you Like i'll have to show it to you after it's just funnier.
It said he had to be there Yeah Ladies with a names two syllables the amy and anna's that's their own world.
Yeah All right, so there's a game We'll call it a tie. We'll call it a tie
No, no, you lost You came in last place. Yes Said the first will be last and the last will be first so you can contradict jesus moving on pretty sure
Spelling i used to jesus for anyone watching this that is not how you read the bible just to be clear Thank you. Just making sure that that's clear
All right, fine. I'll I will I will Seed concede
I will I lost it's concede concede. I think it's either way, right? Definitely not succeed.
You did suck Wow I mean
I can tell I can feel it. Yeah Feel like nobody else would talk to their pastor. No, that's for sure
All right, I lost fine Hey, you're doing better Proud of you. I'm proud of you for admitting it.
Good job. Proud of you Oh, he's growing the tone. You just spoke to me and don't ever talk to me. That's fun again Just kidding
I love no promises. Yeah, I can tell All right, fine according to seth's scorekeeping, which is um
Question one All right under par You know, there's a phrase
There's a phrase right there under par When we say that we mean not good, but under par is a good thing in golf.
It's good. Yeah, right We say that backwards. I'll give you another one that irks me so bad Subpar is a great thing.
Maybe that's what I meant If you're subpar, that's a great thing. That means you're under engulfed then
Okay, because right birdies eagles those are Right, so you actually want to be subpar in golf, right it's a bad term
Yeah, but outside of golf in that context, it's not you're stealing the word from golf to make a point
That's the kind of like when people say I could care less when they mean I could not care less Yeah, that one bothers me me too.
I've got a lot that bother me. I think we talked we should do pet peeves I think we did that one I would fill
I would fill the room with pet peeves that bother me more than should by the way But i've got plenty of them same just don't ever say you have one pet peeve
It's like my one pet peeve and then you just give a list because that's a pet peeve of mine I'll give you i'll give you one women last one this one's
No, no, this one's a woman one only there are some there are male dominated this one's a female dominated one
I think even you guys will agree Women will say first of all with no intention having a second or third thing.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, i'll do it in writing I'll do it in writing if i'm like writing a paper or something.
First of all speaking. I won't know I make a list in my head you go first of all and then you have nothing else to say second after that Then you don't say first of all.
Yeah. No, I totally and another thing All right. So look laziness laziness
Um, this is one if we're being honest We joke about often
But when we are actually talking about laziness some of us forget that it's an actual sin It is abhorrent to god
Laziness what is it? What are what does it look like and how do we overcome that?
So, um For our scriptural index today. It's basically all from proverbs proverbs talks about this a lot by the way
If you ever need a book that is practical application for your life. It's the book of proverbs and For those of you who have asked before how do you read the bible?
Proverbs is one of the easiest books in the bible to understand. Here's what I mean by that There is each verse
Most of the time is its own individual proverb most of the time therefore you
Normally need virtually zero context in order to understand the proverb in other words
If you pick a verse out of a letter St. Galatians, you're probably not going to understand it because there's a larger context of an entire letter
You're probably coming in the middle of a sentence 100 proverbs most of the time
If you just read a single verse it is a complete thought in and of itself. So it's kind of cool to think about Anyway, um as we read these keep in mind a proverb
Is a general truth It's not a statement of things that are true all the time everywhere in every case
But it's a general truth and the book of proverbs is a divine Is a divinely inspired general truths in other words
Unlike those proverbs all throughout all cultures all times, etc. This collection of proverbs is a divinely inspired collection so Anna what we got
What's first on our list? Uh, can you not see that? Yes, I can I was about to say I asked you before we started yeah, you're right i'm wrong again proverb six nine
I can read that one. I can read that one How long will you lie there sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep a little sleep a little slumber a little folding hands to rest
And poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man a little sleep a little
Folding of the hands it goes on to say in chapter 10 verse 26 and 27
Like vinegar to a teeth and smoke to the eyes so is the sluggard Or some translation may say a slothful man
So is the slugger to those who send him the fear of yaweh prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short
Uh one more and then we'll just stop and talk about it. This is chapter 20 And i'm just gonna do
I went too far This is chapter 20. I'm gonna do verse 4 The sloth or the sluggard does not plow in the autumn.
