Blasphemous Breast Theology


Pastor Mike discusses an article by Parker Williamson from The Layman called Breast theology uplifted at Union seminary. The article details comments by Margaret R. Miles-a professor from this seminary that is connected with the Presbyterian Church (USA). She believes that the cross is inappropriate to represent God's love because it presents a violent act as salvific. Instead, she believes a lactating breast is a better symbol of God's love.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry, Mike, Michael Lee, a little tradition in our family where the father's first name becomes the son's, the first son's, middle name.
So, Michael Lee here, son of Lee, Lee Henry, who was the son of Henry something,
I don't know. And so, you probably guessed my son's middle name. But enough about me, let's talk about you.
What about you on No Compromise Radio? What would you like me to talk about in this year?
This is in real time, this is December 28th. In no -code time, this is probably January something.
And if you have a topic that you'd like me to address this year, I will try to do that. Email me at info at nocompromiseradio .com.
And what I'll try to do is if I've got the research already done, I'll try to do a show on it.
One of the reasons why if you email me and you have emailed me in the last few years and I haven't done a show on the topic that you've suggested,
A, I wrote to you in an email that said, here's a link that you could study yourself. Or sometimes
I don't do that, I should probably. Or I just don't have the information already done.
So after 20 -some years of teaching the Bible, many subjects I have collated, talked about, discussed, researched.
But some things I haven't. So I know some people want me to talk about theonomy. Well, I can just generally tell you about theonomy and what
I don't like about it. And then after that, that's a short show.
Stay away from theonomy. Well, you say, yeah, but theonomists are five -point
Calvinists. Well, that's good. Theonomists are presuppositional in their apologetics. Yeah, some are.
Anyway, so write me. And if I have stuff already on file,
I'd love to do a show. I want this to be a ministry. I want it to help. I want to encourage you. I've been so encouraged over the last few years with all kinds of emails, people swinging by, gifts sent.
That's especially my encouragement. Remember when the whole farcical love language thing came out?
Christian love language, pet love language. My wife always says her love language is receiving gifts.
And actually, for No Compromise listeners, I hope, I'm going to try my best. I don't want to make a promise.
I don't want to make an oath. I don't want to have a Nazarite vow or something. But I hope to have Kim Abendroth, my wife, sometime this year, and we can talk about ministry.
Maybe she can encourage some of the ladies out there. And she is a dynamite lady, and I think she'd be helpful.
She doesn't really want to come on No Compromise Radio. She never listens. I always say to my wife, why don't you listen to No Compromise Radio?
Maybe you could learn a few things. I tell her, why don't you read the books that I write? And she said,
I live with the book, meaning whatever my thoughts are and what we talk about. So I said, well, you'll read one of my books one day.
So actually, I'm close to signing a contract with someone that I can't tell you yet.
I don't even know if I can tell my wife. But the deal's not done until the deal's done.
That's what I like to say. Although I was very happy to receive in the mail from Harvest House Publishing a coffee mug that they sent to all their authors.
So I just thought, just imagine, Kay Arthur got one of these too. Now the book that I've contracted with for Harvest House won't be released until 2014.
But anyway, I got the mug. I said, it's a pretty nice mug. It wasn't as nice as my California Starbucks mug, but still pretty nice.
So what do I want to talk about today? Today is kind of still cleaning off my desk day, because it's the same day that I taped those other two shows.
I did want to read something that's just for, oh, you know what?
Don't forget Church at the Cross, February 1st through the 3rd in Pine Grove, California.
Church at the Cross, pg .com. I'll be there with my friends for a conference, a no -compromise conference, can you imagine?
February 1st and 2nd and 3rd. So go online, order. I don't know why
I'm laughing, but probably because I was going to say something that I thought, Mike, maybe you shouldn't say that. So if you ever do that to yourself, maybe
I shouldn't say that. You know, the little cloud in your mind, the iCloud, the real iCloud says, maybe you shouldn't say that.
Then just don't say it. Right? Just don't say it. My brother usually says that he and I are very similar, but I only say what he thinks.
But I think if you go to Omaha Bible Church and listen to some sermons by Pat Ebendroth, I think he pretty much says what's on his mind, too.
Don't you agree, you Omaha Bible Church listeners? So we need to get Pat Ebendroth on there, too.
