The Promised King of Israel 12/24/2023


Greetings Brethren, We are blessed with today’s technology to be able to air every Sunday on YouTube our Sunday sermon (July 2, 2023 - September 10, 2023) will be beginning at approximately 10:15 AM (EST-eastern standard time) . See You may instead use this link for SermonAudio: But also, please remember that on the first Sunday of the month we observe the Lord’s Supper, so our televised sermon begins closer to 11:30 AM on those Sundays. You may also tune in through our app to listen at a later time. There are instructions below on how to tune in if you have internet connectivity. Please pray for our Lord’s help and blessing on His Word. Further material:


Joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth Beloved it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers
Strangers as they are who testified to your love before the church You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God For they have gone out for the sake of the name accepting nothing from the
Gentiles Therefore we ought to support people like these that we may be fellow workers for the truth
I have written something to the church But death trophies who likes to put himself first does not acknowledge our authority
So if I come I will bring up what he is doing Talking wicked nonsense against us and not content with that He refuses to welcome the brothers and also stops those who want to and puts them out of the church
Beloved do not imitate evil, but imitate good Whoever does good is from God.
Whoever does evil has not seen God Demetrius has received a good testimony from everyone and from the truth itself
We also add our testimony and you know that our testimony is true.
I Had much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink I hope to see you soon and we will talk face to face
Peace be to you the friends greet you greet the friends each by name
Let's pray Our Heavenly Father we do we do.
Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ We're thankful for the incarnation
We're thankful for his life For his death his resurrection his ascension.
We're thankful Lord that he is ruling now and We thank you Lord that we are found in him that we belong to you
And Lord as we continue our worship service, we pray that we would keep our eyes fixed on Jesus That you would teach us what your word has to say
You pray Lord that you would keep distractions far from us help each one of us to focus on the words that are being proclaimed
And we pray that we would submit to them in the power of your spirit Be with Lars and give him clarity of voice as he speaks and clarity of thought we pray
Lord that this Message would be pleasing to you that our worship would be pleasing to you help us in all these things
Thank you Lord in Jesus name. Amen Well today we're going to give attention to Micah chapter 5 verses 1 to 5 a the first portion of verse 5
Because this Lord's Day, of course is Christmas Eve. I thought we would depart from the current place of our study in Luke To address a passage it is directly applicable to the occasion
It was kind of a late decision on my part and I was working through the passage of Luke Even yesterday up until about 3 o 'clock
But from a Luke 11 14 and following it really there's an emphasis on Jesus engaging
With the devil and so I realized I was going to have to talk a lot about the devil and I said on Christmas Eve I don't want to stand up here and talk about the devil
I want to stand up here and talk about the Lord Jesus. And so I shifted
Yesterday afternoon and thought no. No, we'll deal with an Old Testament Prophecy of the
Lord Jesus. And so I I turned to Micah chapter 5 and so here we are
There are of course many Old Testament passages, which we could examine With view to the birth of our
Savior, but for our purposes, I thought this would be fitting And so let's turn in our
Bibles to this Old Testament prophet minor prophet so -called in which we see a very clear prophecy of the birth and the reign of our
Lord Jesus Christ the Son of David and So here's the passage Now gather yourself in troops
O daughter of troops He has laid siege against us They will strike the judge of Israel with a rod on the cheek
For you Bethlehem Ephrathah Though you are little among the thousands of Judah yet out of you shall come forth to me the one to be ruler in Israel Whose goings forth are from old from everlasting
And therefore he shall give them up until the time that she who is in labor has given birth and then the remnant of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel and He shall stand and feed his flock
In the strength of the Lord and in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God and they shall abide for now he should be great to the ends of the earth and This one shall be peace
We'll address this passage first by Rehearsing the historic context in which
God raised up the prophet Micah to address this Situation and then we'll deal with the details of the prophecy
Itself and so the historic setting of Micah's prophecy God had called
Micah to be his prophet Enabling him to serve really with a contemporary
Contemporary with the prophet Isaiah in the 8th century latter 8th century
BC Micah as did Isaiah ministered in the southern kingdom of Judah to tribes of Judah in which
Micah along with Isaiah helped shape the policies through his influence with the kings of Judah and Micah served as a prophet during the reigns of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah which of course was a time of of a revival
