F4F | Jonathan Cahn: Harbinger 2


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Alright, so the Jim Baker Show. We've been covering the
Jim Baker Show for a long, long time. One of the regular guests on the
Jim Baker Show is Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. C -O -N.
Yeah, I think that's the right way to spell his last name. If you've ever heard of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, you've ever heard of the
Harbinger or the Shmita, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video, ring the bell. Yeah, you know, this is all just fear -mongering.
And, you know, eschatological code -cracking, if you would. In fact, the whole
Shmita was such a non -event that we decided that, you know, years ago we made this product.
It's the Four Blood Moons Fiery Shmita Sauce, and that's about the only thing the
Shmita was good for, was this really nice sauce that we made. It was a limited run, so if you missed it, you missed it.
My apologies. But what we're gonna be doing is heading over to the Jim Baker Show and listen to his part of a recent interview he did with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, C -O -N, and because Harbinger 2 is out.
Yay! You know, how many times have I survived the end of the world, by the way?
Yeah, I bring all this stuff up because here's the thing. If you want to know, like, just a quick thumbnail sketch of why the
Harbinger was just bad, I mean, really bad, it comes down to this, is that the
United States has never been in covenant with God, ever. And so looking at the pattern of Israel's slide in apostasy into God's judgment is not helpful.
It's not helpful because the United States is not a stand -in for Israel, never has been, never will be.
If you were to talk about, you know, things to look at as far as what happens when a society rejects
God, persists in growing in sin and unbelief, then you can take a look at it in that sense, but not the way
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn does it. And as a result of it, he finds connection points and goes,
I'm the guy who did this! And of course, what's interesting is he claims God is the one who allowed him to write the
Harbinger and Harbinger 2. Yeah, that's just, that's manipulation right there.
So let's whirl this up and head over to the Jim Bakker show, and let's take a look at one of the segments they did on Harbinger 2, and we'll chime in along the way.
Here we go. Rabbi, you write in the Harbinger 2, this brand -new book, that behind the current crisis is an ancient holy day.
Could you tell us? Behind the current crisis, talking about COVID -19 and all the different countries have been locked up, and the global economy that's melted down, our inability to travel around the world and stuff like that, yeah.
Which one, and what this means. So apparently it was all connected, man.
This is a big deal regarding a particular holy day. But we're gonna go back in time a little bit, because I remember covering something about this particular holy day, just saying.
Yeah, yeah, and let me, for those who just tuned in who haven't seen the other broadcasts, to just give you a foundation, that is that the
Harbinger 2 is, what we're sharing right now are things that, first of all, I held off for years, because I...
Pay attention to this part, because, you know, if you oppose the
Harbinger, you're gonna see you're not opposing, you know, Rabbi Kahn and his ideas.
You're opposing God, because listen to this. I could not write this until the Lord would say yes, and this is the, you know...
Yeah, that's right. He couldn't write it until the Lord said yes. Let me back that up. I just want you to hear it in context.
...sharing right now are things that, first of all, I held off for years, because I knew
I could not write this until the Lord would say yes, and... So the Lord said yes, and I mean, so, you know, you better go out and buy this, because,
I mean, God wants you to read this. He had Rabbi Jonathan Kahn wait, wait, and, you know, gave him a red light and said, no, no, no, no, no, no, and then finally said, okay, green light, you can now write
Harbinger, too. I mean, consider this, then.
I mean, this is almost on par with Scripture. I mean, this is something that God green -lighted to have written.
Uh -huh. This is the, you know, people say, when's it gonna be a sequel to the Harbinger? Well, it can't just be. It's just gonna be that, and then, again, about I've shared before, about a year ago, the
Lord said this, that you have to do this, and... The Lord said you have to do this.
This is commissioned by God, man. And what's coming is gonna be a shaking. 2020 is gonna be a year of shaking.
I shared this, actually, at the beginning. Yeah, 2020 is gonna be a year of shaking. Back when
I was in the latter rain, I heard prophecies regarding shakings.
