Get Angry, Obey Christ

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
Alright, alright. Well, before we begin, let me just say this. If you have not considered doing so, please consider becoming a
Fight Laugh Feast Network club member. Use the show code ROBLES, that is R -O -B -L -E -S.
Use the show code ROBLES, that is R -O -B -L -E -S. It supports the channel, it supports me individually, and it supports the network, which
I'll guarantee you, the powers that be, the Big Eva people, they really don't want you to support us.
In fact, they think that if we accept people's support, you know, voluntary support, then that actually gives us evil motivations and evil intentions.
That's, of course, nonsense. We had that video earlier this week where Matt Hall implied that anyone who has a
Patreon account has nefarious motives, and you should watch out for that. That is an insult.
Well, he's attempting to insult me. I am not ashamed of having a Patreon account.
Obviously, that's stupid. But he's attempting to insult guys like me and John Harris and a few others.
But what is interesting about that criticism is he's also attempting to insult you if you support this channel, if you support my work individually, and all that kind of thing.
And it's just what elitists do. Elitists don't want you to be able to do with your money what you see fit.
They want you to do with your money what they see fit. And it's a very elitist kind of Big Eva type thing.
And so I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, if you support this network, or you even support just my work individually, thank you.
Thank you very much. We wouldn't be doing this stuff, if not for you. And so thank you very much for your support.
Thank you for your your encouragement, your prayers, and all of these kinds of things. Don't let those
Big Eva goons get to you like that. They've got their cushy salaries, they've got their cushy endowments and their tenure and all that kind of stuff.
And it just it really bothers them that that unwashed, uninitiated, uncredentialed people have the audacity to disagree with them on very major issues.
I find it quite pathetic. I know a lot of you guys find it very pathetic as well. But let me just say this, if you feel insulted by Matthew Hall, let me just say this.
God bless you. God bless you. And thank you for your support. Now, before we begin the real content,
I actually recorded this video once before and then I I kind of got lost in my train of thought.
And so I have to redo it. But it was so adorable. My son, my six year old came in and interrupted me.
And he gave me a card in the middle of my recording. I had it on video, but whatever. So I'll redo it.
But the card is amazing. So he just to dad. All right to dad. And look at the quality of this.
I mean, I'm pretty sure you can tell who that is. I don't have to tell you that's Super Mario. And it says have a plumbing day.
I'm not entirely sure what a plumbing day last time he did a card like this. It said have an eating day.
And now this one's having a plumbing day. And so I just wanted to show that off.
My son is a very good artist. Anyway. So yeah, let's jump into this today. Because this is a topic
I've addressed before, but I've been thinking about it again, just because of all the angst that I see on social media, there's a lot of anxiety, a lot of anger, a lot of angst.
I think some of it is totally justified. But I want to caution everybody who's feeling some of that anxiety and angst and anger and all that kind of stuff to not stay there.
Because I think that's the intention. They want everyone all uppity and all up in each other's throats and stuff like that.
And I just want to caution for the Christian that righteous anger is totally legitimate and it's there, but it's got to be followed by godly action, love and action, right?
The law of God is the law of love. And so we've got responsibilities as individuals, we've got responsibilities to our families and to our churches and all of that kind of thing.
And so I just want to make sure you keep your focus on the right place. I used to be a big reader of Drudge Report, right?
And Drudge Report is very similar in many ways to some of the Q stuff in the sense that Drudge would be just fine with you just eating up his headlines and clicking all the links and all that kind of stuff.
And you get all uppity and all scared and angry and frustrated and stuff like that. But you never actually do anything about it.
You just wait for others to do something. There's no solutions with an approach like that.
And the Q people, I'm not anti -Q people, I'm not saying that. But one of the things that I thought was dangerous about Q at the time was that it had this idea of the
Calvary's coming, the Calvary's coming, the Calvary's coming. And while it was never explicitly stated, don't do anything yourself, it's a strong temptation to not do anything yourself because the
Calvary's coming. I think that temptation is there with some views of eschatology as well. I'm not saying that you have to have this and you have to be doing this because there's plenty of people that really liked
Q that were still acting in their own lives and stuff like that. But if you're like me, there's always a temptation to think a lot and don't dedicate a lot of energy to big issues that you have no control over and neglect the small things that you do have control over.
I'll give you a perfect example. So the other day, I gabbed this. I said, do you trust the banking system in your country?
If no, what are you doing to protect yourself? See, the second part is so key.
