Smooth ADvice for The Reformed Pub

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Some unsolicited and very smooth advice for the Reformed Pub


Hey there, smooth AD here. Hold on a second. Let me just take a sip of my macchiatto.
Just wanted to be a help today. I'm a helpful guy. You may not know me, but Smooth AD is not only very smooth, but he's also very helpful.
That's what he wants to do. He just wants, he's just here to help. That's all. Just here to help. I want to talk about this
Reform Pub policy. It's a very interesting one, and I don't know if it's gonna really turn out quite the way the administrators of the group think it will.
Let me just read to you the announcement, and then I'll tell you what my take on it is, and give you a little bit of advice.
It says this. It says, Pubsters, there are a number of topics that the administrators of the pub have decided are not fruitful for conversation in the
Reform Pub. Although we recognize that, Doug Wilson is a figure that exists within the orbits of Reform Theology for a variety of reasons.
We have observed that threads related to him are not productive in our group.
For this reason and many others, we have decided to references to Doug Wilson are deleted. Although this does not by definition extend to those in his circles, his family, his
CREC, churches, and pastors, and other associates. We sometimes delete those as well.
Thank you for your cooperation and compliance. If you have any questions, please reach out to an admin.
Well, I for one have a lot of questions, but I don't really care enough to reach out to an admin if you know what
I mean. I'm too smooth for that. But here's the thing guys. My advice to you, and you know anyone who's watching this, is you need to understand how the internet works.
This is not how the internet works. Let's just say for a second that we believe them, and that they think that Doug Wilson and anything related to Doug Wilson could potentially be unfruitful.
The way to do it, the way to stop people from from taking him seriously, is not to censor him, baby.
That's not how it works. That's not how it works. You ever heard of something a little something called the Streisand effect?
Yeah, the Streisand effect. This is a phenomenon that is very, very important to understand on the internet.
Especially if you have something out there that you don't want people to see. Well, the worst thing you can do if you don't want someone to see something on the internet is to try to censor it, baby.
All it does is drive more attention to it, and it makes it more like that forbidden knowledge.
Everybody wants a little forbidden knowledge, you know what I mean, baby? When you make something a topic that you cannot discuss, people just want to look into it more.
People have a tendency to just assume that you're trying to hide something good from them. That's just the way people are, baby.
I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's right, but it's just the way people are. You need to understand that, baby.
So if you really thought that Doug Wilson was the, let's just say, the the bad boy of the reform circle, then people would be naughty to listen to him.
The worst thing you can do is to censor him and to censor his topic. You see, every single time someone comes into the reform pub now, they may have a question or two about something
Doug Wilson said, and they're gonna post it. And then they're gonna get their post deleted, and they're gonna wonder, why, baby?
I didn't do anything wrong. I just want to know. I just want to know what Doug Wilson is saying here.
Is it right, or is it wrong? And people have a tendency that if it's censored to think that there might be something to it.
And so this is just a little advice. You know, I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to overstep my bounds here. I'm not trying to take someone's job away from them.
You know, it's not a church. The reform pub admits it's not a church. It's not like we need to excommunicate people, baby.
See, the church can do that kind of stuff. It's different for the church, right? And we've got elders, and they're an authority over us, and all that kind of stuff, and we're in submission unto them.
But the reform pub is not a church, baby. When you censor things in a
Facebook group, of all things a Facebook group, come on now. People start to think, hmm, maybe he's onto something.
Now, I have no problem with that, because I happen to think Doug Wilson is just as smooth as I am.
But I'm just saying, I'm just trying to be helpful here. This is Smooth AD's job.
It's just to be helpful. You got to worry about that Streisand effect, baby. You can't censor things without more attention being drawn to it.
It's just not how it works. This is the mistake that YouTube is making. This is the mistake that Facebook is making.
When you make Donald Trump and his associates forbidden fruit, people are more interested in it, baby.
That's just the way the world works. You just got to accept it. You got to play by the rules. That's just how it is, baby.
Anyway, I hope this was smooth for you. And we're going to talk about this one more time with a regular
AD coming at you. But this has been Smooth AD with his take on the reform pub policy.
Have a good day. Make some more of this macchiato. Ooh, that's smooth.