This was a period of history in which the Gentile Assyrian Empire became predominant in the ancient world and Micah prophesied of Assyria conquering and dispersing the ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel Assyria was
God's servant to bring his judgment upon Israel and So the capital of Israel Samaria the city of Samaria was destroyed in 722
BC After this event the Assyrian armies continued south into Judah conquering all the land except for Jerusalem But they laid siege to Jerusalem, but God of course miraculously intervened delivering the city's inhabitants by decimating the
Assyrian forces 185 ,000 of them in one night the angel of the Lord struck dead
Micah had foretold Assyria's advance and the siege of Jerusalem in chapter 1 but God's judgment of the
Assyrian Empire did not bring a true and full repentance to the people you'd think it would and So God purposed to bring further and greater judgment through Babylon, which took place about a hundred years later of course
Babylon's destruction of the southern kingdom entirely including Jerusalem in its entirety and The temple that was destroyed the walls broken down It took place a little about a century after Micah's ministry, but Micah foretold that event as well
But with the execution of this later judgment God exiled his people to the land of Babylon all the
Jewish people were removed from the land except the poorest and Then they ran off to Egypt of course taking
Jeremiah with them and there they died and so the land was desolate But it is within this historic setting that God revealed to his prophet that he would send to them one who would restore a remnant of his people to God The Savior would preserve the
Jewish remnant through God's judgment restore them to a right relationship with their God So on the other side of judgment their salvation for a remnant
This future son of David who would affect their Salvation would become the future king of Israel Who would save his people from God's wrath that that and then lead and enable them to live in righteousness before God?
The Apostle Paul saw this prophecy Being fulfilled in this gospel era, which was evident in the early church.
And so Paul wrote of This I say then as God cast away his people he's reasoning.
No, there's still a remnant being saved. I'm one I'm a Jew Paul says certainly not for I also am an
Israelite of the seed of Abraham the tribe of Benjamin God has not cast away his people whom he foreknew or do you not know what the scripture says of Elijah how he pleads with God against Israel saying
Lord They've killed your prophets torn down your altars and I alone am left.
They seek my life But what does the divine response say to him? I reserve for myself 7 ,000 men who have not bowed the knee to bail and then
Paul makes this statement Even so then at this present time There is a remnant according to the election of grace.
He's talking about a remnant of Jews and Paul says he was one of those Micah speaks about a remnant of Jews.
It would be saved by the Savior. It's the same remnant the remnant of Jews And so Micah wrote of this remnant in chapter 5 verse 3 back in our passage then the remnant of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel Now let's consider the details of the passage of Micah chapter 5 verse 1 and following Now we saw the broader historic context in which
Micah lived now. Let's consider more narrowly The literary context of Micah's words and So the words of the prophet that immediately preceded
Micah 5 1 and following is at the end of chapter 4 verses 9 through 13
God revealed to his prophet Micah that he would bring forth his judgment upon this people He distanced himself from these rebellious people.
He doesn't call them my people, but this people Using his instruments again first to Syria later
Babylon to punish his people and In this invasion by Judah by these two kingdoms the kings of Judah That is the descendants of David would be powerless to deliver the people in Micah 4 9 through 13
God pronounced his wrath upon the people and sending them into exile to Babylon But God would bring forth a remnant from exile to whom
God would bring his salvation and he would Do so in a manner that was beyond their ability to understand or even to accept
For it would be a sovereign act of God to bring them salvation. And so here's Micah 4 9 through 13
Now, why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in your midst? Has your counselor perished?
For pangs have seized you like a woman in labor Be in pain and labor to bring forth.
Oh daughter of Zion like a woman and birth pangs For now you shall go forth from the city talks about exile to Babylon You should dwell in the field and to Babylon you shall go there
You shall be delivered there. The Lord will redeem you from the hand of your enemies And Now also many nations have gathered against you who say let her be defiled
Let our eye look upon Zion, but they do not know the thoughts of the
Lord Nor do they understand his counsel for he will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor
Arise and threshold daughter of Zion for I will make your horn iron and I will make your hooves bronze and You shall beat in pieces many peoples
I will consecrate their gain to the Lord and their substance to the Lord of the whole earth
And so God declared that before he brought them deliverance They would first encounter his judgment as one wrote the pain of judgment
That is exile loss of king and land the pain of judgment for the remnant must precede the birth of the
Messianic age that will follow and This is a pattern, of course, it is duplicated in history, but also in the lives of individuals he brings us through judgment of Conviction of sin before he delivers us in salvation.
