The Poop Stink Theory of Separating from Heretics (a response to Servus Christi)


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Welcome to a special edition of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. You'll note that we have the dumpster fire ship up today.
This is not exactly dumpster fire, but it's so close, yeah, there's practically no difference.
So what we're going to be doing today, I have been receiving criticism, criticism of all things, and accusing me of high crimes, the high crime of hypocrisy.
Yes, that's right. I'm being called out on the carpet by a fellow by the name of Josh Shav, otherwise known as Service Christy, as well as Moriel Ministries and Jacob Prash.
And all I can say to that is, not so good at all, no, no, not at all.
So we're going to take a look at the charges against me, the high crime of hypocrisy, and take a look at the nugget of the charges to see if they actually hold any water at all.
I'll provide a little bit of commentary, and let's try to have a little bit of fun along the way, which is what we do here at Fighting for the
Faith. So to make my point, we're going to head over to the
YouTube channel of Moriel Ministries because I wanted to include them in this answer, because two stones with one bird sounds like a really good thing to go after here.
But here is Josh Shav, otherwise known as Service Christy, on the Moriel TV YouTube, and they're calling me a hypocrite.
They're exposing my hypocrisy, and here's kind of the core of it, if you would.
We're saving you a lot of time, because the best way I could put it is that Josh Shav, listening to him drone on for an hour and ten minutes almost,
I have better things to do with my time, like watching paint dry and things like that. But here's the nugget of all this, and we'll take a look at the context, because yeah, that's right, context, context, context, come into play here as far as the charges that have been leveled against me in the court of public opinion.
So I mean, since this is where this is being tried, the crime of hypocrisy being tried in the court of public opinion,
I'm putting forward my own defense to save my name from being besmirched by the high crime of hypocrisy.
But here's Josh Shav to explain how I am a hypocrite.
It's interesting that from some critics and circles, I'm getting a lot of flack for speaking at that because of a alleged association with the
NAR, and he said, what's that? Yeah, I would be concerned about your speaking at it in order to lend credibility to the false revival of the
Toronto Airport Church. So Chris Rose. Now, a little bit of a note here, a little context.
That was me responding to something that Michael Brown said in conjunction with the fact that he is, he actually was going to, and now has already spoken at the 20th anniversary celebration of the
Toronto blessing. And that was my, my point was, is that by speaking there, he's lending credibility to all of that.
So service Christy, Josh Shav here in tandem with Jacob Prash and Moriel Ministries, they are calling me a hypocrite.
And here's the reason why. Rose makes a very valid critique.
He's concerned that Michael Brown would be lending credibility to them. How is he doing that?
By participating with them, by involving himself at their conference. Right.
This is the basis of Chris Roseboro's concern. And justifiably so.
You are lending credibility and extending the right hand of fellowship to people that you ought rather be rebuking.
So now I agree with him here, by the way, and we've noted on my podcast, as well as other venues, including our
YouTube channel, we've documented that while the reason why Michael Brown spoke there and is seen at conferences where Heidi Baker and other nefarious people like her are speaking is because he endorses them.
He actually has publicly endorsed Heidi Baker and others associated with the
Toronto blessing. That's why he speaks at their conferences. Chris Roseboro is rightly concerned.
But when I ask him about John MacArthur's affiliations and partnerships at various conferences...
Now catch that. When he asked me about John MacArthur, now see that's what this is all about.
This is about me not rebuking or correcting
John MacArthur. Just kind of let that sink in. That's what the core of this is.
And that's literally what communication I've had with Service Christi in the past.
And we'll take a look at the context, by the way. Context, context, context.
Important things for sound biblical exegesis and defending yourself in the court of public opinion against slanderous accusations like these.
But we'll get on with that. Let's take a look at his retelling of my conversation with him, because we'll note there's some data missing.
Yeah, we'll take a look at that in a minute. But again, the whole point here is that he's accusing me of hypocrisy because I'm not rebuking
John MacArthur and pointing out the same things about John MacArthur that I just pointed out in the video that he pointed to regarding Michael Brown.
So let's now listen to the rest. Multiple times a year with guys like John Piper, Chris Roseboro says here in this
Twitter exchange, 2 John 9 -13 does not require J.
Mac to decline. Did you notice here that he's just kind of jumped into the middle of a conversation?
Yeah, what's the context there, Service? Looking at Together for the Gospel. Or should
I call you Severus? For those that don't know, Together for the Gospel hosts many of the men that I just listed a moment ago.
Matt Chandler, David Platt, John Piper, Mark Dever, etc. I said, if three men there openly support
Rick Warren, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Carl Lentz, etc., do you not see something wrong with that?
All right, so note here the important words. If three men there openly support Rick Warren, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Carl Lentz, do you not see something wrong with that?
So note that John MacArthur speaking at a conference where somebody is there who supports
Rick Warren somehow makes him now endorsing Rick Warren and Beth Moore's theology.
We'll talk about this in a second, in detail here. Chris's response? No, I don't.
Conference does not equal church fellowship. Yeah, that's true, by the way.
I said, substantiate this. Is it okay to speak? No, I don't have to substantiate it. You have to.
