Be "En Guard!" & Conquer | A Bianca Olthoff Message Review


Bianca Olthoff warned the audience at the 2020 IF:Gathering Conference to be on guard for what God wanted to do in their lives. To help them with this, she taught that Paul, in Romans 8:31-37, wanted us to know that we possess a power that makes us more than conquerors. Is it important for us to be on guard for what God wants to do in our life, or we will be stuck in the wilderness not receiving our victory? Is it true that we "posses power" to fight and conquer? How are we more than conquerors according to the Apostle Paul? How did Bianca Olthoff handle Scripture? May this episode expose the false teaching entering the church and bring glory to God. To access the podcast, blog, and other resources go to the Thoroughly Equipped website @ ⁠⁠ Follow me on Facebook & Instagram: ⁠⁠ ⁠ Christian Podcast Community: ⁠⁠ Striving For Eternity Ministries: To watch Thoroughly Equipped with no ads subscribe to the podcast/channel at


It has never been more important for you to host your people in your place. We are gonna talk about Jesus we persevere
Because God is at work in us and this world and because he's God he is sovereign
Is this what Bianca Juarez will thoughtful teach in all these things?
We are more than conquerors through him who loves us. Okay started out a little iffy, but man, did that turn around?
I'm pleasantly surprised at this point She and in chapter 8 Paul is reminding them and us of the power we possess because God is on our side.
Oh It was going so well No, I don't think this passage is informing us of any sort of power.
We possess. It's all about God's work He is the one with the sovereign power really
I'm just not a fan of teachers who teach us that we possess some kind of power through the
Holy Spirit Especially since Paul has throughout the epistle of Romans basically laid out how humanity is powerless to really do anything to save themselves
But it is by God's grace and his power Especially the gospel which is the power unto salvation that we are saved and as he is
Expressing in this passage is by God's grace and power that we are more than conquerors
Welcome to the Thoroughly Equipped podcast where we compare the teachings from popular women's ministry books
Conferences Bible studies, etc to scripture our focus is 2nd Timothy 3 16 to 17 that all
Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness
So the man or woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
I'm your host Melba toast May this episode bless you and bring glory to God Hello ladies and welcome back to another episode of Thoroughly Equipped I'm so happy that you chose to tune in to this episode and if you are new, well, welcome
This season we're taking a deep look at the popular women's conferency of gathering and this episode is part 6 of the second part
Of the teaching portion of this series In part one, it's a little
Convoluted, but it's the way my brain works In part one, we looked at the purpose of the conference and compared it to the purpose of discipleship as found in Scripture But in this part, which
I identify as part two we look at the actual women who speak at this conference the ministries they have and Then dive into the way they handle scripture at the 2020 conference
The goal is to provide you with a litmus test first by not only judging whether they put themselves under the authority
Of God's Word, but also judging whether they believe scripture is sufficient and efficacious to conform us to Christ This way you can determine whether or not to follow them and allow them to disciple you
To do this I picked the 2020 conference to dive into the type of messages presented at the if Gathering it is at this conference that Jenny Allen had each speaker give a message on a portion
From Romans 8 with the express purpose of giving the audience more of Jesus And whether you've known
Jesus for a long time or you're just checking him out We're not gonna water him down here
We're going to Romans 8. I don't know that there's a deeper Theological piece of work in the
Bible. So we're going here And what you will leave with I believe Is more of Jesus?
So the sessions went like this Jada Edwards gave a message on Romans 8 1 to 4 proclaiming that God took care of our greatest need and now we can live without Condemnation Jenny Allen gave a message on verses 5 to 8 teaching us to battle the negative thoughts that come from an enemy
Beth Moore on verses 9 to 11 expressed how she wished that we would cherish what is in us so that we would live supernatural lives
Joe Saxton on verses 14 that 17 explains how we were
Adopted and no longer need to be slaves to our fears So therefore we should open our inheritance to accomplish our callings
Ruth Chow Simmons on verses 23 to 27 Warned us that if we are counting our resources to fill to fulfill our callings
Then we are not trusting in Christ and today's session is given by Bianca Juarez Othoff on Romans 8 verses 31 to 37
To listen to my critique of those sessions and discern how they handle scripture You can check them out though I highly suggest that you start from the beginning
If you are new to the podcast and have of course just tuned in to the YouTube channel
Before we dive into miss Othoff's message, let's get a feel for her ministry so Bianca Othoff has been a speaker at the if gathering since I could tell 2019 and Probably even before that but the website only has access to the conferences after 2019
She is the author of the books titled how to have your life not suck
Play with fire and her newest release Gris grit. Don't quit creator of the nonprofit
Organization in the name of love Bianca Othoff is an incredibly engaging speaker
She is very enthusiastic and really knows how to draw her audience into her messages
On her website. She gives topical devotional messages derived from scripture verses very short verses mind you and in it
She does a lot of proof texting The method by which a person appeals to a biblical text to prove or justify a
Theological position without regard for the context of the passage They are citing and while there is a right method that can be beneficial when proof texting
It is very common for devotionals to give the wrong method For example taking historical texts and reading ourselves into it
Such teaching of historical texts make you David and Goliath your problems
Another example would be taking historical narrative and applying it as if it is normative something we should expect or Something we should expect to see on a regular basis really
