Matt Slick Bible Study - Roman Catholicism - 5/31/17




Here yeah, let's do that one. Yeah, it does it just sounds so distant
Yeah, good try but You can carry it around oh, hey, that's not you don't want doing that, but I will good idea
All right test one two we go How's that work you can hear me okay over to here
Testing one two three four five that's weird the update once you did the update
You know what I have an idea Oh Let's try it okay, so give it a sec we're gonna come through here because I can still hear it
Okay, I'm still here I'm still hearing So crappy
I Turn the speaker all the way down all the way down.
Oh, no, you're gonna have it for the feed. Don't you? You know I would have me to go down here
Yeah Now that we can find somebody on there and see can you hear us?
Okay, and whatever Now you put it back up. Let's see if you can take a bit I Don't hear anything in here
All right
Okay Okay, all right you want to start over or just let you all know that we've got 15 minutes of crap
All right, so they can see the screen, okay, mm -hmm all right, let's get into it all right
When we're ready let me know We're live ready to go all right,
I'm gonna pray just jump right in sorry for the technical problems How far even mark what time it is and just say at whatever this is right now.
I'm saying we can put that up there Sorry, I think I can edit it out later, too.
Anyway Let's just jump right in I'll pray sorry for the 45 minute delay
We had a lot of technical difficulties and some issues. That's what happens sometimes Lord Jesus we thank you for the time that you've given us and ask
Lord that you would bless it as we seek to expose the heresies allies of a false church known as a
Roman Catholic Church just ask what you'd bless us and Let people see the truth of who you are with the
Word of God really says and Lord We just ask that you bless this time even though you obviously had problems
We just ask you bless it. Anyway, yes, it's in your name Jesus. I'm in All right, so let's get right in jump right in since we're late
Roman Catholic Church claims to be the only true church It claims to have an unbroken history of apostolic succession dating back to Peter I can make claims but making claims doesn't mean it's true
They can claim it doesn't make all kinds of claims and even if it were true. So what?
Who cares? Even if they could do something like that doesn't mean and it's it's uh, it's good
And if they go to the Bible to support their view Well, then why would they do that if traditions equal to the
Bible if they're going to the Bible to support their view about the Tradition and they're saying the Bible is superior to their tradition
But nevertheless catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 870 the sole Church of Christ which in the creed we profess to be one holy
Catholic and apostolic subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the
Bishops in communion with him. That's what they said Roman Catholic Church Claims to be both to represent
Jesus and to properly convey to the world the true biblical teachings concerning faith and morals So the church itself claims to be the final authority on faith and morals
In session 4 in of Trent's decree concerning the addition and the use of the sacred books
Quote no one relying on his own skill shall in matters of faith and of morals
Presume to interpret the said sacred scripture contrary to the sense which
Holy Mother Church hath held and doth hold So in other words, this was really interesting You are not allowed to interpret the
Word of God apart with the Catholic Church tells you it means So if it says something you cannot interpret it and it means in any way contrary to the
Catholic Church Then how would you know if the Catholic Church is true or not? because if it says you can't look at the
Word of God on your own and You can only trust what they say and there's no way to know if they're wrong
Because you can't go to the word on your own so what they're doing is stopping people from being able to do exactly what the
Bible says to do in Acts 17 11 to You know Paul said that the
Marines were born noble -minded Peter said because they were Because they were comparing even what he was saying against the
Word of God Acts 17 11. He said good So in other words, he's saying do that In fact
Romans 14 5 it says let each man be fully convinced in his own mind And what they worship and eating and things like that if the principle is true
They're supposed to submit to the one true Church and it's of complete authority And why would Paul say so it's a good thing for people to check even what he said against the
Word of God It implies that they can look at and judge the truth from the word. That's the
What it says the Catholic Church is simply wrong Roman Catholic Church uses the
Bible and its sacred tradition in order to communicate what it says is God's truth this is a
Catholic Catechism paragraph 82 the church to whom the transmission and Interpretation of Revelation is entrusted does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the
Holy Scriptures alone both scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence
Now this is what's really interesting I've asked questions to Roman Catholics. So sacred tradition.
Well, how does that work? What is sacred tradition and nobody can tell me? What is it is?
one Bishop one priest in the Vatican walking down the halls and said hey, did you hear what?
So as Peter said to Paul on this one day about Mary. No, what what do you say? I need to repeat it and that becomes that sacred tradition.
What is it? Where is it? Is it by word of mouth only is it written down? Where and why is it all of a sudden new sacred traditions are developing?
