F4F | Katie Souza Selling Snake Oil


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. So when you talk about deceivers, there's a spectrum of deceivers out there.
They are all wolves in sheep's clothing, but I would note that not all wolves are of the same pack.
There are certain more vicious packs than others. So for instance, if somebody were to ask me, you know,
Joel Osteen, does he believe what he's preaching and teaching?
Absolutely. Joel Osteen is a deceived deceiver. Then there are people like Katie Sousa who are legitimately snake oil salespeople.
That's what she is. She is a snake oil salesperson, and as a result of that, everything that she does,
I don't even think she believes anything. She went to jail for being a cook for crystal meth.
You know, she actually was in real life a character on Breaking Bad, and she is now out and about, and she's rather than making crystal meth, she's making the spiritual form of it, and it's just nonsense.
She's selling snake oil. That's what she's doing, and so sometimes the correct way to address particular deceivers is just to make fun of them.
I know that sounds odd, but I'll back this up biblically here in a minute, but I don't even...
It's very rare that I become flustered and flummoxed in things like this.
Knowing what it is that we together are going to be listening to, it's some of the dumbest things
I've ever heard in my life, and that's saying a lot. I've heard some pretty dumb stuff said in the name of Jesus.
All that being said, Katie Sousa, she doesn't believe a word of it. She's a scammer. She is a full -blown snake oil salesman.
That's what she is. So let me explain. So we're gonna whirl up the desktop, and by the way, that's...
hang on a second here. I'm gonna close that. There we go. That's a photograph.
Hang on, let me get rid of this for a second here. I'm gonna hide that. There we go. That's a photograph I recently took.
That's a little seascape in Laguna Beach, California. You can see my photo photography on instagram .com
forward slash pirate Christian. All that being said, this is the video we're gonna be looking at.
The name of the video is Casting Out Legion Live Deliverance with Katie Sousa from the
Life Center in Atlanta. I would note that this is a death center if they're inviting her to speak.
And what we're gonna do while listening to this is y 'all are gonna help me out here.
I've selected four completely different royalty -free pieces of music, and I'm trying to figure out which one of them makes the better soundtrack for the insanity that we're going to be listening to.
So keep that in mind. We have a project we're working on together, and that is that we're gonna try to figure out which of these royalty -free pieces of music fit as the correct soundtrack for the lunacy that we're going to be listening to.
All of that being said, I would remind you, if you're familiar with the the old Disney film
Pete's Dragon, this guy is the snake oil salesman. You know, he goes to Pashima Schlotty or something like that.
You get the idea. He's just about making a buck, and he's selling snake oil to do it.
Katie Sousa is the same thing as this guy. Same thing. In fact, let's do this.
Before I even hit play, we're going to take a look at a couple of biblical texts.
Just a couple to make the point. So the first one is 2 Peter, okay? 2
Peter chapter 2. And just listen to these words. The Apostle Peter, his last letter, okay?
He's about to be martyred for his faith in Christ and confessing
Jesus. He's going to be crucified upside down. And so he has warned us in chapter 1.
In fact, let me just roll back up into chapter 1. You know, with him no longer on the scene, with the
Apostles no longer there, what should be... where should Christians focus? Peter writes, we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. I would note that Peter is making a distinction between himself and the
Apostles and false teachers who definitely follow cleverly devised myths,
Katie Sousa being one of them. She follows cleverly devised myths that she cleverly devises, by the way.
But we were eyewitnesses of Christ's majesty, for when he received honor and glory from God the Father and the voice was born to him by the majestic glory, this is my beloved
Son with whom I am well pleased. We ourselves heard this very voice born from heaven. We were with him on the holy mountain.
And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention, as to a lamp shining in a dark place.
So what is the lamp shining in the dark place? It's the Word of God. Until the morning, until the dawn, a day dawns and the morning star rises in your heart, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.