This is a very, this is a family -oriented show, interviews of Kim Ebendroth, Pat Ebendroth.
And a while ago, I was cleaning out some of the stuff in my garage, which is a never -ending task, and I found a sermon that my other sibling had given back in 19,
I want to say, 78. And so I thought that was pretty amazing.
So I have two siblings, and Pat is a pastor, of course. He's gone to the
Master's Seminary, and he is now at Ligonier Academy for his DEMIN. And I have one other sibling, and she has preached.
I'm not kidding. We had this kind of funky thing. Probably some of you listeners have this at your church, where it's
Youth Sunday. And so they do the Scripture reading, they do the ushering, they take the offering, they lead the singing, they do the special music, they preach a sermon.
I remember when I got here to Bethlehem Bible Church, it's been so long ago, it was Bethlehem Baptist Church at the time, we were
Baptist General Conference at the time, and I think
I was approached. I was in charge of worship, and so that was part of my job description, I was responsible for it.
And then we also had a worship committee. So, see, I don't get that. I think if the pastor is responsible for worship on a Sunday, you don't have committees.
What would the committees do? Now maybe the pastor could use the committee to say, well, could you pick some songs regarding the cross and regarding my sermon title, and this is the theme.
I guess you could, it's not bad to have a worship committee. Yes, it is. If you're on the worship committee,
I don't know, I'd like to talk to you. But anyway, I say that, tongue -in -cheek or no, maybe that's a serious note.
So anyway, they said, well, this is Youth Sunday coming up, and so we just give, I think they might have said, you still get to preach, but we give this over to the youth and they do
X, Y, and Z. And I thought, you know, this is what we used to do back at our unregenerate Lutheran ELC, ELCA, ELC, LCA church.
This is what we used to do. And so that's what my sister did, where the youth takes care of everything and she actually preached a sermon, or what was entitled a sermon at the time.
I listened to the message and, you know, I'm not blasting my sister at all.
I think she's a neat lady and a wonderful mom and wife and aunt to my children, aunt.
Some of my kids call her aunt and some of my kids call her aunt. And since my mother is deceased, now
I think about my mom as I look at my sister kind of thing. You know, she has some of the same characteristics and traits and idiosyncratic behaviors.
So anyway, it was a moralistic thing that of course was delivered from the pulpit on a Sunday morning. She just did what she was told.
So three preachers in the family.
She doesn't preach anymore. So back at it.
I did pull this up because I was working on a book on masculinity, kind of a sequel to Wild at Heart, except a biblical sequel,
Evangelical Metrosexuality is the working title. And I just think about men's roles and women's roles, how we are different, uniquely different, and how
God designed it that way in a wonderful way, of course. Different is not bad.
Different is not wrong. Different is by design, to quote John MacArthur and his book, his paperback book, which actually is an excellent book.
This Sunday in real time, I'm preaching 1 Corinthians 16, verses 13 and 14, included in that five present imperative barrage, that fuselage, that veritable fuselage.
How's that for a word, Ted, that just popped into my mind? He says, act like men.
Play the man. It's where we get the word Andre, the name of a man,
Andre, like Andre the Giant. Just tough, not Anthropos, but root word Andre.
Be masculine. Now he's telling that to the entire church as well. He's actually telling the ladies that.
And you can just hear the echo of the Old Testament Septuagint, especially with be strong and courageous,
Joshua. Be strong and courageous, Deuteronomy. Be strong and courageous, over and over and over is the refrain in the
Old Testament. Be strong and courageous. And so instead of Corinthians, who should know better, instead of acting in a childish way, in an adolescent way, in a teenage way, in a baby way, they should act like men.
They should be mature. And as the men, the young men had the word influence them in 1
John chapter 2, they should be a church like that. So he tells the entire congregation, be manly, be courageous, be strong and of good courage.
And so I was thinking about that and pulled up this article. Now some of these words, I don't even know if I want to say them or not.
So I'll have to try to edit this the best I can. Parker Williamson wrote the article in The Layman, which
I think is completely hilarious, posted Thursday, February 18th, 2010.
And I will read the title, even though I'll probably not use the word anymore after that.
It's a word in the Bible, of course, and it's not R -rated or anything, but just in that whole context of the thing, it just drives me batty.
