Feminism Rules Christianity Today


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Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2 verse 5 where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name is Mike Abendroth and I found out a while ago we're going to do an hour of No Compromise Radio in the square there, the public square in Wittenberg, Germany, 2017
Reformation 500. Lawson is going to be speaking, MacArthur, White, and others.
Those are the main guys. I'm a breakout guy. I'll take the breakout. I get to do a breakout session, something about the five solas in preaching, and I public mock it, so that'll be fun.
Next May, I believe, you can go to EBTC, European Bible Training Center.
They probably got the data there, the data. I was in, where was
I, Maryland the other day, Maryland. Someone said, I can tell you've picked up,
I know you're from Nebraska, but you've picked up the New England accent. I know, I did,
I'm not so sure. You can write us, info at nocompromiseradio .com,
we'll try to get back to you. Many of the emails go straight into me, and then I answer them.
If it's a general question that Spencer can answer, he will. What else do I have here in front of me?
That's bogus there, no good. YouTube channel, the new book,
Sexual Fidelity, or if you want to get it at Kindle, you can do that as well. The $3 promo code, 1517.
The 500th anniversary of Luther will be in 2017, so back up 500 years, and now you have it.
I have in front of me the Christianity Today, March 2016. Now I get this magazine for lots of reasons, but I can't really think of any more reasons why
I want to keep getting it. It has gone from mal to mui mal, to the muiest mal, it is so bad, seriously, it is just awful.
And what I've seen in Christianity Today, and we might make jokes about, you know,
Christianity astray and all that stuff, it is now, to me, femininity
Christianity Today, feministic Christianity Today. I'm trying to think of a word to make up, and I can't find one to make it up.
This one here has so many articles by ladies for ladies, or maybe even more sadly, by ladies about ladies, but men read them.
I know what you're going to think. You're going to think I'm a male chauvinist, that I don't like ladies.
If this is your first No Compromise show, you probably should pick a different one. But if you know the show and you've listened to the last 1 ,792 episodes, or whatever we have, you will realize that I loved my mom, loved my sister, loved my grandparents, grandma
Nona, grandma Erna, I love my wife Kimberly, she's more godly than I am,
I love my three daughters, I love the ladies here at the church, I don't have any problem with ladies.
I only have problems with this push these days on radio, talk shows, evangelical talk shows, evangelical blogs, evangelical magazines, and it's just ladies, ladies, ladies teaching.
Now, one of the things that happens in the life of a church is we'll say, well, what does the Bible say about women elders?
Well, there's no women elders. Oh, what about Deborah? Knowing that David couldn't even be a
New Testament elder, let's just stick with the New Testament right now, okay? First Timothy chapter two, he says,
Paul does, let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men, rather she is to remain quiet.
Why? For Adam was formed first, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
First Timothy is written so we know how to act in the church. Is that not correct? That is correct.
I hope chapter three of First Timothy, verse 14, to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave or conduct themselves in the household of God, which is the church of the living
God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. Of course,
I don't have any rules, other rules for parachurch deals, seminaries, conferences, radio shows, magazines.
Of course, I don't have those things. So then what do I do? I just place what I do have, church stuff, church parameters, church requirements, and I say, well, that's the only thing we have, so we should use those too.
I don't say, well, we don't need to use those because we're not in the church setting. We're not in a Sunday morning corporate worship service setting.
What logic does that have? What merit does that have? Here you're not allowed to have a woman teach.
See, some say, well, she's not preaching. She's teaching. Oh, it says teach here.
It could say preach, but it says teach, and by the way, when you do teach, you do exercise authority over man.
Yes, but the elders have said you're not usurping the authority of the elders.
The elders are giving their permission for you to teach other men, right? So let's say it's a marriage class. We here at Bethlehem Bible Church are having marriage classes on Sunday nights.
It's hard to have a regular church service. Not many show up, and I thought, well, we'll do something different.
We will have an IBS class, Institute for Biblical Studies, and we'll meet for an hour. No singing, no hymns, no psalms, no scripture reading.
We open in prayer. I teach for an hour, sometimes 30 minutes, and my wife has all kinds of things that are biblical that she could say about marriage, and I ask her throughout the week about some of those things.
Some of her ideas are way better than mine. She has insight that I don't have. I can learn from ladies.