They've been going all the way back to, you know, beyond that time, and I'll note that shaking is one of our prophecy bingo buzzwords, so I don't put a word directly from God and then say, oh, the
Lord told me there would be a shaking. Yeah, it's weird, because, you know, hindsight's 20 -20.
A lot of today's prophets and seers all are seeing, you know, hindsight in 2020, but I don't remember
Jonathan Cahn telling us at the beginning of the year that 2020 was gonna be a shaking year, and even if he did, that's so vague it could mean pretty much anything.
The year at Beth Israel, I spoke of shakings, and so I knew
I had to do this, and I knew that when it comes out, this is the mystery of the harbinger is continuing, that the shakings are gonna resume now, and so the word has to go out.
You have to tell my people, you have to... The word has to go out, not the Bible, the harbinger, the
Harbinger 1 and 2. That's the word that needs to go out. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that if you just preach the
Scripture, that would be sufficient. Proclaim repentance of sins, and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name because of the fact that he bled and died on the cross at Calvary as our substitute.
In fact, we're gonna talk about this particular holy day that apparently is associated with now,
Harbinger 2, and part of the secret message that God's trying to get out, you know.
To warn, you have to prepare them, so that is the harbinger. So the Bible's not sufficient to warn and prepare people.
Hmm. Backing that up. The harbinger is continuing, that the shakings are gonna resume now, and so the word has to go out.
You have to tell my people, you have to warn, you have to prepare them, so that is the harbinger, too.
That's why it's coming out now, and that's why we're here. God told him. So if you don't buy the harbinger 2, man, you're just not gonna be up -to -date on the latest warnings from God.
And some of the things we spoke about, we spoke about the mysteries that are in this, the mysteries from 9 -11 that I never shared,
I could never share, and that are affecting what is happening right now, and all sorts of things.
The words that were given, why it was 9 -11 to begin with, the appointed alarm that has gone off.
He's cracked the code, man. You can't get this information anywhere else, and God commanded him to write this book.
It has to do with right now. Then the other part is, what has happened since the harbinger? Has it continued?
Yes, it has. The signs and the manifestations have not stopped.
What signs? I don't see any signs that were warned about regarding the end of days or whatever.
So he's taking out -of -context things from the Old Testament, reading into them current events, and saying, ah see, this is the pattern of God's judgment, and we've got signs appearing, man.
No. It is about a nation heading for judgment, and it goes all the way up to now. And the last part of Revelations are what is happening right now, and where we are heading.
So we - Last part of Revelations. Not the book of Revelation. The Revelations of the
Harbinger 2. Okay. Talk about the 19 -year mystery, about why this is happening right now.
It had to happen 2020. Why it has to happen now. This coming from the guy who told us that the
Shemitah, every seven years, God melts down the economy, and that's supposedly a biblical teaching.
Uh -huh. We spoke about what is behind it. Is there a biblical mystery? And there is, and it explains where we are, where we're heading.
And so we are moving right now to that, and here is another one you asked about, and there's so much, we can only touch upon it even with all this, you know, but you asked about the
Holy Day. Alright, so what was the Holy Day that is connected to the
Harbinger 2, and the mysteries that God is trying to show the
United States? Because he said that this is about a nation heading for judgment. So what is the big mystery?
Tell me. Well, there is. In ancient times, you know, there was one time where people in the
Bible were told to go inside their homes with their family, stay there, stay there at least till the morning, because a plague was passing through the land.
And that, for those who don't already, I'm sure many people are saying, I got it, and that is So let me see if I have this straight.
In Exodus 12, we have the account of the tenth and final plague that God sent on the land of Egypt because of Pharaoh's refusal to allow his people to go and to worship him.
And that plague lasted exactly one night. One. Alright?
To kill it, the death of the firstborn. And that is a type and shadow or a pattern of God's judgment, and it connects to COVID -19.