I don't trust the banking system in our country. I think the Federal Reserve was set up intentionally to be a scam and it's being operated as a scam.
Not only that, I think it is objectively an evil system. I think that the
Bible explains that unequal weights and measures, in other words, that's their money, weights and measures.
That's an abomination. God hates that. He hates when people mess with the worth of things through nefarious means and through diluting the content of the metals and stuff.
He hates that. He hates it. He says it again and again and again in his scripture.
In fact, economic things like that happen. The pagans are implementing and stuff like that.
These are curses from God, right? God has cursed a nation who has turned its back on him with economic sanctions, with economic problems, with economic turmoil and tribulations and things like that.
I can make the case, and I think I can make it very successfully, that the Federal Reserve system in the
United States is pagan, it is wicked, and it is a curse from God. Now, I do a lot of research about the
Federal Reserve. I know a lot about the system. I know a lot about the scam. I've seen some crazy wild videos about how great the
Federal Reserve is, and it's just so evil, right? But I could just sit there all day and just wring my hands.
I'm like, oh, this is stupid Jerome Powell. I hate him. Stuff like that.
It's like, and it'd be true, right? These guys are liars. Ben Bernanke, I used to get called
Ben Bernanke. Someone said I used to look like him. Anyway, if you remember before the financial crisis of 2008, he said there was no crisis.
Everything was contained. It wasn't going to spread anywhere. It wasn't going to be a big deal. And of course, he was wrong about that.
Now, you might be saying, well, maybe he was just wrong. He just didn't know. But then later, it came out that he was actually not telling the truth.
He said he was acting, he was trying to maintain positivity for the administration. He looked at himself as a member of the administration.
He was trying to spin a narrative. He admitted that he was not giving you the whole truth. And so it's like, yeah, these guys are liars, right?
The Federal Reserve's banks and their chairman, they're liars.
And so, okay, I could wring my hands. I can get real frustrated. And I have before. If you're like me, maybe you have as well.
But what am I going to do about it, right? I can't change the system of the pagans, right?
I can't do it. The only thing I can do is preach the gospel and insist that they go by God's law instead of whatever the heck they want to do, insist that they turn from their sins.
But I have no expectation that they're going to do it. They owe me nothing, right? The Federal Reserve Bank, I know that they're screwing with the country on purpose.
I know that they're benefiting their friends on purpose and hurting the little guy on purpose. I know all these things.
But what am I going to do about it? And there are things you can do about it, right?
There are different people that do different things. I've known people that have built wealth through real estate, right?
Because they bet that there was going to be massive inflation and they were right.
So they're actually making out like bandits with cheap money loans with an asset that appreciates in value because of inflation.
I know people that, in fact, I got a new friend here in New Hampshire, at least an internet friend, but he lives in New Hampshire.
He's got a channel called Yankee Stacking. Shout out to Yankee Stacking. Check out his channel. It's about gold and silver and stacking gold and silver.
That's a way that a lot of people do this. They try to defend themselves. They try to have assets and income and things like that outside of the banking system, right?
They become their own bank. There's people that keep lots of cash outside of the banking system because, again, the banking system is run as a scam.
They will do anything. If there's an issue, they'll make it so you can't withdraw a lot of money from your bank.
They have no scruples, guys. Just look at the scandals that happen.
JP Morgan and Wells Fargo, these people don't have scruples. So a lot of people defend themselves with gold and silver to try to maintain some kind of a fund that they can start over if they needed to outside of the banking system.
What are you doing to defend yourself? Some people have said that they're doing this with Bitcoin, right?
They think that Bitcoin, it's outside of the financial system, at least the normal financial system, and they have that as sort of their emergency fund where if they had to start over again outside of the scam banking system, they'd be able to.
I'm not convinced about that, but people are doing that. So I'm not telling you what to do here, but what I'm saying is if you're like me and you hate the
Federal Reserve System and you think it's a scam and you think it's a curse from God, then there's things that you know for sure is that it cannot last, right?
God will not allow it to last. He gives us this curse and it will collapse in on itself.
And even if you're not a Christian, you can do the math yourself and you can know that the Federal Reserve System cannot maintain itself.
It cannot last. And here's a fact. If something can't last, it won't. And so if you're a
Christian and you know that the Federal Reserve System is evil and you know that Christ is putting all of his enemies under his feet, then you need to take steps to defend yourself and you accept that.
Okay, I live in a pagan nation that has a pagan banking system. I can't change it, but I can defend myself.