It was a tradition from the Apostles How can it be new it doesn't make any sense And when
I ask Catholics about this they don't have an answer They don't have an answer except I've had one
Catholic say well the Holy Spirit Moves in their hearts to be enlightened to understand sacred tradition
Like really and how would you know your sacred tradition tells you that the
Bible certainly doesn't tell you that But then they'll go to the Bible and they'll cite we'll get we'll get to that a little bit here
Now it says to claim to have the magisterium which is the body of bishops and that it exercises this and it's infallible teaching authority
Wow the catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2051 the infallibility of the magisterium of the pastors extends to all the elements of doctrine including
Moral doctrine without which the saving truths of the faith cannot be preserved expanded or observed
Now notice what this says this is heresy The infallibility of the magisterium their popes their bishops their teaching authority without that Without that which the saving truths of the faith cannot be preserved
Now if you hold a Bible in your hand is the sacred truths of salvation preserved in the
Bible Yes, you know what you can do is read it and what Catholics will do to me
Sometimes and say you don't have the authority to interpret Scripture I'll say really I don't know you don't have the authority to I go to John 3 1135 and Lazarus died
Jesus is there and Jesus wept. It says Jesus wept and I said could you interpret that for me? What does it mean?
I said I'm gonna interpret it. I think what it means is that Jesus wept I think he was crying.
I'm hearing it now. Just turning it up. Yeah So It's really distracting too much
Wow, right now it's getting louder. Okay now it's going down good
No, it's still hear me. I don't want to hear me. Who wants to hear me? Okay, now it's good almost now.
It's just make it up wherever it was Yeah, that's good really hear me now, where was
I? Oh, yeah, so John 1135 and They don't want to interpret it. See wait a minute.
You mean you can't just read it for what it says There's no interpretation necessary. Just read what it says.
That's it Why do you have to have some authority to interpret it what I've done with Roman Catholics before that trick them?
I will get some Jehovah's Witness quotes and Where it talks about that their teaching authority is you can't interpret the
Bible apart from what it says Now I'll leave out one or two words that let's know it's the watchtower and just say you know
This organization this this, you know, earthly church whatever and our Catholics go. Yeah, that's true
Yes at the cap. That's what the Roman. I mean the Jehovah's Witnesses teach the same thing anyway
If anyone sayeth that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified by this faith alone
Let him be anathema. This is why this is important because this is what the Catholic Church is teaching it has the
Authority the sole authority to interpret Scripture and it says if anyone says that you're absolved from your sins by faith alone
Let him be anathema the word anathema means cursed So they are cursing the idea of justification alone in faith alone in Christ alone
They also teach such stuff as this is fundamentals of Catholic dogma page 213,
I believe that's ought OTT Which has a neolobe stop and the imprimatur which means it's official nothing in it
Goes against Catholic teaching Mary by her spiritual entering into the sacrifice of divine
Son for men made atonement for the sins of man We would call that heresy damnable heresy
Now they has in the quote day can grew on which we can get into congruent merit Condign merits mother stuff.
How about this one second Vatican Council page 63? Sins must be expiated that means to be removed taken care of this may be done on earth
And on this earth through the sorrows miseries and trials of this life and above all through death Otherwise the expiation must be made in the next life through fire and torments or purifying punishments
To get rid of your sins now For any of us who read the
Bible and believe it right now Obviously the Roman Catholic Church is false. It's fishing a false gospel
Just that fast we're done. I should say we're done. Let's just go home didn't take but five minutes read you some of their stuff
It's heretical. It's a damnable heresy that they're teaching and I'm gonna say it again. It's damnable heresy
The Roman Catholic Church is the greatest gate of damnation on the planet of any religious system Including Islam and only because it has more members in it than Islam does
I Am firmly convinced of that How about this it also says stuff like this in every circumstance each one of us should hope with the grace of God to Persevere to the end and to obtain the joy of heaven as God's eternal reward
For the good works accomplished with the grace of Christ. So now heaven is the reward of you doing good works with God's grace
Now what they're gonna do is they're gonna say but it's God's grace working in you so it's by him. Oh, you know, stop it
You know, we can go to Galatians 3 1 you foolish Galatians who's bewitched you to think that that which has been begun by the
Spirit can be perfected in the flesh Are you doing in the flesh what you what
God has done and begun with you and you're gonna perfect it You're gonna work it out Roman Catholic Church is false.