I have learned from ladies, but in a public setting. Women aren't to be teaching men. That's just the way it is.
I don't know what to tell you. But with the rise of feminism that influences every place, it seems like, these days, including
Christianity today. We'll get back to that topic. You are a dinosaur.
You are a troglodyte. You are a cave dweller. If you say something like, well, you know what? I don't think a lady should teach a mixed audience, mixed with men and women.
Well, but she's not really teaching the Bible. Okay, then it's a church setting. Then have her sit down anyway.
If you're not teaching the Bible, what are we here to do? Talk about Oprah book clubs and politics and stop
Donald Trump or something. I don't know. What are we doing? So it's a church setting. We do church things, and church things have
Bible stuff, and if you're going to do Bible stuff. So what do we do? I want
Kim to teach the other ladies. So we split up into the men and women, and now we're set.
Why is it that so many churches will be ultra conservative, uber conservative in every theological nuance?
They take the conservative view, but when it comes to this, they take the liberal view.
They don't take the conservative view here. Why is that? Is it because they can't control their wives?
Is it because they're influenced by feminists? Is that because they don't want to rock the boat?
Is that because the list goes on and on and on? I think ladies can teach.
I think ladies are gifted. I think ladies have things to say. I think ladies are image bearers.
I think ladies are the cat's meow, but they're not supposed to be the teachers.
So if there's going to be people who are part of a church, get together and you go, well, no, it's a conference.
Now I have nothing against Rosaria Butterfield. I love the book. And you say, well, she's teaching you in the book.
Well, we can talk about commentaries written by women and all these other things. But I would not have Rosaria Butterfield come and speak to the church where men and women were there, because I know she's going to talk about the
Bible. So why would I do that? I don't know if she speaks to men and women or what she does there.
I'm just trying to pick somebody that I have a lot of respect for, and I'll have a lot of respect for her, but I still wouldn't have her come and speak to both men and women.
Why? Because if it's a church function, she's going to talk about church issues and talk about the Bible. Well, that's authority, exercising authority.
The text says, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. Rather, she is to remain quiet.
Well, I don't like that. Well, you probably don't. It's what Paul said.
Paul doesn't hate ladies. These are God's words. So you mean to tell me you can take
God's words that say, I do not permit, and you can say, well, Gordon Fee's commentary on 1
Timothy, it was at Ephesus. This was only for that first church there. We've come a long ways and all those kinds of things.
We have to be very careful. You can say whatever you'd like about Gordon Fee and all these other things.
What does the text say? I do not allow a woman, I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority.
Yes, but we gave her authority. So now it's, I do permit a woman. And well, this is like, you know, sin has gotten in there and affected things.
This is pre -sin for Adam was formed first, then Eve. So because of creation order, that's the first reason.
And then the second reason, Adam was not deceived. I mean, who's the one who is culpable,
Adam, but he wasn't deceived. He knew full well what he was doing, but the woman was deceived.
I mean, how can you approach these things without sounding like you think men are better?
Well, the only thing I can do is I can say 1 Corinthians 11, there are different functions and submission does not mean inferiority.
That's the only thing I can do. I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ. The head of the wife is her husband and the head of Christ is
God. Jesus is equal with the father, but he is subordinate to the father.
He's the son. When you think about his incarnation and you think about all these issues, you never think, oh no, they're not equal, but one is in subordination to Jesus is not inferior.
So, back on track here. Everywhere you look these days, seemingly, anecdotally, you see feminism and women teachers.
There's the hermeneutics section in Christianity Today that have, I guess you're supposed to have her for hermeneutics, that one.
I probably wouldn't even have a problem with that article, but it's just, it's there. Here we have, scrolling through a little bit more, we have the feature article,
The Reasons Jesus Chose to Die a Bloody, Horrible Death, an Interview with Fleming Rutledge. Now, I usually get around the block quite a bit, but I have no idea who this lady is.
None. That doesn't mean much. I know, I know, but here is, these are some of the questions for her.
Do you think we should have a man answer these questions? Why write a book about crucifixion today, especially at a time when many prefer to focus on the hope of the resurrection?
Why is there so little preaching and teaching on the crucifixion today? You downplay penal substitution, but not substitutionary atonement altogether.