This is his way salvation through judgment but then we read of God's purpose to bring salvation through a future son of David and So we have the literary context of Micah chapter 5 verse 1 and following Let us now consider these details
We may assess these verses first by considering Micah's prediction of the temporal judgment of God of the
Jewish nation What would befall them? Shortly after Micah's life
Secondly, we read of the prediction of the coming Davidic Messiah as in verses 2 and 3
Third Micah predicts the Messiah's protection of his people and of his defeat of his people's enemies the first part of verse 4 verse 4a and then fourthly we have the promise of God's peace that the
Messiah will secure for his people and this is found in the second portion of verse 4 verse 4
B and the first clause of verse 5 4 B and 5 a so let's work through these
Sections first Micah's prediction of the temporal judgment of God of the Jewish nation
We read in verse 1 now gather yourself in troops. So daughter of troops.
He has laid siege against us They will strike the judge of Israel with a rod on the cheek now these words can be understood as God commanding the armies of Babylon to invade
Judah and lay siege to Jerusalem Particularly the first two lines now gather yourself in troops. Oh daughter of troops
Actually these words of the Prophet were realized through Babylon defeating and capturing
Jerusalem on three occasions over the course of 19 years
The first defeat of Jerusalem took place in 605 BC when King Nebuchadnezzar actually the second
Subjugated the city of Jerusalem and installed Jehoiakim to be his puppet king who thereafter made annual tribute payments to his
Babylonian masters but in 598 Seven years after he had been reigning
Jehoiakim refused to pay further tribute and so Babylon once again attacked and defeated
Jerusalem in 598 597 BC and Then he installed
Jeconiah as The vassal king to the Babylonian Emperor if my memory serves me right
He was a grandson of Josiah who was quite a well -known king But Jeconiah reigned only three months when
Babylon deposed him and At this time the Babylonian conqueror
Nebuchadnezzar the second installed the last descendant of David as king Who is
Zedekiah? But later he too Zedekiah rebelled having made an alliance with Egypt against Babylon And so the result was the third siege of Jerusalem by Babylon defeated
Jerusalem entirely in 586 BC and it that's when they destroyed the
Jerusalem Temple and The city walls were dismantled and the city was burned and everybody was taken into exile three different sieges and defeats of the city and With each of these three defeats at Jerusalem Babylon took captive Jewish people
The riches and most educated first then kind of the middle class and the last
Perhaps the poorest workers and whatnot and he only left some of the poorest of the people in the land at the end
The young prophet Daniel was probably taken in the first deportation in 605
Perhaps Ezekiel was taken to Babylon in the 597 deportation and With the destruction of Jerusalem The last descendant of David was deposed from being king until the promised son of David King Jesus arose to be king over Israel and so the
Davidic dynasty had come to an end and The second portion of verse 1 of Micah 5
Is the voice despair of the Jewish people upon their defeat and destruction They also lament that on this occasion the king the judge of Israel The Davidic King was deposed and humiliated
The Davidic dynasty is the kings of Israel and ceased to exist and so the people exclaimed
He is laid siege against us speaking of Babylon. They will strike the judge of Israel with the rod of the cheek speak about deposing the king of Judah the son of David Calvin wrote about this rightly to strike on the cheek as to offer the greatest indignity as Indeed it is the greatest contempt
We now we we now then perceive that the prophets object was to show that the
Jews in vain boasted of their kingdom and civil constitution For the Lord would expose the governors of that kingdom to extreme contempt the enemies then shall strike their judges even on the cheek
And so it's a devastating event when this son of David is deposed
And he's defeated But the question might be then asked is this the end of the
Davidic dynasty? What if God's promise to King David when he had long before declared to David these words?