Now if you're Roman Catholic, you got to understand something if you're listening, you're Roman Catholic You gotta understand something I'm not against you individually, but I am wholeheartedly convinced the
Roman Catholic Church is wrong, it's apostate it's false and My disdain for its teachings is because of my love for the truth of the
Word of God So when you see me get upset and get angry at this it's because I firmly believe that those who are entrenched in the lies of the
Catholic system are being deceived by it and As the Bible says as Jesus says
I forgot where in the Gospels when the blind lead the blind Both fall into the pit and perish
And that's what I believe is happening here Paragraph 2010 another example of some of the heresy moved by the
Holy Spirit and by charity We can then merit for ourselves and for others the grace is needed for our sanctification
Now why does it say that because grace in Roman Catholicism is like a substance think of it as a substance
That can be infused and it actually uses the word infusion Can be infused at the word
The grace can be infused into a believer If you have a glass of water and you have dye and you take a couple drops of grace
It gets infused into the water infused into your soul And so the more you have it the more you're filled with that grace so in Roman Catholicism You will go into this more but in order to get that grace
You got to go through the authority of the Roman Catholic Church that teaches you all this stuff And then you get more grace infused in you through the sacraments
Where is that in Scripture? It's not in Scripture Let's just look at paragraph 2068 the underlined part in there that all men may attain salvation through faith baptism and the observance of the commandments
We'll come back to that later How about paragraph 460 the only begotten Son of God wanting to make us sharers and his divinity assumed our nature so that he made man
Might make men gods That's what it says now, let me tell you
Roman Catholicism officially does not say we can become gods What's interesting is before and after this paragraph in the
Catholic Catechism no clarification is given About this that's what concerns me.
No clarification. These are quotes from Old Testament from Church Fathers This is the problem they're quoting
Church Fathers in different ways out of context and then they say see well They don't say that like next paragraph, you know, if I were the editor be like, excuse me
Might make men gods. Can you offer some clarification that we're not really gods? No, we don't want to do that.
What why not make it paragraph 460 point B Do something in there so that we don't teach that.
No, we'll just leave it alone. Let's go to paragraph 460 different topic That's a problem
Now look at this first Corinthians 4 6 now these things brethren
I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes So that in us you may learn not to exceed what is written so that no one of you will become arrogant on behalf of One another against the other first Corinthians 4 6 many times.
I've used this Against Catholics. You don't know I'm quoting it and I'll say all right.
So are you telling me it's okay? To exceed what's written in the Word of God? Oh, yeah And I'll say well,
I don't think it's okay to exceed what's written in the word But well, yes it is And then
I quote him this verse. It doesn't mean what you say. It means Matt. I just was quoting it
They understand and they're loyal to the Roman Catholic Church Not the
Word of God Both the Roman Catholic Church says both scripture and tradition must be accepted and honored with equal
Sentiments of devotion reverence paragraph 882 and Tradition is a current of life.
Let's check this out. This is uh This is on the Catholic Encyclopedia tradition and a living magisterium quote
There is a formula current in Christian teaching and the formula is borrowed from st.
Paul himself that traditional truth Has confided to the church as a deposit which it would guard and faithfully transmit as it had received it
Without adding to it or taking anything away So far right now you should be going what?
Well adding to it, of course, they're adding to it. Anyway This deposit in fact is not an inanimate thing passed from hand to hand it is not properly speaking an assemblage of doctrines and Institutions consigned to books or other monuments
It must be represented as a current of life and truth coming from God through Christ and through the
Apostles To the last of the faithful who repeats his creed and learns his catechism now, that's wide open for interpretation
That's a problem. What does it really mean? We don't know what it really means
But it means what the Catholic Church wants it to me, but you can see the dangers in there Remember do not exceed what's written look at paragraph 95
It is clear therefore that in the supremely wise arrangement of God's sacred tradition Sacred scripture and a magisterium of the church are so connected and associated that one of them
Cannot stand without the others Working together each in its own way under the action of the one.
Holy Spirit They all contribute effectively to the salvation of souls. So they're putting take this out their sacred tradition and Their authority the magisterium on equal footing with the
Word of God They're saying Essentially, it's they're inspired.
This is sorry, but this is a load of crap just that's what it is scuba line Look up scuba line in Greek.
See what it says. I Know what it says not nice But see this kind of stuff bothers me
Because I know what the truth is. The truth is what God says. This is just false teaching. It's false teaching
The magisterium and your sacred tradition are not inspired like scripture. Yeah, it's just ridiculous
It elevates its own tradition on equal level with God's Word And nowhere in the
Bible is sacred tradition said to be inspired So whose idea is this?
