Daily Devotional – May 13, 2020


A dose of encouragement throughout the “virus crisis”


Well, good afternoon and happy hump day. So here we are halfway through half of week eight of the
Sort of lockdown day 53 by my calculations. I think that's right
Hard to keep track of the days though sometimes, isn't it? well, anyway, just a couple of reminders one to the
To the church family the faith Baptist Church family the midweek service tonight at seven o 'clock
Time of some Bible study in a prayer time that that is accessible at The church home page faith
Baptist sterling .com and then also for the church family Just a reminder about the wedding on Saturday afternoon at two o 'clock.
You should have received an email with instructions for viewing the wedding If you did not get that information
Please call or text or email Chris and we'll get that to you as soon as possible
Did you happen to see dr. Fauci's comments yesterday about the possibility of school starting in the fall or not?
opening in the fall I Heard one news commentator say parents all over the country let out a huge collective groan
You know, it struck me that 60 years ago if something like this had happened when
I was a kid Here we go. The old guys they say when I was a kid Well when
I was a kid seriously, though about 60 years ago the whole thing about The schooling issue would not have been quite the ordeal that it is today
I mean surely the workload and stress level on my mom would have increased greatly, but You got to remember in 1960 only a little more than a third of the women were in the workforce and even fewer than that a smaller
Percentage of moms were in the workforce Whereas today it's closer to 60 %
So that's that's pretty significant So today with both parents having jobs and then all of a sudden no school
Wow, that's that's that makes the stress level exponentially greater trying to figure out what in the world to do some of you may be dealing with that and My heart goes out to you and I know a lot of parents are struggling with this whole homeschooling thing
You realize I mean we've only been in this for about two months, right? And already a whole bunch of studies are being conducted and one study was conducted to find and discovered that parents can do relatively easy one -third of their child's math
But they have a very difficult time with the other three -fourths Now if you didn't get that then please don't be teaching your kids math.
Okay? Well one couple wondered at what stage of this homeschooling thing they can send a letter to the school asking for donations for raffles and cake sales and Kleenex Yeah, well the kids are struggling too one mom posted that her kid called her on her cell phone from his room and Told her that he missed the bus and he wouldn't be into school today.
Oh Kids can be creative Well over the last several weeks I've seen some
Christians grappling with what seems to be a Pandemic promise in Psalm 91 verses 9 and 10 say this
Says because you have made the Lord your dwelling place the Most High who is my refuge and here's the part
No evil shall be allowed to befall you No plague come near your tent
Because you've made the Lord your dwelling place. No plague can come near your tent
Well, that kind of raises the question doesn't it and no the question is not do
I need to go out and get a tent the question is Can Christians claim?
divine protection from kovat 19 Isn't this verse promising that the virus won't hit our households?
well for starters if this passage promises that Then why limit it to kovat 19
Isn't cancer a plague and a pretty evil one at that how about heart disease or Diabetes or Parkinson's or Alzheimer's and on and on we could go, right?
Well, there are some in the so -called word of faith segment of Christianity who apparently point to the first couple of verses of Psalm 91
To reconcile the obvious problem and the obvious problem is that well Christians suffer from all of these things including kovat in kovat 19
So they point to the first couple of verses which says this he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the
Almighty. I will say to the Lord my refuge and my fortress My God in whom
I trust Well, they read that and then they read the promise about no plague coming near your tent
And so their conclusion has to go along the lines of something like this well If you haven't been protected from the plague then obviously you haven't been
Sheltering under the wings of the Almighty or you haven't been trusting
God enough Hmm Does that does that square with what you know about?
People who suffered in the Bible How about Job? You know, honestly,
I have never met anyone who has suffered Nearly as much as Job and yet what's
God's own testimony about Job? God said to Satan when
Satan came and tried to to Present himself before God God said to Satan have you considered my servant
Job that there is none like him on the earth? a blameless and an upright man who fears
God and turns away from evil and Yet man, what's suffering that guy endured?
Well, how about Timothy in the New Testament Paul told Timothy? No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments
Was Timothy a guy who wasn't trusting in God and dwelling in the shelter of the Almighty?
Well Paul too for that matter in recounting his ministry among the Galatians The Christians in the in Galatia at the church there
He wrote, you know It was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first and though my condition was a trial to you
You did not scorn or despise me. I Read that and I wondered
Would the word of faith crowd would they be so patient and generous with Paul or would they have been chiding him to say you're
You're you're dealing with this physical infirmity because you're just not trusting God enough well
Paul made what to a faith healer must have been a rather startling admission as well
He said I left Trophimus sick at Miletus. I Left Trophimus sick at Miletus Well, how could you do such a thing
Paul? Shouldn't you have you know, shouldn't you have exercised faith and healed him?
Well, okay one more remember Epaphroditus Paul told the believers at Philippi that Epaphroditus Has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill
Indeed Paul says he was ill near to death But God had mercy on him.
So the word of faith interpretation of Psalm 91 doesn't seem to square with what we see in biblical biblical accounts of people
God's people God's trusting people who Who suffered illness?
Nor does it square with thousands a couple thousand years of church history either does it if some of God's choicest servants true gifts to the church
Also suffered greatly physically from physical infirmity just for one example take
Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards Considered to be the greatest theologian on American soil
You know how he died He died of smallpox But notice
It wasn't that he just contracted smallpox as it was going around in the community
No, he he got it from an inoculation. He took an inoculation a vaccination and That thing went viral in his body and it ended up killing him was was that God's punishment on him for a lack of faith to trust him and Took and he failed to trust because he took the inoculation.
Yeah, I don't think so Well, it also doesn't line up with your own experience I think about some of the dear saints in our own church who've passed away since I came here almost 18 years ago
One died of leukemia a couple of least of cancer
Another one or two from Alzheimer's Alzheimer's one from Parkinson's disease
Okay So clearly Psalm 91 verse 10 cannot mean that we claim absolute divine protection from kovat 19 can't mean that Then what does it mean?
well You have to wait till tomorrow come back. We'll pick that up and consider that from this
Psalm Psalm 91 Well, I hope the rest of your day You have a good day.
It's a beautiful midweek midweek day outside so far and Just trust you'll get outside.
Enjoy some sunshine get fresh air all those things. They're so good for us at this time and If you can tune in tonight at seven o 'clock for the midweek service look forward to having you join us then
Let's have a word of prayer Our Father in our God, I pray that we would trust you we would shelter in your wings and That's regardless of the physical affliction or infirmity that we may suffer by your divine providence give us
Grace and faith to trust you more this we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right.