Really? I'm not buying it. Passover. It only happened once, where the
Jewish people in Egypt were told, were commanded by their leaders from God, go into your house, you must stay there, you cannot go out, stay in your house, because a plague is passing through your land.
Notice how he's emphasizing it. You got to go in your house, you can't come out. Well, actually, you can come out of your house, as long as you're wearing a mask.
At least what I understand, even in the most intense states, you know, where the spikes are happening.
Well, only once, and that is over 3000 years ago, and you read about it in Exodus 12.
But there have been multiple plagues that have infected humanity and times passed before we understood, as a race, how germs and viruses work.
People would leave town, you know, where a plague had broken out. Once. Until the year 2020.
Oh, man. This is so bad. I mean, this isn't even accurate history. You think of the
Spanish flu pandemic. Yeah, that was 100 years ago, man.
And did you just forget about that as well? But listen to the claim. I'm going to back this up significantly.
He's going to tie this to the past. A plague is passing through your land. Well, only once, and that is over 3000 years ago, and you read about it in Exodus 12.
But once. Until the year 2020.
When, for the first time in history since then, the Jewish people in Israel.
Okay, so since the Jewish people returned to Israel, they had to go inside their houses too.
We're told by their government, go inside your house tonight. You must stay inside your house.
For only one night? So Israel locked everybody up for one night? Really? Go out until morning, because a plague is passing through the land.
And that was issued, actually, by Benjamin Netanyahu. And why was it issued? Well, of course, because there was a real plague.
It was issued on the night of Passover. And so at six o 'clock on Passover in Israel, the
Jewish people had to go inside their homes, and they had to stay there. And it was Passover, and here they are talking about -
So Israel, the nation state of Israel, their COVID -19 lockup lasted one night.
Really? Now, this is so aggravating on so many levels.
First of all, the Passover is not a type and shadow of COVID -19 lockup measures.
That's absurd. The type and shadow of the
Passover finds its fulfillment in Christ. Now, let's do a little biblical study, and then we'll do some historical work, at least as it relates to COVID -19.
Since y 'all have lived it, if you're able to understand what I'm saying, and you're old enough to get it, you've survived.
You've been part of the COVID -19 pandemic. So the text I'm going to go to first, let's see here.
I'm going to go to Colossians chapter 2. Colossians chapter 2, this is a passage I go to very often.
Over and again, I like to point out the gospel right here in this section here, that God made you alive together with Christ, forgiving us all of our trespasses, canceling the record of debt that stood against us with his legal demands.
This he set aside, nailing to the cross. That never gets old for me, and hopefully it doesn't get old for you. So understand this.
Christ bled and died for all. Now, as a result of this there, and there's kind of a funny saying that I actually think there's some merit to.
When you see a therefore in the scripture, it's a pretty good idea to ask what the therefore is there for.
I know it's kind of kitschy. I know it's one of those things, but funny enough, it actually works, okay?
So note then, because of the gospel, Christ has canceled the record of debt that stood against you.
Let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival, or a new moon, or a
Shabbat, a Sabbath, okay? So festival, new moon, Sabbath. Which festivals are these referring to?
The Mosaic Covenant festivals, which Christians don't observe, and there's a reason why, but I'll explain this.
So this is going to include Passover, Feast of Weeks, which is
Pentecost, the Feast of Booths, the Day of Atonement, new moon festivals and Sabbaths.
So it says don't let anyone pass judgment on you with regard to these things, and here's why. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
So all of the feast days are types and shadows which find their fulfillment in Christ.
So the pinnacle feast day of the Old Testament is the Passover, the Pesach, and so that's the type and shadow, the fulfillment is in Christ.
So that being the case, the Passover is not something that we're supposed to be looking at as a harbinger of God's imminent judgment on the
United States, especially the tenth and final plague. So let's take a look then at the tenth and final plague from the book of Exodus.
Yahweh said to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, this month shall be for you the beginning of months.