Bianca Othoff more than not uses an Inappropriate method of proof texting when coming to her messages and devotions, but I hope you didn't
I miss Othoff Also has no qualms over preaching and teaching nor any issues with calling herself a pastor
Overmounds in the mixed audience as she and her now ex -husband co -pastored a church the father's house located in Orange County, California By speaking to men to teach them what
Scripture means whether done correctly or twisted to do this in any congregation on the
Lord's Day is to be in rebellion to his authority and sin against him by disobeying a clear command
Not only does she do this regularly? She aligns herself with other women in ministry who do the same
She has been on the better together show on TBN If you don't know that show often platforms female preachers and self -called pastors
Yes God would not call a woman to preach or pastor his sheep. So therefore she is self called and not called by God There's something else very interesting
I found while doing light research on her ministry and that is that she's a speaker for the
AAE the all -american entertainment This agency is quote a full -service talent booking agency specifically focused on the needs of event professionals looking to book keynote speakers and corporate entertainment
For their events in quote they work to quote connect audiences with innovative minds and powerful messages regardless of the industry in quote in the
Information about miss Juarez old off on this site. They mentioned that she travels 40 times a year
With this and the numerous times she speaks at her and her husband's church or had
Spoken at her husband's church. I wonder about her family life and its effect, especially since she just announced her divorce a couple months ago and that breaks my heart
It really really does this is Matt's second divorce and yet as far as I could tell he is still the lead pastor of the father's house the reason given for the divorce was
Irreconcilable differences and there's a lot that could be said about divorce being a fruit of bad beliefs centered on gender roles within the church and home
But that would be a whole different episode and so because of all of this
I would not recommend any woman follow listen or be discipled by this woman.
She is disqualified Older women are to teach what is good
And so train the younger to love their husbands and children to be self -controlled pure working at home
Kind and submissive to their own husbands that the Word of God may not be reviled
Titus 2 3 to 5 if she is not training women up to do that It could be and most likely is because she is not doing those things herself
Rebellion lack of submission and discernment can play out in the marriage as well as the church
This is why if we want strong Marriages we must be firm and clear in regards to female roles within the church and Home, this will be an upcoming topic.
I will address in the Lord willing Series, I want to produce on biblical womanhood and the fight against feminism
But pray for me ladies. I am excited to share with you what I've been studying, but it is a task.
I tell you So while we have assessed her willingness to submit to Christ Authority and her role in the church
This episode will look at the way she handles scripture and in watching several of her videos and some of her podcasts
I'll state that this is one of her better messages It's still problematic though.
So let's dive in. Let's first go to the text She is to address and read it for ourselves to see what the
Holy Spirit has to teach us through the Apostle Paul the author of this epistle Let's get a little context to this message
Paul in the earlier chapters of the epistle to the Romans talked about all of humanity's problems
That all transgress God's law and are subject to death and will have to stand before God in judgment
Paul himself relays how he sees within him Two things at war his spirit and his flesh in his mind
He desires to obey God's Word get in his members He's captive to the law of sin and this point right before chapter 8
Paul cries out to be set free from the body of death Right here.
I believe Paul is Exemplifying what Jesus was pointing out in the first four beatitudes in his
Sermon on the Mount Like Paul the poor in spirit will mourn over their sin and like Paul did they are submissive or meek to God's Word and Like Paul, they therefore cry out in their hunger and thirst for righteousness
Matthew 5 1 to 6 After crying out in his wretchedness
He praises and thanks God for Jesus Christ who sets people free from the law of sin and death
For God has done what the law weakened by the flesh could not do By sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin
He condemns sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of the law Might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the
Spirit Romans 8 3 to 4 Paul proceeds to remind us that there are two types of people
Those who set the mind on the flesh and those who set the mind on the Spirit and those who set the mind on the flesh cannot please
God But he says we are not of the flesh if we have the Spirit of Christ in us
Those who do not have the Spirit do not belong to him But if Christ is in us though the body is dead because of sin
The Spirit is life because of righteousness if the Spirit of him who raised
Jesus from the dead dwells in us He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to our mortal bodies
Through his Spirit who dwells in us Romans 8 9 to 11 So because the
Spirit of God dwells within us We are not debtors to the flesh But are called to by the power of the
Spirit be putting to death the deeds of the body And if we do we will live
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall
Back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons whom by whom we cry
Abba Father The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God and of children than heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ Provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him
Romans 8 14 to 17 this suffering the putting to death the deeds of the body the wrestling with our own sin the sin of others and this curse of sin upon this world is
Nothing compared to the glory to be revealed to us that the creation was subjected to futility
And is groaning in pains and we too like the creation in the spirit are groaning inwardly
Eagerly waiting for adoptions as sons the redemption of our bodies This is what we hope for and it is in this hope that we are waiting for our redemption with Patience now, let's get into the text.
