Pastor Lovingly Pleads for this Man's Soul

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Pastor Wade Orsini and Jacob Reynolds of Apologia Church Utah get into a very interesting conversation with a man in downtown Provo, Utah. From the man stating that There is No God, to talking about Aliens this conversation was definitely one to remember!


Is it gospel track? Gospel what? Gospel track. What's that?
We're talking about people just in the area, just about their faith backgrounds and grace and the Bible.
We love our LDS neighbors, our Mormon neighbors. Did you grow up LDS? Yes, I have.
You're still LDS? Okay. No, I'm not. No? No, I stopped believing in God. Okay. What made you stop believing?
Because it's not real, otherwise people wouldn't act like this. Act like all these people around here.
Yeah. What do you think is going to happen when you die? Well, hopefully I'll go to a place where, you know, next door.
The people, you know, who are in better condition. Yeah? So what would you call that place?
I don't know. Nobody knows. See, that's the problem is that nobody knows. And the other sad thing is that,
I mean, Moses Smith kind of misled these people. Just like your people misled you guys, thinking there's a
God out there. So how do you know there's a God out there? Well, that's interesting you say that. On what basis can you expect to go to another better place after you die?
Where'd you get that? Because that's a better place. Because that's where, like, our spirit will leave our body.
And it's just like I have seen people get cremated. But it could be a worse place, too, for all you know, right?
I don't know. Depends on how you make it out there. You know, it's going to be a worse place your best.
So you think you'll go to a place, depending on if you live good in this life, and you'll go to a bad place. It doesn't matter how you live. Because wherever you go, then it's going to be like you're going to be, you know, you're going to be a better person out there.
So you just hope that's true, though? I know that. You know it? How do you know it? How do you know?
Because the next world is going to be like a nice place. Yeah, how do you know that? Because I know. How? Because I know there's no
God, because there's somebody up there running it. I don't know who he is. So you think there's someone else that's not
God that's up there. Who do you think that person is? No, nobody knows. Sounds like a God -type being.
In fact, the world that you're talking about and the one who's over it sounds very similar to...
I'm thinking about Jesus Christ and all this crap. Not the one the LDS Church teaches. It's very different from that.
I'm not even sure either. And, you know, I'm still thinking about Jesus too. Sir, you need to repent of your sin.
I need to. All I need to do is get a job, and hopefully I will get better.
No, you must... Jesus says in John chapter 3, He says, You must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Do you know what born again means? No. It means that the Holy Spirit comes upon you, regenerates you, makes you born again, and you have faith, a saving faith to believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ. It says apart from that, apart from the work of the Spirit, we're dead in our flesh.
Right. We're dead in our flesh apart from that. But there's an opportunity today for you to believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ. You've been taught something false with Mormonism, with Joseph Smith, but just because there was something that was false, doesn't mean that there is something that isn't true.
In fact, Joseph Smith took something, and he distorted what was true.
What was that? The truth is in God's Word alone. You see, there's not four revelations.
There's one revelation. There's three revelations in that book. I don't know. There's one, and it's the
Bible. The Bible is written by a man, actually. You know that, right? It was written by several men, but obviously at the end of the day, right, the
Holy Spirit spoke through them. So it's written by a man, so it must have convinced you guys to think that's
Jesus, right? No, no, no, no, no. You misunderstand. So when I say it's written by men, obviously there were physical men that existed that wrote down on Word, but the
Holy Spirit, God who is in heaven, carried them along. How do you know that? How do you know that that was the Holy Spirit? Because God's Word says so, right?
How do you know that's God's Word? It's a man that wrote it. Well, that's a great question. It's self -attesting. It's a self -attesting divine
Word of God. God's Word cannot appeal to anything higher or any person below it.
So how do you know that's God up there? What's that? How do you know that's God up there? Because not only does all of creation and even the very blue sky above us proclaim the glory of God, but His Word does.
What was the first in the Bible that says, the sun or the heaven? In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Heaven or the earth.
Then the sun, right? And He said, let there be light. But you know the scientists prove that the sun is older than the heaven and the earth, right?
What was that? Scientists prove that the sun is older than the heaven and the earth.
Well, scientists also teach that we evolved from rocks, right? What was that? Scientists also teach that we evolved from rocks and that there's no purpose or moral meaning in this life whatsoever.
And that we came from stardust and we went to stardust. I don't think scientists said that. They do, actually. Richard Dawkins has said that.
He's crazy, man. So you think just he's crazy and the other scientists are right?
I think we just come from somewhere around. You think someone created us, right?
Scientists don't believe that. No, but you said that there's someone up there, right? No, I said... Something up there?
Yeah, but like you said, there's something after we die, right? There's some creator, but you don't think it's
God. All right, scientists don't teach that. Say that one more time.
They innovated. They innovated God also in natural revelation.
He's a creator. Because we're all made in the image of God.
And there's an innate creating capacity inside of all human beings. Being that we're made in God's image, who is the first creator.
What was that? You know how there's a builder of every building?
Well, there's a builder of this world. He is the creator, God. He created you. He created me.
And you're listening to what I would consider conspiracy theories.
So, can you prove that aliens gave us the building? Well, that could easily be explained by a number of other things, right?
Same thing. Same kind of thing. Like free people. Sir, I can show you the word of God.
You can see the fact that there's a God right now. But you can't show me how the world...
You cannot observe back in the day that there was a big boom. You can't observe that there's aliens. You can't show me any of those things.
But I can show you the word. And then your very own conscience demonstrates to yourself that there is a
God. And here's the reality.
What's your name? David. Yes. I'm Jacob. And I'm Wade. The fact is,
God loved us so much that the I Am, the creator
God, stepped into His own creation. Jesus Christ in the flesh. It says in Philippians 2 that He became like a man.
He became like a bond servant, like a slave. Because He's divine. And He took on flesh. And He lived a sinless and perfect life.
The life that you couldn't live. So when you lie, when you cheat, when you steal, when you look at porn, when you fornicate, when you do wickedness, when you get drunk, when you do all these things, when all of us do all these things,
Jesus didn't do that. And He lived this life perfectly. And He died a substitutionary death on the cross.
He became a sacrifice for sins. He rose again on the third day, proving that He's conquered death in the grave.
If you believe on Jesus Christ and that gospel, you will be saved. That's the truth.
Do they have any evidence? Of course, there's plenty of evidence. Oh, yeah. Tons of eyewitness. It's all recorded.
Excuse me, I need to go in there and kind of relax my brain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, well, David will be out here.