So come up with a strategy to defend yourself from the pagan banking system. You know, there's another gap that I put out here.
This is another way that this works itself out. I see people getting all angsty about the public school system, right?
And, you know, man, the public school system, you know, just teaching people about being LGBT. It's teaching people that white people are evil.
And it's like, yeah, it is doing those things. And I hate that, right? I remember learning all kinds of evil stuff in public school.
And at the time, I didn't know it was evil because I just accepted it. But now looking back, I'm like, wow, that was pretty jacked up what they were teaching me.
And it's like, okay, so we can wring our hands and try to change the Board of Education in New York City, right?
But chances are, if you don't live in New York, or even if you did live in New York City, you couldn't do that.
It's just too big. The pagans gone peg, right? We understand that, that the pagans are going to reject every single thing that Christ has commanded.
We know this. So what are you doing about it? What are you doing about it?
I gabbed this yesterday and a lot of people said, well, we're homeschooling. That's a very good option, right? It's not for everybody, but it's a very good option.
Some people were saying, well, we've got them in a Christian school, a private school, and all that kind of stuff.
Like the thing is, like, if you don't trust the public school system, you understand that pagan school systems are going to teach pagan stuff, then do something about it.
Don't just sit there, get all angsty and wring your hands and angry and stuff. It's infuriating that little kids are being taught how to be
LGBT in public school. That's, that's really upsetting. But don't just stay there in that angst and anxiety.
You gotta take action. I know a lot of people get all angsty about universal basic income, right?
And we understand, we can see how lots of policies fit together and they're going to bring us this universal basic income.
A lot of guys say that universal basic income's already here. And I tend to agree with them. We have a form of universal basic income already.
And so it's like, people get all uppity. And I understand it's evil. The government has set up a system, a financial system that creates poverty.
It widens the wealth gaps intentionally through fake scams and low interest rates that aren't real.
They're just completely fabricated and free money and stuff like that. Corporate welfare, they do it all and it's all very frustrating, right?
But we know that they're doing it. They're trying to create more wards of the state. So you know that this is coming.
You know that the universal basic income is coming. So the question is, what are you doing about it?
How are you going to defend yourself? How are you going set up your family to survive it, but maybe even benefit from this evil system that is coming?
I'm not saying through nefarious means. I'm saying through godly means. That's the key. Because God gives us our plays.
He gives us our playbook. He gives us our marching orders. We got to obey him before anything else.
You know, one of the other things that people have noticed as well, and I'm sorry, this is kind of all over the place, but I just want to address all the anxiety, all the angst that I'm seeing amongst people.
One of the things that people have been bringing up is just like, it certainly seems like the powers that be are trying to ratchet up the conflict, right?
There's more violence today than there was yesterday. And it certainly seems like businesses and justices and judges and even juries, they're attempting to appease a violent mob through appeasing them, like doing what they say, right?
Maybe they'll stop being violent. I heard someone on Fox News had said that he was happy with the
Chauvin verdict, not so much because he thinks Chauvin is guilty or innocent, but more because it's going to make it calmer in the
United States, right? And it's like, that's crazy. That's a crazy mindset. But I think a lot of people have that mindset, right?
Where it's like, oh yeah, well, we just want to do things to keep the peace, right? But we know that pagans, that violent people, if you show them that violence works, will continue to be violent and they'll ratchet up the violence.
And so here's the thing, you could get all angsty about that. Oh gosh, we're just, you know, like all that kind of stuff.
Or you can take steps to defend yourself. Like if you live in a city, move out of that city. You know what
I mean? Defend yourself, defend your family. If you live in a place that allows it, get a firearm.
And if you don't live in a place that allows it, move to a place that allows it, start carrying, start packing. You know what
I'm saying? Like defend yourself. You've got a responsibility before God to defend your family.
So do it. You know what I mean? Like, what are you doing about it? Instead of wringing your hands all day, what are you doing about it?
I'm not saying that there's no place for anger. There is a place for anger, but we've got to have godly action as well.
I saw a great, if you're not subscribed to the It's Good to Be a Man newsletter, there was a great one this past weekend about the concept of wage slavery and stuff like that.
And you know, the reality is that, you know, wage slavery is not, like some people say that that's, if you work for another person, if you have an employer, then you're a wage slave.
The only way you're not a wage slave is if you work for yourself. And that's not true, necessarily. That's not true.
Wage slavery is more about a mindset of your own actions, right? It's not really who you work for or how you work.