No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. So Peter points us to the Word, you know, the written Word of God. But he then warns, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.
And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. That's what
Katie Sousa does. In her greed she exploits people with false words, completely nonsensical, a complete manure pile of bovine scatology is the stuff that spews from her mouth, right?
She exploits people with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, their destruction is not asleep.
Now let me throw in an Old Testament text here, because I said I would point something out to you. 1st
Kings chapter 18. You have the story, the account, the historical narrative of Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.
And I would note that snake oil salesmen like Katie Sousa and others, they are just like prophets of Baal.
They are false teachers, false prophets, nonsensical people, and sometimes the right way to deal with them is just to make fun of the nonsense that they're doing.
So here's how the story goes. 1st Kings 18. Ahab sent to all the people of Israel, gathered them, prophets together at Mount Carmel.
Elijah came near to all the people and said, how long will you go limping between two different opinions?
If Yahweh is God, follow him. If Baal, then follow him. The people did not answer him a word.
Stubborn, stiff -necked people, right? So then Elijah said to the people, I even I am left a prophet of Yahweh, but Baal's prophets are 450 men.
Let two bowls be given to us and let them choose one bowl for themselves and cut it in pieces, lay it on the wood, but put no fire to it.
I will prepare the other bowl and lay it on the wood and put no fire to it. And you call upon the name of your
God, God, and I'll call upon the name of Yahweh, the God who answers by fire.
He is God. And all the people answered, well, it's well spoken. So then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, choose for yourselves one bowl and prepare it first, for you are many.
And call upon the name of your God, but put no fire to it. No cheating, right? And so they took the bowl that was given to them and they prepared it and they called upon the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying,
Oh, Baal, answer us.
But there was no voice. No one answered. The lights were on, but no one was home.
They were phoning 1 -800 -BAAL and they kept hearing, doo -doo -doo. We're sorry, the number you're trying to reach is no longer in service and, you know, it may have been disconnected.
You know, please check your number and try again. You know, so, you know, Baal isn't answering because Baal doesn't exist, right?
So they limped around the altar that they had made, verse 27. And at noon,
Elijah, the prophet of God, mocked them. And by the way, the Hebrew here is a really strong.
I'll explain. It's like, hold on to your hats, because this is crazy that this is in the text.
So he says, cry aloud, cry louder, for he is a
And relieving himself is a little strong in the Hebrew. You know, maybe
Baal is taking a dump. Maybe he's musing or maybe he's taking a dump.
Or he's on a journey. Perhaps he's asleep and he has to be awakened. Note that Elijah, at this point, for the sake of the people that are there, he's not giving any professional courtesy to the prophets of Baal, none whatsoever.
And he's literally making fun of them and making fun of Baal, too. Oh, is the reason why
Baal isn't answering is because he's reading the Jerusalem Times in that tiny bedroom, you know, in that tiny room off of his bedroom, right?
Right. So they cried aloud and they cut themselves after their customs with swords and lances until blood gushed out upon them.
And as midday passed, they raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation. But there was no voice, no one answered, no one paid attention, because Baal doesn't exist.
And so, you know, Elijah made fun of them. Sometimes that's the right thing to do. Not always, but sometimes.
It's part of the reason why we do Prophecy Bingo. So Elijah said to all the people, come near to me. And so all the people came near to him.
He repaired the altar of Yahweh that had been thrown down. Elijah took twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of the son of Jacob, to whom the word of Yahweh came, saying,
Israel shall be your name. And with the stones he built an altar in the name of Yahweh, and he made a trench about the altar as great as wood contained two sayas of seed.
And he put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, laid it on the wood, and he said, fill four jars with water and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood.
And he said, do it a second time. And then he, and they did it a second time. He said, do it a third time.
Oh, this is a baptized sacrifice, three times, three times washed in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, right? All right. And so they did it a third time.