if you want to be in control of people you want to elevate your own word your own power and your own authority and If you represent a church you want that church to take the place of Jesus So that instead of pointing them straight to Christ you point them to the authority of the church their priesthood their gospel their methodology
That's how you keep people in bondage Jesus said
Get down to the red part Why do you yourselves? transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition for God said to honor your father and mother and he who speaks evil of Mother is to be put to death but you say whoever says to his father or mother whatever
I have that you would help that I Whatever I have that would help you has been given to God He is not to honor his father or his mother and by this you invalidated the
Word of God for the sake of your tradition Are you 15? For actually three through six so Jesus speaks negatively of tradition now they have their we're gonna go to their tradition verses
We're gonna take a look at them in context But this is what Jesus has said about About the tradition that nullifies the scripture
Jesus himself compares our tradition to scripture Does your tradition and he compares it to scripture, but the
Catholic Church says no we're the true church our tradition is okay Our tradition is special Yeah, we already got that okay
Jesus classes to wait see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy
Empty deception according to the tradition of men. That's exactly what's happening in Roman Catholicism Now let's look at to what the
Roman Catholics generally will bring up at least three verses supporting tradition. We'll read them
Learn how to answer it and get into the context because that's everything Now I praise you because you remember me and everything and hold firmly to the traditions
Just as I delivered them to you 1st Corinthians 11 2 does they see Matt Paul says listen to the traditions
It's a tradition of the Catholic Church Because he has authority because the
Apostle it comes from down from the authority That's what he says and notice what this also said they say their tradition
Comes from and the authority comes from Peter But actually I hear is
Paul but That's a interesting little sub topic. We could get into nevertheless
Here is the death nail for cults the death nail for the stuff of the Roman Catholic Church the death nail
Context Context is everything. Let's take a look in the previous chapter.
Paul had been speaking about avoiding idolatry Tetra 10 verse 14 meet sacrifice to idols
Tetra 10 verse 25 and F 1 F means following a little bit and 2 F's means following quite a ways that's what it means and Doing things so that people will be saved in paragraph.
Excuse me Tetra 10 verse 33 When we get to chapter 11, we see
Paul speaking of authority now I praise you because you remember me and everything and I hope and hold firmly to the traditions just as I deliver them to you but I want you to understand that Christ is ahead of every man and The man is ahead of a woman and God is ahead of Christ for man does not originate from woman
But woman from man for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake but woman for the man's sake
Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head because of the angels interesting verse
Therefore the tradition that Paul was speaking about has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic sacred tradition
Contextually has to do with avoiding idolatry and or head coverings issues authority and prayer.
That's what he's talking about Not about Mary not about the authority of the magisterium not about the papacy and woman to show you in a little bit some flaming heresy from one of the
Popes Flaming like as in flaming
How about this one so then brethren stand firm and hold to the traditions Which you were taught whether by word of mouth or by letter from us 2nd
Thessalonians 2 15 context in the NASB and the
King James This verse begins with therefore in the NASB It says so then this means that we must look at the preceding
Context to see what Paul was talking about if we do this We could clearly see that Paul is telling the
Thessalonians to stand firm in what they had been taught about the second coming of Christ That's what he's talking about now we
We request you brethren with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ And are gathering together to him that you may not be quickly shaken from the compote from your composure or be disturbed either by a
Spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has come Day of the
Lord day of judgment Let no one in any way deceive you for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first That's the
Catholic Church right there and the man of lawlessness has revealed the son of destruction Verse 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth
So as to be saved and for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false
That's interesting. Is that a judgment upon the Catholics upon other people as well? Yeah and Verse 14 and it was for this he called you through our gospel that you may gain the glory of our
Lord Jesus Christ verse 15 so then brethren stand firm and hold to the traditions
Which you were taught whether by word of mouth or by letters from us. What's it talking about? Eschatology but the return of Christ and the apostasy that's what he's saying stick to that six of the traditions
We have told you about this. It's not about Roman Catholic sake sacred tradition.
It's about the second coming of Christ second Thessalonians 3 6 Now we command you brethren in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ that you keep aloof from Every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us
What's this tradition? Now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Okay, verse 7 not from us verse 7 for you yourselves
Know how you ought to follow our example because we did not act in an undisciplined manner among you
Nor do we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with labor and hardship We kept working night and day so that we might not be a burden to any of you
Not because we do not have the right to this But in order to offer ourselves as a model for you that you might follow our example for Even when we were with you we used to give you this order if anyone will not work
Let him not eat or neither. Let him eat So what's he talking about? The tradition that Paul is speaking of is that of working hard and not being idle has
Nothing to do with Roman Catholic sacred tradition Nothing So why is the
Roman Catholic Church working so hard to promote its tradition to justify its lies to justify its false doctrines?
Sometimes Roman Catholics say Matt, you know, you hate the Roman Catholic Church so much you're obviously
Convicted by it and you're gonna become converted And I laugh And I say it's not possible for one thing.