If you think that a conference equals church fellowship, the burden of proof is on you to prove that, not me to disprove it.
Yeah, that's not how evidence works. So we're going to note here, I've already alluded to the fact that context, context, context is oh so important, and so we're going to do a little bit of work here.
We're going to begin with, well, Merriam -Webster's definition of hypocrite, so that we have a working definition, so that we know what the charge actually should be.
Definition of a hypocrite, and the one that is important is definition to a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.
So he's accusing me of acting contrary to the standard that I hold up for heretics, like Beth Moore, Michael Brown, and others, and not applying that same standard to Rick Warren, not
Rick Warren, but John MacArthur. Just so you know, that's what the charge is, and so we've got that worked out.
Let's go back in time to the 23rd of October, 2017. I posted on Twitter a link to an episode of Fighting for the
Faith, Beth Moore's Bizarre NAR Eschatology was the name of that episode.
And Service Christy, here's Josh Schaub, was Johnny on the spot to comment, and here's what he said.
John Piper spoke with Beth Moore at Passion 17 a couple of months later.
John MacArthur spoke with him at T4G. Hypocrisy, Rose, bro, be consistent.
So apparently, the hypocrisy charge came out then, and now he's put an hour and ten long minute
YouTube video, which again, it'll cure insomnia. If you are having a hard time sleeping at night, just hit play on that video, and you'll be out, and you'll probably need a
CPAP machine. You'll be so deep in sleep, you might die of apnea. But anyway, so he says, so John Piper spoke with Beth Moore at Passion 17 a couple of months later, and John MacArthur spoke with him at T4G.
And so here's what I said. The purpose of my reviews of Beth Moore's teaching is to warn people about her false teaching.
F4F is a teaching program. Now, my point in pointing that out is that if you listen to the program, my podcast,
I always make a point of saying that this program compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So in order for John MacArthur to make an appearance on a critique segment of Fighting for the
Faith, either on my radio program or on YouTube, that's going to require
John MacArthur to say something egregiously contrary to what
God's Word actually says. OK, so you're going to note there's a reason why
John MacArthur hasn't appeared in a critique segment of Fighting for the
Faith. I wonder what that would be. But OK, so here's the issue, is that he's accusing me of hypocrisy for not criticizing
John MacArthur because of his affiliation with John Piper and John Piper's affiliation with Beth Moore and Rick Warren.
So I pointed that out when I review Beth Moore. I compare her teaching to Scripture, and it has nothing to do with Piper or MacArthur.
And then I noted this, that claiming that MacArthur is guilty of Moore's errors because he didn't separate from Piper, who spoke with Moore, is absurdity.
That is exactly what I told Severus Christie when he had that exchange with me.
And I find it fascinating he omitted that in bringing the charges. But so then
I asked, what's next? Demonstrating that MacArthur is guilty of teaching dancing is a sin because of the six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.
I mean, that's kind of how you just have to ask that. So to help us out here, to demonstrate the error of the charges and to note something,
I have found Josh Shav to be basically like, well, the equivalent of a pimple on my posterior.
And I'm trying at the moment to kind of pop it because he's really just an annoyance and a nuisance.
And he clearly doesn't know how to think straight or even biblically when it comes to what
Scripture says regarding separation. So in order to help make the point, I have put together a derpy little graphic here.
We'll do a little whiteboard session. Maybe we can add some derpy music in the background.
Execute order derpy music. Dotty Exe. Ah, yes, there we go.
And here's what I call the poop stink theory of separating from heretics. This is developed by Josh Shav, also known as Service Chrissy.
So Josh Shav and I have something in common. We both agree that Beth Moore and Rick Warren teach false doctrine.
Yep. And so the little poop emoji here helps us understand that, well, that's an example of false doctrine, her false doctrine and Rick Warren's false doctrine.
Now, along comes John Piper and he goes to a conference where Beth Moore is speaking and he invites
Rick Warren to speak at one of his conferences. Therefore, John Piper now using the poop stink theory of separating from heretics is guilty of having the poop stink of Beth Moore and Rick Warren now on his being.
Now, note that John Piper doesn't teach Beth Moore's false doctrines and he doesn't teach
Rick Warren's false doctrines. But by appearing at the conference, the this is called guilt by association, by the way, he therefore has endorsed by his appearing both
Beth Moore's and Rick Warren's false teaching. Now, add to the mix. Now, John Piper, with Beth Moore and Rick Warren's poop stink on him, now shows up at T4G where John MacArthur is speaking.
And guess what? Yep, that's right. John MacArthur now has Beth Moore's and Rick Warren's poop stink on him.
And this is the equivalent of endorsing and promoting
Rick Warren's and Beth Moore's false teaching. Ergo, Rose Bros, a hypocrite for not rebuking
John MacArthur for promoting Rick Warren and Beth Moore's poop stink errors.
Okay, now do a little apples and oranges here because we're going to note something here. We'll call that a banana.
And let's take a look at a kiwi here. So on the other side of this, though, I have critiqued, well,
Michael Brown. Michael Brown is a fellow who not only teaches false doctrine, he's seen with heretics and actually has openly endorsed them.