Let's begin at verse 26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the
Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words and he who searches hearts knows
What is the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God?
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and Those whom he predestined
He also called and those whom he called he also justified and those whom he justified he also glorified
So pause letting us know that in this world We will suffer because of our sin others sin and the curse of sin upon this world
Suffering leads us to see and acknowledge our weakness So to encourage us Paul informs us of the great comforter the
Holy Spirit Who's been given to us to strengthen us during these times of sufferings? Letting us know that he intercedes for us
Praying for us with groaning too deep for words God hears these prayers and answers them
His answer is that he works through the suffering to discipline and work all together for our good and Conform us to Christ by them.
This was God's plan and work all along He predestined the good and the bad the good times and the times of sufferings
To be used by him to mature us and make us more like Christ He called us to follow
Christ Justified us because of our faith in him and in the end will glorify us
Clothes us with the imperishable when he returns. This is our great hope
With this as the context. Here's miss all thoughts portion What then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us?
He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also with him?
Graciously give us all things Who shall bring any charge against God's elect?
It is God who justifies who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that who was raised who is at the right hand of God who indeed is
Interceding for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or Danger or sword as it is written for your sake.
We are being killed all the day long We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered Now when all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
For I'm sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor Powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation
We'll be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord verse 31 starts off with several questions
But it's the first question that sets the stage for the rest of the passage
What then should we say to these things? Well, what are these things if we come to a passage that starts with a question like this?
We have to go back to see what Paul means by these things These things are the context to answering all the other questions in the text.
So what are these things? That God sent his own Son to fulfill the law for us verse 3 to 4
That God's Spirit was given to us and dwells in us to put to death the deeds of the body and by whom we cry
Abba Father bearing witness that we are sons of God verses 12 to 16
That the Spirit helps us in our weakness interceding for us according to the will of God verses 26 to 27
That God works all things out for our good because he predestined us to be conformed to the image of his
Son He called us he justified us and he glorified us verses 28 to 30
Because all of it is God's work and because God is for us
There is therefore nothing that can come against us Nothing else that we are in need of that.
God has not nor will not Graciously be given to us.
There's no charge that one can bring against us for it is God who?
Justifies there's none who can condemn because Jesus Christ is interceding for us
Who is at the right hand of the Father? There is nothing then that can separate us from Christ and his love
No tribulation. No distress. No persecution nor Famine or nakedness or danger or sword and all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus Nothing neither death nor life nor Angels nor demons nor present things nor things to come nor height or depth
Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen This passage is proclaiming our security in Christ John MacArthur calls it invincibility that Christians are invincible
The Reformers call it the perseverance of the Saints not because of anything within or about ourselves
But because of God he predestined he called he justified and he glorified
God does all his marvelous will and all for our good and his great glory
We are invincible we persevere Because God is at work in us and this world and Because he's
God he is sovereign. Is this what Bianca Juarez Ulthoff will teach?
Well, let's dive into our message. Shall we? Miss Ulthoff starts her message with gusto
She draws the audience's attention by teaching them to holler back but to holler back millennial style
Some new nomenclature into the lexicon of hollering back Okay, instead of replying to a message teaching or a statement with a man
She instructs them to say facts instead of shouting Hallelujah, we're to shout big facts instead of preach it.
We're to say say it again and The new word she instructs us to use is on guard now besides Perking the interest of the audience.
She set up this word to set up her message. So let's listen in And a new word that most people might not know
I'm gonna make it in vogue here at Hashtag if gathering 2020 is this on guard?
All right. Can you I say on guard? Yes on guard means to be ready to fight and let me tell you when it comes to being here
Y 'all let me be honest with you every year I have this like hope and ambition that I am going to be able to pass out scripture and be learned and educated
And be calm and wise and make all of the theologians in the room so proud But then they give me the verse that I'm supposed to go through and it's
Romans 8 37 How do you not get turned up with my Bible boyfriend? Paul says you are more than a conqueror.
Okay, no And maybe you're here today you're like Bianca I do not feel like a conquering warrior, that's okay
That's okay. You want to know why when we are surrounded by people who are stepping up to be conquering warriors
Faith is contagious. Can I get an amen? That's a big facts right there
Okay, she's laid out for what she's going to focus on in this message Her purpose in it is to encourage us to be conquerors and I'm okay with that.
The question is how are we more than conquerors? Why does Paul say this is
Paul's answer to these questions the same answer Bianca will give?
Let's find out she goes on to tell a story about how her husband has a
Literal sword under their bed in preparation for being on guard in case of intrusion she uses this story as an
Illustration to how we are told to be on guard for what the Lord wants to do in our life
Because we have an enemy that wants to steal kill and destroy Into heaven.