I'm truly saved and for another thing, I believe my Bible and For those reasons right there, it's impossible for me to become a
Roman Catholic and Anyone who leaves Protestantism and becomes a Roman Catholic is an apostate
Flat -out now we can get into a whole bunch of stuff on the
Apocrypha Because a Roman Catholic Church says the Apocrypha books are true
Wrong not true. I could read a lot. There's a lot to cover here, but Let me just say that at the time of Christ the arrangement of the
Old Testament books was different than what we have now In that arrangement the books of Chronicles not
Malachi the book of Chronicles Not Malachi is the last book This is important in our
Bible today in the Old Testament Genesis to Malachi the same books were in the Old Testament Canon at their time of Christ, but in that arrangement the last book was
Chronicles Same books they just arranged them differently. That's all
Okay, the arrangement isn't inspired. It's the books that are inspired So we have
I don't know where the tradition came from the arrangement we have now not a big deal Why is it important because look at what
Jesus says in Luke 1151 From the blood of Abel that mentions mentioned in Genesis the first book to the blood of Zechariah Mentioned in Chronicles the last book
From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who perished between the altar of the house Jesus quoted the arrangement of the
Old Testament according to the Jews at that time and he did not include the Apocrypha Real subtle real simple.
It's like saying from Genesis to Malachi blah blah blah blah blah Well, the the what happened is during the intertestament times after Malachi was written or the last book was written
There's a 400 year gap and that's when the apocryphal books are written Jesus excludes them now
Don't exceed what's written, but Jesus himself excludes them That's what he does and Check this out and the categorization of the
Old Testament used by Jesus was given in Luke 24 44 Now he said to them
These are my words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all things which are written
About me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled Luke 24 44 right fix the typo in there.
Oh, wait a minute Why the the law the prophets and the Psalms a lot of people don't know that the law the prophets and the
Psalms are The division of the Old Testament now sometimes it'll be law and prophets, but it was law prophets and Psalms those are the three divisions and That's what
Jesus references. He does not include the Apocrypha again does not include the Apocrypha.
Did you know? Apocrypha has errors Salvation by works in Tobit 411 for all was delivered from all sin and from death and will not suffer the soul to go into darkness
Alms is money monetary offering delivers from all sin so cash
Helps you get delivered from sin Tobit 12 9 for alms delivereth away or delivers from death and the same is that which purges to wait sins
So alms purges away sins No Jesus blood does that I don't they knew that but that's what happens when you
Trust tradition and add books in 1546 called the Apocrypha 2nd
Maccabees 1230 or scope to be 1243 and making a gathering he sent 12 ,000 drachmas of silver to Jerusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead
Thinking well and rigid. Where did I get this out of the Bible?
Where's this in tradition Historical errors
Nebuchadnezzar was the king of the Babylonians not the Assyrians Judith 1 5 now in the 12th year of his reign
Nebuchadnezzar weird way of spelling it king of the Assyrians who reigned in Nineveh the great city fought against our
Fox odd and overcame him About this one the Jews served in Babylon for 70 years not seven generations
Okay in Baruch 6 2 and when you are come into Babylon You shall be there many years for a long time even to seven generations after that.
I will bring you okay seven generations Wrong if this is inspired
As the Roman Catholic Church says it shouldn't be had his mistakes cash for forgiveness of sins historical problems and the
Roman Catholic Church says this is official and It's inspired of God even though Jesus in Luke 24 44 and Luke 11 51 excluded the apocrypha from his canonization
I mean this When I study Catholicism I am bewildered that anybody would believe it who studies the
Bible and takes it seriously, but I'm not joking See I take the Bible seriously And when
I read Catholic stuff, I'm like who believes this It's like Mormonism to me
Why would you believe that God used to be a man on another planet? There's a goddess wife They have sexual intercourse and heaven make spirit babies
Spirit babies inhabit human bodies that come to earth and after becoming a good Mormon You pay a 10 % tithe of your income to the church
You had the potential of becoming a god of your own planet If you go to the temple get four secret handshakes for secret hugs where your underwear get a new name
And you have to keep celestial law. So when I tell people this they go what that's what
Mormonism Teaches people believe things because they're brought up in it or because they don't know what the truth is and they believe a lie
The same thing is going on here The Roman Catholics are not loyal to the
Word of God either in person or in written form They're not loyal to that What they're loyal to is the church because the church has told them they the church has the authority to forgive sins
The church has the authority to reveal what the truth is. The church is the true church So when
I talk to Catholics who are Having problems and they're wanting to leave the Catholic Church. You're not sure what's going on.
They're saying Well, what's the true church then they can't get it in their minds that there is no true church
They don't know they don't know what to do they you mean there's no true church Mormons the same thing
There's what's not no true church there this is ingrained You have to have an earthly organization as the true church.