And the water ran around the altar, filled the trench also with water. And at the time of the offering of the oblation, that's the time of the evening sacrifice,
Elijah, that's three in the afternoon, same time Jesus died on the cross, the prophet came near and said,
O Yahweh, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word.
Answer me, O Yahweh, answer me, that this people may know that you, O Yahweh, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back.
Then the fire of Yahweh fell, and consumed the burnt offering, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, Yahweh, He is God! And Yahweh, He is
God. And Elijah said to them, seize the prophets of Baal, let none of them escape. And they seized them, and Elijah brought them down to the
Brook Kishon, and then slaughtered them there. So you'll note that sometimes the right thing to do is to basically make fun of the stupidity of people.
The Bible does it. It's not always the right thing to do, but it is a thing.
So all of that being said, having previewed this video, the things she is about to say are some of the dumbest things
I've ever heard in my life, and I'm not mean to point it out. I'm just saying this honestly.
After you hear what comes out of her face, I think you'll agree that this woman is a deceiving deceiver.
She's a snake oil salesperson. That's basically what it comes down to. So we'll listen to a part of this.
Casting Out Legion, live deliverance with Katie Sousa from the Life Center in Atlanta. Here we go.
I brought two groups angels with me. One was Breakthrough and his group, and the other one was a very interesting angel.
His name... So she's brought two angels with her. Are they sitting in the audience? Where are these two angels?
Maybe they're up on, you know, on the second floor in the balcony or something like that. One's named Breakthrough.
What's the other one named, Katie? Is Legion Expert. Oh, and you brought an angel with you called
Legion Expert. Oh, okay. And look at all these people.
They're just like eating this up. Oh, this is the best stuff ever. Wow. Katie Sousa brought two whole angels with her.
Now, here's where I'm gonna ask for your help, okay? And that is, we're gonna audition some soundtracks to see which goes best with what it is that she's saying.
So let me get her rolling and then we'll do some auditioning. You know why? Sometimes angels are named after what they do.
Breakthrough does Breakthrough. Legion Expert is an expert on the spirit of Legion. He's an expert at taking him off of you.
Now, he and his troop, they look like they're from the Vietnam days with the really cool aviator glasses. They're wearing desert khakis.
And when I said, God, why not jungle khakis? Why desert khakis? He said, because these are the angels that drive the spirit out of them.
Hang on a second here. She's claiming that these two angels that came with her, you know, they look like they're from the
Vietnam era and they're wearing desert khakis. Now, by the way, that first soundtrack, the name of that one was called
Detective Comedy. So I'm not 100 % sold on it yet, but let's let's let her keep spewing this nonsense and see which soundtrack really works best with what she's saying.
Here we go, man. Into dry and waterless places where they can find no rest. Now, I ask this question wherever I go, when
I teach this, because I only teach it when the angel shows up, and I get a shocking response.
I'm going to ask you the same question. How many of you have ever legitimately or realized that you were battling the spirit of Legion?
Raise your hand. Okay, there's a few people. Do you know in the last meeting there was no one? Then I said, how many of you know somebody that's ever battled the spirit of Legion?
How many in here? Raise your hand. Okay. All right, so she's now asked the question, how many of you have ever battled
Legion? Oh, and most people are saying, well, I've never have. Now, by the way, the name of that second track is called
Not Very Sneaky. It kind of fits here. In fact, I want to hear this again as she continues the story, see see if this makes any sense.
But in fact, let me start this up, and we'll just start her right after. Well, in the last meeting, not a single person raised their hand.
You know why? Because we are battling spirit of Legion, but we don't know it. We do not realize it. Because even though he's 6 ,000 strong, he's working in a stealth way, and we would never imagine...
Wait, Legion is 6 ,000 strong? Hang on a second here. Let's do a little fact -checking on that.
I think Mark chapter 5. Okay, let's see here. Mark chapter 5.
Jesus asks the demon, you know, the the demoniac of the garrison, asks the demon, what is your name?