Why? You think justification is the most radical of ideas. Why? So you don't believe the cross is just a declaration of our righteousness?
Are we mistaken to think that New Testament writers, when they sum up the gospel, often use the word forgiveness to do so?
You also call for more emphasis on the blood of Christ as well as the brutal method of his death. Why? I'm just going to deviate here, since this is my show, and read her response to the, she downplays penalty substitution.
Correct. You're correct about substitution. I certainly argue that the theme of Jesus substituting himself, the innocent one, for us the guilty, must not be allowed to be lost.
Does judgment involve punishment? Well, maybe. We certainly think of it that way in our courtrooms.
But I don't hear much in the Old Testament about punishment. I hear a great deal about judgment. In Isaiah we read about the chastisement that was laid upon him, yes.
It's imaginative, though. We're not asked to imagine punishment. We're asked to imagine this miraculous thing that is happening in the gift of the servant who is being put to death.
I argue that the horrible death envisioned for the suffering servant and the horrific death suffered by Jesus Christ respond to the gravity of sin.
Sin must be judged by a righteous God. That is our hope. What greater hope is there than to know that God will judge and redeem?
He will judge us for all that we have done that is wrong, and he will redeem us from it. Who really wants to deny that there is something wrong with us and the world that needs to be put right, and with the world that needs to be put right?
That is the theme. Not punishment, per se. It is not for redemption out of all that is wrong.
That's why the word justification is so important, because justification or rectification, as some prefer now, means
God is setting right all that has been wrong. End quote. What's her name? Flemming Rutledge.
That's an awful answer. That's a horrible answer, and this is why
I don't even really want the magazine anymore. I'm too lazy to call up Christianity Today and say, stop it.
Just stop. I don't even care that I paid for the rest. Pay for doing bad radio shows.
Radio against bad things. Bad people do bad things. This is just awful.
It is awful. When I'm talking about redemption, I'm not talking about propitiation, but propitiation talks about wrath, punishment,
I mean, hate, bugged. I don't know this lady.
She's probably a nice lady. But now we have the theologians that are interviewed.
The key theologians are ladies, and they're liberal ladies all the boot. But see, why do they do that? See, I don't know.
My guess is it's a hunch. In my opinion, it could be. Well, we want to have the ladies, and we'd rather have a lady who's a bad theologian than a man who's a good theologian.
That's just what goes through my mind. Am I wrong to think that way? Maybe I am. Maybe I am.
I turn to the page, and it says Baylor Seminary. We are Baylor's Seminary.
Here's in Christianity Today, and it's got a picture of a lady, a young lady. She's probably a nice lady.
Baylor Truett Seminary. Aurelia Pratt, MDiv 2012,
Teaching Pastor, Grace Baptist Church. She's the teaching pastor.
She's the teaching pastor. Now, if she tried to teach my wife, my wife would get up and walk out, and so would my girls.
You're going to think this is probably no -compromise radio. But if we see transgendered people, the way my family responds is similar to when we see women in the pulpit preaching to men and women.
And I'll tell you, there's a difference as well. When I see transgendered people, I feel sorry for them, and I know this is all wrong.
This is just not right. Something that's going on that's just not right, and I feel compassion.
I feel sorry, because they're not doing this for no reason. There's a reason why they're doing it.
They think this is going to solve the problem. It's not. It's going to exacerbate the problem.
But when I see a woman preaching, you're not going to like this. When I say this on no -compromise radio,
I know you're not going to like it. But I say to myself, the same feeling
I receive when I see a transgendered person, this is wrong. I have that feeling.
I have that sense. I think that way. But then instead of feeling sorry, I feel mad, because it's defiance.
It's defying God's Word. You might say it's a trajectory hermeneutic. You might say we've progressed.
You might say she's a better teacher. You might say the men won't do it.
You might say a lot of things. And the only thing I can go back to is it is clear, crystal clear.
You can do your Gordon Fee hermeneutics all you'd like. I do not permit a woman to teach and exercise authority over a man.
And it's Jesus' church. If it's your church, you do what you want. Knock yourself out.
But this is Jesus' church. So, I have different feelings. I think the same way when
I see a transgendered person and a woman in a pulpit preaching to men. I think the same way. It's wrong.