They don't understand. That's not what the Bible teaches The bishops of the
Roman Catholic Church are the successors of the Apostles and the Apostle it is passed down in a line of succession paragraph 77
In order that the full and living gospel might always be preserved in the church. The Apostles left bishops as their successors
They gave them their own position of teaching authority indeed the apostolic preaching which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books
Was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time According to the
Roman Catholic Church the Lord made st Peter the visible foundation of his church and that he entrusted the keys of the church to him paragraph 936 now why would they want to do that so that they can say
Peter then did it and then from him and him and him and we had to poke down from that line So therefore we are the true church.
We have the authority need to come to us for salvation Not Jesus us
That's the cult mentality Matthew 16 18 and I say also that you are
Peter and upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be
Bound in heaven and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loose in heaven now
There's a lot I could talk about that verse not gonna get into that Let's just look at Peter So I have there in the left and green
Petras okay, which is Peter and Petra Which is rock now
Peter means rock Petras means rock however Notice what it says here.
Jesus says you are Peter the Greek Petras and upon this rock Petra I'll build my church in Greek Petras is masculine and Petra is
Feminine Peter as a man is ref is referred to as the masculine Petras But Jesus said at the rock he'd build his church on was the feminine
Petra not Petros What is the Petra to answer that we have to look at the context you see you wouldn't know this
You would not know this if you didn't know a little bit about Greek So what it's saying here
You see that you can't see that What it's saying here in the Greek is you are the masculine
Rock, but upon the feminine rock. I'll build my church. It's like that Now truth has the value of femininity in Spanish la mesa the table feminine, okay
So in different languages Objects have gender same thing in the
Greek they have gender So truth as a concept has a gender and it could be used in different ways to clinches
I could do a Greek thing in here sometime. But anyway, let's check this out He said to them but who do you say that I am and Simon Peter answered and said you are the
Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus answered and said to him blessed Are you Simon Barjona because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you?
But my father who was in heaven and I also say to you that you are Petros and upon this rock
Petra I'll build my church right Okay now
The word Petros is used to designate a small stone and Petra is used to designate a large mass of rock so if you're
Petros, it's like saying a pebble and But upon Petra this massive rock.
I'm going to build my church. This is all carried in the Greek Doesn't come into the English. All right Jesus was not saying that the church will be built upon the small stone known as Peter He was saying it will be built on the massive foundation of Jesus being the
Christ the anointed one Who would be the foundation of truth upon which the church will be built? Now it's not saying because it's feminine that Jesus is feminine obviously not people say well
Petra is feminine No on this rock the truth that he's referring to not the person
Particularly of Jesus, but the truth of the confession is you are the rock you are the Christ the Son of living
God Who is the rock according to the scriptures
The word Petros. There we go again. Okay occurs in several places in the New Testament 1927 60 and laid it in his own tomb which he had hewn out of the rock
Petra And he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb and went away.
He hewn out of the rock So that means a big face of rock and they bore a hole into it the big face of rock is
Petra First Corinthians 10 for and all drank the same spiritual drink For they were drinking from a spiritual rock
Petra which followed them and the rock Petra was Christ first Peter 2 7 through 8 the stone which the builders rejected this became the very
Cornerstone and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense the Petras It's still a feminine form so you see
So I've talked about this with Roman Catholics And I brought this up and The Roman Catholics they were they're entertaining well, you see actually
Matthew was written in Aramaic and In Aramaic, what's the word they said?
It was Caffey Lee. I think it was nice head They'll use the the Aramaic word for rock. I forgot the long times
I've really done this and They'll say so in the Aramaic, there's no differentiation see
Matt that's what it's saying We don't have the
Aramaic and this is the Greek and You're just admitting that this doesn't support what you're saying, which is why you're going to something else
You're admitting defeat going to something you don't have To me this is like, you know, there's a barrel there's some fish
To me it's easy Hey look a heretic fish
Carp, you know why I call it carp just rearrange the letters a little bit. You'll find out There are many titles of the
Pope here are some of them the Vicar of Christ Successor of the chief of the
Apostles supreme pontiff of the Universal Church sovereign of the
Vatican City State Patriarch of the West Roman pontiff his holiness
Holy Father Jesus says but do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher and you are all brothers
Do not call anyone on earth your father for one is your father He who is in heaven do not be called leaders for one is your leader that is
Christ But the greatest among you shall be your servant So when
I was in France 20 years or so ago we went to the Notre Dame where Quasimodo was hanging around and we went to the
Notre Dame and It's pretty cool. It really is cool. And so my wife and I went into this one room
He had to pay a little bit of something extra extra of francs or whatever. Well, she speaks French. I don't I'm like She said something to somebody in French and we go in Give him some money, you know
Went into this room and a room must have been I don't know trying to remember 20 by 20 range and it was the finery of the papacy a
Lot of the crowns and the regalia and the garments
And if I had if I could just pick one of the crowns take it home and sell it
I'd be I'd build a path all my debts and retire period and pay off a couple other people's debts
It was just one of many The embroidery was stupendous.