He replied, my name is Legion, for we are many. And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country.
Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there in the hillside, and they begged him saying, send us into the pigs, let us enter them.
So he gave them permission, and the unclean pigs came out and entered the pigs. And the herd numbered about 2 ,000 and rushed down the steep bank and into the sea and drowned the sea.
Well, there were 2 ,000 pigs. Okay, but Legion is 6 ,000 strong. Maybe that's just the
Roman thing. But okay, all right, let's come back to this. All right, so she's just making stuff up.
She's just, you know, just stream -of -consciousness nonsense here, you know, claiming two angels with her.
And what does Legion do exactly? Because, I mean, she brought an angel, you know, the
Legion slayer or something with her. I mean, so, I mean, she's got to be an expert on Legion, but let's keep going.
That the stuff that we're dealing with is coming from Legion. How many of you have ever had vertigo or have vertigo right now?
Raise your hand. Vertigo. Raise your hand really high. Now, see, that's a pretty lot of people there that raise their hand with vertigo. You are fighting the spirit of Legion, and you don't know it.
That vertigo is not a sickness. It's from that spirit. Oh, vertigo comes from Legion.
Oh, this should revolutionize the entire medical industry, don't you think? I mean, if you know somebody who's suffering from vertigo, that's not a sickness.
That comes from Legion. Wow, I had no idea. Okay. Okay.
You know, I got to admit, the Not Very Sneaky, it kind of fits, but we got to keep sampling here.
So, here's the next one. Master of Small Mischief is the name of this track. Again, this is all royalty -free music that I have access to through one of my accounts at storyblocks .com.
But let's get this rolling and see what else Legion can do. Here we go. How many of you battle with, yearly, with the flu or bacterial infections, edemas, viruses, chronic bladder or yeast infections?
Raise your hand. You're not battling with the flu. You don't have edema. You're being assaulted by a demonic spirit called
Legion. This is just too much information.
Did you know that if, you know, somebody's suffering from a yeast infection, it's
Legion that's bringing that on. Got to admit, the Master of Small Mischief soundtrack does seem to fit this portion of this nonsense that we're listening to, but I had no idea.
I had no idea that yeast infections were brought on by Legion. Who knew?
Who knew? I mean, we got to thank God for sending Katie Sousa to teach the church the truth about vertigo and yeast infections having the
Legion demon at the root of it. Okay, we continue. Oh, hang on.
How many of you have a noisy mind? You're not sure if it's God talking to you or if it's something else. That's it.
Come on. Chatter mind. How many of you have a chatter noisy mind? Feel like your mind's almost being controlled, like you can't hear through all the noise.
I want to hear God, but I can't because there's so much other chatter, senseless chatter in the mind. That's the spirit of Legion.
No biblical text teaches any of this nonsense. All right, let's see. Just one more.
One more of these things we got to sample, and the name of this track is Up to No Good.
Up to No Good. Let's try this one and see if it fits here. Hey man, did you hear me?
I want to read that scripture. Let's start with that from Mark 5. All right, now hang on a second here.
Here's where she's going to read the scripture, and I don't think it's appropriate to have the soundtrack while she's reading the scripture.
She's going to at least try to make some effort to make it look like all of this is biblical. Now, we don't doubt that in scripture there is an account of a demoniac who had a legion of demons.
For sure that's there, but I don't recall anywhere the connection between legion and yeast infections, yeet legion and vertigo.
I don't recall in scripture the angel of breakthrough or the angel of legion slayer being mentioned in the scriptures or anything like that, or that they travel around with people who are itinerant preachers and things.
So, let's listen in as she explains, at least tries to make this look biblical. You ready? Let's stand for the reading of the word.
See, now this is just manipulation. Oh, I want to take a look at how seriously I'm taking
God's word. We're going to all stand in honor of the reading of the word. I'm reading from the Amplified. It says this.