Like you could run a business and be a wage slave in a sense, because if you make a certain amount of money and you spend it all every time you get it, and you don't set aside anything to build wealth, you don't set aside anything for a rainy day or anything like that, then you are constantly in that state of slavery.
You just kind of have, you're living hand to mouth, like you're not doing anything to free you from that, right?
It's not really about working for a corporation or working for yourself. It's more about that mindset of your own actions.
And so if you're working for yourself, but you live paycheck to paycheck, that's a problem too.
That's something that you need to seek to rectify, right? Like there's nothing wrong with going to Starbucks. There's nothing wrong with going to the bar to have a few drinks.
There's nothing wrong with going on vacation. But if you're doing these things and you don't really have the money for it, and like you just kind of live paycheck to paycheck to accomplish it, or even worse, you're like going into debt to go on vacation or something like that, that's a big problem.
That's a slave mindset. And I would suggest doing something about that, right? And it's not going to be easy to change.
It's not like you're changing this overnight. It's just going to take habit building and prayer and God to empower me to treat my income as an opportunity, right?
And as an opportunity to get a return. These are things that wisdom dictates, right? We've got lots of verses about this.
This is something that we know from the scripture is what wise men do. And we want to be wise, right? We want to be wise.
And so it's like, I don't know. The whole purpose of this video, guys, is that we need to focus on what the
Lord has commanded us to do. The God of the universe is in control.
He's our fortress. He's our strength. He's our defense. And one of the ways that He does these things is that He tells us what's good.
He tells us what's right. He tells us how to protect ourselves. And then
He also is on our side. He's our defense. He's our fortress. He's our all of these things.
And He does a lot of these things through the word of God, through the law of God. He tells us how to do these things.
And I think that we need to really focus on that. And it's okay to look into these big geopolitical things and these machinations of the pagans and stuff like that and get all frustrated, but it can't stop there.
I just worry sometimes that... And the reason why I worry about this is not because I'm saying I worry about you guys, but I know that I do this.
I have a tendency of focusing on these big things that I have no control over instead of focusing on myself.
Instead of focusing on what God has required of me. And so it's like, if I feel that way, maybe you do too.
I'm not saying you definitely do, but maybe you do too. So maybe you can find this helpful. Milo Yiannopoulos gabbed this earlier this week, and I thought this was interesting, because I had a response to it.
I wasn't trying to Jesus -juke him, but this is the response. He says, what are we supposed to do in a world where literally everyone who promised to protect us has abandoned and betrayed us?
This is a common theme in the Scripture. And Milo, it sounds like he's kind of rediscovering his faith.
I don't know. I don't know a lot about the guy. You know what I mean? I don't. But this is a common theme in the
Bible. David often talks about how everyone's betrayed him and people have turned their back on him and stuff like that.
And what is his response again and again and again? Where does he end up? Where does he end up?
He ends up here every time. This is King David, right? The man after God's own heart. Blessed be the
Lord, my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight, my goodness, my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield, in he in whom
I trust, who subdueth my people under me. I love this, because it's admitting that God is my goodness.
God is my fortress. He's my deliverer. He's my shield. But what does
God do? This is the key, right? This is the key. It's pray to God.
God, help me. God, be on my side the way you've promised to be, Lord. God, my life is in your hands and all that stuff.
But there's action here. How does God do this? It says it in this verse. He teaches my hands for war and my fingers to fight.
God teaches his people how to defend themselves. It's in the
Proverbs. It's in the law of God. There's many examples in the Old Testament. There's many examples in the
New Testament. And so while we pray to God and we say, God, deliver us from these pagans, they're like screwing the entire system up.
They're trying to do everything to their advantage and they're trying to—and you get all uppity, right?
But understand that when you pray that, God has answered that prayer.
God will answer that prayer. And he has told his people. He has trained them for war.
He has—what is it ?—teaches my hands for war and my fingers to fight.
He's giving you what to do. And so you need to take steps in order to do it. Look at yourself and focus on yourself and your immediate sphere of influence more than you focus on these big machinations.
I can't control the Thermal Reserve. Neither can you. But you can take steps to defend yourself from their schemes because their schemes are many.
And it just takes a little work to set yourself up to not feel the pain and the downfall of those schemes when they come crashing down.
And they will because they have to. Ultimately, here's the result.
God will defend you. God will protect you. But the duty of man is to fear him and keep his commandments.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the
Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. Oh yeah, and don't forget to have a plumbing day.