The New Secular Religion
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- 00:00
- Whether people admit it or not, there will be, say there is, but there will be an official religion sanctioned by the state.
- 00:11
- It's unavoidable. They might not even call it a religion, but you can't get around this.
- 00:17
- There will always be an official state sanctioned religion. Think about it.
- 00:24
- If the Christian ethic is rejected in the United States, which it has been clearly, something has to take its place.
- 00:35
- What has taken its place? Well, we see social justice, kind of the woke, a multicultural, secular,
- 00:43
- I don't care what you call it, but it's the secular religion. And although they may deny that it is a religion, make no mistake about it.
- 00:53
- The people are devout in their adherence to it. I would argue that they're more devout than your average evangelical is devout to their faith.
- 01:04
- At least that's the way it seems. Just consider the so -called secularists.
- 01:11
- They have their own creation story with the big bang in evolution.
- 01:16
- They have their own eschatology, their view of the end of the world with climate change.
- 01:22
- They have their belief system and they are devout and they are willing to proselytize, meaning they want to convert everybody to their way of thinking.
- 01:34
- And when someone disagrees, they have their own version of the inquisition.
- 01:39
- It's called cancel culture. So you can say it's not a religion, it absolutely is.
- 01:45
- It's a belief system. You can't avoid that. So don't be fooled.
- 01:51
- Every nation has to have an ideology. Every nation has to have a set of beliefs.