It shall be the first month of the year for you to tell all the congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month, every man shall take a lamb according to their father's houses, a lamb for a household, and if a household is too small for a lamb, he and his nearest neighbors shall take according to the number of persons according to what each can eat, you shall make your count for the lamb.
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old, you may take it from the sheep or the goats, you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the month when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill their lambs at twilight.
Twilight's three in the afternoon. So let me ask you this question, all right? There's Jesus on Friday night, actually
Friday afternoon, bleeding, suffering, dying on the cross.
What time did he cry out, Father into your hands
I commit my spirit? Answer, three in the afternoon. The time of the evening sacrifice, the same time when the
Passover lambs are slain. That's kind of the point. Christ is our
Passover lamb, and we actually have a passage that says that. First Corinthians chapter five, now verse six, talking about the church of Corinth, they needed to put somebody out of the congregation who was engaging in gross sexual sin and was impenitent.
Paul says this, your boasting's not good, do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Now we see what's going on.
So the whole feast of Passover, you've got the days of unleavened bread.
Leaven is a type and shadow of sin, it's a symbol of sin. So Paul says, cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened.
For Christ, our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. You see, everything has its terminus in Christ.
So to use the Passover as a type and shadow of COVID -19?
Oh, because, you know, the nation -state of Israel, they put their COVID -19 lockdown in place at the time of the
Passover. That's a sign of something, man. No, it's not. It's not a sign of anything.
The types and shadows find their fulfillment in Christ. Again, I come back to our text from from Colossians, okay?
Don't let anyone pass judgments on you in questions of food and drink with regard to a festival or new moon or a sabbath.
So Passover is a festival. These are a shadow of the things to come. The substance belongs to Christ.
The substance of the Passover doesn't belong to COVID -19. It belongs to Christ.
And Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. So here you got the types and shadows.
So they're to kill their lambs at twilight. They shall take some of the blood, put it on the two doorposts of the lintel of the houses in which they eat.
We're back in Exodus. And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted on the fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
They shall eat it. Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roast it, its head with its legs and its inner parts.
And you shall not let any of it remain until the morning. Anything that remains until the morning, you shall burn.
In this manner, you shall eat it with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet, your staff in your hand.
You shall eat it in haste. It is Yahweh's Passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn of the land of Egypt, both man and beast.
And on all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgments. I am Yahweh.
The blood shall be assigned for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, my apologies here, there we go, when
I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when
I strike the land of Egypt. This is a type in shadow. So Christ, our Passover lamb, has been slain.
You ever heard phrases like, we're saved by the blood of the lamb? Right. So the idea then is that if you are washed in the blood of the lamb, the blood of the lamb is on you.
And so God going through the land of Egypt to execute judgment is a type in shadow, a picture of God's judgment of the nations, of the world, of the earth.
And so if the blood of Christ is on you, God's judgment passes over you, and you're saved, and no harm comes to you.
That's the point. So this day shall be for you a memorial day, you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations, as a statute forever.
So that's what the Passover is about. And funny enough, Rabbi Jonathan Kahn, C -O -N, he knows this, and he's gonna show you that he knows this.
But apparently there was more to it than that. Because Israel, the modern nation state of Israel, they implemented their
COVID -19 lockdown on the evening of the Passover this year. But I'm gonna point something out here.
I'm gonna go back in time. Back during just the couple of weeks leading up to the
Passover this year, Michael Brown was doubling down, basically saying that two prophets had said that there would be shakings that would dissipate at the time of the
Passover. So I remember something earlier this year that we covered on Fighting for the
Faith, is that Michael Brown was claiming that Chuck Pierce and Casey Treat had prophesied that there would be a diminishing of the shaking starting at the
Passover. Uh -huh. You see, the big prophecies at the time were that it would diminish, and that the
Passover would see the end of the plague. Yeah, let me play for you that segment.
Here we go. I've been thinking a lot about April 15th for weeks now, because there are some prophetic brothers.