My husband has a five -foot sword underneath our bed
Now the I couldn't get it through TSA so the lovely if girls got me this little baby sword right here
Okay, so my husband has a sword underneath our bed and I talked to him constantly
I said, baby, why do you have a sword under the bed? He said if there's ever intruder, I'll pull it out
Matthew Ray Olthoff. Well, who are you some little Frenchman? This is I'm God. I will thank you
I'm like, what are you gonna do, babe? But the truth of the matter is is that my husband Matt Olthoff knows something that I want to remind us of in here today
John 10 10 says that we have an enemy that has come to steal kill and destroy Y 'all you got to be on guard for what the
Lord wants to do in your life Can I get an amen? All right, just starting out.
I gotta say that nowhere in Scripture Are we instructed to be on guard for what the
Lord wants to do in our life? Again there's just this popular view that God is very dependent on us to get his will done
We have to be cherishing what's inside us so that we are led by the
Spirit like Beth Moore taught us We need not to be slaves to fear and open our inheritance the gifts that God has given to fulfill our purpose
We need not to be counting our resources and now we need to be on guard for what
God wants to accomplish in our lives Well, what happens if we're not on guard? Does God's will get done
The other issue is what does Jesus mean by the thief comes to steal kill and destroy?
Steal what kill what destroy what? Steal kill and destroy what
God wants to do in our lives. Well right off the bat that is completely Contradictory to what is in this passage?
We just read how those God foreknew he predestined those
He predestined he called and those he called he justified and those he justified he glorified
It's all his work and he Accomplishes it. He doesn't need us to be on guard to get it done
Now we do have scripture that tells us to be on guard or watch out for false teachers and false
Shepherds, in fact, they are described as thieves and robbers
These are who Jesus is actually talking about in John 10 10 at this verse
But is this what Bianca means are we to conquer false teaching and false teachers?
Well, I don't think she means this by using that passage she states that as conquerors, we need to know what it is.
We are going up against and we need to fight and Paul's words are going to help us out with this
Directs the audience to open to Romans 8 verses 31 to 37 then says this
Now as warriors as Paul says that we are conquerors We need to know what we're going up against and yes, we have an enemy
But Paul is gonna talk about some opposition. No, I don't know what your opposition is, but the Lord knows your opposition
Maybe your opposition is physical relational financial psychological hormonal fix it
Jesus, whatever your opposition is know this a Conqueror will never win if a conqueror never fights
Cuz Jenny can come and drop a word bomb on us, but if you ain't ready to fight You're gonna keep on wandering in the wilderness and saying why can't
I get a victory? So I want to let the words of Paul the Apostle bathe over us in here as we continue on in our journey
Through a Romans chapter 8. So regardless of what our opposition is We are to know that I conquer never wins if a conqueror never fights
So if we don't fight we will continue to wander through the wilderness Well, is that a bad thing?
Is it a sin to not fight? Well, God's will not get done if I remain in the wilderness so I'm supposed to fight so I do not wander in the wilderness and This doesn't sound anything like what
Paul has told us Paul writes as if the fight is over and We are conquerors because God gave his son who went to the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead and is now
Sitting at the right hand of the father interceding for us But maybe she will go into that She reads the passage and explains
Imagine the voice of Paul that says to his friends in Rome. What then shall we say in response to these things?
We're gonna get to the responses in a second But he says if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son
But gave him up for us. How will he not also along with him?
Graciously give us all things Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen it is
God who justifies? Who then is the one to condemn no one if you step step correct?
Why because Christ Jesus who died more than that who was raised to life is at the right hand of God and it's also
Interceding for us you that sweet lady That's super uber religious and her prayers just go to God way faster
And you love to go get prayer from her during intercession time at church. Guess what? You don't need her because Christ Jesus is
Interceding for us there at the throne verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ She'll trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake
We face death all day long. We are considered as sheep to the slaughter No, buck up buttercup life is tough
And so are you in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
That's a big facts right there ladies See what Paul did right now is he done jumped out of the pages and grabbed you by your collar
Shaking you like a drill sergeant and says check yourself before you wreck yourself
Now remember remember he starts off chapter 8 with a reminder that there is no
Condemnation in Christ Jesus that we have been set free from the law Hallelujah that our minds have peace because the
Spirit of God we are no longer slaves and serfs We are children and co -heirs with the Most High God that the present suffering in this world
Pales in comparison to the future that awaits us and we know that all things work together for good for those that love the
Lord therefore verse 31 if God is for us. Oh But y 'all heard me if God is for us
Who in hell could be against us now? That's the BIV the Bianca international version and don't get mad at me
We don't say hell in church. Jenny said it first, okay Secondly of all, I'm not speaking about a profane word.
I'm speaking about actual location See because God says that the enemy has been banished to Hades and the
Word of Isaiah says no weapon formed against you will prosper Therefore literally if God is for us ain't nobody in hell could be against us
There's no man on earth. No demon in hell that can come against and separate you from the love of God. Amen or amen.