The it was just it was wet very well done the refinery the refinement of the artwork in the silver
I'm seriously, it's like they could do that back then. It really was incredible. It really was and They would wear that and walk around You know,
I Don't know about them. I'm not saying I'm humble and stuff like them but I'll tell you if if somehow
I became the Protestant leader of America let's say there's some weird series of events happened and okay
Reverend slick is now in control and that's we're talking sci -fi here all right, and so Something like that happened.
They said well we have the the official adornment fabric for you What? Yeah, it's made of gold in lace
You have the the ethereal crown with all the jewels laid in I'd say I will not wear that In fact,
I want you to sell it and I want you to give the money to the poor and that's what we're gonna be Doing with that Now so give me some sneakers and maybe some black shoes.
I'll lace them up. My wife will give me the look You can't be on public television television, you know the
Protestant Church and be a sneakers Okay, but I'm not gonna be wearing that stuff because it's not about me my pontification and my ability my greatness my position and my no anyway
To me this is So simple it's so obviously bad the
Roman Catholic Church. It's to me. It is so clearly apostate It is so clearly bad and there is so much more
What you notice these slides I? Worked on these for weeks and weeks for a project years ago that I taught
I just took some of this stuff and I have a manual that goes with it and I took out a whole bunch.
There are over 200 slides and We're just gonna do I've got here.
I don't know 60 70 or so And I took out a lot of stuff just so we wouldn't be here forever
We're just gonna get through that are 15 minutes. We'll take a break because it'll be an hour. We started late and wherever we stop we'll continue the next week and We're gonna get into stuff
I Mean stuff that when I do this it's difficult for me Not to become angry
Because it is so vile so filthy so wrong and Catholics say oh you're gonna become a
Catholic one day. I see it is Not possible trust me Not as possible as me becoming a homosexual not happening first Vatican Council 1869 1870 session 4 chapter 4 number 9 we teach and define as a
Divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman pontiff speaks ex cathedra That is when in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all
Christians in virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole church
He possesses by the divine assistance promised to him in Blessed Peter that infallibility which the divine
Redeemer willed his church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals Therefore such definitions of the
Roman pontiff are by themselves and not by the consent of the church irreformable
That means they cannot be refuted by the church the church can't contradict itself
Irreformable Now I could make it a career so to speak out of studying nothing, but Catholicism It is that vast
That's how many heresies are in it. It's just anyway, check this out an
Encyclical is a letter written by the Pope to the bishops Following and is such an
Encyclical and I apologize for not pronouncing this right mr. Mr. Rent is samus
Redemptor from Pope Pius the 11th who died in 1939 The numbers refer to the paragraphs within the document just so I'm not trying to lead anybody astray here
It is what he said is official He wanted this taught to everybody it is our pleasure venerable brethren that you may each of you
Carefully teach your own flocks those things which we have set before you We mean that duty of honor satisfaction or reparation which must be rendered to the most sacred heart of Jesus Some sort of compensation must be rendered for the injury and this debt is commonly called by the name of reparation
That the offense offered to God by our sins may be expiated and that the violated order may be repaired by penance
But besides this we must need make satisfaction to God the just Avenger for our numberless sins and offenses and negligences and Being made partakers of his eternal priesthood
We are to offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins in order that these faults might be washed away
He Jesus then recommended several things to be done That men should approach the altar with this purpose of expiating sin making what is called a communion of reparation
And that they should likewise make expiatory supplications and prayers prolonged for a whole hour
Which is rightly called the holy hour these pious exercises have been approved by the church and have been enriched with copious indulgences
It's water here indulgences So who expiates our sins who takes care of our sins?
Come on Jesus does can I do it? I can't do it.
Can you do it if righteousness comes to the law? Then Christ died needlessly
Galatians 221 We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Glacian I mean Romans 328 The one who does not work, but believes his faith has reckoned his righteousness
Romans 4 or 5. So what this guy is saying is that We must need make satisfaction to God For our numberless sins and offenses.
