Robert Gagnon on Unbelievable; Anti-Calvinists Promote Heterodoxy; Calls


Started off the program with some comments on our move to SermonAudio and how you can get your iTunes feed working again. Then we listened to Robert Gagnon on Unbelievable, and then briefly noted the disturbing trends amongst those in the SBC who are desperate to stem the rising tide of Reformed theology therein. Then we took a few calls.

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and greetings welcome to the dividing line on a thursday afternoon yes things have changed i um i haven't had anything doing it so you can't blame me i i just i was just informed that this is what we're gonna do it's like okay whatever you know i it's uh it's somebody else's fault if you're upset um i know there are certain people probably in the fetal position right now because uh well there's definitely more than one well i don't know what what's nick gonna do people rocking back nick used to listen to the way back constantly i mean while riding around in ukraine you have left him in silence yes well we have uh we've moved things over to uh discernment audio and uh for the longest time i have uh had folks tell me that we are uh expected to provide our mp3s uh all our audio recordings for free and we weren't really in a position to be able to do that until recently and uh i felt the time was right and so i made the move and a camera looks like it's on yeah yeah that's that's he's a funny guy let's see here all right well my my lips ain't moving dude okay well there we are hey yeah there you go everybody now you're nervous huh yeah yeah well now hey you're you're the one that stuck the cameras in here not me yeah well it's actually worked out pretty well i think that's true so anyway uh so but the bottom line is is that uh we need to make change and the fact of the matter is even though i moved the cheese the cheese is still there uh you just uh got to be willing to step out of your comfort zone just a little bit and uh and you can uh you can find what you had before you might find more than you bargained for but you'll find it and so uh i've prepared a little uh just kind of a run through real quick of um of the sermon audio page and it's basically sermonaudio .com
slash a o min org a o m i n org um you go there and uh i have uploaded every single dividing line that we have some of those early ones didn't get recorded and you know unfortunately now i really really really wish they had been but um we uh i've got to go through this stuff right here that i'm pointing at and and get that you know straightened out to where they look more like this uh but eventually we'll have a situation to where uh things look more like this by series so as we go into the 1998 which i'm actually really uh quite pleased with um you can see now that they actually have titles about what was discussed you know i gotta tell you james i i've been re -listening to these so that i could get a you know be able to do a description they're not half bad they really weren't half bad so um but uh i'm into uh 1999 uh here and um when i started the upload of all this you can see i'm stuck here at february 20th uh and i'll be moving on and a lot of these i get past 1999 i'm pretty sure we already have the descriptions i just need to copy them over that is one of the unfortunate things of how sermon audio has things i unfortunately can't give them a file with all of what we had and say here you know suck this into your system and and make it fly but we'll make it work we will so uh but um did have a uh a circumstance uh a very nice lady this morning brought to my attention uh where apparently she had in her you know how we have these quick links on the top of our our browsers and she had dr james white's name in the search and she'd saved the link that way and she's got a different people that she likes to listen to well the problem was is that she's used to seeing like last sunday's message and the last message you gave etc come to the top of the screen here and then i went and dumped 1200 files that are all flagged as new into the uh the search here and i still am on the learning curve for sermon audio and the way they do things myself so i kind of had to poke around in here to to discover it and i realized what we need to do here is if you want to look at what you've done at phoenix reform baptist church uh you you go there so it would be you know pr uh actually you can see up here phoenix ref map or just simply you know put that phoenix for baptist in the search engine at sermon audio and this is going to pop up for you um she uh was desirous of narrowing the search even more so that only your stuff uh comes up and as you come down here you can click on that and there's jim broils of sunday school jim callahan rob crosby's in there don fried john giorizzo uh mike porter and there at the bottom is james white and this is what happens when you do that now all of your stuff in order now comes in for phoenix for baptist church so it's simply a matter of of finding the the sort keys in uh the sermon audio dialogue and putting that together you also can do that here uh down below um you can do sermons by speaker oh look at that there's john samson's dividing lines uh he's done he's done a few uh along the way and um sermons by series this is like i said this is gonna be my favorite part when i first uploaded the first batches oh this is good i should i should switch over to that shot where you're over there goofing around trying to distract me thank you um i didn't realize i'm dumping everything into the dividing line series 12 1200 files into the