God has no buyer's remorse | Clip from Hebrews III: The Offering of the Body of Jesus
We are all familiar with buyer's remorse. So aware, in fact, that it can keep us from making a large purchase. But God has no buyer's remorse when it comes to Christians. He is not sorry He redeemed you. He is not grumpy to apply the redemptive work of Christ to you.
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- Well, I said as soon as you say something, it's gonna make me think of more things, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention
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- John 12. We're preaching through the gospel of John now We're not quite to chapter 12, or we're just finishing 10 but The first time
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- Jesus mentions that he's ready to go to the cross in John's gospel is chapter 12
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- And it's when the nation's come the Gentiles come looking for him at the feast. So when the nation's come to the
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- Redeemer Not just one subset of humanity he says Now my hour has come which is a big theme in John, but he goes on to add
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- What should I say? Should I say? Father saved me from this hour
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- And it's the most like steely -nerved Backbone resolute plant a flag in the ground moment in human history where he says no
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- But for this purpose I came to this hour Father glorify your name and then the father shouts from heaven and says great idea
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- I've glorified my name forever and I'm gonna keep doing that and I'm gonna do it, especially through your redeeming labors and Nobody understood it and the crowd thought that it thundered or whatever
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- But the next thing John does very next thing He picks up Isaiah He quotes chapter 6 quotes chapter 53 and he says
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- Isaiah spoke these things 1241 I think Because he saw
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- Christ's glory and spoke of him. I take that to mean Isaiah understood
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- Not only is the Messiah coming He's coming to die That's what
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- I think Jesus is reading in Hebrews 10, he's reading Psalm 40, but the author of Hebrews is letting us see
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- That when Jesus read Isaiah and when Jesus read the Psalms He understood the primary purpose for his physical frame and the blood that coursed through his veins
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- Was so that he could lay down his life and like you're saying he embraced
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- That divine assignment I Believe increasingly over his early incarnate life
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- Until on this day when he's having his quiet time in Hebrews 10. There's no more increasingly it's
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- I Have come to do your will it's resolute
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- Steely -eyed Like I said, he's stalking the cross he's hunting the cross he's going to purchase the people of God and You know, it compares him to all the other priests in verse 11
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- They all stand daily ministering offering time after time or sacrifices that can't take away sins. He knows he's not gonna do that He's not gonna do the repeated sacrifice.
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- He's gonna do this cataclysmic Shake heaven and earth sacrifice that's gonna once for all verse 14
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- Sanctify sanctify the people of God Jordan you mentioned verse 14 and again
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- It reads this way for by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified
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- So what really one of the gems of the entire Bible? So what do you have to say about that?
- 03:37
- Yeah. Well, first off there's some words in there that sound very churchy very religious Offering perfected sanctified
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- Let me just make sure we're on the same page about sanctified. There are theological categories of Sanctification which is an ongoing process of becoming conformed into the image of Christ that happens in the life of every believer
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- So the electric current of the power of Christ Coming into the life of those who are united to him by faith shows up in being sanctified
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- That's not what Hebrews is talking about right here. He's talking about sanctified in terms of clean pure Holy he has forever
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- Cleaned you you are now Pure you are holy you are set apart unto
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- God and he did that you don't do that This is a an accomplished reality.
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- It's not an ongoing process. I just want to make sure before I Meditate a little on verse 14's realities that we're understanding that The deepest longing of the human heart
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- Religious or not. It's fundamentally the same We're designed by our
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- Creator to want to be close to God and clean before him verse 14 is saying
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- Jesus did that so that's the meaning of sanctified but Again, you know a lot of a lot of fruitful meditations could spring from this.
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- I'll just make one Observation and then see what thoughts you may have to add and know in me your thoughts may may lead me to add more
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- By one offering that's his bodily sacrifice he has perfected completed the work of redemption for all time
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- For those who are sanctified what that means is God has no buyers remorse
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- He is not sorry that he saved you He does not regret because you're such a pathetic excuse for a
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- Christian and you can't get your act together And you keep stumbling over the exact same sins over and over and over again and you come back and you sound like a broken record
- 05:59
- It's Jordan again. I'm back God Remember the thing that I repented from and just was grieved over and feel like I never could get away from but that last time
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- I thought I really finally had a breakthrough it. I'm back. I'm here again Here the
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- Father wants us to know that he So values the work of the
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- Son That he will forever. That's literally his words for all time.
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- You're clean He dealt with your sin past present and future. Well, what's the evidence of that that I now am sinless?
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- No, it's that I keep until I meet him face to face and my sin is gone. I keep bringing my life
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- Before him back to him. I don't fear coming close to him
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- Because this is astonishing There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, you know, we can think you talked about hypothetical a minute ago we could say
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- Hypothetically if God wanted to condemn One for whom Jesus died.
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- He doesn't want to but if he did He can't do it There's no condemnation left not because he swept it under the rug
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- Christ took it. That's what verse 14 is trying to say to us. So it's actually look at how great
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- Jesus is look at the obedience that he Carried out because he believed what was said of the
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- Messiah in Scripture Look at this perfectly spirit -filled man. Look what he accomplished and here's where I'll stop
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- Come close. He regards you as Fit for his presence you are sanctified you are perfected and he'll never change his mind about that That's how much he values