So here is the context then of my video critique where I made those comments.
That the 20th anniversary of the so -called Toronto Blessing. And so here we've got the errors of Heidi Baker and the errors of Rodney Howard Brown, both via poop emoji.
And we're going to note something here that by speaking at the 20th anniversary of the Toronto Blessing, well, he literally was endorsing it.
I mean, seriously, I mean, if somebody were to say,
Rose, bro, we want to invite you to the the the the 50th anniversary of the
Tiananmen Square massacre, you'll be a you'll be an invitee of the Chinese government.
Would you come and be on the dais and let everybody know how important it was that the
Chinese government smashed those dissidents, you know, at the Tiananmen Square.
If I showed up and did that, I would be endorsing the massacre at Tiananmen Square by showing up at the 20th anniversary of the
Toronto Blessing and being in the same room as many of the heretics who who've been unleashed on the planet as a result of the so -called
Toronto Blessing. Michael Brown not only was tacitly, but also overtly endorsing the
Toronto Blessing and all of the heretics he was speaking with. And he being one of them, he also teaches many of the same false doctrines as them.
So you're going to know we got this is a Kiwi. And Josh Shaw is describing a banana.
That's right. A banana. So so in his way of thinking, then, so keep this in mind, is that by John MacArthur speaking at a conference with John Piper, that this is the same as John MacArthur speaking at those conferences with Beth Moore and Rick Warren.
You see, they're the same. There's there's there's Michael Brown and there's John MacArthur. So I'm I'm a hypocrite because I'm not critiquing
John MacArthur because you see, forget this intermediate state, the state of separation.
The fact that he's friends with and seen in public with John MacArthur makes him guilty of endorsing
Rick Warren and Beth Moore. All I can say is, is that the problem here is not me.
I'm not being hypocritical. The problem is that Josh Shaw is incapable of actually making like simple, logical distinctions and even biblical ones at that.
Let me explain. Primary text, Second John, the epistle of Second John, tells us about separating from deceivers.
Here's what it says. For many deceivers have gone into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
These are the Gnostics that he's writing against, by the way. Such a one is a deceiver and an antichrist.
So watch yourselves so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.
Everyone who goes ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. So if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting.
And by the way, house here is going to be a house church. That's where churches met. They met in people's homes.
When this was written, there were no church buildings. In fact, Christianity was a house church thing altogether.
So if anyone comes to you, does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting.
So which kind of begs the question, can you show me where John MacArthur is bringing to be the teachings of Beth Moore and Rick Warren?
You see, 2 John requires me to separate from people like Beth Moore and Rick Warren, which
I gladly separate from. I have no church fellowship with them at all, nor would
I ever. But see, the thing is, is that he's rebuking me, Josh Shav, for not rebuking
John MacArthur. You see, John MacArthur, oh, I just took his head off. Oh, what was I thinking? You see, the issue is that John MacArthur, he's been seen with Piper and Piper's been seen with Beth Moore and Rick Warren.
So there you go. And by the way, there's another text that we would take a look at, and that's found in Romans chapter 16, starting at verse 17,
Paul writing, I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles. Contrary to the doctrine that you've been taught, avoid them.
Such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive.
So again, you're going to note that the texts that talk about separating from false teachers, the question
I have is, you're accusing me of being a hypocrite because I haven't separated from John MacArthur.
Because you claim that John MacArthur is guilty of promoting Beth Moore and Rick Warren's heresies because he hasn't separated from John Piper.
See, the scriptures require me to separate from the one teaching the errors.
Yeah, that would be like Beth Moore and Rick Warren. Yeah, so I mean,
I'm sorry, but this is just insanity. You know, Josh, you need to wake up. You need to grow up.
You clearly do not know how to handle God's word, and your calling me a hypocrite is actually slanderous and sinful.
You need to repent. You're being nonsensical and naive, and you're refusing to make the actual distinctions that God's word makes regarding separation.
So saying I'm a hypocrite because I don't rebuke John MacArthur because you've accused him and found him guilty of promoting
Rick Warren and Beth Moore because of his association with John Piper, again, the issue is not me.
The issue is you. And there's a reason why I call it the poop stink theory of separating from heretics.
The reason why is because your theory is poop. You're not making sound biblical distinctions.
You're actually leveling false charges against me, and you're slandering me, which is sinful.
You're breaking the commandment that says, thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor. And you've borne false witness against me, as well as other men on this little pet topic of yours.
You need to repent because your claim that John MacArthur is guilty of promoting
Beth Moore and Rick Warren is absolutely false. And your claim that I'm a hypocrite for not rebuking him for promoting
Beth Moore and Rick Warren, again, totally false. The error here is on your part, not mine.
You need to repent. And start learning and adopting what scripture says regarding who we are to truly separate from and who we are to truly rebuke.
We are to rebuke and separate from those who are teaching false doctrine, not from those who have not abided by your poop stink theory of separating from heretics.
I think you get the point. So that's this installment of Dumpster Fire slash
Fighting for the Faith. Hope you found it helpful. And don't forget to subscribe below or ring the bell.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.