From one of my favorite passages of the Old Testament 2nd Samuel 7 God told
David when your days are fulfilled and your rest with your father's I will set up your seat after you who will come forth from your body
Now this is a immediate reference to Solomon a more distant reference to Jesus the greater son of David And I will establish his kingdom
He shall build a house for my name Solomon built the temple Jesus is building the household of God the spiritual temple the church, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever
I Will be his father, and he shall be my son That is
Solomon certainly Jesus Were to reign on behalf of their father Solomon failed
King Jesus of course will never fail in Reigning on behalf of his father if he commits iniquity
Of course Jesus never did Solomon certainly did if he commits iniquity I will chase and hit with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men
But my mercy shall not depart from him as I took it from Saul whom I removed before you and your house
He's talking to David your house Your kingdom shall be established forever before you your throne shall be established forever
That that was a covenant that God made with David of an eternal dynasty
But now after showing forth how low the divinic dynasty would sink into obscurity even oblivion through Micah's prophecy
God speaks forth through Micah of a glorious recovery of the house of David Matthew Henry described this
Having shown how low the house of David should be brought and how vilely the shield of that mighty family should be cast away
As though it had not been anointed with oil To encourage the faith of God's people who might be tempted now to think that his covenant with David and his house was a abrogated according to the psalmist complaint
Psalm 139 He adds an illustrious prediction of the Messiah in his kingdom and Whom that covenant should be established and the honors of that house.
In other words the house of David be revived advanced and perpetuated so now secondly we see a prediction of the coming
Davidic Messiah in Micah 5 verses 2 & 3 God reveals to his prophet this future son of David whom he would raise up to be king over Israel But you
Bethlehem Ephrathah Though you are little among the thousands of Judah yet out of you shall come forth to me the one to be the ruler in Israel whose goings forth are from of old from everlasting and therefore he shall give them up until the time that she who is in labor is given birth and Then the remnant of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel So Mike Micah identifies
Bethlehem Ephrathah as the birthplace of this coming king Bethlehem of course was a small obscure town about five miles south south east of Jerusalem It was a township of little prominence little among the thousands of Judah And Micah wrote of it though you were little among the thousands
Christ would give honor to the place of his birth and not derive honor from it.
It's a humble origin of our Lord Jesus the son of David Now, of course
Mary Joseph's home was in Nazareth and far off Galilee a hundred miles to the north
Bethlehem rather than southeast as I said before southwest a little southwest of Jerusalem God and his providence would move and shape the decree of kings to have his son born in this small obscure place to fulfill the prophecy given through Micah And so we read of God's sovereign and providential control of history bringing this prophecy to fulfillment
And so here we read in Luke 2 verse 1 following these familiar words
It came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed the
Roman Emperor The census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria.
That was the whole region of Palestine So all went to be registered everyone to his own city Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth Into Judea to the city of David which is called
Bethlehem Because he was of the house and lineage of David to be registered with it with Mary his betrothed wife who was with child
And so it was while they were there the days were completed for her to be delivered and she brought forth her firstborn son
Wrapped him in swaddling cloths laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn
General peaceful conditions Existed in the world during those days when our Savior was born
His birth took place in the days of Caesar Augustus who ruled the Roman Empire from 30
BC to AD 14 And we read that Serenius was the governor of the
Roman province of Syria which included the region of Palestine Galilee as well as Judea And during these times the
Pax Romana the peace of Rome provided security and a measure of prosperity For Roman citizens throughout the
Empire and even non Roman citizens benefited in a measure from this piece of Rome The Emperor had ordered a census
The census was a Registration with view to taxation and so each family was to register itself in its ancestral hometown
When we consider this edict, we might perceive cruelty on the part of oppressors who require unreasonable demands of Joseph and his pregnant wife
But it was probably an accommodation to the Jews To be registered in their hometowns to be identified with their ancestors and the inheritance which was theirs
It actually reveals a measure of Roman toleration Toward its citizens toward the
Jews to have them registered in this fashion Of course, it was necessary this baby be born in Bethlehem in accordance with the
Old Testament prophecy of Micah 5 to The timing and the circumstances revealed the providence of God which is
God working behind the scenes shaping controlling events To fulfill his will and so Caesar thought to tax the world
But in reality God purposed to have his son born at Bethlehem and to have a genealogy to David Officially recognized and recorded and therefore the decree of Caesar went out
Thereby accomplishing the decree of God concerning his son as one once wrote
Princes are but puppets in his hands. He removes Kings and sets up Kings.