dividing line series and that was kind of a mistake and then i realized i needed to back up that so i will fix these i believe 2015 through 2012 uh files and uh just so that people can see what you're doing james is over there playing with the treble while i'm doing this very very very funny and um but back to serious things again if you want to drill down you can go here this is eventually going to get divided up where you have the uh historical order proper and uh and you can uh take care of things from there so um and uh that's that's about all i have all right well good um so i mean if people wanted to do a wayback machine type thing they could just oh that's uh i'm really glad you mentioned that because again well i'm just feel sorry for nick that's all well uh back over here um i was going to demo this let me uh pop this over here and get back over to this original page here um if you're at the alpha omega page you click on the podcast right here and that is going to give you three different options one of them we don't use because sermon audio actually has a blog feature in it and we're probably not going to use the blog feature we already have our own wordpress blog um but there's the apple itunes link and then there's generic xml podcast feed that you can put into other uh systems uh but you know everybody knows apple itunes is the only one really out there anyway so that's the one you want to use brace yourself though folks because if you click on that and drop that into your itunes uh or your phone uh one gentleman reported to me yesterday that he was you define that you define that in itune you define how many to download an item okay well he he got he got when he wasn't tethered to a network 40 shows yeah well and it's gonna be a rough rough month for for uh yeah i was gonna say his his his online minutes uh you know i hope he's got unlimited but most folks don't have that anymore so you know there's someone channel going so the itunes channel is done gone the old one is gone yeah and part of part of this came set up a new one a number of different things came together to go to critical mass on this not the least of which people started complaining hey the uh the icon for the the apple podcast is gone it just disappeared and there wasn't anything we can do that and i went and started digging into it and found out our podcast software is so incredibly old that i didn't change anything it's still in there but for some reason itunes has moved on beyond it and is losing track of things that it was trying to feed to it so this is really just a win -win all the way around as far as i'm concerned so yep and folks uh are finally going to get full access to all of those and there's going to be more coming there you go there's going to be more coming where we'll eventually have all of our mp3s all of our mp3s up here all right there you go so there's you know everybody was asking me about and i'm going i i don't know i i just work here um no control over these things so sermon audio is where everything is and uh as long as sermon audio is still putzing along then we'll be putzing along um we'll see how long all that lasts anyway um so there you go there's uh there's that now two things before we get to a subject and we open the phones and do stuff like that um please don't forget the debate in anaheim this weekend between myself and sheikh mustafa umar on jesus prophet and or god of course from my perspective it's jesus prophet priest king messiah son of god uh king of kings lord of lords etc etc um but that'll be at 4 30 the information's on the website please pray for that as well uh looking forward to uh meeting sheikh umar and um hopefully lots of muslims and christians will be there um even though it's well it's a saturday so 4 30 is not that big of a deal as to what time it is and um secondly i i need to start reminding folks um october is coming well why would that be relevant well uh don't have everything worked out yet obviously uh especially at this time of year but uh heading for south africa i know uh that we talked last year and are continuing to talk about doing a series of lectures at um okay it's northwest university but everyone still refers to it as pach pachastrum uh pachastrum university obviously a school that i have connections with uh with the staff and and uh have been speaking there each time i've gone down and and uh want to do more of that in the future but doing a series in response to bart erman's um book how jesus became god and uh we'll be doing that i i'm almost hesitant to to talk about him we had talked uh months ago he wants me to come to zambia when i'm in south africa because it's not that far to go um but it's going to be so close to when he's moved it's going to be difficult but i'm we're going to see if that if that's going to work out um he'll he won't even be settled yet but we'll see and of course uh looks like uh possibilities in durban uh as well lots of opportunities to pursue in uh in south africa and especially that trip we need all the assistance we can get from our our audience to make that happen and especially if we're looking at even a longer period than i've gone before uh to make room for all the opportunities and to make room for the possibility of going up the zambia and things like that um you know this ministry is small uh people don't understand they figure if you've been around for 32 years then you must have some some deep pockets that are given to you that's not the case um we are very much supported by by individuals and uh so the uh travel link is active i will try to remember to link to it it's store .aomin