He will seek at harvest and have nothing All right. So what are these scriptures telling us about laziness slothfulness sluggerness apathy?
What are they telling us about it ladies? They're gonna starve yeah poor, you know
Won't be able to afford your Needs necessities It's it's it's funny to think
The Primary Reason these people do not have what they need in these verses is not due to famine or war or someone else's fault or some
Circumstance outside their control, but they themselves They themselves and if you from chapter 12 other people suffer because of it it says
Um like vinegar to the teeth is a slothful person to those who send him in other words, they send him to do a job
He doesn't do it. They have to pick up the slack. Yep. So it's affecting their harvest and as well as other people's yep um, we'll get to this more in a minute, but Talk for a moment about our society and our culture is laziness rewarded.
Yes or no? If so, how? um, yes, and This isn't necessarily a
Like jab or anything to people who? Not I don't want to use this as like an umbrella or an umbrella term
No, yeah, like a blanket term umbrella term, whatever. Um Some people that I have seen on Like government assistance like medicaid and like food stamps and things like that.
They are capable of using um Their abilities and strengths and What have you um in order to provide for their families, but they see that it's easier to not
Do those things and they can still you know reap the rewards and now we have more than ever um people on government assistance and again, it's like it was intended for people like An in -between spot like oh
I lost my job Like I just need help like getting by the next couple of months and then you get off of it People don't get off of it.
They stay on it for the rest of their lives And so that's that's one area in our society, especially in america.
Um Where I see that but again, it's like i'm not saying that everyone who's on it is a fraud or you know
What have you like I work for a medical clinic and we have fmla paperwork That we do all the time.
So like people who have surgeries need a certain amount of time off of work That's covered under short -term disability versus long -term
Um, and we'll have people try to get like extended amounts of leave Like during covet whenever we had
I don't know if you can say that word on here, but whatever Um during covet when we had the fmla every time you were sick
You would get like three months of work off Well, this one person had coveted three times and she got three months off each time
Even though she tested negative for it So she found a way to cheat the system and so it's just just out of laziness like I if I can just like You shouldn't even have to prove that she had it.
She could just say that she had it I don't have to work for three months and I get my full pay It's frustrating but that's how
I see it in our world to answer your question several examples I see it in entitlement um
What everyone owes me? Instead of what I need to work for and you know
Feel accomplished in something um, I think that's a lot of Our generation and the younger generation is
I deserve this so you should give it to me. I shouldn't have to work for it Well, it's like yeah like pay There's pay for I mean like I should be making you know, sixty thousand dollars a year when you're an assistant
Right and you just graduated college. No, you don't deserve that much money like you can
You know do this job for whatever they are entitled to a higher salary Right because they think they deserve that not because they've earned it like you said, right and Um, you know just even opportunities like I deserve this opportunity.
Well, why because I think I should have it Well, that's not a reason that you have that opportunity like every
What I tell my boys all the time is equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome Yeah, it's the light.
It's automatic every time Um, but it reminds me of proverbs 26 Is it 16?
The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who could answer sensibly because you cannot even
Talk to these people about okay Well, why don't you go get a job and work your way up or because to them?
No, I should start here because this is my educational level and this is well Yeah, but you have no work experience in that field you have
Nothing to lead up to it go in at an entry position Learn something because you don't know everything.
Yeah, you don't know everything My oldest is very very smart and he knows it people tell him all the time.
Yeah You know how smart he is and I tell him all the time Doesn't matter how smart you is are you is
It doesn't matter how smart you are you can still learn from the dumbest person in the room. Oh for sure
There is always something you can learn from somebody that you didn't know before because There are so many people that have this idea of i'm smarter
So I don't have to listen to this person i'm smarter. So I know better than this person
It's dangerous place and it's very dangerous because if I say don't do something and he says well
I thought it was a good idea to go ahead and do it Anyway, how'd it turn out for you? And well, it could be something like I tell him to do something in a very specific way that I want it done
And he said oh, well, I got it done, but I did it in my way. It's like, okay, then you still did it wrong Because I told yeah because I told you to do it in a specific way
For a reason you don't have to know the reason I know the reason I wanted it done that way And it's the same with entitlement when it comes to a boss telling a subordinate
You know, this is how I want it done. It doesn't matter how you want to do it at that point It's how they want you to do it you do it right and get it done and then not only are you
Learning even if it's a tedious task you are learning patience and you're also
Learning that there's more than one way to do something and my way is not always the only way right, you know, it's amazing
That's scripture The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer him sensibly.