And so we see the hand of God Controlling the events to accomplish his purposes and that's going on today, too
The world's not out from under the control of Jesus Christ He's accomplishing
God the Father's purposes in history saving his people and judging his enemies
We shouldn't be fearful Again Bethlehem was the hometown of King David and by identifying
Bethlehem as his birthplace They signified that this one born to be king over. Israel is the promised descendant of King David Bethlehem Ephrathah means house of bread fruitful
And although the Davidic lineage of Kings would cease to reign in the days of the Babylonian defeat and destruction of Jerusalem 587
BC 586 BC When God humbled terribly King Zedekiah son of David God would bring forth from this humble town of Bethlehem a son of David who would perpetuate the dynasty of David forever
And so a Bethlehem the Prophet says though you were little among the thousands of Judah yet You shall come forth to me out of you shall come forth to me the one to be the ruler in Israel The messianic kingdom promised to King David would be realized when this one born in Bethlehem becomes the ruler in Israel This son of David will come forth to live before God and reign over Israel on behalf of God This one will be
God's king over Israel I Have to affirm very strongly because this is all wrongly interpreted by most evangelicals
This is not a promise of a future earthly kingdom of a revived national state of Israel of ethnic
Jewish people This is the promise of the eternal reign over the true Israel over all the people of faith the promised children of Abraham Matthew Henry all the
Reformers understood it this way But Matthew Henry wrote his office is mediator he was to be ruler in Israel king of his church
Church did not replace Israel. The church is true Israel The Jews object that our
Lord Jesus could not be the Messiah for he was so far from being ruler in Israel that Israel Ruled over him and put him to death and would not have him to reign over them
But he answered that himself when he said my kingdom is not of this world It is a spiritual
Israel that he reigns over the children of promise all the followers of believing Abraham and praying
Jacob in the hearts of these he reigns by his spirit and grace and in the society of these by his word and ordinances and was not he ruler and Israel from whom winds and seas obeyed to whom legions of devils were forced to submit and Who commanded away diseases from the sick and called the dead out of their graves?
None, but he whose goings forth were from of old from everlasting was fit to be ruler in Israel to be head of the church the head over all things to the church and So we would reason and argue in so many places of the
Bible It's hard to imagine anyone could believe any differently Jesus Christ is presently enthroned over Israel.
That is the Israel of God This is what Peter declared on the day of Pentecost, that's the nature of his sermon
He declared man of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested by God to you by miracles and wonders
Signs which God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know him being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God You have taken by lawless hands have crucified and put to death whom
God raised up having loosed the pages of the book of Kings of death because it's not possible that he should be held by it for David says concerning him
Quotes the Old Testament to substantiate What God had done? David said
I foresaw the Lord always before my face For he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken and therefore my heart rejoiced
My tongue was glad moreover. My flesh also will rest in hope for you will not leave my soul in Hades Nor will you allow your
Holy One to see corruption You have made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of joy in your presence and Now Peter argues that wasn't
David speaking about himself. He was a prophet. He was speaking about his greater son Jesus Christ Man and brethren
Let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David that he's both dead and buried his tomb is with us to this day
He wouldn't talk about himself Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that the fruit of his body
According to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne. He foreseen this
Spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ That his soul was not left in Hades nor did his flesh see corruption this
Jesus God raised up Which we are all witnesses and therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the father
The promise of the Holy Spirit he poured out this which you now see in here David not did not ascend into heaven
But he says himself the Lord said to my Lord Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool and therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly
That God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ Jesus is the king of Israel that kingdom was not postponed
Jesus didn't fail The crucifixion did not prevent his reign God used the crucifixion to facilitate his reign.
It was to the cross death resurrection ascension He was enthroned because of his faithfulness
Jesus is Lord. He's a king of Israel And so Peter declared that Jesus was the promised son of David whom
God raised from the dead and enthroned in heaven over Israel Jesus Christ was born to be the king of Israel and Peter declared on the day of Pentecost that God had
Inaugurated him to sit on David's throne in heaven the king of Israel Lord over all the world
Matthew quoted Micah 5 2 is being fulfilled in the days when Jesus was born The people of Israel regarded this verse of Micah's prophetic of the coming
Messiah even King Herod knew this He believed this because he had been instructed by the
Jewish rabbis The account is in Matthew 2 now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem a
Judea in the days of Herod The king behold wise men from the east came to Jerusalem saying where is he was born king of the
Jews For we've seen his star on the east have come to worship him and when
Herod the king heard this he was troubled all Jerusalem with him We've got a competing
King here born and When he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together inquire to them where Christ would they be born?