Some of you may recognize them as prophetic, some of you may not. That's perfectly fine. But they both pointed to some major things happening in the first months of this year.
This was back last year or early this year that there'd be shaking for several months, intense shaking of everything that can be shaken.
But that a shift would come, a major shift would come, a diminishing of the crisis, a major shift with the virus, the end of phase one, and now phase two.
The end of phase one. The major shift, and that it would happen around April 15th or 16th because of the
Passover season. Right, it would be the end of it, man, because of the
Passover season. You remember that? Okay, now if you were to go and take a look at it, did the
COVID -19 plague end April 15th, 16th of 2020?
No! Have you seen the stats? Yeah, Eddie, I don't even need to go there, because everybody who's lived it knows this is absurd.
So what's fascinating here is I seem to remember that was supposed to be the end of the plague.
And according to Rabbi Jonathan Kahn, C -O -N, he's claiming that this is a harbinger because Israel, did they go into a one -night lockdown on the eve of the
Passover because of COVID -19, which would have been the requirement, by the way. Let me back this up, listen again.
No plague, it was issued on the night of Passover. And so at six o 'clock on Passover in Israel, the
Jewish people had to go inside their homes, and they had to stay there. And it was Passover, and here they are talking about Passover, the plague, it's passing through the land, we have to stay in our homes.
And it actually is a plague, and it's passing through the land, and they are in their homes, and it all happened. And they were not to go out, according to the actual ordinance, they were not to go out until the morning.
So Israel's COVID -19 lockdown lasted one night, really?
Those of you who watch us in Israel, can you confirm this? Did Israel's COVID -19 lockdown last exactly one evening, from sundown to sunrise on the eve of the
Passover? I'm curious about that, because most people, they kind of self -quarantine at night anyway, you know.
At least I do, you know, because it gets around eight o 'clock in the evening, and it's like, I'm so tired. And you know, the older I get, the earlier my bedtime is.
So I self -quarantine every night, you know, from like, when it gets dark until the morning.
I do it every night, you know. Something's off here, just saying. So you'll note that he's hijacked the festival of the
Passover, and now he's giving us really sketchy information, super sketchy, as if somehow this is a sign to us.
This is a harbinger, you know, because the nation -state of Israel, they had a one -night lockdown while the plague was passing through their land.
Apparently the COVID -19 only lasted one night in Israel. It wasn't only
Israel, it was the whole world. Yeah, have you been watching the news?
I mean, there's some places, you know, in the British Commonwealth. I mean, seriously, like the state of Victoria in Australia.
They are a tight lockdown, man. It's lasted a lot longer than one night.
The whole world was drawn from America, you know, Asia, everywhere was drawn into the mystery of Passover.
No, no, COVID -19 has nothing to do with a mystery of Passover.
This is flim -flam scam stuff. Yeah, as was the Shemitah, as was the original harbinger, which is part of the reason why we sold the
Four Blood Moons fiery Shemitah sauce, you know, back in the day, you know. And yeah,
I fully expect that when the Shemitah comes around again in a few years, I'll survive that as well.
The whole world pretty much was told to go inside your home and stay there. So here it is. For one night?
For one night. Because that's how long the 10th plague lasted. We are in a world that has been rejecting the
Gospel, particularly Western civilization. And what is the Gospel? The Gospel is a
Passover message. Mm -hmm. He knows this. Why are you hijacking it then and tacking on this nonsense?
I wonder how much your royalties are when you sell those New York Times bestselling books, you know.
It's that we were slaves in Egypt and we were saved by the blood of the
Lamb. Right. That's the whole point of what Paul says in Colossians 2, that this is a shadow.
Substance belongs to Christ. So you know that. Why are you changing that?
And who is the Lamb? Jesus. Messiah is the Lamb. And when did he die?
Passover. Well, our faith begins on Passover. So we've got a Passover faith, but we have a culture that's rejecting the
Lamb, rejecting a Passover faith. So here, God brings the entire world into Passover.