Oh My amen amen and amen I love the passion she exudes in this
I wish she had included verses 29 and 30 to salt Solidify not only that God works all things for our good, but also our security in his work
But man, oh man, that was good She summed up Romans 8 very well there a little disappointed that the speakers before that didn't touch on these topics
But if they did I of course wouldn't be doing these critiques So let's keep listening big facts
Paul Paul like a lawyer Paul is making sure that we know that there is nothing that could separate us from the love of God in verse 31
We see that opposition cannot separate us from God we see in verse 33
Accusations that's when people come up against you cannot separate you from the love of God We see in verse 34 that condemnation.
That's when you think God doesn't love you Condemnation cannot separate you from the things of God and lastly in verse 35 that not even separation could separate us from the love of God Do you see the alliteration that I work so hard at pulling in through the words of my
Bible boyfriend opposition accusations condemnation Separation then you get to verse 37 and it should make sense in all these things
We are more than conquerors through him who loved us Okay, started out a little iffy, but man, did that turn around?
I'm pleasantly surprised at this point She's pointing us to scripture and actually teaching us what it is saying
She continues by saying that the whole passage is fantastic But she wants to hone in on verse 37 specifically and she wants to do that because it's a super popular verse one
Tossed around on Instagram or Facebook one. We have hanging on our walls and highlighted in our
Bibles Oh many have heard this verse read this verse or seen this verse more than a conqueror.
Will you raise your hand? Yeah, yeah, it's too super common. We'll scroll by it. We'll like it on Instagram and our fear is that it's overused
Causing it to lose its power, especially if we overlook why Paul wrote it My fear is that it's overused and as a byproduct of this we have diluted the power of what
Paul is preaching See Paul is writing to the Roman Church the Roman Church. Not only was the
Roman Church facing persecution and prosecution But they were also feeling a feeling a sense of oppression and depression on every side and in chapter 8
Paul is reminding them and us of the power we possess because God is on our side.
Oh It was going so well No, I don't think this passage is informing us of any sort of power.
We possess It's all about God's work. He is the one with the sovereign power
He's the one who predestined us from eternity past who called us to himself
He's the one who justified us by his blood Romans 5 9 and resurrection Romans 4 25 and He's the one that sanctifies us first Peter 1 2
Romans 15 16 and he will glorify us with new bodies Romans 8 23
She continues on talking about what is meant by power what the Romans understood about power that that To them power was the ultimate expression of authority and that soldiers and conquerors were heroes
Now power is something important that I want to pull out of the pages here because this word power is a concept that we're familiar
With in our day and age, but during that time to the Romans ultimate power and authority they were very familiar with because during this time they were the
Epicenter of power Rome was the epicenter of power Rome was the capital In fact, they invented the new order of power so much so that even today in 2020 words like capital punishment
Capital law capital land were all derived from this understanding in Rome and so to Romans Power was the ultimate expression of authority and to the
Romans Warriors and conquerors were the heroes and here Paul is encouraging them that they aren't just conquerors
No, you are more than conquerors Hallelujah. In fact this expression more than conquerors in Greek is from a
Greek word hyper Nikao Some translations say Hooper Nikao, but what this is means is that it is a concise
It's to go beyond a concise victory this prefix hyper Paul uses because he's saying essentially
Okay, so there's conquerors, but this isn't good enough. I need to hype you up with a hyper verb
Okay you are gonna go beyond because of the insane love of God you are beyond a
Conqueror we as it's been said do not fight for victory We fight from victory and what
Paul is saying here is you have a hyper victorious Love you are empowered to be unrivaled that there is no foe that can take you down No in all these things verse 37.
We are more than conquerors through him who loved us Okay, maybe what she says here is true, but something is off First, let's take some time and examine who the emphasis is on here one
She emphasizes the word power and closely connects it to authority by making the claim that To the
Romans power was the ultimate expression of authority after telling us that we possess power second she emphasizes the words more than conquerors to exclaim that this is what we are because of the
Insane love of God now. I want us to think about something here
Because there's just something not quite right in her statements here If the Spirit of God resides in us, we have a helper
He grants us strength in our weakness. He prays when we do not know what to pray for He produces fruit in us.
He convicts us of sins and Enlightens us to his word through his word while we are granted these wonderful blessings we are nowhere told in Scripture that because the
Spirit works in us and is in us we possess a power
Now I'm a stickler the thought that one possesses power through the
Spirit of God can and does draw one to look at oneself and Even seems at times like one can wield this power whenever one chooses the word possess connotes ownership and means
Quote have as belonging to one End quote the
Holy Spirit's power does not belong to me But I belong to God and in his grace
He gives me the Spirit who helps by empowering me to walk in his ways
The scriptures talk about God granting or giving power to his people. Yes, Isaiah 40 29
Psalm 6835 but describes people as weak Weakness belongs to us
We may think we possess power but really all power and authority has been given by God to Christ who gives to Whom he chooses when he chooses in fact we are really described as a possession of another a
Slave to another either to sin death and the devil or to God and righteousness
Romans 6 15 to 23 Christians are described as Christ's bride
Christ's sheep God's children and God's people According to Miss Olthoff because Paul exclaims that we are more than conquerors.