I've told this story a hundred times But i'll tell it again 101. Thank you. I was in an accountability group a group of like -minded brothers
Probably at this point 10 years ago And they brought something to my attention that I didn't think
I was guilty of that. I didn't think I was doing wrong there were Eight of them and they all unanimously agreed
That I was doing x even though I didn't think I was It had to do with the way I was speaking to certain people
And I didn't think it was But we argued about it for like 30 minutes and I just stopped in my brain. I said, all right.
Josiah Here's what we're gonna have to do Because like i'm serious like lie detector tests.
I did not believe I was doing that I said josiah if you're right, that means all eight of them are individually wrong.
What is more likely? That you are wrong or that all eight of them is filled with the same spirit.
You are wrong So I decided that was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do I decided to change a behavior that I didn't think needed to be changed of which
I didn't think I was committing Because I trusted But it took eight different opinions for me to come to that conclusion
You know the scripture says he is wiser in his own eyes than seven people that can speak to him sensibly
This idea of entitlement And we can look at it at a bunch of different angles we can look at it from I have a right to decide whether or not to murder a child
I have a right to decide Whether or not
I have to pay x or obey this law or do this We're so entitled.
We're actually having elected officials And some of you get ready for this i'm elected officials talking about Whether we should pay money for sins committed 150 years ago by people
Who are not just on this planet anymore, but whose children are not on this planet anymore whose grandchildren are not on this planet anymore
Mm -hmm And not only is that insane, but there's so few people willing to say that out loud. That's ludicrous
That that that's ludicrous. And here's here's the next thing It's beyond that in the church, it's easy to pick on the world it's easy to pick on a cnn clip in the church
We have people joining churches based on what programs they can offer How they can be fed how they can be made feel a certain way we have people
Who view church as a social club or a way to get a feeling? A way to get a check mark on a box rather than a place to go and work
You that is absent from the new testament you won't find that anywhere To the point we'll even say stuff like this
If I praise god, he owes me blessings There's a very popular song
Very popular song it says when the praises of god go up his blessings come down Do you know the name of this one
That uh, I think it's called his blessings come down when the praises of god go up his blessings come down I'll have to look that one up and i'm sure some of you have heard this song.
Just listen to me for a minute The entire corpus of the scripture speaks about you praise god no matter what circumstance you're in and it's his prerogative when to or to not bless that's god's
Prerogative and by the way blessings are not always financial or money or or physical that's god's prerogative
He's not a genie in the bottle that if you praise him enough. He owes you
Some type of physical blessing we got to get out that out of our heads Um this sense of entitlement,
I think boils down to a word that is lacking And that is the word submission
We teach that children are to obey but that word should be absent from the lexicons of adults
Anyone listening to this myself included? If you cannot think of an area in your life where you submit and obey you are not obeying the bible
At least not in that at least not in that aspect submission is a biblical word and every one of us
Every one of us have a realm in which we are to submit and obey
Every one of us And we've got to wake up in that You'll have some people in their brain think okay.
Well, i'll just submit and obey god. I agree with that But god has created realms in which you are to submit and obey to human beings that are in that realm that the bible says
He has placed an authority over you so that when you disobey them you are disobeying god
I think And let you two speak to this. I think one of our biggest problems with entitlement
Is we really believe in our hearts and i'm speaking of people that are in the church We really think in our hearts
That we have no obligation to submit and obey and I think that's where our sense of entitlement comes from What do y 'all think about that?
when it comes to the church, I think that would be a lot of it because how many times
Have you heard somebody say well, I submit to god But i'm not going to submit to my husband because what's there to submit to i've heard that a million times or How many people have you heard to that, you know want to go against the government in some way?
Even though the bible makes it clear that god has put authority given them authority over us
And if it's not a biblical reason behind why you don't want to support what they're doing
Then you have no ground to stand on when it comes to gum comes to it um
But I think it is an arrogance of trying to fit into the culture And the church at the same time that's those don't go together you can't yeah, you can't because it's such a contrast
And when you have something that contrasting You it will not fit no matter how many times you try
It won't fit so you cannot Say, oh i'm submitting to god, but i'm not doing the things he says to do
It it just you just can't do that. No and I mean Yeah, submission is hard.