So they said to him in Bethlehem a Judea For thus it is written by the prophet quotes Micah 5 2 but you
Bethlehem in the land of Judah Are not the least among the rulers of Judah for out of you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people
Israel And So the prophet tells forth this promise son of David not only to be the ruler of God's people
Matthew sets him forth as the one who will shepherd my people Israel. You see there's a difference the
Holy Spirit Inspired Micah to quote the son of David be a ruler over Israel The Holy Spirit moved
Matthew to quote record it. He will be shepherded over my people Israel But these two readings are not that far apart for the in the
Old Testament shepherds were the political rulers of Israel And this one one might regard or recall the prophecy that God gave to his prophet
Ezekiel When we speak of shepherds in a New Testament context We naturally think of the role and function of pastors in that they shepherd the flock of God and that's what's taught
But in the days of the Old Covenant the term shepherds was a description of the function of the political leaders of Israel and God denounced these evil shepherds for failing to in their leading and protecting
Israel. And so here we read in Ezekiel The word of the
Lord came to me saying son of man prophecy against the shepherds of Israel He's not talking about the priests here specifically.
He's talking about the Princes the political leaders of Israel say to them thus says the
Lord God to the shepherds Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves Sounds like Washington DC today, doesn't it?
Should not the shepherds feed the flocks You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool you slaughter the fatlings
But you do not feed the flock the weak you've not strengthened nor have you healed those who are sick nor bound up the broken nor Brought back what was driven away nor sought was lost but with force and cruelty you've ruled them
And so they were scattered because there were no shepherd They became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered
My sheep wandered throughout through all the mountains and on every high hill Yes my flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth and no one was seeking or searching for them and Therefore you shepherds hear the word of the
Lord as I live says the Lord God surely Because my flock became a prey my flock became food for every beast of the field because there was no shepherd
Nor did my shepherd search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed my flock
Therefore or shepherds hear the word of the Lord. That says the Lord God behold. I'm against the shepherds
I will require my flock at their hand I will cause them to cease feeding the sheep and the shepherds shall feed themselves
No more for I will deliver my flock from their mouths that they may no longer be food for them
Jesus took the leadership of Israel out from the Pharisees and the priests and gave
Entrusted it to his twelve disciples He took away their kingdom and gave it to his disciples and There were twelve disciples because there's twelve tribes of Israel For thus says the
Lord God indeed I myself or search for my feet sheep and seek them out as a shepherd seeks out his flock on the days among the scattered sheep
So will I seek out my sheep God himself and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day
And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and will bring them to their own land
And I will feed them on the mountain of Israel in the valleys and all the inhabited places of the country I will feed them in good pasture and their folds will be on the high places of Israel there
They shall lie down in a good fold and feed and rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. I will feed my flock
I will make them lie down says the Lord God I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away bind up the broken strengthened what was sick but I will destroy the fat and the strong and feed them in judgment and And If we had time we'd read the entire passage
But we're gonna drop down a little further and we see that God would set up a son of David to be the shepherd of his people
He would replace the false shepherds the false political leaders of Israel and his son would become their king
Therefore thus says the Lord God to them behold I myself will judge between the fat and lean sheep
Because you've pushed with side and shoulder butted all the weak ones with your horns scattered them abroad and therefore
I will save my flock They shall no longer be prey. I will judge between sheep and sheep.
I will establish one shepherd over them He shall feed them my servant David. That's a prophecy of Jesus Christ He shall feed them and be their shepherd
I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a prince among them. I the
Lord have spoken and so here we have a prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ as the
Good Shepherd and He's expressed in terms of David because the original promise was to David that his he would have a perpetual everlasting dynasty
But Micah gives an additional word about the nature of this promised son of David in verse 3b of Micah 5
We read these words regarding the coming Messiah who's going forth or from old from everlasting
That is one of the most amazing statements of the Old Testament Here's a declaration of the divine pre -existence of the promised son of David This is one of the clearest statements of the
Old Testament scriptures of the deity of Jesus Christ The son of David and the footnote in the
Reformation study Bible states the matter clearly Micah has certainly Learned that the rulers origin long predates his anticipated future coming a more -than -human figure is involved the son of David who will one day be born he's from everlasting and So the son of David is not only the physical offspring of David, but he's also the eternally begotten
Son of God Regarding his human nature Jesus Christ is the son of David regarding his divine nature.