That means we are quote Empowered to be unrivaled that there is no foe that can take us down End quote that really props us up, doesn't it?
Well, let's look at who is emphasized in Paul's teachings and compare it to Bianca's teachings
I'll start at verse 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the
Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God and We know that for those who love
God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose For those whom he foreknew
He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and those whom he predestined
He also called and those whom he called he also justified and those whom he justified.
He also glorified What then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us?
He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also with him graciously give us all things
Who shall bring any charge against God's elect it is
God who justifies who is to condemn Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that who was raised who is at the right hand of God who indeed is
Interceding for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution
Or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all the day long
We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered Doesn't sound like we have much power and those statements by the way
No in all these things We are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I'm sure that neither death nor life nor Angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation
We'll be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord Really?
I'm just not a fan of teachers who teach us that we possess some kind of power through the
Holy Spirit Especially since Paul has throughout the epistle of Romans basically laid out how humanity is
Powerless to really do anything to save themselves But it is by God's grace and his power
Especially the gospel which is the power unto salvation That we are saved and as he is expressing in this passage is by God's grace and power that we are more than Conquerors the emphasis in this passage is on God the one who has all power
Therefore our salvation is secure. We are conquerors because he conquered
I Understand why people say this and I see the encouragement. It's meant to give but oftentimes our flesh
Twists it and makes it about us Glorifying us by what God has given us instead of being about him and his power sovereignty and might let alone what this teaching directed to women does to their understanding of femininity from which
Submission plays a large role in it But let's keep going. He's a
Matthew question Is this through our expertise? Is this through our education?
Is this through our waist size? Is this through our weight? Is this through our marital status?
Is this through our money? Is this through our social media following? No you are more than a conqueror in him and a conqueror knows the source of their strength a
True conqueror knows that in the mode in the moment of weakness We turn to God as the source of our strength
We are more than conquerors in him Through him and my fear is that we don't know him
So we get we could we have a concept of God we believe that we know him But we don't know the power of him.
So we doubt the conqueror in us We don't know the power of him. So we doubt the conqueror in us.
All right Amen, I completely agree with her here God is the source of our strength and I'm glad that she has
Dived into it that way and I too fear that women don't know him But I find this just a tad bit ironic.
I too fear women don't actually know God But why does she fear this?
Didn't Jenny Allen promise that we would leave loving Christ more Didn't she say we would get more of him and we are six sessions in Only two more to go after this and she still fears that we don't know this
God if we don't know Christ We don't know God for Christ and the Father are one
Christ reveals the Father John 14 10 to 11 and Another thing
Paul didn't just claim that we are conquerors through Christ out of nowhere Paul's been making an argument that our salvation our calling our justification our sanctification and our glorification are
Secure because it is God who does the work
God who? Predestined God who calls God who justifies God who sanctifies
God who glorifies? This is the power of God at work in our salvation
If any of these ladies took the time to exegete the passage we would get to know this
God and his love and Power if she was so worried why spend 13 of the 22 minute message
Talking about a nomenclature her husband and his sword Being prepared to fight and the
Roman idea of power and authority Why not show us God from this passage?
It's very easy to do She proceeds to get very passionate and describes
God Who is him? Let me talk to you about him
The God who spoke and time began the God who parted the land from the sea
The God who called night out of day the God who causes mountains to quake and earth to shake
The God who lifts the Sun and dips the moon the God who sees our head hung low and lifts our gaze high
The God who knows our past and still grants us a future a God who is over all and under nothing a
God who chases you and leaves the 99 a God who promises you a future and a hope a
God that will never leave you Forget you or forsake you a God who knows you and a God who loves you a
God who feels your pain and knows Your shame a God who sees your tears and knows your fears a
God who hung in shame And rose from the grave for our gain Who's the
God whose death has brought us life and resurrection has brought us hope now to him
We are more than conquerors in him. Do you know him?
Him it ain't about you He is a mighty sovereign powerful
God and he is a loving father and he is gracious to all But what is missing from this description?