Yeah, but with that submission comes so much growth in your spiritual walk like I mean,
I can't even explain it how much it is how much it has affected me and my walk with christ personally, amen, um just and Not only that not but seeing submission as service because when you start to serve and Submit yourself to god
Then you see the submission in everything you do because when you go to work for any
Part of the church whether it's children's ministry or anything like that You are going to be submitting under somebody's authority saying okay.
Well, what do you want me to teach on? What is this? Okay. Yeah, because even when I taught sunday school for I don't know the first couple months
We would submit what we me and my husband had written down To I think it was you.
I think it was pastor. Josiah Uh, it might have been pastor Jeff But for y 'all to go over and make sure that everything we were saying was of sound doctrine and making sure we knew what we were
Talking about which is very important But there's so much that I could have been like, oh well
That's fine and get all offended that you were checking up on my work instead of submitting to you And saying you know more than I do you can make sure that what i'm saying is correct and I mean, especially when it comes to children's department or anything like that You have got to make sure that you can submit.
Yes, and but with that comes service because You you have to be able to work under people and serve them no matter
In spite of them or in spite of yourself I'll tell you a story I just got back from a mission trip to freeport, bahamas um
Hi, if any of you guys are listening and we did a pastor's conference with it was 95 pastors had a good time
Had some good responses however however when
I um mentioned To some of them that the pastors of this church
Don't count the money nor even know who gives what someone looked at me puzzled And they were like why not?
I said well we let uh Rebecca and charcuta do that. That's not up to me
And I don't need to know that and it wouldn't be good if I did Um They had never heard of that And i'm not saying every church has to do it the way we do
But I think it's a pretty healthy boundary to have in place There was a young man who
I hope will be here in memphis soon Um, if you listen, what's up, buddy, you know who you are
He was working with us, uh laying the brick at the church And I said, hey man, what's your name and he told me
I said, are you a christian that was my next sentence He said no and I said well You know what you're in a better spot than some who think they are and actually aren't so at least at least you're in that Spot, we worked with him for a couple days
The conference we did There was no registration fee this year Because the speakers that would be us didn't take any money
And he asked us about coming there And I said, yeah, we all paid our own way He says like y 'all's church in bayford.
I said no we all individually paid our own way to come here How much y 'all getting to do the thing
I said we're not getting a dollar And so he said so you Came here of your own money.
Two of the people had to take off work by the way and use their vacation for it Came here of your own money
And gave a service and got no money in return I said, yeah, he said i've never heard of a pastor doing that And I said well the bible says that jesus came to serve not to be served
That's the model I have and let's keep that in mind in john 13 Jesus washes his disciples feet.
By the way, judas was in that room You have no excuse. No one's ever wronged you that bad He washes their feet he gets them washing each of their feet
And then says you call me teacher and lord, which is right because I am And i've washed your feet
And so you are to do to each other And you know, it's an argument from greater to lesser There's not going to be anyone on planet earth that I am of a such a different stratosphere than jesus with his disciples
And he was able to do that That's a pretty um
When I say humiliating I mean in a humble sense not making fun of humiliating way to serve somebody
Because some of y 'all got some nasty feet Okay, anna, did you put your shoes on? Okay good.
I have my one shoe on. I just okay good. Thanks Scrubbed off the calluses. Yeah, I know
Now look we have the sovereign lord who created the universe washing the feet of creatures he created out of dirt
Okay What scenarios are going to be where I have any right to refuse to serve someone?
Okay. Now with that being said that's the kind of stuff i've got to keep in my head because it's so easy
To get in the mindset of I am owed x but when you put things in perspective of how god puts it
I am owed Nothing. I'm owed not not a darn thing
That helps me not to feel any type of entitlement I mean I get in a fit if my air is out for two days
Which by the way, I think everyone in this city has had that happen at least at least twice in the past in the past two months um but You know the this is how the mindset we should have the mindset we should have instead is
I am on the same plane as everybody else. How can I help somebody else? Yeah, I think the sense of entitlement's a big problem
I think that it came from Um instead I think it came from misusing the word selfless because if you think about Instead of looking at it as thinking of yourself less or others first Then people take that and say well
I put myself on the back burner and everyone took and took and took from me And one you allowed it.