But I feel differently. For the transgender, I feel sad, and I feel compassion. And for the men, and for then that lady who gets up to preach, the men who allow it,
I just think, you don't care what the Bible says. And I'll tell you what. When women preachers come in, there's something else that follows that into the gates of the kingdom.
And that is homosexuality. Because the same verses that you've got to get rid of with one, you use the same hermeneutic to get rid of the other ones.
It's all messed up. And so when I look at Christianity Today and I just see, oh, here's the teaching pastor, the main theologian interviewed is this liberal lady.
You've got taking a stand at colleges, special higher education section,
Christian colleges and students engage controversial issues and taking stands to pursue justice, written by Alicia Khan.
Baylor University with a bunch of corn there. Sorry, not corn, carrots. It's not just feeding families in Texas.
Evidence -based model to eliminate food insecurity for 17 million American households.
Hey, along with feminism that got into Christianity Today, guess what also comes along?
Engine meet caboose. Engine of feminism meets the caboose of social gospel.
It's awful. I mean, I look at the seminary grad school ad in the back, shows somebody,
I don't know. I don't know why they're showing me their backside. I think it's a guy with one half of his jeans showed from the waist area down.
Kind of, I don't know, is that a cool jean or something? I don't know. Are those lucky jeans? What kind of jeans are they?
I don't know. And then it says, is seminary grad school the next step?
Seminarygradschool .com, enter to win an Apple watch. Enter to win an
Apple watch. Well, I wonder who might have the testimonial section at the back.
We hear testimonies all the time from people. Who's given the testimony? Now, this is innocuous on some level,
I know. But it just so happens to be Kathy Lee Gifford, as told to Kate Shelnut.
If I look here at the front, I wonder who is leading such
Christianity today. Publisher, Tarumi Eccles. I don't know.
Editor, Mark Galley. Executive Editor, Andy Crouch. Managing Editor, Caitlin Beauty.
Who else here do we have? Designer, Sarah Gordon. Assistant Editor, Jenna DeWitt.
Assistant Editor, Mariah Franklin. Editorial Administrator, Rebecca Kuster.
Chief Film Critic, Alyssa Wilkinson. Contributing Editors, Ed Setzer and Sarah Eckhoff Zalstra.
I hope that's not her maiden name in there as well. Editors at large, Sarah Pullman Bailey.
Collin Hansen, John Kennedy. And the list goes on. I don't know.
But Founding Editor, Billy Graham. It was a different magazine. Carl F .H.
Henry, 56 to 68. It was a different magazine. Harold Lenzel, 68 to 78.
It was a different magazine. And now, in my opinion, of course.
It's just my opinion. As feminism has crept in and now all the ladies' articles and everything else.
I just don't need it. I don't want it. It does take up trees. I have to print these things.
And then I have to read them. The Problem with Happy Funerals. Mandarin Moments.
Reformation. It's still all about us. No, it's all about Jesus. Lutheran Reformed.
Justice Calling Book. Where Passion Meets Perseverance. We've got
Ladies Investing. I know.
Well, my name's Mike Aventroth. This is No Compromise Radio. I will say this. Men and women are equal in Christ Jesus.
Galatians Chapter 3 says that. And it's talking about salvific issues. There are men and women in Christ Jesus and we are equal.
We receive the same justification of Christ's righteousness. We are regenerated the exact same way. We receive the unilateral grace of God that's sovereign and distinguishing.
We receive the Holy Spirit the same way. By faith alone is the non -meritorious instrument of salvation.
And the list goes on. But since it's Jesus' church, then he picks and chooses things.
He picks the 12 apostles. And he picks whatever he wants, however he wants to do it.
And here's what Jesus said. He could say no preaching, just read the scripture. But he said read the scripture and preach. He's also said
I'd like to have elders who run the church, manage the church. And those elders should be one -woman men.
That's all. What about the ladies? It doesn't mean they're inferior. You just watch what goes on in the family dynamic behind the scenes at the
Aventroth household and you'll figure out who the inferior one is spiritually. But it does not matter when it comes to function.
God has declared it. And I'm not going to make the Bible say, you know what, I do allow these things. And I'm not going to go around saying, oh no, feminism hasn't crept into the church.
It's crept in everywhere, my friends. Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.