Well, how about a just God one who does not ignore sin Psalm 145 20 and 37 38
How about a God who will one day pour out wrath on all who do not trust in the finished work of Christ Psalms 1 5
Matthew 13 41 2nd Peter 2 9 again
I have to think about the ladies hearing this that do not know the
Gospel and who have continually heard throughout this conference How much
God loves them and wants them to conquer over condemnation from others Negative thoughts the lack of cherishing the spirit that is in them
Conquering over fear that keeps them from opening their inheritance and feeling lost in their calling all this and Nothing of our actual problem our sin and rebellion against a holy and just God and the solution the life and death of the
Conqueror Jesus Christ who conquered over sin death and the devil for those of us who believe in this gospel, it will be counted as Righteousness to us who believe in him who raised from the dead
Jesus our Lord who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification
Romans 4 22 to 25 So while what she describes of God is true
There are very important things that are missing that need to be said to those who like Jenny said are quote -unquote
Just checking Jesus out and notice. She says it's about him and it ain't about you
But this message is given to us to let us know that we need to fight and we possess power
He states that we often don't feel like conquerors because we think of ourselves For miss
Walthoff though when she thinks about Christ, she feels like dancing and playing gospel music
When you think about Jesus, it should cause you to have a praise party of epic
Proportion. All right, she quotes lyrics from one of the songs and states that when we think about Jesus We should be breaking out and praise and worship and then proceeds to read a commentary on this passage now
According to the theologian. Dr. Brian Simmons on the commentary on this verse He says love makes us a conqueror in three ways
No situation in life can defeat us or dilutes God's power Too we know that divine love and power works for us to triumph over all things we share in the victory
Spoils of any and in every enemy that we face now, this doesn't mean that it'll be easy
In fact, Margaret Thatcher says this you may have to fight the battle more than once to win it
And if you get knocked down you get back up if you feel like a failure you get back up knowing that God will use
Every aspect of your story for his glory Yep That is the point of this passage all things work out for our good and his glory all
Victory is his all praises his all power is his all glory is his she quotes
Margaret Thatcher relaying how one doesn't quit trying to encourage us not to How God's plan and purpose even succeeds when we fail and don't get back up Even our failures are included in the statement all things
Even things such as trials tribulations persecutions and even death God uses for our good and his glory
Now miss all self goes on to tell a story about how her husband and her started a church in California and most recently decided to expand it to another campus within a prison in this new church plant
She describes a man by the name of Jeremiah and how he had become so on fire for God that he spread the news of this
Church, she's basically explains how the church plant expanded These inmates loved the way they worshipped and taught the word so they spread the word about this church causing even
Their family members to tune in by YouTube and quote say yes to Jesus This is her example of how
God uses all things for his glory and our good Jeremiah robs a church goes to prison by Jesus in a church becomes an evangelist in prison starts
Saving other brothers in his cell brings them to church and is part of our prison campus
God will use all things for his story for his glory and for our good and Then she goes back to Paul who she says is always trying to get our eyes on God and reads
Ephesians 320 now Romans 837 isn't a statement of probability or possibility
It is a statement based in reality Paul is always trying to reorient his readers to get their eyes off of them and get them on God In fact a scripture that we've been going through all weekend has been peppered in through various messages
But when Paul wrote a message to the Ephesian Church He wrote not a message just to the Ephesian Church But the region of Ephesus and even for us today and in the third chapter the 20th verse
Paul says this now to him Do you see what he did there?
He made it about God not to you You ain't able on your best day booboo No matter how good you look about how much of a thigh gap you have how much is in your bank account
Guess what now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine
Even the words that come out of your mouth pale in comparison to what God can do Guess what?
Even if you can't even think it it is beyond your imagination now to him who is able to do exceedingly
Abundantly beyond all that we could ask think hope or imagine according to the power that is at work within us to him be the glory
Yes, this is very true. Paul always wants to speak about the gospel and points us to Christ He is not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes
To the Jew first and also to the Greek for in it The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith as it is written
The righteous shall live by faith Romans 1 16 He determined to know nothing among the churches, but Christ and him crucified first Corinthians 2 2 in the verses
Right before Ephesians 3 verse 20 He states that he prays that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded
In love may have strength to comprehend with all the Saints What is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge
That you may be filled with all the fullness of God versus 17 and 19 So even if Paul was determined to know nothing among them, but Christ and him crucified if it is really all about him
Why oh, why have we gotten so little of him so far at this conference?
So far this has been the better of all the messages given as she has been teaching what the text is teaching for the most
Part it started out bad, but it turned around and I wish that the other messages given had done at least this good of a job
She goes on to talk about how she struggles with her teenagers and even her weight
But though you may have problems you won't know how strong you are until strong is your only option
Don't be afraid of the trials the trauma and the tribulation of your life a conqueror considers resistance as a sign that she's going in the right direction
No, resistance is not always a sign that you are going in the right direction Female preachers have plenty of opposition and resistance.
That doesn't mean they are going in the right direction If we are obeying
God's Word, then we can know we are going in the right direction Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways
Acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths Proverbs 3 5 to 6
You make known to me the path of life in your presence There is fullness of joy at your right hand our pleasures forevermore
Psalm 16 11 Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners
Nor sits in the seats of scoffers But his delight is on the law of the
Lord and on his law. He will meditate day and night he is like a tree planted by streams of water that Yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither and all that he does he prospers
Psalm 1 1 to 6 God by walking in his word will strengthen and make known to us the path
The right direction to go and in walking this path we will prosper in Accomplishing his will but moving on it hard Absolutely planting a church has taken everything out of Matt and I there are mornings that I feel like I have an anvil on my chest
Because of the pressures and the stress of people coming in from her all around Southern, California, and we ain't got no building
We are pop up tear down church We've got a staff air quote staff because we can't pay any of them
Not even Matt and I are paid and but they're basically working full -time jobs and serving full -time in church.