He is the Son of God There never was a time when there was not the
Son of God the doctrine of the Trinity speaks of the eternal identity and existence of God the
Father the eternal existence and identity of God the Son and the eternal identity
Existence of the Holy Spirit there never has been a time when the Son of God did not exist
Now when we speak of the only begotten Son of God some might assume This is a reference to God causing
Jesus to be born in the world through the Virgin Mary, but that would be wrong When we speak of Jesus Christ being begotten of the
Father, we're describing the Son of God as having been eternally begotten of the
Father Some have wrongly believed that God the Son only came to exist as the
Son of God when the incarnation Occurred when he was born in Bethlehem This is wrong
The second person of the Holy Trinity was begotten of the Father from eternity
That does not mean there was a time in eternity past when God begot him, but rather he's eternally begotten
This is critically important there never was a time when God as father did not exist and there was never a time when
God as son did not exist and And Herman Baving one of my favorite theologians, he was a
Dutch guy His works have only been translated by the Dutch Translation Society head but headed up by Joel Beakey in the last 20 years
He addressed this matter quite convincingly The church confesses its belief in the eternal character of this generation speaks of Christ's begetting
The Aryans that was a heresy that did not believe in the deity of Jesus But just as humanity the
Aryan said that there was a time when the Son did not exist like the Mormons like the
Jehovah's Witnesses they appealed especially to the words he brought me forth or created me in Proverbs 8 22 and pointed out the antimony between the terms eternal and begetting
But if the father and the son bear their names in a metaphysical sense as scripture incontrovertibly teaches
It follows that the generation in question has to be eternal as well For if the son is not eternal then of course
God is not the eternal father either he has to be a father of someone in That case he was
God before he was father and only later in time became father. It makes God changeable mutable
Robs him of his divine nature deprives him of the eternity of his fatherhood and leaves unexplained
How God can truly and properly be called father in time if the basis for calling him father is not eternally present in his nature
We Must accordingly conceive that generation is being eternal in the true sense of that word
It was not something that was completed and finished at some point in eternity But an eternal unchanging act of God at once always complete eternally ongoing
Just as it is natural for the Sun to shine and for a spring to pour forth water
So it's natural for the father to generate the Sun. The father is not and never was unregenerative
He begets Everlastingly the father did not by a single act beget the
Sun and then release him from his Genesis But the father generates him perpetually for God to beget is to speak and his speaking is eternal
God's offspring is eternal That's essential to a biblical understanding of the
Trinity Because God does not change or he's not God Herman Bavinck was absolutely right in his comments and Micah declares this truth
The Son of David is eternally begotten Son of God whose goings forth are from of old from everlasting
Incredible statement in the Old Testament of the second person of the
Holy Trinity Well, then thirdly we read that Micah Predicts the
Messiah's protection of his people and his defeat of his people's enemies in verse 4a
He shall stand and feed his flock and the strength of the Lord and the majesty of the name of the Lord is God and they shall abide
This is confirmed in the New Testament by our Lord's own words John 10 I am the Good Shepherd the
Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep. I am the Good Shepherd I know my sheep and am known by my own
Now we read in Micah that this promised son of David be the one who would be the ruler of Israel that's how
Micah 5 reads the one who would be ruler of Israel However in Matthew's quotation of Micah these words regarding Jesus read who will shepherd my people
Israel And we've already shown you know, the Old Testament Shepherd was the ruler the king so it says the same thing
And Here in Micah verse 3 5 verse 3 the prophet says his coming son of David would feed his flock.
There's the idea of shepherding So it's there too again, the analogy of the work of a shepherd and so this ideas ideas conveyed in Jeremiah 23 and The denunciation of the shepherds leaders of Israel just like we read in the other passage
There we read in Jeremiah, woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture
Says the Lord therefore that says the Lord God of Israel Against the shepherds who feed my people you've scattered my flock driven them away not attended them
Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doing says the Lord, but I will gather the remnant of my flock
Notice just a remnant That would include the disciples
And all the Jewish people in the early church they were all Jewish until expanded to the
Gentiles a remnant of my flock out of all countries where I have driven them and Bring them back to their foals and they shall be fruitful increased and I will shut up set up shepherds over them who will feed them
There's the new kind of shepherd pastors apostles And they shall fear no more nor be dismayed nor shall they be lacking says the
Lord Behold the days are coming says the Lord. I will raise to David a branch of righteousness prophecy of the
Messiah a King shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth and in his day
Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely. Now. This is his name by which he will be called the
Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 23 1 through 6 and so God would call and equip the coming
Son of David and powering him to accomplish his work of ministry and we read that this shepherd will serve in the strength of the
Lord and in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God and The result of this shepherds rule will be the security of his people
Michael says of them and they shall abide This shepherd keeps his own not one of them is lost and did not our
Lord himself Say my sheep hear my voice. I know them. They follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall
Anyone snatch them out of my hand my father who is greater than all has given them to me
He's greater than all no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand. Well, this was prophesied in Micah chapter 5
There is security in Christ whom the Lord calls to himself he keeps secure
He will keep them they shall abide in the strength of the Lord reserves his own people under the time when we were called into his glorious presence and Then lastly we had the promise that the promised son of David Would be king over all the world
This isn't talking about a future thousand -year Jewish millennium on earth it's talking about this church age We're in the age of the kingdom.