No. It would need to be a one -night plague, you know, a replaying of the plague.
There have been many plagues throughout human history. Lots of them. Just Google it.
Okay. This is nonsense. The whole world has not been brought into Passover. Passover comes upon the world with a fury.
And even Muslims are brought into the mystery of Passover. This is absurd.
How can you say this with a straight face? And even communists are brought into the mystery of Passover.
The Hindu world is brought in. The whole world brought into the mystery of Passover that they are coming.
And the sad part about all this is that Jim Baker's audience is eating this up going,
Oh, wow. My mind is blown. Yeah.
Hey, haters. Anyway. No, no, no, no.
The whole world has not been brought into Passover. This is nuts. Two times now this year, these charismatics have tried to hijack the
Passover. And the thing is, is that this is nonsense. And so when your friend sits down with you and say,
Hi, have you read the harbinger to man? Have you? The whole world has been brought into Passover.
You know where to take them and say, look, this is nonsense. This is nuts. And it doesn't even work as a parallel at all.
When did this explode upon the whole world? America in the world? It was in April or March, actually.
And it was and it went into April and it goes into its thing on Passover. We had already been locked down for a long time when the
Passover came around in 2020. All right. So Michael Brown was saying the prophets were saying there would be a final diminishing.
COVID -19 would disappear at the Passover. And you're making it sound like we just went into it at the beginning of it.
You remember back in February, 15 days to flatten the curve?
How many days has it been since then? Huh? For 2020, we're all locked in our houses and we are all talking about it.
And what is the answer? What is the answer of Passover? The answer is the lamb.
And what does Passover call you to? The lamb. And I can teach the proper understanding of the
Passover and Jesus Christ being the real lamb of God with just the
Bible. Trying to shoehorn COVID -19 pandemic into the
Passover is obscene and absurd. Again, Jesus is the lamb.
The answer is not government. The answer is not the pharmaceuticals.
The answer is the lamb, because there's a greater plague than just what is happening in the world physically.
There is a spiritual plague. And the one who took... Right. I agree. There is a spiritual plague.
And unfortunately, the Harbinger 1, Harbinger 2, and the Shemitah are symptoms of that spiritual plague.
Plague upon himself is the lamb. So here, God is bringing the world back to the gospel that the only answer is
Jesus. The only answer... I agree. Jesus is the answer. But this, the
Shemitah is not even the question or the answer. It's just, this is nonsense. This is a man who is making a buck, you know, claiming that he's cracked some code.
Oh, and God commanded him to write this book, by the way. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share this video is down below in the description.
And if you know anybody who's really high on this Harbinger, Harbinger 2 stuff, sit down with them and basically say, the
United States was never in a covenant with God. That this is a man who is twisting
God's word, claiming he's cracked a code, claiming that God commanded him to write this stuff. It's all nonsense.
We don't need the Harbinger, Harbinger 2 or the Shemitah books or anything that Jonathan Cahn has put out, because we have the scriptures, and we can understand a proper understanding of the
Passover perfectly well with just the Bible.
And Jesus truly is the answer, and Christ is our Passover lamb who has been slain so that the destroyer, the wrath of God, would pass over us and that we would not perish.
That's the point. It has nothing to do with COVID -19. All right, so if, by the way, if you don't already support
Fighting for the Faith, we are able to do what we're doing by the support of the people that we serve, and that's you, and if you join our crew between now and, you know, the end of September, I will send you at, join our crew at GunnersMate or above.
I always have to get that part in, at GunnersMate or above. I will send you an autographed copy of my fine art print that I shot earlier this summer in Warroad, Minnesota, at the docks there at sunrise, and as my way of saying thank you for joining our crew.
Of course, if you'd like to support us by, you know, one -time donation by Patreon, all the information on how you can support us is listed down below, and let me thank you for your support.
We truly cannot do what we are doing here without it. So, until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.