They came, that's Jesus, to the other side of the sea of the region of the Gerasenes, and as soon as he, that's Jesus, got out of the boat, they made him out of the tombs of Can you slow down?
Katie, good night. It seems like you just want to quickly get through this passage as quick as possible. This man continually lived among the tombs, and no one could subdue him anymore, even with a chain, for he'd been bound often with shackles for the feet and handcuffs, but the handcuffs of light chains he wrenched apart, and the shackles he rubbed and ground together and broke in pieces.
No one had the strength enough to restrain him. This is like just an obligation on part. We got to make this look biblical, so I got to read this text out.
Let me get through it as quick as I can. Okay, Katie. Or tamed him. Night and day he was among the tombs, beating and bruising and cutting himself with stones, and when from a distance he saw
Jesus, he ran and fell on his knees before him in homage, and crying out with a loud voice, he said, What have you to do with me,
Jesus, Son of the Most High God? What is there in common between us? I solemnly implore you, by God, do not begin to torment me.
We bless the reading of the word. Go ahead and have a seat. Oh, she got through that as quick as she could.
Now we can put the Bible away. Now she can just start saying anything she wants to, and making it look like this text teaches the nonsense she's about to teach.
So let's go back. So, you know, let's see here. Again, the up to no good soundtrack.
Let's see if this fits what follows next. So Jesus goes to minister on this region called the region of the
Gerasenes. As soon as he steps out of the boat on that region, there met him a man under the control of a demonic spirit, the spirit of legion. Okay, that's where we saw
Jesus. He actually threw himself at Jesus' feet and begged him not to torment him. Asked him, we don't have anything in common, Jesus, so please don't torment me.
Then he goes on to go through a bunch of different things that he asks of Jesus. He says, a bunch of different things.
Okay, a bunch of different things. You know, this kind of fits too. I was thinking about maybe coming up with like a poll during the premiere of this and saying, which of the four do you think fits?
I think they all work. They all work. Let's come back and just review again.
But here, let's try this one again. This is detective comedy. Okay, don't send me out of the region.
Can I go into the pigs? We are legion, we are many, and a bunch of stuff happens. But the end result is
Jesus lets him go out of the man into the pigs, the pigs get drowned, and the man is delivered. And the
Bible says that man sat there, quote, clothed and in his right mind, clothed and in his right mind. So let's first look at what was legion doing to that man?
Well, first of all, man says that he was beating, bruising and cutting himself. Ever known a teen that cuts themselves?
One of the spirits that causes that is a spirit of legion. The guy was demon possessed.
So if you know anyone who's cutting themselves, chances are legion could be a could be there.
Okay, all right, let's try this and go back to this other one here. The not so very sneaky soundtrack. Here we go.
And I'll explain why in a minute. But you're gonna see that those teens usually are afflicted by that spirit because they're wounded in here by bullies, or a boyfriend problem, or their friends said something hurtful to them.
And they're wounded in that wound in their soul allows that spirit to assault them. A wound in the soul. So he was beating and bruising and cutting himself.
He was running around naked. He was rubbing the shackles together. He was so strong. Nobody could restrain him.
Of course, we got 6000 demons in New York and have some strength. Okay. But then the Bible says that when he was delivered, he was clothed and in his right mind.
No says he was in his right mind. It was obvious that this spirit was affecting his mind. Because he was right being demonized would have an impact on your mental capacities for sure.
Master of small mischief. Let's try that one again. Here we go. All that crazy stuff running around naked living among the tombs beating and bruising and cutting himself.
So it was affecting his mind. He was driving that man crazy. You know, Legion does affect the minds of people when
I see Legion coming off of their minds. Suddenly they can reason better. They can think clear their mind is quieter.
They can hear Oh, I mean, isn't that just great that Katie Sousa I mean, she happens to be an expert at getting rid of Legion and, and she's seen many people who've had
Legion issues. And and as soon as they're as soon as they cast out Legion, as soon as she gets rid of it, you know, oh, man, they their mind becomes clear.