We had to make satisfaction to God for our sins. Are you kidding me? What's the blood of Christ for He's the one who took our sins he's the one who bore our sins at his body in the cross first Peter 221
He's the one who fulfilled the law and never sinned Matthew 5 17. He's the one who's made under the law
Galatians 4 4 He never sinned first Peter 2 22. He is when you finish it on the cross
John 19 30 He's the one who canceled our certificate of debt Colossians 2 14 and yet this false
Lying pape says we must make satisfaction to God for our sins
That's a lie from Satan spoken through this false False teacher this guy called a
Pope. He's a false teacher I'm gonna say this again you Catholics who think I'm ever gonna become Catholic.
It's never gonna happen I will not bow the knee to satanic doctrine
That comes from your false teachers a false Catholic Church It's never going to happen because I'm saved by the blood of Christ and I'm kept by the blood of Christ and not by my
Own ability I can do nothing This stuff is what makes me mad because I know this is nothing more than the same thing the
Mormons teach and the Job's Witnesses teach that keeping the commandments and doing what you got to do in order to be saved and James 2 10 says if you fail in one you're guilty of all and Galatians 3 10 is where Paul quotes
Deuteronomy 2726 when he says you've got to keep the law perfectly and if you don't keep it perfectly you're screwed up And you were going to hell this is this is basic stuff that we
Christians should know and Anybody who starts courting the Roman Catholic Church is courting apostasy is trying to slip into bed with the devil himself
The Roman Catholic Church is not a true church. It's a false church. It's false
Pope Pius the 11th taught that we need to make satisfaction for our sins against God We already went over this
Jesus is when it does that man
It's just anyway Let's go on Magisterium according to Roman Catholicism is the divinely appointed authority in the
Catholic Church that consists of the Pope and Bishops its purpose is to teach and establish the true faith without error the magisterium claims authority from Christ paragraph 88 and fallibility and doctrine paragraph 20 51 says it is the authentic interpreter of Scripture paragraph 100 and That your personal conscience and reason thinking should not be set against it
Paragraph 20 39 in other words stop thinking stop reading the
Bible. Just trust what the Catholic Church tells you I'm sorry But I'm not trusting anybody from with my salvation other than Jesus God in flesh died on the cross rose from the dead.
He said come to me I'm gonna go to him. I'm not going to any Pope not going to any priest not going to any bishop
Not going to any magisterium. I'm not going to bow before a statue of Mary. I'm not gonna do any of that stuff
In contrast Paul said Romans 14 5 let each man be fully convinced in his own mind. That's a verse.
You shouldn't know Romans 14 5 Romans 14 5 Romans 14 5 if we're supposed to submit to the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church Why does Paul say each man be must be fully convinced in his own mind? All right
You Know what? I think we're gonna have to stop at this point because we're getting the salvation Well, we get a whole bunch more to go through And I don't want to open this door right now because we're not gonna have time not in five minutes
Which will be an hour. That's what I'm gonna do We'll stop it here and You can see the graphic here.
This is a hint of what we'll talk about next week actual grace faith good works baptism salvation
The first step to attaining salvation is actual grace It that's the grace that gives that God gives us someone to enable them to seek and respond to God's call
With that's just a taste what's going on and we'll talk about grace. We'll talk about salvation
We talk about the Roman Catholic Church direct contradiction of the Word of God It is an apostate false church and in my opinion the
Roman Catholic Church is It's not the great whore of Babylon is certainly a great candidate for it
People don't know how much I've studied the Catholic Church and I've studied it enough to realize
That the very least demonic forces are speaking through the Catholic Church to teach
I Believe that I really do that in the Catholic Church, maybe in the
Vatican. I don't know how it works But What I suspect is that they're demonic forces in the
Vatican halls Somehow communicating to their priests their authorities the false doctrines through the centuries that have been hoisted upon the victims of this false religion and When they die having put their faith in Mary put in their faith in penance and indulgences
The Roman Catholic Authority the priesthood instead of Jesus They find themselves in damnation
That's what I believe about the Roman Catholic Church What we do now, I'll pray we'll stop take a break and we'll do we'll just open it back up for Q &A on Facebook and YouTube we got a small crowd here tonight ever since the
Bible study or excuse me My radio show was canceled on me. We still don't know why I think it's because of this topic actually
I got some information, but I don't know So Then we'll just take some
Q &A we'll try and stick here and we'll see what's going to happen and hopefully next week We'll get into the issue of salvation
We'll see how well I do how I keep my composure with when that is the case because This makes me mad does
Lord Jesus we thank you and I ask again Lord that you would bless our time and the hearers
May they be enriched by the truth of your word and even those who are angered by what
I've said may they Submit their hearts and our minds to your truth in your word and check what the
Roman Catholic Church says against it Let them not put their faith in a church or an organization
But in you alone, it's to you. We need to look and to you
I point Jesus we thank you for this time. We thank you for what you've given us. We ask this Lord in your precious name.