Job’s Hymn


In God’s Sovereignty their is no mistake For the Lord does both give and take Sing His praises, for Jesus is our rest, Though He slay me, He alone I will bless, Count your blessings, Trust the eternal Son, Count your losses, see what God has done Are you heavy burden with a load of care? know your sin debt was Christ’s to bear! Sovereign is the King who’s will shall be done. Trust His victory has already won! Count your blessings, Trust the eternal Son, Count your losses, see what God has done Look not at others with their land and gold, Think how Christ was pierced for the fold. Count His sufferings and know its accord! Trust His words and His promised sword. Count your blessings, Trust the eternal Son, Count your losses, see what God has done So, amid this conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, for God is over all! rebuke all others with a mighty shun! and pray today that God’s will be done! Count your blessings, Trust the eternal Son, Be conformed to Him for He has won -Pastor Braden Patterson For the suffering saints


This is what I would call Job's hymn. It's to the same exact tune of Count Your Blessings. The song is, in God's sovereignty there is no mistake, for the
Lord does give and take. Sing his praises for Jesus is our rest. Though he slay me, he alone
I will bless. Count your blessings, trust the eternal son, count your losses and see what
God has done. Are you heavy burden with a load of care? Know your sin debt was
Christ's to bear. Sovereign is the king whose will shall be done. Trust his victory has already won.
Look not at others with their land and gold. Think how Christ was pierced for the fold.
Count his sufferings and know its accord. Trust his word and his promised sword.
So amid this conflict, whether great or small, do not be discouraged for God is overall.
Rebuke all others with a mighty shun and pray today that God's will be done.
Count your blessings, trust the eternal son, be conformed to him for he has won.