Absolutely boundaries are very important but It causes this idea of well
I'm, not going to do that anymore instead. I am going to do whatever I can for me and what helps me.
It's like Pendulum, right like from one to the other. There's no happy medium of I don't deserve this
Either so why would I? You know condemn someone else or say they're not worth it
When i'm not worth it, right? and To me when I when
I think of Like what if i'm going to help someone or not? and that whole idea of like you know making sure that i'm not going to Put my family time in jeopardy and making sometimes that happens
I mean it just does but it doesn't need to be a consistent thing But when it comes to making sure
I am doing it for the right reasons And making sure that I am not just saying no out of laziness
I have to really check That perspective on it or that whole. Oh, I really just don't want to right.
Yeah, that's like there's a lot of times and Yeah, and I have to get myself out of it because I have to get my kids out of it.
Yeah, right if i'm When you're leading other people's like oh if I don't then the other eight people right?
Hey go clean your room I don't want to well, you know what? I don't feel like doing your laundry, but here we are You know what who asked you?
Anna to your point earlier. Let's I'm gonna read this scripture and I don't care if you're an atheist. I don't care if you're a believer
I want everyone to hear this and just ask yourself. Does our society obey this verse?
Just everybody does our society obey this this passage. I should say this is second.
Thessalonians chapter three For even when we were with you we would give you this command if anyone is not willing to work
Let him not eat for we hear that some Among you walk in idleness not busy at work
But busy bodies now such persons we command and encourage them lord. Jesus christ do their work quietly and earn their own living
So again, we give this command if anyone is not willing to work let him not eat does our society obey that scripture
Yes, or no. No, all I think of is we have the right to light life liberty and the pursuit of happiness yeah, and then
I think about how everybody takes that out of context to mean Instead of I have the right to food.
It's I have the right and you have to feed me because it's a Right of mine instead of I have a right to go out and have a garden and provide for myself or hunt, right?
Yeah. Yeah Um, I think that's what that makes I think parents are We talked about this earlier
You have a right You can complain If you want about the public school system
But it's not the church's fault. Your kids don't know about god. It's not the school's fault That your kids don't know how to read.
It's your fault. And I know that's harsh for some of you to hear but Sorry, you know saying true things out loud, that's right.
You always say starts in the home. Yeah sunday school is a tool Yep that a parent uses to help train their child.
It's not the be all end all of it Memphis city schools is a tool a parent can use to teach their children
It's not the be all end all of it. Also You might want to keep in mind what is being taught there, but that's a separate subject for a different time
My point in saying that is at the end of a day the bible says
That is a mother and father's responsibility to raise their child in the way. They should go Anyone it's not your pastor's job or your deacon's job or your son's will teach a dog or nursery worker's job
It's amazing i'm having to use church example because those are some people that complain the most it's your job. That's what the bible says
Well, actually if you read the scripture, yeah, do you ever just like pull out your bible? Actually, let me show you actually
Let me show you where this this is Well, and that's all a point of deflecting.
You know, they don't want to take the responsibility It's better if they can pass that responsibility and you know what? It's real easy as a husband to blame it on my wife or as a woman to blame it on her husband.
Absolutely It's this the scripture in matthew 7 We all
Know it but I don't know that many of us know it It wasn't till a year or so ago that I actually understood what the scripture was saying matthew 7 he says what?
You hypocrite first take the log the beam out of your eye before you can take the speck or the splinter out of your brother's
Eye, everyone remember this one? What's amazing? the scripture Is not speaking of the fact that your sin is greater than theirs
It's that you should see your sin as a log and theirs as a speck. I'm guilty of this one
I am guilty of this one. I'll tell you right now. The bible says I should see my sin as a log as a beam
We were reading in sunday school this morning about the cedar that uh,
Solomon used to build his palace and then the temple and so I should see My sin as a beam a log
And my sisters or my brothers as a splinter that needs to be removed But first mine removed first that that's that's one that i'm guilty of myself.