So much so that I'm going to have to take a drink of chai tea and ponder for a moment. You know, life is tough when
Pete's coffee's gone and you're drinking cold chai tea. What is this tea brand right here?
This is Twinnings. Is that Twitter or Twinnings?
I'm opening it up right now, Twinnings of London. And this is a cup of better tea.
I don't know, I've never been a tea guy. Better than nothing. We used to have people from the church over to our home here in Massachusetts and I'd say it'd be a night, a cold night and snowy night, a spooky night.
And I'd say, can I get you something to drink? We have tea. We have coffee. Um, excuse me. They would say, sometimes they didn't say, excuse me, but sometimes they would just say,
I don't drink hot liquids. I don't know who says that.
Do you say that? If you're listening today, do you say that to people? I don't drink hot liquids. I mean, if it's true, okay, it's true to each his own.
Liberty in Christ. Romans 15. Romans 14. 1 Corinthians 8. 1 Corinthians 9. 1 Corinthians 10. But to just say it like that, uh,
I don't drink hot liquids. Well, my dad would probably say you'll drink whatever I put in front of you, but we want to be nice to our guests, right?
It's K -love -ish. Lovey -dovey. Let all that you do be done in love. So we want to be nice to our guests, don't we?
Of course we do. Okay. So no compromise radio today.
Here's an article that pretty much makes me want to go crazy, and I will read the top title of the article and then the rest
I'm going to have to probably edit as we go. Parker Williamson, the layman. You want to know why
I'm laughing? All right. This is why. Here's the title of the article, Breast Theology Uplifted at Union Seminary.
Once honored for voicing substantive theology in the
Reformed tradition, Union Theological Seminary's 2010 Sprunt Lectures will feature a feminist speaker who favors replacing the cross with a lactating—I already said the word once.
Not that it's a bad word, but it just seems just wrong. The event will occur May 3rd through 5th on the seminary's
Richmond, Virginia campus. Union is one of the 11 seminaries that are officially related to the
Presbyterian Church, USA. So remember, if you're a Presbyterian, it doesn't mean they're all on Regenerate.
Of course there are PCA, and so you can get some good PCA churches, OPC, you can get some good
OPC churches. What are the other ones? There's all kinds of other ones, but those are the two more popular ones.
But if it's got the USA in it, maybe there'll be an exception because the pastor's manly, but nine times out of ten or more, you don't want to go to that church.
Well, here it says in this article, Sprunt Lecturer Margaret R. Miles—surprised she doesn't have a hyphenated last name—is a
Merita Professor of Historical Theology at Graduate Theological Union in the
Bastion of Conservative Theology, Berkeley, California, employing a title reminiscent of the denominationally sponsored—now here's a conference that if you ever hear about, you know you don't have to go to—Ligonier
No Compromise Conference. The lawsuit is pending with R .C., but he has class and taste in the name of a conference.
But here it's called Reimagining God Conference in 1993.
Miles' topic is Revisioning—yes, that's true—Revisioning Historical Theology.
Where's Truman when I need him? In God's Love Mother's Milk, a
January 2008 article that appeared in the Christian Century—that must be a real winner—Miles argued that the use of the cross to symbolize
God's love was a latecomer to church history. Okay, so the cross is a latecomer to church history.
Hmm, that's interesting. First Corinthians 118, for the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
Pretty amazing. Jews demand signs, Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach
Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles.
Stupidity to the sprunt lecturers, stumbling block to Jews, folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called—when you're effectually called both
Jew and Greek—Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men or women in this particular case.
So church history, let's re -envision it. That's a latecomer, cross, sadistic, brutal, vicious.
We got to get rid of that. You know what? I can just hear him today. That's contributing to violence in society.
That's contributing to gun use. I can just hear it, can't you? An earlier and presumably more persuasive symbol of God's love, she claims, was the virgin's breast.
Although theologians may have claimed that crucifixion scenes exhibited the extremity of God's love for humans, it was scenes of the child sucking at the breast that spoke to people on the basis of their earliest experience, she said.
Parker Williamson says this symbol was replaced by the cross. No, it says, argue
Miles, when patriarchal Western Europeans secularized this particular part of the female anatomy.
Whew, it's going downhill after here. Miles suggested that the cross is inappropriate as a symbol of God's love because, quote, it presents a violent act as salvific.