Uh huh. Hear the Lord better than they've ever had before. They have peace inside their soul.
A lot happens when Legion comes off of their mind, they become in their right mind. See when
I asked you before, how you had a noisy mind, many of you raised your hands and say you hear chatter or nonsensical noise in your brain.
And you're wondering where that's coming from. One of the spirits that causes that chatter and that noise in your mind is a spirit of Legion.
He's a stinking chatterbox. Look at the New Testament. He's one of the few demons that talk back to Jesus.
And he said all kinds of things. Oh, Jesus, what's in common? Do not torment me. Oh, Jesus, do not send me out of the region. Oh, Jesus, my name is
Legion for we are many. Oh, Jesus sent us out of the into the pigs. I mean, he talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.
I would note that Katie Seuss is the first person in Christian history to describe
Legion as a chatterbox. Just nonsense. And you know what?
These people are slurping it up. Pass it. Mishlady here. You don't buy a snake oil.
It'll get rid of Legion, you know, and things and stuff. I cannot believe what
I'm listening to. All right. Coming back here up, the up to no good soundtrack, which
I think fits perfectly still. You know, just let's listen to that again. Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatterbox.
Can you imagine him talking like that? Six thousand people talking to that man? No matter. No wonder he lost his mind. So if you got that stuff in your head, it could be the spirit of Legion.
No. Now says that man was clothed and in his right mind. If you look up those words in the
Greek right mind, it also means this to be healed of diseases and to be. OK, this is where I'm going to bust your chops.
All right. Hang on a second here. This is this is going to be fun. She doesn't know Greek. She doesn't know it at all.
She couldn't even pronounce the sentence if I were to produce the verse for her. So listen to what she says here.
The Spirit Legion. That's right. You have a disquiet. It could be the spirit of Legion.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't talk back. It's the spirit of Legion. Oh, she's basically trying to make everybody there in the room feel like, oh, they are they are impacted by the spirit of Legion.
And thankfully she brought an angel with her and specializes in getting rid of Legion.
So, whew, man, we dodged a bullet there. Now watch what she does here.
Now says that man was clothed and in his right mind. If you look up those words, words, if you look up those words in the
Greek right mind, it also means this to be healed of diseases and to be restored and put into health. Does it now?
OK, well, let's take a look. I happen to have the Greek right here. OK, so my name is
Legion. So he gave them permission, put them in the pigs. A herdsman fled, told people, and they came to Jesus and saw the demon possessed man and the one who had
Legion sitting there clothed and in his. Huh. It's not words.
It's a word. Here's the word. Sophronio. All right.
And let me let me just make this definition bigger because it's small. OK, Sophronio, to be able to think in a sound or sane manner, to be of sound mind.
Second definition, to be prudent, with focus on self -control, to be reasonable, sensible, serious, keep one's head, especially of women that could be chaste or virtuous.
Let's see here. None of the other alternative definitions are there in the premier
Greek lexicon of Koine Greek. Huh. Hmm. Yeah.
So it's not words, plural. It's one word. Sophronio.
She doesn't know Greek. So what she just said here, it's a total lie.
But here's the thing. Has she been saying anything? That's the truth. Since she began saying words from her face, you know, seven minutes earlier in this video.
No, this has been one big litany of lies. And the only reason why the people are sucking this stuff up is because they don't know their
Bibles. If they knew their Bibles, they would recognize this woman is exactly the same type of person that Peter warned us about, that Jesus warned us about, that Paul warned us about, that he's starting to get the idea here, that the whole of Scripture warns us about.
She's a snake oil salesman. She's exploiting people with false words in her greed.
None of the things she's saying are actually biblical. And man, did she get through the biblical text as quick as possible so that people wouldn't be asking questions because she's claiming all this expertise, knowledge, right?