I I tend to not see mine As the beam as the log as the pillar
I think one more scripture and we could talk about this the rest of time. We'll call this good. This is colossians 3 ladies verse 23 and it says this
Whatever you do work heartily As for the lord and not for men whatever you do work heartily
As for the lord and not for men Whatever you do work heartily
That's an interesting word, isn't it? What does that mean to work heartily? Sorry, I can't pronounce that very good
H h e a r t like heart Actually have the definition.
Give me a second. Okay. It means from your soul. There it is There it is. Yeah, so In other words,
I think what's being said there You're working your heart for your treasure is there'll be your heart also your your heart is
The location of your deepest desires For where your treasure is there'll be a heart also so whatever you do work heartily from the heart
As something done for the lord not for men we tend to think of the heart as passive In other words
I can't control Who i'll fall in love with I can't control what I yes you can
Yes, you can. Yep Yeah, you can the reason the bible can say work heartily from the heart is because you set your heart
On what you're going to love most Okay. So what it's saying is whatever you do work from the heart as something done for god
And not for men I have to remind myself of this one often Um everything
I do whether it's this whether it's uh In my office whether it's cleaning a toilet whether it's working concrete whether it's playing phone tag with my daughter
Basically, she steals my phone. She runs away. I beat the snot out of her. I take it back She comes and tries to punch me and steal it phone
Literal phone tag She means this
That's funny. I do it for lord and not for men. That's a hard one to remember I've got to keep that one ingrained right here.
I forget that one Yeah so Any areas where you've struggled to do something?
from the heart as opposed to just do it just get it over with or check mark or a
Or a I guess I need to any areas like that for you or just me Parenting I was about to say being a mom
Waking up Talk about selflessness. Yeah, I don't think i've slept this past week.
Rachel often says Becoming a mother is an opportunity to double down on your selfishness or it can be an incredibly sanctifying thing
Yep It is the most sanctifying experience for sure. Yeah. Yes because you learn
To serve very quickly in spite of them, but you know like this morning, for example, my son woke up Tried to let him sleep in a little bit.
He woke up at like 6 15. I'm like Like he wakes up at 6. So that's like sleeping in for us.
I wake up at 5 So i'm like just I don't want to get up and like he's just whining.
I'm like, okay, you know, like i'll Go to the bathroom, you know go get him and then I go in there and open up his curtains
And he's just smiling at me and then it's just like my selfishness just like washes away doesn't always happen like that Like in the middle of the night when he was a newborn and i'm just like with a present
No, he doesn't usually his or during the day, which i'm thankful for And he hasn't figured out how to take it off yet So, you know, that'll be you should tell that story one day on the podcast.
Yeah, sure. That's great No, but I mean just the whole like you said just being a parent of like You know,
I never get to do anything for myself anymore and it's like it's because you don't prioritize That time you let people suck you dry.
You don't have boundaries, you know, whatever and then there are times when i'm just like I just want to be lazy because i've earned it
I've done enough today. I've you know run around the house. I've like done all of our laundry, but then like Like, you know your husband and my husband helped cut down the tree yesterday and they worked hard And did it completely for free saved us like 1400 bucks, which
I was incredibly thankful for But i'm just like, you know My husband is out there doing all of that work and we had all of these dishes and stuff
I'm like the least I can do is that i'm like I have the quote unquote right to be lazy And just enjoy my saturday, but i'm like he's working.
I want to one -up him I want to because we're competitive but i'm like I want him to be able to come home.
I have a clean kitchen you know, but i'm like I just I Laziness is probably one of my biggest things and my husband and I actually talked about this
And I hope he doesn't I don't even really know if he listens to the podcast I tell him he should and he's like, oh, yeah, i'll get to it and he just like never does um, but I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this is like one of his big things is has been working out and Just being he like last year and the year before he was like in the gym almost every day
He loved it. He was like telling me about his rdls and his maxes and like he was just so proud And I was very proud of him.
And then we had our son and we're both like Just trying to survive And it's like we don't have any energy to do anything else besides what is absolutely necessary.
Just like survival mode And um, so I sent him that desiring god article that you sent us because I was just like I Listened to it and i'm just like sitting at my desk at like 7 30 in the morning.
I'm just like man Conviction and i'm like i'm already like getting convicted and I sent it to my husband and I had a talk with him and i'm like you keep saying
You want to work out and I said i'm gonna pull a pastor. Josiah and you and I was like technically it gets us
From scripture, but it's like let your yes be yes and your no be no I'm, like why do you keep saying that you want to do this and you don't follow through with it?