Not only would Jesus Christ save a remnant of Jews But he would save the Gentile world.
Also the gospel would go out into the world And so the conclusion of Micah's prophecy speaks of the great reign of the promised son of David even the
Son of God For now, he shall be great. We're just in the nation of Israel to the ends of the earth and this one shall be peace
This son of David will not only redeem and restore the remnant of his brethren The salvation they bestows upon all those in his kingdom will even be to the ends of the earth and that encompassed
Gentile nations This is a prophecy of the worldwide extension to the kingdom of God To include
Gentiles along with the remnant of Jews who would be saved through this King's work of salvation
We might consider the words of God the Father Actually, it's not God the Father is Jesus Christ speaking prophetically of himself of what the
Father declared to him and There we read the prophetic words of Jesus Christ telling of his father's purpose
To install him not only as king of the Jews, but of the Gentiles also over all the
Israel of God This occurred when Jesus came forth from the cross in his grave to be seated on the throne of God and so here's
Isaiah 43 750 years before the birth of Christ and yet these are the words of Jesus Christ speaking prophetically
Now the Lord says he's talking about God the Father who formed me from the womb to be his servant
Jesus is the great servant of God to bring Jacob back to him speaks about Wayward Jews under his wrath to restore them recover them so that Israel is gathered to him
For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength Indeed he says this is the father speaking to Jesus It's too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob That's not enough for you just to save a remnant of Jews and to restore the preserved ones the remnant of Israel I will also give you as a light to the
Gentiles so that you should be my salvation to the ends of the earth And that's what
Micah declares in Micah chapter 5 verse 4 B and 5 a And the last word regarding Jesus Christ is
God's promise that through him He would bring peace to his people and so verse 5 a reads and this one shall be peace
One might ask how can a remnant of Jews and a multitude of Gentiles all be brought into one flock?
Characterized by peace a nation of peace the kingdom of God over which this promised
Good Shepherd will rule Yes, Jews and Gentiles. How can that be Paul answered that question in Ephesians 2 to 14?
He reads of Jesus for he himself is our peace Who has made both Jew and Gentile one has broken down the middle wall of separation
That would be the Mosaic Covenant Having abolished in his flesh the enmity that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances as a covenant for the
Jews so as to create in himself one new man from the two Jews and Gentiles thus making peace and this was prophesied in Micah chapter 5 verse 5 a
He is our peace God foretold this glorious incarnation of Jesus Christ the
Son of David the Son of God Who's been reigning as Lord of Lords and King of Kings He is the
King of Israel and we are citizens fellow citizens with the Saints Of the
Commonwealth of Israel Ephesians chapter 2 because of our connection with the Son of David. He is our
Lord He's our King. We're members of the true Israel of God Thank God And if that was understood that was sure clear up a lot of nonsense and a lot of political error too in today's world
Let's pray Thank you our Father for your word and for the clarity our
God that we see even in the Old Testament Help us our God to be delivered from all the nonsense and error that to which we're exposed
Help us to see the glory of the Lord. Jesus Christ he is the the eternal
Son of God who assumed the human nature and Realization of the glorious promises to King David and he's ruling even now as the
Son of David even as your son our father and so we pray you'd help us our
God to Understand this and see this more clearly and bring glory to our
Lord. Jesus That is that is his by right his earned by his life and his death
His resurrection and Help us our God to tell forth this glorious news of the kingdom of God in our world the gospel of the kingdom
That many would come to repent of their sin and believe on Jesus as Lord and Savior and be wonderfully saved
And join us our God as your people in serving you and serving one another in Jesus name.