This is why I chose a soundtrack. You back this one up again, the
Up to No Good soundtrack, which seems aptly named. Let's keep going here. Let me explain to you.
Now, this is very strange. All right. And who knows that God has mysteries that are unexplained?
How many of you ever seen a sign that made you wonder? Well, we've noticed, as we teach this, that thousands of people have mysteriously had water come out of their eyes or their ears or their nose when they were delivered of legion.
Now, I'll give you as much Bible as I can, but this is what the Lord told me. Legion. I'm going to give you as much
Bible as I can. She can't. She's going to twist text. So something about water and demon, the demon legion, you know, so if you get delivered from legion, your eyes will squirt water or something.
Okay. Huh? Hang on. Did it again. Here we go.
Loves to infect the water in your body. That's how he makes bacterial diseases happen in your body.
Now, listen to this. Demons like it wet. Remember the Bible says when a demon comes out of a man, it goes into dry and waterless places and can find no rest.
They don't like it waterless. They like it wet because they like to infect our bodies with cancer, diseases, and bacterias.
And the water of our bodies carry those diseases. Remember when legion came out of the Dominiac, he went into the pigs, but did he stay there?
No, he drove the pigs into the what? What are we made of?
Says when a demon comes out, a man goes in dry, waterless places. Can I find a rest? So it goes back to the house. How do you know she's a witch?
Because she weighs more less than a duck. You know, it's just, this is just nonsense.
Utter gobbledygook. Why are these people in the name of Jesus listening to this woman?
Because they don't love God's word. If they did, they'd be studying it.
If they were studying it, they know that this woman is a complete charlatan. So yeah, by the way, all four of those soundtracks worked perfectly with this nonsense that we spewed.
Not we spewed, she spewed. We had to listen to it and endure it. Brothers and sisters, we need to take the scriptures seriously.
The scriptures warn us and I would note out of the 27 books of the New Testament, only one, only one doesn't mention the danger of false teachers and false prophets.
And that's the letter of Philemon. All 26 of the remaining books of the
New Testament warn us against false teachers. So why are these people listening to this woman ramble in all this just gibberish and nonsense and clearly delusional stuff?
She's exploiting them with false words because in her greed, the thing she's building up for is a handy thank offering made out to Katie Sousa Ministries.
That's what she's doing and that's why she's saying all this stuff. And of course, you can't find any of this stuff in the Bible and anyone who believes her says, wow,
Katie Sousa is really the bomb. She has so much more insight into the Bible and what the Bible really says than all those other teachers.
No, no, no. She just has no, she has no conscience and she's teaching things that are not in the scriptures for the purpose of exploiting people and making money.
That's what she's all about. And I would note, putting the goofy soundtrack behind it makes it very clear, so obvious that what she's saying, these are just straight out lies and bovine scatology and just nonsense.
That's why we did it because we have biblical precedent. Sometimes the right way to show that somebody's false is to make fun of the falseness.
But the thing is, is that this is no laughing matter. The people who are believing her and are following these doctrines and believing that this woman has anything to offer the body of Christ, they are deceived horrifically.
I'm concerned for their eternal salvation. And so should you. Say a prayer for them.
Ask that God would lead them out of Satan's maze of errors and open their eyes to the truth that Katie Sousa is not a woman of God.
She's a con woman. She has been her entire life. So hopefully you found this helpful.
If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description. And until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
Amen. So nice to see that you've made it to the end. Before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content, you should know about some of our other offerings.
First off, some of you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church out in Oslo, Minnesota.
The editor that I totally don't have locked in my basement produces audio and video versions of Kongsvinger sermons and Sunday schools weekly.
So go check out Kongsvingerchurch .org to see all of our offerings. Now to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments.
One, the Bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below.
Two, if you wish to donate to us directly so we can keep the lights on, go check out www .piratechristian
.com and hit the crew tab. We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances, but what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes.
And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?