Huh, end quote. Kind of like, you know, you put the blood over the doorpost.
Kind of like that, that kind of, that violent thing.
Kind of like the Day of Atonement, Leviticus 16. Right, so, forget
Passover, I guess Exodus 12 is out. Leviticus 16, Day of Atonement, it's kind of out.
Pretty much every sacrifice is out. Pretty much all these offerings, they're out.
Remission of sins for forgiveness, out. See, this just shows you what happens when you will not bow to the
Word of God. And then you think you're wiser. You think you're smarter. You think you're higher.
When you don't come to the text with a Pauline -like attitude, remember he said in 1
Corinthians 2, I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The crucified
Jesus. You want signs? How's a crucified Jesus a sign,
Jewish person? You want wisdom, Greeks? You love wisdom?
How's this for wisdom? How's this for wisdom in your eye? Crucified Messiah. And I was with you in weakness, in fear, and much trembling.
When you see in fear and much trembling, the text is not saying Paul was shaking and Paul was having his knees knock and rattle and his bones were quivering and his teeth were chattering.
No, fear and trembling is a phrase used when you look at it in the New Testament of subordination and service.
Just look up in fear and trembling. He was sent. He reported to another.
He was under authority, a man under authority. That's the issue. And my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom.
Why? Because he was a man under authority and he had the message and he was told to go and give it. He says in chapter 2, verse 4 of 1
Corinthians, but it was in demonstration of the Spirit and in power. Why? That your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
See that's what's wrong with all this. Once you're above the text and you realize to yourself this is not the best way to do it, you think you're smarter than God and now you've got the new program.
Instead of saying I will bow to Scripture, I might not understand it, I might not even like it, but I will bow to what
God has clearly said. How disingenuous of this person. How full of fabrications and lies for an agenda of feminism.
I think this person needs to study real church history to see how the gospel of Christ Jesus and Paul himself liberated ladies.
You see how people were treated before the gospel came in. You just go to a place now that's dominated by another religion that says it's monotheistic and see how women are treated very regularly.
The article goes on, the equation of love, this is Myles again speaking, the equation of love with heroic violence and suffering is typically a male -centered perspective.
See, this leads to a conclusion that quote, the value of the nursing part of anatomy as a symbol of God's provision might need to be reconsidered in our own time.
In societies in which violence is rampant on the street and in the media, see, a nursing virgin can perhaps communicate
God's love to people in a way that a violent image, the image of one more sacrificial victim cannot.
And then, I guess Parker does this in the lay man.
She holds her bachelor's and master's from San Francisco State University, PhD from Graduate Theological Union.
These are her books. Where'd I order a book? Oh, here's a book title, Desire and Delight, a
New Reading of Augustine's Confessions. They carry that at Westminster Books or Monergism?
I don't think so. Carnal Knowing, Female Nakedness and Religion Meaning in the
Christian and Post -Christian West. I mean, please, let's just go back to the
B -I -B -L -E. That's what we need to do. And if you want to think that the resurrection of Jesus, like Rosemary Radford Ruther believes, is a, quote, myth created by males to assuage their own fear of death, end quote, you want to believe in sky gods, earth gods, human gods, great womb gods.
It is a free country, and I will support the right of people to believe whatever they want to believe.
But please don't call it Christianity. Don't call it biblical.
Don't throw out words like Jesus Christ until you give those syllables a definition commensurate with your blasphemy and your selfish, perverted, prideful, irreverent view of scriptures.
Just say, you're in charge, God is the womb god, and Jesus Christ is offensive to me.
And you know, here's the good news. I guess these people at least have enough common sense, our
Bible influence, to realize that the God of the Bible is a God who is just and holy, and He is to be approached in reverence, and when there is sin, there must be death.
Thankfully, we don't have to kill animals anymore. We have the Hebrew 9, Hebrews 10, once sufficient salvation that has been procured by Jesus Christ, the last sacrificial person.
And He wasn't a victim. He went to the cross on His own. He went to the cross, He was sent by the
Father gladly, and He went from the Father gladly.
And He's no victim. It was planned. And He committed His spirit into God's hand.
No human man ultimately killed Jesus, the resurrected King. And these people need to believe in such a
God and repent of this folly and blasphemy and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ of the
Bible. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.