Because he's all like he's gung ho and then he you know Like and i'm not saying this to like and he replied new number.
Who's this? No No, I was about to say we're in person so I can't do that But anyway, so he you know, we just talked about that and he's like honestly i've just been like i've just been lazy
He admitted that and i'm like no I get that but we can't Do that i'm like push through the laziness.
I'm like, you know you being lazy affects other areas of the house I said it doesn't your laziness doesn't just affect you it affects our son
It affects us and that's like what people just don't really understand And I I think 90 percent of the time and i'm gonna use that percentage
I'm, pretty confident and i'm not saying that like again. I'm, sorry. I'm just i'm prefacing this again I'm, not saying this to like throw my husband under the bus.
I've had Literally right now sitting at our house. I have like three weeks worth of laundry that has folded and just have not put up yet It's in different Folded and you just haven't put it away.
That's not even the hard part So elena and her family came over last night and I literally moved all of the like Hampers and everything just in our room.
I was like i'm hiding it I want to put it away for you. Oh my god I know Seth's not married yet.
I know he don't even he just puts him into a right or wrong But that's me saying
I am just as lazy or worse like i'm not saying that's there i'm just Just as bad.
This is the difference between me and you And this is how I know that your boy don't walk too fast yet Yeah There's no such thing as folding the clothes not putting away unless you want naomi playing with the folded clothes
I don't know if I put him on the coffee table He'll just pull his shirt off and do this and i'm like so that's why I ended up moving it
But then I still chose violence today, yes, I didn't even put it away. Maybe I can put away her own clothes now naomi
Yeah, the boys can put away their clothes too, but they don't they're still not folded when they do it So now who guess who folds their own laundry, right?
Elijah all of them How did how do the twins do they roll them? Yeah. Hey, you know what?
That's okay. I don't care I'm sure roll them and thing fits more major. Um What was
I saying amy? Amy i'm sorry. No, I totally interrupted you we're talking about laziness and oh perspective.
Yes 90 percent of the time and and i'm gonna challenge some of you on this one because i'm challenging myself here 90 percent of the time you're not actually that tired as perspective.
I'll prove it to you It's the same thing. I talk about with people who say they just can't be on time.
You know, what's funny when those people Are paid by the hour they show up to work on time, but they can't show up to sunday sunday school
When their salary no, but why is it when people are paid by the hour? They can show up to work on time.
Someone explain that to me because they get paid for the whole hour. That's interesting That's in true.
That's amazing. Hi. My name is elena. Yeah It's amazing. So there's no excuse.
It's a matter of perspective. It is a matter of working from the heart It is amazing that sometimes we give more effort for the almighty dollar than we do the almighty god, but moving on from that We'll do this.
It'll be on the quote game Yeah, um Tiredness especially especially some of these dudes um
You can stay up till 2 a .m. Playing freaking video games Okay, and not be tired the next day but you can't stay till 6 p .m.
Or whatever on a sunday afternoon to help somebody or to do a event. You know what I mean? Like The consistency just doesn't make sense and you know why?
Here's why when you do something from the heart Your physical fatigue is secondary
I'm not talking about you don't need rest or sabbath or any of that That's not what i'm getting at. In other words what I am saying is it's a matter of perspective
It really is and i've noticed this with me It is amazing That sometimes i'm too tired to stay up and Talk to my wife about her day
But if the titans were on monday night football, i'd be up to 11, even if it went to overtime That that's a matter of perspective that's a matter of perspective
You will prioritize the things that are important to you And I know it's a matter of perspective because as i'm saying that i'm feeling guilty about it and my my feet are sweaty
So I know i'm feeling something. I mean, it's a little hot in here. Like i'm sweating. Oh good. Okay Okay, so that's
I I really think Do something done for the lord and not for men. Well, i'm a man so not even for myself
Do something as done for the lord if we can keep that in our center focus
Of even like what we're doing right this second of what we're going to do after this Has something done for the lord that will
Give us the right perspective to be able to Have the right attitude to what needs to be done
That reminds me of I mean I went on the mission trip last year and I think that's
A perfect example is one of the witten mission trips Because you are pushed
So hard way past your limit Like I don't think i've ever worked that hard before in my life
And the hotel we were staying at you had there was no elevator. So it was just stairs Lots of how many stories how many stories we were up on the third?