I feel that pressure You want to talk about trial trauma and tribulation? I live with two teenagers in my house.
Glory to God I low -key want to beat them every other day, huh? You know, I have 20 pounds of extra loving that is so extra
It ain't loving and no matter how hard I pray it won't melt away None of this but see what we see here is you got problems you got perils you got persecution
You will never know how strong you are until strong is your only option
Paul the Apostle was weeped was whipped beaten stone shipwrecked abandoned starve deprived
Accused and abused and yet he said to the Roman Church when I speak over us today No in all these things we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus So guess what buttercup?
It's time to pick up your sword and shout on guard Because you are more than a conqueror in Christ.
This is what I call using Christ to boost your ego You are strong. You are mighty You are a conqueror a message that uses
Christ and his power so you can have faith in yourself and what he Gives you now he's empowered you to go out and do your purpose
Motivation within the message and these types of teachings is to push you to go to Christ for what he gives to his people
Many people come to Christ for these blessings yet. Do not want Christ himself
They haven't been even told of their need for him their sin and their lack of ability to be right with God It's wanting what a father gives food shelter protection power, but not realizing one sin
Against the father who has graciously provided yet. There's a constant rebellion against him it's like the prodigal son give me the inheritance so I can go do my thing and What the audience really needs is for these women to expose how the listeners are doing this
Call them to repentance So they see the muck and pig pens They have chosen to live in their sinful nature and flesh that they walk in and show them and urge them
To meditate on the father to go to him through Christ And that's the end of her message
I would say that that was the best message given so far as we heard more about Christ and the actual passage
Than all the others combined. There were several things I would agree with it's Just that she beers off track
With the emphasis on us fighting and conquering in this life while Paul's emphasis is very different Paul in Romans 8 31 to 37 not only tells us that we are conquerors miss
All's miss all sauce point, but also how we are
Expanding on God's sovereignty in our salvation and our lives
This passage is about the perseverance of the Saints it is deep and rich in Drawing out the security we have in Christ because of Christ it describes why our salvation is secure why our calling justification and glorification are
Invincible because it is God at work While miss all thought rightly points out that we are conquerors through Christ The emphasis in her message has been on us and herself
She wants to encourage us as fighters who will accomplish God's calling by laying the foundation of this message
By warning us to be on guard for what God wants to do in our lives Yo, you gotta be on guard for what the
Lord wants to do in your life Does Paul want us to be on guard for what
God is doing in our life? Or does he want us to understand that God has done everything for us
Paul wants to encourage us as conquerors because Christ has accomplished the salvation of his people
She emphasized that because of God we possess a power to conquer which places once again the focus on us she rightly worries that there might be ladies that don't know
God, but instead of Taking time to really look at this passage and draw out from it
God his sovereignty Christ and his work and the involvement of the Holy Spirit in transforming us we're encouraged to just believe that we are conquerors through Christ and While she really gets emotionally charged about Christ Do you feel she has explained this passage to you to understand the security of your salvation?
Or does she draw your attention to some power you possess inside you to get things done?
Well, what do you think? Did Bianca Oras Olthoff handle the text correctly? Email me at melbatost at ttew .org
I'd be very interested to know what you think Until next time where we will take a look at a message by Anne Voskamp on Romans 8 32
I pray that you go back to the passage in Romans and meditate on God's great sovereignty over your life and salvation
That he in eternity past predestined you who he called and he called you who he then justified and He justified you who he will glorify
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every
Spiritual blessing in the heavenly places Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him in Love, he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ According to the purpose of his will to the praises of his glorious grace
With which he has blessed us and the beloved in him We have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses
According to the riches of his grace Which he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will
According to his purpose which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time
To unite all things in him things in heaven and things on earth in him
We have obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things
According to the counsel of his will So that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory in him
You also when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and believed in him
We're sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it
To the praise of his glory Ephesians 1 3 to 14 I pray you understand that because it is his work
Then all things that we think would hinder us from Christ's love and being one day glorified with him
These things have no power neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers
Nothing's present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all
Creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ. Jesus our Lord I pray that the more you realize this the more your love and faith in him grows
Driving you to want to know more and more about him Not just what he can give you not just the blessing of being a child of God But him
Christ our Savior and in that love for him You call him Lord and walk in his ways and obey his commands
I pray that you are in his word Ladies, thanks for listening or watching this episode of Thoroughly Equipped If this episode blessed you
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.org You can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram links in the description below or email me at Melbatost at ttew .org
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I pray the God of all grace grants you more and more knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ as the
Holy Spirit Thoroughly equips you through his written word for every good work.