It was like two or three it depended on which side you were on whatever but I think we were on the third At the end of day two
When you're hurting your worst and you're covered in skunk No, it was not just sweat.
It was I don't even know. I don't know if i'd be Those banana trees that snotty nastiness from those banana trees.
Oh the ants. Oh, those were awful Um, but just the You're coated
You're disgusting the bumps on my feet were so big. I almost needed a bigger shoe size Like that's how big the bumps they were bad
And he had he had on like boot boots and shaw and I had just tennis shoes on and oh my gosh
Our legs were eaten up, but neither here or there. Anyway, no, it is there It's definitely there.
They have an issue but when you get back and you're just Past the point of physical exhaustion
But then you still find that time and that joy and that regeneration of going to the pool afterwards and hanging out
With the people of god and actually getting that time together and hanging out
And you don't even realize you forget about how tired you were the rest of the day Because you have the joy of the lord as your strength as you keep going and when
I got home I I looked at my husband. I said I have zero excuse for sitting around the house and not doing anything now because I just spent a week picking up boulders and throwing them into the back
I can do it I'm like I I can do it. I'm fine, but that pushing of your limits.
Not only does it Not only does it open you up to opportunities like mission trips and serving and getting outside yourself but it opens you up to Well, I did that so I can do this no problem.
Yeah, it's all about perspective It's all about I mean, I don't have time to go help this person I don't have time to talk to this person call this person
I have time to scroll in the shorts for 30 minutes. There is pastor omar calling me right now All right, tell him hi.
I will tell him. Hi. Where's my phone? Is it right there? Can you answer it and record it at the same time? Will it cut the camera off?
I think it will. Hey pastor. I'll call you right back. All right That didn't go through did it?
Okay. Thanks. We're gonna make me think it did. I thought you answered it. All right A nordic accent to imitate pastor omar's
Oh, that's awesome. Yeah Like when you scrolled or whatever or like swipe to say hello
Now this is one of the negatives of having an all -women cast this is what's gonna happen
Are you a woman you said all -woman cast you stay for the family movie night tonight at 5 p .m
To find out we're doing the what is a woman? What is a woman, you know? I will tell you what a woman is amy.
Put the camera on me Oh, is that one on me? No, but I want that one on me I want the only
I want right here Amy's like I don't know how to do this. Tell her it is tell her it is and then keep
No, because I can see it same keep it the exact same. That's me. I see me.
There we go. Okay a woman Is someone who has x is it x x chromosomes as woman?
Yes, that is what it is. It is scientifically proven They have different organs.
They have different hormones. We have different hormones women have different hormones. We can birth children
So it's an adult human female, yes, it is a family a family. It's amazing.
Isn't that so hard? Hey, we're gonna do the video tonight. I mean the movie tonight. It's amazing. I've said this before I've just got to say this because anna's exactly right as always except Keeping score when
I win a game besides that she's always right, but she didn't um so It is amazing
We can dig up a bone box in israel From 2 000 years ago and determine the gender of that person.
We don't know what the favorite color was We don't know what color of their hair. We don't know how they identified. We don't know We don't know anything about them.
We don't know what their favorite food was. We don't know where they worked We don't know anything But we can tell you what gender they were, you know, why?
Because it's that embedded into our dna. It's that embedded into your bone structure It's like the female and male pelvis is completely different.
I have to say that's why they call them birthing hips pretty amazing All right Very good guys.
Well, that's uh, that's our take on Laziness, we gave it our best shot.
We really did. We we didn't just half -hearted they do we gave it our best shot Thank you. Well uh
I can't remember what the topic is next week, but the good news is anna can go ahead anna So there's the topic for next week with me
And then something else I didn't pull it up on their schedule All right So as always guys, uh, we love doing these but we love to do what you want us to talk about so send in Uh, whatever topics you'd like us to cover we'll get to them like share subscribe do all that stuff
Uh, what are we doing next week? What was me and and If god does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self -control
Then why am I as a believer still struggling to overcome fear? Dang all right.
Yeah, we got some serious ones. Very good. Well, that's good for me until next time Shia labeouf just do it